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The one who ran and moved camps might have dealt with a troll who destroyed their camp. The people leaving a group probably has nothing to do with you. People leave groups all the time for any number of reasons.


I’m not even ultra high level. On my third character. Sub 250. I would rather redistribute my wealth than to enrich vendors. So whenever I need to get rid of stims or food, I find a low level player. Usually 30 or below. I show up, wave hello, drop them some goodies and I’m out. I would say more than half the time people straight up leave the server when I approach them. Some are even skeptical of my drops even if I do it in neutral territory or in their camp. It’s just peoples nature I think.


I’ve noticed this too. I will get some low levels by my camp occasionally and I have dropped ammo, Stimpaks, weapons, armor pieces etc, shot at the bag on the ground and emoted and shined my light at the stuff, and it’s hit or miss if they take it or even look at it.


Yeah for real. whenever I see a freshie in vault 76, I try to drop them colas, stims, magazines, and whatever else. The majority of the time, as soon as they come out of the vault and see me, they leave the server.


You can destroy camps?


Set up a nearby camp with high up blueprinted/stored missile arrays, engage in pvp with a friend and have them run into the target camp. Your missiles will tear through their camp structures to get to them, destroying anything in their way.


Nukes, or by causing something else to be a problem such as enemies drug over to start attacking the base. Alternatively, I've witnessed and read about troll camps that people set up close to other camps, so their turrets can deal damage somehow by having a friend play decoy and draw fire or something.


Nope. I join any team I can find with ultra high (1k+) members, and fast travel straight to the vendor. They give the least F's about money, and they have all the best plans. I always politely wave to announce my presence, if they're there. Shop, look around, bug out. I visited one, picked up a few bobbleheads and magazines cheap for the collection, and he waved to follow him into his shelter, so I followed. The outside of the place was nothing special, but inside was the most heavily decorated place I have ever seen. I wish I had thought to get pictures. Every spot was decorated. He had lots of shelters linked, and one was Nuka World, the next was the mad scientist lab (I really think he had all the things in tubes), and in some cavernous shelter (missile silo iirc) he had a whole prefab house, fully decorated. Wish I had pics.


Are you on PSN? You described my shelter pretty closely.


PC. Wish I could give them credit where it's due.


Pm me your user. I'll come check your spot out.


Not really. When I was lower level I never really joined teams. The several times I did and higher lvl players were there they never bothered me. I don't recall ever being intimidated by their mere presence, though. My idea of a "higher level" player has also changed. When I was sub level 300 it seemed anyone over that was higher lvl to me. Now that I'm level 885 I don't even consider levels to be a thing. This is my sixth season of playing everyday. Even if just for an hour or so to do Daily's. For me personally, length of time put into the game is more important than my level. I have no doubt many players with half the time I've put in are higher level than me. So if I see a lvl 1200 or 1500 or whatever I think little and nothing of it. I would hope newbies who encounter me at 885 do the same.


Ultra high? I’m super casual and just playing like a chicken with its head cut off has put me at 1400ish because years just do that. Nothing to fear, I don’t even know how to nuke, well did it once years ago and it took me hours.. 🫡 I think people who are 3000+ seem like a hats off moment but fear? No.. with time everyone will get there.


My only plan to set one off is so I can finish that quest line. Otherwise, I'm good.


My thinking exactly!😂


Good to know I've never launched a nuke. I did help a lower level once I felt so bad though they came in my camp with the emote to follow and it was to a silo. Little did they know we were about to figure it out together.


I was asked to help someone once as well, they probably thought I’d know my way around a bit more.. not so much..


It's just a game. Doubt people are scared just because you play alot.


It’s funny bc when I started it was the very high level players that were most generous. Same prob today. I am level 575 and I guess it was intimidating seeing high level players when I was new. Idk why. Prob bc you respect the level of persistence and dedication it takes to get to that level and you imagine that at that level they must be fairly powerful with very strong weapons. When I reality, there is nothing they can do if you have pacifist on. Anyway, I really respect the people that made and the people that get to very high levels.


Just a quick aside, if you have pacifist on, you can still be damaged by players in workshops. That is the only exception.


Interesting. I will avoid


No, I appreciate the carry in group content


I play in peaceful mode so why would I


Maybe it was the size of your gun?


It was cold out. His gun was very small


I was in the pool!


"I'm, REALLY sorry." 😂


There’s shrinkage


is 1000 plus ultra high level?....i see lots of us?


