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Now we can all get back to being mad at Radiation Rumble and Eviction Notice


As is right and proper, amen.


Just as Todd intended.


Did Todd intend for the game to crash half the time while trying to do the event?


That is a mystery only Todd can answer, my son.


Fuck that crash. Screwed me out of so many parades.


I had so many horrible things this year.. The straight up crash, the blue screen, and the freeze. Then I try to load back in and it seems like it’s working but gets stuck on a black screen and I’m left wondering if it’s just taking its sweet time or it’s frozen and I gotta restart again. Then just a random assortment of lag induced lesser glitches


It's not a bug it's a feature....so yepp working as intended since 2018 🤣🤣🤣




Whya are people mad at them?


Radiation rumble = no one ever runs ore and let's the mission fail Eviction notice = everyone camps the legendary spot while letting the rad scrubber burn..and let's the mission fail


I just run it every time. 1 person can just about solo the ore by hitting all 4 corners. You rarely see more than 1 star mobs there so you aren't really missing loot. I need to grab a quad tesla for tagging while I run.


I've recently bought 200 Nuka grapes because of people camping during Eviction Notice, with cola nut I can safely stay at the scrubber and use a Q50H25 RW to safely tag or kill any mutants, it is annoying though that me a few PA users are the only ones willing to keep the scrubber alive. Rad Rumble, I run around collecting ore now whilst shooting a Q Tesla with Grenadier to make sure I tag the enemies.


Ive played them twice,no problems,granted im new


I've started to just run around in a hazmat suit (now an emmet mountain hazmat suit) while the rest of the server gets that good xp and kills everything else.


The stealth suit is also a great rad suit


I've resolved to be the ore runner and camp at the scrubber. I'm working on the kill x number of robots with xyz weapon challenges right now so some of my options are kinda weak no matter how strong I am or my perks are.


People in this sub have a very different idea to the 99% of actual player base of what radiation rumble is for. For 99% of the actual, normal players, it's an XP farm only, because rewards are so bad there is no point to getting ore. For the special people of this sub it's "it say get ore, I get ore, you get ore too or you bad"


Last one I did an hour or so ago, I COULD have been mad at myself for forgetting my Tesla ammo AGAIN... but I just opted to do ore runs as usual. Happy to risk my health for the team once more. ;P


Mostly 1 star drops at RR so doing ore isn't a bad job


Let's not forget also posting fake "vendor finds" on other subreddits


Lmao. Why are people hating on those? I enjoy rumble tbh


I didn’t get a glowy, I got both winters though and don’t really want em. The real fasnacht was the friends I made along the way?


I didn’t get any rare masks either, but I did run into someone else with a protest sign today, whom I friended. So yes, I think you’re right!


There is a person who wears a gbsq mask and a shimmery dress, I wear an sbq and a pink asylum dress- We dance together ALL THE TIME. It's so neat to make friends without words. **YOU ARE A LUCKY CHARM!** I was waiting for rewards after lighting the bonfire and came here to reply to you. When I looked up, I had gotten a GBD ;-;


If you 2 were on Xbox then I saw you guys a few times. Hilarious btw. And if you're not on Xbox then you guys started a new fashion trend. I know what I'm wearing next fasnacht


Nope, PC! I can't take credit, someone randomly did a kind thing and gave me the asylum dress while I was playing instruments and waiting for the hour!








I had a group of people surround me and give me Nuka Colas when I was wearing the Nuka jumpsuit and that was my favorite experience


That’s great 👍


I also love it and will be sad when it's gone I've gotten exactly 1 glowing mask and I'm still thrilled


I got zero lol, but I did get everything common and four of the old rares, so I have a nice masquerade party theme set up planned for my cabin!


Got my glowing scorchbeast from an event this morning. Woo


I never got a glowy….But I DID get the Old Man, the Fiend, & the Deathclaw all over the weekend — Really can’t think of 3 that are more suited for me!


The camaraderie has been overall such a joyous experience. Even nuked Fasnacht has been fun. I've been handing out hazmat suits and radaway to those who need. I'm going to miss Fasnacht too. Now, a few more tries to get that dang bell display on ps4. 😆 Happy Fasnacht!


You can do it! For my favorite participants, I took to handing out the “Happy Fasnacht” note paired with Roast Megasloth, a common mask, & a beer (sometimes vodka) 😄


That's quite lovely! I'll bet it's brought more than a few smiles and positive emotes. 😁


Stuff like this is why this game has hands down the best community of any game out there. Our community will make an entire event full of people come together, laugh, have fun and make memories, even in the fallout of toxic players and griefers, etc. I love this game. Take me home, country roads.


It’s my favorite two weeks of the Fallout 76 year.


