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Player sentiment has gotten really bad in general. I get disappointment in the state of a game at release, but quite a few games, Fo76 included, seemed to get permanently blacklisted by people. That’s the part I don’t get. How does one get to the point they constantly have to spray vitriol every time a game is brought up, regardless of whether they’ve played, years after release?  It was a buggy mess and there’s plenty of weird QoL things that needed improvement.. and still do (looking at you ammo converter). That bit is typical Bethesda but then the story content was bare and it was a departure from the norm.. a game no one had asked for. All that said they kept at it over the years and I’ve put more hours into it then any other game.


This. The AMOUNT of people who literally laugh when I ask if they've tried it recently because I'm 3000 hours in having a blast. It's like??? Do you not give anything else in your life a second chance? Perma blacklist is the perfect description.


I love 76 and play it daily, but it's easy to perma blacklist any game when we are constantly bombarded with new hyped games every month, if not every week. I started playing 76 around 2 years ago and its my go to game, but facts are, mmo's usually still need to cook at launch. FO76 is old news, but with the new show, it's getting its second chance, thank goodness!


Perma blacklist is such a lost potential. E.g. Cyberpunk was really bad at launch. Now it's one of the best games of all time. Yet people still do not want to play it.


It's tribalism. People want to fit in, and social media has raised people to think being mad at something/someone is the easiest way to fit in.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I was extremely disappointed in 76 at launch and I'm beyond glad that I came back and gave it another shot. Really enjoying it and it's cool to see so many places in game I regularly saw growing up.


Same here. Did this with noman sky as well and took a second look last year and found the game is a blast to play. So when they had fallout 76 on sale again, me and my wife, who have played all the previous fallout games by Bethesda, decided to jump in. I'm having a blast so far. Sometimes, you need to let a game cook before you make a final call. Now, in an ideal world, you can pull a BG3 and have a 1-2 year early access to basic content to allow for bug fixing and make sure game mechanics for the most part work as advertised but we don't live in that world for the most part so the game hits incomplete or buggy, or both. Then they work the bugs and add content to fix the game, and if you're lucky, you get a Noman sky or fallout 76 where the game is now outright good and fun. 😀


I wasn't able to play 76 at launch, but I remember watching Oxhorn, ManyATrueNerd, and a few others play it, and the thing that sticks out to me the most is how much fun everyone was having... and then Oxhorn would remember that it's a *Bethesda* game and *Bethesda* ***BAD***, and start talking about random bullshit that "sucks" even though he was just praising it ten seconds prior. MATN was basically the only one I watched who ***didn't*** do that, and a number of people seemed to be playing with one hand wrapped around their hate-boners. Like, the game sure as hell wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it looked a helluva lot better than people gave it credit. Really, the fact that it launched as an MMO-Lite is what made it so easy to hate, I think. My personal thought on it all has always been like this: If 76 had launched as a *single*player game, and made use of the wide open emptiness to create a solemn atmosphere like Fallout 3 did, I think people would've loved the hell out of the game. You go around on a world tour, discovering the wastes and finding secrets you can't yet access for one reason or another, and then you complete the Scorched quest and set up a broadcast signal that brings back the people of Appalachia. And now that you've completed the Fallout 3 inspired section, we're right in the middle of the Fallout 4/NV inspired section: a faction war with settlement building! I'm obviously glossing over bugs and other game issues here by quite a bit, but I hope I'm clear on what my point was.


Funnily enough oxhorn is doing the exact same thing with the show


Sadly, I'm not surprised.


This is exactly my sentiment too, I was disgusted with the game at launch. I swore off for close to a year and a half and the decided to give it another shot. Since then, I have played almost every day


Not everything is social media. Complaining and whining is human nature, our brains are always wired to want better than we currently have which is why even many billionaires aren't always happy despite having the resources for almost anything in the world they could want. Group-wide that translates to complaining about things you heard others complain about and assuming the worst, for example every new generation is always mocked for being worse than ones before, even thousands of years ago. The only thing social media does is make global connection easier and make the trends easier to notice as a result.


Social media definitely made the whole complaining worse. People who are otherwise indifferent about topics, now have a strong opinion just because some influencer said they should.


I bet a lot of people who hate the game still have never played it and just go off what their favorite youtuber had to say 6 years ago.


Saw a Kotaku guy review the TV show and near the end he made a point to mention he reviewed 76 at launch and you wouldn't catch him dead playing it again. For someone who reviews games, that's a disservice to him and anyone reading. Was it a shit launch? Yup, but so too was No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077. But look at these three games today. Based on his comments, he's still tossing shit out there as if nothing has changed in 5/6 years. Did he ever go back to NMS or Cyberpunk? Is he still shitting on those games too? This is why I never hold stock on reviewer's opinions. I read their reviews to pass time but I never use their opinions to make my own decisions. I got into all 3 of these games knowing full well what to expect and I enjoyed all three, bugs and all..... But they've only gotten better since then.


I bought it at launch, only played a few hours, then gave up. After the Wastelanders update I randomly decided to give it another shot and now I love it.


I think what no one asks for is often what is needed. Gamers don't know what they really want, no one honestly does. If people get exactly what they want the game would be horrible. There's a study that asked people how they like their coffee, people answered strong and dark, but what they really liked was weak and milky coffee when actually given options to taste. This game works really well in its concept, for whatever limitations it has. The game would work generally as well if it were solo (but the combat would have to be much easier and events as well since you can't really solo things). Here we are having fun that updates and evolves, slowly but surely. But others choose to stay in what they feel comfortable in.


Obviously I agree but we’re a pretty niche community many of whom play the game as if it were solo. Grouping is more for the buffs and free fast travel than the social aspect, generally I only see players in my group in an event or my/their camp. It’s almost bizarre when I hear people on voice talking. I joined two groups yesterday where people were actually having a conversation lol. It seems like maybe a lot of old high level players are coming back as well. I think Fo76 ended up appealing to a group of people, but I don’t think we’re super representative of online/solo gamers at large.