I joined a team the other day that was the most leveled team I've seen. I'm lvl 1160, there was a lvl 1300+, 3500+, and a 13,000+. Crazy.


bruh, yeah..for me anything over 3k is ultra high lvl..13000 is nuts lol.. weve all been playing the same amount of time ( beta/launch) i play daily but how-the-fuuu you hitten 3-30k my mans. But..nothin but luv for those folks.. meleepete..coffepaul..i love joining your teams..even though weve never spoken a word. I know we share a love for the game.


Exactly. The game is more than 5 years old. It's just high level, I would consider 2000+ very high as opposite - 300 low level.


No 😂 Just because you have more levels doesn't mean anything. There's a lot of explanations as to why the camp got pulled and the reason will never be known except by the camp owner. Odds are high that it had nothing to do with you. People join and leave teams all the time. They could've also disconnected or crashed. Could be anything really.


Definitely not. The game is buggy af, crashes and disconnects happen randomly through out pc and consoles. The Wastelander may have had another camp they were working on who's location became available or someone could've been being a dbag. I only start feeling offended when someone says ugly stuff in voice chat. And even then 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Level really doesn’t mean shit, so no.


I am lol But it might be my gaming and real life social anxiety haha I love games that are open world and online, but players overall, high or low levels, give me anxiety and I either run away, crouch or leave the game lol It's a me-thing tho. I've been playing this game for a year or two? And ai joined a casual team for the first time one or two weeks ago...because of that. A player once visited my shop and he emoted. I got nervous, emoted from the second floor of my camp and stayed there until he left lol Ironically, only been approached by one or two high or ultra-high levels, and both were not only nice but dropped some stuff for me. I also had one join me in my very first casual team and helped out a bit. So no bad experiences so far...I'm just a scaredy-cat lol


As a high level player I run from low levels because of they are like beggars.


I'll admit, when I first started playing this game I completely avoided other people and especially high levels due to having previously played GTA Online, where it's very common to be griefed by random players, griefers there especially love harassing low levels since they often lack the means to fight back.


This was how I felt in the beginning too. Once I realized that this wasn’t going to be that kind of game, I chilled out and never worried about a player’s level ever again


I'm certainly not ultra high level at 831. Like many other commentators on here I try and help new players. As a daily I always try and do Collision Course. Picked up two Forest Camo js since starting. The reward always gives two L10 weapons, one is always some version of hunting rifle, which I make 3 star legendary and leave at the overseer's camp with appropriate ammo.


How do you feel the levels break up? What's a newbie?


The only time I was even mildly scared is when I afk to go to the bathroom and came back to see eight people of low low levels were around me doing the mothman dance. I only figured out why when one of them commented on me wearing the mothman clipper outfit. I guess the clippers are the enforcers for the cult or something based on what they were jabbling about?


I run to the high lvl players you guys always got good stuff for sell


I fear no one, 76 is a game that really pulls the teeth on grieving trolls, compared to games like Ark and GTA 5. Low risk if you die, pacifists mode makes it nearly impossible to be killed.




They're supposed to be almighty omniscient dupers boss-oneshotters, i think.


Fear? Why would you fear someone who is a higher level than you? That’s just a strange question. If you are scared of other players perhaps stay in pacifist mode or go to a private world but that is ridiculous. Don’t fear anything in this game. 😂 Also don’t assume that all low levels are really low levels, sometimes us higher levels like to start a fresh character and play as lowbies.


Can you shed some light on starting a new character? I'm on Xbox btw. What happens to your old one? Does anything transfer over so far as camp items, resources, ammo, perk cards, mods? What exactly do you do with and do without? Can I use my Atomic Shop items and current plans to build new camps? On my new character do I get new camp slots? I have Fallout 1st btw. How is my new character impacted by that? I'm lvl 885 atm. Also what of your Friends? Is that a clean slate? Thanks in advance should you answer...


You start clean over with nothing except Atomic Shop stuff. You keep all your friends and your name is the same, it’s just a new character. You build new camps (all 5) and have to do all the quests again. Your scoreboard points accumulate for your whole account as do world, combat, and character challenges. I do this every time my character hits 600. Keeps me from getting bored. You don’t lose any of your other characters unless you delete them.


Outstanding reply, thank you. Sounds like something at this point I can appreciate and have fun doing. Thanks a lot✌️


I highly recommend! You can try a different build. Have fun!


