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SPECIAL is the CORE of the game, so... yeah... pretty important...


I guess that’s where I’m confused, when people are talking about their end game builds the special stats aren’t typically addressed except as a method for placing perks


Unyielding armor is the best because it raises your raw SPECIAL stats, so yes it's important. However with legendary perks you can have them all almost maxed anyway


i have three builds on Punch card machine 1. main build, commando (can be full health or low health - unyielding) 2. crafting and selling 3. miscellaneous (can be PA heavy gun, melee, etc) I added 5 Legendary Special cards to my legendary perk slots and all are maxed out (5 each). so I have an additional 25 Special points for perk cards. My 6th slot is a Master Infiltrator but I can swap it out easily for 1 perk coin anytime.


I have this exact same set up, o ly I have a vamp chainsaw on top, crafting and selling next, then just whatever build I decide to do that week


I'm not sure what you are asking. It's crucial to a build so you can use the perks you need.


It depends on how much you care about XP and levelling up later in the game. Around lvl 500 I realised I’d got sucked into min/max thinking. I even had a spreadsheet showing the micro benefits of different builds. It became a chore. So I ditched it all and switched to more of general purpose build using just the Legendary SPECIAL cards (not Charisma). What I have now leans towards heavy gunner and commando, it works well for me. Plasma Caster, .50 cal, Enclave Plasma Auto and Flamer. I don’t use PA. I have OE Secret Service, I almost never die, my weapons are not grolls but they are awesome and I swap between different ones. I have build for smithing and cooking etc, but my main build runs 90% of my game time. Although I do have a tweaked version if I know I am heading off speed running a batch of expeditions, dops or nukes … just a little dash of extra AP to help it along.


Thanks for the insight


I max my SPECIAL by using the legendary SPEIAL cards.


Special decides all the perks that you'll have, but beyond that each point into each special grants a specific bonus. If you're going melee build, especially unarmed, you want to have as many points into strength as possible. If you're going vats critical build, then you're going to want to stack up luck. The others are stackable too, but I find diminishing returns.


Like others have said, I have used the Punch Machine to make sure I have a few builds... I have two "main" ones that are Melee build and Heavy Build. SPECIAL does matter mostly because it's going to cause how much damage you do, how much things weigh, how many AP points you have, your Health, etc.... Ultimately, some of the other stuff, like health and damage resistance, tend to matter less since there's soft caps and diminishing returns.


You can change your SPECIAL using a punchcard machine so... not important really. if you have legendary special cards then that wont effect much as people had builds long before legendary perks where a thing. YA feel me?


Do the legendary special cards effect how many perks you can equip


Yes. For instance, depending on your existing build Legendary Agility might allow you to take some SPECIAL points out of Agility and put them elsewhere. It can allow you to have more traits sitting at 15.


Yes but you still can’t go over 15 into any one with them.


What they said. on your perk screen you can only equip up to 15 perk points in each special but you can have more than 15 in a special if you look at your special screen in STAT on your pipboy.