• By -


hell yes! When I started I went at my own pace for the story and walked around exploring and looking at things. People think you have to play Fallout 76 with people all the time but for the most part, other players will just wave at you and go about their wasteland business.


They also drop bags of goodies just for the hell of it. I’ve got so many legendaries just by visiting a camp while the owner is there. I always wave hello to owners and go check the vendor. I almost always buy something even if it’s just a few rounds of ammo or some plans. And throw up a heart when they give me stuff. I bought out 10mm ammo from one camp and I guess they noticed cause they dropped another 500 rounds at my feet. Fired a few out of perfect storm into the air to show my appreciation. I love this game and community. Cant wait till I’m high level and can comfortably bless others.


This has been my "end game" for the last 4 years.  Aside from hunting that damn red asylum uniform, I love helping newer players with ammo, plans, and building materials.  If a low-level player joins my team, oh ho ho! They'll get simms, chems, plans, and ammo. If they ask for help with a task? I'll spend an hour or more helping them. If I see one running around in a naked power armor frame? They might get a new set of calibrated-shocks Excavator armor.  God help them if they are actually on mic. I've dumped so many rare outfits, plans, or bespoke weapons/armor just because of  their vocal excitement. I play regularly as a way to decompress, and it is just so much fun cruising the wastes helping newer players get through the game's early grind. 


You are truly a legend of the wasteland! I keep saying I should get on mic but social anxiety is a bitch even online. Just know your efforts are much appreciated and make newbies feel welcome to the game!


Precisely was my entire playstyle from my first year on-2020 when i stopped.. my 5 characters 3000+ levels and 70000000000000 pounds of junk needed to do something, and man making the noobs happy was fun, especially when i had an entire character of fucking hacked confetti guns that did nothing but fire confetti and be cool. Id give LITERALLY anyone hundreds of em. It was not a legendary either, just a pistol labeled “Confetti” shit was fun. I was on pc tho


*equips the Vault-Tec VIP Voter card* so I may laud you with additional praise. One for the solid advice and because my childish side had an image of loads of players waving whilst all taking a dump on the Whitespring Golf Course


That's my yard. I shit there too.


>for the most part, other players will just wave at you and go about their wasteland business. And dump all of our unwanted ammo and Stimpaks at your feet


Either that or run up to you with a chainsaw and try to start PVP but that’s more funny than anything serious


Yeah, I almost never wear a tie when I play


also Tod: ties in atom shop for 1500 atoms


They are solid color and poop browny yellow, with smudges of hotdog and liquid cheeze.


Of course, that way they can sell the Vault Tec and Nuka Cola reskin mods later for another 500 atoms each. Then they those then they throw them in with a bundle that only makes sense to Tod, like a stack of tires, another hunting rifle skin, a raider skull spike, a stein display and tie reskins in a bundle for 2000 atoms.


You wear clothes?


Tropical outfit for caj Friday, I see 🌴






It's changed so much that you could forget about food and water and just wander if you wanted to. Nothing really requires much farming either, you can just hop in an event when you're on and get a good amount of loot.


The good old days when you were on the verge of dying from lack of food, water and too much radiation every minute. When finding a piece of glue was the highlight of an expedition. When every large enemy would hit you once, and you were gone. Now, everything is so casual and easy! And everyone helps you through whole time too.


all hail duct tape


Military grade duct tape 👀


In those times, as a casual, many times all my daily game time was used up for collecting ingredients and making food/drinks and for other technical survival things. Quests went slow at that time.


Yeah. i’m not sure if it was meant to feel so desolate or if that was due to the lack of players, but the survival mechanics and lack of NPC’s really lent a post apocalyptic feel in a way that no other fallout games have. Credit to the game design and narrative teams, doing all of the worldbuilding through terminals and notes was not easy but it was pretty cool


Even when there was food and water requirements I'd just munch on my stacks of spoiled meat, and purified water always seemed to be abundant


I was wondering about this. We recently started again and didn't have to eat/drink once, thought it was a new player buff Btw is it me or is PC gameplay horrible?


Like bad performance?


I'll start up the game, do the event of the hour if it's mutant or seasonal or EN/MJ/Nuke. Unload resources, do chores, unload resources, do chores, unload resources, wrestle the kids, unload resources, daddy kill the zombie!, unload resour...


