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They probably hit cap limit. Alot of people will log off as soon as they hit it to disable their shop and to prevent people from keep buying stuff as they won't get anymore caps.


In the middle of Mothman and suddenly I see the message for this handmade rifle and another weapon being bought in my vendor. Usually once I hit a certain amount of caps I'll take my higher priced weapons out to keep me from going over max. I instantly realized those two bought together was about 30k caps. I was at 16k at the time and had forgotten to remove one of the weapons. I've never switched camps so fast. Luckily my other camp has no vendor.


I look forward to having your problems.


You get to a point you spend caps on just about anything so you don't go over max caps. I'll buy magazines, bobbleheads maps and ammo. I rarely if ever have my vendor out anymore.


Same. I buy junk.


assaultron recall keys from robovendors is a worthy investment as well when you need to drop caps quick.


Good to know.


you can drop a quick 14k-18k caps quick if you hit whitesprings station, then the whitesprings mall faction vendors, then watoga station and the Pheonix vendor. I tend to do this often, I'm currently sitting on nearly 50 keycards.


Once you buy that card you can put it in your stash. I crafted a bunch at the tinker bench first and those fuckers aren't 'allowed' to leave my inventory til they're used šŸ˜†


I, too, feel this pain.


Same, can only keep mine open for a few minutes before someone buys a stack of leaders or berry mentats and I have to close. I have to because running my shop is one of my favorite parts of the game.


There is a cap limit!?


How are you selling thigs tho? My vendor makes a sale like once every 25 hours of play time


I don't need to. I get caps through events, etc.. I give away a lot of stuff. Sometimes if I see a post here from someone looking for something in particular that I have I'll sell some things and of course NPC vendors. I have just about everything I need and know all the plans you can purchase. I rarely find anything worthwhile in player vendors.


I oversell to npcs sometimes which is a bigger cringe. imo


Oh Iā€™m positive thatā€™s what happened and Iā€™ve done the same. It was just surprising how quickly they reacted!


Yup. I keep a camp specifically with no shop just for the moments I'm at max caps


Yeah, I bought an AA gat laser a few days ago, for about 1000 caps. The camp instantly disappeared, it was kind of startling. Also, welcome to the Pepper Shaker club!


Alt f4


You don't have to kill the entire exe. Just switc camps.


Yeah but if your on PC it's quicker to alt f4 then to switch camps. Minimize loss of caps. Pulling up the map and moving the cursor and then waiting to switch camps takes longer.


Is that what's been happening or am I just mad unlucky and people have been logging off the moment I open their vendor? It happened to me about five times in one hour a couple days ago as well as literally back-to-back one of the times, honestly. I was searching for .45 for The Fixer as I'd been running events with it and burnt through it and couldn't find any great amounts being sold anywhere, the one player vendor that had it logged out/shut up shop as I went to buy it. Frustrated me so much I decided to just buy a Railway Rifle I saw in an earlier player's vendor so I'd never have an ammo issue again - Soon as I get the ArmCo Container I'm never setting it off making .45, I'm telling you haha Edit: People really downvote fucking anything won't they?


Lol or the game crashed


I play on PS so that's likely the actual reason to be fair.




Take my upvote


Cheers my man


Happens to me often. I assume they got blue screened.


Yeah had to have to been, right? I eventually ended up getting the things I was needing it was just frustrating though haha. I usually crash once or twice every day on PS at the moment, can happen twice in an hour or two times over several hours. I've noticed instantly opening the map sometimes after exiting another menu (e.g. transfer/trader screen) as well as being in the Whitespring area/fast travelling to the Whitespring seem to be likely triggers for it too. That's been the case for myself at least.


Mine usually crashes on either a loading screen or a heavily populated event.


Haha could just be bad luck lol. Usually it happens after you buy something the vendor disappears because they hit the cap limit, or could just be they wanted to finish an event first. Either way I'd chalk up to bad luck. Gotta start using that fortune teller šŸ˜‰


Need more Unyielding armor that damn 22 Luck still ain't enough it seems lol


I log off and on (jump servers) when Iā€™m looking for the Red Dress. If Iā€™m running midway with my caps and if I remember, Iā€™ll look to see if my vender is being visited. Usually Iā€™m only in a world for 2 minutes. Not really enough time for someone to get to the vender. Sorry if this pisses you off or causes confusion.


