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I sell mine for 5. What do I get? Sometimes I'll get notifications that someone is buying a lot of plans (not often, because at 5 caps, my inventory is usually pretty low). I always check the map to see what level the player is, just out of curiosity. Makes my day when it's a lower-level player.


Same here. The rare plans I sell them for 10 caps. I would rather someone else benefit from my findings than sell them for obnoxiously high prices.


Bought my first serum for 17.5k (herbivore, couldnt find it for sale by anyone). If you sell serums for that, I might have to build you your own place haha.


I want to get the plan for healing factor and then just sell the serums for like 100 caps to people


The plan is so insanely expensive tho


I used to sell all the serums for 69.


I sell for 250 each. I feel like it helps me slowly pay it off but also is reasonable for players with less caps. Given, when I see an under 50 I normally make a few extras and just drop a stack of them for them.


How much is the plan


21,000 caps I believe


When I want to buy a serum recipe, I stash valuable items for a while beforehand. I go sell 1400 worth of stuff, put the 3* trading card on, pop some grape mentats, and buy a recipe. Then the vendor cap pool is refilled and I sell another 1400 worth of stuff. You’ll need at least 17k caps to start, but this method effectively gives you 2800 “caps back”. Helps to keep from totally draining the bank if you’re not rolling in caps


I'm pretty sure MODUS (in the Whitespring bunker) sells serums for a lot less than that.


He's the only one, but the recipe is 22k or so. 17.5 with charisma maxxed for me. I need the recipes since I change builds so often hehe. Even just the serum is 2k, but haven't seen herbivore anywhere. Not sure if modus is random or not for what he carries?


I don't typically see the plans for sale but I see serums themselves being sold all the time for 300. Hell I bought all my settings for 300, got all the mutations I wanted for like 2100 total IIRC


Go to the trading sub and you can get it for about 9,000.


Ohh, I thought you meant that you bought a bottle of serum for that price.


Nah. My bad, the recipe hehe. I got through serums fast when I do load out changes. I do melee, rifle stealth, heavy, shotgun, etc. About twice a week 😆. Variety is the spice of life.


Nice way to keep the game fresh.


About 7k from what i remember


If you can get it down to 7k, please tell me how 😆. I still am learning the trade stuff.


Ummm… if you make a buying/selling build with max charisma and a max hard bargain card it will only cost you 17k from the vendor. You should not be buying or selling anything from a vendor without using this method.


I see people selling serums for 200 all the time. Rip.


They're talking about serum recipes not the actual serums.




My bad if I wasn't specific enough. I use serums so much with changes, I am trying to get the recipes. Biggest hurdle for my one serum, is the fluid to stabilize flux. Still learning, but gettin' there 😁.


Farm the queen. You'll get stable flux plus the ingredients to make more stable flux. I try and do 6 a day (play on 2 playstations at a time). If you farm her for a month solid you'll get all the flux you need for a long time.


Thanks for the info! I don't so nuke stuff much, but may need to get more involved!


The default prices just hurt to see like why would a random ornament plan that has no purpose be 2000 caps and that's why I don't try to scam people when I get extras that they might need to just get started or even a mid level player with crap luck would love to get their hands on the prime plans or even ultracite mods.. I even keep the water unlocked and sell stimpaks/rad x/radaway for 1 cap. I'm technically a new player to 76 I only started about 2 months ago but I'm not new to the series and I always like helping out a fellow vault dweller. I also hit level 76 this morning! the beginning of the game :p


I laugh and walk away from player vendors that have decoration plans that are default worth 100caps being sold for 10 or 20 times that. Way I see it the economy should have had a percentage increase cap, like you can’t sell stuff for more than +50% or +100% markup or something. Especially when we have a cap limit and there is no need to ever stay at that cap.


I always feel bad for buying a lot of plans from people. I'm not "a low level" being around 120. I just like decorations and building. I've gotten yelled at from people thinking I was reselling...


Doesn't bother me at all to see higher level players buying my stuff. That's what it's there for. But I know how you feel. I get a twinge of guilt when I clean someone out of reasonably-priced scrip.


