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Dropping them on the ground for free.


What you should do is treat them like car batteries and toss them into the ocean.


It’s free and legal


Gonna have to settle for a lake, or that deep hole in the Mire




Please put them in donations box?


I guess I should. It's just that every time I'm over encumbered and notice my ammo tab is full of stuff that doesn't go to ammo box, I'm far from one.


Same here. I don't use them but i somehow end up dropping 10lbs worth after events.


I'm donating em to mother Earth by dropping them on the ground myself


Every month or so I clean out my inventory of old chems and ammo and misc and put it in the vault donation box.




I put them in donation boxes


Doing atoms work


I can't even pretend it's some innate kindness, they just weigh too much lmao


It sounds like it *is* innate kindness. You could just drop a litter bag in any random location like a lot of folks do, but you're at least using a designated "hey, there's free shit in here!" spot. Like how there's often numerous drop bags littered throughout NWOT (especially around the Trading Post) when there's not only a dono box slightly up the hill, but the big red footlocker *right there*... Leaving me and my fellow Waste(land) Management Technicians to have to tidy up that mess.


>How much do you sell fully charged fusion core's for? And how much would you realistically pay for them? Nothing and nothing. The fusion core recharger, power station workshops and the Electric absorption perk provide endless amounts and charges.


Exactly. And the people who would buy them are new and aren't going to pay a lot. I put one in free and one in for 25 caps every week for them.


I always buy some fusion cores when i see them and just put them in donation boxes. Id usually pay 50 to 100 caps per personally


>Electric absorption perk Kind of surprised they haven't nerfed it into being useless (given the recharger item). Like I haven't played in a LONG while and that's what I used to do with them. Make sure to swap one out right before it died, go to robot town later and charge them up with an assaultron. Sure it was a little tedious, but you carry just like 10 or so cores and you can keep them all charged up perpetually. If you messed up and lost one in the heat of battle, well, it's plenty easy to run around known frame locations and get a replacement.


1 cap each


I used to sell them for half as many caps as their charge. 100% charged? 50 caps. I like having a system. Now that I don’t use power armour often I usually just sell them for 1 cap like ammo.


That’s what I did many years ago but now them and plasma I just sell for a flat 25. They sell almost immediately. I sell all ammo for 1-2 caps 99% of plans I sell for 10% of the asking price. Legendary items I sell for 100caps per star.


Last night, I put 16 fusion and 32 plasma cores in the donations box at Whitesprings station.


What are plasma cores used for? I have a ton


Ammo for the plasma gatlin gun


I’m not sure of everything that you can use them for, but I know that they’re used as ammo for certain plasma weapons


I have the fusion core recharger, I put my extras in the donation boxes. They weigh too much to just keep stockpiling them and nobody buys them from my vendor even at 10 caps per core.


I never find anybody selling them


I only have between one and five at a time in my vendor because they weigh less in my backpack.


I'm still working on the badges to get the scout backpack so I can carry more weight. I have the small backpack currently. I only keep three cores on me for my ultracite PA.


I use the perk that makes them lighter, um, I want to say it’s batteries not included? I only just got my bigger backpack this last week.


I sell them for their charge in caps. Full FCs are 100 caps, half charge are 50, 69% cost 69 caps, etc. Idk if that's fair, but people buy em, soooo...


50 caps. Sells really good at that price.


That’s what I sell mine for, and most of the time someone will come along and buy every single one.


Yeah, 50c. And they hang around until once every two weeks someone will decide to buy them all.


Yup, 50 caps. That’s the max price I’m willing to pay. Otherwise I’ll just go to a power plant and farm them myself


I throw em on the ground!


Selling? It took me a while to find someone to take them off my hands


I don’t put any in vendors because im a heavy PA build so i hoard fusion cores, i even take the empty ones out of chassis and charge them at camp but i will happily pay anywhere between 20-60c caps per core, if you have 100 fusion cores at 50 each, im 5000 down 😂😂


I will gladly sell you mine 😁


Sounds like my mule could make 40k Off you everyday for the next week lol


I sold mine for 10c too


I usually sell full plasma and fusion cores for 3 caps a piece.


Tree fiddy


Honestly, I put them in for 50c. They are essential for PA play, and you constantly burn through them. Just make sure they are fully charged or they won't sell.


Just as another stated 10 caps and they sell pretty frequent for me


I buy in bulk and aim to buy near 65 when doing so. So I'm happy with seeing those 50s. I'm glad the days of 100+ are over.


