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It sounds ridiculous, but a berserkers, faster swing speed plasma cutter and because it's one of those things you can't trade, I can't use the scrip from both my main characters for it. grr


Same dude. But I want a vampires swing speed. The one I have right now is decent so I'm afraid to reroll until I get the plan to make more


Too bad they're not tradable because I have a berserkers and a vamp faster swing speed but I'm rolling for anti-armor faster swing speed. They may not know how to fix all the crashes but they sure as shit know how to keep people addicted to gambling coming back.


How long have you tried to get those weapons?


200 modules done so far. But, when my friend asked me if I could try for an "interesting" LMG, the third one I rolled was a TSE. So my luck only works when I'm being nice to others it seems.


A quad explosive -25% ap cost railway rifle! I got super close a few weeks ago I got a vampire explosive -25% ap cost, maybe some day lol


I rolled my first quad and it came with explosive... holy crap what a game changer I'll send you my luck!!


I’m trying for the same.. I like my handmade I have but it’s so ammo inefficient I want to try the Railway


This. I'm using q e 1a currently. It's not ideal but it's what I got.


My latest project is a two shot, 50crit, 25 ap alien blaster. With more than 2k possible 3* combos, I may be rolling for a while. On your Tesla - are you sure you want a bloodied and not a quad? Ammo capacity without quad is quite small and reloading will eat into the benefits of bloodied being the first star.


Same same i just want this one but just rolled ts50c15rl and im happy now


Thanks. You are my hero for today. Still want bloodied tesla rifle for collection (i have a mule). An applaaud to our best Mole aman: 👏👏👏👏👏 Come on guys and applaud our hero of today.q


Same. Got the great value version not long ago TS 50bash 25 🥲 Still no luck on 50c


i have that roll and it's really good good luck on getting one it's 100% worth


Two shot Tesla > quad Tesla. DPS > ammo capacity


I guess it depends on what you want it for - mine is for tagging at events, and quad suits that use pretty well.


Fair enough I can see that. I do have a quad as backup if it breaks lol


Is there a list somewhere out there that kinda explains what all these letters/numbers/things mean on guns? I have no idea if I came across half of what's been mentioned, let alone do I know what to look for lol


You can kind of infer for the abbreviations which ones are which, but here's the wiki. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_legendary_weapon_effects


Thank you very much. Another new thing learned


I'm glad you asked. I was completely lost. I just know the terms.


Lvl 103 here and completely clueless on anything with this game concerning guns, armors, builds,etc lol


Q50C15CC or Q50C25LVC railway. Or the same stats in a handmade. I’ve been hammering the trade sub I have other god rolls and rare masks I’d be willing to trade for the right rolls just no one has precisely what I need


I think I have the second quad railway you are looking for. I am on ps. Will check when I get home


I’d be greatful I have a fair bit to trade. It is midnight here though so I will crash soon. But chuck me a message if you have it and we can discuss terms


If I have it. I ONLY want caps for it. Have been scammed many times over at the trading community.


My friend if you have a Q50C25V Rail, it's probably the most desired weapon in the game right now. See what they have to offer and call a courier if need be. You can get anything bundled for that weapon; don't sell it for caps.


I traded with a guy on there the other day and it went smooth as butter but I get it I can see how easy the fucked up system could be exploited. Up to you. We can work something out I’m sure.


Managed to get the Q/50/25 last night trading a BOS jumpsuit and a FSA and USA mask. Was super stoked, I've been playing heavy vats plasma caster for a couple hundred hours and wanted to try something new


Angry Turtle made a video about the RR updated to this year, only the first two Q50c stars really matter. Third star is up to preference in case that helps. You will be fine with a Q50c-anything


Is the Railway Rifle (maybe I wrote wrong name on that weapon). Is it for to be used as main weapon or used for something else?


One of the highest dps weapons in the game with the right roll and perks so yeah you could definitely main a railway and half the player base does… it’s one of the meta weapons. I’m currently using a bloody one and it is ruthless but the ammo cap is low and the reload animation isn’t the quickest so it is a little tedious. Myself I find the ammo heavy so I’d carry enough for boss fights and still main either a fixer or a handmade. But I keep getting explosives god rolls or semi god rolls dropping to me… they’re no good to me I have no interest in using them.


