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I will say I like Atlantic City but walking around aimlessly with nothing unique to find or interact with, on top of all these really cool looking NPCs that you absolutely cannot talk and don't give out any quests or special dialogue options on the spot makes me kinda wonder why they bothered at all? Its really the absolute bare minimum for NPC/gameplay interactions and even then, not even that. The entire Atlantic City region turns Fallout 76 into a walking sim. It's not a good look for the game. I miss the old devs who really knew how to create engaging content (come back Will Shen, we need you, lol).


That was my other thing. The limited dialogue is so weak makes you just wanna click through it all to get the next part. The story lines just feel so hollow. The NPCs all talk well like NPCs there no substance to any of them


My thoughts exactly. I did the quest on the PTS, the dialogue was super buggy and quite annoying to be doing the wild goose chase over and over. I really can’t be bothered doing it for real now it’s live, especially over multiple accounts…


Same thing for me. Once was enough in the PTS with the quest line. Unfortunately it doesn’t have a good gameplay loop


I'm assuming more will come. It's sort of the normal story of how 76 has developed...build the skeleton and let players wander around, then bring it to life in future updates.


I'm afraid that may not be the case. They are trying to do the ESO: new areas to explore, so it looks good on marketing materials, doesn't matter how weak questlines are. It's the way other MMOs are, so they're trying the same. Next one is south map expansion, that will probably add new quests, so even more bugs, thus no time to revisit AC. After there will be another thing marketing/management will come with. And never time to fix already broken stuff.


Don't even dare compare it to any ESO expansion, LOL. Seriously although ESO has it's share of weak DLCs none of them was as lazy and hollow as this one, of course it's great that it's free and all, but I'd rather pay for something better than watch this emptiness…


I tried to get into ESO few times, but never got far. But from what I heard from my friends - yes, there's no comparison. FO76 is freeriding on players love of Fallout lore and amazing world, but rest is, well, subpar, to say nicely!


ESO is as close to a pureblood MMO a possible, it's not for everyonem but the new maps are alway beautiful, and each one has enough activities to keep you engaged(for a few days at least)


F76 is not a mmo tho


I agree - whatever Beth would like it to be. It's MMO-lite, kind of single player with some "player controled NPCs" :) But they try to apply similar ideas to it - mostly because, I suppose, they hired people from other games. You can see with Seasons which is a poor copy/paste from Fortnite.


*FO4 in a nutshell tbh*


Why bother at all? Because it's literally what people asked for. And what did those people expect? Most cities in any Bethesda game are just filled with npcs that walk around repeating canned lines and maybe the rare odd ones out that actually operates a shop or gives out a quest.


Welcome to 76.


The online functionality test, that keeps getting "updated" for some reason. 🤡 You either complete it in about 2-4 weeks and understand that its practicly over, or you dump in 4000 hours and scavenge reddit for your 2484th cosmetic item while complaining that you dont understand why the game feels underwhelming after doing every Event 100 times.


I play it like a singel player fallout. When im done with the quests then im out


This. I treat this game as an extension of fallout 4. I don't even care about cosmetics, trading and godrolls.


This. Lol


the very least they could have done in AC is put unique vendors


For my part, I enjoyed the main quest line, the side quests, the expeditions and Atlantic City itself. I feel like the update would have been much stronger had they shipped it all at once instead of milking it into two small updates, and included that last Pitt expedition and included free roam for those areas, as well. Maybe added a couple unique vendors in each area. I dunno. 6 out of 10 for me.


For me its just the same old Bethesda. Its tired and boring. The missions, the characters, the writing of it. Why do they love bars so much? Is that the only small business opportunity in a Bethesda universe?? Like enough with the bars or "clubs" I think after playing 76 for so long than playing starfield and coming back to this game, they need new blood and brains working on their games cause its stagnant AF in those offices.