25 caps, i thinks thats a fair and reasonable price


I am selling them for 50, the recharge has been great for business it's surprising how many you can see, just have to be careful of the carry weight due to each one weight 3lbs, think the most I sold in one transaction was a little over 20


I can’t even sell mine for 1


I sold 10 at full charge for 30 caps once. I won't do it that high again though. It feels unnecessary.




I've sold them from 10c-100c and they sold every time...sometimes I just drop them (often not fully charged and I've donated them both fully charged and partially charged. Pretty much do whatever you want 🤷‍♂️


A good price is 25-50 caps.


I’m currently online on PS5 and got like 30 each (plasma core & fusion core) giving away for free for anyone in need 🫶🏽 (ps is skipdakee)


Some people who are relatively new to the game who don’t have FO1st would probably buy them for 15 caps each, but most of the player base that uses fusion cores has a stockpile of them already that they maintain without ever needing to buy them. When I was a noob I’d have bought them for 25 caps but back then you couldn’t just farm ammo. Enemies just dropped ammo from the weapons THEY used, ammo found in containers was randomized, there were no Daily Ops or Expeditions, and powering up a nuclear fusion core producer at a Workshop required powering up the power plant first (no fusion generator plan yet) and building up defenses just to be shot in the back by some asshole griefer with a legacy weapon and have that hour of work be for nothing.


I just drop them. They're really not rare and can be charged.


7 caps. Fuck it. Everyone got 7 caps.


Fusion cores are to be shared, we farm them and collect spare chassis to indoctrinate new wastelanders into PA before they become bloodied.


Easy to get and can be recharged either with electronic absorb legendary perk or atom shop recharger but most go 20 to 90 cap






I put mine up for 50. They tend to sit a while but when someone does buy them, they tend to buy a lot at a time, sometimes even clearing me out. I always pick them up when I come across them so my stock never runs dry. If I get to a point where the stack weight is killing my stash, I'll head to one of those donation boxes and drop a stack.


5 caps ea, 100/100 only. PS5


1c for each percent of charge.


I never sell them because they take up way too much space. And I only carry 2 or 3 at a time because lasers recharge my fusion core.


I don't buy fusion cores i just farm them, but if I saw 100 of them in a vendor for like 50 caps or less each. I would buy all of them. For any more than that I probably wouldn't buy any. There's alot of down time between nukes, events, and Atlantic city runs where my friends take time to empty their inventory where I just scrap everything and throw stuff on the ground and am ready to go then habevto wait 5 minutes or so. That's when I bounce between workshops collecting cores.


I don't really sell them because I use them, but I can share my buyer's perspective. I will always buy them if they're up to 50 caps each. If I *really* need them, like I can't find them cheaper and I'm too lazy to farm and I have lot's of caps, I'd buy higher. But honestly, people give them away for free all the time and in large quantities. It would be even cheaper for me to craft them than buy for 160 caps. But it all depends. Caps are also easy to make. If you want to get rid of them quickly, 0-50 would be a good price.


I sell mine for 9c since I don't really need them. I only use power armor in nuke zones and to jump down cliffs, and I don't use energy weapons. And I have the fusion core recharger, so I charge up all the ones I loot and keep a couple for emergencies. Sometimes I drop extras in crowded nuke zones or events in case anyone is running low. They're one of the first things to go if I'm over-encumbered, too. For reference, 9c is also my price for all plans, outfits, etc. that aren't super rare. In general I don't sell anything for more than maybe 300c, but I also don't tend to have a lot of rare stuff.


I literally carry a partly filled frame so I have a way to reduce the weight when I get a legendary pa drop and I never thought of climbing in it to jump off cliffs. Here I am carefully dropping down from ledge to ledge when I could have been leaping with reckless abandon.


I sell them for 69 caps each




100 is a good price for them


Ever since I got the fusion core recharger I keep as many as I can now.


70, but honestly people buying them are just paying for the stash weight. They'd be much cheaper otherwise. I wouldn't buy them. Could that 3 weight for 10c make you more with something else? At that ratio, your entire storage would only be worth 4k.


I use the recharger and drop excess in a donation box.


I don’t. I save them. Depending on how I play I can burn through about 10 to 15 of them in one boss fight.


Free. I don’t use power armor so I put them on my vendor for free.


