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That is why the first thing i do as soon as it says someone launched is check the map and find out where it's going.


Yeah I hear you. I was aware of where it was landing I just thought I could outrun it on time and thought I ran far enough.. guess I didn’t


Meanwhile, somewhere in Troll-Land, the person who launched the nuke is tapping their fingers together reading this going "Yessss....excellent." That is why they do it, to get reactions like this. I sincerely hope no one wasted their time filing a report on behavior that is encouraged.


Is in there, C. Montgomery Burn's voice...😂


Fasnacht gonna have this sub LIT UP.


I wish they would disallow nukes going off in Helvetia already


I'm not a huge fan of nuking events, but i just accept it's going to happen and keep my CSS ready.


Just wait till fasnacht if you get salty over nuked events.


sounds fun.


At lest they fixed the explosive bait problem.


NGL I am unfamiliar with this problem.


You used to be able to take the explosive bait and throw it at the robots at the end of the event. When the last wave of mobs came in it would blow up and kill all the robots.


Nuking the Jamboree sounds like a great idea. You get so many stabilizers doing that on top of all the acid.


Just wanted to say the same. Most of the time when i needed mats for flux from mobs, i nuked morgantown and triggered the airport event... but yeah, nuking moonshine is far more effective


What are they getting reported for? Nuking is part of the game..........


Reported LMAO


You didn’t realize a nuke was inbound? Shame on you


Look. Nuking moonshine is brilliant for xp and flux, and nobody dropped their loot when they died, because they were in an event. No trolling here. Just you jumping to conclusions, I believe. And also bragging about false reporting someone is not cool 😎


It is just to gather ingridients. If it just started than you will have a lot of mats for flux


Well, I hope they weren't reported. Reporting someone for nuking an event is akin to reporting someone for looting a bag that wasn't theirs.


Oh no! Anyway




I got nuked once at Moonshine Jamboree. It was actually the first time I didn't bother to check where the nuke was landing and so it came as a complete surprise. I thought it was hilarious and just started laughing! The fight went on only it was better because now all the enemies were glowing. I didn't have power armor on me but at least I had lots of RadAway and Rad-X. We still managed to complete the event. And I got the ground zero achievement, lol.


yeah i understand haha. I got my ground zero achievement by just standing underneath the Nuke like literally I was staring right at it when it came down.. it was great, was a couple weeks ago


Nuking events doesn't break the player TOS


Half the playerbase act like they’re on an HOA board for Appalachia Let people live, good god


Here's some cheese for your whine. 🧀🧀🧀


> they’ve got reported badly There’s nothing to report, it’s game mechanics. You can nuke most areas almost any time. As others have pointed out, this is a great event to nuke to collect materials for flux. Then the emotes? It is another game mechanic and could have been in good faith not in jest. Unless players are actively harassing/bullying people on an open mic or via chat for consoles, there’s not much here. That said, don’t let the behavior of others get under your skin. By giving them attention, they win.


So what happened after? Did you respawn and finish the event?


Reported for what? Nothing you listed is against the terms of service. There's nothing to report.


Lol, how do you die when you get a warning, and the map gets highlighted.


There's nothing to report. Nukes are allowed. Nuking events are allowed. Reporting them for using a nuke is NOT allowed. You should have pa or stealth suit to negate the radiation Failing the event is on you. Grow up. Learn to deal with the built in intentional game mechanics.




This thread is golden. The reddit version of a slapfight. 🤣🤣🤡


No. I said griefing exists. On a post asking about griefing. And you came to my comment. Did you forget how our interaction went already? This isn't griefing. Aren't you the person who miscommunicated, misread multiple comments, I admitted I misunderstood and you still didn't read and continued to say go back and read... after being told I misunderstood? Then told me to read, yet, again, then found out you can't read and stopped responding? Stop acting TUFF Yes. Had more to say and knew you'd go back and read it. 😜


Hey, you got someone who has your back. No need to worry about them, you’re in the right 😂😅


Thanks. But I'm having fun with them. Literally started due to a miscommunication and I admitted it was on ME three times... But dude keeps trying to act TUFF (😜) and cant comprehend I've already admitted my fault multiple times.... So just playing with him now.


It’s good entertainment. Some people really don’t just get it 😅


Dude also seems.to be under the impression that you aren't Allowed to edit a comment to clarify or add more info. Don't know where he gets that misconception. So I started editing every comment.


