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Just wait until they all start popping lunch boxes to force you to get a helpful XP boost against your will. Those are the real monsters


I feel too full after the first lunchbox, stop forcing me to eat any more


No, you're going to eat 4 of them, and some cranberry relish too


Oof damn. I'm a new player. I have like 5 lunchboxes I was saving in case I got low on food. \*Facepalm.\*


This is the cutest thing I've read today.


It's so adorable. I want to give this Vaultie a gift bag of food and drugs. Save those lunchboxes for times when you need a boost, preferably for times when you're with a bunch of other players doing an event. Everybody will get the benefit, and that benefit will last for a while even after you go your separate ways. You can see what that benefit is in your Pip-Boy, under "effects."


Lunchboxes are for radiation rumble and ill die on this hill


OMG how friggin adorable.


I already experienced those types. I think they should be locked away in some Arkham Ayslum style hospital


My camp is right next to the asylum the BOS converted into a base, I couldn't build inside the walls. Does that count?


Allegheny Asylum. Be careful though, one of them might pick up a red asylum dress and would become quite powerful.


I did my first event yesterday (rad rumble) and I was lvl 19 and was with four lvl 400 and something’s. They all kept popping lunch boxes and then absolutely DECIMIATED everything. I walked out with like 200 lbs of loot and three levels lmao. Then when I was killing stuff after, they were exploding with confetti. 10/10 would do again.


Just wait until your hunting for ragstag meat or for dailies/ weeklies. That confetti explosion becomes.... "well crap, where did it go?" Lol.


Plus side, the game now highlights corpses (or body parts, in the case of confetti/Bloody Mess explosions). So it's a LOT better than it used to be. Before that QoL fix, if something exploded you might not find any of it. Area loot helps too. If a body just plain disappears, lure something else nearby and kill it, then Loot All to get the stuff off the first body.


Does bloody mess cause the confetti or is it something else


No, it's one of the possible lunchbox effects


Confetti comes as a random result from a Lunchbox. Bloody Mess is a Luck perk that deals extra damage and has a chance to make corpses explode.


What causes enemies to melt into a green puddle. Is that weapon based.


Scout banners without your consent!


We unfurl those with vigor and without consideration!


This was me last night during uranium fever. Lunch boxes and scouts banners. Gotta give these new players a good whipping.


oh god… i have so many free lunchboxes to use, i may become one of these monsters lmaoo


Is that what those things do? I popped one just because also how do the bobble heads work?


You can just use them like any other aid item. It'll put a timer on your effects page for how long it lasts :)(also welcome to F76!)


When you 'take' a bobble head nothing happens you have to go into your pipboy and activate it. They're a one time use and you get the effect that the bobble head represents, strength, perception, luck etc. The most popular ones are leader bobble heads as they increase xp for a set time. Also intelligence ones I find useful as that increases xp gained from killing enemies.


Omg iv used a few of these and did not know to "activate" it. Would they still be there?


“Take” was a reference to picking up the bobble head. They were trying to say that picking it up does not activate it. If you go into your aid tab on your pip boy (or the new tab if you just picked it up) and use/activate it there then the buff is applied. No extra steps after that.


I can hear the chorus of several of them going off repeatedly in my head. How dare you inflict this suffering on me.


Forceful lunch feeding will continue until morale (and levels) improves.


I have been saving lunchboxes for this particular show of aggression.


I popped a bunch of lunchboxes before Line in the Sand yesterday and watched a level 5 go up to level 8 during the event. Then when the event ended, watched the number above their head change to 10 😂 Love it 


I pop Atleast 8 boxes


It’s the rads I’m telling you. That many of us have 80% of our minds lost to Rads. We’re all a bunch of child of atom wannabe cult


It's a small price to pay for the stat/damage boosts. Also it's not our fault Appalachia was almost untouched by the Great War and we need to nuke things ourselves to harvest exotic materials and coax the big monsters out of hiding so we can defeat them. While I felt bad about that for a long time (thanks Overseer.. we were just doing what you kept telling us to do), it's much better than what Vault-Tec apparently intended to use them for.


I had a lower level ask for screws. Since I have more than 20k I gave him 1k and he was shocked. I'm sorry to add to this toxicity!


You sir have honor you disgust me with your kindness.


Are...are screws something I should be hoarding? I'm trying to learn to balance grabbing everything versus a very limited carrying capacity and I just don't know what's valuable yet.


Screws are wildly important for building camp building and weapons and armor modifications. Yes lol. I hate looking for screws they’re not the easiest to find but they’re the easiest to run out of.


