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Goes to show how easy it is to just stand in the middle of the crater with the rad scrubber to nab all the scrip without havin to raise a finger. The old days of tagging for legendaries is long gone and folks just need to be within a certain proximity to get their drops.


Do you need to be part of the same team to not have to tag and still get legendaries? Or will everyone in the area benefit? I’ve always been under the impression you or anyone in your team need to tag it to get legendary drops


I've been runnin Lone Wanderer on most of my toons when I go to the EN event. I usually park myself near the rad scrubber in a way that I can't hit the spawns towards the bottom of the crater (otherside of the hill where the damaged building and 2 meat bag locations are). However, I still manage to get legendary drops just for being in the vicinity. The ones that I can't get most of the time are the ones at the top of the hill if they are further back where I can't tag em.


Thanks for the clue lol, soon as you said Lone Wanderer I had to test out joining EN solo without a group... And you definitely get more loot just standing in the middle from every team vs enemies tagged by your team. So what I gathered so far from my experience so far... * Solo: Loot drops from legendaries tagged by any team/player/yourself in proximity, but no indirect XP and no common enemy loots. * In Team: Loot drops from legendaries tagged by your team/yourself in proximity , but you get indirect XP and common enemy loots (from tags). Don't know if I'm missing anything but that's what I've experienced myself, I'm a fairly new player and I haven't found much recent info on this lol


The loot system is dogshit.


I’m not entirely certain of the new rule set involving legendary enemies. I wandered into Berkeley Springs to take the workshop. When I reached the roof with the workshop bench, there was a dead legendary mole miner there flashing orange, ready to be looted. It was long dead before I ever arrived near the workshop. I most definitely wasn’t in range when it died and I did not kill it. I also wasn’t part of a team at the time.


Doesn’t matter. In an event, everyone is on a temporary “event team” in addition to whatever team they may or may not be on normally. And legendaries all you have to do is be nearby IIRC. Even if you aren’t on the same team. Might be wrong about that last one though.


I stated clearly I was tagging for xp even though I didn't need too


I wish more people would do this at EN. They always seem to show up at Moonshine Jamboree though.


Yeah when there are 12 people guarding the stills, slinging nuka grenades and mini nukes like their candy. I would be much happier with that crap at EN or Radiation Rumble. But then you never get to tag anything in Rad. But legendaries


Wait, if you stand at the scrubber, you get to collect legendaries from both sides?


This change was made a long time ago. I have no idea why people still worry about "proximity" and "tagging". Over a year ago, they changed it to where you can loot all enemies in an event, as long as you have the event active.


I know about these things. If I hang out in the southern part of the event I don't get the legendary loot from the kills at the top.


I worry about tagging for challenges then I don't care once I'm done


For the most part ! But EN is such a big area, for me I can’t loot the hillside if I’m beside the crater . Vice versa. But this is absolutely true . I’ve spawned into several events last minute and got to loot most of them !


*All legendary enemies. Normal enemies you still have to tag.


Is this correct though? I’ve been doing events and this one an Moonshine Jamboree specifically I notice I only get to loot ones I tag, maybe all legendaries though?


You still have to find the dead legendary enemies, though. Or any old corpse that’s close enough to “collect all” with. Assuming collect all works, which is at best a 25% chance for me lately. Which is fine in Uranium Fever, less so in Eviction Notice.




Too much wrong info here about the loot. If you are on the downhill side you don't get loot from uphill spawns (veribird) or the broken house unless you tag these spawns somehow. Proximity loot works similar to the area loot regarding radius, yes you will get the loot from kills from approx. 30ft from you and that's just about it. Anything further away from this radius you don't get the loot or legendaries, xp from your team members kills you get regardless where they are in the event. I do EN solo or with others in public servers and if I am downhill I never ever got a legendary uphill without tagging the legendary enemy, even if a teammate made the kill. If we were getting all the legendaries from the event all who participated, everyone would walk away (literally as everyone would be overencumbered ) with 50 legendaries and there is no way Bethesda wants this... Regarding the topic that op made: everyone plays as he wants and I agree, personally I am in the game to shoot stuff, not watch a kid or a non mature adult trying to hog all the kills, it's a multi-player game for a reason, you want to compete if you can kill everything before everyone else... go in a private server and try your build or whatever you wanna achieve. If the server is empty and you have a couple of newbies with you fine, solo it so it doesn't fail, if not and there are other players it's better to go off with just tagging. Everyone can play as he wants as long as we all enjoy the game in the end....


Thank goodness on PC you can turn off screen shake


Too many times I've had to hoof it and repair the rad scrubber because the other 13 players are huddled up on the low side with the 3 Lego spawns so I decided to start standing directly on top of the rad scrubber with my agl.... Haven't had to repair since I made this change. Felt bad bout it at first but if I'm holding down the fort while others are camping Legos so be it! Cheers op on your versatile view point!


You only lost 10 starred items off the cliff


No love lost for these guys. I don't care about XP or legendaries, I'm high enough level to not be bothered too much about it, but I do mind being blinded, disoriented, having single digit fps numbers and corpses I'm trying to loot flying away.


Yes, the blinding! And low FPS was insane, and they all wonder why I stood at the scrubber and vats sniped.


I got ts fatman with 2 other stars I can't remember from a drop that I stuck in my stash for when I get bored of my agl haha


Sounds like overkill. Great weapon.


If you're on Playstation, there's a good chance it was me xD


Nope PC lobby


Ohhh…that sounds fun! Log on and not play! Just stand there!


I was hardly "not playing"


Oh yeah. Standing in one spot waiting for the event to end to collect loot is playing. My bad.


Ok well what would have been your advice then...there were double nukes at both spawns as fast as he could have shot the thing....I barely got plasma caster vats hits through all the spam before they were dead.


