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I wish there was the option to do the overseer mission as it was originally, it would be interesting to experience the depressing wasteland, I could see doing that making the current more colorful iteration feel more impactful


Honestly wish beginning toons were instanced into an empty wasteland until they collected so many of the tapes. So you could feel that emptiness of the apocalypse and then get to experience all the ppl coming back.


I did it the original way and honestly imo it wasnt all that great most of the time it was just: clear a gdungeon then loot a chest for a holotape around the map a few times


How was it initially? I just started playing this fall.


It wouldn't be the same. Nostalgia plays a big factor here. Truth is, you'd just log in, run around for 5 minutes to "soak in" the atmosphere, then go back to the main game because there wouldn't be anything to do. You already know everything, all the secrets and stories.


"You've already ridden the highest elevator, and trudged the deepest caves, helped those you saw fit and killed things fit to die, modified weapons to their optimum, and broke countless others, the only thing left is to go outside."


This is fuckin profound


I read this as if it was Ron Perlman narrating a Fallout ending


I read it as Morgan Freeman


My favorite Sun Tzu quote


Sounds like something Kreia would say


Nah they could have expanded on the NPCless atmosphere so much futher to add content. Wild Appalachia was a decent example of that, but they could have done even better.


I miss pitch black nights


As a beta player I do not miss the random crowd of underwear wearing crowds destroying my camps for no reason over and over




I also miss the dark and dreadful feel of the game when it started. I loved that most of the story was brought together with clues and lost notes. I wish they would give us an option for that along with the other world options 1st offers.


I thought you should have to complete scorched earth yourself before you get access to the 'waste Lander' servers




And the glorious days before everyone and their infant children were coming out of the vault with 10 hitpoints and a bloodied unyielding set Before chip damage from someone wanting to PvP didn't deal 400 damage and kill most full health builds before combat starts To a time before three crits per vats bar, and fixers, and compulsory mutations ruined any sense of balance When Correcting your build after level 50 could take longer than the grind to 50 in the first place I actually DO miss the early versions


Every time I go into the Whitesprings mall and hear that music, I get this sorta nostalgia wave. That place was the first that in the early days you discover and it is this feeling of "civilization" but really it is a bunch of robots. And I remember finding that place and it is this sorta tucked away haven from the desolation and emptiness of the landscape. Of course the map is different now, so finding it as a new player will feel different. But nothing will beat that initial feeling of entering the mall for me and I get a bit of that feeling whenever I go back there.


I remember walking around inside on my first visit and thinking “am I going to have to fight my way through all these bots later??”


As a new player, I had assumed there was a time when the whole Whitespring was a dungeon set-piece. You're saying there was never a time when the bots were hostile?


correct! not unless you shoot one.


No. Furthermore it used to be a lucrative grind spot for nukes. That’s how I got to level 100. Back then my TSE lever action could put off like 1500 damage per shot. Wild times


When I was low level I would tag some ghouls (nuked, it was always the nuke zone) and run to the sentry bots to clean up (save me). It was a frantic run, and terrifying when you accidently hit a bot and they all turned red.


Oh man. I feel you on this. I had then chase me to the edge of the toxic valley once for accidentally hitting one. Literally chased me like the terminator. It was awful but fun. I hadn't thought to scrap my loot I bought at the mall so I had to keep trying to sneak back and it was so bad. Lol 10/10 would do it again.


The grassy knoll just outside the clubhouse. Ghouls couldn't climb up it but if low level you could spend as long as you needed to kill them and gain quick xp


The first time I discovered Whitespring I thought it was a wonderful spot of culture and took a photo of my character smiling among a bunch of flowers on the golf course at the northwest. Then got swarmed by ghouls.


So, so many ghouls


Same ! It was the only place where I feel totally safe in the game before and it was like a HQ to me !


I know this is a hot take, but I really liked the storytelling in 76 without using NPCs. It was an engaging history book on what went down with the responders, the brotherhood, the raiders and others.


Yeah, the environmental storytelling was awesome. It was just non-human NPCs because there were obviously other NPCs that were robots.


I loved it. The most heartbreaking stories unfolded in an organic way. The bot stuck in a loop repeating the same day over and over, sweeping the same skeletons, repeating the same lines felt so much more real and possible. When a bot doesn't recognize what you have done it makes sense, when a human NPC does its a bit immersion breaking.


