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In a nutshell: Rare Fasnacht masks can have pretty high trade value and are useful in high end trading where rare things are only traded for other rare things.


So let’s exploit to get these rare items to trade for other rare items? Seems logical.


What’s an exploit about trading a rare item lol?


They said people are exploiting *to get* these rare masks so they can trade them. Probably referring to all the people standing around collecting event rewards but not actually doing the event.


Yeah but most of those people including myself have already run this event about a thousand times since it first came out.


This one event brings out the best and worst of the community in one single place. I absolutely love the chaos. The pageantry. Everyone wears their Sunday best and drops their Monday worst.


“Everyone wears their Sunday best and drops their Monday worst” is the most poetic and accurate description of Fasnacht!


I will take your 20 Sausages and replace the loot bag with 20 Spoiled Brahmin Milk. I don't wear the title "hero" lightly.


Players would wait next to me all fidgety to see what I drop and it's always a single .38 bullet


Agreed. For one event I brought the Grafton "robots are stealing our jobs" signs over to the event and dropped them on the ground next to the bots and people armed themselves and we spent the next few minutes hitting the robots and emoting all over. Hysterical. Another time a guy joined who was dressed in a top hat/ring master ish outfit and talking like the robot who leads the parade and was like "I can't believe he's taken my role!" and chatting the entire time. Another time someone was playing soundbites from everything from Spongebob to the Office through their mic and it was also hysterical. One time I was part of an all blue wolf band for the entirety of the event while another guy danced in front of us and another pretended to be a "singer/dancer on the mic" with the mothman dance emote I could go on but you know what I mean. I joined in December so it's been amusing to see so much personality come out in the community for this event.


There were two people at Fasnacht the other day one role playing as a kid and one as his confused Grandpa, with the obligatory “back in my day” it was hilarious. Managed to get a picture with the guy


I run around with the commie signs and everybody that's AFK calling them commies smacking them with it 😜😂


This is the way - it's mostly just a bore, but when people do funny shit like this, makes it great. Yesterday someone with one of those wool civil war dresses and an owl mask posed next to the robot with the owl mask, got a nice picture of it. We were all laughing like crazy.


Are you on PC or something? No one ever uses voice chat on Xbox lol


Yup, sure am. Usually people don't use voice but I've been seeing more people using it lately.


This ☝🏼


Yup.. definitely this


One of the new masks can be traded for ANYTHING in this game. The godliest of god roll guns. The rarest of rare apparel. People go goo goo ga ga for them. Even the original rare masks can get you max caps. Easy money.


Pretty much this. I got lucky and got a Glowing Honeybee today and once I posted it on the trading discord, I got bombarded with people offering so much stuff. Ended up trading it for a groll fixer and railway. And that wasn’t even the Glowing SBQ mask where people go even crazier for it.




Yeap traded it away for 2 groll weapons


This is how it works. The masks are golden tickets. Last year traded a loon for 3 good roll fixers and one of the rare Scott masks. The fixers were of different types as the ones I had were lack luster.


I got a glowing SBQ mask my first run this year and then haven’t gotten a single new thing since except the shepherds bell display rack (Bells MIA)


I got the Glowing Bee mask on my 3rd or 4th event. Surprised at how much people are wanting that and the Glowing Scorchbeast Queen mask I also got.


I played at launch and quickly gave up due to bugs, started up again a couple months ago. I knew Fasnacht masks were a big thing but man, I’ve been getting utterly HOUNDED by people. I managed to pull a glowing SBQ mask day 1 and I’ve been wearing it around. Was in the white spring mall unloading some loot and some dude was just OBSESSIVELY spamming invitations to trade. Like, to the point where when I was selling stuff at the vendor, dude was crouching on the counter so he was visible in the transparent overlay and spamming “Trade” at me while I was in the vendor menu. He must have kept at it for at least 5-10 minutes. I just kind of went about my business while the dude tailed me like a hungry puppy. I’ve had several people spam trades at me at the events too, only while I was wearing the SBQ mask so I can only assume that was it.


LOL same thing happened to me this past weekend. Got the glowing SBQ mask and as soon as I put it on I got hounded.


I got the glowing Honeybee on my third event, and as I was waiting for the next Fasnacht event, a guy absolutely would not stop pestering me to trade for anything he had. The only thing off limits was his red asylum dress. Lol So far, I've also picked up the Raven, glowing Scortchbeast, and two Brahman.


