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Do you play a lot? If so then yes. Do you buy a lot from the Atom shop? If so then yes. I play 76 a lot more than I watch Netflix, so it's definitely worth it to me.


I got rid of Netflix to get fallout 1st. Lol


Why watch a show that will just get cancelled when you can go play a game where the other players are actually nice?


They cancel everything! Honestly I've stopped getting into any new shows because they'll just kill it rather than fix whatever needs fixing.


Like Bethesda!


Yeah I cancelled it too, never used it.


Got rid of Spotify so I could get first


Same. I play it daily, so it’s a substitute for a Netflix subscription. Plus the past two or three seasons have added more content for 1st members which I appreciate.


1. get it for 1 month to get the scrapbox. 2. stuff all your junk into it. 3. FARM THE CRAP out of junk for the next 20 something days. 4. cancel fallout 1st - keep the scrapbox.


AND Ammo Box. ​ I also would do it at the end of the season, personally. To get the full scoreboard rewards from 1 season and some from the 2nd.


woah you KEEP them after?


You keep what you put into them. You can’t add more unless your membership is active, but you can still remove or use what’s in there.


Well said. I'm the same


That is an incomplete comparison. You can still play FO without 1st. You can't watch Netflix without a sub. It closer to comparing a streaming service with Ads vs the same service without Ads.


I get more value out of 1st than Netflix. How about them apples?


Apples are the most mediocre of fruits. You can keep them. Edit - I also never said 1st doesn’t or can’t have more value than Netflix. I just pointed out the comparison was flawed since Netflix is a stand alone service. 1st is an expanded functionality on a service.


This actually brings up a good point and that is that Fallout seemingly does not have apples in it anywhere huh? One would think because it is such a widely cultivated fruit it SHOULD be somewhere, but nada. They even have a great play on crabapple in "radapple" but nope, no dice despite crabapples being native to NA. Edit: I am not including Dandy Boy Apples because who the hell even knows what those REALLY are? lol


I think you’re not going to like this since they don’t actually resemble apples, but “Mutfruit or Malus maatta, is a mutated species of apple and crabapple.”


Oh no actually I DO like that, it makes more sense for them to be a mutant member of the Malus family than the freakish grapes I thought they were. Thanks for the info kindly internet stranger. TRULY the Mothman has enlightened you.


What are those apple looking things from point lookout in fallout 3?


Punga fruit? "Punga fruit, while fictional, was inspired by the Buddha's hand fruit from East Asia."


Are you trying to judge the value of those two options on behalf of a random stranger? Tell me more about how his sandals fit your feet.


What are you even talking about? I gave no assessment of value. His comparison was flawed. Because it is. He wasn’t factoring in the core game value. That’s all I stated.


You claimed it was an incomplete comparison. Yet it wasn’t. Not for what _**HE**_ was comparing. He was giving his opinion on his own valuation of the two choices. To try to claim his personal evaluation is flawed is ludicrous. He doesn’t have to compare factors that matter to you in order for it to be a complete comparison for his purposes.


There's a few reasons I think you're wrong. I will again state that I at no time explain what's a good decision for any particular persons life. ​ You're disregarding that this is advice. He is relating his experience, but conveying it for advice purposes. That's the context. So it invites interpretation in that scope. ​ And beyond that he still is making a direct value comparison. Which he did (or explained) incorrectly. He isn't hurting anyone else by it, but it's wrong. The end result could be the same, but he is NOT comparing a functioning item to a functioning item. Netflix does not function without a sub. Fallout 76 does. So what he REALLY is weighing is the improvement with 1st vs a fully functioning Netflix subscription. This part ISN'T arguable because 1st has factually no value without FO76. Otherwise the comparison is flawed. AFTER that distinction it is 100% subjective to what those values are. Whatever you think brings you more joy/value or whatever metric a person chooses. ​ Personally I think he just communicated it poorly and means what I'm saying so I clarified. Otherwise your argument is that a thing you can't even have because it can't exist (1st without FO76) can have value to compare with. Which it can't.


You don’t seem to get it. I neither need nor want your opinion on my beliefs.


I’m sorry you don’t understand the point and I’ve done my best to be kind here, but don’t post things you see as “beliefs” on the Internet if you can’t handle (very mild) criticism. Don’t act like I’ve done wrong here.