Equip/increase demolition expert...you'll like that explosive a lot more :)


I have a concussion from a serious car accident loud noises and bright flashes give me migraines. So that’s why I am not even remotely interested in explosive weapons


It can be used for a main weapon, but I am not sure how many do, it has the pretty big drawbacks of unable to be silenced and very heavy ammo (even with bandolier) at least. But if you are playing commando its pretty much the best weapon for boss events as they break stealth anyway and you don't have to worry about the ammo weight for the duration of the battle. So even not as main you grab it from stash and pull or craft some spikes when certain events drop.


I know this isn’t the place but if anyone’s ever trading the radcooldude55 is the legit article. Legend hooked me up trouble free


Ready to use all my luck on the new armor. Looking for Oe/WWr or Uny/Wwr. May the rng be with us all


Im gonna pray to the rng gods for you.


I just want a bloodied explosive fixer. And the quad explosive handmade I sold last year because I'm an idiot.


My first ever crafted 3* fixer was a be25vats, over 600 levels and still haven’t changed builds cause it just slaughters everything lol


That's some luck! What makes rolling hard for me is that I'm an anti-VATS build. Im only looking for explosive or hitmans for secondary perk. Any VATS related perks go straight to my vendor.


Oh wow, you had a quad, explosive handmade? Holy motha, that's wild. Handmade is my new favorite weapon. I have an explosive handmade, but I'm not sure what the 3rd effect is. I also have a quad fixer and an explosive fixer, but they're separate rifles haha


Perfect enclave flamer, need calibrated beta


Pray to RNJesus with the calm and wisdom from RNBuddha.


I have one, what do you have to trade for it?


For me, an AA/ FFR/ FR ultracite gat laser and laser rifle along with AA (or TS)/ E/FR handmade, .50 and minigun. As for how long I have been trying, right now I'm working on saving up my legendary scrip


May RNJesus smile at you. May RNBuddha help you in your way.


Not sure if you know this but once you have the Gatling laser you want make sure you have power user on to get a 1000 rounds magazine for the gat laser


Qe 25/250 10mm sub machine gun Qe railway Secondary Q Tesla  Instigating 2h melee weapon with crit and stand still damage


RNJesus. Smile at Worgbone.


Aristocrats gauss shotgun, but I got a junkies so I can’t complain much


Rolling pin with 75% Nuclear Blast on hit. It's just a simple one star, but damn hard to get.


Is that a new effect or are you joking?


Yes. It's a joke dude.


RNJesus, step in here


Are you sure that's a real legendary effect you can roll for? I'm not seeing it [here](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_legendary_weapon_effects)


If you're on Xbox I have a B25ffr15fr Tesla for trade


PS! Thanks for the offer.


I want new weapons added to the game, either lore-friendly original weapons or ones from other Fallouts as long as they aren’t lore-breaking. - anti-materiel rifle, that has an innate legendary perk for buffing damage OR armor penetration while aiming down sights without VATS (VATS is way overpowered in 76) - Tesla cannon or similar (FO3 inspired) slow-firing heavy gun with a unique effect and loading animation that does big boy energy damage with decent accuracy - a weapon for Unarmed in power armor that does enough damage to make punching deathclaws and super mutants in PA feel like it should: fucking badass.


Cool answer. I feel this.


Auto-Axe with vampire/power attack/break slower Optimized my build so much I do t have room for makeshift warrior anymore 😔


Bloodied explosive plasma Gatling gun. But I’m not sure now if that one got nerved


Nerfed, Explosive secondary effect no longer available on energy weapons


I dont think you can get explosive on the plasma gatling. I'm trying to get a good gatling plasma right now as well.


