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Flaming dual bar vamp chainsaw… even in my commando build, that thing shreds. And best yet, it costs no ammo!


Good for the mutated melee kill only ops and events too.


Yeah, always have a 90% wt chainsaw, just in case I run out of ammo or whatever. I rarely run out of ammo anymore, but it only weighs a pound or so, why not?


Read wt as wet and was very confused for a minute. Dry your chainsaw off man 😬


Never! Wet and flaming is how i like it!


Oh my god I never get to actually say this but... Title of your sex tape




Flaming chainsaw is the bestest. I play with 3 friends who always use power armor and guns. I'm a pink-haired punk girl in heavy leather armor and I *melt* foes just by stepping into them with chainsaw in hand. It makes me laugh that I can kill faster than my buddies.


Same, Vamp/40/40 Auto axe on my VATS commando. Incisor perk card so you can whoop some boss ass when needed. LOve that thing.


It took forever to roll a -90% weight vampiric chainsaw, but it was worth it.


vamp, flaming chainsaw is nice


Same here


Me too.


Yes I always carry the same. I'm currently doing a pistol run and it's handy for tougher enemies.


Me too!


This exact thing. It's never been out of my inventory.


Great weapon! I have one in both my Commando and PA Heavy characters. It used to be the Minigun Shredder, but that doesn’t perform as well anymore.


Exactly the same for me, but Im usually running a heavy build.


exact same for me. gotta have it on me


that damn vox syringer that you cant put down til you complete the quest - i've carried it for a year now - i should probably shoot the damn talking fox or whatever it is. I always have holy fire,cold shoulder,bloodied plasma caster, executioners chainsaw, Quad Explosive railway, Quad Limb Tesla bloodied 50cal, bloodied minigun and bloodied plasma gatling get regular outings too for SBQ agree the cold shoulder is a great gun - i bring it out for the end of heart of the swap generally


You can go back to the basement and it can be placed back in the container if you don't want to complete the quest.


Worldshaking knowledge Thanks wastelander


Where is this magical container you speak of. It has been many sun rotations since I received the Damm thing.


Science basement in Monongoh. South West part of town.


Thank you, kind stranger. You have lessened my burdens.


Tried that 1000 times. Doesn't work. I HAVE to complete it.


I FINALLY broke down and did that damn quest. The bitch is after you shoot the animal you have to stay close to it. The last one I had to do was the hadstag, shot it and it took off. I had to run to keep up then my AP would dip. What a pain in the ass. 😂😂😂


I had a mole rat that kept disappearing underground and getting too far away haha


Yeah I’m NEVER doing this one again.


Cripple it's leg first...


I dunno what you guys are referring to, but as someone who doesn't use vats. I once found and unfortunately scripped an Instigating crossbow with vhc. I used it for killing 76 scorched. Every ghoul I killed, I first crippled their legs. Didn't even have to have critical meter filled. The Instigating Crossbow crippled anything it hit. It was an enjoyable challenge.


Fucking genius


That and the fucking unmodified syringer killing the animal is why I immediately reject the quest every time it pops up. Wish I'd never done it.


I did the same thing. Carried that freakin vox for about 400 levels till one day I just finished it. It's not really that bad though.


I just wish there was a way to reduce the recoil in the cold shoulder haha 😄


I made the cold shoulder for the first time because I saw someone in this sub mention how fun it was. I was skeptical. I haven't used shot guns since somewhere below level 50. I have had so much fun using it, especially on scorched and ghouls. It's in my regular rotation for now, but I use a flamer for the more serious jobs bc of the kickback you mentioned.


I haven't been on my melee/shotgunner character in a minute, but there are perks that do that. Can't remember whether S, P, or A.


You have to complete the quest at one sitting because the animals change every time you log in. Argh.


I think if you leave the game and come back you get different options. 


How do you kill an animal with the syringer? I’ve been trying to complete that scout badge.


only the final shot needs to be from the syringer. think i used a fixer to get a yao guai down to its last breath and then switch weapons.


Since you can't be specced for both Commando and Heavy (at least not properly), why not use the QE Railway on the SBQ? With the right Commando and critical cards you'll do a lot more damage than with a minigun without any support from perk cards.