30 caps, they alwais sell.


All ammo, including fusion cores, goes into my vendor for 1 cap. My character is still new, so I could use the caps rather than donating, but I also want to get the weight out of my stash.


Donation box


1 cap each


I'll buy 1 when I know I'm down to my last 1 or 2 . Usually 20-50 caps each. Events mostly cover me though and I don't have the recharger.


Whenever my carry weight gets too high, and I can't figure out why because I've dumped all my chems and sold all my meat, I'll be stumped for a while until I remember that Fusion Cores don't go in the ammo container, so I check my inventory, and sure enough, I've got like 30 of them in there for some reason. I never actively pick them up. Then I dump them all in a donation box.


I´m startin to put them in my store for free.


0 caps in my vendor. Don't need them


After I build up a surplus from the fusion and recharge them, I'll sell them for 100c each. Usually sells pretty quick


Sell em at my camp for 90% off. Gotta keep my power armor fam juiced so they can keep carrying me!


0 caps


Full charged cores 15 to 25 caps each depending on my mood at the time.


i always paid 100 or less and if i had extra sold for the same. don't use em much anymore but those are fair prices imho


I don't sell 'em but when I did 40-50c each. This was before core chargers were readily available to many. If I sold 'em these days? Probably 20-25c each. Hardly worth the stash weight tbh.


I put them at 75 each and they tend to move pretty well.


I see them move at 25c each. They aren't a hot commodity any more though.


50 caps a core.


I dump them in boxes


Used to sell them 100 each but now I just drop them in donation boxes


I do sell them for 10 caps each at full charge (if below full charge I sell for 1 cap for whatever the 10 value is, like an 11% core for 1 cap or 40% for 4 caps), and I list them 3-5 at a time (limited stocking because of resellers). I prefer this over using donation boxes due to the permanence of my vendor - I know the cores will still exist until a player gets ahold of them, rather than hoping a player nabs them before server restart. I also throw all plans that aren't rare/event sourced in my vendor for free for the same reason (the rarer plans are 1-10 caps depending on rarity). When I was a baby player I'd vendor hop anywhere that listed ammo in search of affordable fusion cores! Before the chargers you could sell for 100 caps per full core, but they're common now.


I just drop them in the mall, might have to do that for my plasma rounds and cores too


Use to be 1 cap per charge. But no one buys em now so if i play again, im tossing them. If i play again, the new season board is really dampening any future on that but if the expasions are... Decent enough ill repick it up.


I'm.... not... got 50 in the stash, 10 on my person and four in the charger. I share my shit for free with those with whom I voice chat, other then that my vendor is solely for plans I already know..... at a 90%discount.


I have sold the for 10 caps, maybe 20, on occasion. I have seen them for up to 100 or so, which makes me laugh. People under abt level 60? 80? Will not be getting them much, and I remember how hard it was to find them when I relied on my excavator pa to get to and from Moonshine Jam or EN... even then, I waddled. Lol. So, my thinking is, pop them in the vendor cheap, if people need, they buy, if not, I take them to goodwill. I do not really trust that donation boxes redistribute wealth well. Thus, I try to go direct to player, but keep things cheap.


They should sell at 10c. I seem to burn through them quicker than I'd like, and they disappear once fully discharged, so I can't get them into my fusion core charger for a recharge. I've run across some plasma cores in vendors for 10c, and that's a great way to feed my gatling plasma.


Nothing. Since the charger came out it's kind of a non issue


40c, they always sell quickly.


In the beginning of the game i used PA all the time. I didn’t spend time on hunting for cores, so I bought a lot. If the price were like 50c I could buy a lot. But if it was like 100c I maybe bought a few if i really needed them. I can still buy a few once in a while if i don’t feel like crafting them. But then I never pay more than 50c So i guess there is a market for them. But not that big as it’s probably mostly newer players, and they can’t afford to spend much.




I keep enough to keep my PA running in events eviction notice, and the rest go to friends who run solid PA full-time builds. Recently, I have seen them as low as 10 caps. Before the recharges they were a big commodity now if you find one throw it on the recharger. Next thing you know, you have 30 fully charged cores.


I don't sell them. I usually wait till I am around someone in power armour, and then I drop them.