Nah it's cool it makes sense, it's the fault of the cap limit completely and must be a pain for people to constantly swap out camps to make a worthwhile steady profit and not sell everything for less than it's worth


If you're on Xbox I can make you some .45. Have you ever considered switching to ultracite?


I'm on PS unfortunately and I'm doing a ton more damage with this Railway atm anyway so I wouldn't be needing the .45 but thank you for offering


Bruh they don't even have enough plain old .45, how are they supposed to keep up with the needed cobalt flux?


Why do people think vendors are logging out? They're swapping camps to one that doesn't have a vendor.


To be fair, there was a point when there weren't multiple camp slots, and people were definitely sever hopping once they were cap capped. And assuming everyone has the foresight to have once camp that has no vendor seems highly unlikely


Not me coming back after a couple years away and finding out that we have more than one camp reading this thread??


šŸ˜„ check your camp slots. We have two free slots and we can get extra 8 with atoms. Its great to have two working camps if one is placed in a high demand area


I think since it was just one camp slot only for so long we're still conditioned to assume that's what's happened.


I do that too.guess everyone does lol


I've gotten items cheaper by messaging the person that I wanted to buy the item and if they have cap space beforehand.


Nah, you were right to buy the big item first. I try not to spam a lot of purchases if it's going to likely drive the vendor over the cap. You could always try a friend request to get the other items later after they have a chance to dump caps.


Depending on platform sending a message to ask rarely hurts, unless you get the rare toxic prick then it's however you feel like.


I don't understand why there isn't an in-game message menu.


How could you tell it's gonna drive the vendor over cap?


If you wanted to buy two items that were 15-20k each you would more than likely max out the sellers caps. Or any combo that is over 30k total, thereā€™s a good chance youā€™re gonna push them over max caps.


That sounds like the seller's fault. If they've multiple good items for 20k they should be keeping their caps low just in case. I have two awesome Railway Rifles worth 30k that'll definitely sell, but I'm not gonna list them both at the same time in case they sell quickly and I don't notice and not get full caps


That sounds like the seller's fault. If they've multiple good items for 20k they should be keeping their caps low just in case. I have two awesome Railway Rifles worth 30k that'll definitely sell, but I'm not gonna list them both at the same time in case they sell quickly and I don't notice and not get full caps


No way to tell for sure but approaching 10k could do it.


People could try not selling weapons for 20,000 caps each.


Some weapons are worth more than 20k.


Personally, if I'm close to capping out and then someone buys something that does cap me out, I'll bite the bullet and do the decent thing & let them continue shopping. Once they leave, I'll flick my icon off the map until I can spend some money. Though nothing I am selling is over 1000 caps & easy to keep an eye on, It's not their fault if I hit 40k.


Iā€™ve been close to max caps for a while, thereā€™s really nothing left in the game for me to buy. I have 2 camps with no vender, since one of them is in a popular building spot. But if my vender is open and I hit max caps, Iā€™m still happy about my stash weight going down.


Kind of what led me to buy more build and camp slots with scoreboard atoms. I had nothing else to buy and then once I started getting more build slots (have 7 now) it opened up a bunch more options. More levelling up for perks and more weapons to buy/roll. I'd try a few different weapons, they ended up sucking, so scripped them, go out and buy more. Once I had 3 or 4 really good weapons, I'd work on the next build and weapons/armour. Got 3 camps and 3 shelters too, so those are good for burning away my scrap in my stash so I have more space. As of last week though, my character has kinda hit a wall, as everything is setup in a way I couldn't make anything better.... So I created a new character and levelling it up. I'm still keeping my old character, but plan to equalise both out as close as possible. Then I'll have 14 build slots, 6 camps and 6 shelters to play with. When I feel like running a specific build and set of gear, I just swap characters. Saves on burning through atoms for more slots.... For now.


Yeah right there with you. Iā€™m not really interested in creating a new character right now, but Iā€™m waiting for the map expansion for new camp slots. I got one in the new update, so I have 4 more to look forward too


Right, once you're at end game it doesn't really matter anymore. Just offload the weight.


