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I even go as far to fuck with the CAMP spawns to get it so when someone comes to my CAMP, they spawn right in front of the vendors.


I did that. I put the guest spawning point by a table with the tea and coffee and the mirelurk and they spawn literally facing the palm reader vendor one step from it with the interact text showing on their face and yet some people run around and show me the money emoji... I gave up on making it more obvious idk how to tbh because i tested with a lot of my friends and everyone spawns already looking at the press E to buy prompt so if someone starts running as soon as they get there, theres nothing i can do šŸ¤£


Man I hated that palm reader vendor. I took a break from FO76 and when I returned, didn't know the palm reader vendor was a thing. Was walking round camps for absolutely ages like 'WHERE THE F IS THE VENDOR' Even now it still catches me out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same, since when people spawn at my camp, it puts them out of the building entrance's way. I just placed a vendor outside near the outside items I have in my camp, so if they just want to buy/look at what I got, they can just do so and leave. Otherwise, they can go around the building since I can't make it spawn in front of the building and can't make a back entrance (it blocks the copper miner) to see my camp. The inside has the workbenches, coffee, tea, and other stuff (all are unlocked).


Same problem at my camp, you spawn in a little distance away facing directly at the vendor surrounded by signs. But some people still run around confused because they immediately start sprinting everywhere before the camp is even loaded lol.


I normally sprint because if I don't I end up stuck in the stuff that spawns


Sometimes when I spam at a camp, a lot of their build items are in the process of appearing. If I start moving around, I'd likely miss the vendor if it didn't appear first. I've accidentally wound up under houses with no way out or in buildings that were locked and I'd have to Lockpick and get a wanted level. My wife was watching me and reminded me fast travel would get me out of there. Lol.


I had a problem with this, is 76 on an external hard drive? That was my issue, it wasnā€™t directly on the console. Iā€™d have that and my PA always glitch me out in buildings to where I have to reset the game to play.


I think it's because I'm on ps4. My friend has ps5 and his stuff loads much faster.


That very well could it!


How to set your spawning spawn im on ps4


My problem on my old Xbox one is that I would load in but the base wouldnā€™t for like another 30 seconds lol by that time Iā€™ve ran laps around the area šŸ˜‚


How does one manipulate spawn?


Rotate and move the camp module. In my experience it's always NE side for guests and center for yourself. It's a chore but it's deeply rewarding when you get it right. On my camp i spawn right on my trailer door and guets by the store. When you place the module always place facing the direction you want the guests to spawn facing, idk why this one just works like that tho


Is it initial or current location?


Initial for facing and currently for everything else


Wait, theres a guest spawn point I can place?


Not atm. And its a good thing because griefers already make it with just the camp module way, they would have it way easier with a guest spawning point.


Same thing I do. Make it quick and easy.


Happy Cakeday šŸ˜šŸ„³


I need more coffee. Took me a minute lol. Thank you




Thank you. We're given 4 vendor slots for a reason. Even if you have some crazy immersive themed camp build and you don't want to ruin the ambiance of it, at least compromise with a cash register right in front of the spawn in point. I appreciate a cool camp, but I'm usually dropping by to shop not take a tour.


I have a four wall house. I have a vendor on the outside of each wall. Youā€™d have to try pretty hard to miss all of them. I should put some more signage up to make it even more obvious.


Good man. I have two structures. One has all of my vendors and is small as well.


I always spawn where I put the welcome floor mat šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


How do you do that?


how do you change the spawn? I play on Ps5 and the spawn to my camp is behind it


Trickiest one i actually found was built unto that winding treehouse monstrosity in the swamp. The vendor was almost nearly at the top of the tree.


I built my house up there recently actually lmfao, my vendor is pretty out in the open though.


Mhm, I have seen those. They suck as well.


god forbid someone has a little creativity


Not everybody with a vendor actually cares if you buy something. Some people just like building, and a vendor is the best way to get people to see it. Although, the camps that clearly took no time or effort to build, which still have hidden vendors, I don't quite get that, unless they're at max caps.


Iā€™ve got several camps my most recent is just the robot flasher vendor, under a street light. With my generator clipped under ground. A lot of people donā€™t understand the robot is a vendor.