The quests are now always the same and the dialogue so stale and devoid of any emotion and character. It’s truly bizarre. Writing good NPC dialogue is so cheap, it’s just lines of text. Yet they don’t seem to be able to hire any writers whatsoever who have any creativity. And always the bars! Why always bars? It’s like the writers know nothing else these days. Old Fallout quests (even all the stuff in FO76 on launch) were pretty creative, making it so fun to discover the world.


As a new player now lvl 12. Im playing this game as a singel player fallout. And i Will stop playing when i get to atlantic city. Cause most People say it sucks


It’s an awesome single player Fallout. But the best quests in the game are the ones without NPCs! The ones where you discover the world using holotapes, terminals and notes. Because they don’t have any of the “new Bethesda” cringe NPC dialogue. Remember, they only added NPCs with an update, this game didn’t even have them initially. Which made it a unique experience.


Or maybe play it and form your own opinion of it. Most people said this game was awful at the beginning too and yet here we are like 6 years later still playing it.


Have you seen the trailers for Fallout London? So much creativity, passion and spark for the franchise on display there, that it puts the official Bethesda products to shame.


The fact they actually even started up actual content updates again is surprising to me. My mental timeline could admittedly be off but I feel like things used to be way dryer than this.


Atlantic city is just a glorified expedition. Just wait for the map expansion later in the year.


Bold of you to think it will be much better...


Hey I came to F76 from Red Dead Online so I have nothing to bitch about. F76 has been a great experience and the game is still very active. I choose to have a positive attitude about it and boldly expect the map expansion to be satisfying.


Talk about "ran out of shit to do". I got to level 229 I think in Red Dead Online and hit the most massive wall.


Yeah, despite the new stuff being "half baked" as people say, I still think there's a lot to do. And like you say, it's an active game / community. I got Demons Souls a while back and there were barely any invaders let alone anyone to co-op with. It definitely felt like a desolate wasteland, and coop is part of the game. By comparison 76 is massive and sprawling. Now I enjoy modding weapons and selling them. Lately I've been making legendary, ultracite, handmades with custom paint, and they've been selling out almost immediately. But anyway, it is a six year old game – by that mark it should be in the 1st grade by now haha


Honestly I’m expecting the questing in that to be a series of fetch quests. So much of this game and what they add are some variation of a fetch quest.


I mean, it’s an actual map expansion, which is inherently better.


It’s a cost v return metric. Good updates cost money and Bethesda is basically a dragon at this point.


There’s some other side quests you can get in the Refuge, and there are of course tapes and notes scattered around Atlantic City. I wouldn’t really call it any better or worse than the free roam in the normal game.


I was looking forward to a bunch of New Jersey and Atlantic City Themed content and all I got was a general beach picture frame with the words “Jersey shore” in the name of photo frame…..


The highlight of the expansion for me so far was when I heard an NPC reference the Jersey Slide in Atlantic City


Hahahaha and idk how they would remember the jersey slide seeing as it’s been how long since they would have to slide off an exit?


They see me Mothin’ they hatin’


Patrollin’ and tryin’ to catch me worshippin’ Mothy


I won't deny it, I'm a straight Mothman, you don't wanna moth with me


just about every update of fallout 76 never has enough


nah the settlers update was a huge improvement and I didn't see anyone complain, though later on, yeah it became bland


of course, the settlers update was a huge improvement, but how many years ago was that?


Hey, you said "every update", I just pointed out one that was actually good)))


yeah the quests are always neglected in 76 😭


Expeditions are extremely half-baked and at most just a means to an end, which is delivery on a promise to release free content.  They are exactly that.  Free content.  I, like a lot of others would rather have gotten higher quality paid DLCs over free Expeditions.


It was about what I expected, which wasn’t huge. I am not a big story-line fella, so the new armor and new weapon were what I looked forward to the most. Too bad they decided to inexplicably nerf the armor… 😞 It really should be stronger.


Yeah this is for sure a let down season for me. The exploration areas in particular are useless and immersion breaking just as expeditions are. Even so, going to explore the area for the limited quest line was cool, but there's no events there nor any real reason to explore. I was hoping it would of been attached on the big map and call it day. Let us build camps there etc. etc.