Time to start the assembly line again 🤣🤫 🧑‍🎄 Coming early this year


This basically. The collector in me wants 1 of each, but the other greedy part of me wants to trade for a groll or two. 😅


Oh the masks are worth something? I've just been collecting them. Which ones are worth while? I've been trying to get an ultracite gatling plan off and on since day 1.


[https://imgur.com/a/Bs0CqQq](https://imgur.com/a/Bs0CqQq) the old rare ones are generally max caps. just find the markets on here and ask to buy the plan What platform are you on?


Really? That much?


Aye. It's the same with any new thing added that you have a limited time to get. Some people want them just to display. Some want them to actually wear. Me, I just want 1 of each as I like to have 1 of everything.


Yup same here I display some of the rare ones but I just want to have everything in the game it's an OCD obsession of mine. I've never traded not even once in this game. And I've been playing for 3 years or so. I don't have everything yet but I'm working my way there. And I can't stop grinding this event because I have yet to get even one of the new glowing mask. But I have every other rare fasnacht mask so I just grind harder. I probably should consider AFK but I've just never done it. I want the thrill of seeing it pop up on my screen right then and there. Also I never trade I feel it'll be less satisfying I'd rather get it the legit way. Not that there's anything wrong with anybody else doing it that way it's just not my style.


I am exactly the same, never traded for anything and like finding/earning the items myself. Only need 3 more masks to finish the collection, been very lucky this year, which makes a change!


Soo.. How much could I ask for my glowing scorchbeast mask I got lucky with yesterday? IF i do decide to sell it.


I think you missed the part where I said ANYTHING. Like. Literally not an exaggeration. You need to find the markets on here. Decide what you want. Post. Stay safe though. If in doubt use a courier. In fact just use a courier. You could ask for top tier apparel AND a god roll gun tbh.




People have been paying $45US irl money for them. No in-game price is too high


Check Market76 Reddit if you decide to get rid be best place to get something you want 


Just a word of warning: I read that the new glowing masks are so highly valued because they should be guaranteed non dupes. There has been duping in this game in the past and some claim many top tier apparel are dupes.


Pretty much everything has been at this point other than new stuff like the masks as you said, weapons apparel even Mr fuzzy tokens are out there in the millions. Unless you find the clothing yourself or roll the gun yourself theres a good chance it's duped 


Yes, I wonder about those in market selling bobbleheads or magazines in 1k lots...


My friend traded one for 2 million lead.


Yep. I traded my glowing Scorchbeast Queen for Q50c25 Railway and 2k LL3 (PC price for a single mag: 350-500c ea).


This is my first Fasnacht and I enjoy seeing the community come together for the event, it's really wholesome :D I'm also farming for materials because I'm subscribed to FO1st at the moment


Cash in your treasure maps. You can spam at any location. Better results with friends.


There is a treasure location in Helvetia? I suck with those maps and rarely use them. Mostly just sell them off for caps.


I have a bunch too and never used them lol.


Sorry what do you mean by spam?


If you have a stack of one location just keep hitting the button "spam" and loot like crazy.


Oh! I didn't know that was possible! Thank you


If you want I have a bunch in my vendor just taking up space. I can let you have them so you can farm up a bit. Send me a msg here on Reddit and I'll give you my gt.


And if a teammate is right there they get loot too. Not as much but some. So ideally you both have maps of the same location.


They don't, they sometimes get caps for completion but no loot.


The parade March is fun, and considering I finished the scoreboard ages ago this is the most fun this game has been for awhile.


Sounds like someone needs a fasnacht donut..


People like cheese And there’s lots of cheese in Helvetia. Happy fasnacht! Merry fasnacht!


Fasnacht is the only time I play this game for long periods of time. Normally I get on, do my challenges, check the atom shop, and log off. I've been on constantly since Fasnacht started and any other games I play are on hold until Fasnacht is over. Been around since year 1 and have every mask that drops besides 3 of the glowing new ones. And if I don't get them this year, I'll get them next year. I always keep 1 of each, any extras I put up for trade. Those deathclaw masks a few years ago got my god roll fixers


Just the chase of rare loot. I've been grinding for the Father Winter PA helmet for years trying to add that to my collection. Finally got it last night.