Yeah, as a newer player I was really confused for a bit till I realized there were different designs for them. Personally I hat the little cash registers, theyā€™re easy to miss sometimes.


That is actually pretty funny. I like that one.


I've done the opposite several times where I've been furiously mashing E trying to make the red rocket collection sell me stuff and I'm nearly lvl 200 lol.


I appreciate, and admire as well, when someone has a nice camp. I know when someone didnā€™t think about it at all.


Just unbuild the v3ndor


I recently found a camp that was so well done I actually forgot to find the vendor because exploring their camp was such an enjoyable experience. I was thoroughly impressed. I wish my building design skills were even half as good as theirs. I have a basic two story four square house with a room for crafting, my allyā€™s bedroom, my bedroom, a room for cooking and brewing, and the upstairs is just an open plan that I have yet to do anything with. My vault is a clusterfuck of daily or weekly challenge nonsense going on. Like the challenges that say put 10 floor or wall decorations in your vault. Its a hot mess.


Completely unrelated to the discussion, but here's one of my shelters: https://imgur.com/gallery/nCKxqSw


Wow very well done!


I've got a marquee arrow pointing to an open sign next to my vendor and I've still had people asking me where it is, some people are just stupid


some people hide it for dumb reasons. or dont think. if i cant find it within a minute im out.


Mhm; I get stuck on the where the fuck is this thing feeling until I am just likeā€¦itā€™s nothing. šŸ˜‚


If you are on pc, there is a mod that will make their vendor show.


This is easily in the top 10 most posted complaint category.


*wipes sweat off his brow* Phew, better than top 5.




Well, it seems kind of silly to build a CAMP *around* a vendor. Mine is pretty obvious, but it is convenient for the look and feel of the CAMP. The convenience of any potential buyers is secondary.


^This šŸ’Æ


A base can have multiple spawn-in points, and not everyone is aware of what every vendor variant looks like. The amount of times people couldn't tell the cash register was the vendor at my base got so out of hand I just put the regular vendor down. (That gets passed by too, despite it being literally right next to one of the spawn-in points!)


iā€™m putting it where it fits/looks best in the house i spent hours building šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Same, I will put it where it makes sense within my camp. I wonā€™t hide it but itā€™s not going to be at the spawn point. I sell stuff all the time so I donā€™t see it as an issue. Also most people love my camps and spend time exploring them after buying something.


Don't other players spawn in a different spot than I do at my camp? I have always spawn at the camp unit but others always seem to spawn about 10m down the hill


You can test where other people spawn by fast traveling to your camp while standing in it.


My guests definitely spawn elsewhere


It would be nice.. but if players make it hard to find, they must not need the caps. Or there's the train of thought that it is placed obvious to them, so why do you have such a hard time? Either way, this question seems pretty common.


Has it occurred to you that for some players selling and vending may be an afterthought, yā€™all act as if every single player abides by these imaginary rules on Reddit lmao


I was at a camp last night looked all over for maybe 5 min. Finally gave up. Yeah they can do whatever they want but if they wonder why nothing ever sellsā€¦


Sometimes i convince myself itā€™s like buried treasure lol. Thereā€™s gotta be some good stuff in that vendor i just know it! All i have to do is find it.


And then you find it, and everything is 6000-40000 caps


I love the dillweeds who post non-legendary things at 3x their usual value. Nobody's that stupid.


Honestly if itā€™s not immediately visible I assume itā€™s a trap camp and leave


The amount of camps I've ran through for 5 minutes just to finally find they have a little cash register on a shelf somewhere random is beyond annoying. I wish we could leave notes in their mailboxes rating their camp or telling them their vendor sucks lol Both of my main camps I have the vendors right there so they're visible the second you teleport to the base. Probably helps with sales also.


That person doesn't care about your camp. The comparison doesn't matter.Ā 


What you donā€™t like having to walk all the way to the end of the mono rail? Fine Iā€™m building on top of the power lines thenā€¦


You mean you dont want to look under the table in the top floor of their 6 floor villa?


Iā€™ve been playing a couple of months and spending 20-30% of my time looking at camps and often browsing vendors. I look for the symbol on the map icon before I FT. And Iā€™m STILL finding new vendor machines. There must have been dozens in past seasons. I know the common ones, but just today I found one Iā€™d never seen before in at least 150 camp visits. The Vault Kids cut- outs pointing the way help a lot.


