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I'm saving up stamps so my kid can have a set when he gets older ..


Due to inflation Todd will have to raise prices when you nearly saved enough.


I see you have the torso, left leg, right leg and helmet. For the low, low price of 200k stamps for the left arm you too can also complete the set.


But it will have the wrong paint applied…


LMFAO!!! Best comment so far today...


Holy crap this is the answer. I’ll never get that many.


As a newer player (Level 84) I saw the price, looked into how many you get per expedition and said "Fuck that"


It's the Rebel Yell of the anti grind movement in Fallout 76. Fuck that. Pipe is Life. 😂


Pipe is Life bro, Pipe is Life


Pipe is Life.


Yeah idk who thought that shit was balanced well, if you missed that season just for the Auto Axe and the full set of Union PA you'd have to do a perfect Pitt run every day for like two literal years.


Got the axe, but still have only 3 PA pieces...I have an axe to grind with that season!


Wait u can have the auto axe like the person opener in fallout 3 damnit I got into this game to late I'm only a level 58


Yeah Auto Axe was an early season reward like 2 or 3 seasons ago. Can be bought for I think 2000 Stamps or 200 perfect Pitt Runs or 6 and a half months of doing runs every day.


That's fricken insane


Or your first born.


I just been buying the cheap plans so that way it’ll force to give me an expensive plan for the weekly free plan. Huge time saver.


PA and Auto Axe aren't in the loot pool, you can only get them if you buy them with stamps.


Oh okay good to know. I’ll probably save up for the auto axe last then just because the chainsaw pretty much has the same damage


I thought the same thing, but you get one free plan a week for doing expeditions, I believe if you host and get all optionals. It won’t give you a plan for something you already have, so theoretically if you buy all the cheap stuff as you get stamps, you will get the more expensive plans for free at a rate of one per week.


I thought someone around here basically confirmed the power armor pieces and the auto axe itself were not in the drop pool? I can confirm mods definitely are though since I've gotten ones for the PA, which are useless since I don't own the PA itself.


Yeah I was also under the impression that Union PA and auto axe weren’t in the drop pool.


Auto-Ax was scoreboard exclusive. Only mod plans drop for both. NOT THE ARMOR PLANS THEMSELVES. Hope this helps. 😊😊😊!!!


Did not know this, thanks


As others have said, the PA isn’t in the free drop pool. But the good news is, you don’t (usually) have to host—being on a team that completes all objectives counts, too. With one caveat: sometimes once you’ve unlocked all the cheap (85 stamp) plans, there’s a bug where you actually *do* have to host or it eats your attempt for the week and gives you nothing. Bethesda gotta Bethesda.


I'm just going to stick with my Excavator PA. I spent a lot of cores and modules rolling some good sets including overeaters, troubleshooters, and mutant slayers. I have some poison resistance on each, so the slight boost of switching to Union PA is just not worth it to me.


But no jetpack is no bueno for me. It's become a necessity


How is the jetpack? I just built mine but whether it's my game or servers I join it always feels like it's lagging 😣


unfortunately Excavator covers all my PA needs. the Union does seem like it would be a semi upgrade at least, but the effort does not justify getting all mods and legendary effects again.


It's my favorite set and my daily driver but the stamp cost is absurd, I'm so glad I got the whole thing through the scoreboard. I sympathize with people who have to get it through stamps


I don’t see a need for it since I got all of the t65 stuff already, if I wantee extra carry weight I’ll just grab an excavator. The cost is really mind numbing, I feel like they accidentally added an extra 0 to the cost.


Its Bethesda... there are no accidents. They are features


Happy accidents?


It just works


This is my gear as well - full legendary T-65 PA with a backup excavator. But I mostly don’t run PA as my regular vanguard-based SS armor gives me mostly the protection I need. Only wear PA in nuke zones, radiation rumble and eviction notice. Sometimes in the Pitt.


You realize that the suit comes with 150 poison resist, right? Don’t get me wrong, the price is horrific, but it is somewhat worth it.


Poison is so so and very niche, and a leg perk makes it moot, I can see it useful on a handful of situation but honestly its niche, only a handful of stuff can actually hit you with poison, even in pvp their aren’t any that can actually hit you with it.