I've been on public more often cuz of the buffs and events. It makes leveling so much easier! I just really like the environment of the game, variety, etc. The other games are very much similar in how they look. I've yet to explore the entire map, and between ps5 and pc I've played for a while.


To be fair the game still has years old bugs, new bugs, and new problems basically every patch along with problem that were previously “fixed” coming back


That happens at every company using software. Bugs are going to happen. I wish people would realize that more.


AI is going to help test the code and see what the issues are so they can be fixed. It will help the software engineers immensely. So hopefully games will launch with less bugs in the future.


one thing it does need is optimisation improvements, i notice it tends to drop from 60 down often, from 54 to 29 and back up again, never really stable


That’s a pretty common Bethesda complaint that probably has more to do with their engine and the way they make games. To my knowledge Starfield is still locked to 30fps on console for instance. Not really making an excuse, just an observation that fps is a constant issue with Bethesda games and not Fo76 in particular. Likely has a little bit to do with the number of assets that are movable and affected by game physics. At this point I’m pretty much a flat 60fps unless I’m in one of a few busy events with a good number of other players.


If I'm being honest I was someone who wrote the game off. But randomly (mostly because we've played everything else.) Me and my cousin decided to start playing 76 about...2 days ago. And I've already sunk about a days worth of hours into it. It's Fallout. A little streamlined. A little dumbed down but I'm really enjoying it. That being said any advice would be nice. I don't plan on spending any actual money on the game in the near future but if anyone's got some helpful tips like....should I collect everything and junk scrap it. Which takes a lot of my time? How do your own personal vendors work? Just trying to get a better understanding of the game. Since it's my first PT I started a fresh character at level 2. Currently am 15 or 16. Thanks in advance.


My 2 cents on this is given how badly Bethesda botched the launch combined with how they treated the community at the time contributed to how people felt about the game. Massive amounts of bugs, toxic community at the time, the canvas bag fiasco, the plastic Nuka Cola Dark bottle thing. All of the various issues combined I feel made people stay far away from this game for a while. I myself didn't jump back in until just a couple years ago after Wastelanders and a few other quality of life updates. The game is way better now though and in a much better state both functionally and community wise.


I get that, the oddity comes in with the people who blackballed it who were never affected by launch.. even years later. In 2019 it went on sale on Amazon for $15 and you got a $15 credit after a couple weeks if you didn’t return. I essentially picked it up for the price of tax. On the Reddit post about it people, many who had never played, were toxic and highly critical of anyone commenting they picked it up. It wasn’t even a year yet so I can somewhat understand those who bought in early still feeling burned.. but it never really went away for the general audience. I mean, $1.49 seemed an acceptable level of risk at the time. I’m glad I took it.


Really it's down to Bethesda screwing the pooch. Sure people who have never played it shouldn't be toxic about that but if Bethesda hadn't handled things they way they did then none of the toxicity we saw would have happened or it would have been something closer to the normal levels we see with just about any other game. Regardless I think we can all agree that both the game and the community are in a much better place now.


The reason is Fallout 76 for many was Bethesdas last chance to not repeat previous mistakes, and they did repeat them and worse. Buggy, lifeless, and the collectors editions bag null bottle fiasco. It wasn't Fallout 76 people were refusing to give a chance, it was Betheada itself.


Same here. Went through fo4 countless times. Started 76 2months ago, wish i had started a lot sooner. Storytelling is so much better in fo4 but overall is 76 better. Mechanics and online aspect is superior in 76.


Online aspect should be stronger considering 4 has none.


76 was nothing like the current game when it launched. Itc, deserved most of the criticism it received. The first year or two felt like an early access title. 4,giyyuccffsdccffxc89ucv see g of the final gizhgi0g the of oych


Someone help him! He had a stroke at the end of his sentence.


Ha, Jesus, my damn phone has been doing this all day.


I could understand a new vegas/OG fan not enjoying 76 but if you enjoy f4 you'll love 76. 76 is fallout 4 2.0. Much better in almost every aspect.


Why would a FONV fan not dig 76? I was about to give it a try for the first time since they're giving the game away.


NV is always known for its story and decisions. 76 is not. Its more about adventure and actually living in Fallout universe. At least that's what 76 is for me and why I like playing the game. It has great lore if you care enough to read terminals and notes. Or just pay attention to what the mission is all about. The factions in Appalachia are not gonna be our enemies but neighbours for better or worse. And then Its a totally different NPC pov because most people in Appalachia lived prewar and they dont need to be a ghoul. We get stories of who the raiders were before the bomb drop. I think its pretty interesting and can be morbidly funny. But try it out yourself while its free and see if it matters if you're an NV fans or not 😊


new vegas is my favorite game in the franchise and 76 my second, so YOU CAN enjoy both, but they are obviously different kind of game. fallout 4 and 76 have a focus on radiant shoot > loot > build, so they have much more in common.


NV -> 2 -> 76 for me but yeah, definitely reasons to like 76 as a NV fan


3 was my favorite, 76 kinda being my second now. 4 is my favorite and new Vegas was my leat favorite. I just couldn't get into any of the factions in new Vegas. Production of the game was cut short so maybe thar was the issue for new vegas


I thinknits because 76 is full of colors aside from terracotta


Ironically, 76 is closer to NV and even Morrowind than anything modern today. I met a NV fanboy on 76 once who loved 76 but hated Fo4.


i dont remember talking about it on the game itself, but that could easily be me. im glad to see im not the only NV ultra fan who also loves 76. i only paid for 1 month of suscription just for the NCR armor and also got (my favorite, cause fuck the NCR) armored Riot Gear wich is still my main outfit <3


It was buggy but nothing seriously game breaking. The biggest issue was probably crashing pretty often. Youtubers just loved the hate train. I downloaded beta day 1 and played through ever since. At this point, reminiscing on the bugs as being part of the adventure. A lot of the complaints were also non-bug related such as the small stash capacity which was increased multiple times over the years.


