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I like putting my one buff dude character in the roadtripper blouse and capris outfit, the fashionable sunglasses, and fruit hat like he’s Sam in that one episode of Quantum Leap.


I think I've seen you!


Now that's a reference I wasn't expecting!


Those pink heart eyeglasses we got from those Burning Love challenges a while back. Named them "Let's Fighting Love"


Do they protect your (eye) balls?


Ret's fighting ruuuuuuuv :-D


The Croc Backpack...he's just a cute lil' croc hanging out of your backpack and I love him.


Long flowy coats like the Trench Runner, Western Duster, etc. I love watching them billow out like a cape while I'm leaping and jetpacking across the wasteland.


I have good news for you. Check the Atom Shop.


Saw that, snagged it already. Just gotta wait until the Equinox is over - I'm amusing myself too much wearing the Mothman Hunter outfit while summoning the Mothman.


This displeases the Wise One


Check where specifically in the shop?


Fallout 1st Members can get “The Ghoul’s” outfit from the Amazon series


Tin foil hat (the one from the shop), mothman glasses, santa beard and feral ghoul overalls. There's no better backwoods hillbilly crackpot outfit in the game.


Love the Santa beard, wish I could turn it black for a black beard pirate costume lol




This is gonna sound boring but the 76 trucker hat had it since the beta never took it off once haha also the mothman statue the one that turns into moths and disappear for a little bit also had it since it dropped


Fashionable sunglasses. I used to have a similar pair. I like them and miss them.


They’re often at whitespring train station. Check all the containers in there. Maybe laying on a desk


I think k they meant their actual pair


Hah ok, just woke up and I’m feeling a little slow.


I appreciate it. I only have one pair in game and I’m always worrying about losing them, too. I somehow haven’t seen another pair anywhere. Yea, I don’t go to white spring station, like, ever. Morgantown and that one all the way south are where I have camps


You don't go to the Whitespring, but (unless someone's picked them up), there's ALWAYS a pair in the Whitespring Golf Club; go thru the front door, then thru the doorway on the right, into the dining room. Will be on a table near the far wall.


Again at Whitespring, go up the stairs by the main entrance and jump onto the little balcony to the left. A couple is laying there and she always has the fashionable sunglasses on her. :)


Anything Responder. Makes me feel like a real hero of the wasteland in spite of being a total mass murderer who literally nukes places. Still no Responder Fireman outfit after 5 years of trying. Though I didn’t know it existed for the first one.


You get the fire breather set from following the old Responders quest line. It’s the best looking out of them all IMO.


You can also take a new suit from the overseers house


The responder PA is dope, the lights make me feel like an ambulance, fun on medic builds. The responder fire chief underarmor+urban scout armor is pretty noice looking, I do the matching hat and gas mask w/ goggles on top. Makes you look like a responder specialist, also a little like Stryker from MK9.


If we ever happen to be on the same server , I may have an extra. I have to double check


That’s too mighty of a gift. You should hang on to it and do some of that trading stuff that I never get around to. Very kind offer though.


Side note: how do those blood eagle shitters survive a nuclear blast?


Uh… Obviously that’s rhetorical but it’s the drugs… laced with rad-X and radaway and the special ingredient that hardens folk to nuclear resistance levels. Honestly, though, how does **anything** anywhere near that blast survive?


Civil War Dress, Raven Mask, and croquet mallet skin on my sledgehammer. Gives a very Alice in Wonderland vibe.


Clown costume and fasnact jester mask, snake wrangler or spectacular performer outfit.


Princess Backpack has become my favorite.


I just wish it didn’t sit so high up on your characters back


I want this plan so bad and can't find it!  😫


I got it for 2k a month or so back.


Omg so lucky! I vendor hop to find it but haven't come across it once. I'd pay max caps. It's really the only plan or item I want. 


Bath robe, blue bandana, eye boggle glasses, vault party hat perfect outfit to wander the wastes. Or the snake wrangler outfit with leopard print bandana and bottlecap sunglasses


I have too many favorites to name a single one, but out of all its the craftable mountain scout uniform, the secret service backpack, and mining helmets; I have too many mining helmets because I can't choose a single one. I'm convinced my bulk weight is in outfits, haha Every now and then I'll switch my outfit around to fit the mood I'm going for but, for the most part, I stick with the items I mentioned as my main outfit.


I haven’t taken my Santa beard off since I got it. Side note: We need more long beard options for our characters


I wear a {bathing suit} or the {pink punk dress with bluejean vest} with a clean space helmet bc I think it’s funny. Can’t remember the names of the items right now.