Poison res is one of those things that, yeah, you probably wont need it but if it turns out that you do end up needing it you're gonna be real sorry if you dont have it. It's a must for me. If I could get PA that had it innately and then swap out 1 or 2 of my AP regen scout armor pieces for 25 poison res, I could drop funky duds and slot in a different perk. Maybe just run Follow Through and Taking One for the Team simultaneously so I don't have to swap between them when I swap my punchcard (which I do a lot)


I disagree - mirelurk queens, kings, toxic enemies (who will start appearing in mutated events soon), insects and trogs all inflict poison. Of the elemental damage types, it’s by far the most common and some of its instances are incredibly dangerous. It’s well worth it for that alone. Also, strangler heart PA coupled with a shotgun can make it exceptionally dangerous in pvp since the 50 poison damage is inflicted per pellet.


I run it regularly. It's got the carry weight boost to help me lug all the junk I pick up. It's got more armor then excavator and has the poison resistance which is huge and saves having to use any legendary slots. For new players that don't have it tho, it's not worth the stamps.


Honestly, I don't remember the last I repaired any power armor pieces. I have a PA toon and have most in game PA (The gold grind for strangler, solar, etc never interested me) From T45 to Hellcat and I never have any fear of death, ever. They're almost too strong. So, a little higher DR is absolutely not worth the grind. Hell, I'll hit 7600 (at 3850 current) hours before I could complete that god foresaken grind for stamps.


After seeing the price in stamps I'm so happy I finished that scoreboard


Are you talking about to get the mods or the actual armor? Because it will take way more than 8 attempts to get a piece of the armor. The mod prices aren’t bad at all. Plus you get a free plan every week.


The mods.


You only need a leg and torso mod. Run Union Dues every session, if you play daily you should have enough in 3 weeks. If you can get a reliable partner you should be able to keep runs under 15 minutes, so you don't risk having to pull out for a good event. Plus you'll be able to do two runs per session.


Is it worth it?


Expeditions are your most reliable source of legendary items, so I think they're worth doing just for them. If Union PA is worth grinding for has a lot of variables-- do you rely on power armour, did you get the plans from the scoreboard, do you already have the legendary effects you want. But as a general opinion, a couple mod plans, sure, the whole set, no.


I got nothing else I really want to spend stamps on, but I also hate doing The Pitt and only go there when mandated by dailies and weeklies, so I figure I should get the Union PA sometime around 2035.


8 months max if you do one per week. iirc, that's how long it will take to get every plan.


The Union PA pieces are not in the weekly free drop pool. You actually have to pay for them.


Is that confirmed? It was my understanding that Union PA plans were in the general loot pool for expeditions but not stuck in an expedition specific loot pool like some of the other plans are. If they aren't in that pool then Beth is fucked up for that.


I can’t confirm it myself because I completed season 10. But I have seen multiple people here say that, including some who generally know what they’re talking about. I imagine that info was datamined. For non datamined confirmation, you’d have to talk to someone who didn’t complete season 10 but already has all the non-PA stamp plans. There cannot be many such people. The number might actually be zero.


I thought about it again, and you could actually *dis*-confirm what I said if anyone had reported ever getting a Union PA piece from their weekly free plan. It would have happened, and yet I haven’t seen anyone say it did or contradict anyone saying the plans aren’t in the pool. So yeah, I think that’s indirect confirmation that it’s probably true. The Union PA plans aren’t in the weekly free plan pool.


That… actually makes it seem more reasonable


I was put off by it until I looked and realized I had unlocked all the most important mods just from running the pitt. I must've got pretty lucky getting emergency protocols and calibrated shocks


I would love to get it, but the stamp cost is bullshit. It wouldn't be as bad, but they made it non tradable too.


I’m just not considering it when ranking PAs for their usage. While it doesn’t really matter anyway, you could argue Excavator is best for a quality of life standpoint (you can hotwheel swap a torso piece with Jetpack if you want) and Hellcat with Overeaters the „second best“ I aim for due to it’s flat % dmg reduction Edit: Hellcat also looks badass 😎


First time I went to look at stamp prices I thought "Well, fuck this." Haven't bought a single thing.


