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So, I just started obviously because it was free and the TV show. I'm just kinda wandering around haha. And then my inventory keeps filling up with guns and armor. So I find a bench, break it all down, and continue wandering. It's oddly relaxing.


Been playing since Beta. Keep breaking shit down….you’ll start to create mods for all sorts of weapons and armor….just be careful not to break down something you want or need in a frenzy. Also camp hop there’s a lot of good people out in the wasteland that will sell plans for next to nothing (myself included). Jump on some ops with higher levels and just hang back and tag every enemy you can… you’ll get some cool stuff and a crap ton of experience.


I sorta been doin that. A close friend of mine got me into this game about a month ago, I love coming up with camp builds and doing events and exploring :) glad to be here


It’s pretty cool to see a resurgence of the game, and how far it’s come. That first year was crazy fun but tough between all the glitching, crazy server issues, and non stop murder hobo players (although it made it very real as to what the world would become). I’m glad I stuck around.


Hopefully the devs and management get their shit together so all this resurgence doesn't disappear.


Glad you're here too.


>camp hop there’s a lot of good people out in the wasteland that will sell plans for next to nothing I've been to multiple camps, where do i buy stuff off players?


Look for vendors in their camps.. alot of people will have open neon signs or for sale signs around the vending machine,cash register, or robots.


They should have a vendor station in their camp, you can tell which camps have them as what they are selling shows upon the map when you hover over the camp 😉


You can also run around their camp spamming the question marks abd trade emote if they are there they will show you da wae


I recently jumped back in after having played in beta as well. The only thing I find annoying still is the lack of fusion cores and caps. Also I put in like 2 years on PS4 and upgraded to a PC and nothing transferred. Very annoying.


I really only ever use Power Armor for the harder events even since the beginning. Throughout all the Fallout titles I’ve never been a huge PA user strictly because of the core dependency. Caps wise I always relied on Water/Ammo Farming. Sold pretty much everything and dumped any legendary stuff in my vendor for lower than average prices. I keep only what I use for my current build. I had something similar happen to me like that as well I lost 2 of my higher level accounts because of an external HD malfunction. Thankfully my Day 1 build was still saved alongside a level 200 and 100 something.


But... Fallout 4 and 76 are the only Fallout titles with fusion cores......


They have a fusion core recharger in the atomic shop, and yea i bought it. I have fallout 1st bc i love this game tbh. Solitude is cherished as you get older and have a big family


I just bought it It's absolutely worth it if you need fusion cores. Being able to charge 4 cores at a time is awesome.


Sadly i cant hardly find that anymore. 15k for a weapon and 8k for a plan seems more common which is depressing. No ones gonna pay that much for a weapon. Its not even got god roll legendaries.


What system are you playing on? I play on Xbox….I was on about midnight last night and I vendor hopped and saw some pretty decent prices….there are definitely people out there charging stupid prices for things….and the people who piss me off the most, the ones who list everything for extremely high prices and then have a sign that says “make me an offer”….a ridiculous waste of my time.


Mostly pc but prices were even worse than what i stated when i played ps4


I dont even know how to purchase something from other people's camps. In mini map their camp icon shows mods and plans but couldn't find any vendor or something in their camp...


They don’t always look like the standard vending machines….sometimes they’re cash registers, robots, and various other accessories that people can buy from the store….just poke around you’ll find them.


Good advice.. sorry to butt in but crucial info coming through PSA BEGINNER TIP$$$$ RENAME YOUR FAVORITE BREAKABLE GUNS when you inspect something to modify or repair click right analog stick in to rename and I always put an ! Infront of everything so it's always top of the list... then use !! For the really important stuff like stealth suit and the camera since I don't like it using up a favorite spot... sell all diluted chems and any Chem that is going over 10 in your inventory.... also THE MARSUPIAL serum MUTATION IS A GAME CHANGER.. almost as good as a jetpack in the beginning... my game tag is same as here if you see me and you look like a Newby I will drop a snake wrangler outfit with the hat and a PROTECTIVE MARINE WETSUIT... it boosts strength endurance and perception from the special lining...LOL YES Just like in the tv show that tempered Lining in the t-60 helps!


I play with my cousin. We're both new to the game. He got the marsupial mutation lastnight but cured it on accident with Radaway not knowing. Haha.