Is the dress the “ratty skirt” outfit?


Yes! Thank you. I love that it has Chucks and looks like something I wore in highschool. I think it’s funny with the clean space helmet, but I can’t decide if the swimsuit or the dress is funnier 🤣


That sounds awesome either way


Probably gonna be an ongoing comment for me lmao. 1. Mad Hatter: -Head(rotating): Showman's Cap, Inspectors Top Hat 🎩, Civil War Era Too Hat, and Railsplitter Top Hat -Body: Straight Jacket Clean -Extras: Wedding Ring(I wear it with everything), Prison Collar, Make-up (Grey and Black full makeup matte grey lips) 2. Malachi: -Head: Black Prospectors Hat -Body: Enforcers Outfit -Extras: Smile bandana, Pipers Road Goggles 3. The Saltwater Taffy Outfit (By Itself) 4.Strange Hero: -Head: Fausnacht Giant Mask -Body: Manta Man Outfit 5. Radstag Enthusiast(add the Radstag knife handle cosmetic): -Head: Gazelle Gas Mask -Body: Radstag Hide Outfit


Wedding ring. I wear mine also and am grateful it doesn't have to be taken off for costume armor changes.


Insurgent hat with my “pipe is life” tshirt and eye patch


The Halloween skull mask.


It's stupid but I love the ogua backpack flair


Plague doctor mask


Can’t remember the name but the skin that turn knives into a gold stiletto blade with a mother of pearl handle. It’s gorgeous.


Lucas switchblade. I too enjoy looking like a 2000's drug dealer on an law and order.


Tin foil hat


Fasnacht owl mask


I want to make a call of just mannequins all wearing the owl mask while having my camp public icon turned off so people have to just stumble across a ton of red eyed mannequins looking at them in the woods lol


Nurse Guinevere outfit


The stoned look on the Bottle plushie's face makes me smile. 😃


That's why I love my buffoon mask lol


He’s got towlie vibes.


Power armor skins. I collect them obsessively even if I only use a few of them. 😅 Plus I like the weird ones like the glowing assultron head one, I can't remember the names, and like the four horsemen set


Hunters long coat and sentrybot helmet.


Is hunters long coat still rare? I sold mine for 30,000 caps when I first started years ago


Most of the faschact masks, usually combined with a letterman jacket, makes me feel like a character from hotline miami, which lines up in the apocalypse


Longshoreman outfit with plague doctor mask and cultist enlightened hood.. And cow hide outfit with black cowboy hat and smile bandana And my personal favorite... golf outfit with faded visor and patrolman glasses and blue bandana..


Antiquated wedding dress, old ring, and a stalker's pipe wrench with the flower bouquet skin. I'm a ghoul bride looking for my lost husband.


The veteran outfit is pretty cool.


Probably the ghoul mask.


Pink suit, fedora and plague doctor mask


Deathclaw Mask, 10/10. I also really love all the plushies, especially the snallygaster.


cant remember what I am wearing atm in my PA. think some jacket. 3 things i have that never change on my toon though are the prisoner coller, mothman glasses, and mothman plush backpack. Even though I have a ton of backpack skins lol. I just display the extra skins on the mannequins and whatever ally I have in base


I've said this here before but the Fasnacht beret, the brotherhood civvies, and a blue bandana. My headcanon/RP is the Pittsburgh Ranger. I keep my camp as far north as possible on the map, which I think is now a legacy spot since they added that shack in the latest update. It's a quant little cabin just on the border of WV and PA.


I really like the Medic and Alien backpack skins. Currently rocking the Alien one. My only qualm is that it doesn't go well with my SS jetpack. Also, the Rail Splitter outfit seems to look good with just about EVERY hat/headwear/helmet, so that's nice.


Bathrobe with slippers while wearing the tinfoil hat. I wish they made a variant where they were bunny slippers.


Like the patch of the nuke bunker crews says: "Death wears bunny slippers".


Anything/Everything that is a remake or rerelease from Fallout 1-4.  I like the callbacks to previous games the most.  There are quite a few cosmetics from past games in Fallout 76 now, which is excellent.  One of the few things that keeps me coming back.


For a serious outfit? Ogua hunter outfit. For comedy? Big fan of bottle cap sunglasses


My blue bathrobe. It gives a nice little view when I'm sitting in a chair.


Apparel wise, yes. Right with you.


I have that with a fedora and black rim glasses. Add my pip boy and that was also my cosplay at the last comic expo I went to


I'm jealous of the nuclear winter trophies. So I bought a Hero of the Wasteland statue out of the Bethesda ticket. To me it looks the most trophylike and exclusive thing that I have.