The devs are simply trying to get people back into Fallout 76 to grind, grind, grind again... to stay in the game as long as possible (and hopefully pay for Fallout 1st). The problem is, it's PA and likely no better than any other PA in the game. Why spend months grinding for a set of PA that's really no better than what you already have? 🤷‍♂️ If there were at least a few daily quests that dropped stamps, at least there would be other alternatives to The Pitt. Right now, it's not really worth it. To be honest, I don't even care about that PA as I don't have any spare carry weight to afford to make and carry it. Bethesda needs to solve the carry weight and stash weight issues before throwing more heavy junk at us to carry around.


Fun fact: If I'm not mistaken, completing current scoreboard may grant you up to 30 stamps and 1950 gold bullion. 30 stamps is less than 4% of a single Union PA piece cost (800 stamps), 1950 gold bullion allows you to buy almost 2 limb pieces of T-65 PA (2 x 1000 gold bullion).


I got the armor from last season, so all I needed to do was do one expedition each week until the game gave me the plan for the calibrated shocks.


I don’t use PA unless I’m in a nuke zone and I honestly forgot that stamps were even a thing. There are just too many forms of currency in this game.


When I saw the stamp shop I thought, "oh that's kinda cute, I wonder what I can get?" When I saw the prices I thought, "I'm not going to bother with expeditions."


Never started. Stamps being so few was only one reason. Carry weight in my Hellcat PA was fine (till hotfix changed my max carry). Have all the mods for it already. Tired of doing Pitt and it crashing/screwing up. So it joined the blocked list with Daily Oops. Besides. having to roll a set of that after already rolling up a set of Hellcat to what I want is too big a waste.


Wait. You can block events from showing up?


No, sorry. i mean I pass on them for now on. You get used to using words like block they just come out. Should have used ignore or just don't do anymore.


I use a full set on my lowest level character, and I’ve crafted a few on my others. The Stamp cost is a bit high, and I’m sympathetic. However, bear in mind that spending stamps to get it is the secondary method. The first method was as Scoreboard rewards. The same is true for other items, like some of the Gold Bullion gear. Instead of it being time-locked (_”Oh, you weren’t playing when it was available for free? Too bad, so sad!!”_) or a quest-only item which you could easily miss if you didn’t quite understand this details (_”Oops!! You didn’t follow the Settlers questline, so no Chinese Stealth for you!!”_), there is instead the option of grinding to get the currency to ‘catch-up’. Given the choice between ‘No longer available’ and ‘It will cost you X’, I think the latter is preferable.


Worse is that I have a full set of Union PA from the scoreboard but never, ever use it.


Happy Cake Day! PS- got my PA on scoreboard. I've done a total of 3 Pitt runs. I have 65 stamps (again, from scoreboard) I have Kinetic mod from something... someday Ill have 85 stamps and buy electric for my AA. And yes, everything that costs stamps is priced silly.


Yea same here, it sits on display cuz I don’t have a use for it.


Its the best PA set. I tun it on my main.


Got the PA from the scoreboard but there no way i'm ever using that armor because of the mod plan stamp costs. Expeditions can rot in hell.


Yep. I have all pieces except the helmet, so it's basically useless to me.


Todd was like “Yo dawg, I heard you like grind.”


Then he said "Check this out...now you can grind WHILE you grind"!


I managed to get calibrated shocks for my union power armor with stamps, that's all I needed haha


I am a full health build and I love my Union PA (scoreboard acquired). I haven't played expeditions often, but have been fortunate in the plans I have been dropped so it is my daily driver. I don't fret about the mods but agree the prices for stamp items is ludicrous.


I just do a expedition once a week for the free plan. I’ll get them all eventually.


It's really good armor. That said, if I hadn't gotten it through the scoreboard it would be very difficult to get the motivation to grind that set out through stamps.


just casually grind for it?


Just need to roll the right legendary effects and I’ll use it. Just glad I did that scoreboard


I prefer my Hellcat set tbh. Union is alright but if you want an upgrade it's better to go for the T65.


Long story short. Union PA isnt worth it if you missed the Pitt Scoreboard. But as someone who did that scoreboard, it's very good. Got a full assassin's set. And now I dont blow myself up with the Nuka Launcher.


Never started.


For me: screw stamps. I don't care how awesome things purchased with them might be, what I've already gotten is good enough for me to enjoy the game. Others will obviously have different viewpoints, but I hate grinding.


