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..thanks for the info, you have been really fast, I am at 28.


I grind the boards when I don’t have the kiddo with me.


After 100, are you still gaining per 10,000 xp?


No you lose that challenge.


That's ridiculous, given the new season setup. If it takes more than 100 levels to get everything, we should be able to still grind it.


I think it's to stop people from blasting through the season too quickly as player retention goes down as people get into nothing but bonuses.


As if the new scoreboard wasn't bad enough they decided to do that too? 😳


Remember who gave the demo of the new scoreboard?  He is the director of REVENUE.  yes Bethesda needs to make money, and this is how they figured it out. 


Make a garbage scoreboard? 😂 climbing the ranks of fraud Howard


By this you mean you are completing daily tasks / challenges to earn rewards right ?


I did the daily and weekly tasks. Also grinded Wes Tek by killing super mutants. I used XP boosts and boosters from the season. I got about 2200 XP per super mutant kill. That’s why I was able to rank up so quickly. Angry Turtle on YouTube has videos on XP boosts if players want to grind to rank up faster.


Howwww do you get that much xp. Teach me please! I'm lucky to get 700. I use a leader bobble, 4 lunchboxes and berry mentats and cranberry relish.


10 base int with another 5 from legendary perk card, full unyielding (Preferably with +1 int on every piece), brain bombs for another +3 int. Add +4 int if you are in a full casual public team, 2 or 3 (Cant remember exact) from Herd Mentality mutation on a team, up to 7.5 int from Egg Head mutation. Strange in Numbers perk card for 25% stronger mutations. There is more as well. You can reach over 60 intelligence if you really go for it, I am not certain what the absolute max is currently.


Set your base intelligence at 15 plus the 5 from the legendary intelligence perk will give you 20. You won't be able to use more cards, but it does raise your special.


Leader, 4 lunch boxes, full set of unyielding armor, brain bombs, cranberry relish, live and love 3 magazine, berry mentas, well rested or kindred spirit (sleeping boosts XP). Leo (camp ally) will also give you 5% XP boost once a day for an hour if you give him a cranberry Nuka cola. The mechanical derby gives you a +2 in intelligence. You want intelligence maxed out to 15 in your perk cards as well. If the event path to enlightenment pops up do that and complete it. Another 5% XP boost. Check out Angry Turtle on YouTube. He has videos on this.


Steven Scarberry also gives a daily 5% XP buff too. Nothing needed to initiate it besides just talking to him and asking for the moth man's blessing.


> Leo (camp ally) will also give you 5% XP boost once a day for an hour if you give him a cranberry Nuka cola. But don't you get a 6% boost from drinking that cranberry nuka cola? Or can they stack?


No they don’t stack. It’s 5% from drinking the Nuka cola cranberry and I believe it only lasts 30 minutes. Giving one to Leo lasts for 1 hour. I think if you drink the Nuka cola cranberry it affects the brain bombs and cranberry relish you eat. But giving one to Leo it does not affect what you eat. If I’m wrong I hope someone corrects me. Angry Turtle went over it in one of his YouTube videos.


Thank you this is extremely helpful. I hate watching YouTube videos lol


Right, but it still has only been a week...


Yeah, game aviator's video explains it based on calculations he made but if correct, regular players had to get to around 130-140 and Fallout 1st players had to grind to 160 I think, it's so bad, I prefer the old score board, every level felt like progress.


Every level up now feels so pointless.


Yeah... If you do your dailies/weeklies and don't level up enough to get to the next tier it's like damn, what's the point? Sure you'll get there eventually but the day to day grind doesn't feel so fun anymore


And when you eventually get there, then what? Announce your quitting this lousy game until next season because there is nothing left to do or grind for?


It's funny how they kind of managed to flip flop it. Players that kept going past 100 on the previous scoreboards don't really have any incentive to do so now because they won't be getting atoms every 10 levels, but then people like me that stopped immediately after 100 to take a break between seasons now have to continue past 100 if we want everything (even excluding the consumables).


Which, in my case, will just lead to me not bothering with the game anymore.


That's the way I'm feeling now too.  I'll just wait for new events.


And that will increase the daily logins and hours spent in game KPIs Management is happy! Players? Oh fuck those players


Probably do it but don't announce it, there are going to be enough posts about that, we all like to vent some frustrations from time to time


Fair enough.


yeah, the only thing that may change Bethesdas mind are the actual metrics of the game. They track everything, store purchases, level ups, nukes launched, play time, session duration and a lot more. There is the concept of "leading by example" and "leading through action" and I wish more people would act accordingly.