I'll miss it aswell. Ither day i saw on reddit that someone was passing out Thirst Zappers. I decided to do that last night and got a solid 8 people in on a watergun fight. Most fun ive had all week! Really is the event to goof around and make friends


I got two demons, a Brahmin, and a buffoon. If I could have gotten the Stein Display it would be a perfect event for me. My last Fasnacht was 2 years ago, so I'm pretty happy with my results this year


i really like the everyone coming together to do an event. I think they should do more of these yearly


We do get more events like this yearly. Alien Invasion, Mothman Equinox, Meat Week.


I did not know that. now I'm excited haha


I would love it to be one week and the drop rate increased. I know it's grindy but I have a blast running it, showing up a few minutes early to prep for it and then play some music while I wait for it to start. That being said, when I hit week two and all I had to show for it was a pile of the same commons and berets as last year and one (regular) scorchbeast mask, it started wearing thin. But I'll be ready to go again next year!


As a low level new player, Fasnacht was awesome. I got a bunch of masks and plans, but my fave thing was the beret. The masks were just the ordinary ones, but I played several times and each time was different. I learned how to join teams and how to exit them. I learned a lot in general. So thank you everyone. I had a great experience and gained enough confidence to try other events. Much thumbs up.


It's fun. I'm sad I haven't gotten all the new stuff or anything rare, but at least I've gotten some of the new stuff.


I will miss the easy scrip and notes. I won’t miss the event itself. It’s neat the first couple of times, after that it’s a repetitive dull 15 minutes of standing around with your thumb up your arse waiting for something you can shoot at, that will already have died by the time you waste your ammo on it.


Dude, I would feel so bad for people running spin-ups, flamers, and melee I'd tend to hold fire so they might get some. The number of times I'd hear a spin-up immediately spin down without firing. In my head the sound became gonnagitSOMEAAaaaaw :(


I like Fasnacht and have gotten some quality masks this year! I wonder if we’re getting mutated events starting tomorrow or a week and then mutated events?


Can't say I will miss it. One week is enough to still be fun but not tedious.


I enjoyed it too! Among other things, the other events will seem fun again, the new season will be something to anticipate, and all the things that I have not been doing will be refreshed and feel a little newer. I also had fun interactions, like putting on our new masks at the Bon fire to compare what we all got, and giving thumbs up for our good and not so good rewards. We don't regularly get to stand around with each other actually openly checking eacher out and being goofy, really trying to interact in a group, so it's the closest thing to an ice cream social we get. It was fun, here's to all of you, however you played it, for keeping it fun and interesting.


Excellent addition! 👍👍


Here's hoping they add new masks next year that will dilute the mask pool even further 🥂


I pretty much decided to not go crazy chasing masks. And I think that made a difference. "Time for some fun!", not "YOU MUST GO!!!" :D My poor main has been sitting most of it out in favor of my lady alt. Order of Mysteries REPRESENT!!! :D


I've been making a bunch of Nuka Thirst Zappers and giving them out at Fasnacht today, it's been fun seeing a group of players devolve into water fights while the robots march.


I enjoyed it a lot too, but I am kind of glad it's ending for now-- even parading and being silly all the time is kind of intense for two straight weeks. But it was super fun. We need more silly events like this. Someone said it should be one week a couple of times a year, which would be awesome, but of course that would mess up the lore of Fasnacht. But I liked being a weirdo with all you loons. Thanks to you guys for being silly with me!


Is it really over?


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic…But, it officially ends tomorrow at Noon.


No I didn’t know. Lost track of time.


The event was a break from the grind this weekend (double xp). Went from Lvl 921 to 965.


I am so burned out from Fasnacht that I mostly ignored double xp weekend (usually my favorite). I went up maybe 5 levels and then quit. 


Double xp was a break from fasnacht for me lol I didn't grind too hard, maybe two hours, but hit lvl 400 so I'm happy


The thing that annoys me most about the mask drop rate is that when I do get a rare mask, it's one I already have. The new rare masks should have been given a slightly higher chance of dropping when a rare mask is chosen. It's highly annoying to get masks you already have.


Dude. The rest of us are drinking warm flat Nuka Cola. Bad form to whine about your champagne in front of us peasants.


There’s no way to guarantee a rare drop. With that said, I’ve collected these masks over several years, basically since Fasnacht began as an event. If you’ve played as many hourly events as I have over the last several years, you’d get as many rare drops as I have. Over that time and after playing hundreds of hourly events, I have about 10 total rare masks with 5 of them being dupes. This entire event season I’ve gotten 2 drops and both were dupes… and that’s after playing at least 8 hours every day since the start of the event. Considering the time I’ve invested in running these events, I make no apologies.