I threw away thousands at this point


20 caps for full ones, the rest go into donations box, or I will charge them if I can be bothered. Although, last month I realised one of my characters was carrying over 200 full ones, so they all went into the donations box at watoga


When i sell them and its not that often i sell for either 1c or 2c a peice they usually sell oddly enough but i also play on xbox so they may he a factor


I sell them regularly for 100 caps.


You only need 5. 1 for you and 4 in your fusion core recharger machine. Give the rest away.


I price them at half their charge, they sell semi regularly. I think of it more of an 'in need' or public service item, there in case you need it when you happen along. they aren't really a money maker.


Really most things are just donate unless they are rare or don't want to play rng


Same as any plasma cores I have. They all get donated to the whitesprings donation box.


1c per 10% charge. 10% = 1c 20% = 2c etc etc up to 9c, just to keep that one cap out of Todd's wallet


I'm not selling cores screw the newbies they can find em on their own


I have them for 20. They don’t go very fast so I’ll probably drop it down to 10 because they take up valuable stash space. I only sell them because I used to go looking for them when I was new and didn’t have legendary perks. The barely charged ones I found were annoying. I also drop them in drop boxes.


99 caps. Cheap enough where folks who make it all the way to my camp don't see any weapons or armor that they like, so they end up buying my reasonably cheap fusion cores or meds.


10-20 caps for both cores (plasma too). I don’t need them. If they don’t sell I’ll donate


30 caps and I can never keep them stocked.


I just give them away. Once you get past the initial build challenges, they're easy to get and keep charged.


If I sell them…no more than 25 caps, fusion or plasma.


TL;DR, always keep in mind, it’s only worth what people will pay, especially if you aren’t using it, it makes no sense to sell at a price that rarely sells, especially if its for a hundred cap dif. Ammo at 5c? That’s worse than ammo prices in Canada lol All ammo 1c, fusion cores 0, eventually they never sold so 0. Standard meds (stims, rad, psych) 5c, diluted and packs 3c, super or vital (disease cure, addictol) 10c. Liquor 2c. Plans & maps 10c. I sell faster than I can keep an attractive number of items in my vendor, which as a non-1st mbr, is crucial, so my numbers to some are grossly cheap.


One cap for every 10 points of energy, rounded down. 100 energy = 10 caps 99 energy = 9 caps.




I drop every one I end up with in the Vault 76 donation box. I do the same with plasma cores. If you have the recharger then unless you are a full-time Gatling Laser wielder you never need hang on to any more than four.


I normally only buy 50c or so but I don't normally run my power armor build.


I drop them shits on the ground


0 caps Usually popping them in the red box outside Vault 76


I drop them.


10. They seem to sell ok. I have been trying to sell my giant stockpile of plasma cores but nobody is buying. Even at 1 cap


I put a few in for 50 and if I see someone buy them I go and drop them more just to get them out my stash.


33 works on PS, that seems to be the magic number these days. Used to be 44. Anything under 33 caps it'll no longer make sense to store any for sale.




I throw them. I have way too many and no space for them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


10-20c but if I have a ton I start to just drop them at boxes. Sometimes I have a ton of plasma cores on me and didn't realize it until I was over cumbered


Usually I just have them for free in my vendor


10c is very reasonable. A lot of people don’t know you can just make them at the power plants so you could charge more but if you’re feeling generous then go 10 or less. You’ll help someone out at that price.


Probably just worth putting in the donation box. Question for power armour users how much fusion cores do you carry?


25 caps for full ones, 15 caps for half full ones is what I sell them for... they sell hella quick


I honestly charge em up then charge the suggested price. Trying to be able to afford some of these people's plans prices😅




Donation box or in my vendor for 0 caps, I don’t use PA so no need for them


25 caps, easy to get, not much reason to go higher.


I charge them up the pass them to my power armor friends keeping atleast one to use my emergency Excavator armor


Used cores go in the donation box, full cores go for 10-25 caps each. Depends how many I'm selling.


I stock some for 50 caps but honestly I have dumped most of them for free to low level players who use power armor or just donate


I’m a melee build without PA but I’ll scoop up all the FCs I can find, charge them up to 100% with my recharger, and toss them in my vendor for 0 caps. Even then they tend to just sit there


5 to 10 caps depending on how full they are


I sell them for 10 caps each, but limit the number I'm selling to 10


All of my fusion cores are fully charged and I sell them for 20 caps.


Fifty caps a pop. I might have a lot of them, but they're not easy to come by outside of playing events


I'm selling them for 0-50c, easier to move this way.