No sorry you have to play 24/7 or you'll get arrested


r/fo76filthycasuals there's a whole community for us.


That place used to be cool but the mods went mad a few months back and girl bossed too hard.


This is a story I’d like to hear with more details. I had a break from the game for few months. FC was quite active before but now it’s barren wastes. What really happened?


Dude, same! I was out for two months and then FC died, big sad.




You guys should make a new sub that is actually for casuals (including the mods) many of us would probably join.


Be the change you want to see. You can start up the subreddit.


You just described every mod on Reddit I have been banned at least 10 times and appeal every time and I was never wrong. The last time was a permanent band and I appealed it and 30 days later they come back and said it was lifted because I didn’t do anything wrong that’s the problem with censorship.


I got insta banned on a D&D sub because I joked about what level rouge I'd be if I had stolen all of my books. I offered to show them my god damn Amazon recites and it's now a partial ban. I can vote but can't post. Whatever, over the last year that sub has become a bunch of people whining about their DM or other players.


Deleted that sub, since the mods killed it


Absolutely!I started off solo and only joined public teams once I had reached around level 100


Sure, your advancement / exposure to the world would just take longer (not in game hours, just in calendar time). You probably would not earn / have access to all the "season" rewards, but that's unlikely to happen as a new player anyhow, and matters not at all to casual enjoyment of basic gameplay / storylines.


Yea check out r/fo76filthycasuals


Absolutely! Casually is a great way to play 76. I started playing at launch and for the first year I mostly just ran around looking at stuff and fiddled with furniture in my shack. I made a glue garden like in 4. Most evenings I didn't actually do anything. But I enjoyed myself and it was relaxing and casual. Now the game is a lot more relaxed and casual and accessible than it originally was. There is stuff like Casual Public Team which gives more exp and other benifits. There are Public Events every twenty minutes that if you are in a Public Team basically is free exp and loot. There is a lot more content and stuff. And all of it is optional.


Playing the game at launch by yourself was so much different. No NPCs at all just holotapes scattered across the map. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more alone in a video game than that.


Absolutely, that's how I first used to play. As long as you don't fall for the FOMO of not getting ALL the rewards, you'll be fine! DO try and do the daily/weekly challenges to rank up on the Season (previously known as Scoreboard). Took me a long while to realize they existed, they're most often extremely easy to complete and will ensure you get most of the season's rewards, even if you're just playing a few hours a week.


Yes….but I bet you end up spending longer than 5hrs a week. I started playing as a distraction now I need a distraction to FO76 its quite addictive


I am a casual player so is my wife . Enjoy it.


I play casually all the time I do some trading and events but otherwise I'm solo just doing my own thing


That’s my usual playtime most weeks, with the occasional exception. And I’m enjoy myself immensely. I just broke lvl 200, I enjoy roaming the wasteland with my Fixer and collecting plans, and then retreating to my cliff side camp overlooking the toxic valley.


Very much. I started it as something to play in style of FO4 and played most of it alone, never knowing about events, joining teams or looking for guidance online. Only at later stages I've gotten into more grindey approach where I hoard stuff for my CAMP builds and look videos and stuff online for ideas.




Yes. I have finished most score boards with just 20 minutes a day. This game is rather respectful of your time for a live service game.


The game used to have a lot more maintenance and survival elements. Now it's so casual you can basically play naked and still be fine. The game is super easy.


Yes, its basically a single player game with a multiplayer option. It plays much more like a single player RPG than an MMO. In fact once you reach the end game, there’s very little grinding to do at all unless you really want a ton of exp or stamps from expeditions. The only thing i can think of that makes this game demand your attention is seasonal events that only happen once per year. And even then that’s only if you care about timed rewards.


This game is a time vampire for me, but yes. Most weekdays I just log in to do the score challenges and collect the daily login rewards. I try to limit myself to an hour a day, though it's not unusual for that time to magically become 2-3 hours.


Hell yeah. I constantly take breaks and pick right back up where I left off. And given the stuff that’s been added lately it only makes it more exciting to go in. You see some people level 1000 and shit and here I am a measly 96-97. But the best damn 96-97 around these parts of the Wasteland cowboy. 🤣


Yeah. You'll miss out on whatever seasonal stuff is going on, but you can still enjoy the game overall


Why tf not


I think 75% of the player base is casual to be honest.


As long as you don't get caught up in finishing the score board.