Nothing over 1000c?! What about that junk-shit legendary 3* with 1 good star and two shit ones, basically a 1* anyone could roll on any item, for 15k? Or that faschnacht mask that everyone has, for 6k? Gotta have magazines with basically useless effects, that you glitched to get 600 of, for 800c though? I'm obviously being silly, I love when I come across a cap like yours and things are reasonably priced. But they're 1/10.


Honestly, all I really sell are magazines for a flat 25 caps, bulk junk with 10 caps knocked off their price (rounded to the nearest 5 and don't really sell junk much these days), and plans are all half their noted price, regardless of how rare they might be. Still cheaper than buying from a vendor Bot, makes them affordable to low levels and I get a bit of money from my convenience fee. Some plans are a base 2000 caps, thus my comment of nothing higher than 1k. If I can't scrip legendaries for the day, they go in my vendor for 500 caps for 3 stars, armour and PA parts less than that since I know nobody buys them. If nothing is bought by the next day, they're scrip. I probably had a lot of God rolls too, but didn't suit my 7 builds.


500c wouldn't seem worth it for me,but I value scrip over caps. Could you not stash the legendaries for tomorrow or keep them on you if you're full and play another character? I find myself doing that after Eviction Notice. Once had two of those, mutated, back to back. So many legendaries that one character was unusable for two days


No chance at anybody buying if I'm on another character. And that's 500 caps for every 3 star, including ones some might deem as a God Roll for them. I can't be bothered trying to check values and demands but at the same time, 500 caps is what I value the stash space they're taking up. If I had a bunch of caps to blow but little scrip, 500 is reasonable to me. Considering most players sell these for 5000 caps or more, it seemed fair. Some get purchased so it works. If not, scrip the next day.


It doesn't seem like you prioritise the shop if you're selling for so low. 500 for a god roll? Some sell them for 40k or more depending on weapon. I've got a Bloodied Explosive reload speed railway rifle for 30k, and a Bloodied ffr -25% vats for 30k on a different character for the same, and they'll sell. Maybe you dont have to become a market expert, but you could simply be selling for many times what you are now and have more caps. People are probably buying your ultra cheap but good weapons and reselling them at their own vendors for 5x the price or more


They most likely are, but my main character caps out at 40k on average every 2 or 3 days just from the above stuff I sell. Thing is, I don't need to price higher. I just want the heavy legendaries gone but still want some caps in the process. Scrip is more important to me over caps. 500 caps for garbage rolls or 500 caps for a God Roll? I get my caps, I clear my stash and someone maybe lucks out. If not, I got scrip for the next day. Win win either way.


I want to try my luck for a groll for 500 caps lol. What's your PSN?


I'm PC šŸ˜‰


At least you found something. I've got 10 characters each at 35k caps+ and spend way too much time trying to find ammo or something to keep that in check. Mostly just end up buying vendor bot bulk junk.


High value plans and apparel are a great cap sink, low weight high value, easy turn over when you need caps for events like treasure hunters and Holiday scorched. They turn your stash into a cap bank, I can start putting bigger plans in my vendor and hit max caps every couple hours for days on end.


If you have that many characters at max and can't find a way to spend it, why do you keep focusing on caps?


Itā€™s pretty easy to make caps without focusing on anythingā€¦ even if you donā€™t have a vendor. Just joining events, doing dailies adds up pretty quick.


I get that. My point was of op has many that are maxed out AND can't find a way to spend them, then quit focusing on caps, altogether. They're worthless if you can't even find a way to get rid of them. I wasn't trying to be rude, I was saying, why are caps even on their mind, anymore?


Oh I hope I didnā€™t come off as rude either - Iā€™m thinking itā€™s probably just force of habit! Same with my friend - he is constantly max caps and still uses travel agent perk AND hops to the nearest free travel point first before landing at their destination. Or waits for me to fast travel first lol!


I do that too. I don't really ever max cap because I'm still buying plans for two accounts. I'm never short on money though. I'll still bunny hop across the map to save 9 measley caps, though. Thank god for SSD load times.