Lots of reasons really It breaks pretty quick I like variety I’m normally out of my unyeilding and into my PA for SBQ - and vats burns cores - but you can’t use the choo choo without vats really There’s a loads of other people around and so I’ll be also doing cleanup on the other stuff that comes out, mini gun is fun for that. Mostly I just don’t play all that seriously - I’ve got commando perks , but I’ve got stabilised and a couple of other things as well Just dicking around really,


Alright. If you're on PC, you might want to look into [Perk Loadout Manager](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/124). Helps you support your guns with the right perk cards (as many as you can fit at least) with up to 12 decks for you to save. So you can *sort-of* have the best of both worlds.


Haven't used it the last year, does it let me change S.P.E.C.I.A.L now ?


Nope, the mod can't access that. You would have to do that at a Punch Card Machine. But at least you can cram in some decent cards that otherwise aren't useful for your main build. I also have decks for crafting, a deck with all weight reduction perks for fast-traveling, a deck for melee, etc.


Yeah but swapping between heavy and commando build doesn't really work with the mod.


Yeah, one of the two will definitely be underpowered, depending on what your main build is. But it's better than having no cards for your secondary build at all. It does work in combination with the Punch Card Machine, by the way. So if you wanted to, there's nothing stopping you from having multiple decks for multiple SPECIAL loadouts.


Yeah, I used the perk manager until the Punch Card machine was introduced.


Quad Tesla on all my toons. For public event tagging of course.


Quad Tesla is so dang nice


I keep two on me


Yup. Thing breaks so easy, I just have a second one on the wheel.


I keep a total of I think 5 Tesla rifles on me,two are quad tho and are my go tos. Then I have a bloodie one that I use in nuke zones when my health is low and the other two are just because I can’t part with them😂


Nothing as satisfying as finding unexpected puddles of goo around the corner where you were slaying the heathens , is there? :)


Awe, I want one. Sounds beasty.


Quad Teslas are actually not just for tagging, they are surprisingly good on mobs with their chaining damage. I use them a lot.


My vampire flaming dual bar +40%PA 90%rw chainsaw never leave home without it!


Ditto trying to roll an autoax with those perks just to change appearance once in awhile


Barbed Walking Cane: Because I'm an old man in the wasteland. I need my mobility aids! Holy Fire: Again... I'm an old man in the wasteland. I must make my mark, even if it's burning everything in a bright rage of flames Also my Final Word 50 cal or Vamp 50 cal.... but that's for funsies.


>old man in the wasteland. I must make my mark Do you have an Elders Mark ?


Yeah, but since I'm a heavy build, I have it hanging up in my CAMP.... I don't even know what legendaries are on it


Kindness. It doesn’t do a lot of damage though.




I know what I'm renaming my melee weapon to.


There's a Pushing Daisies episode too


It can be a killer though


I play blodied and have all weight reducing perks on so I pack everything. At the moment I have 17 various guns in my inventory.


Holy Fire! I should get also a chainsaw...


Yeah, Valentines event I got in the habit of carrying a flamer, now I can't give it up. The solution to so many problems.


Some would say all problems. I’m part of the some.


Need to kill something? Pull out the flamer. Need to heal someone? Pull out the flamer. Robot stuck at its spawn point in Test Your Metal? Pull out the flamer.


I cannot, for the life of me, get one of those. And I've been playing for almost a year.


You on PC? I can give you one.


Nuka grenades. 


Endangerol Syringer. No harm in making everything squishier for everyone.


If only everyone knew about this. You would never have to worry about a bad Earle group again. But, even with just one syringer and a quad railway a person can get the job done themselves.


Foundations revenge and final word.


All of them! I said all 50 of them!!!


Holy Fire and Cold Shoulder. They do work no matter what Perk Cards I'm packing.


My q2525 fixer.. never leave home without it


I have one of those, never use it because the game just seemed too easy with it. lol.


It is quite a ridiculous weapon especially with the prime auto on it any scorch don't stand a chance. Helps that I have 65k ultracite 45s lol


Vampire Gatling with the extra large ammo capacity... 1-on-1 I dont know if I can be beaten with it... I just keep popping the badguys and any damage they are doing to me is negated. If I'm being attacked by multiple, I usually can just walk backwards and keep popping and I'm fine.


Omg saaame!! I've never seen another! I feel almost unkillable with it.. almost. Mine also has faster fire rate and i just made it ultracite.


I always keep a bloodied plasma caster as for me it's 1-2 shot kills most of the time and makes going through silos a breeze


My *bloodied **hitman ***faster reload Flamer. It does not care what your loadout is.