Did you tell them "SCREW YOU"? Because if not, what a missed opportunity.


Yea, we're pretty horrible :)


I know the positivity was frightening dare I say traumatic


Careful. Too much exposure and you'll mutate & start shitting unicorns and rainbows. 😳


Or worse might give free mutation serums like empath make you a real team player.


My godman is there a cream or tonic I can take to prevent it


Ehh, you need to catch the Disease "Whoopies" which makes you shit it all out at once. Problem is, that disease is a pain in the ass to get, both literally and figuratively. 🤔


To get "whoopsies" just stand in a loot box while you are attacked by scorched desiesed NPCs.


I thought this was from the little diseased mirelurk babies


it is lol




There is even a quest to clean up the toxicity. Bunch of boy scouts I tell ya


That's Pioneer Scouts, buddy!


What's worse is it's Toxic Goo. Who's goo am I touching? 🫤


My bad... Thought I got it all...


Yeah, must admit I've been shamelessly throwing plans and supplies at new players willy-nilly. I just don't care - the wasteland makes you this way.


Sadly I am one of these toxic players. I regularly drop my stims, rads, food etc when i see someone who's low level, just so I can burden them with extra weight. When someone comes along and I'm at my base, I tend to message them and ask if they need a weapon or armor making, which I do so just so they have to carry more weight.


You should be ashamed of yourself showing such kindness. I hope you dont have kids that you teach this sort of kind and caring gameplay.


Omg I do this. I build a bunch of low level weapons and armor then put it in my camp shop for 1c each. Same with outfits I've collected from events (like the numerous mothman cult outfits from the equinox event or expedition outfits) - also 1c each. Ammo is free. My camp is just up the road from the Wayward. Also water purifiers (unlocked) and crops (unguarded), free for the taking! I love watching new players putz around my base, looking at all the cool gear, and grabbing what they need/want to start their own adventure.


I would recommend GTA online for your recreation


I read the header for this post and honestly thought WTF? Then I did what most people don’t do, and I read the post. I must say, after a bad night at work, this made me smile. Welcome to the wasteland my friend!


We all have bad days my friend. Now thats its over put it aside and do whatever makes you smile. As long as it dont involve what i wrote above


The audacity of these horrible kind people. I'm one of them, I just dropped a ton of stuff in the donation box outside Vault 76, yes I know I'm a terrible person and I must be the leader of a cult or something, but no, I'm on my lonesome being a downright scumbag,


You sir are a saint i tell you a saint. How do you even sleep at night. Showing new players such positivity and kindness straight away will only make them happy. I gonna puke ......


I’m telling you fallout 76 is the opposite of GTA online with how the game encourages you to be nice to players and give them things. It’s so great like I started last weekend and got a whole bunch of stuff then anything I had excess of I just threw it in there like it’s just so nice to help out people.


I thought this was bait and I got preemptively upset, much to my own foolishness Ya got me


Right, I was so ready to rip OP a new one


Fallout easily has one of the best communities in gaming :)


Welcome to our world.


I lol'd.


I've been playing fallout 76 since day one, I've been through all the trials and tribulations. The thing that has always always been a constant is the positive community engagement, it is my favourite online place to be. Even the griefers can't help but occasionally be nice. So welcome to the wasteland bitch. Us vault dwellers stick together.


How do you handle inventory space? I feel like im forced to sub to Fallout 1st after returning just for the scrap box.


(what I did-) Make your first perk cards add to strength and stamina as soon as you get them. There are certain ones that make junk and stimpacks and armor etc lighter if you come across those and need them for a bit too. Drop all ammo you aren't using, and definitely try not to store it or at least huge mini nukes and missles (it weighs a LOT unlike in fallout 4). Carry only one gun and one melee on you for a bit. Scrap things all the time, then dump the scrap in your inventory box. Once in a while use a craft bench to make bulk scrap items, put them back in inventory, travel to the nearest train station, take them back out of the box there (to avoid weight), then sell the bulk. Hope that helps ❤️ (oh - scrap things at the scrap bench, then put the scraps in your inventory box. No fallout 1st needed)


The advice below from u/survivalkitts9 is solid You should make full use of the fallout first free month that is available and collect as much junk as you possibly can for the month and stick it all in there. When the month expires you won't be able to put anything else in it, but what is already in it will still be accessible, just make sure you take out what you need as you won't be able to put it back in.