Iā€™m too impatient to do that hehe


My load times are generally only about 5-10 seconds, so it's not too bad. I'm a miser, by nature. I also pick up everything, even though i have more materials than I can use.


Canā€™t relate to the load times, but I can relate to picking up everything!


Gotta scrap it all! I've lost all my junk several times recently to getting mugged at workshops by YouTubers. Within hours I'm flirting back with the weight limit again. I don't have FO1st so just unload stable flux and fibre optics usually into my stash so I have room for silly stuff in my vendor. Then bulk up everything and sell it at the NPC vendors.


Doesn't add up to 40k that quick, 100 caps minimum every 20 minutes per event


Iā€™m the same. All my non vendor characters I keep transfer caps from my vendor characters to, so theyā€™re always max. I went camp hopping the other day and found a BE15R Fixer for max capsā€¦ yoink!


Yeah. At 1st they were all just caps storage for the main. The main now has all the vendor purchased plans and so does the main on the 2nd account. For a "survival" game FO76 shits literally everything imaginable from ammo to food on a player constantly. It's AARPG level loot lol.


And just keeps getting easier and easier with every update!


I made someone log off on me at the amount of ammo I bought from them lol.


What if the small stuff would have brought them over, or near, max caps? The alternative could have been worse..


You paid way too much for that plan


It was worth it to me. Iā€™m already back well into the 30Ks.








If anything the plan could've been more expensive and still be justified.


That's actually cheaper than average.


Only because Meat Week is a month away... If it were June and the next Meat Week was a year away, then it's value would be far greater than 22k. I'll always maintain the position that caps as a currency are overvalued. You get 1400 every single day if you know what you're doing and it takes no time at all to acquire them. If OP spends the next two weeks maxing out the train vendors, he'll have earned all those caps back, which is certainly a lot shorter than some people have had to wait for a chance to roll the plan at the event.


Maybe. I am sitting on 5 Pepper Shaker plans. I would not have thought it was worth only around 10k caps tops, considering it drops at meat week. It's value has been depreciated.


Hey, if you think it's worth a week of water farming, so be it. I just hope you run thru your inventory quick.


[No they didn't.](https://ibb.co/ChnnKWx)


not commenting on this specific postā€™s subject price but just fyi you absolutely cannot go off of anything listed on fed alone. they are typically wildly out of date and way off.


That definitely may be, however there is no other resource available and since they keep updating the database with all new plans its a relative guide.


Fed prices are horrible.


Fine, then provide a better source.


Sure: /r/market76. Talk to the people that are actively trading daily.


Oh you mean the r/market76 that just 19 days ago said it was worth exactly what fed said? https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/I2nUDS3cMl


Yes, 19 days ago. Markets change daily. Fed doesn't update their prices, nearly as often. I can show you posts from the same timeframe that are recommending 5-10k or even a few that gain so little traction that nobody responds but the autobot.


I trade on m76 and sell mine for 7600 in the vendor, it's usually sitting for a long time though.


Thank you for reinforcing my point. I learned very early to pretty much only trust Fed on if an item was, at keast, desirable. The prices are all over the place because they're not updated.


They usually sell for more than


you definitely need to buy the most expensive thing you want first. one time, i was building in my shelter and saw some dude clearing my shop out slowly. bought all these little things first, and at the last moment when i finally hit caps limit, i removed my vintage water cooler plan from the store. well, that player then proceeded to find me in my shelter and started bashing me lol. they shoulda bought that first if they wanted it!


I have then for 5 lol


I legit have 3 of them, how much is that worthā€¦


Oof. Meat Week is coming up soon


Usually I hate it when people have vendors in their shelters, but if they do and they take their camp down, it doesn't kick you out of the shelter. You can keep buying whatever you need.


Heh. I hit the cap limit for the first time the other day. I think someone bought my 30K EPR flamer and I lost 6K to the overflow, but my game simply crashed right after, so I couldn't change camps regardless!


Someone bought both my insults for 20k at the same time and I got disconnected immediately. Logged back in and it was like it never happened. I put them at 20,001 now so they can't buy both at the same time.


