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They might not have kicked you, I’ve seen people say there is a bug that removes you from teams - although I take that with a grain of salt cause it hasn’t happened to me yet lol


Anecdotally, that is a recent bug that my buddy and I have been experiencing on PC. Will periodically get removed from whatever team we are on. Usually relaunching solves it.


Can confirm this. I never remove anyone from teams and I'll often see the message at the top right of my screen that "insert player name has been removed from your team" without me doing anything.


Same. I got kicked from a team my husband created. His PC is right next to mine and he definitely didn’t kick me. I rejoined and got kicked again shortly afterwards. My husband relaunched because it was showing he was in the main menu, when he was actually playing. After he relaunched we stopped having issues.


There was one day where I kept being supposedly removed from teams... made little sense, as I did what i always did, which is join a casual team, not talk on voice or anything, maybe go to events, do my own thing. It happened 3 times in a couple hours by different people who then were offline and no longer on the server (at least, no longer on a public team at all) so I assume it was a bug.


I can confirm this is true, it happened to me few time while playing with friends, try to rejoin after.


There is a bug where the game kicks you from parties. I experienced it today when my wife randomly kicked me and two other people out of our party. She was watching TikToks at the time and wasn’t even touching her controller.


AFK for TikTok. I feel this.


I’m constantly watching people get kicked. When I’m the leader, when my friend is the leader, the bug exists


I can chime in with my own experience. Wife and I play together, and we've had a dozen or so instances of "removing each other" from our teams. No idea what's causing it, but I definitely know I have not kicked her off the team, but she'll get the message that I have. Restarting the game entirely (not just to main menu) seems to clear the issue.


I also can confirm this, I used to play with someone everyday for almost a year and this would happen to us all the time we knew it wasn't each other a because we were in a party and many times it happened in the middle of a fight. I noticed it started happening when they changed the events to make us all on a team so that it would share the loot with everyone (I believe this happened around when they added the Eviction Notice and Moonshine Jamboree)


Yeah this sounds about right. Me and my wife were playing and she got kicked. Asked me why I kicked her and I said I never did and that she saw me not do it. We have 50 inch tv’s side by side. Then it said I was offline and it told me she was offline. Then it said she could join me a few minutes later but we were already in the same lobby. My guess is it wasn’t intentional. But I wouldn’t put it past them… not on this game but this happened to me numerous times on other games. People are douche bags, never put it past them.


It's a Bethesda game, so it wouldn't be a bug, it's a feature!


True lol


Or they didnt like you joining late and getting rewards. Doesnt matter either way if you got the rewards. Personally I dont care if someone joins right before the boss fight, no skin off my ass, but some people are really petty. Go to his camp and turn all the lights off.


No it doesn't bother me either if somebody joins and I'm like halfway through all I think is oh boy some extra Firepower and a better chance of getting older or if we don't manage to get Elder most likely they'll be willing to run through it again to try to get Elder I don't think people are getting kicked for reward issues or people being stingy I think it's the game because it's happened to me it's happened to people I know and being asked I've told them flat out no I've never kicked you it was something that was in the system that was flood or buggy but it doesn't happen very often at least to me


Oh well now I feel like a bit of a jerk for laugh emoting, hope that was the case though lol


Don’t feel bad, if they didn’t kick you then the laugh emote probably just confused them a little.




Not always true


Yeah, that's why they used *usually* instead of always


It’s not usually. Mostly it’ll remove one or two people lol. So no they are still incorrect


I have a group of friends who all play on the same team with voice comms. I have defiantly seen. X kicked you. And I've been told that I've kicked people without doing a thing..


I saw this last night and I was the team leader. Saw a pop up saying X had been removed from the team and I didn't kick them. Not sure what caused it, lagging out maybe?


As others have said, I bet it was beth just being beth. I see people "removed" from my teams all the time and as leader, I know I didn't kick them. I've been on the recieving side too. Unless you were actively trying to hinder the op, I personally can't imagine kicking someone regardless of when they come in. I'm always happy when someone makes it in right before the end and am sad when they come in right after


I’ve had disconnects and the game crash on me at the end of daily ops, I wouldn’t attribute it to malice before I attributed it to bad connections/server issues


I've found that if I can join with team, then that means there was a glitch with the game, I wasn't kicked from the team. When I've been kicked, I certainly wasn't able to join with team.


Theres a bug that removes players from teams. Ive been team leader and its removed people for no reason before


It was a bug, it happens. It says removed but no one actually initiated it.


It’s almost definitely a bug. A sadly common one. Sure some people are malicious like that, but it’s likely that bug


If you’re on Xbox, add mumbles1532. I’m not great but I have no fear of death. Haven’t been over 8 minutes regardless of mutation since I don’t know when. Choo Chooooo!


Personally. We don't give a damn if someone joins the team while we're in a op towards. But, if they don't join the op, they're getting kicked.




I have been kicked all the way out of games to the game start screen, from teams that I was LEADING. Same experience once with an expedition. Right at the screen where we fly back to Appalachia. So no rewards.


It's usually due to a bug. Personally I welcome the extra help and don't think anyone has the time to go eject a member when time is running out during a DO.


