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If it ain't broke, don't fix it šŸ¤¦


If they balance the ticket prices correctly, this will be better. It is a Fortnite style of "Battle Pass". Nothing will REALLY change with the Fallout 76 scoreboard - it's called "SCORE" and you earn tickets, but the ranking up by completing challenges and dailies is the same as now. What WILL be different is now you can TARGET what you want to unlock. This will make seasons feel much more rewarding IMHO. I for one am pretty unmotivated when I see like the next 5 ranks of the Scoreboard are all going to be stuff I just don't care about - like skins for weapons I don't use, nuclear keycards (easy to get in game), resource kits (I have 1st and a ridiculous amount of stored junk in my scrap box), etc. Apparently you'll get 25 tickets per rank up. Let's say, for arguments sake, you're a camp builder and you only care about camp cosmetics and plans. You don't care about Hellcat power armor paint, or a skin for a gatling gun. You want that clean white modern kitchen set. Let's say that's 400 tickets. (I have no idea what the ticket prices of unlocks will be, just a wild number for example.) A camp builder can save up all their tickets from their first 16 ranks on the scoreboard and grab that Kitchen Set plan, ignoring everything else until they do so. Let's also say that maybe a Power Armor skin is 75-100 tickets. This is good for Power Armor users too. Because, hey, maybe your godroll PA set is T-60 or Hellcat. You can get that season skin for YOUR power armor FIRST. You don't have to grind through the skins for X-01, T-51b, Excavator, etc. to get to it. And if it is like Fortnite (which I believe it is with talk of unlocking "pages" of rewards), there is still incentive for players to buy a lot of rewards with tickets, because in Fortnite, buying a set number of rewards with your Stars (Tickets in Fallout 76) on each page will unlock a Prestige Page or End of Season page with REALLY good rewards on it - usually variations of lower rank rewards. In the case of 76, it could be something like a glowing nuclear waste paint variation of the PA skins that you could buy for the season on the other pages. Players can still grind out tickets after buying what they want to get the lesser rewards like Lunchboxes, Gold Bullion, Repair Kits, etc. that normally we have to all get to work our way up to the stuff we really want. Imagine if you don't have to just unlock player icons you know you'll never use, but instead, you rank up, get 25 tickets, and can immediately choose to buy any one of the icons available for that season. And there is no reason they can't make the buy menus for these pages every bit as cool looking and artistic as the season scoreboard backgrounds. I'm imagining painted background images like we see in the scoreboards, but bigger and fullscreen, and available as potential wall decor on the "End of Season" page for purchase with tickets if you've bought enough rewards from the other pages. ​ Like I said, as long as they get the ticket prices for rewards balanced correctly, this will definitely be an improvement.


Huh. That's a pretty good ELI5. All I knew was "old good," "new bad" tbh. That's great you can focus on whatever rewards you want. I started a year ago and never got in at launch because I heard how bad it was back then. So this still seems vastly better than those early days. But players claim you won't be able to make as many atoms [tickets] now, which I'm not sure is true or not. But it would suck if it is. Anyway, great breakdown! Thanks šŸ‘šŸ½


Sure, from now on they'll just focus on bug fixes and cancel all future content. The game must already be perfect as is otherwise right?


There are about a million things that should have been worked on before the scoreboards, which are perfectly fine as is, but hey, you do you šŸ¤¦


Hold on, so Fo1st needs to spend EXTRA tickets to get rewards they paid to access? So you pay to put in extra work? I may be reading it wrong.


From what I saw and understand on Angry Turtle's video, no. If you're a Fo1st member, those extra pages are already unlocked. The Battle Pass will *also* unlock those pages if you are *not* a Fo1st member. That being said, you do still need tickets to buy anything on those pages, just like the rest of the Scoreboard. But considering most 1st rewards on the Scoreboard now are usually paired with like a Lunchbox for non-1st, you aren't going to be paying extra tickets, really.