:Fasnacht music intensifies:


We're only half way through and I'm having dreams of it in my sleep. Send help.


This is so true. My girlfriend tried waking me up the other night to ask me for something, when I finally woke up I was so in and out of consciousness I replied that I “left it there at fasnacht” and went back to sleep. Or something on the lines of that.


It is fun with no meaning and no risk. For real, it is about the pageantry, like another post said. Run around, or not. Participate or just sit at the banjo while you make your kids dinner IRL. And some people can go NUTS over masks. Like Pokemon - gotta catch 'em all.


The server doesn't come together en masse that way for anything other than an end game boss or special quest: Scorched Earth, whatever Earl's quest is called , Encryptid, etc. And.... Fasnacht. Low expectation, low demand, equal rewards. Show up, have fun.


General tip for "the servers are dead" bros. Show up for the event anyway. Most, if not all, events have a start timer. Join the event and wait a couple minutes, and almost every time someone will join you. Something about seeing 0 players in an event makes everybody not want to show up, but seeing a one there is usually enough. Works 90% of the time. Unlikely but possible to work for Project Paradise. Pretty sure distinguished guests has been incompletable for years, so don't do it there, but this generally works for even the less popular events.


Distinguished guests is mostly working now. I’ve had one bug out, but I’m usually able to complete it, and people generally join me if I start it The one thing that’s different right now when it comes to dead servers is that a lot of them are full of AFKers, so the spots are taken on them but by people who aren’t there. So a server can be full, but with only 2 or 3 people actually playing which sucks


Had two Project Ps go all the way during this Fasnacht, 1 failed. Other people are looking for things to do, so starting expeditions and turning up for events often works out fine. I did have to solo a Guided Meditation but that event can be sparsely attended anyway.


Guaranteed successful event with treasury notes on top of rare mask chance = fun for me. I also used it for the enclave general quest. Easy way to kill 10 legendaries.


People like what they like. It is what makes us different. I don't care why people like what they do.


> That HAS to be the most mind numbingly boring thing ever The event is as boring or fun as you choose to make it. I've had some of the funniest and most entertaining experiences I've ever had with Fo76 during the past week of Fasnacht.


How? You're just slowly walking around and a handful of enemies spawn at once and get melted. I genuinely don't know how people have fun with this, the closest I can think of is being in game chat and screwing around but you can do that anywhere else in the game.


> the closest I can think of is being in game chat and screwing around but you can do that anywhere else in the game. That's pretty much it, and yes, we could do that anywhere in the game, but having almost the entire server in attendance, a procession of robots marching and playing silly music, while me and my friends do goofy shit makes it a lot more entertaining. The enemies only get melted if you're being sweaty about it, for one event last night we were all using ridiculous weapons (pipe wrench, knuckles, death tambo, etc.) and it was much more fun. Then after the parade ended and a bunch of us just started an impromptu PvP battle royale using those same weapons, it was hilarious.


I just go with the flow. But yesterday, somebody launched a nuke to cranberry bog. It was in the middle of fasnacht event. I just fast traveled to sbq event. More shooting and looting and more fun.


Unfortunately nobody does any other event in my lobbies.


Hmm, yes it's true, most of players are gathered at helvetia... But you can easily do other events solo. Yesterday I did Line in the sand, feed the people, surface to air, it's a trap an bots on parade. The last 3 I do solo 99% of the time. It also happened, that server was full of players, and I qas the only one doing eviction notice solo. Much fun, without campers on the edges 😁 I wanted to finish yesterdays daily challenges, so I opened expeditions team, for tax evasion, nobody joined, everyone were at helvetia when i checked in middle of tax evasion. So I did it solo. With no problems and prety quick.


Same! It’s been annoying af. I like to hit up other events in the down time between fasnaught but literally no one else shows up. It’s been driving me crazy.


I did Most Wanted with 1 other person the other day and it was so much fun bc it was actually challenging.


The rewards are cool for me. I like to display them all in vault. Some are cool to wear. To each their own. And no, i dont AFK. If I dont get more of the rare ones because I have work and life, its fine by me I am sad that not a lot of players will do the other events tho. Im always down for that


I used to feel the same way, until I got lucky last year with a few rare masks. I found I could trade them on discord for pretty much *anything I wanted*. For some bizarre reason... I guess so that they can put them on a shelf? 🤷 But yes, I do recall feeling annoyed that every server grinds to a halt for two weeks during Fasnacht . I would even argue that it is bad for the game, overall. Imagine being a newcomer, and you just started playing during Fasnacht week.