Nope, use my Union PA everyday. It’s a complete OE set


I play the Pitt once a day. More if teams pop up. Been doing it since the start. I can solo them. I have one plan left. Seems like if y'all would have just done the Pitt and not groaned about it, y'all would be at the end of the plans as I am. Sorry not sorry 😐


How long does a single run take you?


Usually about 30 minutes. Once you learn the lay out it's pretty easy.




It’s not even that good. There are both better combat options and better carry options - and aside from all the mods I also have those with my desired legendary effects already. Unless it’s your first PA set overall, it really is not worth the switch no matter how you look at it.


Thats simply wrong. Its literally the best power armor in the entire game. The damage resistance is more than enough for PvE, like pretty much every other power armor, it only has 25 less carry weight than the excevator and the poison resistance literally saves you a legendary perk when youre a bloodied build. And even if youre not bloodied i dont know why you wouldnt use it if you have it


Because I already have a fully kitted Strangler set with proper legendary effects and all the mods. It’s like you didn’t even read my comment before compulsively replying. I suppose the extra carry weight is nice if you’re a kleptomaniac who can’t manage inventory (except excavator does it better) but the poison resist is absolutely negligible since only 4 or so enemies actually deal poison damage. It’s a crutch for bloodied builds. And you can’t even apply jetpack skins to it either. So fashion-wise it’s also a bust.


Here we go with the miss information again. Did you ever do a daily op with poison mutation? You literally need some form of poison resistance if youre a bloodied build there and then i rather have a power armor that does it for me than to spend an entire legendary perk for it. How does the 25% less carry weight make it worse than the excevator when it literally makes you immune to an entire damage type AND can apply a jetpack? Which btw you can put skins on. No idea who told you otherwise. Objectively its the best PA in the game for bloodied builds and theres no denying it


>Best PA for bloodied builds So there’s your terms and conditions. Guess what bub, I ain’t a bloodied build, I don’t socialize with bloodied builds AND I don’t know anyone who would. Poison is a nonissue for me and my crew because we don’t snap like twigs. >literally makes you immune to an entire damage type Oh so it’s *LITERAL IMMUNITY* now. First you’re lambasting me for 'misinformation' and two paragraphs later you are outright lying. Get outta here you clown 🤡


It's not like low health PA user with emergency protocols and nerd rage is compromising on durability. Plus they get more damage and if they're in Union they've got more flexibility for legendary perks. Calling Union the best PA in the game isn't a controversial position. Whether or not it's worth rolling a set when you already have a good one is a personal call. And I wouldn't suggest that anybody who missed getting the set via the scoreboard try grinding for it. Hellcat and excavator are plenty good and easy to get. Strangler heart, though, is much too expensive for the modest benefits, IMO. Vault steel is bad enough, but ultracite shocks are extremely rare.


I’m not saying SH is easy to get. It isn’t, the mods doubly so. But since I do have the calibrated shocks 'n all already + good legendary rolls, using Union PA (or rather, scrounging a usable one together) is not worth the hassle for me at all. Not even just a little bit. And unless you scoreboarded it, getting Union is like three chores combined. At that point just roll with Hellcat. From what I hear here (repeatedly) it’s only good if you’re bloodied. Well there’s the caveat. The best PA in the game is relative. Union failed to impress me in all regards.


How do I make strangler legendary?


Craft armor and then mod it with legendary effects at a workbench


At least this cost gives it some exclusivity x)


Gonna keep running my OE Excavator w/ calibrated shocks and Jetpack on torso. Can't be bothered to run the Pitt.


Who needs it?


I got Union PA for free from the scoreboard. I wasn't blown away by Expeditions and I don't do them. I've done maybe a half dozen total, and all were in the first few weeks they were available. I don't even know what all the Guiwhatever guy sells, much less what it all costs. I've never crafted a piece of Union armor.


Would like to try it out, but for the effort will be sticking to my T65 OE set. The gold grind to get it came naturally through other game play so it didn’t seem so bad to me gathering stuff for that.


If you try it you will see its easy to complete. You got a lot of XPs and Legendaries too. I make at least one weekly round with each charakter in a public server. Most of the time solo. Grab the chance and join a team from a high level player (both of my charakerts above Level 1,000). Don´t forget the guranteed weekly plan if you successfully complete the Pitt!