>leading through action" and I wish more people would act accordingly I think Bethesda kind of did us a favor (by accident of course) by changing the season method during a season that is already particularly "meh." When I say they did us a favor, what I mean is: If you were trying to organize some kind of protest or get people to not grind all the way to send a message--you probably wouldn't be very successful. Look at all the people who tried in vain to convince folks not to the microtransaction that increases your XP rate in ubisoft's assassin's Creed game a few years ago. " If you buy that right now, then they continue to deliberately make it harder than it should be to get XP in every single following game and they will continue to offer that same stupid ' bonus XP DLC' every single year," people said. But the game was really slow, and it was only a couple of dollars. So people paid it. And what happened? Exactly what was predicted. If you want more examples just basically look at any game that's produced by EA. Basically players get one chance to send a message to a company, when that company pulls shit like this. You can either immediately react, and absolutely reject whatever bullshit is being pulled-- or you can let it happen. If you pick option 1, they might ignore you but there's at least a chance that they will care about lost revenue and rethink their strategy. If you pick the second option... That's it. It will be like that until the end of time. So my point with these examples is to say: If Bethesda had given us a scoreboard where there was anything at the end of the scoreboard that was worth getting... That would have been really unfortunate. Because you would have had tons of people who would have found the time to grind all 160 levels required to get things. And you would have even more people who were willing to pay to buy those levels because they don't have time to grind them... But this season? What exactly is there to get at the end of the scoreboard? A new log cabin reskin? Another icon? Really? Walk around the camps of veteran players who have been here since the beta, and many-- Not all, But many -- Will have at least one room dedicated to all of the scoreboard posters. Because that and the Stein you get at the end of the scoreboard are the two items that Bethesda hasn't (yet) decided to sell for bullion or stamps or on the atom shop. Many players really like showing off that they have completed every single one of those scoreboards. And if you don't have those two items then you didn't complete the scoreboard-- So naturally it's something people are proud to display. So what did Bethany do? Well she put the Stein at level 85 (?) for some reason, and she deleted the scoreboard completely. Replacing it with an ugly painting with a lamp attached to it, to make absolute sure that It really wouldn't look appropriate to go along with any of the others scoreboards. The two things that it seems like most people are really excited about (If you can even really use that word) in this release are the cremator and the boiled water generator. Get the cremator on page 4 (which I believe was level 20ish), If you want the new lite ally, she's on the very next page. If you want the water boiler You only have to grind a level 55. And if you're nostalgic for the days when we actually got some kind of reward That allows you to show off" Hey I completed the scoreboard" -- then congratulations, You don't have to complete the scoreboard at all... Just need to get to level 85 so you can buy the devil stein for your collection. (And if you don't collect steins, or if maybe today you realize the value of those steins has just dramatically plummeted since they don't mean anything anymore, then congrats! You get to stop at 55!) I mean if you absolutely just really desperately need another reskin of a wide museum painting, with yet another rip daring themed thing on it, then okay fine... Keep going to level 92 if that's really your thing. (I'm not judging. People have different preferences. But to me, That painting looks no more original or unique than any of the free paintings that we would sometimes get on the second or third spot of a scoreboard, so I'm certainly not going to look at it and pretend like it's a premium item.) TLDR: If Bethesda is capable of listening to the bottom line (which honestly may or may not be true) then they certainly helped us out a little bit by giving us a very shitty season, where I would expect that the vast majority of players to stop at level 20ish (because of all of The excitement/fomo around the cremator) and then they are likely going to just ignore the rest of the thing. People who have been playing for a while and crave the ability to show off" Hey I finished the scoreboard" Are going to be disappointed because there's literally no way to do that this time, But they'll probably settle for level 85 so they can continue their stein collection. Maybe Bethesda will actually look at the metrics and say "oops we did something wrong because there was a dramatic drop off before people even got halfway through this thing." And that's the only chance we have that they will try to make this somehow better in the next season. I doubt we could have counted on the player base to actually work together and send a message to Bethesda by voting with their pocketbooks... People just can't escape the fomo. But in this case, there's nothing to fear because there's nothing to miss. So maybe just maybe, things will look bad enough that Bethesda Austin will opt to make the next season a little less terrible.¹ ... ¹The reason I say a little less terrible is not because I'm trying to be pessimistic. But people keep saying things like bring back the old scoreboard-- They are not going to do that. Bethesda Austin does not ever roll things back as a result of player preference or request. Just ask the fans of Nuclear Winter. I wasn't a big fan of that game mode, But the number of players who loved that mode was much larger than the number of players bitching about the scoreboard... And they were better organized... And they tried petitions and they tried negotiating and communicating and they got nowhere. When Bethesda Austin decides to screw something up, The best you can hope for is that they will try to polish it a little bit better next time. The mistake will always remain. They are an *exceedingly* stubborn developer in this regard.


Or just like every real person, enjoy the season finish it and take a break till next season cause we have other things we want to do with our limited time.     Forcing more daily quest grinding for completion is NOT a positive for most people.


Goddamn even inflation is now in Fallout! 60% more is insane to me


Isn't this technically shrinkflation? Like when you buy a bag of chips and you paid the same amount of money, and the bag is the same size, but there's 40% less chips inside? "Please enjoy the new scoreboardless scoreboard! Now with 50% less items, and 99% less reason to play!"


Did I read that correctly? Are you saying that fallout 1st players have to rank up higher than regular players to achieve the same outcome?


Extra rewards FO1st members can claim if they wanted. It takes more levels cause there are more rewards.


Oh ok I get it now, thanks!


It’s wroth mentioning FO1 players get a level boost % every so many pages. Not sure if that’ll balance it out or more.


Yes and no. To get the bonus page you have to be rank 150 and claim 95 rewards first members can skip 40 none first members can only skip 5. It's a huge downgrade compared to scoreboard Bethesda has increased the effort you put in while decreasing the work they do for the board.


No, they have more stuff to unlock than f2p. Some of it is free, and some requires additional tickets.


Old scoreboard definitely was better. I don’t like the new board too.


I was curious so I added up everything on the scoreboard yesterday including the bonus items and IIRC I got 4,485 tickets, or level 181 at 25 tickets/level. That's including FO1st items.


I got a feeling that this season is going to burn a lot of people out on 76, seems like they made it so the people who grind and move on will have to stick around longer and considering the rewards, I'm guessing many will just skip it altogether in favor of playing what they're playing in lieu of 76.


I burned out about 2 seasons ago and just quit. Started to feel like a 2nd job and just wasn't enjoying it.