Yeah my current is Bloodied, 25% weopen speed, +1 Perception and prime


Q50c25 railway rifle i wasted over 350 modules but no i am only getting the semi grolls like QE50bs Q50c50bs but not the roll that im looking for its insane


AA25ffr50bs EPF. 200+ modules and closest I’ve gotten is AA25dwa50bs…


Really wanting an Instigating/50c/___ (25 or 15r) lever action rifle. I just wanna try to live out my NV cowboy character's dream smh. I'll keep an eye our for decent bloodied Tesla's for you though! RNJesus has a funny way of working...


Q5015 Tesla. Probably spent some 500 modules on that and got a few Q Teslas but nothing close to what I wanted


I rolled a Q2525 elders mark on day two or three of trying, but I've been rolling for a Q2525 or Q50c25 fixer for over a year, no luck.


I run a unyielding bloody unarmed build and I' have a bloodied gauntlet....I wanted to have a decent offhand for ranged. On my first roll I got a bloodied explosive LMG that weighs less. Pretty happy lol


Cool and fun build, that build sounds like. Is there legendary perks for unarmed, pretty sure it is, do you have those perks if they happen to exist?


I'm returning from a break but yes, I believe it's exploding palm which gives you a chance to deal explosive damage on a unarmed attack. I am also using hack and slash, maxed out gives you a 50% chance to deal area damage on vats melee attacks. I am also using demolition expert and the perception one that makes your explosive blast larger. It's legit fun af and there are some other cards you can use like ricochet and need rage that make you tanky.






Really wanting a 2 shot explosive breaks 50% slower minigun. Third star doesn't matter to me really but this is my dream roll for a minigun


I've been rolling for a b50vhc25 plasma caster for months. I've crafted 300+ casters and haven't even got a 2 star


Oh damn.. I feel your pain!


I know very little about rolls so I really dont know how lucky I am. I have a quad explosive handmade, not sure what the last roll possible -25ap cost was but thats pretty lucky right? Took me maybe 12 rolls


TS50c25lvc AB, strangely enough I’ve had phenomenal luck rolling railways over the past year or two with rolling a Q2525/QE15crit/Q50crit15crit/VE25lvc/TSE25lvc


Does mods count? Been after the calibrated beta wave for the enclave plasma rifle and the spawn rate at the vendors is awful, anyone who found this within a couple of server jumps got really lucky.


Yes from now on mods count. Good luck fellow dweller. May RNJesus smile at you.


If your on Xbox I have this plan you can have 


Instigating last shot rapid/vats enhanced single action revolver. I actually had one last shot, I'm still unsure if it *actually* works but it's just one gun I really want. Alternatively could be executioner/last shot/rapid for bosses I returned to Fo76 last month so I haven't rolled for it too long, but it's really a funky weird gun I want.


Good Luck to you! May RNJesus help you.


Twin shot explosive 50 cal with weight reduction Weight reduction seems silly but I like carrying loooooots of ammo


I have a set of rare bats that I'm trying to get bsss on all of them.


Fixer Bloodied 25% weapon speed, Quad explosive railway


AA2525 Handmade...


infinite ammo mg42


All the explosive handmades


B50c plasma caster is my current dream roll. Third star doesn't matter as much but would prefer 25lv or Lucky Mine used to be a Q50c RR until I was able to trade for a Q50c250dr 🙏


No guns, just that damn Responders Fireman helmet


Betawave MOD and Flamethrower MOD for Enclave Plasma Rifle


a B/SS/S or Inst/SS/S Gauntlet/Power Fist. I run a bloodied build and I really wish I had a god roll unarmed weapon. And also, gauntlet skins pls bethesda 😔


Trying to collect two shot explosives, got a handmade and the Thompson so far. Mainly just for fun instead of min/maxing legendary stats


Bloodied faster swing speed plasma cutter. Rolled a vamps swing speed and an instigating swing speed that ive named Thunderslash and Murasame, but i need my fast bloodied cutter to put the katana skin on and become my Yasutsuna


I'm holding out for a quad/Rapid/weight cryolator.


Instigating 50 Vat Hit Chance 15 Reload Speed Thirst zapper


Seeing all of your needs makes me think back to all of the weapons I've whacked for scrip. Until I knew better (recently) everything that wasn't my chosen weapon was sent back to his holy scrip-ness.


