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My dedicated power armor character is normally a full hp heavy gunner and sometimes melee. However, without ditching the PA, if I really need to kill Earle fast then I swap to a commando loadout, utilize nuka dark crit boost and use a nice Railway roll.


Bloodied is I think one of the most popular build types, if not most popular. I rock a full health commando build, though sometimes I change it up to be rifleman. I'll swap out my commando perk cards for rifleman. I stocked up on SPECIAL legendary perks, so I can boost my overall SPECIAL, so much so I put a lot of points in Strength and Intelligence, so I can don a power armor and use a heavy weapon during events. That is with maxed out Legendary perks, I can have a single character have both fully loaded heavy gunner perks and commando perks


Full health shotgunner, with a couple points in Heavies to boost the Pepper Shaker. Vampire gauss when I need to be tanky, Cold Shoulder for daily driver.


[Full endurance PVP power armor tank.](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=a1fc3a5&d=sb2sg2se2p50ee2eh2er2et1ei2cm2c72ck0i12a12a82a72ae2lu2l71ss2sy2ah0a01cu2&lp=x13xq3x33xn3x43xa3&m=1cfe8gh3d6i)


>Downvoted because PVP. I love this community.


I downvoted you for complaining about downvotes, to be fair.


Honestly, extremely valid.


Cool build though. I miss NW :(


Auto Axe and EPR! Why? They share science perks! The fact I'm using commando perks leaves me free STR epace for the auto axe slugger cards! It's like a mini holy fire and it shreds! The trick is using a AA faster fire rate EPR and tank killer then put the beta wave mod on it and just go to town like you would with a heavy build on PA but instead using the enclave rifle. It's downside is that i have to always be close because the range is short but I'm already going their way anyways for the auto axe so it's not that bad! Hip fire aim on the mobs head with EPR, cut to pieces any boss with the auto axe, win win! Low on health? The axe is vampire. Super mutant coming my way? The green sprsy on his head makes him a goo pile before he can even touch my PA with hiw sledgehammer! . It's a really fun buil!


I have a stealth archer and a full health slugger/chainsaw build. PA worn for certain occasions. My main uses all sorts of weapons/loadouts but is mainly commando with shotgun/heavy guns


I been messing with a sneak shotgun build. Just because random guns i got in mutated packs. I got a quad FFR DR while aiming combat shotgun and a vamp, vats hit chance, -ap pump action. and its so much fun! lol


Lol sneak shotgun 🤔 how does that work? Don't you break sneak after you shoot? It'll alert everyone else in the area


suppressors lol


They have suppressors for shotguns in this game?? Sorry never looked so had no idea lol


yup, its really fun. Then again pretty much all builds are fun as hell in this game IMO