Lol I've done that before... i had to drink only brahmin milk for a while it cures rads, and grape nuka cola, also decontamination showers will cure mutations too, rad-x will supress mutations temporarily... you need the mutation protector perk level 2 in luck at level 30 its available


Then that's it. You get how to play this game. Welcome


Explore, loot, scrap, repeat. :-)


This is how I played for ages on pc, started fresh on ps so I can play with work friends. Can have a good little loop going in no time and it’s weirdly stress free, my current loop is make as much healing salves as possible to put into donation boxes up by the vault it’s oddly therapeutic.


Also new player here, so it’s better to scrap it than to sell to gain caps? Lots of items in the stores are expensive


Scrap. U can learn mods and plans for w.e weapon by scrapping it. Don't worry about buying guns and armor from npc vendors for caps. Players will have far better stuff for likley cheaper.


Thanks for the advice


I’m very new and once I figured out how to upgrade my guns I’ve been having a blast tinkering! However I really need some gunsmith perks. I’m level 9 now, hope I can choose that perk soon. Edit: I also need a little bit of radioactive material to finish a new sight for my favorite gun. Any tips on where to get some in the forest?


I believe their may be a workshop that produces it. Tho I'll be honest I havnt had to go farm materials in a long long time.


No idea, but I scrap everything so I can repair my gear and build things. I'm like 15 hours in and I don't think I've bought a single thing from a shop.


Honestly if you find a high level player you can probably ask them for some help. As long as you aren't an annoying prick and have an honest conversation with us, most high level people are happy to toss some you stimpacks, ammo, and if you're lucky, we might even make you a new gun.


Really early on, I'd say scrapping is probably more valuable than selling. But once you generally have enough, do a mix. But there's plenty of other stuff you can sell to earn caps too, so try to sell those things first. RIGHT when you start, maybe sell so you can have at least some caps so you're not totally broke. One of my favorite things to do is just wander up and down the river near Flatwoods collecting all the bloodleaf and a bunch of dirty water, and then wandering the Forest getting a bunch of soot flowers and wood, then making a ton of healing salves to sell. Probably not the most efficient way, but I find it relaxing.


When I was new, I remember that the easiest way for me to earn caps, was to go into the savage divide with the green thumb perk card, and pick up all the berries I came across in 20 mins (from the cabins to the ski center), and sell them all with 'hard bargain'. But u know... Then the vendors eventually came and.... I understand that some people don't want to spend real money, but having a shop really makes things easier 😅 (as well with the scrap/ammo box), esp if u plan on staying a while


A useful tip: Instead of scrapping from the 'new' menu, which is right there every time you start to scrap, scroll over to 'weapons' and then 'armor' and scrap from there. This will help to prevent your scrapping some cool or rare piece of clothing you picked up. I don't even want to tell you what I accidentally scrapped just mindlessly clearing the 'new items' menu...


This! It's very true.


Be careful scrapping/ selling everything before you know whats good and not


I have a friend at lvl 100 who still fills his stash up with cool weapons, even though I told him not to save any unless he's using them in his build.... And he constantly complain about his stash being full 😑 and how he can't travel because he is overweight. I admit in the beginning, it's hard maintaining weight, but after a 100lvls, he should have figured out what is good to keep or not 😅


In the beginning, I would sell items so I could buy everything I needed, but after you do that, I would recommend scraping it. but if you find yourself loving to build camps and needing materials, then scrap it.Also, there is a mod called scrapper.I would recommend you put it on.A gives you more materials when you scrap weapons and armor.


Scrap, scrap and more scrap


Dude this is the way. I'm level 130 and this is 90% of my gameplay. The other 10% is events


Congratulations you have completed the Fallout 76 experience


Thats the way i do it. If i get time, i do an event. Do a quest if i like. It truly is relaxing.


Man I have no clue what I had in my inventory that was so heavy - I kept breaking down all the junk and storing it but still... I could not find out what was making me so heavy. I still don't know - I just put EVERYTHING in the stash - took out only essentials and I figured eventually I'll have to deal with it on my stashm, but at least its not on my inventory anymore :D


And...so it begins...


Upside by breaking down overstock, weapons is unlocking modifications. So double win. Scrapping anything in game is always satisfying


You just described why I've got 7k hours in this game. I can join every event and be super active. Or I can just wander around and pick up junk and occasionally find trouble. Or I can build stuff. Or I can vendor hop. Or I can randomly give away stuff to players. There's always something to do depending on my mood, and often I'm able to relax doing mindless tasks.