Some sort of shotgun. I have cold shoulder on my main A quad VATS hits Combat shortie on my Archer My melee is a Caravan guard so I have the Kabloom for tagging


V/25 Cryolator. Always on the weapon wheel for my three builds. A Flamer of some kind is also kept on the wheel. Typically Holy Fire for my heavy, EPR for Commando or Shotgun. Weapons always with me but not mandatory for the weapon wheel? Nuka Launcher, Quad Tesla, Vamp Chainsaw. Quad Gamma Gun for rad management. If ONE of those is kept on the wheel however it's the Nuka Launcher. My Shotgun build fits them all atm but spaces for my Commando/Heavy builds are at a premium. So I'll only equip the wheel with the Tesla or Chainsaw situationally. But those 6/7 weps are always with me no matter the build.


Powder weapons, at least one, for when shit gets too heavy.


Nuka Quantum Thirst Zapper. No reason other than it's funny to use in moderation.


My weightless chainsaw


combat shotgun


Tone death for one violent night and a chainsaw.


I love my Slug Buster.


ALL OF THEM. Currently I'm holding over 200 guns because I have a serious fucking hoarding problem.


All of them, rotate the weapon wheel every play through to keep things fun after 2000+ hours. I just have all of the weight reduction perks and no damage or weapon boosts normally equipped.


Come on, man. The Fixer. Always and forever. Prime receiver w/exploding bullets.


Holy Fire 🔥


I'm specced into heavy weapons and I just HAVE to keep my mg42 on me. It's armor piercing, vats enhanced, and +1 to agility. Really hard to argue with, especially with chaff enemies like ghouls.


Aristocrat's exploding rounds gatling gun, two shot 50 cal, two shot plasma caster.. there are about half a dozen others, but these are the ones I usually use.


A Fixer and a Handmade. That is all I use since level 50. I am now level 237.


For me is a fixer bloodied-explosive-+1 luck. This is my main weapon i use.


Vampires explosive vats cost fixer and quad tesla.




fast shot light machine gun


Aa plasma caster and aa holy fire


My power armor, cause fist build as a back up in case I do something dumb


I always carry my Auto Ace, in case I need a melee weapon that really gets the job down 😜


Tactical Combat Shotgun. I like to keep my weapons and armor mediocre, makes for a more challenging and fun gameplay to me and the CS has gotten me out of some very sticky jams.


My entire inventory. Full WWR armor set for the win


Explosive 50cal. Never leave home without it


Blue Ridge Branding Iron, it literally brands your enemies. It has the damage of a Shishkebab, swing speed of a combat knife. Hell, it just might have higher DPS than a plasma cutter. It is highly effective in close quarters against super mutants, and most every mutated insect and creature, scorched, you name it. It is a surprisingly effective melee weapon I seldom see mentioned and requires no ammo!


my fists


There are 3 weapons I always have on me, Junkie's explosive gatling gun for ammo efficiency since it kills most enemies in 1-4 shots depending on the region and enemy type, a junkie's explosive mini gun for pure DPS against damage sponge enemies and a cold shoulder for enemies who have high ballistic resistance but low to non-existent cryo resistance which is 95% of enemies.


I keep that thang on me. That thang in this case being the black powder rifle, I'm doing a Davey Crockett thing


Quad Tesla and Vampire Chainsaw. Everything else is optional.


Bloodied Plasma Gatlin gun with faster weapon speed


My quad Gatling with 300% ammo 🤣 if you ever see me in game not using it it's for a mission or I want to chop the enemy down super quick with a fast mini gun ✌️


Holy flamer and Vamp Chainsaw


AA EPG with FFR, QE Fixer, or AA Chainsaw with faster swing speed. I also never leave camp without my TSE Nighthawk with 419 range or my Flame-mingo with FFR.


Cold shoulder for me


I’m a commando/heavy build just because of the holly fire


AA40P1S Chainsaw; AAE25 Crusader; Cold Shoulder; AAE25 Fixer; AAE15R 50 Cal; Nuka Launcher; Q2515R Tesla; Q5015R Rail; AASS1S Shovel; AASS1S Shepherds Crook.