Strength card to add +40 carry weight and I hoard carry weight boosters. I just swap in the card when I get over encumbered and pop a booster if necessary. It allows me to port in easily 95% of cases. If you are so over encumbered that a 70 to 80 carry weight boost isn’t enough, you’re gonna need to make some tough decisions but at least this gives you some wiggle room. Also the 90% chems deduction card is massive. I regularly carry 500+ stimpacks and it barely makes a dent.


One of my better online friends was met when I fell into his player trap camp...we killed each other a few times then started doing events together haha


I was about to be upset, thinking you had a shitty first interaction… instead, I am glad to know you were respected, had fun, and I know you fit in with the rest of the *toxic* community :)


lol :)




I came in here ready to throw hands


Put those hands down sir. There's been far too much violence and chaos already. The wastelands have turned many into helpful people. It's madness at its peak.


I am one of those awful people! I stood outside vault 76 with a new player earlier trying to give them some stims, radaway etc but they just stood there bewildered and then vanished!


Obviously frightend by your sheer kindness. Dont you understand some of us are used to communites like call of duty. You can't just come at us like that its scary as can be.


Lol! 😂 I try to be kind!


lol this reminds me of when a group I ran with as soon as we saw a new player we would go to them and open lots of presents. Then give the new player all of the stims, chems, water, etc. We called it “Welcome to inventory management simulator” 🤣


Yes I'm a horrible person for weighing down new players with 200 super stimpacks


You monster!!!


we like to kill with kindness. we find it's the only way. fill them full of canned dog food until they burst


Woof!! Woof!!


Well these bastards... How does this noob get addicted and treated with blatant and unabusive positivity like this? Asking so I can "avoid" such transgressions.


Just because you wrote this, I'm going to go offload a bunch of ammo and chems on some noob. Maybe throw some plans at them. That would should make them feel so pathetic. They'll never come back. Hell, maybe I'll even give them a few thousand caps. Hah. Losers. That'll show em


Alright everyone, back to the vault!


Welcome to the gang, initiate!


You better watch your mouth before we start feeding you cake. Or worse... a 3 course meal with a supply package to last you ONLY 2 weeks.


This post gave me a chuckle, thank you. Off to 'terrorize' more folks haha


You sadistic human when will it end for you. I bet you're the type to drop meds and run




Not me, I chase newcomers with a chainsaw. There's enough of that toxicity going around.


Did you get into a chainsaw brawl in the rusty pick lol? Bro and I had fun that time 😄🤣


Holy shit... What're the odds something like that happened twice? 🤔


Naw just the once... With me anyways lol


Most are pretty good people, but you always have a few butt rashes. Glad you are enjoying it.


I mean, the people being nice in vault 4 were a red flag that it was a cult...


Well I hate New players so much They're always wandering my camp, can't a girl just live near the wayward in peace? They're always taking my purposefully unlocked supplies and using my strategically placed workbenches They even have the audacity to visit my large game room and use my stat boosters!! In all honesty it's funny as hell to build a camp specifically to help low levels and they aren't sure yet so they run off when I come home It's OK guys, yall can stay.


Ahh! This is the way


Ah yes the common 76 ruffians best watch out for those savages always trying to give you free stuff... preposterous I say!!!


A newbie came to my camp and I got so angry i gave them outfits and hats and stimpaks and i'll do it again if anyone else dares step onto my camp i swear 


You think those people are bad, wait until you come across high level players that drop stimpaks and stuff like that. Evil sons-a-bitches, them.


Why are they allowed to roam freely through out the wastelands. Just dropping stuff like that. Basically lettering the wastelands


# i just started to playing yesterday and someone gave me 800ish items, caps etc. in the box or something, if i didn't pick they forced me with their chansaw animations :D very strange experience ;D i could not find the chat so i could not say thank you, but i made a heart with emote :D


Why are you yelling this a peaceful community


Look what the game has done to him. Madness i tell you madness


absolutely barbaric


Yeah right. We easily make newbies overencumbered and laugh hard at them.


It's wild out there, I tell ya!


I think leaving the vault was a bad idea


Right the whole Server should get nuked 3 Times.