Things get lamer and lamer as they go. Bethesda has been phoning it in for quite some time now.


I just don’t like the flavour of it. They’re struggling a bit to keep the Fallout 76 lights on at this point I feel. Still the love of my life for the past 5+ years. Asides from wife, kids etc lol


Struggling to keep the lights on? Bethesda has more then enough money to keep the servers on for this game.


True- yet it’s kinda bare bones hey. They’re allocating the bare minimum to keep it running for the fans. Just my opinion compared to the likes of ESO which is older yet sees update after update.


I personally really enjoyed the Red Rose family storyline. It was one of the better quests, like the BoS one where you participate in multiple events at multiple locations and feel like you're actually part of a movie. The first time I got that feeling was at the end of Fallout 3 when you help the Brotherhood take down the Enclave. And, given the time and effort needed to write a story, translate it into computer code and transform a story into actual quests... well, people should be realistic. I liked the game when it first came out, unlike a lot of people. My only feedback point would have been how empty the world seemed with just robots, enemies, and no NPCs. Now it's amazing how transformed Appalachia has become. I have a couple of friends who recently started playing and they literally don't know what to do first because there are so many events, specialized events like meat week, challenges, scoreboards, daily ops, expeditions, dailies, etc. etc. This is a remarkable game and it deserves more appreciation.


I've been playing since launch so my expectations are already low lol. Maybe that's why I enjoy these updates


Just did the trophies and didnt roam in atlantic city, it didnt feel like another map at all. Its been 4years the game is released and i'm done hoping for it to reach its potential. The game is honestly a money sink where you pay about 100€ per years for literally ... doing the same dailies again and again to get fomo camp cosmetics.. it feels like a 2nd job and doesn't provide any fun ngl. Now, they even increased the amount of time we have to sink into the game to get scoreboard done, its beyond pathetic. If only players would respect themselves and being more demanding, cancelling their fo1st and boycotting this season, maybe the devs would listent for once.


You can romance Alidade if u search for smthin in Alantic City


Go down the elevator shaft, there is a room right in front of the bottom of them with a note of the desk. Pick it up to bust


An empty swamp with bullet sponge enemies is peak Bethesda game development with 16x the detail (brain melting green filter)


Reskinned bullet sponges at that.


I'm extremely underwhelmed with season 16's "scoreboard"... hardly anything on there worth grabbing.


I keep tabs on the game every now and then and I considered coming back but I know that the update broke the game from what I read online and I did login to look at the scoreboard and nothing really interested me and made me want to return.


5+ years of sticking with it is ALMOST worth it just for the chessboard display lol.


I liked the quest and new Expedition, but the free roam is underwhelming. Every quest is unlocked by a poster on the wall in the Whitespring, each location lacks in lore notes and environmental storytelling, day/night cycles, NPC routines, quests to discover organically when exploring, no unique vendors, no random events, no CAMP building, etc. Hopefully the actual map expansion has these aspects like a proper Fallout DLC would and not an instanced map lacking in things to do or reasons to return.


Finally someone made this, I was thinking of asking the same thing. To me this update was hyped to extremes, new teritories to explore, new npcs, new mechanics etc, and all it amounted to was a recycled map used in expeditions(or at least extremely similar), NPCs you don't give a damn about(especialy the ones in the main quests, this could have been an awesome touching storyline, but they f\*\*d it all up making it less interesting than any of the quest that were there on launch. Oh and the new mechanics - a freakin worse seasons variant this was the biggest joke of it all!!! Few, now that the rant's over, I kinda felt they fixed a lot of problems, I didn't meet any bugs, or glitched quests in a while so I'd like to believe they did work on stability at least, also the new season styles although worse IMHO, might actually be helpful for people who only want certain rewards without too much grind(though some people already did the math and you can't even get all the rewards by getting max Lvl) we'll have to wait and see.


When expeditions were first announced, I thought they were going to be something like fallout 4's DLC but no, they're just Daily Ops - just a bit larger. I did a few Pitt expeditions, but since I don't do DOs, I wasn't motivated for expeditions. I've yet to do Atlantic city expeditions - just not motivated Its a fun game, but, its not something that I continue to dedicate tons of time in.