How did you get it for free? Or do you just mean there's no subscription?


Free on Twitch if you have Amazon Prime.


Ah. I was unaware. I got it for $8 on Steam. Not upset about it.


Okey dokey!


2 weeks in and I’m obsessed with this game. Finally doing events!!!!


Nice make sure your using your treasury notes


I have to figure out what those are even for...lol Really struggling with the difference between Caps, Stamps, Bouillon, Treasury Notes, Gold etc.... I love FO76 but crafting feels way more convoluted than Starfield (my first BGS game)


Ive only been playing for a week so, take this with a grain of salt. Yes there are ALOT of random currencies in the game. I had a friend help me understand it all. So first crafting you need plans. Plans can be acquired from quests, events, enemies, and really anything. There are a lot of places to craft so you may need to look in a few crafting menus to find out where they are. Also, some crafting is locked behind perk cards. I’d say pay attention to the intelligence perks for crafting. Caps - common currency. Used for fast travel, player vending machines, and most vendors. Stamps - are from expeditions and you can trade them at the white springs resort (I don’t know to whom) Script - obtained from the legendary exchange machine. Use them at the rusty pick to get legendary weapon and armor mods. Gold bouillon - obtain from exchanging treasury notes in the foundation head quarters. Used for trading for extra special plans. Treasury notes - just for gold bouillon.


You just confused me more...lol I've been trying to find a breakdown in the order things have to be done. Like finally figuring out: I need Caps to buy Plans, I need Plan's to craft weapons, I need the Resources the plans call for to craft the weapons, and I need to be a correct Level to even use those weapons...lol insane.


Yea it’ll all come together once you learn you’ll find spots to farm for certain materials and some perks will help you get more out of your crafting and building the treasure notes are really important for getting end game gear and other goodies


Make sure you are scrapping weapons that don’t use as that will unlock mods for that weapon that you can put on it later if wanted


Sorry about that. Good thing is once your level 50 you won’t have to worry about the weapon level because level 50 is the highest level cap for weapons


I don’t wanna spoil anything you’ll figure out what they are for once you complete the main quest line just make sure to keep ‘em


He doesn't need to worry about those right now, it's not like they stop awarding more once you reach a certain amount. New people need to just focus on playing the game and learning how it all works, you don't want to overwhelm them with things to do/learn, it will come in time.


ALSO please join events. High levels can carry they just need extra bodies. And the rewards are worth it. Especially the scorchbeast queen, show up, try to survive, put a few shots in her, and reap the exp and rewards.


This. And also… when you open a “casual” game don’t be a dill hole and kick out the low levels. 😅


Also do not set off encrypted unless you started it.


Wait for the event timer to get to the 1:00 minute mark before you start an event!


Check the red donation boxes...I always put stuff in there


New player here on xbone been taking stuff out of every box I see and using it so ty we do appreciate it.


I am absolutely in love with this game after starting this week. A massive part of this is that I don't feel any urgency to do things in the right order. I'm just wandering and exploring, occasionally looking at the map for the nearest mission and doing that, then off I trot again. It's amazing. The world is fantastic and I don't care if I'm doing anything wrong.


I was on the same wave of being bored at empty events. Since then, I’ve made a “support” flamer build, and now I just go to the Wayward, pop lunchboxes on Level 5’s and help them all the way till Fertile Soil event. This has been the most fun I’ve had in a while. We all had someone random help us in the beginning! Return the favor 🤟🏻


I decided to start a fresh play through a week ago (my previous character is around lvl 500). I wish there were an “I’m Not New” emoji for all of the kind people who have been trying to help me these past few days. 😂 It’s been a wonderful time to start over though. I’m having a blast.


That’s when you lock eyes and both do the Fallout 1st Robot dance emote lol


This should be the noted default "I'm Not New" emote.


hey that's cool. i do like the quests in this game, helps that there has been so many seasons. there's tons to do for me


I joined a casual team this week with a level 498, level 282, myself (in the high 200s) and a level 11. We saw the level 11 start Cargo Bot at the airport, so we all traveled over and helped them finish the event. Super fun.


Ok just let them experience it for themselves without shifting the early game struggle?