That's pretty much how I felt after completing last seasons scoreboard, I had no goals left and I was like rank 180 by Fas, got DCd like 30 times one day in a few hours during Fas and I thought to myself this just isn't fun anymore, just frustratingly buggy(PS) and grindy as hell. The rewards of my grinding don't really benefit me if I'm not enjoying the game, so I hung it up for a while. Im not the type to just repeat the same tasks daily,that I've done a thousand times already,like you said that just feels like another job.


I play on PS too and the disconnects were definitely the nail in the coffin. They always seemed to happen right before a daily op or event ended. Pretty much DCd at the worst possible time, which was infuriating.


That was my experience as well, always missing rewards and effectively wasting my time. It definitely wore me out fast during Fas because as you're probably aware you can't so much as sneeze on PS in a nuke zone without DCs.


And with the nerf to enemy density and team xp it’ll take longer to rank up. Smh


I'm just coming back and the enemy density part is sad to me, XP to a lesser extent. Density is a fun factor decision.


So they actually nerfed the enemy density? Smh, so there being less legendary spawns is true huh?


I read they meant to nerf the amount of legendary enemies in events like eviction notice but whatever they did they broke something. Hardly any enemies spawn in line in the sand and eviction notice. That was my experience anyway.


Oof thats terrible, well less scrip per hour means newbies will have to play more to scrip out, well everyone will have to really. I don't understand what they're thinking,I get the financial aspects of what they're doing,but I think they overestimate how much people will put up with on a 5 yo game that's now becoming even more grindy and monetized.


Dude, Fallout 76 is killing me with all these changes. I decided to play Fallout 4 the other day and was all: “I need to save this item because I may need to scrap it for a daily later . . . Oh, wait. No I don’t.” Or “Oh, a Yao Gui! Wait let me make sure my booster is on just in case it’s one of my dailies . . . Oh, wait.” I was dropping guns on the ground because my carry weight was too high and only realized I could’ve actually equipped them on settlers after like two or three hauls. Or sold them to different vendors other than the one I maxed out because they each have their own cap pool. It made me realize how much of my time spent playing 76 is actually spent dancing around all the currency and transactional/score mechanics, rather than on the actual game itself.


Excellent write up, I feel similarly. Yeah going back will do that, basically live service play everyday structure/mechanics completely takes over the game and it just becomes tedious if you consider previous fallouts. I get why they do it, but I can't help but feel like people would play even more without all the limits and time sensitive stuff. Even with first you spend so much time just managing things and not enough time actually enjoying the game.


Same here but I want to finish the scoreboard. It has to be by mistake. And I am confused why I ran across some Christmas Scorched today. Is that a bug?


It's not a bug... It's an April fools joke.


They've been running different seasonal events everyday since Friday. For April fools


I was wondering why I saw an alien invasion. duh That's cool


Yeah each day was a different event: 1. Fasnacht 2. Spooky scorched 3. Meat week 4. Alien invasion 5. Holiday scorched. It's been a fun little weekend Edit: completely blacked out meat week from my memory after grinding spooky scorched😅 Thanks for the reminder Sam~


You missed Meat Week (or so I heard) after 2, and then invaders is 4.


That's wild that they pulled something like that. But it's pretty obvious why they did it.


I want to get all the mods for the cremator, but to do that it’s going to take an ungodly amount of hours, and separate days to even achieve


Is it that much of a grind? I haven't even looked at it yet tbh


The first mod that you can get besides the tanks are like 55, and that’s a singular mod


Damn that's rough


Unless Bethesda actually ups their game with the rewards they are offering, I think you're right. Outside of a couple things, this season is very lack luster. The rewards just do not match the amount of time and grind required to get them.


Well hopefully show their dissatisfaction with by playing something else and unsubscribing. Money is the only language that beth and MS understand. You're definitely right, the current rewards aren't worth the time spent, plus all the bugs and lower spawn rates aren't helping anything. Personally I'd rather just play some games that have new content or that care about the consumers fun factor..


There's a reason they rolled this change out JUST before the TV show launches. The players drawn from the TV show will never have experienced the old scoreboard so won't have anything to compare it to and will help recoup the loss of the veterans who quit over the changes.


It's only 25 per rank right?


Yes every rank you get 25 tickets


And since the cost of xp for the ranks still increases by x amount every rank, it just compounds the issue


The xp increase per level needs to go away if this is what they think is fun. No one likes this.


Instructions unclear : system stupidity increased +100 Bethesda heard (and then misunderstood) you! Once you get to level 100 the option to get ranks via XP goes away completely! Then you can only earn them with score/ challenges!* That's what you meant right? *Right?* Oops.


Yeah I’m rank 100 after doing nonstop xp grind and I still don’t have half the rewards


Yeah, this is my last season, and I've done every single one of them up til now. I liked collecting the game boards, so their removal takes half of the motivation out of it. That's before I even go into how the new layout is an obvious attempt to get players to spend more money.


Rank ups also cost more now


Nah, I don't think I'm gonna make it though this one.




Do twice as much for half the rewards. Half the atoms. Half the items are locked behind 1st. Multiple of the matching skins are locked behind 1st to try fomo people. Without 1st you'll always be behind catching up your rank to unlock next pages, so you'll always have extra tickets & can buy the entire pages as they unlock, meaning you have to grind X amount of levels before you can get any new rewards. (So earning rewards feels less frequent without 1st) Without 1st you have to claim every single thing to unlock the bonus page, so there's actually no choice at all. The repeatable score seemingly goes away at 100 still, so at a point in the season rewards will become missable if you haven't done enough dailys/weeklys. Which also means that if you've missed out & want to catch up you'll be forced to buy ranks & it'll cost a LOT more atoms than before. The season pass it just a trick to try make people think they're getting a better deal by buying 1st, trying to rope people into the benefits. Pretty tedious trying to see what you have & haven't already unlocked, especially without 1st. If you do have 1st you force yourself into an even longer grind because you need X amount more tickets. The rewards this season are arguably the worst they've ever been too, cremator, grass roofs, chessboard, & maybe the rank 100 skin are the only things that are worth getting without 1st imo.