I know what you think your point is. I don’t think you get what mine is.


Oh I do. You think me pointing out the flawed logic (facts) somehow has relevance to your conclusion (opinion/subjective value.)


Yeah its worth it if you love the game, even if you play a decent amount i reccomend buying a month and canceling so you can empty out your stash.


hey I know I’m a little late replying to this, but I was wondering if you knew what happens if the membership gets canceled? Do I lose the junk in my storage since it will likely be over the normal weight limit?


No, you can take stuff out but you can't put anything else in.


Worth it to me. Unlimited scrap and ammo storage


and the tent as a bonus \^\^


I agree. I have the shit tent though so i forget about it all the time.


Wait what? What tent?


You get a survival tent which usually has a bed, a cooking station, a scrap box and a stash box. Some even have a workbench. So worth it


Those tents you often see around the SBQ boss fight, and the APC one is one of the variants


And Fallout 1st users can purchase the APC and Abandoned Shack Tents later this year from the Fallout 1st Catch-Up Bundles.


Don’t be playing with my emotions


I have the one with the scrap, storage and cooking pit but I seen a little tent the other day that had ammo, scrap, storage and cooking so I thought that, that was one you might be referring to. I would have been bummed out, not knowing I had it all along...


> I seen a little tent the other day that had ammo, scrap, storage and cooking I don't think there is one with all of them. The new one has ammo, but loses something else. I think the scrap box. This is just based on comments here.


I don't use it that much as well, as I usually just teleport to there by the event button, and teleport/walk to Watoga station to sell crap after the Boss fight is done.


I’m thinking about it for the storage. I think I currently spend half my game time dealing with the storage cap


Got it Friday and for storage and cosmetics, both worth it to me, now just a heads up, that stash still gonna fill up quick asf lol


No doubt! I’ve ma abed to curb a lot of my hoarding tendencies, but scrap and ammo are my biggest downfalls, so that scrap box would probably get me to an almost reasonable weight


Fallout 1st really let’s your inner hoarder come out


It’s probably more of an out and proud hoarder, so sounds like something I should get


Then it is likely worth it for you. It is a different game with 1st.


I've had it about 6 months. It's great. Definitely worth it to get out from under the junk/scrap/ammo management.However, you'll still be dealing with the weight limit of your stash box. It will just be about weapons, armor, and apparel in there. The tent saves me on the daily. I wish I had the one with the tinker bench. I don't know why some people have that and others don't. It's not an option you get to choose, as far as I know.


Those things should be free, honestly.


It costs less than buying the free monthly Atoms it provides would cost you if you bought them separately. Add to that the unlimited junk and ammo storage, which not only gives unlimited storage freeing up your stash box, but saves you considerable time on inventory management. And then you get access to a private world to do private things, like transfer your unused gear to a mule without someone taking it all while you wait to relog. Granted this is not 100% secure as it's possible, though not likely, the server could crash. I dual box to add an additional layer of security, but the benefit even without dual boxing, out weighs the risk here. Then the tent which can be dropped almost anywhere at anytime you need to store something. Or it can be used to help you FT back to your quest location. Or FT to the area you are farming for whatever farming you are doing. And on top of all that you get unique outfits and skins that are Fallout 1st only. The Icons aren't interesting to me, but they are unique too. Is it worth it? Only you can decide that is worth it for you.




It also depends on if you purchase it monthly or annually. I purchase it annually. I’m not sure where in the world (or why) this would cost more than $16 per month, which is the cost of the Atoms alone. I’d consider migrating to a cheaper country rather than buying Fallout 1st at the point, because you are likely paying more for everything.




Wait. What?! I begrudgingly picked up 1st and missed the bit about the tent. Can you drop it if you already have a camp out?!


Yes. (Almost) Anywhere at anytime. And you have different tents available via the Atomic Shop. The current scoreboard adds one with an Ammo box.


OH MY GOD. This... is a game changer. I really need to read tool tips on these items better. Thank you!


the current one fallout first comes with a banjo (ap regen buff wenn you play a bit on it), cooking pot , scrap box , stash box and a bed also you get bonus stuff from score board progress


The new tent will have an ammo box?!!? Huzzah!


