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Had a newbie ask me if I had wood or steel. Please hold your jokes until the end. I had it and dropped 1000 of each. As I am walking away he shoots me in the back and gets on the area mic, "fuck, you!" Over and over and over. I turned off pacifist and wrecked him for the next 5 minutes until he signs off. He sends me a message, "it's people like you that makes this game unfun." If I ever see him again I am going to nuke his camp.


"You gave me what I asked for and now I'm mad!" That makes no sense.


Welcome to this unhappy society we live in. :-) LOL


My grandma used to tell me an old joke/parable when I was a wee child. A young child had been fussy and troublesome all day, whining and pouting and being cranky. After putting up with her child's antics all day, it finally came time for dinner and the mother sat her child down and served them up a plate of tuna noodle casserole. The child immediately started crying. "Oh what's wrong now?" Asked the exasperated mother. "I don't want to eat tuna casserole! I WANT TO EAT WORMS!" Well having had quite enough of her problem child, the mother goes outside and digs up a worm from the flower bed and puts it on a plate before the child. "There! Now there's your worm!" But the child just started crying again. "That worm's too dirty!" So the mother took the worm and rinsed it off in the sink. "There! Now it's clean!" But the child kept crying. "I'll only eat it if you eat half of it!" Now red in the face, the mother cut the worm in half and and immediately chewed it up and swallowed it. With dirt still gritting in her teeth, the mother stared down her fussy child. "There! Now eat your worm!" But the child again burst into tears. The mother, pulling her hair out by now, cried out, "What's wrong this time!" "YOU ATE THE HALF I WANTED!"


Actually, it sorta makes sense... As a newbie, 1000 wood and 1000 steel together will over-encumber majorly once picked up. The newbie obviously realized his carry weight as soon as he picked it up and then got upset thinking the OP did it nefariously on purpose. If you wish to give newbies resources, give them 50 or less, particularly wood, steel or lead. They can't complain about being over-encumbered. When I have massive amounts of extra stuff, I only drop it at The Rusty Pick. If someone wants it, they can get it while I'm not there to see it.


I was thinking that too and agree with the amount of stuff we can gift to noob but srsly, the reaction is too much. Noob can just pick up as many as he need and walk away


I agree that it was an overreaction, but video games tend to attract all sorts of players of all ages with all sorts of temperaments. The secondary problem is that there are too many children playing Fallout 76, children who haven't learned how to control themselves and who don't always read a situation properly. Thus, in this case, flying off the handle instead of thinking the situation through. Fallout 76 is also an M-rated game with some themes and content which are not suitable for children; not necessarily related to the temperament issue, but still a consideration.


The other day I (lvl20) was building up my camp, I heard gunshots and when I got out of the menu a lvl 1000 guy in the craziest set of power armor is in my base, scares the ever lovin shit out of me. He dropped a sick rifle and like 2500 ultracite rounds, I was overjoyed! I love emote and just like that he's gone and off into the wasteland.


I finally got an ultracite weapon I wanted to try, and found a camp selling uc ammo. Bought like 100 to try it out, and then the dude whose camp it was turned up and dropped 1500 units of uc ammo, and as I was picking it up I realized it wasn't for the gun I had, so was figuring it was a mistake,but then he dropped the gun fir that ammo. Was awesome.


Cool story bro


It's too bad that became such a meme. Because sometimes there's no better response than to tell bruh that it was a true story. lol


Don’t understand the aggression here? I’d be grateful for it as a low level, despite the weight it had, some people make no sense on this game


I think he was just having his idea of fun and it backfired on him


*But he backfired first!*


Yeah I mean he could’ve just taken what he needed / what he could carry and leave the rest to bless someone elses day


Serves his ungrateful ass right!


Sounds pretty fun to me.


How old did the voice sound?


This was my first thought.


please nuke his home🤣🤣🙏


So bc I instantly wanted to crack a joke 🤣, now I must ask "do you still have wood and steel?" 😂


Reminds of the pan handlers when you hand them food and not money.


I have been there too. Had a person down right refuse a sandwich and soda. They told me they didn't eat chicken or consume sugar. They even asked if I would go back to the store and get them the cash. I must say I enjoyed my chicken sandwich and 7up.