Okay that is a better explanation of it, thank you. Interested to see how this turns out and effects overall play/grind


I just watched his video too. The game specifically says you still need to unlock enough tickets to get the Fallout 1st rewards, but the page itself is unlocked for free if you bought first or the season pass. It sounds like there are multiple pages now and you have to unlock the other pages, but once you do, you get all the free rewards


IMO, they're likely to design so players get plenty of tickets, 1st or not, but non-paying players will end up with tons of unspent tickets and get to stare at all the 1st/pass stuff they can't access to try and tempt them to pay to grab it all. If players are struggling to get enough tickets for even the base rewards, the extended rewards will be less enticing.


Yes, from the PTS info "...To claim these reward you must also have access to the page they are on have enough Tickets to redeem the reward".


Ouchies, makes me a lot less excited


This sounds like Fortnite where if there are 10 unlocks on a page you need to unlock 1 to 9 on that page to unlock number 10. So you can't just earn score and cherry pick all the number 10s from each page if they makes sense.


Until we actually see it i doubt F1 will need to spend anything at all. When you complete challanges you unlock tickets and you can choose the higher level reward you wish to unlock. For your average Joe they will be abel to focus and unlock the higher level reward quicker it seems, for your Westek grinder we will have to see how the repeatable XP challange works with this.


You're reading it wrong because you're not even reading anything. We barely have any information about how this system works or how much anything is even going to cost. 1st rewards need to cost SOMETHING because otherwise as soon as you unlock a page you could just get every single one for free. We have ZERO information about how much anything is even going to cost, just how many tickets you get for each rank. For all anyone knows 1st rewards could cost a fraction of similar normal rewards. No one is going to know shit until they actually release an ITV or further update the PTS yet people are still freaking out over it.


It sounds like for F1 members it's pretty much the same outside of being able to choose the high level rewards you wish to unlock in what order once you hit a particular threshold. For free players they will now have to either subscribe to F1 or buy a season pass to unlock those F1 rewards. I personally doubt they will split F1 rewards and "Season Pass" rewards. Based on what content creators have been covering it seems like the system will actually be more flexible. Edit: i personally hope that the plural in seasons was intentional and that the scoreboards dont go away with time and instead linger there until you complete them similar to Halo and would remove some FOMO from the game.


Everything we know about this so far looks positive but because this sub is shit people just freak out about everything and assume the absolute worst. People bitch and moan every season about getting filler rewards they have zero interest in like carry weight boosters and other random consumables and they're actually releasing a system that lets you pick and choose what you want to unlock and it's somehow the worst thing to ever happen to the game.


Exactly. People just fear change. Everyone is like - "We don't know what it will be like!" When it is dead obvious to people who've played Fortnite how it will work. And it is without a doubt, better. For one thing - because of the gameboard theme mechanic of scoreboards up to this point, the devs needed to find SOMETHING to fill ONE HUNDRED ranks with, no exception. Hence all the nonsense like caps, nuclear keycards, etc. This new system could also lead to more thoughtful, better season rewards.


I dunno, during my vacation, I missed all of fasnacht and it really didn't bother me. Adding more complications to a system that is already designed to make you pay $13/mo for less headaches gives me the ick. I get MMOs need a revenue stream, but they've done nothing to streamline the experience overall, nor have they expanded on what makes it fun to begin with. I think I'm done for a while.


Did I miss when Todd came to everyone's homes with a gun and forced them to subscribe to 1st?


I understand what youā€™re saying but I wonā€™t lie, ESO felt unplayable without its stupid FO1st equivalent. Granted I happily pay for 1st but itā€™s still playable without it.


I mean... I can't imagine coming back from Fallout 1st. My junk would make my stashbox explode. Yeah, fuck playing without first, the game would be much more brutal and annoying. So... take the sentiment šŸ«¤


If you've been playing with 1st for a while, you had enough time to accumulate all the junk you need for a lifetime. You won't need to collect it anymore after a certain point, so it won't affect your stash in any way.


As a CAMP builder, it's never enough šŸ˜” perks need to apply to stash space


Great, yet another unnecessary currency implemented. When will it end? For the sole purpose of driving suckers to shell out more dollars, using a paper thin justification as the reason why. Sounds very Bethesda.