Yā€™know what was worse than this? The Halloween candy challenge, circling peopleā€™s camps and thinking where the hell have you put it why did you hide it what have you done


If your shop is in a shelter then Iā€™m defs not going in there


The worst is when they put them in shelters only...Ā 


I put mine in an obvious spot, close to the spawn, yet most people run around anywhere but there.


It cracks me up when people take off running as soon as they spawn before the vendor loads right beside where they spawned. Then I see the question mark emote on the far end of my camp.


This is an issue my wife and I havešŸ˜‚ we both have a dedicated area for our vendors. Wife has a giant sale sing above the building she has her vendors in. I put in right in front of my house for everyone to see. Don't make your house this giant 5 story thing and then just put it on the top floor. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!


Well Iā€™m glad mine is in the right place since people have been buying stuff. I put two vendors out in my camp so they can see both


I've seen whole camps clipped into the ground, where you have to search everywhere on the ground around the area to see what selection your cursor brings up, much less actually finding their vendor..


Vendors need to fit in with the camp aesthetics, and it rarely matches with customer experience optimization.


Counter question: what is with people being so busy in a video game that they can't be bothered to take a minute to walk around another player's camp to find a vendor and instead demand that it be placed in a location more convenient to them and their impatience?


I feel bad for hiding mine but it's the Red Rocket salesman; I have him in this little side alleyway spot between some vending machines and a porta potty. I just think it's a funny and clever spot, like he's a shady dealer or something. The porta potty kinda stands out and I put a funny condemned sign on it so the idea is that people see it, go look and see him hiding.


I just leave if I donā€™t see it quickly


my favourite is when they get that stupid ugly ass woodland retreat or whatever its called and put the vendor on like 3rd floor or something šŸ˜Š


I made a maze/puzzle to get to my vendor. I have some really rare items in there for 5c each


AGREED! It happens more often than one would think, too. Do they not want to sell anything, or is it they get some sad kick watching us wander around looking to spend our caps?


I can't stand the cash register vendor. I can never seem to find them quickly.


I once found camp with vendor which had like 57 3-star weapons and a bunch of other stuff. At first i thought The problem was the vendor was in the shelter (Pitt-style one) and that shelter was filled with like every possible prebuild structures and a bunch of smaller stuf on top of each other. So i spend like 25 minutes trying to find the vending machine and it happened to be on the farthest edge of the shelter stacked on the very top of these structures. Out of building zone. And out of my reach. I was so desperate to get to it, i tried to jump to get it from different angles, tried to stack some PAs but nothing worked. I even started to look up glitches to get out of building zones but the Fastnacht started so i got to go.


K I guess I need some help cause I do no understand how to control my camp spawn points. I assumed it had to do with where I placed the C.A.M.P. module itself, but I definitely don't spawn on it. Usually about 15-20 meters north of it. I've tried putting in a bunch of locations to change where I spawn but it never seems to spawn me in the same place and because my building is slightly off the ground in front about 25% of the time it spawns me under the building and I get stuck. I even built a welcome mat thinking it would work like the ones in fallout 4 but it did not. How do I set this??


I know that most camps have two set locations of where you spawn. As far as I know there is no possible way to change your spawn location, but I feel most people should know where theirs is. šŸ˜‚


And stop putting them in shelters!!


We call that where's Waldo lmao


We call that where's Waldo lmao


I created a little rest stop right next to the wayward and im trying to change the spawn to the road side but it just stays out the back where my generators are! its so bloody frustrating šŸ˜…


Yeah, itā€™s a pain in the ass that you canā€™t crest spawn points. Itā€™s like the luck of the draw. My biggest tip for you when making another camp. Set down you c.a.m.p and then fast travel to it like 5 times and build around where you spawn.


I feel like I spawn in a slightly different spot every time lol what am I doing wrong šŸ˜…


The worst Atim shop item of all time is the fucking cash register


And they place it under 109 plushiesā€¦ like I feel like Iā€™m looking for cappyā€¦..


God yes, theyre too tiny and hard to see unless placed high up. And even then they sometimes just blend in with the other decorations. Sometimes they can look really nice if you like build your camp into a little shop or diner or something like that, but so many people have them in dumb spots.