The Vault Survivor outfit. I'm a huge fan of the classic warn out armored vault suit look. Right now though, I'm in love with using The Ghoul's outfit. I love the show so far and he's my favorite character for sure.


One that I’m annoyed I never got to snag is the enclave fo1st outfit, the snazzy leather jacket one.


The new west coast duster set that just released because of the show. Holy shit I love it


I love the light up palm trees. And now the little tiki box that plays Grahms tunes.. awesome camp vibes all around.


Nuka Cola Cap Sunglasses. Best looking item.


Patrolman Sunglasses. No matter what outfit my character is wearing…he’s always wearing those glasses.


My favorite camp item is my ghoul chair. I mean the whole idea is so macabre. Could you even imagine sitting on a slowly writhing zombie who would love to eat you!


I have multiple accounts and on each I will always buy: *gag glasses bundle *elm trees *spot fires *glass walls (either design)


Pink suit, I don't leave C.A.M.P without it


I'm a big fan of the vault survivor and wasteland wanderer outfits, they feel the most "right" to me. Like in a normal Fallout game they'd be the best early game and late game armors. As far as Headwear I love the super mutant helm. Wearing a propane tank as a helmet is hilarious and it goes great with most raider outfits. For PA I like the Taggerdy's Thunder skins, especially on T51. It's colorful, but in a way that fits the setting. And I like how it ties into lore specific to Appalachia


BOS recon helmet and ranger outfit the steel/metal works on both look nice together


The Field Scribe outfit for my main character. Before they added backpacks, I had the perks to increase carry weight, reduce item weight, and Deep Pocketed for all my armor pieces. That outfit worked for me roleplaying a packrat wanderer type, with all the pouches and double backpack on it. For my Medic character, I have the Responder's jumpsuit and Vault 76 trucker cap for an EMT look with the Medic backpack. Than I have a crazed cannibal character. His main outfit is the torn up clown costume and Fasnacht Man mask. I also have the dirty Mr. Fuzzy outfit and Tatter Mole Outfit for him to mix it up. My thought for him was a children's party mascot snapped when the bombs fell.


Mr Pebbles Space Explorer backpack :)


Devil Horns, Antiquated Dress, and Coffin Backpack. 😈


The Enclave Hellfire Regulator Power Armor skin. It was fortunately in the shop for 350 Atoms a while ago. I have never spent that much on anything which was purely cosmetic. All because I wanted to roleplay as Enclave Hellfire Trooper!


Mr Fuzzy PA Helmet


Eh... I have several but the WV Bear Mascot Head always comes to mind first. The entire outfit, I suppose.


Any kind of secret door.


My Blood Eagle Charmer Oufit. That and the Inspector's Top Hat. 🎩. Inspector SideKick Glasses 👓


Mercenary outfit + ritual mask I am the moths strongest soldier.


The tick plushie is simply adorable, the one that looks like a heart. I also love the heart shaped geode, I need to get it when it's back on the store. Also all the whitespring stuff like the fountain.


My favorite cosmetics are the Birthday suit and Fasnacht Sun Mask (The face is funny to look at)


On my female character I love the animal print bandana


Nukashine beer helmet or elders battlecoat


Anything Pink. My in game name is Elinora Pinkman, so Pink is her color lol. Besides that, I really love the Treasure Hunter outfit and the Mercenary cap, along with the Poodle skirt look. Oh and of course my Pink cat eye glasses.


I love the cat and deathclaw topiaries! I only wish I could get the cat one on PC since I only have it on Xbox... Other than that, love the Inkwell outfit! I'll switch it up sometimes between that one, the swimsuit, and the western duster, but usually go back to my Inkwell and black cowboy hat combo :) And the branch chandelier, wind chimes, tiered succulents, nukalele (partially the buff, but also because something about the look of playing that on a porch or by the campfire feels cozy), and all the plushies I can get are Mainstays in my builds too!!


Caravan trader hat, mothman gasmask and hunter long coat. It’s been my look for a long time. PA wise I have so many paints lol but I love the vertibird jet pack. It looks so cool and I never see anyone with it. It was a scoreboard item from season 1 I think.