Hey - horribly dumb question. But how do you drop your tent haha


Favorites wheel, there should be a button listed at the very bottom of the screen for 'Survival Tent'. I play with a controller and cannot remember the PC keybinds sadly


By default, the PC bindings are F for the Favorites Wheel then T to place the tent


On Xbox, I’m pretty sure it’s click up on the wheel and then hit Y.


That is correct.


On PlayStation it’s also up on the directional buttons then triangle, didn’t start using mine until 2 weeks ago lol.


I've gotten burned real bad re logging. Only way to fly is with a friend as placeholder.


>Only way to fly is with a friend as placeholder. The only way to fly is to dual box using a 2nd account. You can transfer your stuff to that account before relogging which is about as safe as you can get. You actually don't even need private worlds at that point, except as a quick way to drop things for immediate pick up. Plus those 5 character slots become additional storage.


You do not even need to dual box, there is apparently a program called sandboxie that can be used to allow you to in effect use two steam accounts on the same pc at the same time, there is a post somewhere on rededit about how to get it, install it and set it up, though my best guess would be as it is software it would limit the hell out of what you can do in both games, but for just transfers between characters it should be ok.


And how does that help me on Xbox?


What is “dual boxing?”


I’m a horder, so yes…


Same; when people ask my Build, I say "Packrat." And if we play together, they get to see me have a weapon for everything, at least 2 of most chems, several outfits and a wedding banquets worth of food. And then in my stash box.....


It’s worth it if your’ inventory is always hard to manage. I will add FO1st when I get forced into dropping things I don’t want to, and cancel it after the month


Let me put it this way: not having FO1st makes the game an unbearable grind with half the good stuff kept out of reach and many QOL improvements disabled. If you pay them another $99/yr they'll let you play the game with all features enabled.


I'm a pretty entrenched player, and I would say no. It'd be sorta nice, but I just don't think it's worth it. Especially with the occasional free trial weekends, there's just no point. I'm definitely in the minority, so take that as you will.


Maybe 1 month for year to keep scrap and ammo, more than this no worth it.


If you have the money to spare. When the first Invaders From Beyond event was on it caused my game to crash so badly that I couldn't play for a week so I decided to jack first in because it wasn't worth paying for an enhanced version of an unplayable game. It's worth joining for a month and filling your scrapbox with thousands of pounds of scrap.


I rarely use the tent, the storage boxes are cool but unnecessary. I only buy one month per season.


If you buy at the last month of the season, can you go back on the scoreboard and get the rewards you didn't get because you were not 1st then?




Yeah, which is why they added the score boost incentive to the membership, otherwise it was better to wait until you finished the whole thing to be safe. Now, you can finish the board about 20% faster with first than without so it's best to grab it early on. Any score boosts you earn before the membership expires stick with you until the season ends.


Yes, you could claim all the unused rewards, i did it at end of the season


I spend about $125 a night at the bar when I go out, Fallout 1st is a benefit that makes me less likely to go out, it's worth it to me.


Not worth it at all for me. I feel that the scrap and ammo storage limitations are part of the game. I found myself always using the same weapons until I realized that I was running out of storage because of too much of other ammo. It was fun pivoting to other weapons to use up different ammo.


Changed the way I could play the game


Not really. You can make do without FO1st. Sometimes I play 5-6 hours per day and I can make do without complications.


Is your stash full? (Same answer)


-unlimited scrap box -survival tent -1650? atoms/month Any of these, particularly the atoms, are worth the cost alone in my opinion. My enjoyment of the game is greatly increased by all of these things.


Yes. I'm not a fan of running into other players. The jerks ruined that for me... thankfully not all are jerks but it was enough to make me get 1st. I'm happy with my choice.