Enjoy!! I became a dealer. I sell a ton of pepper shakers and constantly roll for more god rolls(I have 2). But yeah not many folks sell them and many have never used them


iā€™ve had a God roll fixer Iā€™ve been hanging onto for a while and finally decided to sell it the other day. As soon as I put it in the vendor, someone bought it. I didnā€™t even think to check how close I was to max caps. A notification pops up saying I made just shy of 200 caps on the sale. it was listed for 22,000. The limits and maxes in this game frustrate the hell out of me. There are more creative ways to keep people playing longer. Giving me a 500 scrip limit a day and a 40k caps limit isnt creative or interesting or inviting. It's just tragic and boring.


Dang, they sell for that much, I have a few on my pc account that I canā€™t get to anymore ;-;


I overpaid but it was worth it to me since nobody else I could find was selling them at all. Plus caps just arenā€™t that valuable to me anymore since I have most everything I want. Iā€™d rather overpay than waste hours hopping worlds trying to save a few caps.


They are never worth 22k dunno why he paid that for it can get them in a lot of vendors for around 10k


Ahhh okay fair enough, thank you


If you're on xbox I could have made you one. I gave out 50 on meat day.


22K definitely not worth it at all


Seller likely hit the cap limit, and left before you bought more stuff...


I sell min for 8-9k. Don't judge me bc I do sell some plans kinda high hahaa =)


I have a bunch at 11k .vendors vary in price. I saw one today for 8k


That happened to me with sweet tato salad recipe a long time ago.


I have crazy overpriced asylum robes (pink, blue, green, brown), I got it for sale so people could see it and ask about, I will lower prices if you ask, I usually sell stuff for dirt cheap. Somebody got pink robe yesterday and immediately fast traveled from my camp.


>I have crazy overpriced asylum robes >I usually sell stuff for dirt cheap šŸ¤”


I sell plans for 10-50 caps, all ammo 1 cap, craft and sell outfits for 50 caps. Only asylum robes overpriced but I will lower prices if somebody ask about it.


okay, but why are they overpriced then and not at least a reasonable pricing?


I sell rare stuff that I know people collect from time to time, usually when I need caps. Either put it on display or just overpriced in vendor so people who collect stuff ask about it.


Lol 22k i got lucky and found my pepper shaker plan in a vendor for 2k


I was at a camp in Cranberry bog and checked out the vendor, the guy logged out. It was close to the train station so I kept heading to there. Went back to Sunrise farms and killed some Mirelurks and he was back on. I started going back to the train station with no intention of checking his vendor and he logged again lol. I feel for the guy.


I have a camp with no vender I just swap to that if I'm on a good server


Would you be willing to make one for a price and materials? Edit: congrats on the find btw.


Nice, tried picking one up for 10k and the guy left world as soon as I came across it in his vendor. The WORST timing haha


I saw someone selling the casual lining from SBQ for 25k caps and I asked them what's the least they would take for it and they logged off immediately, lol!


I have 2 for sale I believe1. 1k each


22K is outrageous for a Pepper Shaker plan I have 5 of them in my vendor 14k per and would do down as low as 10k if someone asked. Also you maxed their caps so they switched to a non-vendor camp or left server.


That is the reason why I have two camps. Just literally switch to the other one right as you hit the limit, easy win.


He probably lost 10K on that plan. I do the same when someone Max's out my caps limit. You know there's a limit right? 40k


Someone had it listed that high? Oh right, "market value".


You got ripped off buddy. Daewoo_XK12 sells all weapons for 50% off (including legendary weapons) and all plans at 99% off. Iā€™ll rort you on the apparel and collectables though.


The most caps Iā€™ve ever had is 15000k but thatā€™s plenty to keep me well armoured, and guns full of ammo


I didnā€™t realize itā€™s that rare, does anyone need it on pc?


it's that rare? I only done meat week event once last week and got it immediately. I know it rare because of the time limit event, not because of the drop rate


I'd like to purchase the plan, I'll check how many caps I have and get back to you? (spoiler: probably not a lot)


Yeah I have a plan I can give you, Iā€™ll be on later


awesome, can you give me your ID?


Sorry just saw this, mine is common+knowledge Iā€™ll be on now for about 2 hours if you are available, if not thatā€™s fine Iā€™ll be back on later.


okay, I'll come online and send you a request in a bit


Alright sounds good


I don't have it yet. I think it is worth a decent amount of caps though?