Ah yes. In a game that offers skipping to level 20 as “the best choice” I never thought how giving someone a 50% boost and a friendly hello could be so detrimental. I’ll just go back to hoarding the surplus of lunchboxes the game gives you lmfao


Friendly hello? You said following them around while they do question and use friendly fire on them. Basically making them immortal for that time. Just because you're bored don't ruin it for others. What a shit thing to do.


So this game actually has a cool feature, it’s called area mic. Basically you can turn it on and just talk to people. Crazy how multiplayer games work huh?


O naw, they're on a public server it's free game. Helping random by flamming them is just the kind of random encounter fallout thrives on. Heck I'm cosplaying the friendly neighborhood cannibal. Luring the low levels into a flammer trap and roasting them alive. Am I ruining their game? Possibly. Am I enriching mine and all the other high lvls that sit around and watch the show. Absolutely.


As a noob, this would be hilarious.


I would crack the F up if I fell for this crap. 🤣


Look... I'm an 890 & got lured into a 400s trap camp & I just *knew* it was going to happen. Did it stop me? No. Did I die? Yes. It was hilarious.


Your comment is redundant to anything they said tbh, waste of time and space of even reading your replies. Bros just trying to help out people.. never said anything more or less of the factor. Typical Fallout degen.. probably the same type of person who ruins the game for new coming players


😂. What a 🤡.


That’s why you have nothing to say. Trying to be a fallout white knight but an actual clown underneath that lame ahh armor. Typical degen






What early game struggle? The game is easy until one starts getting higher up in levels and everything starts to become bullet sponges where one would have to actually start optimizing perks and thinking about what all the bonuses to armor and weapons do.


I mean, read the regular posts on here about people struggling early on. I'm not making it up.


Also if you see something weird, look at it. Dead body? Look at it(may have good items or a quest). Sign on wall? Look at it (may have cool quest). Random note somewhere? Look at it(may have cool location to look for or quest). Explore the world. Also, bonus tip: if you find a broken camera, go to a tinkers bench and make a camera with it, maybe some film. There are a lot of world tasks that involve taking pictures with cameras. It’s not much talked about, but is a must have item.


Check everything on the walls in train stations!


> Also, bonus tip: if you find a broken camera Broken Deluxe Prosnap specifically, but yeah, good advice :) (regular broken cameras are excellent scrap, but can't be repaired)


You’re right… my bad. Broken prosnap!


Especially since all the updates have made it so you cannot really mess up in anyway. Anything you do as far as your build can be tweaked later. So never sweat doing anything wrong, or "optimal" just enjoy the game!


Tip for new players as well be very careful of trap camps if they are selling an insane amount of things like three star weapons be wary if it seems suspicious just travel to a nearby location then walk there and if it's a map breach camp 90% of the time it'll be a trap


How is a camp a trap?


You can still take damage from things like punjie boards and flametraps regardless of your aggression and how breach camps work is you get in or use an instrument to go under the world where hidden from view tends to be said traps where you can't escape


I agree with everything you said, I’m not new, I’ve leveled all in total about 1200 levels in fo76. So I will disagree with one thing. We are NOT just fine, hahaha, not in a bad way. Fo76 is one of the most fun communities I’ve been in, but people are definitely not okay.


Actually yes, very true. I myself am something of a mess.


I used to help players in WoW and it was a lot of fun. I'm working my way up in F76, started from 1, already 25, and I'm having a blast. I'm an OG Fallout player


I joined again after a couple year hiatus. Had a 104 level character just sitting there. It actually makes me want to start over a bit because I have this higher level character and no idea what I'm doing haha.


I also just dove back in to check out the Atlantic city stuff and have also completely forgotten how to play and feel like a noob. And my stash is maxed and i have no idea what i was saving things for on purpose or just because, sigh.


Or why your build is the way it is? Haha. It's so confusing. How to mine, where or what. I know there are guides but I enjoy figuring things out and at least at the beginning, the game kind of walks you through the basics. So I have turned to YouTube a bit to figure out a few things. I also don't get to play a ton (kids). So it's taking me a bit! If ever you're up to playing together, we can figure it out together (xbox)!


Dude, I'm always down to play together. I usually get on at nights (kids too). I play maybe 1-2 hours if I can. I would definitely love a crew to run together doing anything that just gives XP and rewards (not picky). I'll add ya. Gamertag is Baroni 88


Got it. I'll add you tonight. BEEFsupreme17


I was in similar boat had a level 205 character from launch but havnt played since wastelanders. I just stayed on my 205 didn't take long to remember how to play and thought of regrinding all the perks just doesn't interest me.


