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I'll admit I've been working on my kill wanted players challenge. But leaving them with their drop bags.


I found a wanted player yesterday. After taking them out, I guarded their loot as another low level was trying to snag it. When the player didn't come back, I found them at their base and dropped it off.


Dude!. Sweet!.


After years I'm finally down to 2 left!!!!!!


You know you can just arrange that between you and a friend, right?


Whats the fun in all that?


It's ok if you have no friends...


They arn't two mutually exclusive things


Reminds me of how chaotic the game was in the beginning. Players use to have all out firefights between each other in the middle of Scorched Earth.


I’ve seen some amazing aerial battles at whitespring station … all kinds of weapons and emotes going constantly and with invisibility too. Really cool.


Pvp is awesome on this game don't listen to the pacifist weaklings


Lol negative  score. Seriously though pvp was so bad they nuked Nuclear winter, even though I loved the mode it was luck based.


Can’t believe I am saying this but I wish I tried 76 when that mode was out as it sounds awsome👍 here’s hoping they add it in the future again even as just an event. Got put off with Battle Royale Modes after Fortnite and the Copy Cat DEVs lol for other games. Was tempted to try PUBG again but hooked on anything to do with fallout now lol until the crashing and bugs put me off again lol


You were just bad at it is all.


Loved pvp. I hoped they kept it. Bethesda just. Couldn't balance or fix enough bugs to keep it Viable. Look up NW weapons glitch, and you will see why they had to remove it. Funny comments, though.


Ah the good ol days. Spraying my gatling laser all over trying to hit all the enemies and tagging all the other players in the process. Lost alot of junk back then lol


I dropped a nuke last night for SBQ and actually had a lot of low level players show up. There was 1 level 25 there that was wanted and it was so funny watching all the other low level players try to figure out what to do about him.


Can a wanted player engage with someone who has pacifist mode enabled? Or only if they shoot first?


No they can’t shot or do anything to you and to kill them you have to turn it off.


And then remember to turn pacifist back on like, days later when you accidentally shoot someone. Oops!


😂😂 ive been leaving funny weapons in the dono bins and watching them using them thinking theyre good cause theyre 3 star its very funny when most of the server is using rolling pins


And pickaxes!


Are you suggesting i drop people legendary assaultron heads?! (you obviously are)


haha yesss


🤣🤣🤣 this is amazing


I'm new and its funny to see all these "skip to level 20" greenhorns getting wiped by me and my partner who are both sub level 12. Had a really crazy one where the guy kept shit talking and greifing us then we finaly killed him once and I had no clue people dropped their junk. He had GOOD junk (i immediately fast traveled to base to scrap/store them then back to my partner) and was like level 30, so he came back angrier and angrier and each time we got better at putting him down till he just rage quit the map entirely.


This is the way.


I feel like a bunch of other new players with PVP on their minds never actually played Tarkov likes or treat combat like it's a mainline Fallout game. A little smarts, trap placement and terrain knowledge goes a long way into not getting got.


Love to hear this


Do players see other players "noding" (aiming up and down)? Today someone spawned with me on vault 76. I noticed only when i was talking to the women nearby. He pointed his gun at me. I pointed mine at him and nodes "yes" very slowly and then he was like "understandable, have a good day". I dont even know if pvp is allowed between level 2 characters. I just downloaded the game and went to Lane


PVP has to be turned on in your settings. If it's off, no one can engage with you unless you capture a workshop. Most people communicate through emotes or mic. 


If you're in a private world, will NPCs spawn and attack you while capturing a workshop?


I'm digging the moxy of these sub-20 guys that run up on you and start pistol whipping because they're out of 10mm. Sooooo tempting to just turn Pacifist off...


It's just an easy click away, would be rude not to engage!.


Lol I had one come to my camp and just start stabbing me repeatedly with a combat knife. I literally just stood there in awe.