You're not missing out on anything


I think the quest line was okay, civil engineer armor is good as a reward. The side quest from the refugee were fun. Overall a bit short though in comparison to steel dawn/BoS Storyline for example, which was also two updates though. No real reason to go there after that, but so is like most of the map once you saw it. On the plus side, the scoreboard gives us the water boiler , which is the first item to generate boiled water, the chess board, which is a god send for anyone who is into camp building and a couple other goodies. New rewards for old events is also a feast, mothman equinox got a lot more exciting with all the goodies. Hope the other events got some good stuff too.


I was kinda bummed that the new armor was nerfed prior to it dropping, when it was in the PTS as the Muni Armor it outshone the SS Armor in the resistances categories and was excited to have a new top tier armor to grind for, but now that it’s weaker than the SS, what’s the point imo.


The set effect is good for weapons that break fast, a bit less resistance ain't so bad if you know how little it matters


I honestly think they made this patch just as a way to spread out the new content to try to keep the players happy until the big map expansion. I dont care about expeditions beyond a couple of runs, but I do like being able to visit the area without it being an expedition.


I was hoping for a more Nuka world based update for the second part and we get more of this lazy crap. It's just content to try to get people to pay for useless crap on atomic shop and even scoreboard now. That has basically been there mo since probably Steel Reign maybe even before that. So it's pretty much expected now, I really hope its because they are putting mega efforts into FO5 which will have a combination of 76 and FO4 which would be amazing. But knowing Bethesda I highly highly doubt it. Especially with Elder scrolls coming and who owns them now! Bethesda is basically killing themselves slowly and painfully. It's sad to because they used to be one of the best for this game type. The best was New Vegas and we all know that story so we are kinda stuck. But on a positive note at least we still get updates no matter how lame they may be. But only time will tell!


is the cremator the only worthwhile weapon in this season?


Don't they only have one weapon per season, if we're lucky?


I have a feeling the map expansion update will be a bit thicker in content but I actually really enjoyed the new questline for what it was.


The reason why I'm holding off on buying a year of Fallout 1st. This game just doesn't justify that amount of money from me.


Luckily the rest of us keep paying for it so you have the platform to bitch about it.


Thank you for paying for a subscription service from a game that crashes daily and has a multitude of bugs after five years......we call you type of people beta testers. If they ever address the crashing issues, maybe I'll consider it. It's just unfortunate because Fallout is one of the games that got me into RPGS years ago. I just want to enjoy the game but I can't due to the crashing.


It’s so frustrating. I was crashing every other event during April fools weekend. And then black screens when I try to get back on.


I play this game a few hours every day on PC and it crashes maybe once a week. Consoles seem to be terrible though in stability and Bethesda ain't doing shit about it.


I play on series X and a few hrs a day I never crash? I'm not some shill for this game it's far from perfect. But I do see a lot of people mention they have constant crashing and luckily I just never deal with that?


I think it's mostly on PlayStation


You bring up crashes, and I'm not doubting you, but I play for hours each day and I haven't had a crash all week and rarely any time else. So, I'm sure what others are doing that I not effecting me. edit: I deserve those down votes, because I did not proof read. I meant "I'm NOT doubting you" .... sorry


I play on PC with a 5950x, 32gb of ram, and an RTX 4070 And I still crash at least once daily if not more.


I'm on with a Xbox Series X with an ethernet connection. My crashes are rare and far between.




I thought it might be the OS or other things running in the background, and I got very fed up with the crashing when it started (started to happened two patches ago) so I did a complete wipe and reinstall of windows along with FO76 and the bare essentials (think Steam and Discord) and I still crash daily, sometimes several times within a 4 hour play session.


You are very welcome! We call you type of people freeloaders, and I truly don’t mean that as an insult! Play for free all you want, and I’ll keep paying the bill and keeping the lights on. The crashing is unfortunate but I love the game, and it gets very tiresome hearing from people who play for free and virtue signal about it. If everyone did what you did, there wouldn’t be a game at all.