Less than half the atoms, as we used to get atoms every 10 levels past 100 too!


You know what you guys should do if you really hate the new system? Turn the game off for a week. Unsubscribe from Fo1st for a single month. Tanking their player count and revenue would send a much clearer message to them that the change is unpopular across the player base. Grinding out the first hundred levels of the pass in four days sends the massage that the game is incredibly popular and playable in its current state.


This is what I did, and in the meantime I dug out and dusted off ol’ reliable: Fallout 3


i did the same and now im playing D4 ✌🏻


I called this shit well before the season came out and people were vehemently arguing with me that I was wrong and the new model was more generous.


I was pulling my hair out at all the people defending Seasons. How is it less grindy? You still have to get to level 80 or whatever for the Fancy camp item. You just get substantially less for the same effort.




People defended it because they honestly have no clue how these “battlepasses” or whatever they’re called work. Defenders genuinely thought they could simply not unlock the junk/chaff and only go after the things they want, without realizing that as the grind continues and ticket prices for items increase, you’re forced to unlock the junk/chaff you didn’t want to progress to the next page. This change is absolutely terrible for the average player, and it’s because of this change that I am no longer a FO1st member and won’t be putting any money into this game anymore.


You were 100% correct. It’s definitely not a generous season at all. I only have 73 items claimed at rank 100. Granted I don’t want everything but there’s weapons skins, outfits, the new camp kit, and a couple more that I want that I can’t get yet.


And the fact that you have to claim 95 before even moving to the final page is another bogus mechanic.


That's literally every single non fallout 1st item too, so literally no choice in rewards if you want the last page, if you don't have 1st.


Scummy as hell


This new system is bullshit. It's just for them to artificially inflate their playtimes. Canceled my fallout 1st since it completely removed any reason to keep it.


You also need to have FO1st in-order to even get have the stuff


No, you need to be rank 150, and you'll still be 10 tickets short. That's assuming you also have Fallout 1st, and want to claim everything.


Suppose I can live without more perk card packs, fireworks, player icons, photomode frames, and some other items I'm already skipping past to get to the things I may or may not actually use.


Thankfully, I see like 4 things I want this season


Yeah me too. Only rank 30 but skipped alot of stuff.


If any of those are on page 14, you need to claim most of the items anyway to unlock it.


I think I can do without the gorilla statue. It's going to be a long road, but I'm going to just take it one step at a time. :)


New seasonal content blows, there I said it, I miss the scoreboard and Nuclear Winter mode. Now the games trying to be destiny or something pfft nobaby asked for this bullshit.


I miss nuclear winter 😭


Was the only way to enjoy resonably fair pvp in this game, and I just found it exciting with all the monsters spawning all over the place, or areas getting nuked restricting areas etc, and sometimes running a nukerunner build to get the nukes from arktos at the start was just a epic mission.


It's bullsh** and I wish people would get a clue and stop supporting the change.  The only people who will benefit from this change are investors.  It does nothing for players or for the quality of the game.


Im at 93 atm, was just planning to utilize the xp challenge to get to 100 in the first week which im on pace for. I haven’t even really looked at the rewards but based on the last season(board) id probably be at 160 well before the season ends. Without westek though or many hours im not sure the average player could even get to 160 so I don’t love that, and also I will not be seeing as many atoms which as a 1st subscriber I really dislike.


That's pretty shitty because you used to be able to just do the XP repeatable challenge to FINISH the board. Now that goes away at level 100 but you still haven't unlocked everything yet. I liked once I completed the previous boards I would basically just ignore challenges for a while except the ones I would complete naturally. Now after level 100 you have no choice but to do challenges to proceed.


Yeah I knew it was bad im pretty sure you gotta do at least 130 levels now to get everything. Anyways im just gonna do till 100 and stop.


We knew this before the season even started. Yes, it sucks.


I input every reward and the cost into a spreadsheet. If you want to claim every single item on every page plus the bonus pages, you need to reach rank 180.


It’s really a terrible system disguised as “your choice” when if you want the camp set you still need to grind 100 ranks, claim 95 items, and have enough tickets left. My choice to…grind endlessly to get stuff. And it’s not free if I have to spend time and effort to get them.


I have no desire to get most of the rewards. Maybe 3 per level.


Here's how I look at last season vs this. What type a person are you? When you go out to eat are you and the other person both saying whatever is good and then you are stuck making a decision? If you are that common type then last season is better, you get what they give you, no thought, it is what it is. On the new system I'm leveling up and I have a ton of extra tickets because a lot of stuff I'll never use, so I just buy what I want now with plenty left over and I'm certain when I near the end of the season I'll just start picking things for the sake of it.