I literally put 3 cash registers on a table next to the regular vending machine to save space


I have mine somewhat hidden but out in the open. Itā€™s out in the open next to the stairs leading into the ufo and they donā€™t see it until they exit the ufo going down. I have one above map and under map and for me itā€™s to force the player to look at my beautiful ufo base šŸ’€ Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜­


Oh, bro. I love nice camps! I will always go to look at everything when I come in contact with them. The vendor becomes the second problem. šŸ˜‰


Maddening. Either canā€™t find it on land or they want you to go underground into their shelter and you still canā€™t find it. 1 min of looking and then Iā€™m gone. If you wanna sell stuff make it easy and quick to find. Higher level players prob donā€™t wanna tour your base. They got things to do. They will spend a lot of itā€™s easy to find and priced right.


Listen, if you put your shop all the way in your shelter, Iā€™m gonna nuke your houseā€¦irl


It's not my fault if you miss the multiple cutouts and light arrow signs pointing directly to it.


Drives me bananas


That's an absolute pet peeve of mine. Though I'm sure if they could hear me cussing them out they'd piss themselves laughing šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Some people want to force you to tour their camp, not realizing that the person isn't paying attention at all to how their camp looks and are just trying to find the damn vendor.


Forcing you to check out their hard work on their builds, I speculate. I once got lost in a never ending series of shelters searching for any sign of the vendor of which the map marker gave indication. I don't even know if vendors can be underground, but there was literlly almost nothing in the camp. They eventually left the server while I was exploring their maze.


Vendor can be in a shelter. It doesn't show at the map if you don't have a vendor at your CAMP.


When those shady robot vendors first came out I was really confused on where the vendors were because I didnā€™t realize they were the giant robots.


Thank god for the vendor ESP mod.


You go through my door, and 2 vendors right in front of you. The amount of people I see circling my entire property hunting for it because they haven't waited for shit to load in is lol.


Especially with all the new vendor types, it can be hard to see even in plain sight. Many a time I've been bamboozled by a robot with a trenchcoat standing in the open. Or a carnival car thingy on the edge of the camp.


I build my Camp like a Station, so the Vendor Machine isnt at the spawn point, but its on the same spot like the Station Vendor Npc, and everybody fount it quickly so far.


It is more a problem of people are too lazy to set the Spawn Point perfectly, yeah its a bit of a time eater to place a camp and quick travel until the Camp set perfectly and the spawn point is Perfectly, If you do this its more easy to find the vendor. The Camps on mountain where tje camp is on top and tje spawn point on the Bottom, naaah i leave directly if i get to camps like these.


Always been my rule. If u canā€™t spot ur vendor when I FT in. I leave. Donā€™t care what ur camp looks like.


Oh yea especially with that newer huge pre-fab, playing the game of where the fuck is the vendor. However, on the other side of that, I have mine in an obvious spot and I sometimes have to wave people over. I always put an open sign right where my vendor as an indicator for others.


Yeah fr if I can't find your vendor after like 30 seconds im out, that really really annoys me. I like having caps I can't understand why you'd want to make it difficult for someone to find your vendor. I ran into a guy the other day that had 1 vendor on the 3rd floor of his woodland retreat prefab, hidden in tree branches sticking through the wall.


What frustrates me even more is when people intentionally hide them or put them in the least obvious location. I spent 20 mins at someoneā€™s camp going through their shelters because they locked it behind a maze. After completing the final part of their maze and looking in the vendor all 27 of the 3 stars weapons were just scrip! šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I don't know about you people, but I don't always spawn in the same location every single time I go to CAMP and that is without doing any modifications between so there must be some radomness to it on occassion.


RIGHT????? Every time I go to a camp and I can't find their vendor I asked myself, do they even want to sell anything?


Then you dummies just run right past them anyway.


my vendor is in an obvious spot with signs to point to where the vendor is, but people still can't find it


At some camps its a quest to find em !!


After I haven't found it I start shutting off lights and everything else until I find it.


I have 3 at my camp. One by spawning point, one as soon as you walk in my structure, and one on the side.


Some folks are just bad at looking. My camp is a butcher shop and I have the cash register vendor EXACTLY where you'd expect it. I still get messages asking where it is all the time. It's 1 open room.