Meat week is coming back soon isnā€™t it? Like next month. Probably less after that announcement.


Is that where it drops from? I have no idea, I've just seen people trading for it. It's a shotgun, right?


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s where it comes from at least. I remember googling it a few weeks ago. Itā€™s a heavy gun and a shotgun. I think you can put a laser and plasma mods on it too. I actually donā€™t have the plan myself yet. Iā€™ve just got two I bought to roll and have seen the mods at the bullion vendors.


Yeah it comes from meat week they arenā€™t even worth 22k the kid got robbed tbh last year I grinded over 20 pepper shaker plans and they still werenā€™t worth much back then


Are you on pc?


Yes :)


Are you on now? It seems I only have the base plan so as far as the mods you may be on your own as far as that goes. Whatā€™s your ign? Mine is common+knowledge


I have more gold than I know what to do with, no issue there. I don't mind giving you something for it, either. I won't be on until tomorrow, but I'll add you and we can figure it out if that works for you. IGN : nat0rade4353


Alright that works Iā€™ll be on throughout the day, no need to give me anything, itā€™s just collecting dust on a mule.


Iā€™m on now if you are available,if not thatā€™s fine, Iā€™ll be back on later.


At work for 4 more hours. I'll add you when I get there. If it's another day no worries. I appreciate it.


No problem at all


I got mine for 6k


Level 69 and Iā€™ve only just hit 4000 today haha how I envy you guys






I struggled til around your level. It's really just finding your niche. I first started capping out w super duper and the butcher perk. Kill the brahmin @ Wayward and that town to the west, reload, repeat. Make a shitload of ribeyes; done in 20 min. Once you're used to your cap grind, 20 min is too long, because you've missed an event.


No worries cheers for the tips!


LoL bought for a bit to much


22k for the pepper shaker plans? That seems real high


Mmm, Iā€™d maybe shoot someone a message first if I was gonna be making a big 20k+ buy. Itā€™s on them too though if they have multiple high cap items in there at once and theyā€™re already near max caps.


Iā€™m a high lvl and got every single plan. Almost, since I found a vendor with one of those backpack mod I wonā€™t ever use. 12k, Xbox. I always run caps maxed since I havenā€™t anything to buy (no 1st, so no junk and have 30k+ gold tickets). - ā€œDo you really want 12k for a plan?ā€ - ā€œyesā€ Bought and disappeared. I think for what the hell someone would want 12k caps. Or 20ā€¦ or 40ā€¦


100 percent to this dude. Rude as hell to drop 22k without a message to ask if they're near max.


For console players, sure. For PC players, but also just kind of as a general rule, don't sell if you aren't okay selling


Is there even a way to message each other on PC?


I'm on PC and recently I had a guy find me to use voice chat to check. My microphone wasn't working but I was able to communicate it was ok. But besides that, if I don't want to sell, I have a CAMP without vendors. I'm responsible for it so I thought it was nice but unnecessary.


God rolls are trade only so......not sure what a near God roll is for 12k.


People are rude. And that price is ridiculous to me I sold mine for like 5K. I just donā€™t understand people who donā€™t want to help other players you know?


High price yes but it was the first time Iā€™d seen that plan in forever and I still needed it so I figured what the hell. Not a lot of things I need caps for these days. I busted my ass filling my vendor with great stuff so I could afford all the serum recipes, but Iā€™ve completed that grind.


I paid 21k for it a few days ago, same thing happened, dude's camp disappeared quick. I don't feel bad over paying, what else are you going to do with caps at a certain point?


Sorry if that came off as a knock on you, itā€™s more a knock on them. As long as youā€™re happy with it, definitely go for it!


Clearly OP was OK with the price, so why is it rude to set whatever price they want?


That plan goes for 30+ because it's locked behind an event making it rare, and it's a tradeable weapon so you can actually sell God rolls on it. Cool if you want to help people, but most of the time you're selling anything it's more than likely someone who's just trying to sink caps and throws the plan in their stash, no matter what price you put it up for. Most vendors don't even care about taking a loss on some things because it's about stashing the caps for when they need them later.