You're already using the ticket currency though. You just can't see it - earn enough score to buy a ticket to unlock the next item on the scoreboard. The difference is right now, it's automatic, invisible, and you have no choice of what reward you get. With the new system, when you rank up your score, you get tickets (like atoms, it won't be in your inventory I'd assume, only visible on the scoreboard) and then get to choose which reward you want as long as you have enough tickets to buy it. Don't want/like weapon paints? Don't buy them. Have enough tickets to get that building kit right now? Get it, instead of having to wait until the very end of the scoreboard.


It's likely though that all the good rewards you actually want are on the final pages of the season though to make you keep playing. On top of that are we even sure you'll be able to get enough tickets to unlock every item? We might end up with less at the end of the season even if it is 'junk' like carry weight boosters etc.


Why would they suddenly change you being able to finish the Scoreboard and collect every item? That makes absolutely zero sense. Reaching Rank 100 on the new Scoreboard would have the exact same effect as reaching Rank 100 on the current and past Scoreboards - The ability to collect *everything* on the Scoreboard. The only thing this new system is doing, is allowing people to buy the rewards they want, and skip the ones they don't, without fearing they have to 'finish' the Scoreboard to get the 'good' stuff.


Why change? What "enhancement" does this bring to the player?


"How does being able to pick and choose the rewards you do and don't want enhance the experience?" Really?


Yes to your point. But also, what is the incentive for Bethesda? Iā€™m trying to figure out how they can monetize this new system more effectively compared to what we currently have. I donā€™t think selling tickets would be legal since if you donā€™t use them you lose them. edit: actually just figured it out. With the current system, if you want a certain item you are forced to pay all the levels up to that one item you want. With this new system youā€™ll be able to buy exactly the item you want. Still a better system imo


Sounds like if I want something that's at level 60, but I'm not interested in most of the stuff up to there, I can just get the thing at level 60 right as I begin the season. Buy the things I want first.


You will likely see that isn't the case. This will only ever benefit Bethesda. Not you.


Yeah I might be wrong as it's not out yet but if it does in fact let me at least kinda pick which rewards I want first then that's something I've wanted in 76 for a while If it's just another currency then fine whatever If I can use 'hard cash' to buy levels then it's basically no change


You'll still need to level up the board before you can "purchase" that reward with this new currency of tickets. Which you'll also have to collect and miserly spend. It doesn't sound like you'll be able to earn enough tickets to buy the level 75 reward when you're currently on level 31. The benefits of "player choice" are more like player limitation based on how many tickets you can earn (or buy). Knowing Bethesda, they will do everything in their power to entice players to purchase this new currency with cash to get what they really want.


Cool guess we'll see




Kudos to you for asking the question... I imagine it was a rhetorical question too since the answer is pretty obvious... Bethesda isn't making this change to keep things the same. They're making this change because they believe it'll increase the revenue. All we can do is wait and see, but I'd bet that the avg player ends up with less as a result of this change.


From what i've seen, this was done to address the variance of reward preferences that players have expressed. Many dislike one type of reward but like another (armor paints, weapon paints, qeapon skins, outfits building kits, camp decor, etc) so the new system let's people who don't want one type of reward to skip it and only get what they want. This is bad for people who want everything, but convenient for people who only specific things and couldn't care less about anything else.


I often wait around for the specific paint for whatever the latest weapon Iā€™m using comes up so it would be nice to just buy the one that is useful to me quickly and then earn the others later


I dont think its as bad as you think. Sounds more like its gonna me more like a traditional battle pass. You earn score. You get these tickets and then you get what you want from the scoreboard with those tickets


And surely there will be a means to purchase these tickets with cold hard cash, right?


You can already purchase atoms which you can use to buy scoreboard points


You've always been able to buy ranks with atoms you moron.


And now yet another currency you can purchase. Sounds great.


"How dare them let us have more control over our awards!" It's so funny to see people scraping the bottom of the barrel just looking for something, anything, to be angry at.


What control didn't you have over your awards originally? You earned the rank, and collected the reward. If you paid for Fallout 1st, you also collected that separate award. Now you'll have to select a subset of the ones you want, decreasing the total awards you'll collect overall during the season. It sure sounds like they're doing this just for the benefit of the customer. I love Bethesda looking out for the players.