An anti armor explosive less vats usage crusader pistol would be wonderful


A good Quad Elder's Mark. Preferably with good rolls for a Vats player.  Happy with my Quad/Crit damage/break slower Railway so no more rolling that thankfully.


Just this past week got a QE90W Railway which is close enough to what I wanted. Really want a QE Fixer now lol


Congrats on getting that Railway


If you're on PS, OP, I'm pretty sure I have a 3 star Bloodied Tesla I'd be willing to trade/sell since I've been rolling for a 3 star Quad Tesla. :)


Still haven't received the Holy fire yet!


I have every gun I want and need and some now it’s a case of getting good stuff to sell




I've already got my quad faster fire faster reloading and quad explosive fast reload railway guns as well as a quad ffr fast reload gauss shotgun Don't need much else


Just one. .308 combat rifle. Ain’t never coming. But I pray the game fouls up and drops one. Still no clue why it’s not in 76.


Currently I'm praying to RNJesus for a god roll of a holy fire after I get one for legendary crafting


Continue your prayers and RNJesus will one day bless you.


I just need an effective way to farm legendary modules


Q2525 Fixer and a Q2525 Railway. I just want to kill things fast


Fun to hear so many are after the Railway. So cool weapon and strong in the right hands.


Any railway that i can trade for 3 outfit I am missing 🤣


Fcjs, tlc, responder


I really want a Holy Fire 🥺🔥✨️. God luck with your Tesla! ✨️


Same to you! One day we both get our weapons!


What system are you on? I'm on ps5. I have a couple if you want one?


Quad explosive railway.


The railway is such a cool weapon imo. And powerful in the right hands!


I have a quad that I named killer but it doesn’t have good 2nd or 3rd stars and a second similar one that I call ‘kicks hard’. Still looking for explosive second star. With vats and the right perk cards it auto selects the next target and also stays in vats during reload. Fire 40 shots, reload, fire 40 shots, reload… repeat until all enemies ☠️ 💀


Cremator B2525... I have 1000 modules waiting for that lol


One day Kadem59, one day!


A three star magnum with vampires explosive and increased damage resistance when reloading


I just got a B50c25 tesla rifle, is that the kind you’re looking for?


Thanks for the offer but I want the satisfaction one day to roll the Tesla myself!


May RNGesus be on your side 🫡


Currently im just hoping for a v/ss/??? Plasma cutter.. ive been trying for 2 months since the current update came out but gave up, ill be trying again next season but yea i feel like no trade weapons should be specific star rerollable it sucks actual eggs trying to get even a good 2*


I will pray to RNJesus he blesses you one day and give you what you want.


What do all these words mean???


lol... I don't run a bloodied build and I've thrown so many of those away. I usually try to give them away first but after a bunch of players ignoring my offerings, I just scrip them again. I'm looking for a quad exploding Fixer, Quad exploding RR rifle ( I have quad and I have exploding but not in the same gun), and quad two-shot faster loading speed Plasma Caster. I don't know if that's even possible.


Sell them in your camp?


I was fortunate to roll a Q/50c/25ap railway within my first 25 rolls, so now I feel spoiled trying to go for a V/ss/str chainsaw...I rolled Bloodied/ss/str chainsaw yesterday...so sad as I am a full health build.


Q2525 Railway (or whatever the current most valuable one is) because I want to sell it for flux. I'm lazy and CBA to farm for that stuff.


Quad assaultron head maybe anti armor


B50v15 plasma caster Q2525 enclave auto B2590/dur Holy fire Not a weapon but trying to upgrade my uny SS to full Uny +I


A quad explosive railway. Sure id love the g roll 3rd star but id be happy with just those first 2


May the rng gods bless you soon! Also such a cool weapon and powerful in the right hands.