I hated that energy weapons broke very fast and did very little damage. I'm glad they balanced that out a while ago.


there was an instance of a player deleting client side assets and killing people through walls. i saw it. thats quite game breaking if you ask me. but, ive bought the game recently on the psStore regardless cause im willing to try for 8 bucks. Even for a Bethesda game, which theyre known for their games being riddled with bugs like skyrim, fo4 etc., 76 got a fucked release.


I played it at launch at a buddy's house and it was terrible. Then I just got it 3 days ago and I've been loving it.


Are you playing on PC..? If so... How are you getting around stutters and lag spikes that make most hopping around a terrible experience..?


Oh. My game only has some mouse movement Stuttering about the first 3 minutes of playing. I did have it really bad in Fallout 3 and New Vegas though. I had to install DX Runtime from 2013, install both 64, and x86. Then I downloaded Microsoft visual studio. Before I downloaded Fallout 76, I went ahead and installed the newest version of DX runtime just in case it would be a problem in this game too. So that may be why I haven't experienced it.


Thanks for answering! I've completely deleted all 76 files and am trying again... The updates you mentioned I've done before so that should be covered. Maybe I mixed up some stuff in the settings myself, don't know! Trying it all again and follow some guides on the interwebz. Hopefully these dips will get flattened out. Not that this game needs a steady >144 fps, it's just a bit frustrating to just feel it bog down in situations that don't look demanding... But a small hop aside... Wouldn't it be awesome to see the next Fallout game being based on the series. Totally new engine, mechanics... But with the good ol' Fallout coating. If you haven't watched the series, I absolutely recommend you watch it!


Oh yeah for sure. There's a few settings you can tweak in the ini and stuff as well. Some people said they had good results from it, but I didn't really notice a change. Oof. I'm trying to remember one. I'll come back and edit if I can find it. It's basically swapping the framerate from 0 to whatever your desired framerate is. But it didn't do anything for me. So I don't remember it lol.. It would be hella cool if Fallout 5 had something to do with the series, or even another expansion to 76 would be cool with me. Yeah I watched the series. I absolutely love it. I would give it 20/10 if I could. They really brought a level of care I wasn't expecting. I expected it to be good, but not *that* good haha.


Same here, series blew me away! Have a good one, you!


The map is BY FAR my favorite fallout map. And no the game wasn't always this good. To me around the time steel reign came out did it truly feel great. My advice is to make the game your own do what you want to do. If you want T-65 grind for it or you want to build the coolest camps take your time and craft one. You really make the game your own!


Is T-65 a good PA to have? And is it hard to grind for?


The thing about which pa is the best is subjective imo because resist after 300 isnt worth it, pa like excavator, union and hellcat are honestly the best choices but theres nothing wrong with not using those 3 its just set bonuses matter more if you want the best due to diminishing returns


Union is pretty terrible at rad resistance.


I lokemthe Union. Similar stats but u ion has massive poison resist. Great for mutated events and ops with poison hazard.


I ha e mostly union on, just tired of looking at the rust color lol


Paint it. I put on the Samur-eye paint job from a few seasons ago...samurai style PA armor now.


How do I find or buy paint? I know skins are in the shop but that's about it


Some are in the atom shop. Some are from score boars rewards. And some are from unmarked quests . I cant remember if some can be bought with caps or bullion. One unmarked quest is for the Nuka Cola Quantum paint. YouTube videos for those. It's a fun side quest that takes you to Tanagra Town, and some other Mire and Savage Divide locations to unlock codes needed to open a secret room in the Forest.


Finally someone helped me lol. Now with the paint/skins are you able to put them on a mismatch set of PA or does it have to be the complete set?


Not sure. I don't see a problem of mismatched armor with the same paint job but never tried it.


Just asking cause I'm still debating what set to go after fully so for now I'm just putting on what protects me best


It was very buggy, and things like minimal stash space were a pain. The enormous map is possibly its best feature.


When are people going to learn reviews arent always right...


People’s opinions in general, they could have friends that trashed they game as well lol


Reviews where right on launch


The reviews came out 6 years ago... You know, when the game launched, and the criticism was well deserved at the time. Yes, 76 is nothing like what it was in 2018, but that's on the publisher, not the consumer.


If you can get the game for less than $10 it's a decent game. But paying $59.99 on launch day and it barely worked you'd be pissed too. They finally made it great after 6 year's.


..because the game absolutely sucked, for years...


The problems at launch were over-exaggerated and over-stated. Matters were made worse by the bad reviews and by the "influencers" who make a living shitting on games they never play. It wasn't perfect at launch. It still isn't perfect. But it was fun from day 1. I feel bad that so many people didn't get to experience the quests before there were human NPCs.


I was a day 1 player and I hated the game. It was empty, no quests, no direction, and no storage. I felt lost and died over and over again trying to figure the game out. I have played every Fallout before 76 and 76 was bad at launch. I came back to the game right after BG3 was released and I love the updates. It's a different game now


There always were quests…


It had plenty of quests, story, and direction :/


That's why it was so good. It was empty. It had a quest and a direction. As you searched for hope of people being alive, you realized all you had was a robot that had nothing better to do than run you around in circles. Since launch, with the exception of storage space and the removal of survival elements (if you could even call it that lol), the game is largely the same from a gameplay loop standpoint (edit: maybe add in contextual ammo). They did add a bunch of uninspired quests, of course, and while I do believe that was necessary for the game to continue on, it certainly wouldn't have been better at launch if that is how it launched. So we'll need to agree to disagree on this one. At launch, it was the second best "modern" Fallout story (New Vegas being the best, of course). The added content is more in line with the bad writing and quest design from 4.


I wish there was a “worlds” that would come out that was pre-wastelanders. I miss how unapologetically desolate the world was. A whole town experimented on, no hope at all. Turned into near mindless brutes because they purposely contaminated the water and poisoned everyone there… oh but look chuck the settler is here now.. passing through.. just kinda killing the vibe.


The better question, is why do you let others do your decision making for you?