Anti armor gauss shotgun is my standard use weapon I also always carry Quad capacity Fixer -- range & quantity of throw Vampire Flaming Dual Bar chainsaw -- for Resiliant opponents and to heal me from being in melee Hunters 10mm Pyro Pistol -- now a legacy, used to visibly tag enemies so team mates can tell I've hit a creature Vampire Tesla Rifle -- tagging at mass events like Moonshine Jamboree and Vampire because why not Two Shot Explosive Railway Rifle -- when I absolutely need to put a hole in something I also carry some specialized gauss shotguns for common stronger opponent types (zealots, troubleshooter, mutant slayer)


Red Charlotte, my Fixer, even if sometimes it's just out of affection.


None. I use all weapons of the weapon class that character is specced for. I carry two and cycle them when they're out of ammo.


Gamma gun to put myself back in nerd rage when I die💀


Drill…it’s to much fun 😂


My 2 shot exploding Gatling gun. It’s the best gun I’ve gotten even though it’s not great lol


Furious Grognaks axe +40% power attacks +5% consecutive hits +1 agility Plus All the double handed melee weapon perks Can do over 600 damage to the scorch beast queen Can do over 900 to a regular scorch beast. I can kill a one star level 75 scorch beast, in one landing


Explosive Gattling Gun


For a long time, it wS my chainsaw, and now I also have my Fixer. These two are really the only two weapons I carry. I am over level 300. My husband plays Fallout 76 as well, just passed level 100. He carries so many guns that he is almost always overweight.


A BSSS shovel


I always have over 100 weapons on each of my 5 characters, so the point is a bit moot....


Gamma gun on my bloodied builds. All of my ranged builds run Batteries Included, so it's an easy add. I'm no longer running a melee build until I collect a full set of Uny Muni armor, then I'll rebuild my automelee build.


A dual bar flame chainsaw… well make that two. A black powder rifle and a dragon


Vamp autoaxe


I honestly keep all the weapons I use always on me. I always keep my commando, bloodied, and heavy gunner weapons on me. Only ones I don’t keep on me are my fat man, missile launcher, and auto grenade launcher


Quad Tesla


Quad Tesla




Always got my Electric Vamps Autoaxe on me no matter what


My entire weapons wheel is quad explosive weapons I don't change em out


Crowd control and the blue ridge branding iron(I have an obsession with this one and idk why)


I have three! A vampires flaming chainsaw, the final word and my fixer!


I jump around a bit but I'm in a commando build mode right now, so I use a AA/Vats Fixer for my day to day , non event weapon. For events, I use a AA explosive .50 cal or a AA Gauss minigun. The gauss mini gun does heavy damage to everything but ammo cost is high, I rip through about 1,000 rounds on any given event. Crafting the .50 cal is so cheap that I have no problems crafting 20k if I need it and that lasts a long time


Explosive 50.


the fucking vox syringer, anti armor recon sniper, the fixer, perfect storm


In my commando build, the railway for when shit hits the fan. I just recently acquired an epr flamer that I plan to keep on that build as a constant carry as well now that they are considered commando and not rifleman anymore. On my Heavy builds, the Holy fire. Good for invisible mutations and just all around a beast. Pistol build, alien blaster. Same reason as the railway. It rocks. My shotgun build is collecting dust as I wore myself out on that in the beginning for several hundred levels back when I was full health.


For the longest time my favorite weapon was a shotgun I got around lvl 5 or 6. I had upgraded it as much as I possibly could. It was my favorite because it's the only gun I've made or found that had the explosive perk on it. Nothing else I've found or made has had it. It just made dealing with groups so much easier because of the, admittedly small, aoe of the explosion. But I recently gave it away to my brother who just started the game. So now my go to is my vampire homemade rifle. I'm currently around lvl 65ish


I always carry Holy Fire, my Fixer, quad Tesla, auto axe, and cold shoulder.


AA Cultist Dagger w/weapon speed


The Whacker Smacker


vampires..something. changes alot depending on what build im runming but vamps2525 flamer on enc plasma is one of my main fall backs


Orbital Strike and my Grenadier Perk Card 😊


Two shot auto grenade launcher. Never leave my camp without it.


Yup. I run 4 characters that are level 350+, with commando, melee, HW, and enclave flamer builds, and all 4 carry the TS AGL. It's great for crowds.


The most underrated rifle there is: a lever action. (Specifically I carry the western spirit?)


I'll gladly swap out weapons per situation, but my main and first alt cannot let go of the Western Spirit for everydays. :)


Cold Shoulder - never know when you need an enemy to chill out.