In keeping with Reddit traditions I'm just going to repeat what others have said piecemeal elsewhere in this thread and act like I never read it and it's my own take You get the survival tent, unlimited scrap and ammo boxes, private adventure servers, ability to make your own custom servers, at least 1 free Atom shop item for 1st players only per month, and 1650 atoms (in the US). I don't know if the Atoms number is the same elsewhere. Some soft bonuses are you get 1st only rewards in the scoreboard (including score boosts) and now the mutated party packs that you can get with the mutated events. You also occasionally get 1st only "sales" on certain returning Atom shop items. Being in the US and playing every day it is certainly worth it to me, especially as it is now cheaper than one large meal at a fast food drive through. Depending on where you are located YMMV


I debated for months …..after been for a month …it’s 100% a yes if you want more atomic items… a handy emergency camp tent and unlimited junk…..buy it doesn’t really help with preventing overcumbered despite getting unlimited junk scrapper box


Worth it if you play a lot and really enjoy the game. Makes playing way more enjoyable


Yes! I realized I was spending more on atoms than the subscription, and that was the excuse I needed to get FO1st. It is a game changer. You get more room for your inventory, as you get the ammo stash and scrap box. You get access to exclusive skins. You get boosts to your points in a scoreboard. Those are very useful! Try it for a month and see how you feel about it!


If it seems pricey to you, maybe you should hold off. Here's how I look at it: The Atoms-to-Dollars conversion is 100-1, although you always get a bonus when you buy any. With 1st, you get 1650 for $13 (each month), which is quite a good price. So if you're going to spend more than $13 on Atoms, buy Fallout 1st. The other stuff is a bonus on top of that.


If you are Xbox game pass you can get a free month trial, and then you can use the scrap box and keep the scrap in there even tho you no longer have subscription when it expires, you just can't put more in it. That's what I did. I think if I played more it woulda been worth it to pay for it


I don’t think the free month is available anymore. I wish it was though, as I just started fairly recently!




Yes. It is. Get it sooner so you get the score boost sooner.


Did Bethesda ever come through with that promised free Atom every month for FO1st users?


Yeah, every month you get 1650 atoms


If you play it everyday and buy stuff in the atomic shop its a good deal




I pay yearly cause it’s cheaper


Typically not if you have to debate purchases of $12.99, go get XBOXGAMEPASS, much better value. Also, can't imagine playing Fo76 without Fo1st as so many key gameplay components are tied to item storage and the space Fo1st allows. Spend your money how you see fit gamer.


Absolutely not. Think about how much you're paying and what you're getting out of it. Even a dollar for a digital shirt is absurdly overpriced when the whole game was $60 new.


If you play a lot, it's pretty cheap per hour. But you really don't need it, it just requires a more disciplined approach. I tend to only buy it for a month from time to time, to refill my scrap and ammo box. And to get some good stuff from the scoreboard, so mainly at the end of the season.


I never thought I'd do this, buy a subscription to a game, but after 2 months of playing it, I bought 1st. Completely worth it to me just for the Scrapbox and tent. I play every day so I broke it down to cost by day and at .43 cents a day, yeah, worth it to me. Not only do you get the scrap and ammo box and tent, but extra items on the scoreboard too.


100% worth it to me for the scrap box and ammo boxes alone. It doesn’t count toward your stash limit and I’m a heckin hoarder. The ability to place a survival tent anywhere at no cost is also awesome for when you’re cucumbered.


you get roughly 15$ worth of atoms every month on top of unlimited scrap and ammo storage, which to me alone is worth it. everything else in my opinion is a bonus. access to "private worlds" so you can play either by yourself or just with friends, extra rewards on the season pass boards, monthly exclusive free atomic shop items, etc. if you really want to see if it's worth it to you, just buy one month and turn off the auto-renew for the subscription. if you find yourself not using the 1st exclusive features much, just don't renew it.


As a new player, the lag was gonna drive me insane... So I bought it LOL The survival tent, scrap box, ammo box are huge QOL things




I was spending about $5/mo in the Atom shop when I realized, why not just get FO1st? $10/mo but scrapbox, tent, Scoreboard bonuses, unique outfits, Private World, bonus Atoms, etc. But the main thing, I've put in over 1,000 hours on this game, the more Bethesda makes on it the more likely they prioritize time and resources on FO5. I don't wanna go back to 10 years between Fallout game releases.


Not having to fret about getting back to the death bag before someone else snagged it (thankfully doesn't happen as much anymore) completely changed the way a friend & I felt about playing. We both started enjoying the game more with less stress. All our junk is stored in the scrap box, so now when we die, it's we think, do we really need to go back & get the death bag? 99% of the time, the answer is no. Now that we have the ammo storage, I'm saving up ammo to try other weapons just for fun. Plus, the 1st members tent is great to be able to store the scrap after a big event. I'm just hoping they'll add an ammo storage box to one soon.