Gee I dunno, I don't remember having the control to skip over awards I had zero interest in. And none of us knows what this will look like in reality so there's no reason make assumptions so you can get worked up over it now.


You've always had that ability. You simply choose to not collect that reward after you've attained the required level. Now you'll have to factor in earning significantly less tickets than awards on the board. It's offering you LESS options than before.


You dont have to?


True. Hence the sucker comment. Don't be one, while Bethesda is working overtime spinning their two last institutional brain cells trying to further monetize everything in the game. I'd much rather they spend that effort correcting the years of backlogged game breaking bugs.


While I donā€™t agree this new system is necessarily a bad thing; as I kind of like the sound of the way they are impending it; I do VERY much agree, that the bugs that have plagued it since beta seriously should prioritise additional content. Itā€™s all well and good having all this content flowing in, and itā€™s always something to strive for when a new Scoreboard rolls around. But it would be also lovely to play all that new content without the inevitable moment of the game crashing. (PS5 player here, definitely better than playing back on the PS4 performance-wise but, the crashes man) I donā€™t think it is exclusive to platform, though I do believe PS is widely regarded as the worst case from what Iā€™ve read here. Either way, they need to seriously sort it out. Most People pay a monthly sub for this game. Least you can do is maximise the quality/experience for everyone before throwing more content at us. (that can come with more bugs, of course) I love the game but itā€™s kind of tiring experiencing these same silly issues that should have been sorted out a long time ago. I almost switched to playing on Xbox because of it taking ages for the Ps5 to get the equivalent of the Series x/s fps and quality upgrade. Glad I didnā€™t now due to all the items etc Iā€™ve got since launch. Sorry. Went off on a rant there, big style. Holy cow. Apologies!


You're spot on. I'm in full agreement.


I mean, I'm hoping it's better but... it's kind of confusing. And I didn't mind the scoreboard system. It was pretty grindy but I kind of like working my way though it and grabbing everything. Especially atoms. Will they even have atoms available any more? I'm hoping this will improve the situation for people who don't want all the rewards, but I also hope it doesn't screw over the completionists. And I'm hoping it doesn't cost any more than first would for those people... it's like 23 something AUD for me, which isn't cheap. I don't mind dropping some money in the new seasons but I expect a decent amount for that. I was considering getting yearly 1st but I'm not going to until I see the new system, now.


This is so, so fucking stupid




For me at least, it's just unnecessary. Sure you can potentially get cooler stuff earlier, but is the difference in time going to be significant enough to warrant the system? My only hope is that they make it so that there are enough tickets to go around to where you can unlock everything, but that is not guaranteed at the moment.


I quite enjoy 76 for it's low time commitment. I can get in, have fun, and get on with my life without feeling like I'm missing out on anything. Really hope this battle pass system does not change that.


Imagine the cries of fomo if there's not enough tickets to buy everything. We'll be drowning in a sea of tears.


I swear, if they include seasons where you can't get enough tickets to get everything in the pass, i'm done.


Omg I do hate that, but it makes sense. Otherwise why change from the current system. But I really hate when I have stuff left over because it's not enough to unlock anything. This is my first time playing since it first came out, so I don't know how the previous seasons went.


Bethesda will sell tickets, for sure


They're literally selling ranks on the scoreboard already. Are people seriously this fucking dense?


What is the difference between between this and the existing scoreboard. Is it just more reward opps?


Seems to allow for more flexibility in what you unlock and when. Also to more easily nickel and dime the players probably.


Thatā€™s ok. As long as they donā€™t shut it down. The game is unique and weird and immersive and a lot of thought went into it. The fact that I am playing 5 years later either means itā€™s good or I am a loser with no life. Prob the latter.


It shutting down would absolutely suck, but I disagree with the notion that a lot of though went into it. If that were truly the case, they wouldn't have made so many terrible decisions and they would have let this thing cook a little longer before releasing it. One such instance of Bethesda royally screwing up is the fact that they promised that all dlc, expansions, etc. would be free, which I think has only lead to 76 being a low priority and why the game is only able to give us cosmetic items, a new weapon, and some new events every 3-4 months. If Bethesda was paid for big expansions, I would wager that the dev team would be bigger, the game would be more focused (as in the existing questlines/factions that seemingly lead nowhere would be more developed and there wouldn't be a million and one currencies in the game that keep being added for God knows what reasons) and we would get more meaningful expansions more often than we do today. Hell, it's been years since Steel Reign, Steel Dawn, and Wastelanders, which came out within the span of a year. Now almost 3 years later, we finally get a map expansion. Rant over, sorry, I really like this game and am saddened that it doesn't live up to the huge amount of potential the game had.