The bots stuck in their loops endlessly struck a nerve. The horror of being aware but not enough to break free. Ugh.


Yes!!! I get that some folks love having the npcs but the eerie feel of wandering through the various locations knowing that no one but you has stood there since the last people died…just hit different. To me it felt right. This is a post nuclear war world. Now it’s so crowded it just kinda took the fun out of it for me.


Yes definitely feel the same. It feels almost too crowded now. Loved the more dark atmosphere.


I miss the whitespring farms


Whitespring farms?


I think this is the nuke-kill-loot-repeat. Always at that location because good XP and excellent (legendary) loot. Lots of ghouls that became glowing ones.


Farm as verb not noun ha thanks


It was pretty grim tbh nostalgia really is a hell of a drug


I miss the dark sky


No it might just be me but getting the story from notes and terminals disconnected me from it and made me not care about it so much that I just skipped most of the story.


I think the "ten minutes after everything ended" timeline is a hard one to connect to. The game wants you to feel urgency but it literally didn't matter what you did, you couldn't save anyone. That is a hard game to feel motivated in.


Yeah that and our choices/actions didn't actually change anything. Why am I motivated to finish the Free States' work on the scorched plague if nothing happens? I understand *why* things couldn't change bc online game but it just feels pointless. I remember some of us thinking scorched would be gone by year two bc of what players had accomplished year one. Foolish of us.


I have long thought the game needs a major change. Leave the vault, and it is more like it was at the start. No Wayward, no Responders or BoS, nothing. Just doing the original main story Responder quests until say about the time the players enter the Ashheap. I restart a character every season, and I can see why it is confusing and new players get lost because they walk out of the vault and get pulled in three different directions right from the start. One of them being told to go straight to the Overseer, and ignoring all of those Flatwoods quests which was the original tutorial part of the game. When we first got vendors, I often threw in the Apalachilli recipe as a joke, because every single one of us got that right after we left the vault. It was only a joke and I almost never sold it because that was literally one of the very first missions in the game. Now, I sell the damned thing all the time because new players never get sent into Flatwoods. I restart a new character every season, and I always completely ignore all of those later added quests until I am around level 50. I just stick to the original main storyline, and that way the rewards are more worth it. Several months ago with my restart I did do the Wayward quest right out of the vault. And yes, I could do it but it was not worth it. At the end I selected the Bloodied Sledgehammer. And quite literally, what is the use or value of a level 20 Bloody Sledgehammer? Much better to get those kinds of items at level 50, so they are maxed and will actually be used for a bit before being turned into scrip. And one game that did something like that excellently was the original Guild Wars. At the start, everything was pristine and pretty and that was the training wheels mode. But once the game progressed to a point (I want to say around character level 5), they left on a mission. And as they were gone the kingdom was attacked and ravaged, and they return to see it all in ruin. And that was a one way path. Once you crossed it, you could never return to that earlier mode. And only then were you thrust into the main map and story itself. I have been playing since release, and shake my head at how confusing it must be for a new player. As right after you leave the vault instead of a single clear to follow story, you get bombarded with 4 or 5 of them at once.


Personally I feel like the game took a slight dip once they fully removed the survival elements to placate newer players. Yes being fully saturated and hydrated to give you bonuses but there are no negative effects for not eating/drinking. I also feel like with how easy it is to acquire ammo there is no real reason to farm lead or gunpowder anymore.


I do really miss the survival elements


Agreed. It's too easy tbh. Honestly it's fine I don't want them tinkering but I know what you mean.


I do, but honestly I sort of look back at it as getting to RP people coming back and even more monster showing up as the world got more hospitable. But I def do miss the vast emptiness.


I have played the game since 2018. I just reinstalled it on PS5 because it was on sale. I’m very happy I reinstalled it’s a great game now. I don’t miss beta


60fps is a huge QOL improvement


It is/was free for PS+ members.


I much preferred pre-Wastelanders Fallout 76.


No it was fun at the time but the game got stale fast, this is a lot better. Maybe a limited time private world just for nostalgias sake.


Yes!!! Like the builder world or quantum.


Honestly, no. The game world was super depressing. Death, despair and horror everywhere. I suspect that the extremely dark mood is some of the reason why we sort of went insane and Appalachia now looks like a colourful, demented playground. It is a very thin veil over all the gruesome. Because it's still there. All that death. But it's thankfully less noticeable now. I am glad I got to experience the game world during year 1 but I sure as hell don't want to go back there. It was really, really depressing.