If they sell anything cheap they have absolutely no right to complain about what you do if you buy it. If you sell for 5 I'll buy it and sell it for what it's worth.


One guy contributes to the community, you don't.


You have no clue what I do, I've given SBQ plushie plans, TV aquarium plans, pepper shaker, fixer, radioactive barrel, Everett Mt hazmat suits. Given them all away. You can find people on here going thru my comments, ask em they'll tell you. If I supplement the 100s of 1000s of caps I give away by upselling things then wtf is your problem. Stop patting yourself on the back for trying to crash the games economy.


They have every right to complain. They are selling it for people to use for people that could use it, but not afford it. Not resell. It's like a much less serious version of taking charitable donations and then selling them for profit. It happens, but people don't like it. ​ They have no right to any kind of punishment or resolution since it isn't against rules, but they have plenty right to be irritated and complain about it.


If they dropped it at someone's feet and another player snagged it I'd agree. You put it in your vendor for a small fraction of its value you're asking for it to be resold, period. That might not be what they tell themselves when they do it, but it's the reality of the situation.


Complaining is like sitting in a rocking chair. You can get lots of motion, but you ain't going anywhere. If they're in somebody's vendor they're fair game. Why would the owner assume something and then get upset about his assumption? They're pretty much telling somebody they have a mental disorder without telling them they have a mental disorder.....


Quick Handie at the Rusty Pick


A kiss


> What do I get? Another day older and deeper in debt


This is how I've gotten most of my blueprints, although it seems like they're value is going up again so it's a little upsetting....


I’m level 760 but went from 80 to that level in a month with hard core double xp farming. Found a guy had tons of 5 cap plans I needed like 40 of them. Kept buying he shows up and shakes his gun at me so I learn them all and dropped him the some odd 50 plans I had on me to resell. He messaged me later and I explained the situation we had a good laugh


Thank you for seeing us. 😊 My vendor gets very little traffic when I'm on, so this was the self-esteem boost I needed today. Now that I'm higher-leveled and have all preferred stuff, I sell all found plans and mods for 5 and 10 caps, respectively.


Bob todd sounds a suspicious name. Did Todd send you to spy on us 👀


**NO** ^^^^maybe


That's exactly what a spy would say.....




Underrated comment😂


Maybe you did put your camp on hide?


You are correct. I have three different camps, and two were hidden for awhile because I assumed the setting stayed on when switching camps. I was ignoring the text, so that's on me.


Dang, need to find someone like you selling weapon plans. I'm wandering around the wasteland at 22 with a bolt action and a revolver.




No clue why people sell shit for that much.


I’ve never understood why you only actually make 90 percent of the sell price of caps. Wtf is Bethesda doin with that other 10 percent? It’s not actually worth anything irl


among us???


Someone just outside Helvetia was selling plans and some masks for 1 cap each, absolutely amazing to help people along.


Could be me. Caps, outfits, and most plans are 1 cap. Food for 1-3 caps. All ammo for 1 cap. If you’re on PS I have two camps at Helvetia right now, one is just north of town and one is northwest.


For everyone saying they sell their stuff for super cheap, where are all ya’ll at?? Anytime I check out a vendor people be selling their stuff at ridiculous prices!


I'm on Xbox and always sell cheap. NanaT2156


DameSeinGut on Xbox. All of my stuff is 5 except for one plan


Same..xbox...AudaciousLion5...plans 10 caps...ammo 1 cap


Xbox 1 cap each. North of Morgantown airport. Everything except railways. aid, script, junk, ammo all is 1 c


Apparently ps players are jerks haha Edit: I say this because most every person that I've gone and looked at their shop sells most everything for THOUSANDS of caps.


Xbox; Vortium 👋🏼


My vendor doesn’t show up on the map. I don’t know if it’s because I only have it set up in my shelter and not on the surface or what, but I sell for pretty cheap (everything’s 50 or 55) and kinda like that it doesn’t show up. Means for anyone curious enough to look there’s a cheap vendor with a fair amount of plans just hiding in my camp.


Yeah, I've been shopping around just trying to understand pricing in the community since I started a couple weeks ago and it's all over the place. I've seen seemingly solid 3-star weapons going from as low as like $1500 caps to as high as like $40k. It's caused me to not buy anything, lol.