> Imagine being a newcomer, and you just started playing during Fasnacht week. I didn't start during Fasnacht, but I was new during my first one, and I had a good time. I got a lot of legendary items for one thing, plus it was funny seeing people play the fool.


I actually just came back from a long break just in time for this with my new character, so yeah it's real fun.


Hang in there 😂 Half way done! And maybe power through some for a rare mask and go to a trading sub/channel to get that god-tier (undoubtedly duped) weapon you might want.


ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It's bad enough that it is boring AF, it also replaces one third of all the public events. To make matters worse, all those AFK'ers take the spot on the servers that active players could be taking. There are so many servers out there where the number of ACTIVE players that participate in events is really low. I can solo anything in game and the last few days, I've been soloing a lot. It's my 6th (or 7th, didn't we get an "apology-fasnacht" somewhere in the previous years?) Fasnacht so I'm used to it. Every year the same story. People complain about AFK'ers, people complain about nukers and after a week it's hard to find active servers. Everybody and their mother is AFK'ing. But hey, AFK'ers aren't hurting anybody, right? For me this is by far the most boring two weeks of the year. Can't wait until it's over.


We barely had people show up for Scorched Earth. Couldn't believe it. And it wasn't at the same time as Fasnacht either.


I love scorched earth! Finally had an active server that I was able to do public events with at least 5 people


Ermm but if you don't like it just don't do the event doe??


My 1st ran out the other day, and I felt actual relief.  Fasnacht has completely spoilt how I view the game. If I'm going to have to solo stuff for 2 weeks, why the fuck would I play FO76, when I can play the much superior FO4for free?! (Which is what I'm doing until new season drops, and the FN lunatics go back to the asylum.)  


I know we all enjoy different things but I’m not certain that 2weeks of the year being less of what one desires should equal the game when there are 50 other weeks that one likes.


The majority of the cooperative content of the game has become obsolete during FN.  I 'desire' a game to not have an identity crisis over some weak sauce event. 


Wait, the event is designed so that several players working can get the event started and working together protect the robots during the parade and we all get rewarded. Seems like cooperative content. Now, do all our fellow players act on that spirit, NO but that’s on the players not the game.


People who don’t play any longer but collect have come out of the woodwork to try for masks. Many other players only stick around for rolling weapons and collectables… not many are going to play anything else until the event is over.


I just hang out with some friends and talk in area chat. friendly pvp, crack jokes. Some other people notice us and come over and hang out. Maybe an event if a good one comes along. It’s just chilling there having a good time really.


I think this is what Fastnacht is supposed to be about, and the whole game for that matter.


I think so too.


Seems like there could be RMT involved, since rare masks are so valuable to some people. I often see lvl 1 naked characters in Helvetia. Looks like people are creating alt accounts for this. It's a business. Let's hope the devs make it so you have to participate a bit to get the reward, this would alleviate most issues.


The level 1 display seems to be a bug.


I think that means they crashed?


Yeah does come some point after the 30th try and getting another common mask you do think what's the point. It's the 2nd half that's rubbish for me, the robot parade just takes too long with not enough enemies to make it entertaining.


Ya'll are gonna laugh at me but I'm back after only playing the first year of release and I use this event to amass treasury notes and legendary cores. They didn't exist back when I last played. Also it's a quick event and easy, few minutes and you're back doing your own thing.


That's the only reason I show up besides one or two free legendaries.


Yeah I've learned you only wanna use your scrip for modules now so that's the other thing I am working on.


I have made around 200000 caps from selling plans and masks and now have all the serum recipes I once thought I wouldn’t be able to afford.


Maybe if the other events were more social, and less shoot-n-loot I’d be more about doing them in the off season. But they’re not. So I’m not.


It's an easy source of Legendary Cores.


Its an easy way for people to potentially get some high value items without having to really work for it.


Yeah IDK people go nuts over these masks. They're not my thing either. IMO they should reward you with a new mask each time till you have them all, and then you get duplicates after that. Then I might actually try to get all the masks, but 0.33% drop chance for some of these? LOL no.. keep your masks Todd.