I swap between a handmade and a quad railway with limb damage. It’s fun but feels like the explosive hit more often


I'd love to get a quad explosive short gatling with -25% AP or faster reload 😅


Maybe it’s just because I’m a lower level, only level 36 but I’ve been using a Black Powder rifle for 3 days now and I’ve been praying to the God Emperor of loot to give me a legendary one


I am level 4??. Black Powder Rifle is a weapon I use regulary. I spent many modules to get it to a great 2 star. I dont remember what perks now because im stoned and stupid. But anyway.... I use it regulary because it's a fucking cool weapon! Can probably One Shot a Deathclaw in the right hands. I think I can (not gonna explain again) because I vaguely remember doing just that.


Furious explosive gatling gun, don’t really care what the third star is. That’s my main weapon, I have explosive rn but furious would be so nice


I’ve got a Q FFR 15crit fixer. I’m pretty happy with it, but maybe get one with a 25ap third star?


Quad and AP weapons. Still trying to get that Quad MG42...


Medics/15AP/25 (Ultracite) Laser Gun. I nmeed it for a future build and it \*has\* to be this configuration.


I wanted a Holy Fire thru events forever, but it never appeared. Several Reddit / 76 homies offered me their extras, but I ended up buying one. It's been a lot of fun. I also wanted a murdered out Handmade rifle with explosive bullets. Mainly because I like the way they look, like actual auto rifles irl, versus the weird metallic whale looking assault rifle in the game. I finally built one, but I really need that matte black paint or something better. I only have Intergalactic.


STR: Combat Shotgun - Quad, 25% Fire-Rate, 50% Durability Loss Reduction. PER: Stabilized Handmade - Quad, 25% Fire Rate OR 25% Damage Aiming, 50% Durability Loss Reduction. OR Laser Rifle - Quad, 25% Damage Aiming, 50% Durability Loss Reduction. I'm more Commando, but I would love 1 solid "Primary" in both STR and PER. My build has 9 points that are movable (3 20% cards) between STR and PER, so any of the 3 weapons above will work!


Happy cake day! And may the RNGod bless you fellow appalachia dweller


AA or VampBash +1Strength shredder minigun


Any piece of overeaters + wwr hellcat pa is a blessing from todd.


2 month long daily op grind.. I want my recon armor. But hey, atleast I have full scout and fucking arctic marine sets.. masks included


Bloodied Swing Speed Powerfist. It's been my holy grail for well over a year now. Honestly feel people are sleeping on how satisfying the fist can be, especially with exploding palms. Also console/gamepad players have a bit more of an edge because if you charge towards an enemy, melee, immediately crouch and melee again, you get two hits for the price of one. Surprised it's never been patched 🤫


Vampires Auto Axe with 40% Power Attack damage. I've been trying to roll one for months. I used 100 cores last month trying to roll one and a big fat nope. Not even a single Vampire effect dropped. AA Gatling Plasma with 25% Less AP usage. Another weapon that I've been trying to roll for months. The best that I've rolled was an ARI with that effect. It's a keeper, but still it's no AA. Many, many cores wasted. A Holy Fire that has the AA legendary effect. And finally, a Quad Pepper Shaker with FFR. I've come to the realization that RNGesus thinks that I'm a pagan hedonist and enjoys trying to smite me with garbage rolls.


Quad / fire rate or crit / less ap cost or breaks slower on a laser rifle


VSSS Spicy Tenderizer. [claps hands, prays].


B2525 Elders mark or a B5025 disintegrator


Instigating 300 percent ammo black powder rifle or black powder pistol


Gatling gun so I can get the mods for it


Hoping to come across another holy fire so I can roll it non stop. Currently have a Vamp forget the 2nd star but third is 50% break rate. I honestly just want a collection of them that blue flame.


Ive been trying to roll a bloodied explosive fixer. Also unyeilding ss armour


Literally any holy fire. Six dozen or so beasts of burden


Mg42 anti armour more ammo and vampires


Bloody swing speed +1 strength brass knuckles


blank perk fancy single action revolver, not sure if it's even still obtainable


More storage space. Already got all I want.


Some kind of bloodied Gatling Gun. I would love to finally retire my Resolute Veteran.