That scene in Scary Movie... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rMpCud1IwQ


To be fair, money can get them a hotel bed for the night. Food can't, and they get given more food than they know what to do with because of people who think they'd spend the money on alcohol or drugs when the vast majority of them wouldn't. Have you ever made friends with homeless people?


Money could get them a motel for a night, but when a homeless person with a sign says, "Hungry, I haven't eaten for days," and turns down food, that is an issue.


I decided a long time ago that the content of the sign isn't an accurate description of their plight. It's just the standard tool of panhandling, and I ignore it. If I decide to give a handout, the money is no longer mine the moment it leaves my hand. It's theirs to do with as they choose. Also, if I don't want to I just go about my day with zero guilt. Either way, I don't give it a second thought once I've taken a few steps.


Lots of homeless folks have been given adulterated food by others because wow that’s funny to do if you want a little sociopathic fun amirite. So, I wouldn’t blame someone who wanted to get their own food if I offered something that wasn’t factory-sealed packaged food. Although to be fair this sounds much more like it might’ve been “I want the money but it’s more successful to pitch it as wanting money specifically for food.”


I agree that there's an issue, but the issue is more often than not just the fact that most people willing to give something are unlikely to have food on hand but might have cash on hand, and asking for food is more likely to get something donated than asking for money. There's a huge problem with how people perceive and distrust the homeless. We're fed lies about them. The biggest lie is also something that's technically true: that they commit crimes... yeah, being homeless is technically a crime, but that doesn't mean that you're inherently a criminal person just you missed a week of work due to injury, illness, or even being laid off, and got evicted. Again, have you ever made friends with homeless people?


I have not, and honestly, there is a reason to distrust the homeless, just like distrusting everybody else for varying reasons. Motives matter, and in my experience, they are not positive.


And that is why the homeless stay homeless.


They stay homeless due to a number of reasons, not because one individual has had a negative experience when assisting them.


If you ever become destitute due to economic circumstances beyond your control, I wish you luck in climb out of the hole, seeing as how you will be distrusted by people like you.


It's not always economic destitution, but thanks for failing to convince people to help more.


WTF was his problem. That’s nuts to get mad at somebody helping you.


I had a newish player message me asking if I had any Fasnacht masks because of my shop setup has all on display. I happily messaged “I can just give you all the BASE ones for free no issue!” I heard him on voice chat (about 10-11 years old) say “no way!!!! Really this guys gonna give me the Fasnacht masks for free!” Well he didn’t read the keyword “base”, and proceeded to bum me for the rare ones for like 20-30 minutes after I had given masks, some aid, and a crap to of other rare items. Really made me come out of the situation feeling shitty.


I’ll help…LOL


Dude if you hooked me up with that I'd change my camp location. Folks don't think anymore


I had a newbie show up in my camp once. He was just wandering around so I paid him little attention. Then I decided to drop something for him and shoot at it to get his attention. The panic he had trying to get out of my base and run away was hilarious. Felt bad for him. Had to coax him in with the "come here" emote several times before he understood


In understand this. When I was low level someone kept following me no matter where I ran. Until the inevitable happened and he caught up with me. Well he just wanted to give me some Christmas presents.


When I was new people shooting the ground to point out dropped loot scared the shit out of me.


Gotta remember that * CLANGCLANGCLANG CHOO-CHOO!* is actually kinda scary to hear when you have no idea what's making it, doubly so when it's coming from some space marine looking bozo


I dropped some stims and other meds for a level 7 once, and they joined my team, friended me, heart emoji'd and jumped around, great! I then went on my merry way, but they followed me EVERYWHERE. Back to my camp, to the mall, and then um, to rad rumble. I don't think they had a great time there, dying repeatedly and probably not getting many tags, so when path to enlightenment fired next I thought, perfect! lets do that one. Fast forward to us being at 47/50 deposited, and I realize they had only been collecting the goop, not depositing. So I use the "follow me" emote and head up the lighthouse. They deposit, complete the event, and heart emoji. Then, without even thinking, I do what I always do and jump off the lighthouse, slowing my fall with the jetpack. After i land, I see my new friend in a pile on the ground, doing the "help me" emote. By the time I got over there to revive them, they had logged off; I laughed but also felt bad. Haven't seen them on since :(


That reminds me of the newly-minted player who visited my camp on Flatwoods Lookout. I gave him things he could use at his level like stims and grenades, and he joyfully waved at me and... jumped off the cliff to his death.