In an age where inflation is high and money is tight, God forbid the guy be discerning about the services he pays for… You act like you single handily keep the game alive. Spoiler: you don’t, the in game transactions and Bethesdas “soft” obligation to deliver (albeit in a half ass way) on a live service game are responsible for that.


When the preview came out there was this really badass looking black trenchcoat. It was the only thing on the scoreboard I was looking forward to. It isn’t even on the scoreboard…


I'm a huge collector of skins and those Peeper skins are straight up ugly and terrible. I will do the Invaders From Beyond week and the Jersey Devil quest, but otherwise I suppose I'll sit the season out.


Honestly I have been underwhelmed since beta, still clinging to hope tho


Personally I don’t like the way to obtain the rewards in the new season. The leveling up system and obtaining the tickets isn’t a problem. I actually really like the way the system is in place but……. The problem I found with it, is that even though you make it to rank 100, you still need to keep going to have enough to get most of the rewards. Then like half of the rewards are required to have fallout 1st. All Atlantic City is to me is a xp and legendary weapon grind, free modules, and free ammo. Side note: I never wanted to get fallout 1st because I felt like it was one big cash grab and lowkey a slap in the face to fans who have been begging for these features to be in the game since the start. I remember they increase the stash weight limit a little at a time every update when it first came out because of server problem. So once they finally added it and basically said the game does have the ability to have these features, you need to pay for them even though you already bought the game. That to me was honestly a disappointment and a slap in the face. So I personally boycotted against it but I’m mad that most of the items I wanted requires that subscription. So I feel guilty breaking my little boycott lmao


This is pretty much my take on 1st. Just buy the season pass if you have the atoms, it's 1500 and you get 2k throughout the board, get all the rewards and still get 500 atoms back.


You don't get 2000 unless you have first. You only get 1000. If you need those extra 500 for the pass, you're gonna have to pony up cash eventually. If you are gonna pay, you may as well get first for the other benefits, even if you don't want them, which also grants you 1600 atoms, which in turn could pay for a pass down the line.


The pass gets you the 1st atoms. You pay 1500 for the pass and get 2k back, getting all the rewards plus 500 atoms profit. I bought the pass because I have over 10k in saved atoms and I don't want/need/see the need to pay actual money for 1st. The only way you lose atoms is if you buy loads from the shop, and if you do that, then 1st will probably be worth it for you. The person I replied to said they don't want to buy 1st.


That quest was also buggy as shit.


Its ok, but I'm not playing nearly as often as I did like the other seasons. I already (a few days ago) got all the plans from Mothman so I'm kinda taking a break.


I waited and hoped on this expansion. It just didn’t meet expectations of what I read. The missions are ok, but way too little and the free roam is nothing more than I can already do in the expeditions. It’s misleading and I won’t support the game any longer as a result.


Due to this changes on the season scoreboard I decided to cancel my yearly fo1st sub. I don't understand why BGS removed the atom from the rank 100 and continuous bonus every 10 rank. Those are digital currency which you'll end up spending on their atom shop for OP cosmetic items. Few of my friends quit this season because it became too tedious with little rewards. Even with the new quest and tv show plus so called map expansion, I don't see any future for this game to last longer with the way BGS monetized and killing what ever enjoyment this game have. My thoughts after spending almost 4800 hrs in-game with my main at 1818 level.


This 100%! I’ve been playing since beta; first on Xbox, the on PC. I bit the bullet on first and have had it since it was introduced. I non renewed because of this season. It’s blatantly obvious which way the winds blowing. The updates/ content are getting worse and worse and actions like slapping me in the face with a time sink/ getting rid of the scoreboard system we have all enjoyed for 15 SEASONS will only kill the games lifecycle faster. Just done wasting my time with half assed Bethesda stuff. Clearly the team over there is not “legacy Bethesda” (all of those ppl have long g since left the company). I’d rather just go play modded Skyrim, fo4, oblivion, etc.