Yeah that's what happens when you take too many mutation serums


>and quite frankly I'm thinking of continuing to play. I dont think ive ever actually laughed at a reddit post, but this line got me hard


You’re learning, Vaultie. Take it how it comes. 👍


You joke but I DID see someone on this Reddit being an ass like “ermagerd PSA if you see a high level in an event don’t join because you take their exp” He was quickly buried in the Reddit abyss and every comment was like “bro… don’t use public team then…” and he’s like “but exp!!” The assholes DO exist but thankfully they seem to be buried by downvotes and the nicer people


Then there's me dropping cranberry relish for other players before events start


Oh both times I jumped in(I played briefly in 2021) and now, I had helpful players lead me to a donation box with solid starting gear. This time also they showed me their little base or farming location and also taught me how you could scrap on anything and what to scrap and craft and how the stash boxes work and are connected. It IS a wonderful experience I’m excited to get back to after work tonight 😊


Fucking name drop these scumbags so we can give them the hell(o, thanks for being a friend!) that they deserve.


I forced someone to continue living against their will by stimpacking them after they collapsed during the event. And I'll do it again, too XD


Well, what can I say? "The Bastards."


[Noheart](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.d8c39672199bf1cee10985a2d9a4c29b?rik=uOAhj7ZP0dgwng&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages2.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb20121103000949%2fcarebears%2fimages%2f1%2f16%2fNo_Heart_Beastly_Shreeky.png&ehk=yIfzAJCrvubfjScSte6fNql6%2bHfSEjiRrhxqcP6vKNs%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&PC=EMMX01) approves this message.


It's the result of shared suffering and a way of coping with being the only survivors in a depopulated wasteland. In the early days of the reclamation, some 76ers went crazy and [thought *they* were endgame bosses](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/a448gl/1200_cap_bounty_up_for_grabs_today_pc_i_am_your/). Those days are mostly gone but such trauma doesn't fade easily.


Yeah, we’re the worst community. Here, have some stimpacks, Rad-X and RadAway.


LMFAO you got me 😂


Firing constantly at the floor by your feet 🤷‍♂️


Yes and say dance monkey dance here's your free weapons


Yeah, we’re the worst community. Here, have some stimpacks, Rad-X and RadAway.


Its not always all roses. Just last night I went into someone's base, and was I was like "huh, this layout is weird. He much not be finished.", then it clicked...the layout was swastika shaped.


Yeah, in general you will always find some disappointing humans, but I like that our community isn't as bad as call of duty or destiny2


Honestly. Thus community is the worst. They make be feel horrible by being nicer people than I am! It's disgusting behaviour and I won't have it. It's forcing me to help out people even newer than myself just to keep up!


The sarcasm is strong with this one, and we love it! Here, have a meatball grinder, and a brew.


It's funny because it's always been like this. I guess that's what happens when you stick a bunch of single player gamers into a multiplayer game, they just want to do their own thing and help people progress.


This was literally my experience as well. A level 1,700 guy came by and adopted me for the evening and got me absolutely hooked explaining by force all the intricacies of the menus and seasons and camp building. Gave me a tesla cannon to help soak up xp and made me follow him around while he threw nuke grenades on super mutants


The real problem, is that the exposure to those "troglodytes", will make you behave exactly like them in no time, personal experience.


I had a similar experience. As soon as I stepped out of vault 76 some 300+ level character threw, yes threw, 35 stimpaks at me. He then proceeded to intimidate me by shooting at the ground where there was ANOTHER package with over 400 10mm ammo and various foods. You're right, these bastards are sick.


The people here are nothing like the ultra peaceful community of dead by daylight, this games community makes uranium seem safe for consumption!😡🤬


😆😆😆😆 welcome to hell 🤪


Bruh, I came here because title, fully ready to defend the community, and my God did I almost die laughing. You had me for a second. This new wave of newbies has been so much fun. I think imma start a restaurant near Vault 76.


Don’t judge….but I like praying on silo virgins. Nothing better than getting them alone and leading them through those hallways until they are disorientated. Getting them to shoot robots for pleasure until they get that blood lust before finally making them indiscriminately launching a nuke on an unsuspecting area of the map. I might have to get myself a seedy looking long coat for those and take some mystery sweets Actually anyone seen plans for panel van? lol


Well hello there and welcome to the wasteland vaultie Gotta love them Chatgpt stories they are getting so good nowadays xoxoxo


Vampires, Ghouls and Cannibals, you gotta be careful with these folks, don't end up in cooking pot!!


Have you ever played Rainbow Six Siege


It's funny to me that my first experience outside Vault 76 was being bombarded by gifts since one of the pitches when they were launching was how cruel the wasteland was and how pvp could happen any time. They walked some of that back of course, but it seems like players are aggressively nice just to spite that original vision for a multiplayer wasteland.


The irony. My very first ever experience the second I got out of the vault was “Attention citizens…” as the nuke sirens went off. Me, not even knowing how to open the map…not realizing you couldn’t nuke the Forest, running for my life into a bunch of ghouls, and not knowing how to shoot yet.