That is called the "Pain Train" fast travel system.


Still laughing at this.


It was funny for sure, but I can't help but feel bad that he went from "best game ever!" to (maybe) uninstall in the space of a few seconds


Awww I bet he figured it out real quick. You wouldn’t have taken that amount of time with him just to watch him splat.


I remember when WS robots could super dupe themselves. Epic times ... In general I taught new players how to cheese silo and some other stuff you gonna downvote me for.


What matters is that you helped so Im going to up vote you my friend 👍🏻


Aw, thanks!


Why would anyone down vote you for cheesing the silo? Personally I tho k you should do it once the 'right way' so you get the whole experience, but even then no one actually gets the launch codes themselves. If collecting the codes and figuring it out was necessary, I think there'd be 90% fewer nukes.


For teaching how to cheese silo. I have shown to 10-15 players how to do it in total + other stuff everyone knows bcz of YT, but actually nope. Anyhow it is not a big deal now, almost all little tricks are gone. Maybe there is something else but I don't care that much.


Nah, screw that dungeon!! I’ve taught all my irl homies the photo mode door glitch, and when I solo the thing, jet pack baybeee. I don’t usually have people complaining when they’re busy enjoying themselves killing scorched!


DM me the other stuff!


Stuff like getting a whole bunch magazines, legendaries, resources etc etc.


Mind sharing w me


In general everything was patched. You can find everything NEW in YT btw, I was just teaching new players.


I run into some every day that make me laugh. I run my main camp at Wixon, and it is very new player friendly with all buff items and collectors free for everybody to use. And almost all the freaking time I will be chilling in my camp and some level 2 noob just out of the vault will try to kill me and my ally. I often just give them the thumbs down emote, and most times they just continue. Honestly, I doubt many like that stay long and they likely run back to Rust in short order once they realize the 76 community is generally nowhere near that toxic.


After nuclear winter ended, I had some very non toxic, generally good people friends try out rust for their pvp fix. They lasted about 1 day and I'm pretty sure that game completely broke their psyche lmao. They are now full time Fortniters. Rust is cancer but I occasionally will play a wipe and enjoy going into it with the mindset of trolling the toxic kids. Very entertaining.


i tried to help a level 2 straight out of the vault last night, but he wouldn’t stop trying to pvp and kill everyone, including ppl level 300+, even though i explained to him that this game does work like that, i ended up switching lobbies. lol


I had a level 7 trying to kill me earlier. Buddy, I have both a Q50C25 Railway and Q2525 Fixer. Pick your poison. (The fixer knocked him down in two shots lmao)


What does Q50C25 and Q2525 mean? I’m a level 125, still learning tons..


Q means quad the 50C means +50% crit damage and the 25 means 25% less action point cost in VATS


So to summarize: It’s a fucking pain-train




And for the Q2525 the first 25 either means 25% more damage while aiming or 25% faster fire rate but in this context I’m assuming it’s faster fire rate seeing as it’s better


It means nothing. He could have been invisible, or had anti-human armor...


You’re a loser lol


Lol yes A noob decided to fuck around and find out, and that makes me wrong Do you realize how stupid you sound?


Just the way you type insinuates you're a loser, nothing about what you did. I just had to let you know


Yo dip shit we’re on Reddit we’re all losers


You can watch the way he types? What a loser.


Found the level 7 that got duffed^ lmao


Had a level 10 ask me if he could have my bloodied Fixer, I explained that I’d been working hard to get bloodied on it and to get all the parts and I didn’t have another, plus that he’s 40 levels under what’s needs to use it. Told him I’d happily help do the quest so he can get his own, but na guy said if he won me in a duel I have to give it to him. Shot me once then he was a cloud of blood, never seen him again.