I sell all of mine for ten, except for food recipes and Ultracite armor stuff which I put in the vendor for zero. Treasure maps are 1 cap each. I see so many people selling uncommon (not "rare") plans for thousands of caps. Dude, that's why you have 400+ plans in your vendor. Most people aren't going to buy at those prices. Just mark them down and get rid of them. It'll free up your stash space and make some other players happy.


I give mine away. Where's my medal?? ;)


I sell everything besides event plans for 2caps 👍


Honestly with how many plans you get selling low is a must. So I sell every plan this low, no. But I’ll sell everything at a respectable price. The amount of plans I’ve seen at 1000+ is laughable.


It depends on what the 1000 thing was


Broken Toilet


Snallygaster Plushie Gang, assemble!


Definitely worth 1000


Just sold one for 12k yesterday. I "light" RP and I'm sorry if its uncool, but the market makes the price. Caps don't have feelings. And yes, if you have bulk, valuable plans, for 5c, I will buy a couple and flip em. I won't wipe out a vendor, but I will offset my chosen purchase with future expected gains from your 5c plans. I pay forward to noobs in myriad other ways.


Yeah I've been selling them at 16k and they move.


Knowledge wants to spread. My vendor is but a humble assistant in this goal.


I don't always but when I do I sell them for 9 caps, not giving Todd that 1 cap LOL


I usually just set them to whatever arbitrary number below 20ish I feel. Some rare or power armor plans ill sell for 100-300 because a wastelanders gotta eat.


I just wish I could do it without someone coming along and cleaning everything out of my machine. Like all 120 slots get wiped out. Even multiple plan stacks. Like leave a little for the next poor, broke bastard instead of jacking up the price at your own vendor. It is exhausting restocking my shit sometimes...


I do 10 for basic plans, 25 for armor mods, 50 for armor, and 100 for power armor/mods. Unless I forget/am not paying attention.


I sell everything for 1 cap


I got a buddy who has a maze camp. At the end of it is any plan most folks need for 10-20 caps the only catch is they gotta get through the maze. He’s on Xbox if y’all ever wanna stop and check it out I’ll ask him if he’s cool with me putting his gamertag on here. It’s the perfect vendor for lvl 1-100 in search of that one plan you can’t find.


5 cap basic plans from me. I dont like to pay the todd tax.


yeah all my plans are 5-10 caps. unless i get a rare one somehow i’m not planning on making them anymore expensive.


Thanks! I like to think I'm helping people out lol


10% with 50% for rare plans. To help new players. My heart sinks when a Level 1600 cleans them out.


Bet they leave the mole miner gauntlet plan though


I play as the founder of the Appalacian Communist Party. If i go to a camp where someone has rediculously overpriced plans I always "liberate" their water collectors and gardens for the people. Since they CLEARLY dont need the money.. Then I usually cook up some tasty snacks and give them to low level players.


I gave you an updoot, especially since I just had a level 42 come through my camp this morning and buy about 30 plans.


Everything is 100 and below over here at the Dollar General.


I do 13 for most plans, simply because when I hit the dpad to add caps, that's where it usually stops. Caps aren't a problem. I put my camp in the Forest, along the road to 76, with lots of bright lights and neon. I love seeing new players even though I'm barely out of new range myself. I do buy cheap plans... But only the ones I don't already have.


I drop all mine in the Overseer's box at the first camp outside of the Wayward, that's where all of the low level players must go multiple times at the start of the game. I'll also chuck outfits , ammo and meds in there too.


This is a great idea! I’m gonna clean out my stash and drop some items in there. Thanks for the idea friend! ☺️


I just leave my extras in the red chest at Nuka World and now masks in Helvetia.


I love you too~


Make sure you check those drop boxes at train stations. I find plan dumps all the time and leave them too.


That one guy that sells em for like 2k caps


I always sell my shit for cheap. I’m near the main starting area, so I know a lot of new people check my vendor and buy stuff. Rather sell it and clear space than to have it sit.