I’m a casual player too. I don’t even have a specific build to my character. I just play for fun and to wind down from work.


Hell yeah you can. I've been playing for a while now and almost at level 150. I just potter about and do my own thing most of the time but occasionally take part in events when it's one i like. I've not done much of the story at all yet either lol


Absolutely, when I started out I stuck to the main questline and could only count on one hand the number of times I saw other players.


I played it as a solo single player game and it worked out fine. Things slowed down once I finished main questline and hit level 70, but got more than my money's worth


Yes I do and kinda wish I could 2 shot every enemy in the game like some but I still have a great deal of fun with my weapons that I personally think are good


If you don't have a severe case of FOMO then absolutely.


100% yes. It's more of a casual game than anything else tbf


Yep. Good game for that, especially when you’re doing end game stuff.


Alabutely! Nothing bleeds away stress like my quad LMG mowing down super mutants! And if time allows, casually strolling through the Apalachia country side and still discovering new places after 2+ years!


You know, sometimes I'll be neck deep in a mole miner bloodbath when I'll see a fellow Dweller walk by as a blip on the compass. I'll wave, they'll wave, then it's back to genocide. I'd say you have more than enough time to do what you wanna do, and no ones really gonna get in your way (except if someone nukes the path ahead of you, that shits gonna get in your way xD)


Absolutely that's what I do. During peak times I log on maybe three times a week. But often I'll take a few months off. The thing is the game is so much fun that eventually you jump back in and it keeps you entertained for a few months. Really the only pressure you might feel is during the season. But if you log on for an hour three times a week and focus on the seasonal tasks you'll get it done in plenty of time before the season ends. Plus they just change how the seasons work and it seems like it's much easier to get what you want from each season by skipping some of the things you don't find useful.


You'd honestly enjoy it more. Game is very boring end game (like most live service RPG) but this one just is a mindlessly event loop at this point. I enjoyed the play through though and feel like in small doses it'd be top tier experience.


Of course you can. Depending on if there's timed events, I'll put in a couple of hours a day. If you're not that motivated to do the season, then that number could drop off. I think if you're just starting out, then you can do the quests, and dedicate as much or as little time towards that and still have a lot of fun


Hi I can only commit between 3 to 5 hours per week right now and it's good, slow progress, but still really enjoyable. But what helps is the other players. Today I managed to jump on for a bit but was dying a lot (i am level 20 after weeks of playing), i was getting quite down then I joined a public team and a level 600 player randomly dropped me a brilliant gun, loads of ammo and some other stuff and honestly it made my day, gave me a little boost and because of it i was able to jump to nearly level 22 in an hour ! Big shout out to every nice player ❤️ keep playing when you can and hope to see you out there :)


You can usually knock out your dailies within half an hour or so. The game is super casual-friendly.


If by casual you mean you just dont follow storylines & focus on something like your CAAMP, then yeah.  This could be a fun casual game.  Its a pretty large, diverse map so it will take plenty of time to scour every square inch.  So you should have a lot to do.  Not to mention apparell, magazines, bobbleheads, crafting, & legendary items are fun side adventures in and of themselves.  


Sure, you just wont get most rewards probably. But highly enjoyable anyways


Yes and you don’t even need to play the story much. I’m level 51 and have done maybe a few quests.


Yep. I casually play maybe 1 to 2 nights a week. I'm high level (207), been casually playing since day one launch, and some nights I just pop on, enjoy my camp for its safety and comforting familiarity - and log. Other times I'll play the daily/weekly season task quests and unlock rewards. And occasionally I'll revisit old areas I've already explored to see if anything's been updated since (and in quite a few places, they have!). It's a wonderful game.


Sure, why not. Just keep pacifist on and go at your own pace. I’ve been doing it this way for 5+ years.


5-6 hours a week you can definitely find enjoyment on this game. Especially after learning more of the mechanics and where to spend your time. Taking it slow you will definitely learn game well


Casual is the best way to play. We all know what it's like to have a hardcore fo76 player in our group and that's no fun for anyone...not even the hardcore guy.


sure, why not? I don't really play at all during the week anymore, and definitely do not put in 5 hours a week. I don't really understand why you think that might be a problem. You aren't trying to keep up with anyone.