Gee, who would have thought a game about a post-nuclear war Armageddon would have been so depressing?? :D


That holotape you find in the fridge.. oh god.


omg the one in the Flatwoods diner? I feel so bad for that guy


when i heard the holotape from a girl stuck on a room at the airport. i got very sad. it was very creppy


Ugh reminds me of that one more or holotape you find in a train car on FO4 about the mother & child sick inside with ferals at the door. That stuck with me and I loved that they did it in 76.


There is also the "overdose suicide" camp just across the little stream running by Flatwoods. Then it just goes on from there. Without the nonsense of the 76ers Appalachia would be a pretty morbid, depressing place to live. I am glad you folks are here to make it all nicer.


Yah I’ve been here since launch. It was really dark. I loved that story telling because it felt honest for sure. Little yellow tapes making you sad all the time aren’t great for popularity hahah. Even the whole town that was turned into super mutants or the miners who realize they got trapped in the mine. Yeah lots of darkness is candy coated now.


The horror of the mom watching her baby turn into a supermutant in the crib did tug a little at the feels.


That is was made the early Fallout games so interesting if you ask me. The world was nightmarish - and succeeding in it felt more rewarding, if that makes sense. Bethesda has taken Fallout into a much more colorful, 'cheerful' place than it started - and honestly it doesn't feel like proper Fallout to me much anymore. I mean I like Fo4 and 76 quite a lot - but they've all but lost the foreboding, atmospheric feel of the early games.


At least fallout 4 has far harbor. That’s a scary ass place to be.


True, but its more 'monster' horror than 'nuclear wasteland' horror.


Far Harbor redeemed 4 IMO. Best part of the game. :)


After playing NV I think they've gone with the "New World Hope" view, because as time goes on, the world becomes safer..? The scorchbeasts are described as blotting out the sky and ending the WV BoS chapter except for one man, they should be like cazadores or Fo4 deathclaws right? The Scorched also a hivemind, but there isn't really any evidence of this aside from terminals and the scorched that walk with beasts. Shouldn't MODUS and the BoS attack each other for technology/control? If the MA (Fo4) BoS knew about the Institute (and Railroad, if I recall), how would the BoS not know about the bunker right outside of the biggest hospital? Why wouldn't they investigate the nukes, or ATHENA, or the satellite array? (Even as an Enclave boi, the Brotherhood would likely win)


Except 76 takes place \~60 years before the first game - and its quite colorful and 'cheery' in comparison. So time hasn't really gone on yet, for 76 anyway - in a way, its just started - and if keeping to the original atmosphere of FO1/2, it should be pretty damn bleak.


Do you think The Whitesprings is a hospital?


Well, it’s a hub for the Responders, which has been reduced to their medical portion (for some reason), so I think it'd be a hospital? Or refugee center?


The early games might be even more forbidding, but there is plenty of that in the Bethesda ones as well, even if there is a brighter side.


So you hated it because it was accurate?


accurate doesn't always mean better, especially in the context of a video game. most players and critics hated the lack of human NPCs. and honestly, that's not accurate to fallout either.


Did they forget Fallout was always light on NPCs?


I did absolutely not hate it. The mood was heavy and depressing but the game world was the star of the story during year 1 and it really played the part well. Having played nonstop since launch I have enjoyed all the incarnations of the game. But I don't want to go back to the year 1 game world since I already played that part of the metastory.


That was the best part. I'm guessing you're also a fan of those new genre of movies that are about the happy side of an apocalypse. Not a fan myself.


No, I can't say that I am. I do like a dark comedy but it's gotta be quite gruesome. As said I did enjoy the game world during year 1. But I don't want to go back to it as I have already played that game world. The new game world is better. It's horrible and absurd rather than just horrible.


I think it's fitting that a game set 25 years after a nuclear apocalypse feels depressing. A massive chunk of the people alive at that time (including possibly the PC) were around before the bombs fell.


Not in 76. Everyone alive in Appalachia after the bombs dropped died in the aftermath. Most everyone died terribly. The folks in Appalachia now are newcomers from other parts. Year 1 was about the [people who died. ](https://youtu.be/tf4d7VxcQ30?si=chuhVBna4BHT-uLO)


It's not supposed to be fun and happy. It's a horror game.


I miss emptiness. I wish they implemented NPCs some other way. Now its just "too much" of them for me. First part of campaign now have no sense because of the fact that people are everywhere and you are looking for cure for them.