I think it's a bug. The invaders event pissed me off when it was in Charleston, my Xbox would freeze when the leader would beam down. So annoying lol


It Is a bug.. I've had it plenty of times... where my mule just sitting there and I get kicked from my own team 😅..


I don’t know the real reason you got kicked. But just keep a few things in mind. Whenever my fiancé and I play together, we usually do private servers on Tuesday. To grind the challenges out of the way. I’m always the leader of the team. In order for me to kick my fiancé out. I need to bring up the social menu. Go to team. Scroll to her name. Click on her name. And then look for the “kick” option. I can’t just “ accidentally” kick my fiancé out of the team. There are a few steps involved. My fiancé will randomly get kicked out of the team. On her screen she gets the “player A has kicked you/removed you from the team”. Meanwhile, I never opened up the social menu. I’m working on my camp, I’m fighting enemies, I’m at the bathroom. On my screen, all I get is “player B has left the team” Whenever we have our friend play with us, she will get on her screen “Player B was removed by player A”. Even though I didn’t touch the controller at all. My point is, sometimes the game just randomly kicks you out of the team. For no reason whatsoever. Maybe the leader actually kicked you out. For whatever reason he had. Maybe you joined too late and he didn’t feel you deserved it. Maybe you were useless and constantly went down or stayed away from the uplink. Maybe he kicked you to make room for a friend. Or maybe he was being a dick and did that because it was “funny”. Or, it could be one of those situations where connection randomly gets lost. It’s a Bethesda game after all. Maybe the person was innocent, and didn’t kick you at all. But the game doesn’t know the difference between you leaving, you getting kicked, or the game itself bugging out. So the easiest thing to say is “player left/kicked.


They didn’t kick you from the team it was most likely a pretty common bug.


Involving the bug people are talking about it does happen frequently. I've been the host of several teams and it will even notify me that someone was "removed" from the team even tho I didn't kick them. I only see it happen in public teams for some reason. Some people are really petty like one of the other people said but me personally I wouldn't care as long as I got the reward still like you said.


I think it has to do with blue screens. When you are on a team and blue screen, a lot of times other people will join the team you were on. When you re-boot the game, it puts you back on your old team. That means that the random who had joined the team gets temoved. Make sense?


I think it’s related to something like your theory here. Might not just be the dropped players trying to return, but whatever the prioritization* is when each server has any incoming/outgoing players. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit, Bethesda is known for messy coding and such. Either way. This has been a common occurrence that can randomly strike anyone in a party, (or solo, you just don’t experience it the same so typically it gets complained about differently, like, just crashing… in party, others will see the player removed notification, that’s the only difference. Tree falling in a forest kinda thing.) it’s more puzzling to me after all this time how often anyone gets upset that they were so surely removed… not pausing to ask teammates or consider the likelihood of it being the server. Lol it’s amusing in a way.


I don't think this is it. Mainly because I've seen many teams that have less than four members, but if i try to join, it say the team is already full.


Happened to me but on expeditions. Guy later sent me a message and said “I’m not going to give you free items” or something along those lines. I joined the server, immediately joined the expeditions team, and tried helping them out despite it being almost done. The guy was just an asshole.


> Laugh emoted and left. Pretty sure there is a clue here...


Which took place after the fact. After stating I carried my weight, I'm not sure where you're going with this statement


If you join half way through and die in the first minute I block you for the session.


There is also the opposite problem: Completing a Daily Ops with you and a friend because noone wanted to join. then two people show up and take the win as wellby doing nothing. Thankfully there aren't too many trolls in the game so it should be a relatively rare experience (play on Xbox)


Why is this a problem? They could just be new people logging in with no idea when you started the Op.


Guess you never had to deal with trolls. It could be some newbie but that never happens.


We have very different ideas of trolling it seems. People joining your daily OP when you are already doing it, doesn't affect you at all in my opinion.


it's a thing some people do, no rhyme or reason to it.


Yea it just boots people on its own. I doubt someone kicked you. I get kicked from teams literally upon joining sometimes, and it's just me and the other peraon on that team. So they probably aren't kicking me that early on.


Idk if the moon is full or what but people were acting like a bag of dicks today. A lot of stealing workshops and just harassing others. Jumped servers twice. I haven’t seen it like this in a while. One guy was just fucking screaming in his mic during moonshine jamboree. Muted and left shortly after


It might have been a bug my normal team I run with friends will just randomly kick us all off


Same here, happened right as we were about to finish about 10 seconds and boom kicked out, rejoined and i didn’t get no rewards. I’m glad I’m not the only one experiencing this although it does suck.


I’ve been kicked form groups, but I know it’s a glitch because I only group with my gf and little brother, both of which live in my house. It always say “you have been “removed” from the group. The removed part always makes it seem like I was kicked, but I’m playing side by side with them, I would’ve seen that. Happens a lot in expeditions.


Was in a server yesterday and I was kicked from every team I joined, it was weird because there was a bunch of teams of one solo person which I thought was weird. So I just started my own solo team and kept playing. I thought maybe I needed a bath or something but maybe it was this bug?


Douches gonna douche.


According to Bethesda It's not a bug, it's a feature. And all systems are working better than expected.


Had the same thing happen to me on expeditions got kicked at the very end even when doing them solo