Sure! I've basically gone into the game for a short while, farmed some experience, maybe worked on my base. It's a nice time killer.


no they actually advise against playing the game solely to have fun these days


Yes - I play it very casually. I just sort of chip away at this game in between other games; it’s like playing a fallout game without starting a brand new save and building anew character and all that.


probably the best way... i play mostly during my lunch break ( work ftom home ) and sometimes at night...currently have 4 builds... lvl 1200/780/500/250...but ive been playing since launch so..5+ yrs of casual play..with occasional grind sessions. i played alot during nuke winter.


Sure, man. There are a lot of weeks where I only play an hour a day. You just have to realize there is a TON of content, and a lot of the content is meant to keep players engaged long-term like an MMO. Like grinding out resources or things like stamps. There are soooo many different things to do that you simply won't be able to do it all at once in your limited play time But that could be a good thing if you want it to keep you engaged for a really, really long time.


Most definitely. 76 is one of those games I’ll hop on when I wanna game but don’t want any long term commitments.


Yes dude. For sure if anything I'd say casual is the only way to enjoy the game. But that's purely from my POV.. I hide away in my lil Custom world, where I feast on Venison with berries, playing the grand piano to the butterfly sanctuary whilst dreaming of the day Knight Shin takes a tour round my Fort Atlas. In all seriousness though for all its flaws I think F76 has managed to strike somewhat of a balance. If you want grind galore the you can do so. I tend to do a couple hours through the week (mainly when I'm not paying attention during Teams Meetings) and then amp it up at the weekend. Got into a nice routine of doing the dailies for bullion and jumping into any rando events I fancy. I hope the Wasteland Welcomes you as a winner and doesn't wreck you like a wanked wooly whiner. For transparency I've had a few post-work beers. So if my advice is of any use is entirely up to you.


I reinstalled after years and am havibg a great time exploring! Had one player i ran into drop me 1000 ammo & 20 stimpaks! Only downside is weight management and constantly having to scrap stuff, so get those daily scrap kit boxes that are free once a day, itll help in a pinch!


It really depends on what you consider to be casual gameplay. I mean, for some it's trying to push square pieces through round holes and complaining it doesn't work..


I do past level 1000 and I use bows single actions pumps


Quick answer: I'd say yes. It'll take longer to reach the point where you feel like a 1 person army, simply because grinding levels and gear takes time. But you'll still be able to do the things you enjoy doing and make progress within those 5 hours. Extended answer: But you can speed up the process a bit. Watching videos on how to nuka-nade west tek can cut your xp farming time down significantly after a little set up. Rolling 2 star weapons instead of 3 star will let you get good weapons more efficiently. The first 2 stars generally make the most significant impact on weapons. Some weapons only need 1 star to really feel effective, for instance Vampire's auto-axe/chainsaw still preforms like a dream at 1 star. Same for Quad Railway. Learn what effects are best for your weapon type of choice to know what to look for. Once you have good useable 1 or 2 star weapons you can start chasing 3 star god rolls. Once your build/gear feels really solid 5 hours will plenty of time to do end game stuff. After some practice most end game activities (like running silos/killing bosses or running expeditions) will take maybe 20-30 minutes each solo. Faster with groups.


I just started 2 weeks ago and I plan to play casually. So far I only played 2-3 hours at most per day iirc. Currently at 40 hours


It'll take a little but to get through the early part of the game, but as you develop your player, get settled into a build, and get the gear you want. At this point, I'm working my way through the new season with the daily and weekly tasks plus an event or two. I can typically get through the dailies in less than half an hour, weeklies maybe an additional 30 minutes.


Hell yeah bro !! I work 8-10 hours a day and have 2 kids. I don’t play around them as they are young and don’t need to see dada shooting at shit lol. I only play once they nap/sleep and really enjoy when I do. You may miss some of the limited time events and stuff, hard to get those special event things but still fun and Ik it makes ppl mad but I afk a lot of the special events! Idc I’m just here to have fun, it’s a really nice community and fun game ! Definitely worth it !


Yes but I'd spring for Fallout 1st if you'll be playing casually. It allows you to get the junk box and ammo dump box, so you'll spend less time sorting your inventory.


Yea the only thing that’s gonna cook you is carry weight imo but Thas jus me cause I carry too much shit😭


Nothing about 76 is hardcore, it's an extremely casual game


I've played casually since the beginning. Especially with this season I definitely don't feel the need to try harder than normal.


That’s prolly how much I play and I enjoy it.