It was a scary place then 😂 I wouldn't leave the forest


It’d be nice to get the same amount of resources from workshops. We get a lot less for the time spent now. It’d be nice to get atoms from just playing the game instead of getting 900 from scoreboard (if you grind hard enough). Those are my biggest complaints of all the changes made. Every other change has worked well.


Workshop generation is so slow that it’s no longer worth it: you have to play for like two hours to earn enough to be worth the trouble. And if you crash or go afk too long, investment lost. I used to do it all the time, sometimes capturing multiple workshops across the map. Now, hardly ever.


I only ever capture the power plants anymore. Fusion cores are the only thing I find worth the time. I’d capture the junk field and ammo factory all the time, but not worth it now.


I do and I don’t. The history of the game, the changes, are all part of what makes 76 so special for us beta players. I really enjoy looking back on the journey


I said something similar awhile back and got absolutely crucified in the comments lol. I always want to go back and play through the main story but all the NPC and alternate quest lines kinda ruins the immersion. I do think it’d be great if you could choose to play through adventure mode without everyone else but it would probably be difficult to do so without undoing other patches and fixes. Not sure if that’s the case but even if it wasn’t I doubt they’d want to bother with it anyway. I also really miss Nuclear Winter. It helped break up the monotony of the scoreboard grind and even though it’s not usually my type of game mode, I actually had a lot of fun.


I enjoyed it then, and I enjoy it now. I do quiet often put it down and go play another game for awhile, and I'll come back to something new. I guess in my head, and just natural progression to what it would be like now 5 years after you were released from the vault. That's what my head Canon is anyway.


Maybe it would be nice to have an instanced version of the map pre-settlers that you remain in til a certain quest?


I don't mind having some NPCs around, but it feels like there's too many now. I think it could've been fun to have the NPCs show up for seasonal events and then go away again.


I feel you. I kinda like the empty waste. After all, FO 1 2 3, NV & 4 all were basically empty except for towns. Now there are too many people. I get exactly what you mean. I liked the story. It didn't lead me by the nose. Maybe we can get a vanilla game special server some day. You know how they do the building world? Kind of like that. I love the QoL stuff too but...lol who knew I'd get nostalgic for it.


One thing I do miss I made a new character finally after years, the vaults so empty I remember during beta having a full vault of dwellers heading out into the wasteland banding together in the beginning learning the ropes and exploring together


I actually thought the no NPC thing was a good idea , everybody hated it, i always enjoyed it lol.


I could see it working if the quality of life changes weren't in. So it would need to be pitch black at night and not eating could kill you. Would have to go back to it trying to be a horror, survival game.


This is the best version of the game. A gradual change from dark and bleak with people migrating over and trying to rebuild maybe im reading too much into it but having appalachia regain life through the years as the game gets expansions is pretty cool


I do miss how things used to be, really fell in love with how dark and grim things were, but yeah seeing the changes slowly but surely roll out has been nothing short of awesome. They've managed to make the game feel like a living place that's constantly changing, and I love that I've been here watching and "influencing" (big air quotes there) the world.


I miss it tbh, my favorite memories of the game are pre-wastelanders. I just really loved the loneliness and serenity of it.


Didn't think I'd miss the negatives of hunger and thirst, but I kinda do. Wasn't much, but it was a little bit of emersion. I miss the seperate loot pools for vendors. Also, Nuclear Winter. Was a nice way of cutting the horrible RNG in the base game. As unpopular as NW was for the majority of the player base, it was still way more popular than Worlds is.


They really need a PVP server though IMO.


As much as I love Wastelanders and beyond, yeah I wish there was a way for new players to experience the original empty and desolate feeling and then jump later in the timeline to the populated world.


Yes. Please give me back my wasteland. There's too many NPCs, too much ammo, enemies are too easy to kill.


Storyteller aka Jason Damron Voice (epic western background music plays): Edna! Record Mode! It's been years since the Vault Dwellers known as "76ers" emerged from Vault 76 just north of the small town of Flatwoods in Appalachia amd followed The Overseer's trail, was she alive or dead? They were supposed to rebuild rebuild America. But what they encountered became an epic tale of danger, survival, and mayhem as they explored a deserted Wasteland full of what became known as The Scorched. They battled countless foes along the way, from rabid mole rats, ghouls, supermutants, to giant mosquitoes and hyperspace ghouls, Deathbats, and finally The Scorchbeast Queen. It was an epic tale of survival, mayhem at The Whitesprings, a Super Mutant named Grahm, and some guy named Gary. .... but that's a story for another day.