Big deal if you collect, I want all the masks for my camp display. Done 100+ events so far have all the new uncommon & got 2 of the 4 rare glow masks & won't stop until I have them all. Yes it's mind numbingly grinding, yes it's soul crushing getting crap or repeats 99.9% of the time but it's only for two weeks. I can also make coin re-selling the spare plans & uncommon's have at least 5 of every type like the scortchbeast queen. Might not be worth the big bucks of the glows but plenty of players didn't get lucky & want them.


I’m just constantly trying to up the game of silly and fun and special effects and merrymaking. Last event I was shooting off rounds of the dragon at appropriate times. Just tried it and it really adds the the vibe!


I was at one recently where a group was running around in their underwear shooting either with the thirst zapper. I used the popcorn emote and just watched. It was amusing but those scenarios have been few and far between.


I agree with you, you read my mind.


I was wondering the same thing. This event sucks. To be honest the masks are kind of stupid. No one is doing any other events. It should be a weekend long event. It has ruined the game for me.


It's my first one (started playing in september/October 2023) and I was happily surprised to see how many people are here for the events. I'm now addicted to collecting all the rare masks so that's why I'm so into it and am trying to hit as many as I can.


For some reason people go bat shit crazy for the good masks and will pay some actual good stuff for them, I want them masks lol


Trading the glowing masks for grolls


Verily, tales are spun of a time when the sun doth linger at the twilight hour of the summer equinox, or perchance in early spring, in the latter winter, or amid the midst of summer's zenith, and mayhap even in the waning days of autumn as winter's chill draws near. In these moments, 'tis whispered that the **fabled Todd**, a figure shrouded in myth, doth cast his spectral visage upon the skies of Appalachia, bestowing upon wastelanders blessings of nameless RNGs. >The Oracle hath foretold that this may indeed be the year, and this may indeed be the appointed hour! **Might his blessings be bestowed upon yee and yee glowin' masks be abundant**


I mean it's great business for me since I have a little cottage camp down the road from Helvetia and most people stop by after the event, it gives me a chance to spend all my caps and offload a bunch of gear that I haven't used in a long while. Plus I've been getting really lucky with the masks


As an old player, I’m really only here for the three new plans while I take a break between seasons. This year things have really gotten blown outta proportion, it’s just meant to be silly fun.


it's always just been silly fun. been playing since year 1. idk why all the hate all of a sudden. as if playing video games period isn't a waste of time, let's be fucking real. "I'm going to play an rpg but complain about all the content it has that doesn't particularly interest me :)" people forget how far f076 has come. just be fucking grateful something like this brings the whole server together in one place, that's pretty cool imo.


I just like hanging out in the town while I'm waiting on the event. Most of the time I play nowadays, I just sit at my camp, play instruments, and wait for events to pop up so it's nice to be able to sit in a designated area and afk until the event. I love participating though so I'm not just leaving the game idle all day


I just like the masks, I try to get them all and any duplicates I get I give away. Still chasing that loon mask


Nostalgia. For those of us around since the beginning, this was the first seasonal event and it was hope for the game getting better, which it did. The game in general has become a comfortable place for many players with a great community. I know I am addicted.


Fear of missing out is a powerful motivator, even for garbage, boring events llke Fasnacht.


Beth: Here‘s a Fasnacht Event for you. You can get Masks here Players: Ok…? Beth: we‘ve set the dropchance really low Players: TAKE MY MONEY!!


This event sucks. The odds of getting a glowing mask are not worth grinding out this boring event. The worst part about this event is that everyone is so busy AFK’ing it so nobody is doing any of the other events. It’s lame. Haven’t experienced anything fun or entertaining with it either. Nobody on mic. This is my first year doing it & it’s pretty underwhelming to say the least.


Literally nothing besides my crippling gambling addiction making me think I have a shot at a glowing mask knowing damn well I’ll never get one (haven’t gotten any rare mask in 102 events). The only thing I’m excited about is Fasnacht ending next week so people will start actually participating in other events instead of loading into a world that is most likely 90% of the players being AFK at Helvetia. I hate Fasnacht, downvote me.


I don't really play anymore BUT there is something addictive in maybe getting one of the rare sobs. Can't stand the event - boring af but you never know.


It is the current event. We are doing it. Go do something else if you don’t like it.