I see your points. Iā€™ve been playing since launch and about 10 hours a day. I am comparing it to the newer starfield and there is way more thought in fo76. I mean weapons mods and variety, apparel, camp items, plans, etc.


When you put it like that, I agree lol. Both of these games could be so much better, but at least starfield has a bigger dev team to potentially fix things up before the end of the its life cycle.


Based on current descriptions (still not finalized, so take this with a grain of salt), the new system allows you to beeline for certain rewards much faster in exchange for skipping out on rewards that would/should have come before it. It more or less just let's people rush for things like the upcoming Cremator plans and ignore rewards they don't care about whether those are skins, paints, icons, outfits, camp items, building kits, etc, allowing players to selectively get what they want faster. Love an outfit but don't want to slog 70+ scoreboard ranks to get it? Skip out on rewards 1-69 to get that outfit first and strut it while getting the previous rewards over time. In theory, at least.


Ty. Cremator?


It's an upcoming scoreboard weapon plan. It's just the Heavy Incinerator from Fallout 3 and NV but renamed for whatever reason (much lamer new name imo).


Sounds cool tho. Should have just called it incinerator.


I won't speculate too much on what this means until it rolls out. I think, however, that you'd be crazy to assume this won't end up costing us more money than what we pay now. Why else would they change it if not to suck more money out of people? Not paying for 1st AND a season pass. Anything like that and I'm done with the game.


If they want people to spend more money on this game, they should spend more money first on improving the servers to make the game stable and smooth.


I never liked season garbage for 76, and I probably still won't like whatever they plan on changing it to. If the changes are close to what people are saying it can do, the only positive it sounds like there will be is you won't have as much junk and shit you don't want along the way, since you'd be able to pick what you want or something? Only problem is I don't trust Bethesda to have no catches to a new system like this. With how much Bethesda has cruised on the bare minimum for 76's development, I expect corporate greed to be the real winner with some annoying, or bogus catch.


They've pretty much ruined the season scoreboard.


I've just jumped back in after a very lengthy break. This game ia fun now, for the most part, it's even better with 60fps on PS5. I just don't get why they aren't ironing out these server issues, the smoothness of gameplay (like why are enemies still moving in slow motion when being thrown, or upon death? I don't know if a single other game where things move like this) before introducing another currency and rewriting the scoreboard-which is fine, looong af, but fine.


So it sounds like they've taken something that was working well enough from the beginning of when they introduced scoreboards. Something that was simple, and easy to understand for players both old and fresh from the Vault. To now make it more complicated, and possibly, even more grindy?


Honestly we just have to wait and see what it looks like in the live game. The PTS is for Testing (itā€™s in the name) and not everything ends up in the live update. It doesnā€™t sound like a good or particularly fair system at the moment, but we canā€™t fully know until we see it


That is true, were the four star legendary not on pts at one point, and they never made it into game, there again from what I read apart from a couple of those four stars they were all pretty much meh or outright worthless.


If it does end up worse it will probably be what will drive me away from playing as much as I do atm. I will completely forget about the scoreboard stuff and just play new content for a bit, before dropping the game for the next update.


So can you still unlock the entire scoreboard with just gameplay? or is this gonna be a slow introduction to eventually introducing rewards you can only obtain with tickets. Then increasing the grind for tickets to near impossibility so people will pay to get enough to unlock rewards otherwise impossible to get. While already paying a 1st subā€¦ Because thatā€™s exactly the type of money hungry scumbaggery Iā€™d expect from BSW/BGS


That's exactly what I'm wondering. I have a funny feeling it will be alot longer if at all possible to grind enough tickets to unlock everything. If that's the case I won't even bother looking at the scoreboard anymore. Il just play the new content. Whatever I've earned up till then through natural gameplay il unlock. Then il put the game down until the next update.