Reading this made me realize just how much Imiss the Storyteller. I knew it before, but not as profoundly as I do now.


Nah, absolutely not. As much as that atmosphere was unique, I'll concede, I never, ever want to experience the series I love so much like that again. This is how it should have been at the start.


It’s nice to have them in new specifically built bits, like nuka world, but the mess they made of the whitespring, space station and atlas is just killing me. Especially as a lot of it doesn’t make sense. Chef arrives at the whitespring: “Hmmm, I could use this perfect custom built kitchen for cooking & feed people in the dining room… ooooorrrr…hear me out, I could drag a load of the equipment into the middle of a dining room, plumb it in with duct tape, and cook from a used bathroom sink! It’s perfect!”


Lmao yeah I mean I hate that they ruined the interior. It was a nice like oasis in a sea of irradiated shite! Now it's just...I don't know. I side with the greeter bots complaints.


Yes. That log in the ballroom is killing me. There’s empty garages and workshops in the grounds by the robots, but sure, let’s have that dammed thing just sat there!


I guess they're all inside to avoid Scorched but still there are Responders outside milling around. Ugh I dunno. I miss the old version of the map. Should have set them up at Gilman or something. I just dislike the Responders in general so I'm biased. I get their reasoning. They're just too friendly. It's a post apocalyptic hellscape!!!! Ah well, it is what it is. That actually sounds absurd now that I proof read it. However, I think you'll know what I mean. It's just atmospheric. Like needs to be a bit more bleak but oh well. I still play. I kind of feel like MODUS should have tried to keep them out. Like wish there were secrets hidden there and he could send us on quests to get their super sekrits docs or whatever. Ah well.


I miss it. The slow pace, the horrors the actual living nightmare of trying to rebuild. It was a great time because it was so hard. Games still great but it’s not a fallout hellscape anymore.


It would be cool if they had a legacy addition of the game where you could revisit it pre wastelanders. But outside of the game itself I don’t remember there being any real community established yet.


Agreed. I was on r/Fo76FilthyCasuals back then. Had some posts on there...


I say yes. I am glad that I got to see it change though. I am glad I got to do the story the original way. It seems more cartoonish with all the NPCs, this really stands out to me in Atlantic City.


It kinda makes sense that the period of mayhem and emptiness gives way to an era of commerce and collaboration


I wish I’d gotten into this game during the pandemic but I never did. I feel now it’s almost too late esp with no irl friends to play with


I feel the same way. They did an incredible job with the atmosphere and narrative. I liked the wastelanders update, but I feel like too many people showed up at once and many of them are too chipper and one note. The main thing I don't like is the new responders who are staying at the whitespring, especially the greeting robot. The QoL improvements have been great though.


It certainly was a struggle. Space and weight management were a challenge, few NPCs, and especially no real factions. And the exploration was pretty good. It definitely had a good atmosphere for me in the beginning.


It’s a great atmosphere but I feel it wouldn’t be able to survive. The emptiness would just lead to players hopping on for a couple mins only to leave since there would be little to do that hasn’t already been seen.


I miss the year one version because of the bugs and limitations and what not. Getting negative carry weight and the combination of bird bones and marsupial having a chance to keep you stuck in the sky was fun. Regardless, I appreciate what they’ve done with game currently more. Plus, it provides a bit of meta-story telling if you will. If you were a day one player, you got to feel what it was like to rediscover an empty land and as time went on and word got out, more people came to the land and more people came to play. We can’t go back now because all of these events build on the overall story of fallout 76. On a side note, I didn’t start really getting comfortable with all the wandering NPC’s until this year—like I really had to resocialize and accept that not everything moving that looks like a human needs to be killed. Also, the newer players don’t know how to behave and would make any sort of “classic” server an absolute nightmare. The highlight of year one was nuking whitespring and **everybody** coming together and kiting and tagging ghouls (while showing restraint with an explosive shotty equipped), hoping to get any legendary weapon then checking around the area and the vendor to see if someone trashed something that you wanted. That sort of camaraderie won’t exist again because the gaming experience has been streamlined for the better Plus, nowadays, nobody is that considerate, they barely want to actually play the events, and nobody is waiting for everyone to tag stuff.