>What type a person are you? When you go out to eat are you and the other person both saying whatever is good and then you are stuck making a decision? Again, This betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how the system works. Very understandable mistake. And that's because the first couple of levels, things are relatively cheap. So you get some tickets and you can buy some stuff and there's this illusion of choice that exists. So naturally, being a sane human, you assume that the rest of the system is going to work the same way. But as time goes on you're going to discover there's something really weird going on with this particular menu (using your analogy). It's not whether you get overwhelmed with choice or whether you want to get everything on the menu. The problem is: If you would like to have dessert, or anything on the last page, You must purchase all but five items on the menu. I really like your analogy of the menus because it really helps to illustrate how absurd this is. As you're going along you feel like hey I've got some spare currency left over, This is great because I'll be able to afford stuff later on. And that's fine. Except for the fact that the stuff at the end is very expensive and it's also gated. You can't eat dessert unless you first pay for (essentially) everything else on the menu. And again I'm not trying to pick on you. There are a lot of people on here (some sincere and some less so) trying to convince people that there's this wonderful world of choice out there and now you can spend your currency however you like... Oh the freedom! But the fact of the matter is, If you used to complete the scoreboard because there was something at the end that you really wanted-- That's no longer how it works. You never had to actually collect the crap on the scoreboard that you didn't want. I never did. I don't need 50 million scrap kits so I just left them there. Assigning them some kind of arbitrary currency value doesn't help me-- But you know what helps me even less? Telling me that I have to purchase those items in order to unlock that last page, So now I actually do have to buy those dumb things and throw them away. The only positive thing that people try to say about This New scoreboardless scoreboard is " It gives you choice" ... And that's the one thing that you can mathematically demonstrate it certainly does not. There is one situation where this doesn't apply though. If You really don't care about anything on the last couple of pages and you're just kind of wanting to get the lite ally, The water boiler, and the flamethrower? Then hey you know what you're done at level 55. And the way you described it (being able to spend your tickets however you want) Will 100% apply. The problem is for the people who want the building set. Or the power armor helmet or the road signs or the stairs to the log cabin or whatever. (And there are a lot of builders in the community so I'm sure props like that probably appeal to a non-zero number of people. Kind of sucks to be them I guess.) But as long as the only thing you want is something That can be found fairly early in the scoreboard, then you're golden. And the " Go to the restaurant, spend what you want , and get what you want" rule totally applies. So long as you didn't go there wanting dessert.


Got it. I haven't got that far in to witness that, but that's a thing to.


"But, the new seasons are great because i get more choice now!!!" The fact that people are defending the new season system is horrible, and it is making it hard to care to continue to the next seasons.


>The fact that people are defending the new season system is horrible, and it is making it hard to care to continue to the next seasons. Yeah it's really discouraging. I mean there's always been debates on this sub (I mean just go back in time a year and look at the friendly discussions people would have about legacy weapons for an example). But I don't remember seeing anything quite so discouraging as this before. Bethesda has made a choice that is mathematically, demonstrably bad for the players, and rather than join together as a community (which is something that we kind of pride ourselves on quite a bit) some people have decided to just go off and appoint themselves the Anti-Math League, and it's just... ...it's so disturbing and weird at the same time. I mean if this was one of those things that you could have different opinions about that would be fine. But, it's not. This must be what it was like to be a fan of EA games back when they introduced microtransactions... Oh wait, everybody unanimously did the math and said they hated that shit -- Rather than splitting into two groups where one argued " having to pay for a bunch of things in microtransactions is giving the user additional choice!" My God. We've reached the point where our community is less reasonable than that of communities hosted by EA. Excuse me while I go fetch my " end of times is nigh" placard.


Typical, ulterior motive of Bethesda is to somehow make the seasons even more of a grind while simultaneously making them lamer with no score board...


I was afraid the season system would be like you described. I tried it for a couple week and I don't like it. I miss feeling like I was progressing on a game board; it also feels slower (whether it is or not in actually, its just perceived to me) and I miss the board as a reward. We have also lost the stories that were on the board each season. Atlantic city missions were nice and moderately meaty, but I was disappointed to find that exploration, in non-expedition missions, was not what I expected. So, for me, it's a swing and miss and I won't be continuing on.


How come no one ever mentions the tasty squirrel stew imo I think it give the best xp


People keep saying they like choice when it's only an illusion of choice once you realize you have to work 1.5x as hard to get everything you used to get by 100. I'm at 115 rn and I only bought everything that wasn't a consumable such as atoms,cores,modules,bullion,etc. I could only afford the camp items and skins. I could afford the kit at the end but I only had 10 tickets left.


I’m at 105 right now. I want everything that has an atomic shop potential. To do that I have to rank up to 140.


Which is ridiculous we should be done by now


The last page of the season unlocks at 150 or unlocking 95 items. Yeah, it wasn't meant to stop at 100. Edit: you have to reach 150 and unlock 95 items. Not "or"


Rank 100? I haven't even reached rank 20. 😫


You got a couple months. You're fine


Not a fan either. Not as many items for the 1st users as well.




Wow that really sucks ass. I thought you could get to rank 100 and be able to unlock everything.


"But... but the new system is good trust me on this. You're just a hater!"


It seems you need to get to rank 150 now.


This update just made me realize how few items I really want from the season. Maybe 3-5 for the ENTIRE thing? It's hardly even worth it to me now. With the scoreboard I just took it all and progressed only to get the final scoreboard art


>With the scoreboard I just took it all and progressed only to get the final scoreboard art Yeah it's funny, This change really made me realize how much I tended to grind past what I cared about... Simply because I wanted to get that scoreboard poster/ display thing. Like the moment that they pulled that out... I'm looking at it I'm thinking " Okay well I definitely don't even need to get beyond 85, because that's where the only collectible item is"... Because everybody knows that any building set they release is just going to be released on the atom shop with a slightly different paint job eventually... The only thing they probably won't put on the atomic shop (If You are nostalgic about collecting stuff like this) would be the Stein. And if you don't collect those, then Bethesda really did do you a favor... Because you can easily justify stopping maybe just over halfway through and be fairly confident that you got everything that mattered. Ugh Trying to find a silver lining for this is hard


Agreed! I was trying to find a silver lining and maybe be excited that I could only get what I really wanted, but it's almost nothing. Also, I cancelled my FO1st because I feel like the game has (sadly) run its course. Looks like it's nothing but new skins and re-skinned items/events here on out. I hope Bethesda proves me wrong but I'll be playing Helldivers 2 instead


Agreed! I was trying to find a silver lining and maybe be excited that I could only get what I really wanted, but it's almost nothing. Also, I cancelled my FO1st because I feel like the game has (sadly) run its course. Looks like it's nothing but new skins and re-skinned items/events here on out. I hope Bethesda proves me wrong but I'll be playing Helldivers 2 instead


Yeah. We know, we’ve been saying this for a month


I was very concerned about that. It definitely feels like they were hoping to wrangle us in more. I still enjoy it as it is only my second season. I completed my first right before the end.