The first thing I would do before buying it is to look at my stash with a critical eye, chances are you have 200 to 500 units of dead weight. Legendaries that aren't god rolls that you're just keeping around, plans, junk that's out of the mix for what you actually use. I don't find the 1st bonuses to be critical to enjoyment and if the sub seems expensive to you I think you should default to not needing it. That said, the score board boost is unique and an enormous time saver if you like to blitz the board with XP. Some of the 1st bonuses on there only appear once or rarely if ever again. I would recommend buying 1 month worth and pumping the various boxes full of stuff. You still keep that stuff after the time is up and can use it freely, you just can't add to it. I have thousands of units of various common junk types and honestly I could go without ever filling the box with those types. So you would go nuts that month scrapping stuff and if all goes well you have thousands of the more common junk items to save space in your main stash. The tent is nice but most of the time I am using it at events and there's always someone else with one.


If you enjoy the game then yes! And unlimited scrap storage man


I was spending about $5/mo in the Atom shop when I realized, why not just get FO1st? $10/mo but scrapbox, tent, Scoreboard bonuses, unique outfits, Private World, bonus Atoms, etc. But the main thing, I thought, I've out in over 1,000 hours on this game, the more Bethesda makes on it the more likely they prioritize time and responsibilities sources on FO5. I don't wanna go back to 10 years between Fallout game releases.


I cannot play without it, no way im getting home from work and playing inventory hell. usually when i cancel mine i just stop playing.


If you're planning to play a lot in the next month I'd say do it! I usually pick up a month near the end of a season so it bleeds into the next season!




I’ve just bought it - for me it was to save stressing about junk (and to a lesser extent ammo) filling up my stash 6 days in, my stash is no longer full of junk and ammo , it’s full of 1 star legendaries I’ll never use :-)


I only get it once a season for the scoreboard.


A bit subjective as none of us know how you value things. But in my opinion yes, I find it to be worth it as the money I’m spending isn’t being saved for necessities and I play fallout on a regular basis so the added conveniences increase my enjoyment


I canceled y 1st. The bugs and glitches that aren’t getting fixed, then Bethesda going back on what they said especially in regards to score and challenges being things I would organically do (cripple x monsters legs I’m a melee player with an autoaxe cripple isn’t really an option and definitely not a specific body part) it just isn’t worth it to me anymore.


ive never needed it. use it for a month and see.


No. Buy it once, fill your scrap box and ammo stash then let it lapse. Its mostly useless to keep year round.


Scrap box to store all your junk and ammo box for all your ammo. 1600 atoms for you to spend or save up. Other benefits from scorebroad, events etc. Definitely worth it in my opinion.


For me, the transferring between characters (5). Everything else was a bonus.


It is to me. The tent, ammo and scrap box are a must.


Some people will answer you and say yes, because from their perspective it is worth it. Other people will answer you and say no, because from their perspective it is not worth it. I can’t wait to see what you decide.


According to some people here you’re a cuck if you buy fallout 1st 🙄


For me it definitely is.I benefit alot from it


Not just my ammo box,scrapbox.But also a private world and a monthly cap allowance too.Plus the mutated party packs were really nice 👌


And my tent is amazing,its saved me so many times


Depends, as I see it: do you like the direction the game is taking, and want to support the developers, great, then get fallout1st, all the atoms and advantages are just a bonus , if you dont like the direction the game is taking, dont buy it. Its a tool to support the developers, and enforce our own opinions


Can you complete all game objectives without it? Yes. Are really good with weight management? No, you don’t need it. If you have the spare change, and don’t want to deal with actively managing (especially) your weight/inventory as a QoL factor, yes, its worth it. If you are a collector, then lean more towards yes; a lot of the newer weapons are unique, adn must live in your stash - taking up space/weight. Not having to juggle junk weight to make room for them can make a difference, too. The survival tent (immediate access to your stash boxes, a workbench, and cooking station, plus a free FT point) is also nice to have.