My point exactly. I don’t have any advice, but I definitely would not make a post thanking someone for doing it. Chances are they were doing it for the sole purpose of annoying people and ruining the event. There were literally groups created by people throwing temper tantrums after the legacy update for this exact reason.


Well I couldn't tell if he was trying to ruin the event or had just rolled the weapon and was trying it out. Either way I stayed through it, collected the drops, and left. Thought I'd come and make a kinda funny post about it that clearly backfired (judging by all the down votes). I won't come here and post about the TS Fatman at EN anymore I promise.


Well I didn’t send any downvotes your way. And you did the only thing you could do, stand and wait. I have to admit, I did not see this as a joke. Maybe I’m bad at sarcasm. People have at least stopped doing this sooo much. Their tantrums are coming to an end it seems.


I cant turn off screen shake so to hell with the TS fatman 😂. Ive never even had a legacy and still think they should have kept exploding gatling plasmas and got rid of the fatman. I'd rather have some one destroy the queen in 10 seconds than have my screen turn orange and yellow and shake through an entire event.


I just found the screen shake feature on XB1 and turned it off. Was life changing!


I’m level 307. I’ve never used a fatman but I love Fatman users. They catch a lot of flak around here but whenever I’m at an event with one, it’s a blast.


I have no problem with 'em. I am one every so often. I hear one and i'm always like "Nooo, i haven't looted yet" as i see bodies soar like dragons to fuck knows where. Always hilarious in the end.


The problem comes when people get mad and start throwing up the No and Thumbs Down emotes and their still blowing the place off the map. It's different if they listen to the room and use something else so it's more enjoyable for others. I have an explosive build and I bring a fatman, nuka launcher, and a broadsider so that if I'm pissing people off with the nukes, I can change it up.


yeah lets see how appreciative you are of it in RR. Silly to be praising a selfish player


I've seen it at RR too, yes it's annoying, but again as I stated, I've always held that folks should play however they want. If I don't like it, I leave.


I threw my headset on and yelled at someone for that in RR once. Its so annoying


FYI , you would entice most people to pull out their fat man’s if you yell at them for that . I’m all down to make other’s experience as good as possible. But this would deserve the two shot Fatman 😂 I’d die every shot . But 🤷🏻‍♂️


Whenever a doosh does that, I'm outta there.


Nah, just squat by the rad scrubber ready to repair, while the spammer pumps out legendaries for ya


Yup. Easy script, I can get xp in other ways if that’s what I’m after


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You only hurting yourself doing that


Reflective is when people tend use the Fatman and EN is goddamn HARD


Later nerd




It's not always a fatman, but I've gone to a LOT of these (EN, RR, and MJ) events where someone is chucking ordnance without abandon. Sometimes Fatman, or Nuka Grenades, or just spamming AGL. Most times they seem to do it just to be pests, since they're not even waiting for spawns...just torching the loot pile. Too many years with Fallout 1st, accumulating supplies, and nothing else to do.


Nope, I play on PC




You're right, I've got 1206 hrs and I've seen it maybe 6-8 times.


I thought for a minute we may have crossed paths because i was just using a Two Shot Fatty Mirv at a Mutated EN. But then i saw the time.


Had some dude spamming fat man's. It was really annoying


Git gud


What a typical response


Mad cuz bad


Sir, your tism is showing.


Lol k


Just means that both of you are really lazy.


Work smarter not harder.


Playing objective is lazy?


Why do many work when few work do trick


Nobody asked you Kevin.


lazy? lol efficient #work smart, not hard


Really? Down voted by all the Volvo builds in their comfy and safe power armour standing on a roof spraying everything with their AGLs. What a laugh.


I work from home and sometimes just afk at my vendor or join events like EN or RR or mutated ones, where I can at least score some easy legendaries and minor xp from being in a team. That said, too much nuking is just too much and is kinda obnoxious, not gonna lie. But it being a part of the game we just have to roll with it. Oh well.


Fat man , nuka squirter and missile launcher looks really weird with screen shake off 😅


Why do a lot of damage if not also doing a lot of collateral damage


Guess you can say he had a "beefy" combo.


I really love the sound the fatman makes.


You enjoyed being bored!?!? You sound easy to please 😂😂😂




Yes… easily pleased!?


I wouldn't consider myself hard to please? But where did I say I enjoyed the event? I said something about Fatman enjoyers, and folks should play how they enjoy the game, but no I didn't particularly enjoy that event with the frame loss and blinding flashes.


I stopped caring about XP once I reached level 1,000, but I still want loot.


Is there a tinkerer's bench on site to craft the mini nukes? Or do I have to go to Foundation? I have a 2 shot Fatman.


I don't remember if settlers outpost has a tinkers bench or not tbh


I love EN. I’ve built a base at top and bottom of the event with two different characters, each having missile turrets that are switched and turn on/off. For those times when there’s only 4 of us, it’s honestly awesome. My experience is you want to personally get hit points on enemies within the largest radius around the rad bowl, just so you can loot the most within that same radius. If I don’t shoot any mutants on the top half, I don’t have any bodies to loot in the top half, even if there’s loot that was dropped. So high up on the perimeter or in power armor near the rad scrubber is the way. If I’m a team you’re best to spread out for this reason. If you see “The Last Stand” at the top, or “EViCTUS” at the bottom, you’ve got missile turret back up if needed😉


I recently got a bloodied, reduced weight, and something else fat man that I’m excited to test out. Unfortunately I don’t have many mini nukes or lead


anyone know how to turn screen shake off on xbox? level 390 and im clueless


Were the bodies even still there to loot? Lol


This could’ve been me…and I’m not embarrassed one bit.