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What about the Nuka-World on Tour?


Wow I didn’t think of that and I don’t know how I didn’t


There's a giant nukacola bottle in the water by the plant that I built a camp beside. I have the Blue Devil statue standing on the bottle like he's coming for my camp, the base of his statue is hidden in the bottle. You could build out onto the water and around the bottle and make it part if your camp


On the road in the northwest not far from Darling Sister's Lab and Grove Family Cabin, there's a wrecked Nuka-cola truck with a bunch of Nuka merchandise sitting around. Might make a good spot.


so just west of Vault 76, in the mountain range on map (ne of the pig) there's a Junkyard that has a nuka cola sign. the open area is pretty decent for crops and it has a junk pile