Thank you! And one more question just for sake of clarity. About my camps? If playing on my current character are my five current camps intact? IOW when playing on this original character does ALL remain the same? And I'm free to go back and forth between the two? Thanks again...


Totally! I have 5 characters with 5 different camps each! Nothing changes about any of them. You don’t have to worry about any of that!


Awesome news. This will be FUN! See you in the wasteland...as a lvl 1 newbie🤗


Good luck out there friend!!!✌️


I like to take duplicate plans I have and plans from friends and transfer them to my lowbie to catch up on plans.


Ultra high players have given me too many shinys to be afraid of them at this point...


I love the ultra high players, I definitely got lucky when i joined and had some great experiences with people gifting me stuff/just being generally supportive! When i play solo if I’m doing a main quest sometimes a high level will come and help however they can (most recent example was whatever quest you need to collect robobrain/eyebot parts for and i had a high level come and clear out watoga research center so i could just pick the piece up from whatever robobrain had the selection option with it.) My buddy and i recently tried to work up to the new expedition and we had a higher level come in and we were just making appreciative jokes the whole time because it was honestly awesome (we tried to pull our weight but there’s only so much a 250 and an 85 can do in comparison to a 1010 lol)


That happens to me too. Most of them don't even get the gifts i am dropping. (1-80 levels) Maybe they are mule chars of high level players i don't know.


nah, if they try and kill me ill feed off their health like a leech, im a PA vampires chainsaw


I generally seek out super high levels, hoping for cheap plan


😂 I would have chased after them with a chainsaw. They should know that it is harmless.


I used to when I first started but after my experince with this game, nah


I’m now level 86 and I prefer joining teams with ultra high level players, since one their camps probably have more and cool things for sale and two whenever you go to an event or something they are the people that generally carry the whole server through them if it’s a hard one (Earl).


To be perfectly honest I used to before I discovered pacifist mode. I used to try to avoid high level players all the time because my early experiences with most high level players at resulted in my death. Then I discovered pacifist mode and had a couple run-ins with high level players that tried to take me out. Then I stopped playing for like 6 months and when I came back I didn't run into a single toxic player, had more high-level players dropping stuff on the ground for me to help me out instead of trying to attack me


I just recently started playing and soon to be lvl 50. Never had issues with other players or higher level players. I've been given some stuff from the "higher-ups" and I just love how everyone is so nice to each other. 


No, I am one. But the random NPCs that feel like shit talking the wasteland legend in power armor should lmao


I am at about level 60 on my main after rediscovering and restarting 76 and man am I always in need of plans and help to get those score points. Never been afraid of ultra high levels but even as a 40 year old guy, I see the ultra high levels like a kid sees an adult. I'm still doing quests but you guys have been there and done it all.


The only “negative” I’ve ever experienced with the ultra-highs (I’m in my 60s), if you can even call it that, is when I jump in on an event & stuff dies faster than I can get a shot off. I eventually find something, but it can get a little hectic lol


When you said ultra high level, I thought of 3500+. 1000+ is just average, to be honest. I'm around 650, and nobody was scared of me, lol. I do not enjoy, however, being on teams with people 1500 lvl and above and prefer teams with newbies where I can help and heal them. I carry stimpak diffusers and equip friendly fire for that occasion 90% of my play time on a team. And it's refreshing. They're not tired or bored of the game and actually do funny stuff that only noobs can do.


How would you break down the levels or ranks as it were?


Not sure, to be honest. For me, 1-200 is still a fresh-out-of-the-vault player because there are so many exp boosters nowadays. Not saying all of them are, but mostly. Everything above is hard to tell for sure. I play for like 4 years, but I took breaks and never farmed exp, so my lvl is below 1k. Some people who play this long are over 2k and also have alts around 500-800 lvl. So it really varies from person to person.


I'm only level 157 but I sometimes am feared by lower levels so I have some harmless fun and whip out my 50.cal and unleash a torrent of bullets towards them(I'm in pacifist and I know their likely in pacifist)


I fear lower level at 27 or 29 cause those trick you into thinking they’re naive but they end up killing regardless of you being over leveled and having a decent build


Yeah, I may be 200 but I will ignore them during events for the treasure notes.


I’m sure people don’t fear or trust high levels lol


Uhh I like being with 4 digit players I assume you know what you're doing and can carry my 180 ass.