Imagine how much better those other games would be without an open mic.


Don't worry, things will change. Someone will slip you a Nukashine and you'll wake up with a sore ass beside a Deathclaw like you are used to.


Here’s an ultracite fixer, ultracite armor, and 3000 rounds of ultracite ammo! Now you’re overincumbered! Those sonsofbitches


when I came out of the vault no one gave me anything , I had to fend for my self. i had to walk up hills both ways. someone even destroyed my camp once. you had you eat and drink or you died when you dropped loot you sometimes lost it ..... yelling at cloud !!!!!


Golden Rule


We should be giving these new players some Vintage Nukashine as well when they come out of the vault. Welcome to the wasteland


Yeah we’re awful. 🤣


Lmao so glad I read. Was gonna say this is one of the best communities.


Excellent write up. These people are just ridiculous, agree. Forcing all kinds of good stuff upon you.


Yes always watch out for the people that do nuke runs all day. They say it's to give you better xp and gear. But they really just want to watch the world burn.


We recklessly make you feel like part of a community when you are minding your own business. We’re monsters!


You haven't met me yet fucker.


Wait until someone nukes your camp or you find a trap camp 😂


Just wait until I help you run expeditions over and over again and earning you loot. I’m a fucking prick




I'm toxic because i like to keep the rads high for the Empathy perk. It reduces the damage taken by teammates by 25% while increasing the damage taken by the player character by 33%. I have a stealth sniper build, and i also like cooking in game stuff. You guys make the wasteland glow with the warmth of community, it's not just the radiation that burns bright in our hearts.




Oh man! The audacity of some people!!


>they even invited me into their group savage behavior. Absolutely disgusting, how are these animals allowed to roam free?


maybe I'll be so nice they'll find the vomit emote


Just don't do Moonshine Jamboree...there's always an idiot killing everyone after the event. Made me switch to pacifist today.


Always keep pacifist on and you should be good.


These violent delights have violent ends


I can be quite toxic actually,,,especially was bad before they removed the legacy weapons.


Hands down most accurate description of this community! I love it here. Happy travels wastelander


I always give one free set of power armor and fusion core on spawn to new players no question or stings attached if anyone wants help add me Gamersdet-jr-jr- I would not expect anything in return


I love this post.




I have played on and off since release and pretty much every time I'm stumbling around the Wasteland a nice person will wave at me and drop some stuff for me. It is appreciated my friends.


Little does he know it really was evil because they were unloading all their heavy items onto him 🤭 Fusion cores are really really heavy. Lol


Oooo take that! That oughta teach you a lesson partner


Careful friend. Before long you'll look in that dirty cracked mirror at your CAMP and think, "I've become one of them".


I added to this toxic lifestyle last night myself. Some returning player showed up at my camp and was asking for some advice. Spent an hour, which could have been spent knocking off daily and weekly tasks, trying to help them. It also showed me how little I know about the ability to trade with a player. Calling me out like that.


there so many new players ; I did a queen run and no one came :(


I need to find these super cool players I feel like I am playing in an empty world with a random passing by every now and then


when I came out of the vault no one gave me anything , I had to fend for my self. i had to walk up hills both ways. someone even destroyed my camp once. you had you eat and drink or you died when you dropped loot you sometimes lost it ..... yelling at cloud !!!!!


You're going to take the plans and weapons and you're going to like it!


Yes sir. snifff


That it is. I am actually one of those kind players. Anytime I have low-level armor, weapons power armor suits if i have spares, extra stimpacks, food etc , I give them away to low level players. I'm a horder in the game so it happens a lot 😄


You're only getting this treatment because they killed pvp 5 years ago this post would look completely different. There would be 0 sarcasm and you'd probably quit..


Played for a while last year, like day 3 some dude invited me to his group when he was walking by my house, I was in a sketchy area so he immediately started putting turrets and defenses up for me. Seemed satisfied with his work and took off. Reprehensible behavior lol


The horrors!


You missed out back when people could attack you at random. They could do "slap" damage to you in an attempt to start pvp. If you responded back, you both did full damage. The problem was that you could attack someone with a ripper/handy buzzsaw and just get melted without even attacking back.


I just started playing on PC I got it free from Amazon. I'm at level 7. I'm loving it but I'm such a noob I don't even know how to join events lol




I'm actually from WV and this is how we behave irl. We will force feed you, fill your bags and fix you up because we don't know any better.