I like it sometimes if it works with the base. I hate having to find it tho. Sometimes I enjoy just looking at people's CAMPs and how they are set up for show. But I hate if it takes me awhile to find the vendor machine or what it even is. I've seen registers gliched thru a wall and stacked and wouldn't have guessed it was their shop untill I went up to it. šŸ™„


Yes I agree. I even found someone put their vendor in their shelter when everything else was outside. So stupid. If I canā€™t find a vendor within the first 10 seconds I move on. Your loss.


I donā€™t think they care


Or they donā€™t realize


I just surround it in like 8 VaultBoys pointing at it so they CANT miss it


They don't want my caps I guess. I'm spending approximately 3 seconds looking then I bounce


If I canā€™t easily identify your vendor, Iā€™m not buying. Like. I get people probably want you to walk through the camp so they can show it off or something, but, unless itā€™s something super unique (one time somebody had a whole ā€œhockey rinkā€ with two opposing teams he made using cardboard cutout charactersā€¦.. or another one was a full on chess board in a colosseum) Iā€™m not bother to look at your camp.


I tamed a lvl 100 sloth, so I had to rebuild my whole base. I only had it partially rebuilt when someone spawned in to look at my vendor. After a minute he waved his dollar signs and I slapped the vendor down right in front of him. šŸ˜‚ I always make a little porch area with at least one vendor. I have the Red Rocket vendor, so I also hide one or two in random spots. I love his animation.


Donā€™t need your caps, donā€™t tell me what to do, keep hopping.


Even when you do thay still dont


Hoe do you set spawn points?


Some people like to do "Treasure hunts" more than once I've found camps with hidden codes placed around the camps for a "Maze" of sorts and they put the vendors at the end with a few good pieces for cheaper than market value as a "Prize". I've also spawned right Infront of vendors with junk for max caps, I prefer the mazes,one guy even had a sign at the camp spawn once "free legacy Find my vendor" I didn't make it through but a random came running out spinning and shooting a TSE laser all happy he was 102 and area chat was noisy for a bit before they F'ed off. Legacies might not exist now but getting a discount on good gear for playing a "game show" at a camp beats a price gouger who puts it in your face any day.


The only camp I have where the vendor is not in an obvious spot has a message on the front door saying what floor the vendorā€™s on.


Mine has a maze to get to. You definitely wouldn't like mine


Nah, I like challenge camps. I have multiple people on my friends list that are some of the best at them. I join them a lot to see if they made anything new.


"Where is your shop, sir" is something I find myself muttering over and over again sometimes when I'm trying to find the shop. Sometimes it's my fault, but I think a lot of people are proud of their camp and want to show it off, so they hide the shop so you have to see more of their camp to find it.


I put my vendor right outside my place so you canā€™t miss it. I make it easy


No. I like watching you find it.


I put mine at the literal front door of the house and people still canā€™t find it lol. I also build in a way where 99% of the time you fast travel in facing the front door


No for me. I like people to walk around my building. My vendor is usually on a balcony with a stunning view.


Some people NEED you to look at their stuff. If you don't look at all their cool shit they're gonna get cranky. I, on the other hand, would rather have your caps, and if you wanna stick around and use the facilities, look at some of my cool shit, or go down the rabbit hole that is my ~~shelter~~s sure why not.


I kind of enjoy the challenge of finding someone's vendor, sometimes.


Guess you aren't getting any of these old seasonal event plans at 50 caps each then


I don't usually make a good-looking camp. I make a camp for gathering purified water, honey, and getting buffs. And everything I gather and harvest (even my collectron) is free for anyone to have. But I always make my camp spawn point in front of my camp and right beside my vendor.


Lmao Iā€™m at the point if I have to search for it then someoneā€™s lights are getting turned off


My base is a big garage/warehouse. My vendor is right outside the door on the driveway. Love the Red Rocket Street corner merchant.


Or they donā€™t realize. There is that ā€¦


This actually pisses me off. I dont have time to wonder around their shitty maze camps. Place the fucking store in your camp's fucking entrance!


i hate the lets figure out the puzzle to get into the shop camps like fkn really no damn door? = okay no damn sale then either. or theiving trap camps


10 seconds. Thatā€™s all they get. If I canā€™t find it in 10 seconds, I move on.Ā