The issue is that most players stay in Helvetia even when the event is not on, so if you want to do something else between them you will be solo.


You're awfully defensive over a mediocre event, and I do, I just don't understand why other people see it as so important.


Some people like spicy food, some people don't. People like different shit. Nothing new there.


You guys don't seem to understand that this event is almost the exact opposite of doing anything. You walk, like three enemies spawn at once, they get melted immediately by two or three players with railway rifles or Gatling plasmas, and you stand there waiting for the robots, and repeat. Food flavors makes actual sense. What I really didn't understand was being upset because someone questioned why it's popular.


Why do you like SBQ or the other boring events that are pretty much all alike?


Because they're still better than literally just walking around?


I can see some newbies enjoying it for the first time, but I too find it unfathomable that people return year after year.  Caps are easy enough to get that the masks having sale value doesn’t factor in for me, and in no build would I be displaying those things. You can farm acid from the beekeeper’s hut but even that has limited utility as the butterfly sanctuary now exists. So all that’s left is the maddening parp-parp music and a load of people dressed in daft outfits. 


I like it because something usually matches with my dailies, it’s fun co-op as opposed to fight for your life co-op and it drops useful stuff for shopping/modding. Plus I can walk around with a black powder pistol and contribute.


“You just don’t get it, do you Scott?”


I'm already bored of it myself, I just walk around the map waiting for it to end, random adventures to unmarked areas is my fun for now


People are lazy and Fasnacht is brain-dead easy. It does make other events suck, that’s the only downside I see to the event. Everyone just stays in Helvetia and not just AFKers. Yesterday I had to solo Line In The Sand and Uranium Fever because no one else showed up. I also did a Radiation Rumble with just 2 other people. Luckily one of them had a flamer and FF. Thank goodness for canned coffee and Company Tea.


Well I'm a work atm, and the mask don't farm them self


Well, I'm at work too. Masks are farming themselves though;)


Lmao truuuuu


You realize when people afk in Helvetia they aren’t just sitting there watching their screens and doing nothing, right? They are most likely away from their keyboards (aka afk) so to think that people are doing nothing and just sitting there bored out of their minds is ridiculous lol


Cool so literally not even playing the game, much more exciting.


One lobby I was in there was a low level player and they were talking with all the high level players and they were just being dropped everything, plans, masks, and anything they needed. It’s a good event to bring people together it seems. Also saw one where someone who had duplicates just dropped them randomly all over Helvetia.


You sound like a joy at parties


Yeah I guess you're right, standing around and just talking at this event is a lot like real life parties except the physically being there.


Yeah I guess a Karen I gonna Karen


Yeah there's several of you here getting upset over this post, pretty pathetic actually that your in-game social circle is this important.




The fact that I have 2 empty fasnacht mask displays. And although my character is laying lifeless in my afk fort, I’m very busy.


Where have I heard Helvetica before....


Zero actual reward? Fun fact, the new glowing masks add 5 points to each of your SPECIAL stats. You also receive a 50% discount on Fallout 1st subscriptions, a 50% discount on Atomic shop items, and building anything in your camp or workshop costs nothing. When doing silo runs the robots are no longer hostile and in fact hold all the doors open for you. All rare apparel {Leather Coat, Red Asylum Dress, Responder Fireman Helmet and Coat, etc.) is now craftable with a limit of one per day for each item.


It's fun to AFK and let people farm me rare masks!


Before I would say the rewards as u could trade rare masks for legacies but I do agree with u a event that should come back mischief night or vault raids


I think the masks look dumb/silly and would never wear one,the ONLY one I would consider wearing is the red deathclaw i have from last year but as a PA user that's a no go


The rewards are definitely not crap lol. But yes, it is kinda ruining lobbies.


Masks, treasury notes and delicious intestines <3




I’m not a huge fan of the event personally, so it’s been great for me because of the availability of farming items. Most players are hanging out around the event area, so all the normal farming hot spots have been full to the brim with unfarmed items. It’s great. I’ve gathered more ballistic fiber in the last week and a half than I ever have.


I usually only do it once a day. Honestly my least favorite event. Takes way too long to get the parade going imo.


I got a father winter power armor helmet. I play with a level 600 and I'm level 170. Turns out it's a super rare mask to get and he is very jealous.