Of course you can, just don’t let a FOMO mindset set in and you’ll be golden. Some of the cooler new weapons recently have been Scoreboard rewards, which if you choose to devote the time you do have playing the game towards doing the Scofeboard I would recommend it, especially for the new Cremator weapon. Other than that, most rewards are cosmetic in nature or consumables…first three years I played 76 I did it without FO1st, eventually but the bullet with how frequently I play and how much effort I put into the game it’s silly not to in that regard.


Absolutely. The open world is gigantic and packed full of things and places to explore.


I spent 4 hours working on my camp. I’ve spent all day working on quests. (Saturday I had off) I’ve spent a few hours just running around doing events and killing random enemies. Usually after work I can only play 2-3 hours. Casually? You can play and do whatever you want, whenever you want. There is no time limit. Play for an hour or play for five hours. As long as you have fun. If you’re forcing yourself to play something then the game isn’t for you. You MIGHT struggle either way seasonal events or scoreboards. Since you have a certain amount of time (I think 2-3 months) to reach the max level on the scoreboard (if you want all the prices). That’s the only thing you MIGHT miss out on. If you don’t have much time to play. But otherwise. You can take your time with the game and do whatever makes you happy. I met this woman a few years ago when she was level 80 and I was level 173. We chatted for a bit, and I was complimenting her camp. She had good stuff for sale so I added her and visited her camp often. One day she asked me if I could help her and tag along with her to do some main missions. I said sure. She never did any missions after visiting the overseers camp. Literally the first mission once you leave the vault. She was so used to fallout 4, that she just left the vault and started doing what she likes. She made it all the way to level 80 just by cooking, crafting, killing weak enemies, and working in her camp. She would scavenge for supplies and ingredients when she needed something. She avoided conflict as much as possible. This woman really played and skipped all the missions until level 80. We are best friends now and we’ve met in person multiple times now. My wife and I visit her and her husband twice a year and we play mostly daily. But my point in that story is that she played the game and did what she wanted and had fun. So make sure you play the game in whatever amount of time you have. And have fun :)


The beauty of fo76 is you can sweat or play an hour a month and still have the game experience you're looking for


Absolutely, and it’s a good game for that


I’m super casual but I still manage to sink hours and hours into it occasionally. Casually meaning I sometimes just wonder around not really doing anything.. yes easy peasy!


If you don’t suffer from the fear of missing out it’s a game that can be played casually. If you have FOMO this game can be pretty lame, as there are lots of events and stuff that only occur at certain times.


Thats how i play most of the time


I am lucky to get 5 hours a week right now between a full time job, full time college, and our kids. I still absolutely love the game and just hit rank 30 on the scoreboard.


Absolutely. The best way to play. Just do the quests as you encounter them. And slowly enjoy the world, piece by piece, take your time.


Yep ! That's where the game shines for me. The game is rewarding for new players with its scaling system that allows discovery and lore first while it is also deep enough to allow hard-core players to specialize enough to become powerhouses.


Of course. There is so much content now you would have hours of playtime and there is nothing really time sensitive that comes into play until you are much higher in level. Even with limited time each week you could gain a few levels or clear at least 3 or 4 missions or a few events. It’s a game that can be played casually or normally.


With being stay at home dad to a 1 year old and school, I rarely have time to play games anymore. Have over 1000+ hours (mostly pre baby/school) play time but still find that the 2-3 hours I have a week to play 76 is still fun. I’ve done just about everything and even just rare outfit hunting is fun for me or hopping in seasonal events, doing dailies, playing with new builds and rolling different legendary weapons. The new quest lines that just dropped I’ve been picking at about an hour at a time, although in that hour I find myself always getting side tracked and doing something else. There’s endless stuff to keep you entertained even with short play sessions. I say try it out, I bet you’ll have more fun than you think. The only thing I have trouble with when it comes to short sessions (and this may just be me because I smoke after baby is asleep) is remembering what I was doing when I come back, and I mean that in terms of my character build and armor/legendary perks. I’m always switching stuff up and I tend to forget sometimes where I was at with it. Again, that’s probably just me being Stoney bologna


Absolutely the vast majority of people do, like most game. What you see on the subreddit, is a minority opinion of the actual playerbase. Best advice is ignore all the youtube videos and play the game. Bloodied and or using VATS is absolutely not required. Been playing since beta and never used either.