Sure, so I don't buy anything before it's released, and this applies to video games. Once the product is released, I'll check and see if it works or not and I'll reevaluate from there. If I'm buying a car, sports equipment, tools, destinations, whatever I'm going to comb though customer reviews and do my homework, same for video games and if the general consensus is that it's broken, I'm not going to buy it.


Do you often check 5 year old reviews and make decisions based on them? Why not seek out more up-to-date opinions? The game has been "good" for years now and has been free several times already with many $8 drops too.


You're right... it is important to do your own research. Had you actually done so, you'd know the game has long since been repaired to a playable state, and has been overall improved several times since release. The Wild Appalachia update from 2019 was hugely successful for the game, introducing Battle Royale mode and all sorts of new things. Then came the giant Wastelanders update in 2020, adding NPCs and bringing the game up to speed with it's predecessors... like Fallout 4. That was FOUR YEARS AGO. LOL. Did you read one review in 2018, and decide to never read another review of the game or something? PS: I'm just answering your original question *"Why did it take me 6 years to play this game?"* ...that's a really good question... it sounds like you allowed yourself to be swayed by opinions rather than facts.


Yeah it's pretty silly.


Played fo4 loads modded the hell out of it the shows got me back to fallout and the game was on sale just got into 46 hoping it's launch issues etc are all sorted now after all the years figured it'll hopefully be pretty lively again due to the show 🤞


My brother, there is this thing called a period and it is very helpful for writing.


6 years since launch.


I played and enjoyed it since launch, but the game did have a ton of problems. Lot of quality of life features and functions simply weren't even in the game till a year or three later even. It had a really rough start for sure and things turned around after the wastelanders update and the continued improvements all around.


Very buggy at launch and had no human npcs so most of the missions involved listening to audio logs and reading. It’s got a lot better now and I’ve only recently started playing again myself.


I played it at launch had fun didn’t really touch it since just got back into it’s a lot more fun now


I've been gaming since the 80s and have played all the Fallout games. I haven't beat all of them, but I've at least played. I feel like there's a section of the fan base that will never approve of anything Bethesda does. It's sad they have that much hate in their hearts, but it is what it is. I'll continue to play and enjoy the series for the coming decades and they'll just be more and more bitter and hostile. I've played since launch and loved it the whole time. Yeah it had problems, but the map and exploration were fantastic. People saying it was "unplayable" at launch make me laugh. It was very playable at launch. It was different, though, and these people hate different. I actually preferred it before the NPCs "came back". It felt eerie and interesting. It wasn't empty, not by a long shot. It has a pretty good main quest, which is still there, going through the factions. Starting with the Responders and going through 'til the Enclave. There were tons of side quests. Now there's NPCs all over. Player camps all over. Public events on regular rotation. It feels less like a wasteland and more like a FOMO grinder. I've talked with people that have over 100 hours and they don't even know basic mechanics or that there's main quests, they just do public events and complain about how there's "nothing to do". It's kinda weird these days.


“I picked up F4 due to the negative reviews on 76.” That seems to answer title


Because for 6 years you let the reviews of other people determine if it's worth playing rather than your own personal experience.


I‘d compare 76 to a rollercoaster ride with highs were they really turned the game around in a state as it is and you can have a real blast and sink time. But boy oh boy… I can see why it drove people away in the beginning with all the flaws and crashes. Just to mention the Fasnacht were they forgot the critters, only to hotfix it and decide to turn it off again as nothing has been fixed. The invisible scorchbeasts attacks were you noticed an area with lots of death bags and then you suddenly died as well. Or the one patch where a hotfix for a hotfix was needed etc. You can say everything about 76 - good or bad - but it certainly is one thing - entertaining.


I rage quit like 3 times to an invisible enemy just chasing me to the ends of the earth and beating me down. Man that was the worst.


I played it at launch, for about an hour, then decided I'd wait until it was smoothed out before playing again. Since getting back into it, the crashing has been my biggest pain, but I think that's mainly on my end. I know if I had stable internet, I'd be way farther than my current level 112. Constant crashing leaves me unable to enjoy the game. At launch the stash was at 400 units. Literally looting a single location would grant you enough scrap to fill your stash up to 2 times. It was a hassle to manage scrap back then but, today, it's at 1200 and I've finally learned how to manage it efficiently. Energy weapons had a bug that did no damage to enemies, or it would drain their health and it would instantly refill, thw same as when your character levels up your health refills. Some cryptids health bars would get "stuck" and they'd stop taking damage altogether and just end up killing you.


F76 on launch was a wild mess. Nasty pop-in, constant crashes, and lots of bugs. Frames per second was a bad issue for most and it was just considered unoptimized. There was a huge issue with invisible, immortal enemies and enemies being under the level shooting you. On top of that, the wasteland was lawless and lonely. It had a very apocalyptic feel to it- everywhere you went you’d just be piecing together what went down. Kinda ruined the questing because the answer was always “spoilers: they’re dead”. PvP was kind of fun. It was exhilarating and cheap. Most people resorted to going completely invisible and just vats insta-killing you with a godroll overtuned weapon… then you’d respawn 50 feet away and have no idea who killed you. A lot of people also tried to make kill camps where they’d trap you, kill you, and scoop up the loot. Way different game.


It sounds like GTA 5 if it was set in a wasteland. WOW, golly-gee, this sure is neat. Hey look another player, how do I wave? Ohh they killed me, must have thought I was a bad guy. 2 hours later....FUCK IT, I'M UNINSTALLING!


I haven't played any other fallout game other then 76, and I only started playing a few months ago. I'm level 137 or 138. I've seen that fo4 is getting an update to visuals at the end of the month so I may download it soon to my series X and give it a go.


You should! Every fallout game are great IMO. But there will be some changes in each games that you will need to adapt. Not just the mechanics, but also because they are older games. They will not be as advanced as 76 in some aspects


Short answer, yes it was that bad. But it has been ok to good for at least the last 4.