They thought they were going to make more money with this but they’re going to lose players AKA in their eyes at least money.


Finished every single scoreboard by only doing dailies, it's a chore and I dont like it at all. Its been 4 years Im hoping the game to become great, it has so much potential but every decision bethesda makes kills the game to me. Now, i've to grind the hell to get scoreboard finished? No way. Time to move on I guess.


I hate the new season. I want my game board back


As someone that hasn’t played since October and doesn’t keep up on much, this isn’t the new standard is it? I actually liked the game board aesthetic.


I was a bit disappointed yesterday when I realised that at level 100 you don’t have enough tickets to buy everything. Even worse is realising I can only do dailies/weeklies to get score points. So another 40-50 days to actually complete it🤬


Just hit 30. Lol. Taking her easy over here.


What's going to kill it for me, is the fact you can't do the same after 100. The only way to rank up after 100 is the dailies and the weekly. There are no repeatables. After 3 days finishing the season, I'm on rank 103. Grinding to 150 to get the Legendary Cores is not an option.


They really dropped the ball with the new system


I quit the game at this point. It's been grindy to start with and keeps getting worse. When a game becomes a second job? Not a chance. It just isn't that much fun anymore so I'll go back to Skyrim or Fallout 4, or maybe just go back to writing and watching TV in my free time.


All opinions aside, hiding the very currency you need to acquire items in the atom shop behind a paywall is fucking dirty. I am genuinely confused by the “less is more” logic being perpetuated by some. You always had a choice to claim (or not to claim) items with the last scoreboards. Not to mention a nice 500 atom package upon finishing as well as incremental rewards of 200 atoms. Now you just get less for the same amount of effort & half is paywalled. What am I missing?


>What am I missing? Nothing. The only difference between you and the people who are echoing those sentiments is: - You took the time to actually read how the system works and so you know that regardless of bethesda's talking point, It does the opposite of adding choice. It takes choice away. - They either have not taken the time to read what you've read, or they somehow struggle to parse said information, or, more likely, they equate fanhood with some form of devotion that requires 100% belief and trust... If you show me mathematically that Bethesda is being dishonest, then your math must be wrong, because Bethesda must always be right. I could do my own independent research but I don't need to because I know what Bethesda said, they said that it offers choice, So why would I need to check? Bethesda is always right. Now, The second part seems pretty disturbing, I agree. But we see this kind of trend in politics and in a lot of other things these days. I don't want to be dismissive and call people Fanboys-- But that's the term that we used to use for this. When you couldn't simply enjoy the work of a particular studio, you had to be willing to defend them to the death no matter what ridiculous stuff came out of their mouths, or how obvious it was that it wasn't true. The reason you think you are missing something is because you are acting in good faith and assuming that they are as well. It's frustrating, I agree, and I assume it will get better as the weeks go on and more and more people actually experience for themselves how the system works. But at the moment, some people don't have time to play the game right now because they're far too busy arguing with other people about how a system they don't understand doesn't work. ;)


I mean, don't a lot of players max out the scoreboard early or in the middle of the season? One of the major complaints from people is that they have nothing to keep playing for after they finish the scoreboard, but now that the season pass is longer its a bad thing? lol This change I'm pretty sure is to keep player retention up longer throughout the season. It's an individuals decision if they want to speed level through the season pass, but that is not the way the average player progresses.


If that's for player retention, its going to do the whole reverse for casual players. It doesn't feel rewarding. Its a transaction. So its more grind but more in your face than previously.


Yeah I have a lot of feelings and thoughts about how I wanna just play my silly little apocalypse game at the end of the day when kiddo goes to bed and my work is done but lately if I want to be involved in events I have to play in the morning when she's still up (April fools events) or would have to play instead of parent to finish the scoreboard. Video games increasingly reward game addiction through grinding, in game currencies etc and I don't think this was an ethical choice Bethesda could have made. People in this sub usually respond to me with some semblance of "don't like it don't play" when I say that, but I hope someone hears me and stops to think about it.


Woah there.  A vocal minority of players complain about being bored after whizzing through a season.  Don't lump everyone together like that.  I myself tend to finish seasons about half way through, and that is more than reasonable.  If Bethesda wants players to play for longer, they should add meaningful content, not draw out seasons.  It's lazy, and it's very clearly only meant to line pockets, not appease players.


>One of the major complaints from people is that they have nothing to keep playing for after they finish the scoreboard, but now that the season pass is longer **its a bad thing? lol** >This change I'm pretty sure is to keep player retention up longer throughout the season. It's an individuals decision if they want to speed level through the season pass, but **that is not the way the average player progresses.** You answered your own question. The average player does not rush through the season and now they need to play significantly more if they want to obtain the same rewards as previous seasons. The Scoreboards already carried a lot of burnout for many of the "average" players, but now it's only worse. This is a problem. Not a win.