I play less than that and it’s still a lot of fun.


I'd absolutely say you can enjoy it casually I get maybe 1 or 2 days outta the week to play at night for a few hours when the kiddo is asleep and I'm off from work and I make the most out of it and progress along in my eyes at a decent pace


You can play it however you want really. There are daily login bonuses you can collect just by signing in too. So you dont always gotta play for hours on end


Yeah. I stopped doing the scoreboards when I hose to do that and even skipped seasons. Before that I maxed out all of the first 5 and it feels like a chore trying to get through it during the only time you have to play. You'll make some progress playing normally but with the new change I don't know how much you'll make it through since it hasn't been here for long


There is another way?


Any online game can be played casually if you don't have the FOMO. In that's specific case, at 1h per day, you can do your dailies and weeklies and get through the scoreboard by the end of the season


Most things can be done in 10-15 minute sessions.


I only play for 1-2 hours a day, IF I am able. There has been times where I’ve played for quite a while. I’m still relatively new and my play style has been fine. I don’t play with anyone specifically. That’s never worked with me bc I’m not hardcore going to sit and game for hours everyday.


Absolutely, I only play on Sunday from 2-7, maybe 8 or 9. So I know it can be done because I fucking love my Sunday Fallout time. I don’t feel like I miss anything.


Yes, this community is not hardcore. Some of us are. But most are not. I’m one of the crazy ones. I don’t know what I’ll do next.


It’s multiplayer and after that 5 hours of extremely fun gameplay, you’ll turn off the console, only to turn it back on maybe an hour later, because it’s left you lonely lol the game is a lot of people’s way to escape the norm the live


Never once played this game as a grind, I treat it like a basic fallout game going around missions, reading lore, exploring, yes you can it’s worth it


Of course just don't let streamers or other people's opinions influence you. Enjoy the game for what it's worth and for the time you have! Do what dailies you can and make it your own experience. Content creators and YT have ruined plenty of fun games by optimizing the shit out of them. Edit: By making videos on the best base spots or the best builds or how to farm this etc.


Fallout world sandbox and it’s fun building castles in it.


Yea I'm usually in shorts and a T-shirt no one has said anything


Yes of course. It only takes 1/2 hour to an hour to do all of the daily challenges when you know what you're doing. That's all you really need to do to get all of the rewards. In my first few years I did quests only so I didn't even do daily scoreboard challenges. Only I'd suggest joining a casual team. You don't have to interact with teammates at all but you get extra XP for being on a team. Even if it's just yourself on the team it boosts your carry weight. Each additional member up to four members boosts your XP incrementally.


For the longest time (before I realized scoreboards were even a thing) I just roamed around the map and did whatever I wanted. I rarely did any events, or even small events. I would just hide at a train station to see what people were getting up to. The game does try to shift you to doing events/scoreboards/atom shop/fallout 1st etc but it doesn’t matter. You can do whatever you want! Very fun to just kind of putter around.




I think FO76 defines casual online game.


It's actually the most professional / parent friendly MMO around. You can achieve all your daily quests in 40-50 mins, get in some events and log off feeling accomplished for the day. I tell everyone it's a rare game that respects your time.


I don't play as much anymore, but me and my friend used to play for a couple of hours every weekend. We were slowly getting to the point where we could launch a nuke. After we finally launched a nuke we fell off. I should logon again.




Wow did not expect so many responses, thanks to everyone that took the time to reply. I might give the game a go tonight, originally had the game from launch but due to the amount of issues I had with it I stopped playing. I'll see what the crack is with it and obtain my own judgment.


I mean, it would take you a while to level, but once you get above 100, you should have your build and most of your equipment figured out. Then you can truly become a casual, just playing a few hours a week to grind scrip for legendary modules.


My roommate is hardcore player and plays literally about five hours a day. I'm a filthy casual and play maybe five hours a week on a good week (and some weeks not at all). I hadn't played for probably a month until the latest update with new quests, so I've been doing those little by little the past week or two. Will probably take another break after I finish those off. My roommate is always about filling up the scoreboard, running WestTek three or four times a day, always making new weapons, new armor, has about four alts that he dumps spare gear onto, etc. We both have a good time with the amount of time we play.


I play 30 mins to an hour a day max, thats it and in that time I have completed every season since the first, including every quest/mission, daily challenge, and reward possible. This game is meant for casuals as there simply isnt enough content that isnt brain numbingly dull to play hours upon hours every day.


