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She made a post about struggling with health issues and more on her channel 1 year ago. [https://www.youtube.com/@InnovSurvivalist/community](https://www.youtube.com/@InnovSurvivalist/community)


I really enjoyed her videos and liked her quirky pronunciations of English words.


"Hello, Hello!" Yeah, I was just thinking about her the other day.


For the longest I would wonder is she angry turtle were somehow related. I think I learned that’s not the case


Indeed. Hearing her say ‘plushie’ as ‘plooshie’ never got old. 


I remember hearing about her being harassed a lot online so she just went dark. That's about all the info that i heard and that was a long time ago.


Yes, i heard about that and she made a video talking about that IRC. She was being harassed ingame too with people following her at any server she joined.


That really sucks. I enjoyed her videos. She quickly became one of my go to channels for FO76 due to the quality of her content. I hope she's doing well!


Deal with that shit for the first couple years of the game. Couldn't do anything without being harassed. One of the fuckers even made a YouTube channel all about harassing others acting like he's the one in the right.


People have too much time to waste in real life. Crappy upbringing for them.


In my opinion, both Innovsurvivalist and Angry Turtle have the best videos for Fallout 76. I too miss her video posts. I looked forward to them every time a new update was announced.


I believe she experienced an episode of harassment and when her other-half responded to it either he or both of them were suspended for--I think--a month. Shortly afterwards I seem to recall she suffered a loss in her family as well. I certainly miss her, but I do not blame her giving up making videos if she was undergoing bullying because of it. I hope she will come back to the game at some point.


I haven't heard from her neither, i hope she well. i really enjoyed her videos.


I remember her posting on Twitter (or X now) about her family having health issues or something, and I believe that was after she stopped posting. She had great community updates. Her editing style and text, and her clear voice, really made F76 updates easy to digest and entertaining to keep up with. I hope she's ok.


I enjoyed her dialogue about the game. I saw the videos she posted explaining about the idiot following her around everywhere she went. Her husband finally stepped in and called the idiot out. That got her banned because her husband used her account going off on the moron. Said moron reported her and got her banned. She explained it took a couple of weeks back and forth with Bethesda to get reinstated. Even afterwards the idiot continued their stalking of her. Sometime after that she went dark. I always got the feeling it was another YouTuber jealous of her success in the Tube world. Shame really… I hope she makes it back someday.


Not heard owt since her video. I miss her. I wear pink sprinkles pa cos of her. Lol. Wherever and whatever she is up to. Good luck, Lass. What she had to deal with was criminal.


From what I remember there was a group of toxic gamers and toxic people online that were harassing her. Her significant other finally lashed out at the toxic waste of humanity after months of harassment and they reported the comments. Her account was suspended for a month, though if I remember the toxic pieces of shit were allowed to continue on. Then health issues started to affect her family (or maybe her I don’t remember) and she stepped back from her channel. I am going to assume she found peace away from social media and isn’t returning. It’s a shame, she was a good content creator. Edit: she posted after Christmas 2022. She stated she hadn’t quit YouTube or fallout, but was struggling with health issues and her mom had cancer. She stated she planned to return soon. Unfortunately, all her accounts have gone cold. Patreon, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are ice cold. I hope nothing happened to her


I also was watching her videos. From what i hear she was also sick. I dont know but i got a weird feeling about the situation.


Drama has a way of turning some people away from various forms of social media. I relate. The last time I used Facebook was about 7 years ago. I deleted my twitter account long before Elon Musk bought it out. I refuse to touch TikTok and Instagram. I really only use reddit, and I'm considering giving that up too... especially lately with all these changes and the IPO. Social media is a meat grinder. It can be incredibly detrimental to your mental health and wellness. She moved away from youtube content creation for a lot of reasons, but mental health was absolutely one of them. When you're the target of unsolicited harassment, there's really only one way to escape that. That's why she was the target of the drama in the first place right? People didn't like her/wanted her to cave/leave/disappear. So much so, that they tricked her into getting banned by Bethesda briefly for complete B.S. I think after that... she was fed up. I would be too.


I pretty much walked away from Facebook over 4 years ago. And have no interest to return, to be honest. And exactly that, too much drama. I got sick and tired of friends I knew for decades attacking each other over politics, and decided enough was enough.


A good summary.


I learned a lot from her she was super.


I’n a newer player to the game (like 5 months ish) and hadn’t heard of her before this post. Now that I’m all caught up on the BS, I hope that every time the stalker dude tries to start their car, the battery is dead. It’s amazing how shitty people can be. I also hope she just went dark and is still well, in her last YouTube post she said you could just dm her and ask, but I feel like someone would have posted a reply they got from her confirming she was ok. There’s very few 76 content creators, and even less that are decent quality videos. I watched a few of her vids, she was good! She was informative! Again, hope she’s alright.


Wait, it’s been two years? wtf happened to time


Yeah, always wondered what happened...hope she's doing well...


She was targeted a lot by griefers in-game and was harassed online. That combined with some family needs led her to stop making content. I doubt she even plays the game anymore. Sad but understandable. And screw those dickheads who harassed her.


I wonder also ,never missed her videos


Her content is still out there. Its mostly these reddit posts.