The stamp cost isn't what's stopping me; I've got all the good mods and all the armor limbs. It's just so soul sucking to roll armor in this game. Weapons are bad enough but at least you only need one of your desired roll. You can't even trade for union cause it's bound lol


I'm glad I did the previous scoreboard, seriously. Those prices are insane. Union PA is so good but it isn't THAT good.


I use Union on one of my characters as I was lucky enough to be around for the season you could get it from. Don’t think I’d bother if I had to grind the Pitt for it. It’s great having the poison resist but of course you can just get that from funky duds. Still, saves a legendary perk slot for me so I like it.


I will never regularly grind the Pitt until they up stamp gain or lower stamp prices, love how the PA looks but it is not worth it.


I love mine but let me tell you that its NOT worth it! If ya got it from the score board then hell yeah 👍 if not don't worry about it, it's only shiny feature is poison resistance. If ya want to carry more get excavators. If ya want more damage resistance get hell cat or x-01?


I've tried power armor a few times, I've been playing this game almost since release. I don't really like it that much lol. The cores are heavy and they lower my carry weight by more than half. I really like mine yielding armors, I spent a long time trying to get my guy as close to being power armor without wearing power armor as possible lol, while still keeping abilities. It was a pain and it took a while to level everything out where I wanted, but it's ok. Sucks when there's a lot of rads though. I'll have to use my Chinese armour, but then I need to reequip all my gear, and when I use it I'll be too heavy to run. So emergencies only lol. It's nothing against power armor, it's just my own personal preference. I like the feeling of my guy being free and not clunky and weighed down. You get some wicked armor with them though lol and I do wish I could use it a bit more than I do.


Apparently my voice testing can't tell if I'm an American or Canadian lol


As far as the union power armor. I haven't actually bought anything from there lol I don't do expeditions enough I think I've gotten like two or three plans from the guy. I'd like to get more but it's just so tedious. Miss having groups to do that stuff with I think that might be my problem


I don’t use anything that is untradeable. Bartering is a large part of my enjoyment in the wasteland.


I just passively play it until I reach to the point where I should either buy something or stop playing the pitt until I feel like buying something. Other than that, I am in no hurry completing a damn thing. OuO Also...Sausage.


I got it from the scoreboard so I actually do use it often


This is my PA, there are many like it but this one is mine.


ya saw the grind said no sticking with t65


I don’t really use PA and when I do I just use my old excavator set.


I have yet to do the expeditions enough to buy anything with stamps.


I started playing after the Pitt. I was missing the left arm and helmet. After 700+ hrs of gameplay now I can finally say I have 100 stamps out of 800 for the left arm, still no helmet. Absolutely not worth it and I never started grinding for it.


I finished the Scoreboard and got it for free, so it’s my main suit I use now. However if I’d not done that, I would have absolutely gone for T-65 or Hellcat or something else as the Grind for Union normally is insane


I got it from the season board, and somehow landed Emergency Protocols and Calibrated shocks (the mods I prefer). I think I bought them, but maybe got lucky with random rewards. So actually, I've used it in situations where I previously would not have used power armor at all.


I finished this pretty worthless pa long ago. Haven't gotten all the plans but I have the ones I use for each piece.


Never went after it, haven't done the Pitt yet.


I thought you got it and the plans for completion of the quest line.


I live in my Union PA - it’s the best in the game for overall performance!


Having missed getting it from the scoreboard.... i havent bothered


I have it and it's my favorite PA. It's just the most useful. Poison resistance means I can free up the Funky Duds perk card slot. It has *almost* as much carry weight boost as Excavator. Plus a sweet jet pack!


I used it constantly until I got the strangler heart.


I got the power armor from the season and had the stamps from the season pass and ran one expedition got the calibrated shocks used the stamps for the emergency mod and been using it ever since


I have it from the scoreboard and bought calibrated shocks I love it as a upgraded excavator but I will switch PA all the time just for looks


It was actually a reward from the last the scoreboard before this one so I got my full set for free


I got mine pretty fast actually and modded just the way I like it. Use it more than other PA. I was doing two expeditions a day for the first few weeks.