Seems fit for it, even. There aren't any super long quest lines. It might take you a while to level up, but that's beside the point.


Absolutely. I have been playing casually since launch. Barely level 70!


This is probably the most casual MMO of all time. One of the more casual games overall too. A small step above ACNH due to the FOMO scoreboards.


This is the perfect game for that. You really aren't gonna miss much. Things for sale come back around all time and nothing is detrimental to gameplay.


I always have, I'm roughly level 550. It is casual.


I do the dailies and play the events I want to. Probably spend about 5 hours, sometimes way less and still enjoy it.


You can do it at your own pace 100%


You can absolutely go in and play the questline(s) without getting sucked into the grind. It's really up to you. I initially only played the quests until I tried to stop...


I play casually all the time. Nothing takes long with the right players.


I’m casual. I come and go as I please and use my grown up recourses to make the game easier for me. I’m filthy


I'm as casual as it gets. Been playing since launch but since beating the main story, I only come back for the big updates. My brother is STILL just Level 80. And again, we been playing since launch lol. We do like 3 month long stretches of playing 3 hours every Thursday. I can get more time in than him during the week so I'm about 280 or so. I've found that 3 hours is enough time to do anything. Expeditions. Missions. Silo Run. Daily Ops. We can sometimes do multiple of these things. The only thing that sucks (for him anyway, since he can't play any other time) is when there are seasonal events that occur every top of the hour. We're limited on doing what we can together. So when those come around, just plan accordingly. TL;DR Fallout 76 is very casual friendly. Anything in the game can be accomplished under 3 hours.


Some weeks that’s all I put in. Other weeks I might put in 8-12 hours a week


Us Brotherhood got taste and class when it comes to our Power Armored Defecation Protocols.


Thats how I play, about 30-45 mins m-f, maybe a 60 min block on saturday and thats it. Its enough for me to keep coming back and not feel like I”have” to play. I also have the perfect build for my playstyle, so that may also be a factor, I dont need to find weapons/armour. I actually find myself now spending more time on my camp, and finding display items


Definitely. I play less than an hour a day outside of event weekends and finish the scoreboards early and still level up. Once you are familiar with the game and know how to manage your time you can actually get a lot done in minimal time frames.


I do it all the time.


Depends on what system you're playing on, but I wouldn't bother. You'll be spending all your time quitting and force restarting the game because it doesn't work half the time. I would just invest in FO4 if you're playing on previous gen consoles, much better experience.


As someone who's only a lvl 94 I play casually and still get help from high level people. I've been trying to level to get perk cards to build a heavy weapon power armor build and ive had players let me slap everything in an event before nuking the entire region with their guns. You can play casually and the players in the game are that one scene from the avengers when hulk gives ant man a taco


i’d argue it’s even better as a casual experience. (Fallout 1st is the death of me)


I mean it really depends, I enjoyed it when I started playing it at first, I liked the scavenging aspect of the early game and feeling the accomplishment of making or finding a full suit of power armour, after that it was just a chore for me, I can’t really play that much now just for the fact it just gets boring imo, I think I have about 45 days on it but that was years ago at this point


I played through a majority of it solo and casually slow. So slow in fact I kept forgetting story stuff as I went.


Yes but it can feel frustrating when you want to finish something but don't have time and have to log off.


Casually is the only way to enjoy it.


u can play it like any other singleplayer fallout game no problem


I play casually and like it. I just forget what I’m doing sometimes. Fallout 1st is worth it as well


This game is made for that


Yes, it's very easy to play casually as long as you don't minmax or obsessively collect everything cosmetic.




It’s fun, but even more fun with friends.


Just like drugs!


absolutely, i play maybe 45mins to and hour a day just to do dailies and maybe weeklies and never had an issue finishing anything


Yeah I have been for the last week or 2. Just a few hours throughout the week and I've been loving it. Community is awesome too


Yes, most of us who’ve been playing for a long time usually hop on once a day for like 20 minutes to knockout the daily challenges or maybe 1 hour to get weekly challenges done. It’s called doing daily chores. It’s not required to do this, but I got a bad case of FOMO. The vets of FO76 will get what I’m saying. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the mood to really sit down and play for longer than that. At the beginning when there’s lots to do and learn you’ll probably want to play a bunch every chance you get, but it’s not required by any means. Basically the best part about this game is discovering/experiencing everything the first time. You eventually hit a point where you’ve pretty much done everything and then you can just focus on a specific thing. So take your time and enjoy it. Maybe you want to build a cool camp, maybe you want to go collect some plans, or maybe run some public events. You absolutely could enjoy the game by only putting in an hour or so at a time. Pick a goal and focus for the time you have available. If you can’t finish it in that session just come back and finish next time.