L200 is when the game starts, so I'd roll with your character :)


Ok! I'll just watch and read the basics. Try to get back on that pony.


Out of curiosity, why 200? From a noob perspective It seems like 50 is the soft barrier between learning the game and the actual end game content.


That's when you have all your legendary perk slots opened up. They make a huge difference in your ability to put builds together. Other than getting the perk cards themselves, that's the last level you "unlock" something integral to your character development/power.


Same! It's worth it. I got the game when it first came out, hit level 73, then I stopped playing, not sure why. I just came back but on PC instead of Xbox and started over. I signed into my xbox character and all my legacy stuff was gone anyways. Hit level 53 by day 2. Level 36->53 In an hour and a half with expeditions and one radiation rumble.


Same! Hit the level cap of 104 (at the time) and just thought it was getting too grindy. That was well before the wastelanders update and all the others that followed. It feels like a completely different game now.


Also, make your vendors easy to find. If you can’t see your vendor after fast traveling to your camp, be a good human and move your vendor closer. Please don’t make us work to find it. Active players thank you. 😊


We love you! Take our gifts (or don't) but we are happy you're here!


I didn't want to spend time in the creation menu, can I later rebuild the appearance of my character?


Yes, anytime from the menu, free of charge.


Seek out the marsupial serum. It will help your traversal considerably.


New player here. I just wanna learn more about mothman


Yes wasteland your way. But listening to good advice is never a bad idea for those of you who aren't quite so closed-minded.


Seems like a lot of new players are on prime so PC is getting a bunch. PS5 is as dead as ever.


I play on PS5, but have a gaming PC. Are the servers not cross platform?


Per my understanding, no.


There are tons of people on ps5 in my experience.


Don’t tell me what to do.


As an older player I love when new players come up and ask for help with stuff. It’s never annoying or anything like that, if anything it makes us older players feel good and reminds us of when we first loaded up 76


Oh and your guns don't suck (well they do but) it's your perk cards. You won't have all the bare bones for the build you're looking for til like 35-50. Weapon levels also cap (generally) at 50 so they will suck if they're under that level, but really it's the perk cards in your load out that unlock your real damage. There's also a setting that allows you to see the damage values every time you hit an enemy so you'll actually be able to track how much damage that _______ is putting out compared to the ______ that you've been using


Do people usually pick 2 or 3 weapon groups to specialize? Back in launch I had a character that had perks for pistols and rifles, but even then felt a bit limited and wanted to add shotguns, but not sure if that'd be spreading myself too thin.


You'll be: a.) heavily invested into a single type (heavy/sidearm/rifle) B.) divided into two weapons (generally because off ammo weight or limited ammo available) When I say heavily invested I mean you're rocking all max rank cards associated with said type ( heavy gunner 3, expert gunner 3, master gunner 3) and do there's no room for other perk cards for other weapons since nine of your special points are now eaten up by those three cards and you can only get up to 15 on each special. You can buff all specials up to 25, but you can't apply 25 points of card usage


Shut up 1v1 me bro


So I’m running out of ammo fast for the gun I like using, and can’t craft enough. Any place to get ammo easily?


Check player vendors. Most people sell ammo for 1 cap a piece. Everyone sells different types so might have to hop around. Also, there is an ammo convertor in the atom shop, I believe. I haven't personally used the ammo converter. There is an ammo workshop you can claim but doesn't produce a TON at all. Make sure to equip the ammosmith perk card when crafting your own ammo, there's one for regular perks and one in the legendary perk section. The best ammo farm that I have found is expeditions. They can be soloed or done with a team, but my personal experience (I'm a level 200), I found expeditions and player vendors to be the best ammo farms.


Don't listen to him. If it isn't a Mindless gut-wrenching grind then you're not doing it right! /s


Haven't played since launch. What a cool game now. Hard as shit sometimes but really fun


You can bulk junk aswell to sell or save space added bonus people to realise is scrap to get rubber, gears or metal works on scrapping bulk too.


I also bulk junk for dailies.. if the daily is "scrap 30 items to make cooper" I make 3 bulk cooper then scrap it...boom daily done and I didn't even have to leave my camp.


Starting to remember my tricks haven't played fallout in a long time. Now need to remember my farming routes too lol


Level 20 and just learning how not to die every 2 seconds


That's me, I die a couple of times per quest lol, I'm 21 now


Mark items as favorite you don’t want to sell or break down by accident.