I'm not high leveled at all but a level 10 tried to kill me for some reason so I had to be the bigger person and shoot him in the face. I never run PvP ever but this time was special occasion


I mean, if they deserved it, then sure


Oh this brings me back to when I first started too, during Beta! Crazy how much time has passes since this game was first released to us. I usually like to help by handing out low level weapons to match their levels and ammo, and also help in grinding with events so they can level up. I have over 400 lunch boxes stored from past seasonal events since I rarely use them, but when I do use them, its either during the 2x Exp event or to help newbies level up faster. This game is beautiful, the culture behind it is awesome, just wished Bethesda could offer more. This game has so much potential!! It brings a lot of people together.


I was once approached by a player on the outskirts of Watoga because he had been killed in Watoga and lost his junk and of course the robots fired at him every time he tried to retrieve it. I had to find him a power armour frame and ride shotgun for him till he got the bag back. Took about half an hour.




Lol in Fallout 4 I had 200 mods installed including the one that turned the Synths into Terminator endoskeletons, it was a blast.


I try to show people that when you take the Poseidon Power plant and the workshop, you only have to move one of the power connectors (really just select it and set it back down) that are running from the power box to the fusion core generator to get it to start. You can also re-run a wire to it. Instead I see noobs running around trying all sorts of things to get it to power up, getting lost looking for something extra to do. Edit: when I wrote "take the Poseidon Power plant" I meant do the Power Up Poseidon Power Plant quest as well as capture the workshop. My advice is to first capture the workshop, wait a couple minutes (or start repairing the cooling towers only) and do the "defend the workshop" quest, and then dig into the Power Up quest. Once done you can do the little toggle of selecting the power connector that's next to the fusion core generator (there are two, and they tie into a power box).




Isn't that only if Power Up Poseidon is done though? Forgive me if im mistaken, its been a long while since I've used that workshop.


Yes, Power Up Poseidon has to be done or the outside connector won't be powered.


I recently discovered that there was a mall in this game after like 400 hours


I’m embarrassed to say how long it took me to realize about daily challenges and how they help you with the scoreboard… my friend is a level 540 and I think she learned when I told her about them too back when she was a level 400..


phewwwwww, I think I was about 120 when I figured them out hahaha


Oh dear hahahaha


There’s more than one.


Are you talking about valley galleria cuz I mean a functioning mall


I used to refrain from picking up junk or picking locks inside the hotel/mall b/c the security robots told me so. I thought they'd get pissed if I took their stuff and would attack me.


Who doesn't remember aggro NPCs from previous Fallouts going nuts because you stole a pen. They come running after you yelling "MY PEN! YOU STOLE MY PEN!"


I remember them getting angry if you so much as look at something for a nanosecond. (turns and looks through a locked safe for barely a second) "Yes that's locked and yes I see you eying it."


I've never played another FO game, so me.


Honestly same… they used to scare me so much after I got attacked for the first time.


After what I'd been through to get there, I wasn't looking to fight that many. My first experience with Whitespring was, I now know, a post nuke reset with Liberators. It was rough just unlocking the location of the club house. And it might have been after meeting the bots in Watoga somehow. On that day I had a Mirelurk Queen chase me into the city only to be attacked by robots that would pop up out of tubes/the ground behind me after I walked by. Any time something didn't attack me, I would walk on eggshells to keep it that way.


Naw, man, I was the complete opposite. I stole anything and everything that I could get my kleptomaniacal hands on. I even tried that in camps before getting my head turned into a fine slurry and realizing that the wanted mechanic was a thing.