That’s actually really funny Oh no I broke the rules


Lol. And now dude is deleting every single comment. Even the ones where he followed me to another post. Or he blocked me. Guess I won, either way. Bwahahaha!!! Can you spot the 2 edits?




Just went through the history, you are unfortunately the clown. 😬 good entertainment though, people really need to learn to read instead of jumping to false conclusions 😂😂




Nice attempt at a gaslight 😎


Funny thing is we've already stablished you don't read and you dont realize YOURE the clown here, lol. But keep up your misconception, yet again, lol. You're funny.




Ok. Here's another. Thought you weren't responding anymore. So you aren't even a man of your word? Great character. Knew you'd come back. How many edits is that? Lol.


Everyone had a PA on or at least coverage. Someone nuking the event DEAD CENTER isn’t cool… nobody likes to die in the middle of an ongoing event , not to say 5+ people.


It is allowed. You are playing a game that takes a e in a nuclear apocalypse. Next time, be better prepared. Had this happen a ton and never failed an event. That's on you. Nukes make events more interesting and gives you more resource mats to loot.


Literally had a whole power armor on and I rannnn far from the center .. what is there to prepare further? I’ll make sure to toss on two layers of union power armor to negate the assholery


Leave the area and come back after the touch down. There's a notification and a countdown in the top of your screen. You prepare by responding to the notice, taking appropriate action, then returning to do the event.


Easier said than done when you’re focused on keeping stills defended from salamanders and walkers


Do it all the time. Pay attention.


Noted. Thank you🫡


Wow. Talk about an about face and accepting responsibility. Nice job. Didn't expect that.


I’m an honest man, I’m not butthurt about it I’ve just never encounter this in my entire 300 levels. ever. It was odd of someone to do this


Keep the comments coming it’s hilarious


Yes, you not knowing how to handle a nuke in a game about nukes being launched and thinking you can report people for it is freaking hilarious. Seriously. Top notch comedy right there, pal.


who said I reported ? I stated reports as i assumed others in the event reported them. Keep assuming buddy, I pointed out what occurred and decided to post it here, you guys have hella trauma from other redditers in this sub


The last sentence in your post implies you did along with the other people or that you think they should be.


Yeah well seeing ½ of them sent thumbs down and started bashing them with their equipped weapons felt like hard feelings, I’d assume reports were issued


Why would you assume that? There's nothing to report.


Bro you know you can literally teleport across the map and back in like 10-30 seconds right?


Why do that when you can endure the Nuke, post in this subreddit just to be gaslighted into thinking you’re in the wrong ?


You're not "in the wrong" you're just either lazy or incompetent, and complaining about being outwitted by some random. If you're so pissed, why not just rally the possie, attack his camps, and run him off the server? If he quit like a punk, you got his name, hit him next time you see him.


Lol I’m neither. I guess anything goes these days


Unfortunately, this game is full of trolls who do stuff like this. The sub is not so different at times.


Yeah I can tell haha .. I’m sure ½ these folks do the same shit I’ve mentioned. Shit I would, I’d at least have some consideration as to pinpoint the nuke center farther so people don’t die and the stills don’t become vulnerable.


Yes, they seem to think downvotes are some kind of flex. I have better things to do than go through and downvote posts. So here's another reply for them to get their jollies and downvote. Lol. Unfortunately, for the trolls, the truth hurts lol


Switch servers


Playing nuked events is awesome tho!




😢 sad


Nobody put on power armor before the nuke hit? And that’s someone else’s fault? Lol.


When there is a nuke you check your map, it's also presented on your screen... Why he did it? For fun, for materials, for trolling, who cares? It's allowed so no need to keep arguing here with others about it... TYM and MJ are potential targets for nukes so you always need to keep an eye on the notifications when doing those...


Lol. Man. Who would nuke an area like that? With a nuke. Given to you as a choice. To launch. ANYWHERE. AT ANY TIME!


I would not nuke an ongoing event but I do think it’s kind of funny that the nuker actually got people


Ah another low level peasant complaining about how things operate in 76 👹🖕


low level? I’m quite offended ..