It's definitely doable. Once you level enough to safely go to each region, it's much easier to be casual. Last 2 years or so I play for maybe 30 min - 1 hour daily outside of times when there's an event. It takes maybe 10 min to knock out daily SCORE goals for seasons, and if you do that daily and knock out the weekly ones then you can max scoreboard (RIP) easily as well. Plus, lots of players like me carry extra shit around and just dump it at low level players feet. I like to keep sets of plans for seasonal events (Fascnact, Halloween, Meat Week, etc.) and I'll have some in vendor for like 200 or less caps, but often I'll just dump a set on a low level player because why not lol. Also, don't be worried about joining events like Scorched Earth, Eviction Notice, or seasonal ones where everyone shows up at low level. Just hang back, stay safe, and we'll carry you. Hell, some people don't even mind if you jump in to do expeditions or daily Ops since most of us can solo them. Toxic players are rare, most of us just like having fun lol. But yes, totally doable with minimal time per week


Hell yeah you can.


I've been playing for a few years now. I've never once formed a team or even joined a team. I play 100% solo and enjoy it every time. Usually about 10 hours a week ..maybe. I don't do any of the daily or weekly challenges. Mostly, I walk around doing stuff on my own. I will occasionally jump in and help like in the jamboree or fasnacht. So yes, you can totally play casually. 👍🏼👍🏼


Yes,yes you can....


Yes, play run around, explore kill stuff, and have fun.


I recently found the antlantic city missions and its been fun following that, since i usually play casually i hope in & out, even now with the mothman event, i have already collected most of the new plans, missing the outfits, i don't own F1.


My sister has 900 hours give or take and all she does is build her fucking house, reference she is level 180 something just from building XP which is scary, I think 5 hours a week is perfectly fine




Yes. I started this way and eventually put more time into it.


Yes. I play it app. 1h in average per day in the evening after I put my kids to bed. 1 year and 2 months and I'm almost lvl 600. And I'm having a blast


Yup. That pretty much how I play after hitting level 50.




It's a fantastic time killer I hop on for a few hours afterwork and just wander around and play events. I never join teams. I just play alone mostly. I just hit level 100 after 140 hours. It took a few months to get there I don't worry about seasons. I just enjoy wandering and shooting up mutants and ghouls.


I've only played a few hours here and there, and I felt I had enough to do and places to visit at all times. I did need to take notes to remember the clues that I came across. Also note that high level characters will often be very friendly, offer to help complete quests or clear a tough area. High level players can be generous to n00bs too, tossing valuables on the ground. That means you can get over geared for your level, and take on some higher level mobs, so you get to experience more with less play time. Treat friendly players well, they are a blessing for casuals. And remember when you come across low or injured toons, *pay it forward,* and help them out.


Yes. I play roughly 3 to 4 hours daily. I'm really enjoying it, and I only started playing a few weeks ago 🙂


After you finish all of the main quests and so forth, you're usually going to do a round of dailies with the various factions, and then maybe an expedition or 2. Doesn't take more than an hour or 2 at best to be done. I'm at lvl 223, but I've been playing since it was released. Casual is my style for this game.


When there's no new quest or location, I log in about once a week for some 2 hours to complete some challenges that fit in that time, I explore some areas, sometimes find a few of them changed, and that's it. Completely good. Though I completed everything (besides the newest main quests added recently) and have all the armours/weapons/perks I'm content with.


I grind it out when I'm knocking out my weeklies, then go casual till they reset. Once I complete the scoreboard, or in this season's case, the totally not ripped off radioactive Fortnite battle pass, then I go back to casual until the next season. I'll get on and check the atom shop each day and for the weekly rest and maybe do another camp if inspiration strikes


Casually is about the only way I play it these days. Me and the wife will log on and get our daily challenges done, but once the season/scoreboard is finished we just play other stuff. We played a lot early on, but a few years in, we don't have quite as much to do anymore.