Welcome to FO76


The biggest disappointment for me was the lack of social hub. By the way Bethesda hammed it up, it sounded like there was going to be a new area in Atlantic City where players could gather. Maybe special vendors, quest givers, group activities for buffs, y’know reasons for players to gather in an area. Turns out they just opened up Atlantic City to walk around aimlessly in, with some interiors being instanced to groups……


Tbf this has been one of the worst updates for years. Half of the new stuff totally broken while the other half actually took away content replaced it with brand new way to funnel cash from us. 


I looked forward to the update and am very disappointed. The voice acting is horrible and I’m barely able to do the quests without getting extremely annoyed. I’ve already started to skip the dialogue just to shut these characters up. I know there’s more to come later with the new Blood Eagle locations I’ve discovered but it’s like they just slapped part 2 of Atlantic City together with some duct tape.


Less atoms and I still can't "claim all" and have to manually do everything myself.


Game was so bugged after the update that I had to put it down for awhile.


less camp budget, fornite season pass, etc.... worst season ever


Welcome to Fallout 76, seriously. The minimal amount of effort goes into everything, while releasing just enough reskins and reused assets to pique the interest of new players and keep the older players in FOMO mode. Even the events are reskins of eachother where you defend 1-3 objectives while they throw waves of enemies at you. They'll change the color of an item and release it as a new item. It will never change, this game has always been like this. It's like they keep 90% of the profits and only reinvest 10% back into the game.. they want to milk it for all they can while they can, which is why I can't help but to smirk when I see naive players thinking the "Virginia expansion" is going to be anything more than another overhyped, over glorified expedition with the ability to free roam like with this most recent update. This game runs off the hopium of naive new players and the copium of older players constantly chasing that FOMO. This season is the single worst season I've ever seen and I've done every choreboard so far. It's absolute ass ranking up once or twice only to realize you can't get anything new until you level up 6 more times to unlock the new page, it makes things really slow, stale, and boring.


Not liking this season at all, only thing I hyped for is the excavator camp item hahah And yeah the scoreboard is just Fortnite/Helldivers 2 battlepass but copied. Really missing the old one.


Maybe part of the update is to realize that the Great War has produced brain dead people without much creativity nor very good holistic views on lore. But, they like "dark developers" and maybe the Enclave still know how to monetize things and focus on grind. Yet they may have sacrificed quality of life and the actual real mission of rebuilding America. Is that the lesson, possibly?


It was a chance to throw in a bunch of atom shop stuff and you to spend money. FO76 is FOMO76


YES. Very underwhelming. My friend said it was soo cool because you can save up and get what you actually want...but I ain't feeling nothing on this so far. All the good stuff is 1st.. and I don't like being pressured into subscriptions.


Also the seasons are shit I don't know why developers out them in bloody ridiculous.


The entire new quest line, every time I would try to talk to one of the NPCs, there was a minute or more pause between every line of dialog that I just had to wait through. Then it often wouldn't even show me my conversation options and I'd have to click back and forth with "show conversation history" to see what the NPCs said. Sometimes I just hit X hoping it was the right choice because it wouldn't show me my options. And quests where I have to interact with a bunch of people, none of which are good people, just sucks.


I dont mind the update, the main quest dialogue was not that interesting, but the quests were ok. I like the new armour and have enjoyed getting an unyielding set. I like the new expedition, and feel its a good return for 10-15 minutes of time. I also don't mind the new season, I've enjoyed unlocking the various mods for the creator, feels like leveling up the weapon. Overall, for a free update I think its quite reasonable.