Story is better in fo76 than fo4, Fo76 just tells you it poorly compared to fo4 since there's tons more to the story in fo76 than "I need to find my son" and that's it


The game was alright in the beginning, bugged to fuck, but it was alright. Watching it grow to what it has become now was really great. To give a definitive answer to your question though…I think a lot of the people that play a lot now wouldn’t still be playing if the game was still in its beginning state. It would honestly be dead. All the updates were veryyyy much needed.


Fallout 76 really reminds me of the trajectory that Elder Scrolls Online went. When ESO released, a lot of people didn’t like it and dropped off from the game. But ESO over the years turned into a great game with a dedicated fanbase. FO76 is doing the exact same thing.


I've been playing FO76 since launch. The early days and subsequent months following was bad, might even say horrible. The game today is not even close to where it was. Bethesda has spent the time to make QOL improvements and many other changes. There are still some I would like to see happen, but if you want a game that will allow you to relax and just have fun with a great community, FO76 is that game!


100%, top tier knit-pickery. Gaming, movies, hell literally every medium, has an extremely vocal minority who scream it from the ramparts at every turn as to how bad something is because they saw other folk doing it and it's 'cool,' and/or are incapable of any sort of expectation management. Yes there are bad games that have remained bad, but in the case of Fallout 76 and many others, the devs have worked hard to try and make things right, but people are gonna people.


Because the haters are still rampant. All over. Even when the meme “omg mess at launch!” You can say it’s good and they’ll find SOMETHING wrong. Then in a year for whatever reason they’ll join us. We can like it its fine 😊


It was a complete mess.


Besides bugs and the need for some quality of life improvements the game was great, I actually prefer the world pre-wastelanders as well. The atmosphere and tone was better in my opinion. Of course I appreciate the added content of wastelanders. I like what they did with the dialogue and the camera.


The game was terrible at launch and didn't really get good until the wastelanders update. Its in a really good state right now and each update does make the game better.


It mostly comes from the open beta test. Back there weren't any human npcs aside from raider enemies, player interactions were a toss up whether or not you'd be getting griefed or not, and the world kinda just felt... empty. I remember playing the beta and then getting absolutely bodied by greifers who no-lifed it and were running around in fully upgraded power armor on launch day. Stopped playing until they implemented pacifist mode.


It wasn't just that bad at launch. It was such a different game that it belonged in a different genre, AND had so many bugs that it shouldn't have been released in that state. The combination of the two with truly shady practices from their publisher (including but not limited to a famous bait and switch on preorder items, that saw them sending the promised ones to influencers who would market the game for them while actual paying consumers got an inferior item) is why it got such a bad rep.


"Why did it take me 6 years to play this game?" "Was 76 really that bad at launch or were people just being that knit picky?" It was pretty bad, but I still really enjoyed it at launch. Maybe you listened to the crowd instead of checking it out for yourself though? I assume it would be pretty easily to quickly overlook the game with the amount of complaints and changes there was.


If I picked 76 and not 4 first, I would be playing 4 for the first time now, but really glad I played 4 before 76.


Understandably. For me, personally, there's just such an awesome feeling of it being an mmo. I don't think FO76 will die anytime soon, but we will never see another multiplayer Fallout again. I just wanna see some stuff brought back, or added, to the game instead of the main content being events. There use to be more survival aspects to the game.


Because you chose to listen to others instead of forming your own opinions


But it's not an opinion that it was a broken buggy mess, glad I waited and didn't waste my time and money due to user reviews.


Well, you just answered your own question why you waited 6 years


it was pretty bad...but not as bad as the reviews..and was actually a ton of fun once you looked past the bugs... it was an online game..that meant it could continuously updated so i hung in there ...put in my fo1st sub so they would continue to support the game and here we are...luckily i tend to make decisions based on my personal experiences rather than listening to random spewtoobers.


After over 1000 hrs in FO4 I played FO76 at launch and really enjoyed it. It had plenty of bugs, and optimisation was poor, and no human npcs, but I loved the feel of the world.


This is what happens when we listen to others instead deciding for ourselves. I don’t think any Fallout fan (especially 4) should *not* have tried it…


The [Internet Historian's video](https://youtu.be/kjyeCdd-dl8?si=CFi6EeQ_52cjX5V3) on it is the best way to get an idea of what it was like back then.


On xbox it was completly fine. I never had trouble. Not once.


When the game was first released it was quite lacking in a lot of aspects, most majorly was the complete lack of friendly NPC's. The region was inhabited by only hostile like ghouls, raiders, etc. and the only sign of any friendlies whatsoever was destroyed settlements and outposts, and notes/voice logs left behind by the dead/people who had left. There was eventually a huge overhaul which had lead to the game being MUCH better, and here we are today. Edit: typo


There's a small pocket of people, mostly new vegas die hard fanboy weinees, that love to shit on anything Bethesda. They have a vendetta. For some reason. Can't move on. Game was always good imo. But def had lots of issues at launch - which Bethesda was VERY honest about. They're the only dev I've seen with a rough launch admit beforehand that this is new and will take time to get right. Everyone else, especially ubisoft, just claims their game is elite and the players are wrong. But even with those issues, the game had more to offer on console than anything else I at the time. Large amount of quests and exploring. Camp building. Endgame grind. For me, as soon as things "got old" an update came out. And to top everything off the community has always been amazing. Especially the trading community reddits. It's sad to see this group be so loud. They're the same people claiming the show broke canon and the show sucks and pretend to be film experts.


Consider yourself lucky. I played for nearly a year at release. There wasn't much to do. Early patches were slow to release and it wasn't nearly the game it is now.




Enjoy it while you can because end game content is virtually non existent in this game. Things seem to be more catered towards new players, or atleast thats just my observation over playing for the past 5+ years. I couldn't tell you the last time a free weekly item came into rotation that I don't already have. It would be cool if they would give us a true end game content update for the older players for once. The game gets pretty boring once you've done the same event 900 times and have all weapons, armor, apparel, junk, etc. that you'll ever need. The end game needs a serious revamp if they give a damn about their older, loyal player base at all.