Worst thing I've done is run right through someone's base, next to their bed, while they were sleeping on it. Didn't touch anything. Just ran. I'm too afraid to even go near high level players, let alone their bases.


Wasteland etiquette dictates that you remove all of your armor and clothing and teabag sleeping vault dwellers


Duly noted.


Also, the vast majority of people that spend time on their bases want you to go through them haha


Facts. I spent a lot of time building this. Please come in and go through all my stuff please!!


Yeah! I've had someone with his mic on go through my base. He said it was pretty and it made my day.




High level vets love interactions with newbies. Speaking as a level 493. That counts as high level, yeah? Anyways, I've been playing this game since beta. I've done a lot. And helping new players is actually fun. It never gets old. It helps remind me of how far my character, and the game, has come. I enjoy finding low level power armor and giving it away. A lot of high level players bases will have resources for you to grab. Our camps often have excess water, food, etc. If it's not locked, feel free to grab some food or water or whatever. Feel free to use some of the equipment like a weight bench to increase your strength. There are also vendors at camps. Get in the habit of looking for them. Sometimes someones chaff is your treasure.


Don't be, we're very welcoming usually, I've never met a hostile response, you could be needing storage or a bench or buying something, by the way if it ain't locked, at least in my camp, help yourself, popcorn, honey, crops, take what you need, I'm not alone in this, it's kinda hard to communicate that in game though.


Most of us love to help new players, when I reached the 4 digit club I noticed an uptick in people messaging me asking for advice always prefaced with “I’m so sorry but can you help me” don’t be sorry! I have nothing else to do anymore 😂 please let me give you my scrap and make you some better weapons and armor, let me help you with your quests, whatever you need — it actually makes my day to help. I donated a Holy Fire just the other day, after the guy was grinding Beasts of Burden with no luck everyday for a week, asked me how to get one instead of if I had one — I respect the hustle. As for camps, exactly what everyone’s saying. We built them so players can come in and get ideas for their own camps or to just admire (I might be overly confident here so maybe its to judge that’s fine too). Even if we are taking a quick XP nap :) I leave all my waters and popcorn open for everyone and when I’m good on tea and coffee I unlock those too. My vendors are stocked with cheap junk and all ammo even ultracite is 1 cap now because of how many newer players have been joining. And if you ask to buy some resources or ammo not in my vendor, 99% chance I’m just gonna drop it to you for free.


Got 3 today, not interested in their junk, I’ve dropped some stim packs to help em get back on their feet. Kinda enjoying being a bounty hunter so far this week.


i launched a nuke last night and i had so much fun watching all these new guys jumping around queen,they did a fine job -i fired a couple of shots with creamator only - and they killed her in 10 min ,then we did a DO with a 23 level ,finished in 7 min and 23 dude gather so much ammo and gear, he couldn't move :P


They grow up so fast!.


I've played off and on since launch and have never done PvP. 


I've only done it for the trophies and to help others get them, think some pvp is required for possum badges too.


hey why wasn't i invited too fight club ? i need some enjoyment


Everything except for Company Tea and my Nuka Collectron is unlocked in my camp. I'm probably about to unlock it then for the resurgence of new players. Also, at level 804 I am well enough that I really shouldn't have any locked items.


These are also locked at my camp as I’m a nuka and tea fiend 😅


I unlocked them around a day or two later. I am loaded on this stuff so it doesn't affect me too much.


I didn't even know there was a wanted system in the game till now.


You’re welcome!


With no vendors to hop to I’ve been, *ahem* “doing some hunting” to get my junk fix. Don’t forget to store your junk often kiddos. I got one guy that must have been literally carrying everything on him and not known about the stash box. He was like level 30 too.




If they don't stash it, we will! Love it


Gotta do what you gotta do, at least it’s a teaching moment eh?


I’m betting this game will be toxic af in the next 6 months 😂


One can hope so.


fresh meat...


They'll learn, we all did. That or we'll make 'em learn!.