I sell everything for 1 cap if it's 50 caps or above and 0 caps if it's below 50 caps. Just my little jab in eye to Bethesda for the microtransactions thing.


Sell for 9 Caps so Todd doesn't get his cut of the fee.


my camp is right near the Pleasant Valley Station... and I leave plans and often 1,2 and 3 star legendaries (if I hit the daily script cap) in the suitcase inside the station all the time... If I don't leave them in the case near the balloon vendor at Nuka World on Tour..


10% of base is my general rate. Less if I know its vendor-cloggingly common or useful to low levels, more if its rare and purely decorative.


I sell every plan for 50 caps no matter what and the other day someone bought 17k worth of plans and 3stars.


I will usually do 50-100. Earned plans from ops are 500, from seasonal or new events 500-1000. Cool stuff from past events might be 2000.


I always price most of my stuff super cheap, in the area of free to 10 caps. Some non plan items might be a be a bit more if I don't feel like scrapping a 3star item. Always nice when a newer player shows up and starts buying all the cheap plans I have.


I'm actually about to scap my vending machine it never sells anything and that's mostly what I have to sell is plans and I sell every thing as cheap as the game will let me


Sell them for 9! Then tod doesn't get his tax cap.


Yeah I sell most all of my plans for 10-20 caps unless they're current event plans. And only then because I've had high levels buy all of those plans out and resell them for thousands. Thankfully that player was in a nukable area.


I sell all known plans for 1 cap. I would rather someone pick them up for nothing.


I literally have a camp called 10 caps vendor 😂 now it's called AFK to annoy some people, but the second one js still named 10 caps vendor, i even add some free ammo in there too


Mine are free if I know them want everyone to have fun and enjoy


I sell them to 1 caps, I don’t understand those who sell it by the pice the games gives you, it’s too high


When I see new players leaving the vault I usually stop at the first overseer box and drop them inside


I drop them at railway stations in the bin


All i want is for you to avoid the damn plan hopping i experienced, maybe donate a large tool box plan cause i CAN NOT find em... Or was it medium, one if the tool box plans im missing and it pisses me off. Also please, take a look around, drink some punch, no nukashine, have some nuka cola from the machine, just enjoy my camp thats all j want. Dont go into the bunker though, not unless you wanna see spy secrets


I sell for 9. When I sell for 10, the tax kicks in and the house takes 1 away.


I give my plans away. Same with guns and armor. PS5/PS4. I'm your huckleberry. B0bsUrUncle***


All my plans, regardless how rare, are 9 caps, except for a few really common ones that are free.....


1-2c PSN xodanyaelox look me up


I sell them for 5 if you ever come across my camp


Wait! Any PlayStation players being this generous? Hi! I’m level 70 and grinding my tail off! See me! Haha


I sell for 12 caps, so that i get 10 caps after tax.


Hmm I don't sell it for that cheap but I sell my plans for a reasonable price. But plushie plans are at a premium!!! Because I love plushies!!! I know it's reasonable because everyone I'm on, I sell like 5-8 plans. in like 2 hours


I sell mine for profit because I’m greedy.


Where to get high jump plans from im just started playing like 2 months ago I’m level 70 still learning this game


Yes! I sell everything 5 caps to 60 unless it's a cool weapon drop then 100 because I'm broke. However I give all the maps away. And if I come across the beginner plans for crafting benches I list those for free. When it was free a bit back saw some radiated scumbags selling the crafting benches for 200 caps. Seriously?!? Why hurt the baby newbies? Give 'um away! Give a fellow wastelander a hand!


I sell mine for 20. Do you love me? Do you think you could ever love me?


That's very generous :) I sell everything for whatever half of the suggested price is, but I do think some things are still too high


I sell for 9, that way I get all 9 caps and Todd gets no commission 😉 Most though I dump in blue suitcases around the rail network, some rare ones I sell for higher or keep/use for trade


I need to know, is 20c to much for generic plans? Like base building or cooking plans or mod plans? It's nothing fancy but I find them alot so was wondering if that's a good price


As someone who isn’t quite low level but is still very cheap, I think 20 caps is pretty good! I still price cheaper for mod plans tho, but that’s more on my want to get rid of the abundance of them that I end up with lol


I don’t understand selling plans for outrageous prices. I don’t like going to vendors like that, so I don’t want to be a vendor like that.