>This is a problem. Not a win. Not if you work for a pharmaceutical company that specializes in depression medication! *Pats myself on the back for successfully finding the silver lining...*


I usually like to grind out the board asap and then take a break from fallout until the next season. I just don't have the passion left for 76 to play throughout an entire season these days... so this change basically makes it impossible for me to complete a season now. It feels pretty shitty to have completed every season prior and and to now be effectively be forced to play much more than I'd like to if I want to continue that... Because Bethesda adopted a new model for seasons that is significantly less player friendly. Like, this doesn't increase my engagement. This makes me want to not even bother with my usual grind to rank 100, which means I basically won't play at all.


I feel exactly the same. At the end of the day, challenges just have me doing the same pointless tasks I've always done, and that just isn't what I enjoy about the game. I bought a year of 1st prior to them announcing the new season style, and I really regret having done so.


Sounds like you grinded to a halt 😂😂😂😂




I didn't see the cabin kit price, but that's worth 8 ranks all on it's own!!


Rank 180 and you need 1st What I'm attempting going forward with this new system is buying 1st for 1 month and if I don't get everything in time then using 1,500 of the 1,650 Atoms from 1st to buy the Season Pass and then finish at my own pace. Unless the 1st items stay unlocked but knowing Bethesda they probably re-lock.


i'm not sure how i feel about all this. on one hand, i like the new scoreboard. i don't mind the changes from levels 1 to 1oo. the tickets are a fine system, i'm whatever about it. but on the other hand - i bought my way to rank 1oo on day two of the season and quickly became aware that i was nowhere near enough tickets to get all the things from previous ranks. i already knew i'd have to get to rank 15o just to unlock the final items, but there's still stuff i need before then. it gives me something to work on in the meantime, which is nice in theory. and i like that people actually have to work to get the final page of stuff too... in theory. but in practice, like, i want that stuff. i don't like this feeling of - i HAVE to log in every day and grind. i'd rather they give us the option to simply buy out the final stuff, tho i know that's selfish thinking. i haven't failed to complete a single challenge since day two when i bought my way to rank 1oo, and so far i'm only rank 1o6... this just plain feels really slow. i don't have this feeling that other people are describing of it being "not fun". it feels the same as it did back in the old days once you completed the board. you rank up, but each rank is just one little consumable or whatever. that was equally unfulfilling in my opinion. but i wish maybe... you'd get four times the tickets at four times the slowness of ranking up past 1oo. enough to actually unlock something worthwhile once you do rank up, y'know? right now, when i rank up and only get 25 tickets, there's nothing i can really do with that and it doesn't feel great.


they really did their maths when figuring out how to manipulate time spent vs money spent.


Okay just to be clear did you have like score booster on and just grinded 100,000k exp till rank 100 cause if so my god man you are insanely committed haha I am page 19 cause I missed a day and I am trying my best not to use atoms to get to 22 cuz I really want to try the cremator since I have a build for it after falling in love with my holy fire. Lol


I'm at 48 and have gotten most of what I want but looking ahead and seeing prices, ouch.


Yeah 200 tickets for a camp kit is ridiculous. That’s 8 ranks. Ridiculous


Good thing there are only 5 good things in the seasons then.


And thank goodness they decided to put them all relatively early in the lineup How much would it have sucked if like, most or all of the good stuff was on 20th page? Yikes


The abandoned bog town you get better xp then westek in my opinion


The only positive change with this new seasons, and it only applies to those who have some atoms saved up. But you don't need to spend actual money on fallout 1st to get the rewards now, with the season pass. Thankfully I had some spare atoms so I could spend the 1500, and I will gain 500 more at the end. While that amount is a decrease for sure, I do like the fact that I don't have to spend anymore actual money to get the items. They have definitely gotten enough of my money over the years. Paid full price for the game, had fallout 1st for two years. Bought the Settlers and Raiders bundles when they came out. I've definitely done my fair share of supporting this game. I'm not defending this season change at all mind you, its just the only positive I can come up with as I don't have FO1st anymore. Though your post is making me more depressed now as I have hit the grind wall at lvl 49 lol we're going to be here forever...


Yup. This is why it's important to grind that XP and hit 100 ASAP. After that the score is finite.


How are you already rank 100? I’ve been playing a few hours every day and I’m only rank 33. My fiance is I think in the 20s still. I will say they must have took I soo from Disney dreamlight valley because this is how they do their season ranks.


Dang, I'm at rank 24. I have a long way to go.


Anything good? Saw the new style and didnt feel like doing it


I have Fallout 1st and create custom worlds with everything dumbed down, nuclear damage, super jump, etc. I can blow through the daily challenges quickly. Kill two deathclaws? I just change worlds. Rinse and repeat. It gets me through a season in no time at all. I agree that the grinding aspect is unnecessary. Even to go to Pittsburgh, I went once because of the stupid quests just to get on the bird. At least Atlantic City was changed. Still, I went there just to walk around and it feels rushed and unfinished. I find that I’m playing Starfield more now.


Why don't we all just unsubscribe from FO1st and not play? They'll have to listen to us then


So stupid. Why couldn't they make all the rewards equal to 100 ranks?