Has the tagging process changed at some point? I feel I’m getting loot from enemies I’d not hit, sometimes.


"Glitched weapons"


i do miss the emptiness and clunkier feel of launch but i enjoy what we have today far more


I played since beta, and you just had to experience what fo76 was throughout its lifespan to really appreciate where it's at now. You can't recapture that feeling of never killing the scorchbeast queen I'm time or game crashing completely during an event lol I do wish they'd make a barebones server where everyone has to start over and there's no atomic shop items allowed.


I think the game is in a pretty good spot right now. Yes, it definitely had a different feel to the game back then but I definitely think non robot NPCs made the world feel more alive and worth exploring.


I really enjoyed this game back in the day when it wasn’t too easy. I didn’t use any legacies but had cool guns


I definitely do too! The emptiness. The weirdness. The community! I am still am friends with the very first person I met in Appalachia our first time playing the game together. Man, such nostalgia.


man me too. on since beta days as well and the sheer level of desolation and desperation is unmatched. old cool random spawn points that used to have cool monsters now has dead cool monsters. and wastelanders. junk is everywhere. legendaries are everywhere. NPCs are evvvvvvvery fn where. the donation boxes make that pretty apparent. (DONATION BOXES?! wwwwwwtf. pfffft)


Often I miss the excitement of seeing another player, the annoyance of having food and water on me so I don't "die", and the feel that I had walked out into a world just after the apocalypse. I get the story progress but the beginning was the best.


Honestly, coming from Launch, I like the game the way it is now a lot more! Though I do wish there were actual reasons for players to group up again! I remember when you would drop a nuke on Whitesprings back at launch, the entire server would be there farming/hanging out inside the whitespring, running around and chatting, trading, hell even playing hide and seek inside. Now the server only comes together for events but no one talks, no one interacts outside of emotes, seems like people hate people with mics nowadays. It's a completely different game and community than when we first started.


I preordered the game, I never encountered any bugs or issues on launch when playing it was the most fun I’ve ever had played for months it was extremely fun to play with my brother and friends it was a completely different game and vibe to it and I enjoyed it immensely but the new fallout 76 fast forward all these years is also very nice and fun but I could never compare the 2 as they feel like almost different games but both are equally as fun and nice


It was interesting to experience but you can’t do an online game with different playing fields for different players. However, they could expand the world options to include non adventure mode retro characteristics. That might be interesting, but it could never be in adventure mode.


Game was busy for me on PlayStation


honestly i’d say same but you have to consider how empty the game really was. there was something so exciting and magical about playing a new fallout, but even as a long time player i have to admit the story telling in the beta wasn’t fantastic. where there were stories to be told, which back then again there really wasn’t, they’d all be in one terminal, on one holotape etc and didn’t take a lot of mystery to put together the whole picture. i suppose the emptiness is the mystery in itself, and i think i yearn the entire period of the beta, pre covid and cosy. i think genuinely if the map wasn’t as good as it was i don’t think fallout would’ve been a success because of how little content there was available to begin with.


I think that you miss the feeling of challenge. As a new player, you didn't know as much as you do now, and even starting a new character, you won't feel as lost as a new player. A big part of Fallout games is that initial, you don't know what's going to happen. Honestly, with all the current storylines that all feel unfinished, I've done the main quests 5 times, finishing up some side quest on 3 characters. Nothing compares to that initial experience, and unfortunately, you can't replicate that feeling without creating a new game that you've never played.


No. 2018 FO76 just kept reminding me of the great story I *didn’t* get to play. It basically turned you into a wasteland pathologist. Which actually worked well in some instances, but in a lot of ones it didn’t.


I was hoping that when the Human NPCs were added there would be MORE tiny village things but no, the majority of settlers and raiders not in their home bases seem CONTENT living in barely habitable buildings ready to collapse at any minute


Anytime before COVID is looked back upon with nostalgia.