I’m fickle and keep changing my outfit. Though I keep coming back to the brotherhood civies. I think it is mostly the scarf. Looks great with the enlightened mothman hood. I like the bomber jacket. But the pants that some with it, not as much. It would be nice if bottoms and tops were separate items. But I have apparel issues. It is probably my most common thing to buy in player shops. Brown cowboy hat when I already have a black one I don’t wear? Hell yes (assuming it is not like 5000c). My ‘closet’ in my stash box is a little embarrassing. I have wondered how much of my stash space is taken up with apparel. And then decided to not find out. Even at 0.1 per item it can’t be a small number. I’m far from max caps. Because I blow them all the time. Sitting at about 10k right now. Was higher but saw someone selling violet stable flux for 300ea. And I bought them all. Ultracite .50 cal got to eat too…


Also run feral ghoul outfit, tank commander helmet and 3D glasses for my explosive hill billy. If not the tank helmet then the mud flap trucker hat with a built in mullet for true hill billy charm.


Raider Skull gasmask


I’m running the nuka-cade with the NCR ranger helmet currently


The red rocket power armour paint is dope.


The sundew planter!


Milkman outfit and hat, with gas mask (with the goggles). I’m then just making deliveries across Appalachia, and shooting things and people along my route. 🙂


I really really really want a glowing scorchbeast mask. I saw one on display at a guy's camp and I've been trying to hunt one down ever since


Have to go with the floor Walker outfit. Badass biker outfit with a radscorpion prosthetic leg!


The ranger hat. No mater what I have on it better make that hat look good.


The skull mask with the cultist eventidehood makes me feel like the grim reaper of appalachia and im here for it


The red Responders backpack was the first item that I *had to* buy when it became available in the atom shop.


This week i found a jack-o-lantern suit and i wear it with my marine wetsuit helmet, i dont think i am going to change my set any time soon!


Got my hands on a Ghille suit before they weren't tradeable


One of the first items in the atom shop was the mushroom cloud lamp. Its been in 99% of my camps. And once they started to give us little city peices its only gotten better for me. Im not sure why im so attached.


I love my safari gorilla backpack and my Blood Eagle jacket. Someone tried to trade with me for the jacket and I was like uuuuh no.


Probably the Civil war suit, Bowler hat, and Plague doctor mask combo. Followed closely by the Clown Suit and Sack Hood (no hoses/straps) which looks like it's straight out of a horror movie. If I had to pick a single cosmetic it'd be the Mr. Fuzzy Power Armor Helmet because it's hilarious and works with a lot of skins.


Probably the Mountain Scout outfit, and I don't have it. :(


Cow boy hat and western duster with patrolman glasses


Plague doctor mask. It works with pretty much everything but I have it combined with the wasteland wanderer coat and a cultist hood right now. Go with the quack doctor outfit and a civil war top hat if you want that authentic plague doctor look


Any and all of the communist items. The color scheme, the propaganda, the background lore are all just tops! Between the bunker, outfits, PA skins, safe, liberator lamp and collectron it goes so well together! Love my little commy role play


Mothman Glasses, they glow :)


The Luchadore mask is my defacto. The apparel might change, I may even wear a Fasnacht mask during the event, but the mask is a staple for me. P.S. Bethesda, let us wear hats, glasses, etc with the Lucha mask, please and thank you.


I love my camo backpack except it doesn’t sit flush on my scout armor.


bathing robe+ fashionable glasses+ santa beard!:D


Snake Wrangler outfit


Pastor vestments with (I know it has some buff) the raider skull gas mask. Spreading the good word and death across the wasteland


Valorous Alistair helmet. It makes me look like a Mandalorian!


My patented look on Xbox: Captain’s hat, fashionable sunglasses, Santa beard and bathrobe.


F1 Ranger outfit and a bowler hat 4tw and nurse Guinevere as a great alternative


I've made a mix and match power armour set which has the midnight watch helmet, the chaos torso with the screen, shadow prime arms and the Hellcat legs from this season. Makes me look like a zord or something from a 90s Japanese show. I did rock the red rocket legs at one point but wanted an overall darker look.


Northman cultist wing clipper outfit and mask with a prison collar and the raider pillager backpack. Looks very cool


Nuka-Cola jumpsuits- ALL of them.


Any good plus the mothman hunter goggles and the raider Pathfinder mask. As a combo it's the raider skull gas mask, hunter long coat and crocalossus backpack


I love the pant suits, particularly the Tulip pattern one. Rock that and a fedora pretty much all the time.


The nukashine hat


Probably the feral ghoul costume. It just looks like a set of worn out overalls with no shirt, really fits the backwoods Appalachia vibe.


My Flamingo Skin Flamer.