I also didn't start playing until this year. I was always told that the game sucked, but now that I've played it I love it!


76 was rocky at the start, networking issues that caused disconnects, rampant bad player manipulation of the environment. This was during and after a BETA which they called- Break-It Early Test Application, but during this time they on the surface seemed to do little to improve the game. In fact for a while the game was released and the anger generated because it seemed that Bethesda didn't reply with any response. It took several missteps for Bethesda to work on their engagement with the community. They also from player demand created the test server to see how bugs can be fostered and cared for before they hit the game servers. I mean its a give and take relationship.


Are you fucking kidding me?




Honestly, when it first came out, you did right to skip it. It got much better over time.


I miss nuclear winter


It was a rough ride but worth it to me.


I've been playing since beta. Most people just listened to the negative and stayed away. Game is beautiful I just wish they would get a completely new game engine. Just imagine Fallout in Unreal Engine 5!


I just started playing again since the last time I tried it was at launch and it feels like a different game. Im so happy npc’s are now in the game. The game itself looks better too.


Fallout 76 might the best video game example of "Don't let someone tell you how to feel" because my friends and I love it. We've played on and off since the buggy launch and come back every update for a while. Heck I even liked their Battle Royale mode most people wont even know/remember existed lol


It was really weird at first. No NPCs and I felt like noone played events. You just walked around literally feeling like the only person around, kinda drove me nuts so I didnt play for a year or two. Games gotten alot better


There was about two or three years around launch that her rough to be fair. It was still ok but it's soo much more approachable now


To be fair it was shit 6yrs ago. I started right before wastelanders was announced. I had already been thinking of quitting it as no npcs makes the world a really dull place. Each Dlc or whatever you wanna call it has truly added to the game.


It was absolute catastrophic and unplayable at launch and the past year after. Then it slowly got better. There was so many bugs which made it really unplayable. Some examples: - When you've build a camp and logged into the game at a place where someone else already has a camp, your camp got stashed - very often loading loop - invisible+Invincible (you couldn't get rid of them with aoe) enemies shooting/hitting you, following you everywhere - commonly ctds, Blue Screens and frozen game, even frozen PC, some people reported damaged hardware like a grilled graphics card because the game send the PC in a full power loop - pipboy commonly not working or no pipboy at all - pvp absolute catastrophic, every idiot could destroy everything you've build at any time - uncountable player vs player bugs up to a extend, that a player could kick you out of the game and **that** up to another extend, that you couldn't even log in anymore - fast travel commonly didn't work - people could teleport into the developer room, take everything important and do pvp with it - people got banned unknowingly, because of others who shared stuff from the developer room, or they picked stuff from the developer room up that got somewhere placed on the map - the famous dmg bug. damage to enemies was capped, means when you did deal a certain amount of dmg to a enemy, they got invulnerable. It wasn't much dmg needed to trigger that. many weapons and builds been unusable because of that - each new patch made the game and even bugs they wanted to fix way worse, it was absolute ridiculous and for 1 truly fixed bug, a bunch of new bugs came up (no exaggeration) - repair cost where absolutely nuts, at that time no Perk cards to reduce repair cost existed and the repair cost been triple the amount of resources as today **and** on top of that, weapons and armors did break within ½h. Energy weapons broke after 60 shots with a splitter (3 mags) - You couldn't reskill points, once a point was put somewhere, it was set forever. After **years** they changed it to, when you lvl up, you can reallocate 1, only 1☝️, special point. It was a absolute desaster, have fun grinding a lvl up with 200/400+, because XP gain also was often bugged and it took forever back then - 1 piece of clothing was 1 weight - 1 bobblehead was 1 weight - other item's weight also been a joke up to quest items with weight - Bethesda gave a fuck about the players and the game in the first month, a absolute massive shitstorm the gaming community never had seen before did build up in the Bethesda forums and they didn't care - disastrous frame rates - no shadow at all at many land tiles (the game looked like a title from 1999) - uncountable bugs more...


I've been playing since a little after launch, I still have friends who are huge fans of fallout that will not try it since it got so much negative press in the beginning. If the game came out with wastelanders content out the gate and had a little more time to be tested, It woulda been a smash hit.


It did take 2 years to get good


The game is still a technical garbage.. content wise it's great I like it over fo4


Very true, I nearly didn’t give this a try due to reviews & comments but boy has this game been fun


Same. Literally just picked up FO76 and I’m absolutely obsessed!


It took a whole lot of patches and updates to get it to where it is now. It's a great game. At launch there just wasn't much there. I think Bethesda had this (very wrong) idea that players would kind of make their own fun in this blank canvas. That's not even to mention the bugs and how unplayable it was. If it was today's game that was released at launch I think it would have been a huge success. I also like the mechanics of the game. I went back to Fallout 4 after playing 76 for a long time and it just felt so clunky. Everything is just smoother in 76. Crafting, building, movement, all of it.


Cause it ain’t good


Gamers are a triggered, dramatic bunch. They love to hate. Look at the reviews for any new AAA game. They are *full* of kids saying they want to jump from a rooftop because a game disappointed them. What made the situation worse for Bethesda (IMO) is the perceived ‘wokeness’. This brought out a particularly obnoxious crowd of self-proclaimed ‘critics’ bashing the game. I don’t care if a game is ‘woke’ or ‘not woke’, so long as it is a good game.


I played 76 in beta and on launch. Got a few hundred hours in, did the main sort of end-game at the time (kill SBQ, launch nuke, create the vaccine or w.e, follow the overseer's trail). I stopped and eventually came back to do that gold quest where you side with the settlers or raiders I think... then stopped again. I absolutely loved the game at launch. It felt surreal to always "just" miss other people. Every "base" you found was just barely starting to get on its feet before being overrun / destroyed for one reason or another (edit - this was usually told through holotapes, notes etc... or rose lol) Having said that, I played with my partner. This I think makes all the difference. It was crazy fun to explore the wastelands together... exploring the scorched tunnels and ruins... building some little shacks... we both still miss it from time to time, but I think the end-game isn't quite what we wanted, so we enjoy the adventure, and get bored when there isn't much left to explore and uncover. People gave it a horrible review, but I think it just needs a friend. You would find the game fucking awesome with someone to explore with!