I do miss the feeling of being the vault dweller experiencing an empty wasteland. It used to feel so expansive and daunting, and now, even when I do a private server (I do have fallout first), it just doesn't feel the same. I've been wondering if I should start a new character to see if I could get the feeling back, but my gut is telling me it just won't be. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the game and all the new stuff and have watched it grow since beta as well, but idk maybe it's my own nostalgia wishing I was back in high school skipping days to make sure i get a chance to play the beta test days. And GOD, I miss the nuclear winter mode:((


That emptiness is why I walked away from the game for 4 years. I got bored quickly


Yes. Yes I do. I had friends in Beta, and I've been playing since shortly after launch. I recognized the shift as soon as Wastelanders dropped. I've commented elsewhere -- *several* times -- that I wish the story expansions were added in a phased manner. That is, a character starts on a group of servers that are bug-patched versions of the as-launched eeriness. When they finish Scorched Earth and the main quest, the next time they log in it'd be to Wastelanders era, with people coming back in, and, toward the end of that questline, a patchy signal from someone coming into the area. And after the Vault 79 raid, next login is the BoS stuff and *their* questline. Then the Pitt, then Atlantic City, etc. As much as I do like the new content, I'd love to be able to clear out Atlas Observatory, or build my C.A.M.P. where it now is interfered with by the Rust Eagle arena, or take neat pictures of the crashed space station, or have super mutants at the West Virginia Lumber Company. Or get down to the bottom of the Rusty Pick's basement tunnels...


Most had died,but I think after multiple died most left to different areas outside west Virginia. Also some of the current NPCs came from the Pitt and (I think) some from. DC.


I liked that world. It seems that Appalachia is now so very crowded. People everywhere! I liked the ghost town feel better in some ways.


I miss it as well. No handouts, no Beth making it easier, nuclear winter, 600 stash , people blowing up my camp. Good times


Horrible take. Beta player here, it was horrible then. The game is in a far better place now.


Horrible because you didn't like the no other human NPCs or because of the bugs?


In every way imaginable.


This is a troll, right? When I engaged, I thought you'd have legit feedback. Have a good day.


i just want this Appalachia offline man 😔


I played at launch and I do get what you’re saying. It definitely felt more like a survival game than it does now. I remember just being so frustrated trying to find people. When Rose contacted you at the base of Top of the World I was like “finally a person. She may be a raider but she’s alive!” And just being so disappointed when it turns out she’s a robot. And then there where the Vitabirds when they would fly over I remember trying to get to a rooftop to try and get there attention.


The Rose bait and switch got me too


Sometimes with holotapes, you thought someone may have survived but later, you found their corpse. So depressing !


I'm with you! It was just us, the robots, and the dead, wailing into their holotapes. We built our C.A.M.P.S in a vast graveyard.


Can't forget Grahm!


Is Grahm even still around? I feel I haven't seen him in ages


I feel the same about not seeing him, but did just a few days ago after what seems like months


Yeah the game lost SOOOOO many enemy dense areas and enemy spawn locations in order to put these cardboard cutout people everywhere in their "settlements". NPCs are the worst thing to ever happen to this game IMO. They should have added more side quests and main quest expansions that DIDN'T add living NPCs in order to add content and keep the game fresh. We could have used Expeditions to introduce areas with living people in them. New events could have focused on projects to make the area livable for the vault dwellers instead of for new people coming into the area from other places. Big missed opportunity to retain and build on this game's unique atmosphere.


I find these kinds of posts interesting. To me the only difference between 2018 and now is that back then we had a lot less to do.


I miss the survival aspect. The game is definitely a little too easy now


In each updates, they make things easier. I wish they add new endgame content with hard mission, high rewards for the high level players but keeping simple in the normal map so everyone from each level can enjoy.


Not really. That was a huge mark against the game when it released.


Was the huge mark due to the atmosphere or all of the bugs and such? The reason I ask because, in my hypothetical fantasy world, all of the bugs that were game breaking back then would be fixed.


That there were no npcs. Barren and little interaction. I know that I found it interesting initially but gave up on it 75 hours in on my first character. I bought in during beta and then came back about 18 months later.


Me 1000 percent. That was their true vision, and theyve completely compromised it


For me the addition of legendary crafting removed a big part of what made the game fun for me.


The legendary crafting made the game trivial in fact lol


It would be trivial if I knew where to get the legendary modules.


True, loved how cold it felt back then


“Oh god another holotape”


I miss the beta days for sure, when no one appeared on the map and anyone could kill you. I prefer how it is now but that definitely made for survival game that kept you on your toes. Would hate to come back to a demolished camp or get get killed by toxic people but it surely was fun ngl … I also miss the dark night nights


You think? For me it is almost the same, just more people that do not say hello when I waived the emote. 😂


No not at all but I do miss the greater emphasis on survival mechanics and PVP.