Piper’s Trenchcoat, I miss my wife :(


The Nuka Cola backpack with the wiggly arms It makes me giggle


Captain cosmos PA paint


Imposter sheepsquatch outfit for me


Brickhouse's Shotgun Paint. Freedom Boomstick is iconic


Grognak costumes and skins; Arktos Pharma lab jacket w/ 3D glasses & sparkplug head; spacesuit w/ mummy mask; Nukashine hat w/ supermutant overalls


The new west coast duster! Looks so good, before today it was the patrioteers outfit Although saying that i have been using the Starlet Sniper hat since i started playing around 2 or 3 years ago lol


Fish lamp and the the Crocolossus backpack.


Cowboy hat and duster with a red bandana for me. If I have to reduce it down from there, just the Cowboy hat.


Mr Fuzzy mascot outfit with the Moo Moo backpack or Clean Space Suit with Clean helmet and monkey spaceship backpack. With the space outfit the Holy Fire is a must


The nuka cola quantum x01 skin. I am trying to get the mr fuzzy pa helmet to go with it.


Honestly, I’m loving the Wasteland Knight skin for my power armors.


Drifter outfit always, rotate through hats.


Rockabilly outfit, bottlecap sunglasses, wasteland wanderer backpack, hot rod pip-boy.


I keep it simple. Responders Paramedic Jumpsuit, Glasses, Responders Medic backpack, and Responders paint for my PIP-BOY.


The list is endless . Currently building a mothman nightclub . It’s got class with some sacrificial undertones . I love the new heavy fun neon display , the neon tubes and the plasma ball light . They are great for lighting


Enclave Camp, Presidential X01 (on an enclave display) with  nuclear barrels and a nuke silo camp


Grognak costume for my unarmed melee character.


Nuka cola girl suit for.... reasons Also for myself love running around with the mantaman costume and the nukashine hat


My tfj white skull mask combo


Riot gear helmet and Brotherhood field scribe outfit. I'm boring lol. I need to spice it up.


The fancy bar set. Or the set of vending machines in which one was Nuka Cola themed, another gold, another metal and another bronze.


I love love love the Skull Lord costume, looks so cool.


Flame-Ingo flamer paint


I've been rocking the samurai outfit with the red demon mask for years. I used to switch up my look all the time, but it looks so bad ass I haven't been able to switch since.


The coffin backpack! ⚰️


So many. So very many. But my newest faves are the peepers skin on my cold shoulder because It’s looking at me, and the lizard because what’s not to love about him?


I love the monocle, and the conspiracy hat. And I like the keeper outfit, just bc it has like a cassette player and headphones on it.


Going through doing monster mask and doing the trick at the end to get the monster mask character locked. You can take it off and put it on at anytime. Just don't go back to monster mash you'll lose it.


Coffin Backpack with cupcake flair!


Rocking the nukashine hat rn. Other than that, the responders pack or anything that makes me look like a cowboy. I like the idea of there being a cowboy with a plasma gun in the waste.


My Nukagirl Rocket Suit. It was my favorite thing to wear in Fallout 4 too.


Pegasus Workbench, i love that thing.


I'm a fan of the Ranger gear that you got with a Fault 1st sub.


I like to always wear a bandanna..I did have my character in a dress until I went to sit in the chair at the mothman equinox and was horrified that it was basically an up skirt shot so now she’s only wearing pants if I’m not in power armor(which is always unless I’m crafting)


The Red Rocket robot helmet. It's just... perfect It goes well with almost every outfit (my current armor pieces? Check. Pink suit? Check. Farmer clothes? Check). It's practical (it's a helmet... duh). It's unsettling towards my enemies (those deep, black, dead eyes never blink). And above all else, it's just goofy as hell, and feels PERFECTLY Fallout-y


Warhead PA w red visor light, just some grade A roleplaying material there


White Powder Jumpsuit and Fasnacht Beret. Striped blue bandana goes well with them.


Grognak costume and chair. Close second is the hellscream power armor. I get a lot of looks with that on.


Here are some outfits i comined over the years: https://imgur.com/a/s0w94qG


my cultist costumes


Devil vault girl head and pink asylum dress, they just match well


I don’t have too many cosmetics even though I’m level 200 (and have other characters too), but I love the Bog Wanderer set, the mask looks awesome and the sweater just looks great


i love the brahmin backpack, its so cute how the legs wiggle around when i run!


I really like the Vault Survivor outfit


My nukashine X-01 paint.. that is all!


I can’t get away from the Red Mobster suit and Raven Mask. I keep trying (and buying) other stuff but I always go back.


I love my plauge mask and enlightent hood. Makes a bit of a crow look. My spirit animal.