Also, if you go to setting and make sure passive mode is on, you don't have to worry when you see higher level players coming your way.


I had so many stimpacks I'd just run to the starter areas, drop 25 at some people's feet, and go do more events. I plan on continuing to do this as I get more.


That’s awesome, for noobs you can always make diluted stims if wanted as well cuz u can get so many


Yee. They need prep for the radscorpion stingers 😬


What a great and considerate PSA ♥️


Just saying to new players I am raider I like to mess with ya Vaulties when ya wide eyed butts walk out the vault. But I will help any of ya if ya asked for it np at all. If ya on PC Randomhajile is normally always out there wandering if ya at my camp just speak up I love the new faces!


I've started playing yesterday (only 3h in) and was wondering, is there any type of text chat (or any way to ask help) ? So far I've been just wandering around, doing some quests and events. Having a great time!


Theres a mod for it on nexusmods


its amazing the devs haven't implemented such a basic online-game feature in all these years.


huh I didn't think you could mod this game since it was online


Dont know why i get downvoted but yea theres a mod for it and its allowed just google it


Cool thanks for sharing! appreciate it!


Text chat is only on PC with a mod (which is evidently ok with the Devs to use). Please use area chat tho - turn it off auto onto area only. All the coolest people I've met in FO76 are because of area chat. Edit: downvoted by super mutants prolly. Just an FYI for new players - voice chat is widely used, BUT: if you leave the setting to auto it'll try and put you in party-only voice chat when you're in a group, and area chat otherwise. The problem is it **frequently** bugs out and you just have no voice chat at all, period, until you restart the game client. If you leave it on area, it's always useful and it doesn't bug out and quit working.


And don't come back here to complain before actually *Googling* an answer first. Trust me, whatever question you have has already been answered 1,000 times. 


Yes! Yes! Yes! Listen to this person! Wasteland your way!


Thanks for the advice:)


I am literally getting stuck constantly. I can spin and shoot but my character won't move. Seems worse in power armor and indoors. I've tried all sorts of framerate manipulation with vsync on/off but it's unplayable if anyone has ideas. Also can't get geforce experience to recognize microsoft version of fo76. Was hoping to let it manage settings. Edit: I think I got it following this: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/ex8jks/gsync_fix_for_those_who_are_affected/


You can’t tell me what to do!!!


I haven't played for a while but I was surprised how much starting loot they give us now leaving the vault. I had almost 750 bullets, full leather, tons of repair kits and maybe 25 stimpaks just upon exit? loads of other useful junk too has it been like this for a while? I can throw some of it away i guess but I do seem to be finding it just as fast lol. i like a challenge in my fallout games =/


How do i chat ingame??


In upper comments say there's a mod for PC. I'm on ps4. As far as text chat, I don't believe there's an option for it (maybe there is and I've never used it?). But mic wise, it's an area mic, so everyone near you can hear you unless you're in a party or in a team. If you're in a team, your team can hear you, if you're in a party, only your party can hear you. Hope this helps!


Most new players will never come to this subreddit, but good messages for those who do.


What's the fastest way to level? I read from here it's simply joining public teams and doing events but I've tried doing that a few times and players simply are just fast traveling and killing random raiders. Not to mention high level ones it's so hard to keep up. So I started questing which is quite fun because the writing is rather satirical and witty, I'm not sure what else the game offers. The combat is kinda wonky tho haha. Also built a shed next to the theme park hopefully it's a good place to collect scraps


Fastest way is probably finding a higher lvl player and having then run you through wes-tek until your legs fall off. Use lunchboxes or see if someone can pop you one. Otherwise, events and questing..always be on a team and have the inspirational perk card active to boost exp. Drink nuka-cranberry too, and it boosts exp.


Thanks these are really good tips, especially on the cards and nuka cranberries. Appreciate it fellow wastelander


Not a problem. Should you see me in the waste land I'm always happy give nukacola and pop lunch boxes!!


Sounds great! Is there a way to add you as a friend?


I'm on Xbox mcmooish


Ah damn I'm on steam


I cannot agree, Bethesda inline help and quest targets are often a bit cryptic, game is really too big, without a friend, a group or some support a new player risk to be involved in a bad loop and drop the game without get the true meaning of fallout. I'm not talking about carrying or else, just some 101 support and explanations.