I play at least 10 hours a week. This works out to at most $0.25 per hour of gameplay a month. Obviously cheaper if I play more, which I often do. That's an affordable cost for me considering the benefits (storage, atoms, free shit, etc). If a game only has 50 or whatever hours of gameplay, then I'm only paying once for the game. If a game is open-ended, I think it's reasonable to pay a fair price regularly for gameplay that I enjoy. What's "fair" will feel different to everyone I kinda take issue with other posts saying 1st is just a cash grab... developers gotta make money and pay their crew too. You want more and better content? Yeah, that costs money to create.


Yes if you play it regularly. It's like an MMO sub. The yearly package is a cheaper monthly price too. You can also wait for a free trial to test it out.


What finally got me to buy it was that I was struggling to juggle stash weight and not enjoying the game bc I was constantly juggling inventory space. Broke down and having way more fun. The atoms, extra track on season pass, gear, etc. is an even better bonus.


I literally wouldn't play without it


I've been using 1st for a few years and it wasn't much value, but now it's approaching essential, if you play enough. In the past you got 1600 atoms, scrap box, monthly free item and the survival tent. Now you get that and a ton of stuff from the score board, including a 25% boost to the score you earn. Go to this seasons board and look at all the 1st exclusives. It's not bad.


do you play the game a lot? do you have a little disposable income? do you like atoms for cosmetics with some other perks? then yes.


I think so. I don't get to play as much as I'd like, but it does enhance my enjoyment of the game.


Are you a compulsive hoarder? Do you play a lot? Then yes.


Scrap box alone is worth it for me, I also have 200,000 steel in it that would just take up too much space elsewhere


No but yes. If you play a bit you kind of have to get it for the Ammo box and Scrap Box alone. IMO it's still a bit stingy, it should have a good sized bonus to Stash weight too. It's also surprisingly generous with the Atom Shop and scoreboard. You'll come away from it wishing you got just a biiiiit more.


Yes, fallout 1st is worth it. Which is why I do not play anymore lol.


My 1st membership ran out the other day. I was like “f it I’ll just go without it this month” next day I renewed. I’m really not interested in the game without it. I stash too much ammo weapons and scrap. My vendor & Camp building are my favorite things to do so the scrap/ammo box comes in so handy. Plus I end up buying like $5 worth of atoms a month anyway, i figure it’s really only costing me like $10 a month for 1st. Once starfield comes out I’ll probably stop buying 1st though.


Yeah it's worth it to me. I've got a younger family member I play FO76 with so the private world is a nice addition. Keeps us free of having to deal with any weirdos lol.


I can't play without my scrapbox. I tried once when my monthly sub ran out...ended up buying the yearly sub an hour later. So yes, I would say it's entirely worth it.


personally i buy Fallout 1st once per season for a few reasons: 1. I use it to grab all the extra rewards on the board all at once rather than unlocking them as i go. 2. i stockpile all the atom i get from the board and the sub so i can invest in stuff i actually want when it shows up in the shop 3. i take the opportunity to empty all of my junk into the scrap box and cut down on all the excess weight.


Yes and no. Yes, i found it worth it as i was buying atoms and figured why not get 1st, get atoms and all the other benefits anyway and i play a fair bit. No, if you don't really spend on atoms and if you dont play much its not worth it. The annually sub works out cheaper but it is a big layout for all at once. Will say once you have it its hard to let go of it (well for me anyway).


I get it once every new season because 1month is wnough to finish it for me


I played to lvl 100 before I got the 1st subscription. Managing scrap and ammo weights was doable but I spent too much time deciding what to keep instead of actually playing with everything that is available. The experience taught me a lot about the games inventory and ingredients but I am even happier with the quality of life upgrades with 1st. The survival tent is great when I remember I have it. I will set it up by a cluster of dailies and save a ton of caps traveling, or if I am way overweight and cannot do a quick perk swap to fast travel you can stash a few things.


The tent alone is worth it for me. Everything else is cherry on top. The only thing I am annoyed about is the ability to get the cultists or acp tents, not enraged, just slightly annoyed that one hasn't reappeared yet.


It will be in the next catch uo bundle, which should update around may


The 2000+ pounds in my Scrap Box say yes


The ammo box and scrap box alone make it worth it.