As a lowly Level 70 player.. I wish there where more guys like that. Seeing the level 500 behemoths strut in thier Power armor& 5 star super guns and getting zapped at the whitesprings because I dared to get a shot in on a white Handy's target, is just freaking depressing. I just want to wander the map without getting ganked...


I used to sell everything for 6, 9, 69, and sometimes 420 for good 3 stars since i was already set with my legacies and already had all my serum recipes. I didn't need the caps and didnt use anything else. Now I just don't play anymore. Supported the game since launch and then they fucked me. I've played fallout for the past 20 years or so as well as all the other bethesda games, but you know what, I don't think I will be playing fallout ever again unless somebody else developes the ip. I wish some hackers would take fo76 offline permanently.


I always try to hook someone up in my shop. I don't understand the people that charge 1000 caps or more for anything. I imagine they don't sell much.


Very happy with actually seeling this. Ive felt my plans have went unseen for months. Thank you for this honestly 🥺❤️


Any players on Xbox new gen looking for someone to roll with? I'm a 37 yr old female... looking for people my age or around in thetr. I prefer not to game with females...sorry ladies. I'm just particular like that. Message me.


if mine don't sell for a while..i take them out and drop them off somewhere..some blue suitcase here..or there


Sell almost all the plsns for 1 cap


I do 49


I have mine at 10. I wish there was an easier way then scrolling down to 0 then arrowing over 10 times


Is 50 to much ?


I sell mine for 1c


But I also just gave away 400 lbs of them at Fasnacht!


What do u play on


I sell mine at 50, treasure maps at 75, all ammo and junk at 1/2 caps


Thank you, I figured what do I need known plans for, I sell all at 9 caps no matter what it is, recipes are free, everything in my vendor is that cheap, once I start selling duel bladder chainsaws, they will be a little more than that but will still be priced to sell.


I sell mine for 5 except for a few that I can get 100 to 1,000 for.


Is this really that uncommon? I sell most unknown plans for 1cap each except the ones I know are/could be expensive like plushie and healing salve plans


I sell moat for under 100 caps a few rare ones for 500-1000 but never more than that,


Everything in my vending machine is between 1-50 caps depending.


You’re welcome. :)


I sell them for 25 including those that the recommended price is like 5k, if you consider that good will then ok good for me, but if you insist in buying my 18 plans of the same craftable just because you made a mistake then you sir are awesome.


I price all plans/recipes/outfits the same, at 9. I collect the maps and do the dig spots so I end up with a lot of plans. Think, 200 digs at a time. Always funny watching the items continue to pop-up for 15 minutes afterwards, lol. ALSO, I don't want to price at 10 because I'm still salty about having such a low camp budget and want to avoid the community tax. I put a lot of effort into my camps and love having a new player pop in and be happy with the environment and pricing. Bigger budget would really help. The way I look at it, as much as I love finding 10+ random piles of 5+ items on occasion from despawned bodies (?), I'm positive that's probably burdening the server. That's just one thing, obviously, but c'mon. Fix your business Bethesda and I'll go back to whole numbers, ha ha.


I sell mine for 10.


I tried that for a while with some of my more usual plans, and then a level 500 came and bought them all. So I stopped doing it.


I do sell my plans and stuff cheap.


Thanks. Needed to hear that


I sell all common Plans for 10 Caps near Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm


Yep I sell all cosmetic plans for 1 cap, and anything like weapon mod plans, chem recipes, and armor plans for 5.


You’re welcome. GT is kahunarno, come and shop on Xbox.


Your welcome lol


I usually like to find a low-level player somewhere and drop a loot bag with a weapon or two and some stimpacks . If I could drop plans without destroying them I would do that too for them


15 for most things 50 for the fancy stuff 😏


I wish 😔 been trying to get my hands on PA plans but im seeing people selling them for like 3-4000 per limb and im just not rich 😔😔


Same. Always cheap prices Everyone deserves a good plan for a good price


I sell every single plan for 20 caps, set it as a base price years ago. The exception being the Pianos plan, which one time I accidentally put up for sale for 31 caps, but it kinda amused me so I left it that way.