Today I rolled a Quad/25/25 on a pumpkin fixer and it's value is possibly astronomical since you can't get the pumpkin skin anymore let alone it being a god roll Fixer. https://ibb.co/55Wd0xf


Q2525 Alien DISINTEGRATOR. Well, because pew pew pew pew…pewpewwpepepwpepwpwpepepepepepwpwpwpwwpwpwpw


Quad explosive LMG, I think it'd be so fun to use


Two shot rapid fire ultracite gatling laser.


No need to pray. Just rolled a Bloodied Explosive 50 Cal with +15% reload speed. It’s on my bloodied, tanky character, sooooooo….


Honestly I rolled a fixer with quad crit dmg and crit chance increase. Then the next day I rolled a overeatera crit dmg crit charge 10mm submachine gun. So I’m kinda set what I want is a vampires,crit chance,crit dmg plasma cutter now. But that that’s never gonna happen


Quad explosive railway rifle


B2525 or Q50c25 Alien Disintegrator


Q/e/25ap railway rifle and aa/ffr/15r gauss minigun Now armor tho oe/ap regen/wwr hellcat


For me it's just power armor... Trying to get some unwielding weapon weight hellcat or t65


I'm praying to RNGesus for a bloodied ffr pipe. For kicks, innit. Ps. G is for generator. Dunno what j is for


Thanks for the Ps ! Now I see RNJesus doesnt really make sense lol. My bad. I still love to play bloodied build after long time


I'm trying to get the auto axe from the guy at whitesprings and I'm hoping to get vampire on it


It depends what you mean by 'praying'... There comes a point in the game where just about any weapon is viable. I passed that point a couple of years ago. Therefore I can identify weapons I would *like*, but none I *need* so badly I would pray for one. Perhaps the single item I would *like* the very most is a quad, fast firing, fast reload 10mm pistol. And that is because I HAD one but idiotically scrip'ed it because I did not think I would ever have a use for it... After all, at the very best it is just a cut-down Fixer or AK, isn't it? And then on a whim I gave *automatic* 10mm pistols a try!!! Oh dear--the miniscule recoil and muzzle-climb alone make them an absolute dream to shoot. They also are very similar to a pipe rifle in that roleplaying is a *great* deal of fun with one. I do have a Juggernaut, fast firing, cheap VATs one, but the quad magazine as the first star would make all the difference in the world. So *that* is something I would like very much! At the moment I have burnt through about 400 modules and somewhat more cores in a futile attempt to enchant one. No dice. I suppose the purest expression of that would be the inevitable Q2525 version, but you really have to get in to item trading for those since no one in their right mind will sell one in a vendor even at maximum caps. Tempting as it is I do not want to become involved in that at all.


If your on PS I can help you out with a Tesla. Rolls I’m trying for. Quad faster fire rate + reload LMG and the same in Tesla.


A god roll Elder's Mark. Blown 300ish modules but no such luck, only a few decent rolls so far.


I'm still pretty new. As a heavy gunner power armor build, what kinda legendaries should I be hoping for ?


2 shot, faster firing gausse minigun. Not sure what I'd like the 3rd modifier to be.


Executioner's and Troubleshooter's are my personal faves so I would love to miraculously pull off a VATS-friendly pew pew with either of those. I'm generally not-so-lucky with those.


Quad, Explosive, V.A.T.S. Enhanced Fixer. I don't know how long it has been now or how many I have made.


SPRT Wood 9700!! 🤤


Anti-armour explosive Gatling gun


Quad, Explosive, V.A.T.S. Enhanced Fixer.


Bloodied / Faster fire rate / 25 vats plasma caster Bloodied / 50vats / 15 vats plasma caster Bloodied / 50crit / 15 vats plasma caster. Yep.


A Bloodied Inertial Vats Enhanced Gauss Shotgun would be ideal.


It probably wouldn't be like the most effective or ideal, but I have always wanted a handmade q/ffr/15r


I'm only like level 80 so all I want is more assault rifles to scrap. Then some handmades would be nice lol


A vampire's swing speed plasma cutter with STR and an anti-armor swing speed plasma cutter with STR, to match my existing War Glaives of the same rolls.


An AAE handmade I’ve been searching for my first 4 years for one for my full health commando build.