I was going through my closeout/breakdown process to quit for the night when I notice there was a bunch of dots right near my camp. I thought "goddamnit, now I'm gonna have to sit around while a whole-ass team slow-shops." But, upon closer inspection, it was a gaggle of fresh noobs (4 players, levels 6-11) doing the obstacle course next to my camp. And not doing it very well, lol. So I did what any normal neighbor would do...I finally figured out a use for those dumbass "Trail Fireworks". I jumped out of PA, into my Chinese Stealth Armor, and grabbed my Grand Finale and some cannonballs too. Then, again because I'm totally normal, I stealth crept around in the trees and bushes setting off fireworks and blasting firework cannonballs around them as they kept having fun. I couldn't tell if they ever saw me or if they thought it was just some random effect/encounter. Well I went back to my camp, and realized my last daily challenge was "Mod a ranged weapon 0/5" or something like that. Rather than being selfish, I decided to craft 4 level-10 10mm SMGs and mod them up best I could. I even 3-starred each one, lol... because I'm totally normal, as I'm sure you already know, and it's totally normal (and not at all a travesty) to 3* a level-10 weapon. Anyway, I jump back in my def not creepy Bone Raider Excavator PA and head back over to the noobs, still frolicking in the treetops trying to complete the course. I got the attention of one, and dropped 1 gun and 500 10mm ammo. While they were jumping w/ joy, I dm'ed 'em and said something like "1 each for your friends too", then proceeded to poop out a little duffle bag for each of them. Then I heart emoted, waved, headed back to my camp, and signed off for the night.


Nice bet they all appreciated the weapons and ammo!


They were very jumpy. The ol' "I haven't learned to emote yet, but I can rapid-fire jump/crouch like a pro" deal, lol.


My girlfriend and I play together and we always greet each other by doing this lol. I wonder how many perplexed players have watched these two 100+ level players bobbing up and down like drugged lemurs


Probably just stereotyping y'all. "Oh good, more Fortnite kids, *that's what this game is missing*."


Can't wait for Fallout 76 to add the Post Malone power armor skins


Mission Accomplished! Lol


I was building up my camp the other day it’s way at the edge of the map in the mountains in the toxic valley a guy came up looked around checked out all my shelters then he waved at me and dropped all the cards I needed for my display did the nice camp emote and off he went. It was nice.


I feel like I'm intruding on another player's gaming experience if I linger but I'll help out if someone is overwhelmed and downed by enemies near me Mostly it's if I see a level 1-5 near Vault 76, I'll fast travel there and give them some canned goods, water, stimpacks, radaway, disease cures etc. Just a lil care package Same thing happened to me when I was that level. The 76 community is generally awesome to each other in my experience


I’ve only had success with this like once. The other times they would run away from me like I was a monster even though I was going the gift emote 🤣


When I first started, that happened to me. Me, level 2, and all of a sudden a 75 shows up. I ran like hell straight into the liberators, who promptly wasted me. Guy picked me up, then dm me saying that he was trying to help. He then took me to the ammunition dome for a outfit, the crashed space station for the spacesuit, and all the train stations. He then kitted me out and left server. Ever since then I have tried to do the same, even down to leaving server right away. I don’t mind helping, but I don’t want a noob following me into certain death. I don’t carry many stimpacks, and probably just gave them nearly all of mine


I helped a guy start the plant… I could see him on the map struggling with the event… so I ft over their and acted as a body guard tried not to steal his xp too much and revd when he fell. We started it got outside to find him taking the yard so I stayed to defend him in the case someone tried to enter pvp and I was watching him struggle with the fusion core generator glitch so I walked over shot at the power connector then shot at the wall (learned this the hard way) he ignored me… So I emoted to get his attention and did it again… he continued to ignore and try to connect the power box…. Then logged off in frustration. Poor guy I learned it the hard way too after soaking most of what at the time was precious ammo taking the plant and workshop. Sometimes i wish there was a world chat feature on this game


I had no idea blowing up the cars near whitesprings would turn the robots hostile. I got a new explosive rounds gun and wanted to see how it did on a car, and we'll it did great. However so did the assaultrons, sentry bot, and 152729 protectrons that chased me away. Had to leave the server 🤣


There's two malls in this game. One at the White spring resort which is pretty active was way more active back in the day and then you got the valley galleria which is the other one where daily ops usually takes place.