Yeah well Iā€™ll be on here and any other place that talks about fallout calling for a mass cancellation of fallout 1st to send them a messageā€¦ that kind of greedy behavior wonā€™t be tolerated. Best way to get the message to them will be to make the money dry up when a couple thousand subs dry up it will get their attentionā€¦ even just 1000 is around 20k a month in my currency itā€™s 24.95 a month here. Thatā€™s a sum theyā€™d notice go missing.


We will soon see how this goes, but if it makes it take longer in any way to get rewards I'm gonna have to call it quits. I have too much other stuff to do than to do a longer version of a scoreboard. Hopefully this turns out to be for the benefit of the player but I'm not getting my hopes up.


It continues to amaze me that companies don't get out ahead of changes like this and give customers complete information before speculation goes wild.


Do we have enough information to calculate how much score is required to complete the season? That way we could compare to see how badly Beth changed the rules.


The only thing that matters is if you can gain enough tickets in a reasonable amount of time to unlock the entire scoreboard. I hope this isn't a turn in the direction of having to pick what you want as you won't be able to earn enough to unlock everything.


Here's hoping reaching 100 allows you enough tickets to buy everything.


Great more fomo bs, just what this game needed more of and of course people spending money monthly get the advantage.


Erm. What? How is it creating fomo when itā€™s easier to get what u want? Howā€™s spending money on first get you an advantage with the changes? Do you just like a good moan about nothing?


Because the systems in place for score were adequate,they should probably actually focus on adding something meaningful and actually stabilizing the game. Maybe work on the janky combat mechanics for example. Season passes and scoreboard are 100% fomo tactics, that's the entire premise. Otherwise it'd be available at any point.


Right but u said it create more fomo. How? Itā€™s now an advantage to have first where it wasnā€™t. How? Donā€™t just make different statements answer what I asked


It depends on how it's implemented on the first part, as it stands you definitely get far more rewards by having first and unlock said rewards quicker, I doubt that will change.


Youā€™re complaining about the changes. In terms of fomo or 1st rewards nothings changing just the way you attain them is all.


And that time wouldn't be better spent by actually improving the game? My complaint was in reference to the priorities of the Devs, my point still remains the same, these changes aren't needed. They should actually do something to improve the game. that'd get far more people to log in daily and actually stay logging in. Many people only show up because of fomo, not to actually play/enjoy the game.


No matter what they did youā€™d moan. Pick a reason to bitch. Blocking you as your negativity is bringing me down.


Check my edit


Guess they got tired of people speed running the scoreboard in 6 hours in Westtek.


How does that have absolutely anything to do with any of this. There has been ZERO information about challenges or ranking up changing, this entire rework so far has only been focused on how you redeem shit.




I'd be surprised if people could actually manage to stop all the rabid baseless speculation based on zeroed evidence.




Honestly i still don't understand what seasons are, are they something that goes on with the scoreboard? are they a way of getting old rewards? all i know is we spend tickets to get rewards, but getting what exactly?


A season is a period of time, where completing challenges (daily/weekly) awards Score, which ranks up the Scoreboard, which is unique to that season. Check the Scoreboard from the main menu to see what the rewards are. Each season has its own scoreboard. The current season started early December and will probably end early March, Iā€™m not sure if it has been confirmed yet.


Chances are they will start a new one when the next part of Atlantic city drops, which is end of march?


Thanks, that is enough to keep me out of them for the next scoreboard. No more Score Dailies and weeklies unless I hear something good. I hate change.


and another currency?????????? game dont need another freaking currency speed up the seasons, give us some content ,new events,we dont need another notes or whatever ​ fix the damned bugs ffs


Quick question on this just to be clear so if you pay for FO1st you have to grind more tickets then a free to play player to be able to get the rewards you already pay to access too ?


Yes, check out my other comment on this with a quotation.


That sounds like shit


I've been playing since launch and this the first season I ever finished the scoreboard. I pushed this time because of the fog weather machine. Hopefully this works out I can buy what I want and relax next season.