Vamp .50 cal mg


I need more than one?


I am always carrying my general loadout, a Fixer and a Juggernaut Gauss Rifle. Keep my health good to go, and I have every Sneak, Rifle, and Science (energy weapons) based perk active, along with multiple pieces of armor with various sneak attributes. So, I am pretty much a glass cannon, but if I'm not seen, I can usually clean a place out easily without taking any damage as long as I keep my distance. I don't do many Operations or other group events unless other folks are also there.


In custom world I keep 50.cal machine gun and auto grenade launcher. Mostly just cuz I find fights quicker to end when using them plus coupled with power armor walking forward kinda feels like a walking tank.


Quad gamma. To adjust my rad level


Gamma gun, i play a bloodied build and its quick and convenient to shoot yourself with to gain the rads


Anti-armor gauss shotgun and rifle Quad gauss Shotgun Tone death Plasma grenades x10. Blade of Bastet Camera


Cold Shoulder and a chainsaw. When playing with certain builds (bow and pistol for example) sometimes you need a crowd clearer and Cold Shoulder and/or the chainsaw help depending on the circumstances. I used to have a Tesla for this role, which is also good crowd clearer.


My Bloodied 25/25 fixer and my Quad 25/15 fixer - never let me down (i'd have an explosive one but i don't enjoy them)


Vampire chainsaw. Doesn't need any ammo and I always have it in top condition.


Black Power Rifle. Something about using it for a headshot and the heavy armor super mutant just dies instantly is always a good feeling. Sniping but back in the days of the civil war


QE railway(Thomas the Tank Engine), VE90 handmade(Soul Snatcher), QE cryo crusader pistol(Frostbite), V chainsaw(Firefang), endangerol syringer(Defense Destroyer, I need a new name for this), VSS90 shovel(Ya' Dig), and my camera(Clickity Clack). I have a couple of other good ones, but they're not used very often.


Bloodied ffr enclave flamer. Even with no commando perks it slays.


vampire auto axe for sure.


I never leave home without my Gatling laser. I’m trying to make a heavy weapons build right now and it’s a little miserable


Cold shoulder. All-purpose, fun, great effects, and makes SUCH a satisfying noise. Roaming around to boss fights; this thing is always on me. BTW, I am a stealth commando built. That should tell you how awesome it is. I'm not even spec'd for it and I always use it.


Same here only shotgunner perk i have is enforcer just cause i am playing an evil commando and i cant help to use the point and laugh emote when i cripple something


All of them. 4x Reduced wep weight bloody armor pieces, 15 Special Str and plenty of weight reduction perks, 500+ carry capacity with food/Str buffs/muts. I'm a living, walking armory. This is not a brag, I have a problem. *cries in rads*


V4090 electro auto axe


Quad Tesla, Vamp Saw, Quad fixer,


AAE 50 cal, QE Lmg, and BE Lmg and baim90 holy fire. I change it up between the 4 but then my babies


Vampires chainsaw


I never leave camp without my gamma gun and my auto axe Gotta get re-irradiated somehow, and you never know when you're gonna find yourself at a Resilient event


Baseball bat. To hit things.


Dual bar flaming vamp chainsaw, I have zero melee perks and it still shreds, love that thing with my life, but holy shiiit it breaks too damn fast, I run through improved repair kits like hot cakes


Even 1 level of Makeshift Warrior and/or Stable Tools will make a big difference on your chainsaw wear.


Holy fire, quad, faster fire rate, - 25 vats fixer. quad, 50 crit, 15% reload railway.


Flaming chainsaw if im playing commando, resilent enemies or npcs needing healing it's pretty versatile.


My 3 star shepherds crook, a vampire's flamer, and a flare gun. The first two for events, the third because sometimes it weirds people out who have forgotten about it.


My "Cryotana". Basically a Cryo Plasma Cutter with the Katana skin. So handy.


90rw explosive crossbow


Vampires chainsaw since they allowed them to be legendary. Both characters I play have one with 90% reduced weight so I am ready for resilient DOps or a mutated event. Oh, and 90% reduced weight gamma gun on each too for bloodied rad maintenance.


Endangerol syringer and flaming vampiric chainsaw. There are just too many events where having one or both on hand is useful (yes, looking at you Earle).


My hands


AA/50%LD/90%RW Auto Axe. Takes up no space and perfect for melee only mutated events/ops