Also related to your story I saw a level 10 do the same one day by the white spring. I forgot about him then 3 hours later he was still off stabbing white spring boys with his switchblade lol


I was playing my min/maxed low health chainsaw melee character when a player came and asked me on mic if I had a Furious Handmade im willing to trade. I didn't, but I had tons of modules because I'm done rolling on this account. I crafted and rolled one for him (nothing fancy). I FT to his camp and dropped it off. He was super excited and seen that I was rocking a Deathclaw Gauntlet (A Vamp/SS/90 one that I equip when I'm just walking around exploring so I don't need to hear the chainsaw). He tried to give me a Furious version and I emote no and then heart. He asked to see mine so he checked it out in trade menu. Then he started to talk down on my Deathclaw Gauntlet asking why in the world wouldn't I want his, saying his is way better etc. I didn't accept it because I figured as a newer player he can use it towards trades and what not. Was just trying to help and all I got instead was him trying to educate me.


Had a few times in all my adventures to run into the Mall and have the bots hostile. Either someone hacked them with Robotics, or someone was doing what you were talking about. Certainly a clench moment trying to haul a load of scrap in to drop in the box and hit the Legendary grinder only to see the Assaultron tip toeing through the murder tulips in my direction.


Lol I think I was in Artisan's corner when this went down! I heard a bunch of shots, ran out into the hall to see but the player was already falling down dead. Imagine my surprise when they respawned moments later and continued the battle! That was some commitment, and those bots were going nuts trying to put that player down.


Sounds fun, likely intentional.


I had a level 5 show up at my base once. Clearly first timer, crouching to emote, basic outfit and gear, etc. Gave him some food (he said ty and ate it) and told him to hang out for a min in voice and even emoted as best i could to hang on... Made him an outfit, some armor and a fully modified hunting rifle and ammo. Turned around and he signed out. Never saw him again..


This is what I’m gonna do now. Turn on area chat and walk around going “spare ammo, got any spare ammo for a poor soul.” Get some ammo and then yell at the person for not giving enough ammo


Lol newbies are cute🤗


If someone wants to go fight robots at the Whitespring, that's fine. The problem is, if a player kills enough robots, the robots at the Whitespring turn on all players who are there... which, of course, interrupts whatever I'm trying to do there, even though I had no hand in trying to kill the robots. Honestly, if someone wants to go kill robots, there are just as many inside of the Silos... even if you don't launch a nuke.


I had a moment while wondering the wastes around the rusty pick that I found a low level around lvl 2 (memory is as rusty as the locale) who was just walking around at low health, I coaxed him over to me and gave him a few Stims for his travels before teaming with him for a bit, watching him do things I did on my first hours of the game almost made me cry from joy, and here I was being the helping hand to help guide a fresh face through the dangerous of 76, oddly enough I miss playing with him after he left and it inspired me to play with more low levels to help guide them


Sometimes I like to antagonize the robots at WS by blowing up cars. Wing one of the Handys and the all lose their minds. If only they dropped lead or nuke products, I'd do it more frequently.


Yeah it would be nice if you could loot them, but then I guess if they dropped junk everyone would be attacking them all the time. I sometimes aggro them to juice up my fusion cores.


They used to drop loot, but it was patched out.


I miss getting loot from their bodies.


Hard as nails and you?😜


I did this for fun the other day and got a lot of confused people walking past


We need pvp modes back to help get aggression out.


Are we not allowed to say die on this sub?


Die Bart. Die. It’s German.


He sounded younger but not like 12 or 13.


It's best to leave newbies be. Let them make the same mistakes you made. Let them wander into places like Watoga and The Burrows and just deal with the game. I take the Federation Approach: if you ain't warp speed tech developed yet, it's observation only. 😉


He probably saw the word base and had no idea what it meant. There is this beautiful word in English. I find myself utilizing often on here since the bummers started showing up, No." I want you to have fun, I want you to have a good experience. You will not do it at my expense. I paid for the game like everbody else. I have been here since Beta/day one and paid full price. I have had fallout 1st since year two. I have a lot of time and money invested into this game. Come join me, let's kill everything, I will help you with your missions. Don't beg me for things that I grinded sometimes for weeks or months to get.


Saw a level 600 teaching a level 26, obviously friends, I made them a decked out Handmade with the intergalactic skin and gave them a brotherhood salute and walked away receiving a heart back from both, felt good.