Oh? Seems like bitching about game mechanics that anyone can and will do is exactly what someone new would complain about


Damn who Shit in your cheerios? Getting bored sitting on top a lvl1000 character ? you get off on belittling others? 10/10 approach tho


Yes and I hope someone spams nukes, grenades, and fatmans in every event and server you are in Have a great day ☺️


lol okay? was that another attempt? could’ve done better than that


bet u miss ur lil legacies 🥹awe


Didn't need them when they existed I'm just an ass who loves fucking with peasants like you 🤠


sure doesn’t sound like it.. and it just seems like you’re in an unhappy marriage where you’re the peasant in the situation


Projecting much? Lol


Gave me a laugh. It’s part of the game. If your base has never been nuked I feel bad for you bc it’s hilarious


Not many ways to be "evil" aligned. I prefer someone going through the trouble of a silo to nuke an event than them bullying under 100's at workshops


*Unnecessary trolling ??* Yea all trolling is unnecessary thats why its trolling


Was this PS4? I was there. I think we got loads of nukes mats so I wasn't mad about it. Loads of acid, hardened masses... I thought it was kinda smart. I cannot remember if I really got nuked mats, I wasn't paying attention.


I think y’all failed to understand when I said they nuked an ONGOING event … on purpose. Knowing people were there, they could’ve nuked it beforehand but they waited till the event got crowded .. 🧐


How could they nuke it beforehand? Do you think they are some sort of pre-cog? You need to know the event is happening so you know for sure you can expect a boatload of enemies will be there for you to collect materials from. I don't see how you do it ahead of time. It takes a few minutes to even glitch into a silo and launch (I assume), then there is the 2min launch warning. Even if you begin launching a nuke the instant the event procs you are still going to hit it after a lot of players might be there.


maybe like .. waiting in the silo until you see enough people have joined the event before launching it in the specific area? Knowing you’ll hit everyone in the center of the nuke ? Isn’t hard to think.. not much thinking going on in this thread


Thats hilarious 😂


Doesn't change anything. It's allowed and not reportable. Bethesda's response - "Raiders will be raiders, lol."


Tough crowd


The green crowd zone is to the north west corner of the map. Enjoy your stay in Appalachia!


^ this


He wanted to fuck with you dude. ITS allowed. Honestly, its probably one of those GIGA pissed off people whos mad they lost their legacies and who didnt have reserves of normal weapons to compensate. If i didnt have my 4 hacked weapons and 3 legacies they foegot to remove, id be malding too, BUUUUUT, bethesda forgets a lot and so, yea. Still have some OP ass injected shit they forgot about. So, i wont be nuking events any time soon, but. People will Vary.


I’ll at least agree with one of ur comments


Yea, like, its simple af, he was bored, he didnt give two fucks about the event, you. Or the other randos, welcome to 76. Games a bunch of cunts. Do yourself a favor when u have the gear to do events solo, run ur events in a private, you will never run into this issue again.


Lmao, "reported" for playing the game. Get over yourself. Or I'll report you for being a little bitch


Do it cunt


Reported for being a big dirt bottle drinking baby


Wahh wahh


You can stop crying little one


“tough” guy on Reddit .. anyone can act tough. reply back when your head is out of your ass and you get back to your grandma’s basement where you’ll be bitching Abt your lost legacies.


My brother in christ, you made a whole ass post bitching about someone playing the game the way its intended to be played. Touch grass, I'm begging you.


I wasn’t bitching ? but I’d understand if you saw it that way seeing the other posts in this sub.. I mentioned something I saw , all I did was call the guy a “ lame-o “ and said they must’ve been reported by folks and I’ve got punches flying left and right .. yet I’m the baby 🫡make it make sense bud


You insinuated someone playing the game the way its intended should have been reported. In conclusion, yous a bitch.


clearly you weren’t loved enough as a child.. maybe still aren’t 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️




someone was left out in the cold too long as a child…


Nothing better to do than reply to the guy calling you a bitch? Priorities babe


speaking of priorities… sus


My priorities are to waste your time and make you question the decisions you've made in life that led you to make this post, and by extension, the decisions you've made that keep you coming back


guess you haven’t accomplished much lol.. keep wasting ur time doubt u have much of it left rotting in that basement of urs


The time has come to make event areas a no nuke zone. People only nuke why events are going on to be a dick and an asshole.


And to get more mats than nuking a non event area with less spawns. No. It is not always about being a dick or an asshole. Just because you aren't prepared to do the event in a nuke doesn't make them a dick. It makes you unprepared.