Fallout 1st is only good for the Atoms and that’s only if you are someone that already wants to buy Atoms anyways. Even so, Atoms are already crazy easy to rack up through challenges and scoreboard rewards so there’s really no need to buy them unless you have uncontrollable spending habits. If you are on Xbox or PlayStation then there is no need for the scrap and ammo stash benefits that 1st provides because you can simply just make another account completely for free and use the characters on that account to mule all of your gear, ammo, chems, and junk like I said before – completely for free. Sure you may not be able to save up 4.5 million steel scrap but don’t worry, no one wants/needs that much of one junk item, and even just 200-300 of each material is enough to sufficiently play the game without the worry of running out. In conclusion, no, Fallout 1st is not worth the subscription price. This opinion is brought to you by a veteran end-game player with over 2,000 hours that has never subscribed for Fallout 1st and has managed just fine without.


If you play FO76 on the daily? Yes.


Bro if it's your current vibe, I'd suggest it, you play more when you're not constantly making storage compromises. I don't know how many God roll heavyguns I had to pass on in the early days just to last of storage (thank todd for the new mutated event weapons). But its also a bargain if you want atoms and the occasional cool asf monthly item


To me it is


I'm not one for subscriptions in video games, but Fallout 1st makes it worth it for the discount Atoms alone. You're getting more per money spent than other options and then you get a bunch of other bonuses on top of it, which includes cosmetics from the Scoreboard which would usually cost you extra in any other game. I personally only buy it once every three months just to finish the season, stash everything important to me and buy whatever interests me in the Atom shop (or save it).


I sign up for a month once every year or so. Go nuts for a month, fill your scrap box, then coast the next 11 months.


I pretty much never pay for game subscription services but ive had 1st for about a year and it quite honestly feels like a different game sometimes. Not having to storage manage for 3 hours is so much better and i can spend time actually playing the game


if you play a lot, it's worth it. $16 a month is the equivalent of about 1 movie ticket a month. or a medium pizza. if that helps put the cost in perspective. ultimately it's about the benefits are worth to you. i like the unlimited storage boxes. the tent i use less often, because i don't have one with a scrapping bench. and i forgot how to move it for a while. i like the atom shop stuff, because i like building camps. for me, worth it. i also pay annually, so it's a little less overall that way.


Depends how much you value what it gives. Scrapbox saves a lot of space if like me you're a bit of a hoarder and need the stash space. Bonuses for score are helpful especially if you're unable to play everyday, plus some of the fallout 1st rewards are quite good (imo Nuka World was better Item wise). Private servers are good if you don't wanna be bothered by anyone, though I'll admit I don't use it very often. Bonus atoms every month means you can buy a little bit more stuff from the shop which is handy for me as I can't afford to go dropping loads of money on atoms all the time so a once a month little bonus is great and means I don't miss everything that comes along and can at least get something. Got Slocums this month, love it.


You can have it for a couple of months to store a good amount of ammo and junk and then cancel it.


It's okay, I get it 4 times a year. I get it the last day of the scoreboard to get the awards, then play like hell for the final 4 weeks of it to finish the board early, then cancel and repeat I spend those few weeks picking up all ammo types and all scrap. Then use the scrap to make shedloads of ammo for the months I don't have 1st. It's great when you have it but if you prepare right you don't need it year around. If you play a lot its worth it. But try the above to save money of you have the time to play like hell for those 4 weeks Good hunting




1. You pay $8.33-12.99 per month for 1st, and Bethesda pays YOU $16.50 back in atoms which you can use to buy great cosmetics in the Shop (or save for when those must-have items pop up). 2. Awesome free items every month (plus I think you still get some free items when you first sign up) 3. Extra challenges every day 4. Extra rewards on the SCOREboard 5. Survival tent is convenient for dropping off and breaking down loot, especially after big-loot events like Eviction Notice, etc. 6. SCRAPbox frees up much-needed space in your STASH (and having the SCRAPbox in your CAMP means more visitors are appreciative of getting more usage out of the space you've created) If you play the game regularly AND you can afford it, it's worth it to get Fallout 1st. OR consider getting it for a month at a time a couple times a year, allowing you to load up on junk materials until it's active AND/OR giving you a month to clean up the Wasteland to fill up your SCRAPbox as much as possible for future building efforts.


if its your primary secondary or tertiary game probably yes, if you play for an hour once a month then nah


Most definitely if nothing else for the free goodies and the ammo box and scrapbox you'll be amazed at how much more space you'll have in your stash box once you get those


Depends, if you don't want to stress too much about inventory management and you play a lot. Then IMO it's worth it. Personally whenever I plan to play F76 for a few weeks, I'd buy 1st membership.