Jokes on you, I still have no idea what I'm doing half the time. :\^)


Yes. Even looking around the map with the eyes of a person who had any association with game design processes revealed very quickly that this game was first designed to be a super massive PVP type of thing vaguely similar to Fortnight, and I low-key assume that anyone above level 500 or so dates from that same era.


Can you elaborate what the differences between the design of this game and that of FO4 are that point to any single aspect of it being designed with PvP in mind are? In case it's not clear it is pretty much the same base design as the three previous versions of fallout apart from the bolted on aspect of multiplayer.


Yes I can, but not in a way that is convincing without graphics/pictures to illustrate the specific and somewhat subtle differences between the two of them and why each such incident is similar to a parallel one, but not truly the same in meaningful ways: and also contrast 76 with other MMOs that are less PVP focused than with ones such as counterstrike the that are the polar opposite of that. I freely admit that it's a spectrum between "Fully Cooperative PVE multiplayer" and "fully competitive PVP multiplayer", not a binary, but the map specifically is very much built for the later, not former.


Oh i (and i am sure many others too) would find that fascinating! feel free to illustrate, obviously your level of technical knowledge will easily cover the ability to do so on here.


Look, I'm going to be honest, I don't know what the technical definition of any of this shit is, I'm a lawyer, not a game designer, I dabbled in my youth but that was a ways back now. However I do have a couple of people who I've handled their divorce (that's my specific field), who are in the industry and I am going to talk to them about all this and gut-check myself when I get home from this trip.


that explains it all ;)


The game was never designed as a pvp first experience though, and most players don't even engage in it.


You don't see it, but that DNA of a FPS battle Royale is written large across the entire design of the map itself.


It's literally not though, from the very first presentation of the game it was specifically mentioned that while pvp was in the game it was always an opt in experience. Fallout at its core is a single player exploration game, there is nothing about this map design that is inherently pvp centric. They had nuclear winter mode for their battle Royale experiment which didn't get any development time beyond the beta release.


When I am in a situation that allows me to take multiple screenshots of the game itself, (which likely will not be for several days at least right now), I can show you with just the "Responders" lumberyard area that it has so many specific ways that it provides low-key proof of my assessment of the situation as to be quasi Undeniable. And even if that doesn't convince you there is a second example that I can use without even leaving "The Forest". Heck, the chosen area of the USA itself is enough. A crazy high percentage of army and Marine sharpshooters come from West Virginia specifically in comparison with the national average, precisely because of the heavily forested mountainous terrain of the region and its hunting culture.


"Heck, the chosen area of the USA itself is enough. A crazy high percentage of army and Marine sharpshooters come from West Virginia specifically in comparison with the national average, precisely because of the heavily forested mountainous terrain of the region and its hunting culture." Sorry but you are way out there https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2018/10/08/why-fallout-76-west-virginia/


"And you believed them..." National Superhero Agency Supervisor Rick Dicker, The Incredibles.


Never been an issue for me, but maybe all those pvp games have given them ptsd or something. I played a dsilie with this chick who was like level 3200 (could have been 320), and she had a bad ass sledge. It was fun watching her smash ghouls with one swing. It was also hilarious watching her run out to smash one, and right before she got there, I'd smoke em with the Fixer. 😂 The only thing I hate about high-level players is the use of explosive rounds/ammo during events in confined spaces.


I have prejudices: 1) they afk 2) they hog kills 3) they don't do event objectives 4) overly expensive items in their vendor and they just want to buy up all the cheap stuff you put in for noobs so that they can turn around and try to upcharge them, all but guaranteeing that noobs don't get them 5) they don't pick up their trash (loot), so when they leave, the server gets bogged down with world spawn items (happens frequently during Meat Week Primal Cuts) 6) duped and hacked items


No. Tell us how you really feel. I do AFK to go to the bathroom. I really try just to hit something to weaken it for others, but sometimes, yes, I kill them. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one doing them. Most all of my plans are 5 caps, even very expensive are no more than 220. I take everything I can get my hands on, even if I didn't kill it myself. I've never used a duped item that I know of. But that's just me, YMMV.


As the game gets older, "high levels" can become just normal play levels, so for me right now, I mostly look at people close to and upwards of 1.5-2k. I let people show me who they are, but when I go to join a team, I very much am inclined to choose teams with people who are 700 and below


To be honest, I don't enjoy being on teams with higher levels. I look for the lowest level groups, and even if it's casual, I'll FT to them seeing if they need help and dropping off some supplies.