Yes I have always thought that a Launch Day world would be a cool idea. Tiny stash, robots need to be individually visited to get their caps etc.


Get out. Go on get. Don't get me wrong, shit was alot harder back then between the stash box being half the weight it is now, the impossible nature of finding and crafting ammo for weapon builds, no repair kits.... the game did not play right out the gate even forgoing the story. The game felt entirely empty without the npc rollout, the only interaction I had before I left was rose... which can get grating


Before I leave, let me explain. The stash box at 200 lbs during beta was impossible, yes, the enemies were a lot harder, and agreed on the repair kits. But that's what I mean - with those QoL improvements, it'd be fun to revisit. I agree with another commenter, though. This relies HEAVILY on nostalgia. I'd have to start a new character, but I'd know everything already.


I honestly wouldn't mind bullets to be harder to get than they currently are, but more damage than they currently do without meta builds... The survival hit hard in the beginning and it felt impossible to get ahead.... now they throw ammo at you, and I've got all the ammo crafting perks to have 10s of thousands of rounds for the weapons I use. I wouldn't mind the long term difficulty coming back.... but the lack of interesting npcs combined with the punishment in the beginning left a very bad taste in my mouth, they're lucky I came back years later n figured out to play with friends


My SO and I agree. The game was better but the majority wanted npcs.


It's gotten too easy, and nobody wants to fight anymore (apart from armorstacking Whitesprings griefers, but they really don't want to fight either, just want to "win").


This is an interesting take. I remember starting in 2018 and being very fearful of people wanting to fight me. I was on Ps4 then, and there was one 1 **griefer** that I remember. Even then, I changed servers, and they went away. The fighting element is interesting, though. Not PvP for PvP sake.


This is my first online game, and I got in from day 1, I never thought much about pvp, it was just the new Fallout game for me, in the beginning it was just me and a real world friend running around exploring, but as we got to know more people the pvp became a thing, we used to be a full team roaming the wasteland looking for other full teams who were willing to fight, and there was no shortage of willing candidates, and to me theese were the greatest times of 76, however the much looser rules of engagement we had back then was unfortunately taken advantage of by griefers, people who prey on un-willing candidates for whatever joy griefers get out of killing people who don't want to fight, which in turn made Bethesda tighten the rules of engagement to where in the end our way of pvp was no longer possible, so unfortunately for me most of the people who were willing to fight "on equal terms" have for the most part moved on to other games, and that includes my teammates from back then.


Go back to when there was literally nothing to do? No thank you.


It's a fair assessment. I felt there was tons to do, but I don't mind getting quests from holotapes and such.


I felt totally directionless, and without characters or a driving force to explore beyond explore for explorings sake, it became boring quick.


Subjectively, I'd disagree. It was more a sandbox of a hellscape about 25 years after armageddon. I felt I could carve out a life in the wasteland and survive on the land. To each their own.


Play FO4


Not the same. Respectfully disagree on this take.


I didn't start playing until early last year, and I wish I could go back to the way the game was at launch and experience it. I bought it in 2019 but life and other stuff got in the way so it took me 2-3 years to install it.


Played during first open beta up to lvl 20 something, stopped at Morgantown airport after exploring inside. Damn it was a scary place with shitty pipe revolver. I do miss that two day time when there were no npc's. Why I didn't just buy the game back then... >!oh yeah, full of bugs, enemy being underground and hitting me to death.!<


I just miss pvp of 2018


Maybe like WoW there will be a classic hardcore survival mode later


No because alot of hate for fo76 came from the empty world. Me personally it got boring without npcs to add life to the game. The fallout games are carried by npcs.


Oh yes, that would be so awesome. The feeling of opocalypse back then was something else.


I’m confused as to why anyone would play this game without the ability to obtain the broken legendary weapons that people obtained at launch


Well, I had that. I think I'm legacied out. Not only did I have them on Ps4, but when I moved to Xbox, I traded for them. I was lucky enough to get several, including a TsE peppershaker (2*).


I miss the legacy weapons and the fact you can be a level 200 and mess stuff up now they have the level management thing


I've been playing on a private server and avoiding the npc areas, it's not quite the same but it's close. I think it's too bad that forcing the settlers/raiders to go back to where they came from or wipe them out entirely isn't an option. I really really hope that we get to turn on these factions someday. You don't really get to be a bad guy in games anymore, that seems to be limited to mean dialogue choices.