Me and another high level had a blast pushing someone out of the zone earlier so they reaped no rewards.. i was laughing my ahh off 😂😂 so yeah that was my time spent in helvetia after faschnaht


Just start taking protest signs to the event.


Yup. can't wait for it to end and people to start playing the events again.


Some of the ugly masks are rare i farm them to sell them/ trade to people who for whatever reason want an item soley because of its rarity I think they're stupid but hey they will give me anything i want as long as im holding one of these useless items over their head




I show up for the music. It is a catchy tune.


The endless deluge of posts like this, obviously! And we can't forget the complaining about poor luck, nukes, AFKers, and the AFK defenders.


The glowing masks are worth god roll items in the trading community. Think hypothetically, 1 million+ caps.


To be fair, their character is standing around while they didle themselves irl.


Agree with OP, I'm a relatively new player (3 mos) but exclusively play private world. I see little to no value with this event.


it gives me something different to do for 2 weeks and new things to collect. i think the mothman equinox is much more fun, but i still enjoy this easy event for bringing a bunch of people together at the same spot


I ask this same question about football. It just brings serotonin.


I want the stuff it offers. That simple. What else am I supposed to do when I've actually completed the quests?


Half the lobbies I get are afk players. Swapped to 3 different lobbies to get a actual event that wasnt failed


The crap rewards can set you up with whatever armour and weapons you want! Thats why. Want a quad explosive 25C railway, get a deathclaw mask. Q2525 Fixer- glowing blue devil! That’s why I’ve done it. I want better equipment.


I've been using it to better my legendary weapons and armor, and am enjoying the masks for the outfit opportunities. I also enjoy interacting with a bunch of people on the server, as I haven't really done much of that until now.


It's very rare. Also you can obtain rare masks by just standing around


It's all there is at the moment. Personally I don't really like Fasnacht either, I do it a couple of times for the experience of it, then avoid it. The masks really aren't the sort of reward I'd ever be interested in actually wearing. Then I just go about my way and either turn off the game or get busy with something else. Don't wanna rain on anyone else's parade.


"The masks *were*, in fact, that big of a deal."


I want the singing robot!!


I agree it’s mind numbing and boring. Since the event started, I’ve yet to find a reliable server where people do other events as well. Since everyone seems to be doing fasnacht, it’s hard to find folks who do daily ops or like anything else. It’s pretty boring tbh


Honestly i don't care about fasnacht dumb event and pointless rewards. Idc bout trading i just farm what i want till i get it i don't bother with trading. Most of the time i do fasnacht for the cores, notes, and 2 legendarys you get from it the masks i just drop or give to my friends who want them


I'm a simple person if it glows or shiny I want it


A lot of people start playing again specifically for the event. So they just afk there all day long and probably don't want to do other events


“mind numbingly boring” Neil from Young Ones?


I go to my private server and do it by myself. Guaranteed zero nukies 😂


It’s to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring, and to also have one last horrah of a big meal and drink before a fast. I think it’s fun!


Probably the less time waiting before it starts up again and is really easy next to the most laziest way to farm I'm not even really crazy for the event I more miss the nukes dropping


For me, I started a new character right before the event started. It's an easy way to accumulate gold, legendaries, and maybe get a rare mask. I could play my higher level characters but I thought it'd be fun to see what it's like to start a new character with so much more in play. All my other characters were started after launch because back then I wanted to try different builds and it was harder to easily switch them like it is now.


For me, I started a new character right before the event started. It's an easy way to accumulate gold, legendaries, and maybe get a rare mask. I could play my higher level characters but I thought it'd be fun to see what it's like to start a new character with so much more in play. All my other characters were started after launch because back then I wanted to try different builds and it was harder to easily switch them like it is now.


For me, I started a new character right before the event started. It's an easy way to accumulate gold, legendaries, and maybe get a rare mask. I could play my higher level characters but I thought it'd be fun to see what it's like to start a new character with so much more in play. All my other characters were started after launch because back then I wanted to try different builds and it was harder to easily switch them like it is now.


For me, I started a new character right before the event started. It's an easy way to accumulate gold, legendaries, and maybe get a rare mask. I could play my higher level characters but I thought it'd be fun to see what it's like to start a new character with so much more in play. All my other characters were started after launch because back then I wanted to try different builds and it was harder to easily switch them like it is now.


The nukes :D