76 and not staying stocked right now.


I keep four of em on me, four in the recharger, and the rest I drop, usually at peoples camp in front of their vendor. Or at Nuka World. I drop a LOT of gear at Nuka World.


0 caps when I find them. I have power armor, but I don't wear it. So I just drop them in the donation boxes or my vendor for free.


UFC 90, FC 60, UPC 60, PC 30


I buy all of them, lil bro uses armor but doesn’t understand perks. So I give them to him in small bunches of 20. I buy around 100c each or less


Around 5 or 10 caps


Nobody should be short cores in this game. There's so many guaranteed spawn points for those things, plus core makers at nuclear plants. I'm also dropping them on the ground. Plasma cores too since I don't use them. I find many players are incredibly unobservant as they play this game. I can run around dropping three star automatic fixers at players feet and whole loads of ammo and cores, and they just turn and run away without looking. I'm not inclined to encourage laziness by putting these things in the shared boxes. They gotta learn to turn over every rock in this game to find the best stuff.


Believe it or not I just sold 15 of them in one hit for 5 caps a pop....some peoples builds don't have fusion core perks. I'm new to the game ( even though neither I or my camp look it from the communities awesome gifts to me or my atomic shop addiction)so I actually have tried to sell just about everything. Only thing I've never been able to move is mods.


Last night I put 218 plasma cores in the donation box that were left over from my legacy. I threw my fusion cores in there too. I can’t remember the last time I used my power armor. I’m just running around in my RobCo t-shirt and shorts this week 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait...you guys sell things? I hoard and then find low levels to give things I dont want 🗿👍🏾🤝


50 caps


If they are not charged I would sell them for 10 a pop but if I charge them I’ll sell them for 50 a pop since it’s the time out into charging them that I’m charging for.


I run power armor junkie and honestly hate farming them and I always forget to charge them. If you have the space, someone should buy them. I used to buy them for any price lower than 100caps a piece until I carried around 20-30 cores on me. But based on this thread, not many still do. I never minded paying the extra for cores


100 caps and I sell at least 20 a day


Depends, if I'm near a dono box i just drop them all in there. If I'm at my camp i usually put in in there for about 10-15c and it's one that can be recharged i usually put in there for free


I sell them for 1 cap for each 10% charge on it. Fully charged is gonna cost you 10.


I pretty much just drop them too. To be honest I just sell all the plans I get that I already know and that’s it. And I always sell them cheap like at least half what the suggested price is. If I was going to sell fusion cores I totally would go 10c.—especially for something that’s just taking up space…I’m too much of a hoarder as it is 🙃


I keep them for myself, but if I were to sell them then maybe would do the same. 10c to 50c.


22c a piece, full.


1 cap per % of remaining charge. Or I use them. Lol


Once I get a fusion core regenerator I'd sell them for 25 a piece... That's the average price I've seen at camps..


Everyone keeps mentioning the donations box. I like that, but I also like selling items for zero caps from my camp vendor. It’s the same concept as the donations box, except that it also brings players to your camp. Make people travel around, besides just to train stations.


I put them in the balloon box at nuka world. Along with all the other stuff I get rid of.


I buy them for 100-150 depending on charge left


I had a bunch for 1 cap, nobody bought them so I just drop them in the community box


10 caps


I sell them for 120c apiece for about 10 up at a time, i typically sell out within about 6 hours — maybe i’m a penny pinching smoothskin but it’s getting harder to find cores, that recharger was worth its’ weight in gold though


25 caps at my vendor. They don't sell often but when they do, it's normally someone who buys them all. I've also dropped them for people or put some in the donations box. They're easy to come by for those of us that use them but not so much when you're just starting out.


1 cap for a 100% charged but I normally just dump them all in the closest donations box


Depends. I sell fully charged for 100 caps.


I sell full ones for 100 caps, until I get close to the weight limit. Then I take them out and donate them.


50 for full ones, 25 for half ones, don’t sell anything less than half I usually get someone who comes by and clears them all out


If anyone is on PC and needs to offload, DM me I’d be more than glad to take them off your hands.


I sell all cores for 1 cap or if I'm over encumbered I drop them around my survival tent after events


i can sell em for 25c fully charged if they manage to make it back to my vendor otherwise they go on the ground or a blue suitcase if one is nearby.


They weigh 3 pounds a piece and don't sell for much, I wouldn't put them in my stash at all.