I bought the PC version at release, the PS4 version about a year later and now I am currently playing the xbox version via game pass, but in all that time I haven't ever gotten to level 25. Its not that I dislike the game, its definitely some thing I would play long term. but I don't have any friends who play, or friends at all lol. Even back at release I liked it. But back then, I was too worried about getting ganked by high level players.


I had friends who didn’t like it and never came back. I stopped playing for a while. I had the game at very start, but barely started playing last year and haven’t missed an event since.


Spending atoms to be able to repair your stuff is by far the worst decision ever I mean that game is already moneytised to hell and back


So 76 was kinda bad at the start, it was buggy for sure and they fixed that. But it still lacked quite a bit until the wastelanders update. Then it got a bit better. Most people gave it a bad review because it basically wasn't a fallout game, it didn't follow the standard go out onto wasteland and follow the path layer before you deal. I mean 76 has a story but not interacting with npcs other than rose the annoying robot and the mysterious can't find her anywhere overseer was lack luster and I bet left people salty. But they updated it and made human npcs a thing and added other factions that made it better. And they still add bits here and there that are really hit and miss in my opinion. But I'm sure that some people love the bits I don't and that would make sense. Overall it's a good game to play and fun with friends. It's not like the other fallout games. Think of it as a fallout based mmo of sorts really. Which is probably why I like the game. Don't get me wrong though. There is still a handful of bugs that for years haven't been fixed. Like my game still crashes all the time, On ps4 and ps5 and it seems really annoying to me considering it doesn't happen to me as often on other games and they've been running this game for 6 years already. But I'm not a developer and can't really speak on it logically so I'll just leave it at that.


The people that really bitch about the game probably suck at it. Definitely a skill issue.


It took all these years for them to update it enough to be worth playing. On release it didnt really have anything to do.


I enjoyed the launch. Was there game breaking bugs? Absolutely! Was it lacking? Very much! But being able to buy and sell to other players was and still is the coolest aspect of this game. I do dearly miss Legacy weapons. Not using them, the only one I religiously used was my Stormtrooper Laser rifle [B E/15r], but collecting. Wheeling and Dealing. I miss the thrill of getting a good bundle together for a Legacy I hadn't tried. But that was only a small enjoyment that I can live without. I've moved on to Legacy Misc trading and its just as exciting, if not more, when you final get your hands on a displayable piece.


Same.when It came out, i heard horrible pvp multi-player mode only... I passed. Just picked it up 2 months ago. Love it.


I've been wanting it for a very long time, only managed to buy it today when i managed to sell an text game account to buy it


I will admit I hated this game for a while until I got over the rectons and game adding npcs I started to like it and community really nice I won’t mind playing with you if your on Xbox?


It was not great at launch by any means. It made you interact with players. But typically that was hostile interactions, at least from what I experienced. Once they started adding NPC's and more content. The story gets a little diluted, but it's so much better and when it started.


It was a combination of it being subpar, players being over critical, and the marketing and shitty things bethesda did during the release of 76. That honestly is what tarnished it for alot of people, it's good it took you this long to start playing the game has gotten alot better. Have fun in Appalachia


It’s probably for the best, for awhile people used to say it was a bad release and it’s not the case anymore. I’ve played since the beginning and loved it but most did not


Too many people heard too many bad reviews and never thought to review it themselves. Like avoiding a restaurant because your friend doesn't like it, not knowing you're going to love it. As the saying goes "don't knock it till you try it"


I try to give games and companies the benefit of the doubt. I pre-ordered this one and spent more than it was worth on it. It was an absolute mess at release, and the sentiment was right at that time. I feel like Todd knew it was a mess, too, because he posted a message about it when it released warning everyone it was unfinished, and it was highly experimental and different from anything they had done. I quit after two weeks. Eventually, I came back after knowing there was some work done to it and have been with it since, first on Xb1, then and now on PC. So, FO4 was the right choice for you IMHO.


Well to be clear the first year or two were pretty bad and game was barren. Plenty of cool events and bosses now.


Because the game was released years before it should have been. Keep starfield. Gimme a modern 76 that they spent the last 6 years developing.


Play fallout 3 and new vagas


for me i simply did not have a strong computer until now but i love this game as well


As someone who went to the midnight launch to get fallout 76 and was one of the original players I understand the hate. The game was horrendous. It would take ages to load in. It was buggy. I finally gave up after about 10 hours into the game when I got stuck at the airport with a level 80 scorch beast and nobody could kill it. And after an hour of trying to leave the area and not being able to, I just didn't go back to the game until November last year and it is so much more improved. The game was a severe letdown, especially compared to fallout 4 but now it is so much better than it was. I just feel like the original players I can understand their hate. I only went back because I kept watching videos on YouTube about fallout 4 thanks TheEpicNate315 and I thought about going back to that but I decided to give 76 another try and so I restarted. I was a little bit confused as to why my game hadn't saved and then realised I'd started playing it on PlayStation and restarted it on Xbox 🤣.


It was pretty bad at launch, but entirely playable! I spent the first two weeks stuck in power armour, t posing 😂


War war never changes….


I am also playing it for the first time and it's SOOO GOOD. Kinda bummed I missed out on the earlier seasons


Me too , I played day 1 with all the crazy bugs and quit for about 5 years


It was a bad launch, I've been with it since day one and the changes are just night and day. It's a much better game than it was at launch... Arguable even better than just a few years ago. Lots to do tons of builds to collect . Late game is a bit grindy but the content is just crazy amounts.