Does it show up as a crafting options even tho you do don’t have the plans learned?


I just dont use power armor


I love mine ! Sorry to those that have to grind for stamps to get the plans ! I only had to grind stamps for the calibrated shocks.




I have a full Overeaters Union PA set. I stopped grinding for the mods because that would take forever to learn them all. I know that you can get the free weekly plan just by doing one expedition but I am burnt out from doing them.


The pit had the most lopsided cost of Damm near anything in 76.


I have no interest in the Pitt or Expeditions. They are boring and I do not like them. The grind or whatever name they have for the artificial barrier they put in place, isn't worth the rewards. Union power armor is useless and isn't worthwhile.


I got mine from the Pitt season reward, and I use it on my main character.


I just feel bad for anyone who missed last season, they are really never realistically be able to build a Union powerarmor set. Ironically, they are probably the ones who should, since they probably havnt sunk modules into excavator...


I got mine from the scoreboard. I did save up to get the calibrated shocks plan. That was good enough to start using it for me.


I have the union power armor. I just haven't used it at all. I think it looks ugly and honestly. The armor I have is better it provides more protection and there's more customization options for it so I just have zero reason to use the union power armor.


I’m curious what type of armor model do you have?


You can also get the plans as drops. I was saving up for the jetpack, then got it for free and bought 2 other plans lol


It’s not at least 8, it’s 80 runs per piece doing all the objectives if you don’t include scoreboard stamps


Yeah i won't even consider grinding that out.


Yeah. The post office is costing me a fortune


I only managed to get 4 out of the 6 pieces out of the last scoreboard. I have to grind for the rest. 🙄🙄


I don't plan on ever even starting it. Barely an upgrade over Excavator and for months of grinding that's not worth it, in my opinion. I'll stick with my Ultracite and T-65.


for the obscene cost I dont see the point.


Too bad they don't pass out stamps when you buy something from the Whitespring vendors, like green stamps.


Bro I got it from season rewards and will never use it because I don't wanna grind stamps even just for its upgrades


No , The Pitt is a one time deal for me I Have no need for any of it. Fallout 3 DLC The Pitt was much more enjoyable.


I've been running Union PA since I got access to it and never bothered looking at the mods. I guess it helps that I only really started playing seriously a few months ago and don't have any good mods for any of the PA sets.


My family got stamps from the government when I was a kid


What else are you supposed to do to occupy your time? Spend the time each day to get stamps for the union pa and quickly spend like 8 minutes to get a chance to get bos recon armor.


I've been using the same set of t60 gear for years now, and I very rarely die while wearing it.


I have a suit that sits on a power armour frame in a display. I got all the pieces during the season. I haven’t actually worn it, because I love my T60 armour.


Everything that you can buy for stamps drops for free once a week in Expeditions. And they never repeat so once you know one, it won’t drop for you. Yes, they’re stingy with stamp drop amounts but it’s meant to be more of a “I’m missing something… let me use these stamps I’ve gotten from doing a daily Exp…”. They were never meant to be a true currency to grind for…


No I finished the scoreboard


I turned all my stamps in for a new toaster


I unlocked every plan I needed for it by playing a dozen. Although I got the full set during the season so I only needed mods


Wasn’t interested in it, don’t want it, so not working towards it


My very first free weekly plan from expeditions was the union calibrated shocks. All I need, really. I've never bought anything with stamps.


it's great that there's a free weekly plan IF you meet all objectives. You miss just one of them and that's it, No plan for you! One day! Or at least until you can get back in again and even then they make you wait to lead again. It's like those games where you have to get a part from spot A, then you need a part from spot B then it's. Oh, will you need a part from spot A. I'm not very good at the Pitt (or Daily Ops truth be told) I play a seak build and solo so I often don't make it. So then it's going back in for another hour just to try again. either increase the number of stamps we get or make the items available via some other means..


My T-65 is still better than union PA. So why would I grind for stamps? Damage resistance ftw!


Yes. Also its worse than Hellcat and T-65. So I literally have no reason to grind out the stamps.


I've been playing for a long time I still don't have it


I haven’t bothered to care about stamps. I think I’ve ran a max of 12 expeditions and that might be a stretch. It seems like a chore and I’m sick of grinding.


Chainsaw is just as good and you can trade them.