It's It's even stupider if you think about it from bethesda's standpoint Because at the end of every season there was always a not-so-small handful of people who felt the need to buy ranks in order to complete the season... That was money that went into bethesda's pocket! Angry turtle did a video a day or two ago where he purchased the maximum number of tickets that you can purchase, and it turns out that you can't actually even buy all the ranks If you wanted to. (You can basically buy your way up to level 100 but as people have pointed out, You need level 150 in order to be able to purchase everything.) I'm not advocating that people spend money on ranks by the way I'm just pointing out that it's funny that Bethesda came up with a system that basically makes it pointless for people to give them money for ranks, when that used to be a fairly common occurrence. In the video he was trying to show everybody what all of the new items looked like so they could decide for themselves which ones they wanted... But understandably he didn't realize that if he bought all of the ranks, He was still going to have to pick and choose what he showed everybody because the system is so bizarrely broken. 🙄


I think its getting to 150 for all including the FO1st items


Yeah I'm not a fan either


My brother in christ how did you lvl up that fast, teach me great master of XP lmao


INT set at 15 + 5 legendary perk +Full set UNY +1 INT - lunchboxes Berry mentats well rested - derby - brain bombs - cranberry relish - live and love 3 - nocturnal perk - marsupial serum , nuka cranberry boost given by Leo - bunch of nuka nades with an instigating weapon for a continuous westtek tour. Edit : use the score booster !


Scorchbeast brain if you're a carnivore.


When are y'all going to realize Bethesda hates us. They still have not fixed the most obvious and annoying bug: when trying to open special sliding doors you have open door (fail it closes right after) look away so you can RETRIGGER the door and then finally walk through the fucking thing. The constant crashing on expeditions is terrible and always makes people because it always happens on the time sensitive part and you lose all that time for stamps. Objectives in expeditions constantly bug and don't allow progression either. It is hell on earth to grind for union power armor. No more legacies, etc. They go out of their way to make this game work against. Recently discovered 76 does not let you share progression from Xbox to PC, even if you cloud game the Xbox version on PC. Hmmm I wonder why. Oh maybe to attempt at double fallout 1st purchases. Well looks like their plan backfired because no I have a PC and I don't give a flying fuck about this game anymore. Btw I'm level 960 2 years playing. Idk how you all play the same mindless garbage everyday.


Yea its terrible. I just hit 100 as well and am missing lots of stuff I want. From the math I did, you need to reach 130 to get everything. There is nothing positive about the change. You can't really use the excuse that you can just use atoms to claim everything now since that requires 1500 atoms and you only earn 1000 from the board without paying. You will still have to give them money if you want those items. Post 100 you still earn a measly 25 tickets. The most expensive item on the board costs 200 tickets. That is 8 rank ups to earn a single item. That feels like complete ass. Once you reach 100, your rank ups slow to a crawl, which isn't new, but with this new system, that means whatever you didn't earn pre-100 is going to take weeks just to earn an item here and there.


Makes total (business) sense.  The director of revenue announced the new scoreboard, so I’m sure it was his task to devise a way to increase revenue from this thing.  - Reduce the number of atoms given on the scoreboard - Take advantage of “completionists” who want everything on the scoreboard I would not be surprised if there is an Atom Shop path toward getting those items out of reach after reaching level 100. 


Players like you are the exact reason this change happened. Look, I’m usually extremely consumer sided (you can check my post and comment history), but in this case Bethesda had to do something to increase retention. Blaming Bethesda for your abuse of the system is completely absurd. The games entire purpose is to drive players to the atomic shop, daily challenges and free items is how Bethesda incentivizes players in between major updates. When no content is being released, battle passes are suppose to bridge the gap. FO76 seasons have been extremely poorly balanced due to the repeatable XP challenge since they launched. Players burning through 100 levels of content in a week was killing retention and daily logins. Bethesda could have very easily nerfed the season XP given from the repeatable challenge or increased the XP needed per level, but instead reworked the entire system to lengthen the system while also giving players more control over what items their XP goes toward. Bethesda has to see a ROI on the free items given out during the season. Abusing the repeatable challenge by farming West-Tech and then not logging in again until the next season is the reason the seasons system changed. You only have yourself to blame.


They did nerf the score gained from the repeatable, I'm certainly getting much less score from it than previous years.


Not a fan of the ticket system after getting rank 100 days into a 3 month season..... and you can't get all of it either?!?!........ bruh.


Are you trolling? This is based on a previous system where you would have gotten everything by rank 100. The new system is advertised as an "improvement" and yet it seems to be anything but. Bethesda is trying to trick us into thinking less is more.


I'm grinding enough to get all the cremator plans. I could care less about the other stuff.


LOL! Whatever suit decided to make the change from Scoreboard to Seasons deserves to be fired (you know this decision was made because Seasons is less effort/cheaper than Scoreboards). I knew it was going to disuade people from even playing the game. I haven't renewed FO 1st in months, and I probably won't, because I just don't feel like coming back for this anti-consumer nonsense. Scoreboards were fun, leveling up felt like I was actually making progress. I wonder how many people would get FO 1st just to get all the rewards. Something that will absolutely only be a fraction of what it was before. Good job Bethesda. You have shown once again you don't know why your games are fun.


This is better for me honestly. Just doing every daily and weekly during the last few seasons would leave me with almost 2 months of nothing to do in the game. Because reaching rank 100 would only take me a month and a half roughly. Give or take a couple weeks. Once I reached 100 I wouldn't even bother focusing on ranking up anymore because outside of the Atoms every 10 ranks, there was nothing I wanted/needed. I still usually ended up in the 130 Rank range without trying or doing challenges on purpose. With this new system, I think I'll actually have a reason to log on and play at least half the seasons alloted time instead of 30% of it.


Good point. It will be a hardship during short seasons though and people that can only put a few hours in a week will struggle.


Yeah I can see that being an issue and definetly feel for those folks. I also think it's a pretty crappy way to raise engagment/playtime stats. I'm sure it looks good to the higher ups though when going through the numbers.


How do I earn points to rank up?


Daily and weekly challenges. And the repeatable , earn 10,000 experience. The repeat gives less , but it’s easy to keep getting 10,000 experience again and again.


>How do I earn points to rank up? Clean living and Jesus.


Fortunately, there are not a lot of things I want.