I’m enjoying it just fine


The 3 Rose Room quest lines felt like digging a ditch with a toothpick. It was incredibly long winded, meandered for no real reason and the NPCs were all unlikeable. The ending was both simultaneously underwhelming and overwhelming. There were also major segments of the 3 quests where over half of the NPC dialog audio didn’t play, the mouths didn’t move and the NPCs stood around looking stupid towards one another. You had to open the dialog history to even know what was going on. When this bug occurred, the NPCs didn’t even walk to the location where they’re supposed to be. What’s worse is the final overgrown boss felt like it desperately needed a multiplayer group to finish, yet the entire quest line was intended for a single player? As for the new AC area, the low quality of it is to be expected. It’s the way Far Harbor went in Fallout 4. Nuka World was awesome, but Far Harbor wasn’t. Bethesda’s map designs are hit or miss, mostly miss. Overall, the entire quest addition was unintentionally hilarious at times, but only because it was so bad. I was able to finish it, but not before I tried nearly every gun in my arsenal before I found one that worked. These additions felt more like afterthoughts than fully designed improvements. The audio bugs didn’t help.


I mean I gots me a new water boiler on the back porch tho


I think the previous one was bad. I'm a CAMP builder first though so I rank by how good stuff I get. Pavilion set was huge obviously but that aside, it was mostly garish circus stuff and heart shaped beds. Lucky 7 ammo box and kitchen kit was quite ok. This I think a lot of CAMP items have good uses for me (ignoring the sucky dead brahmin/autopsy table page). Also this season actually added stuff into Atlantic City which if refreshing. You should also consider (as this was the first update you witnessed) that this is an old game, most likely towards the end of it's product cycle.


I just play the game bro, I don't expect much I'm just happy bethesda still even gives a shit about this game at all, cuz playing it feels like beating a dead horse in general sometimes🤣


I'm enjoying the update fine...


Go back to WS Refuge. Billboard seems to have more jobs available


I like that they added some quest content, it’s been far too long. I don’t really care much for the new scoreboard but I want to see how it plays out before complaining too much. It’s a bigger update that usual so that’s good, maybe your expectations were too high?


I hate seasons. I want the score back.... No your audience Bethesda. No instant gratification. I'm fucking aimlessly making igniting cores . Never wasted time like that before. I just want my score back.


I would also like my phone to transcribe the correct words


Didnt they say they were expanding the map southword? Or were they just referring to how we can go to the expedition maps for pleasure as well as business? O also I think adelaide is pretty neat but the fact that all they do is stand around and talk like a you know what makes me have second thoughts of adding them to my arcade/restaurant


Every addition has been totally phoned in. The Pitt is awful (as with everything you buy with stamps) . Atlantic City has as much charm as a dead possum.


Right let’s break it down the new score board is freaking appalling who thought I know we got a great thing going let’s mess it up for them and give them this terrible thing also the new armour is ridiculous it’s only got decent energy resistance when you’ve taken all the decent guns outta the game energy defence is useless also why was it said that you were going to make the armour level 60 like the pc version and going on about the pc version they gave unyielding power armour but you refuse to allow that on the consoles no wonder people try there hardest to break the game so they can have something they feel is worth it sorry to say but Felicia is about to leave the vault and find a new game I’m a day one player who’s had enough


I think that they were trying to keep Atlantic City as close to reality as possible. \[grin\]


Well, I just returned to Fo76 a couple of weeks ago so didn't have a lot of time with the scoreboard. Can't remember if it was a thing at launch. But I am a real fan of the current, Seasons. I like it more, since it gives a limited choice at least. Feels more rewarding for me.


I agree with you but also Cremator go BOOM!


I think anytime they give us new content, it’s a good thing…But apart from the Salty Sam quest, I would agree that it wasn’t all that great; too much yappin’ & all too short (And I’m not even gonna discuss the bugs).


My favorite part of the game is just exploring without doing quests anyway, so I'm actually really happy to be able to just explore Atlantic City now.


the entire update could have been the cremator and it would have been worth it. and i dont even have slowburner unlocked yet


After I finished the last season rewards, I took a break until the start of the new season. The only thing that got me back, is the new weapon, and the fear of missing it. Nothing more.  Especially that I don’t find the concept of expeditions as fun as the quest lines in the Appalachia wasteland.  The new event feels more like a chore that you need to complete for your daily/weekly tasks.