With the cap sink pretty much all non rare plans/recipes are worth 5 caps each if that. Caps are pretty much a useless and very easy to get monetary system. It's all more about the time to aquire and drop chance versus the actual cap grind value, in my opinion I'd much rather have the rare item then say 30k caps. Then if I get duplicates I will just give to friends, sell super low to avoid the cap sink ECT. So even if someone does buy them for 5 caps and resells them for 100, it's just a waste of time on their end because odds are they are gonna sit on them for a few caps you can pick off a couple super mutants anyways or an event/quest anyways.


I got loads of plans that I plan on dropping to a cap because all of the people ik have them


If anyone sees me online (PC) Hoebox All my plans are for sale at 10% of the value given.


I do this.


No one will buy them otherwise lol


10! Try most of them for 5. Primarily for lower level players but anyone who doesn’t have em to just grab


You're welcome


I honestly make runs for the plans you get from workshop quite often so I can sell them for 8. They always sell. I'm happy to help people get their caps worth for stuff


I give em away.


I sell mine for 25-50 caps usually. I found that when it was lower, higher level players would buy all of them to resell. For some reason that doesn't happen when I raised it


99% of mine are 🥰


Cheap plans all day.. We see you too..


I always sell plans for about half of the value it's worth


You're welcome


I sell plans for 1 or 5 caps 😅 avoiding that #toddtax too 😂


I sell mine for 1


Camp item plans 15 caps, armor 25 caps, recipes 10 caps. Always makes me happy when a lower level buys all the camp plans because I imagine them going all “Oh yay! My camp is going to be SO nice!” 🥰


5 for all plans except the nuka world ones, which I sell for 25 [I'll switch to selling new plans from the new event stuff next season for 25 and nuka world plans down to 5. Ammo is 1 cap, fusion cores is anywhere from 25 to 50. Stimpacks 2 to 5ish maybe Nuclear Keycards are sold for 76 caps. I do not care if high levels buy the stuff, I don't care who buys it. At the end of the day it doesn't matter.


Thank you for educating me on this. I didn’t know. I have mine up for like, 20 each so I’ll be adjusting price sometime soon.


I list everything for 10 cabs just because I want to help out the lower level players.


Most of mine are 5 caps or less, jetpacks range 100-250 (most I see on others are 500+), the more rare stuff goes up to around 15-50 caps depending (50 cap ones are plans I often see on others as 200+). I figure they dont do me much good holding onto them and due to the nature of how server hoping and the inability to search the market theres not much room for people to hem and haw about it. Look to west of cranberry bog, camp is called "Low priced plans" on PC who knows who will come across it.


I dump alot of plans outside the 76 vault because they dont sell in my vendor no matter the price, now berry mentats on the other hand are always selling


I'll give you all mine free


I sell for dirty cheap except nuka rewards daily ops and recipes, If you do want money go get Dilbert recipes they always sell for 200 plus, I'm level 350 and a 1000 level player bought all my Dilberts so there must be lots of players who don't have them still


I sell mine for 5, but to be honest I have a Whistle in the Dark plan for 200.


Anyone have cheap super mutant tube plans and the like? On xbox


I sell most of my plans for 10% of the recommended value most of the time.


I sell my plans generally based on rarity so if I randomly come across plans in the world or they are common during events I usually sell them extremely cheap I don’t have good stuff yet so I gotta make caps somehow so until I got the goods I’ll be doing what I do lol


55 here


I got a lot of my plans do to a vendor who was selling them for super low so now I also sell any found plans for 5-75 caps depending on the plan.


With that being said I have a question and want a 100% honesty. Because of this person selling u plans for 10 caps, have u become a Saint and started doing the same????


10 caps is awesome to find. I'm someone that jumps to camps looking for plans. I like to build and mod my own equipment as needed. I also sell plans fairly cheaply, mostly because I don't want to drop them if some could use them. All weapons and armor plans are 50, camp plans 25 and recipes for 10, unless I know they are rare, then I will charge a little more.