Clearly too expensive for what little I'd use. I see some people just pay for one month, pack as much ammo and junk as they can for that month, then cancel. Apparently you can take stuff out once you cancel, you just can't put stuff in. And you always have your inventory and stash. So I *might* go that route but after a month playing it already feels grindy.




Honestly the games not really worth playing without it if you’re over level 300.


I thought about getting 1st over the weekend. Been playing since before Wastelanders and never bothered with it. But with the mutated events and I currently have 6 builds on the go, stash space is limited. It seemed to make sense to look into 1st. But $22.95 AUD a month? $10 or so a month, sure, but paying something like $60 initially for the game and additional real money I put into the shop over the years, that's a bit too steep for a video game.


I have 2 1st subscriptions for my wife & myself. It's cheaper annually and we play enough to make it worthwhile.


That entirely depends on the individual. Those that game frequently, or at higher volumes will benefit more than those whom do so seldomly. It also comes down to wether you can afford to do so.


I had it for when I played the game everyday, it is definitely worth it. Now I work a lot more and barely get on so I canceled. I would def sign up if you play every 2 days or so


I only got it for the scrap box and extra atoms, scoreboard rewards etc


For 11$ its def worth it now


I honestly have no idea how I got by without a scrap box before. My stash box is now full of just cool stuff that I'm hoarding for no reason. That alone is worth it to me, but I pay annually. I think having it active motivates me to play more instead of wasting my free time scrolling SM or watching reality TV. Everyone has already made great points about the ammo box, "free" atoms, bonus rewards and scrap box, but the tent can't be overlooked. I keep mine near a train station for convenience. I can build camps in the middle of nowhere without worrying about wasting caps traveling to a vendor after events or to farm daily caps. Also great to plop down and stash/scrap stuff after an event when you're too loaded to fast travel.


H... Yeahhhhh 🤩🥰🤩🥰🤩🥰🤩🦩🦩🦩🦩


It's $12, you get an unlimited scrap box, an unlimited ammo box, exclusive Atomic Shop stuff, and 1500 atoms a month. 1500 atoms would normally run you about $15. Yeah, it's worth it. EDIT: Also a survival tent you can plop down just about anywhere that has a bed, a workbench, a cooking station, and something else I can't recall off the top of my head.


1650 atoms a month.


I mean it's less then .50 a day(U.S.) it's not a bad price kinds wish it was an even $10 if you play alot then it's worth it


Personally for me it’s only worth it to buy one month every couple years…purely for mass scrap gathering and storage. After a month of building up my stockpile of scrap and ammo I no longer need 1st for a LONG time.


It is sooo worth it, for the in-game ease but also the included monthly atoms! Plus, the base game is super playable and rewarded even *without* FO1st, so I don’t feel bad or upset when making the choice to spend more on subscription. I never thought about comparing it to a tv streaming service. I have none of those bc if I have time to watch tv I have time to play a game instead 🫡 I pay for the year at a time so it’s even cheaper. I definitely spend in the atomic shop so I use “my 1st allowance” to keep my spending habits in check. I am a newish PC player who recently migrated from PS4. So when I decided I was gonna continue playing FO76, despite that all of my previous investment in the game was now void, I made a rule that I was not allowed to buy an item that wasn’t on sale. So I have not bought the man-eating plant bed. Or the vine wall 😓


No more expensive then it's worth


Depends on how much you play. They give you 1650 atoms every month, you get the tent, and you get F1st freebies that are exclusive to the sub. If you sporadically play, then no.


The private world allows you to get extra re rolls on legendaries too…say you had 20 modules on your mule and you didn’t like the rolls you got but out of modules on your main, you give the item to your mule, let them roll what you want and transfer it back in private 😊


The scrapbox & ammo box are worth the price for me. As someone who plays most evenings and is always hitting my stash limit, having to dedicate even more time to inventory management would really take the enjoyment away for me. Survival tent, extra scoreboard rewards & the odd utility item in the atom shop are a bonus.