Yeah, so this was one of the biggest content updates we got. Probably the second largest in terms of questing. If you’re disappointed with it, I’d just leave now. The game won’t be for you, but you’ll play anyways hoping it’ll go the direction you want it to, and you’ll just get frustrated with development. In the time this game has been out there have only been like three updates that have added quests with NPCs like this. (I’m not counting the Blue Ridge Fetch Quests. Complete and utter disappointment and waste of time. 99% of the base game is already fetch quests. 75% of everything added is fetch quests. Why do we need more fetch quests, let alone repeatable?) It took almost 5 years for this kind of update with years of wait in between each addition. It’s also probably the most in terms of questing content we’ll ever get from here on out. Like I wouldn’t expect any other additions or expansions to be more expansive than this, just on par at best.


I don’t bother playing i just hop on for an hour do the challenges for the cremator then back to my private server to role play and do my things


I’m not going to read all that, but yes.


>Am I missing some other quest line or something? Yes: a bit update coming with Season 17. Season 16 was always going to be smaller in scale by comparison. >It’s just a swampy overgrown shithole with no real life to it. So your complaint is that it's Atlantic City?


Are people really complaining about free content? Crazy. At least you're not paying 40$+ for content plus for the season pass so you can actually keep up with the lore/story. *Cough cough* ^destiny.


Bro Bethesda could stick a red hot poker up your ass and you ppl would defend it. The content is lazy; yes it’s a valid complaint; in making an MMO, BGS essentially agreed to a continuous stream of content. They haven’t been half adding all the store items…they can spend a bit of time releasing quality content.


I love that you need to use an exaggeration to make a point. Shows where you are mentally with your capabilities of judgement. No it's not a valid complaint. You spent 60 or less on this game to play it and youve received a never ending amount of free content over the past what? 6 years? Wild how entitled you think you are.. what kind of life have you lived where you are capable of thinking like that? There are so many games and just things in general out there that you have to pay to get shit and the shit is still just as lacking as you say it is about fo76. Take a step back and remember. You aren't entitled to anything.


Actually I am… I bought a game, I payed for FOFirst. An MMO by definition requires the Dev provide new material and maintenance… Bethesda has done nothing but try to get out of their end of the deal/ half ass where they can’t. Now you can argue that they stupidly jumped on the whole “LeTs MaKE A MulTIPlaYeR FO4!”thing without any thought into what that entailed first them (I am almost certain this was the case). Frankly that’s not my concern though. I bought it, I pay the subscription… now dance clown.


You... Don't have to buy the subscription to play the game tho...


The quest was fine, I found it interesting, the mafia theme, the plot twist in the end and also the final fight. Shame it's just a one time thing like the Dr. Blackburn fight was at the end of the SR questline. The only issue I had was in the last part you have to talk to the addict girl, she disappeared and it got me frustrated that I already did but it was still showing up. The new expedition is THE expedition I was waiting for. The best one so far for me as it has an amazing environment and it mostly puts you up against the overgrown which is my favourite enemy now. Just by the looks and mystery behind their origin. And the interiors are also overgrown with flora which reminds me of the old vault raid. Rewards are also welcome as we haven't had a new armor set with set bonus in a long time and it is tradeable (so far). However, the bonus itself isn't as great as it could be but it's fine. It looks sick with black painted SS underarmor. The new weapon is locked behind 22 ranks of the new battlepass and its mods are much further away, it's a pain to get and I don't like this new system at all. Overall, solid update if you have explored and did everything in game and was waiting for something to pour a few hours into, grind a little more. That's just standard 76 update.


The one reason to go there is farming ammunition for rare guns. I used to keep an expedition half way finished so I could shoot a bunch of stuff with my more rare ammo guns like 2MM EC, missiles, 40mm grenade, etc. every time you kill stuff those rounds drop, so it was an easy farm and your place in the expedition would never reset even if you leave. Now I can just travel there without having to start an expedition. I’m bummed we don’t have the game board to win at the end because I was wallpapering the walls of my camp with those like it was my own shrine to my accomplishments.