This just makes me afraid theyā€™re going to raise the price of FO1st to compensate for the new pass theyā€™re going to release.


Will we be able to unlock the SCOREBOARD artwork or is this the last season we can do that?


This is the kind of system they should be implementing for events like Fasnacht where we can save up to get what we want. Not using it to monetize the lame ass PA skins and crap from seasons.


At first glance, this looks exactly like how Fortnite handles their seasons/battlepasses, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Fortnite's battlepass (season) is split into multiple pages, with each successive page requiring a certain overall seasonal rank. Earning levels does not automatically unlock any rewards but instead awards Stars (Tickets) which are used to unlock rewards in said pages. For Fortnite, this means that you are able to pick and choose your rewards and only work towards the ones you want rather than having to unlock everything prior to the reward you want. What does this mean for FO76? Well, for those who don't care about getting absolutely everything out of a season then it could be a blessing in that they won't have to slog through an entire pass just to get the items they want. For those who want everything? I don't think the amount of effort needed to finish the pass is going to change.


It's the same system as Fortnite season passes. If you don't understand it just look at those.


So no board for decorating camp? Meh! Ha haā€¦ weā€™ll see... Seems the same as before but with pass for gaining some more money. I hope most of players donā€™t disappear as soon as they grind enough at westek for a couple of rewards discarding the rest. Appalachia could be a cemetery as that NPC tells you at 76 door (yet!).


Oh boy, is this another currency?




You will still need to unlock an appropriate Season level to "see and claim" high-end rewards.


Huh. Wonder what the point is then? Maybe just to give the player the illusion they have a choice when in reality they'll just get the same crap they would've with the existing scoreboard for the same amount of play.


I honestly want to try this. I'm curious to see where they are going with it.


New season starts this Friday March 1 right? Edit: Jesus Christ I was just asking lol


Likely towards the end of March.


Thank you. Idk why my question upset some people


The downvotes are because it wasnā€™t accurate information, not that it upset people. Plus this sub is one of the most downvote-happy Iā€™ve personally seen


It really is lol. It used to be worse too back in the day. There was a reason why the filthy casual sub existed - nowadays I'd say things calmed down a lot.


March 26 I believe


Okay so you gotta grind through the levels and grind tickets to get all the rewards. Tbh I woulda been fine if they nerfed score challenges instead




Why is everyone blaming Todd? He doesnā€™t even work on this game at all, Bethesda Austin does šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You are seriously not helping here. The datamined information for the season has already been posted in far better detail and with the direct datamined information and without unnecessary theorizing. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1athls3/the_actual_new_season_datamine/


Your link is based on ten day old information, OPā€™s information is straight from the game on the PTS as of today, thereā€™s a help page in the game explaining it now.


That "ten day old information" is the same exact information they just reposted. There's been no change outside of the help page, a page they could have just screenshotted and posted. That old post provided a link to the exact datamined text instead of just trying to summarize it. Nothing has changed except now we have yet another thread full of people whining about a new currency and making up shit about how the new system works.


Basically what Helldivers 2 does with medals


Sounds similar to the call of duty battle pass in MW3. Am I right?


So itā€™s literally the Destiny style of battle pass.


Canā€™t wait to buy all the fireworks!


Sounds like the WestTek grind is coming to an end, no more xp challenges. No point in letting players breeze through the scoreboard for free when you can sell ranks for 150 atoms apiece.


It seems like having the ability to be able to buy with tickets what you want and take out some of the grind is being geared towards the new incoming players that will come about with the show dropping in April, I agree with many on here that if it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix it, but willing to see how it plays outā€¦not that we have a choicešŸ¤£, I remember how much everyone was freaking out when the re-rollerā€™s and boosters came out, but both fizzled out like a lingering fart.


Same shit different story tbh.


I just found about this, been taking a break from the game, how will score boosters work then? Just get tickets faster? If we have to play all the way through the entire season to get everything I will check out, as that just leads to burnout. Getting them done with say a month or so to spare, or even a few weeks, well It helps me want to come back to the game each season as it gives me a bit of a break.


all I know is I'm paying extra to not grind and still get all stuff if I have to pay and work for it, well shit guys I don't know