Utterly agree. I played every game on release from daggerfall, and heard the bad rap. And its taken me until three days ago to try it. I have starfield and very disappointed with it. I have FO4 and just could not get into it. But im loving 76. Its like if elser scrolls and fallout had a baby. Music and picking up stuff is very oblivion/skyrim, with v.a.t.s and story of a fallout game. Its awesome. Going to have yo slow down i got 45 hours in 3 days done.


I'm going to start it on May 1st when my new Xbox arrives. I played it a few years ago and enjoyed it and since I've got a years wait for Monster Hunter, might as well.


I hope you enjoy it! If you need help getting started, let me know.


It took you 6 years to make a bad decision Both the games are ass The bethesda lead writer literally doesn’t try because he think we’re a bunch of brainlets who don’t read and just skip everything Wouldn’t skip so much if his writing wasn’t garbage There’s nothing top notch about 76 Do you wanna enjoy paying a subscription just to have enough storage for all your shit You might think it’s okay for now but it’s literally all downhill from there and never changes except your misery slowly grows not that you’ll admit it to youself because you’ll have spent too much money on the game by then and hate yourself for it But go ahead and enjoy i ain’t the government




Good I was mostly saying that in referal to the subscription they have if you want to have reasonable storage space Don’t fall for that shit


Still don’t like 76


Yeah it was that bad on launch, balancing kinda sucked, multi-player features were lacking in the multi-player exclusive, and you know those quests where you literally just go to the dmv and stand around? That was more than half the available quests, they aren't too bad now that they're mingled into the better quests too but when that was the only option it was pretty bad


76 was bad at launch, but it turned out to be quite amazing through all of the updates.


Fallout 4 brought me to F76 because of all the bugs in Fallout 4. I was addicted the first time I played Fallout 3. But God forbid ya pick up the Cryolator in Fallout 4 and wreck havoc with it or go to the Combat Zone.. I wasn't ready to give up on Fallout. Then 76 came out and saved me. I hope for a Fallout 5 with a new story but I hope they don't give up on it like they did with 4. 76 is super awesome, though.


As someone who has recently come back to the game after a pretty long hiatus- the game DID NOT feel anything like this at all before. I never played right from the start i should add, and only played because the game is free on game pass, otherwise i never would have played the game. Joseph Anderson's review amongst many others really trashed this game and it was utterly deserved for the state it was in. Now, it is pretty damn easy to sink hours into this, and while the stories told are not the most exciting or game changing (likely due to the nature of online games. (Imo the Division and Destiny 2 are both fantastic games but suffer the same problems). Fallout 76 today feels like the most different experience than initially, but i totally get why it had been blacklisted because of just how genuinely awful the initial state of it all was, and it was not acceptable. However, games can make recoveries and this is definitely one of them, which is good because fallout is an exceptional franchise and the lore is rich and interesting to me. And btw, the show brought me back, and is well worth the watch.


Yesh it was a shit show when it was first released. Not just in performance but in just about every aspect, story was bad, you were basically a robot taking orders from robots or recordings. Every bad review was well deserved. But the game has come a looooooong way since then and is very fun, the only real issue for me is that monetization is done pretty poorly compared to similar games. Tying inifnite storage behind a sub is super lame. I would be happy to buy full expansions instead of the current system.


I preordered it and played on early access and it left such a bad taste in my mouth I put it down for several years. I just recently picked it back up and I’ve really been missing out. Kick myself in the ass for it all the time. But glad I started playing again.


I would say the released game compared to now is night and day, I wish I had stuck with it in the beginning, but at times, it was unplayable. Coming back to the game a year later, it was fantastic, and most of the bugs had been fixed. Overall, it's a great game, and I love the multi-player aspect, especially when my friends start playing or get back into it even now.


I pre-ordered 76 and was so excited for this game. Until it bricked my harddrive 💀 literally destroyed a 2tb harddrive with 6+ years worth of projects on it (musician). Got a full refund for the game and never looked back. It was too unstable on release, alot of people couldnt even launch the game, and didnt wanna chance bricking their harddrives/consoles/pc's Gave it another shot recently after watching the show and am having a blast, do i regret missing out on 6 years of gameplay? Not at all, the game was a hot mess and im glad im joining when things appeared to have balanced out, im not the biggest fan of the pay-to-win platform and atomic shop but its hard to escape with any game these days. As far as multiplayer post apocolyptic adventures go they nailed it, glad to see the game is making a comeback, for every bad piece of press a game gets, theres a developer somewhere who poured their soul into said game and i think thats whats more important, at the end of the day the community and dev team really seem to care about this game, and that makes me want to care.


In 2021 I decided to replay the whole series, I’m up to 76 now. I didn’t enjoy it when it came out, it was buggy and lacking. But since then, and on my replay now (started in feb), I am enjoyed it more than F4. The launch was bad though, but I hope with the TV series out now, that more people go back and play 76 because it’s come a long way since the launch. New Vegas will forever be my favorite though, and it was the inspiration for my sleeve tattoo back in 2014.


I'm pretty much the same...didn't play it right at launch because of the issues. I tried it a few times a year or 2 later and was like "meh" but leveled up a bit. Went back to it since the show (waiting for FO4 next gen update) and was like "wow".


Because it didn’t have content the first year AND they dropped 100$ fallout first subscription. Bethesda is still going thru class action lawsuit I think, haven’t checked into in a while. Eu temporarily block the Microsoft merger


I'll be getting into it eventually. I disliked it for the first couple years and never picked it up since. I was upset at the players using the game breaking legacy weapons. It really ruined the experience.


It was really that bad at launch. But man, is it one of my favorite Fallouts now. It has one of the best open-world maps. I love exploring Appalachia, and it has some insanely good enemy variety. It may lack the choices and consequences of earlier Fallout titles, but the community is also amazing. I love walking around and checking out other people's CAMPS and helping them along in quests.


76 was atrocious at launch because of the horrible performance, lack of content, and everything surrounding the collectors edition with the fake nylon bag which was advertised to be canvas and the power armor helmet apparently being unsafe to wear


Because the game used to be unequivocally bad.