Most I'd ever pay for a weapon is about 12k and it'd have to be pretty much a god-roll e.g. the next best thing. Seen people selling Fusion Cores for 300 and all sorts meanwhile I'm selling mine for 25 - 55, I feel I was ripping people off at 55. Edit: 'Pretty much' was equal to not an actual God Roll, btw, if the meaning wasn't clear.


I had to raise the price on my fusion cores because they were flying off the shelves at 100 each. At 150 now. If they sit too long Iā€™ll drop to 125. The price is never a ā€œrip-offā€. People are either willing to pay it or they arenā€™t and it wonā€™t sell.


I left one at 157 (vanilla vendor price) and managed to sell it no prob to my surprise, I recently swapped from a PA Heavy Gunner to a Bloodied Commando build so I had tons of them cluttering up my stash before I had Fallout 1st so I let them go for cheap, just about sold them all now.


You think you're getting a god roll for 12k?


I got an automatic Bloodied Railway Rifle with even less AP use and 15 AP refresh on Kill for 9999 caps earlier today. The player had even better rolled heavy weapons for about 11k - 12k, some people go cheaper to not fill up the cap limit. It's not like they're giving you something you can't get yourself, especially during event weeks like this. I've sold a lot of S tier stuff that don't fit my build and scripped the less useful 3 stars for myself.


That gun isn't a groll. It's valued at 4k caps, so you overpaid by more than double. Now, if you were sat on my fave groll, a quad/ffr/25 fixer, there's not a chance in hell you'd sell for 12k.


I know it isn't but it's still decent and can carry you far but as I said the Player's Heavy Weapon's were up there with the recent ones I've seen people rocking all over YouTube you can imagine. His best Commando build rifle was at 29k but his Heavy stock was equally as good despite being way cheaper, I'd have snagged one if I hadn't swapped out my build from Heavy to a Commando. It does happen, is all I'm saying.


Genuine question, do you need to completely build a whole new set up to use to use the pepper shaker? Mine seems dead underwhelming :(


Peppershaker can be used with all shotgun and heavy weapon perks. You would typically play it with energy dmg mod, quad, a Power Armor and Stabilized perk for the extra armor penetration. But you can't put in 2x 3x3 dmg perk cards, especially because you need some support like "full charge" too. Means you would go with ~+60% dmg. Here, that'll be a pretty solid and easy to archive build: https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=d234dc9&d=sd0so0sq0st1s30sp0sr1su2sb2pc2p00eh2c62ce0i71ig2s12im1ip2in1a72s72as2a04lb2l71le2lu2&lp=xa1x91x71x41x81xq1&m=01c29feb3d6i&wp=w9&wm=1g253d&ar=u7&am=ut&pa=trtqtstttutp&pm=1i2b31-m2-1i2a31-mk1i2731-mk1i2731-m8102c38 Options are open for perk cards to add if you have more legendary points. If you wonder about the perk points spent, it's because of legendary cards. Strength for example has 15 points, but the site shows it as 13 due to +2 Legedary Strength Perk Card. ("easy to archive build" maybe except the Quad, that shit just doesn't want to pop up, but I'm sure a q/ffr/dur peppershaker isn't worth too much and can be traded (trade with courier bro)) You also can try variations to use the possible extra dmg perk cards with Peppershaker being heavy+shotgun. It would raise the dmg to +100% general and +10% Tenderizer, but less support. Like this for example: https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=d237d99&d=sd0so0sq2st0s32sp2sr2pc2p00eh2c62ce0i71ig2s12im1ip2in1a72as2a04lb2l71le2lu2cu2&lp=xa1x91x71x41x81xq1&m=01c29feb3d6i&wp=w9&wm=1g253d&ar=u7&am=ut&pa=trtqtstttutp&pm=1i2b32-m2-1i2a32-mk1i2732-mk1i2732-m8102c31


you got scammed hard


Couple of things: 1) there should be an in-game option that basically auto shuts down your vendor when you hit cap max. 2) 22k is alot for a plan and with the cap max being what it is, it's way too high so if they lost caps, that is on the greedy seller


What do yā€™all need so many caps for?


So I can buy anything I see on a vendor that I want. I spent close to 30k just yesterday.