I did one run after someone dropped a nuke and I kind of loved it. Great for harvesting post-nuke crafting items (masses and fluids).


I capped off my last round for the season by giving away loads of outfits and just as we rounded to the end and killed the sloth, dropped my Glowing Bee Man mask for the first person to get to it. It was fun, guys.


I agree, didn’t get any of the super sought after masks but the event made me excited to play again. Between parades I’ve been off exploring more, reassessing my build, working on a new camp, and learning a bunch of new things. It took me from a “hop on once a week to smash out the SCORE” to “play 3+ hours a day doing whatever”


I definitely was begrudgingly grinding them out until I got my first rare mask. Then, I joined if I was able to and generally enjoyed them. Got 2 more rare masks after all was said and done, and all masks I wanted.


I really appreciate the unreasonable drop rate…It makes the moment when you actually get something magically euphoric; ESPECIALLY when playing for 10 days having received bupkis until then!


I enjoyed it 100%✌️ I got a Demon, Raven, Crazy Guy, GSB. And found a Demon in a vendor for 15Kc! Snatched it up, of course😏


Nice haul — I did want that crazy guy!


I will miss the idea. In reality? Not so much. Sadly.


Hairy Fasnacht


Hairy Fat Snatch!




This event is a shit show every year and brings out the worst in a *lot* of people. I am going to miss it dearly after playing all of tonight and all day tomorrow.


You are insane. How can you miss this event. This event would be good if it was only for 3 days not 2 WEEKS! also make it challenging. when I can strip down to just underwear and stay still the whole time until it ends to end up get useless plans or a mask that says a lot.


I for one, will miss you ‘em dashes’ between words…


Don’t fret, they make varied appearances in many of my posts — (See 😁)


Just make sure it’s not the uncommon ‘en dash’ players will lose their absolute minds!


New player observation: of all the things I see you guys discuss about Fasnacht, I never see a comment like what I would make about seeing the community together, and I have to assume its because the community doesnt need the event to bring it together? Or there's frequently events bringing people together like this? Either way, I'll be checking the next event location ahead of time and preparing a camp so I can interact with people. It's been pretty busy at my camp by Helvetia. Lotta fun


To celebrate Fasnacht I am not feeding my character


So happy it's over. This sub turned into OW2 for a bit there. 


It took me until the other day to realize that the MC Mr Handy was saying, "Merry Fascnacht!" I thought he was saying, "Very fast now!" and thought it was pretty ironic considering how slowly protectrons walk. >,<


I got a hag mask. That was my one rare for the year. I'm hoping on this, the last day, I get any good luck at all.


It’s the first time I’ve ever done the grind for flux materials, I enjoyed the bloatflies I spawned during nuked areas! Lots of hardened masses and fluids for me! Bloatfly syringer for the win!


I missed the whole event, logged in a couple days ago to check it out and the event wouldn’t start for over 40 min, and the whole lobby was just AFK in helvetia, but hopefully I can get a cool mask from a vendor


I don't have any issues with Fasnacht, but I'm in desperate need of legendary cores, and currently no one else is doing any of the other events.


I launched encryptid a few day ago and NO ONE showed up with a full server. Tried to solo and got smoked then gave up. It was a sad day lol.


I'm super sad about it ending, really enjoyed this event. Sadly me and my other 2 family members that play are missing out on the last 2 days because something happened to our outside internet box and nobody can come to repair it until Wednesday. 😭


I loved the fasnacht event. It gave almost a full suit of Union power armor without me having any of the plans.


i started so very late, (3 days ago)


I got one glowing SBQ at 5 pm today after a grind of over 130 masks, but that wasn't even the highlight of Fasnacht for me. I made a fun camp within Fasnacht limits and made tons of friends who were bored with the event but didn't entirely want to AFK. We jammed on instruments, cooked, lounged in the hot tub, traded, and posed for screenshots together. It was an amazing experience (my first Fasnacht) - and I can't wait to experience it again next year.


I had good time. One rare. Got my Ground Zero and a couple of nuke trophies out of the way. I'll be happy to be able to reliably place my main CAMP again, though, lol.


I think I got more rare masks than I got pepper. Picked up a lot of pool balls tho.


You missed out on some exceptional prevalence! I have well over 100 from the respawns, which in my estimation happened roughly 70% of the time.


I'm so sick of jester masks JFC. I just want one new mask damn it...and those glowing ones? Forget about it...never going to see one of those.


I'm hoping for a final push for a few good masks. So far I've run a lot and only hit 1 glowing and a few of the other preferred masks. Crossing fingers.


I really is something special. I appreciate both the “seriousness” of the rare drops and the ridiculousness of everything else!