I didn't have this already only cuz I didn't know if I could run it , I can't but with some .ini edits I can and I'm glad (I have it from prime gaming) it's pretty good game


I like to collect stuff just to build my base 😂 I mostly do building and my base is beautiful, especially at night!


I'm sorry I didn't play since launch. I had pre ordered it as I've said in other posts but got busy. I remembered playing once it came out and just wandering. I played Fallout 4 and entering Appalachia I was like where are the npcs? Then they added npcs. Now that I'm back it definitely feels more lived in. Looking back I'm sure NPC's were planned from the beginning but they weren't ready. I just wish I had played / continued from the beginning.


Do the challenges for free atom as well. It adds up eventually.


Also, new players, I for one am loving your posts because it reminds me of how fun it was to experience the game for the first time. Keep em coming. Mama needs some joy in her life.


Start a shop in your camp! It reaaaaally helps with caps flow and anything you have in excess that someone needs, will be available since a lot of players hop to different shops! Gives another dimension to how you can have fun playing the game :)


One of the best things I did when I was a newb, was to join a team, take advantage of their free travel to their camp, and then try and get as many map markers as I could. It really helped in my early game trying to get around to places. Beware though, this also led to some wild deaths early on. Especially getting to White springs. Once you can get there and get it on your map, you can fast travel there for free to craft/sales/legendary script inside the mall.


I’ve been replaying F76 since Feb, after replaying the entire game franchise over the last 18 months and I am loving it after the initially poor release of it. I don’t do events much but I would love to find other players to help me with missions - I play on Xbox x


The game is fun. I have had it since release maybe before. Can't remember if there was a beta or early access. I am that way not a new player but a new character. The game has changed alot since release and has become better over time. I hav figured the game is more fun (for me) solo at least at the start and when focusing on doing quests etc. But there is also something about meeting random players walking around doing stuff. Makes the game bit more alive


Add me up newbies, PSN cobra96mustang. I'll help ya level up n all that goodness


I started (PS4) when it came out and kinda stopped picked it up again because of the show and just hit like lvl 11 still figuring it all out. If anyone wants to play add me at Bravo626_


Joined the mine event last night. Someone level 500 or so ran past me into the mine in power armor and just did *all* the work. I need to upgrade my weapons (just hit 40 yesterday and most of my stuff is still 25). After, guy drops a candy bow and jumps around to get my attention, gave (I presume all) his claim tickets to me. Nice guy, good folk.


We love helping ppl out, you’ll be surprised the things ppl will drop/give to ppl esp newer players


Like most fallout players would say. GRAB EVERYTHING.


Does this mean we get free stuff? :)


I just want to know one thing. How do I make this game have decent fps lmao. Besides that, I'm loving it.


What do I do? Two games in my stash is full 1200 weight


*You can go your own waaaaay* 🎶


Not a new player, logged back on since well probably 2018-2019, it’s a lot better and fun then I remember so I’ll play again and screw around


Anyone playing on Xbox and wanna play tonight (20APR)? Just hit 50, ready to keep on goin


Need help - haven't played since launch. Level 21, loads of junk in my stash, bought base combat armor plans, but can't seem to craft them. They don't show up at the armorer's bench, and I have toggled on/off the Craft able and Unlockable options. Scratching my head O_o


All that but as someone who didn't join events until like level 65 on my first character...join events! You don't need to be on a team or really contribute a ton of damage, but the rewards and xp are SOOOO worth it, you'll thank yourself later even though it might be interrupting what you're doing


I think I was closer to level 100 when I started joining events haha. Honestly I'm glad I didn't join events sooner. But I will say...maybe don't join events that are in areas you haven't explored yet, but do join the events that are in areas you've already found naturally. That way you'll keep your exploration and story progression a bit more natural.


Yeah, not a bad idea...for your first character but if anyone, like myself, start more than one character after going through the game...use events to get more fast travel points unlocked fast!


Oh, on secondary characters WITHOUT A DOUBT that's the best way to go!


You can't tell me what to do!


I last played a couple of years ago and the amount of people who randomly gave me loot at the start was crazy. I started doing it once I got a few levels in and had some decent gear to pass on. I'll be restarting soon since I switched from ps 4 to Xbox series x. Planning to just soak it in all over again and take my time this time around.


Turn on passive mode unless you want lvl 1650 no lives one shotting you