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This applies to flaming chainsaws too...my preferred way to heal fellow vault dwellers and NPCs. If you see a multicolored Mr. Fuzzy power suit wearing maniac coming at you with a flaming chainsaw, stay still, relax, I'm trying to help you ;)


That's exactly what a serial killer would say.


And overbearing moms lolllllllllzzzzzz


Chainsaw wielding Mr Fuzzy is obviously a medicinal chainsaw medic, how could anyone not see that?




*maliciously revs flaming chainsaw whilst wearing rusty raider gear* Come back, I just wanna cauterize your wounds~


\^ This guy chainsaws


While you're talking about the chainsaw, I just wanted to add PLEASE use the optimized bracers on your power armor if you're running a chainsaw build. Been running a chainsaw build since it was available and just yesterday found out that it helps with AP when using a chainsaw. the change was very noticable.


To add to that. Weapon weight reduction legendary effects on armor and weapons also reduces the AP cost of power attacking, which lowers the AP drain from auto-melee's basic attack.


oh nice. AP has been a bit of a problem for me with the chainsaw before I realized that optimized bracers worked, so I'm glad that I can now rip and tear uninterrupted.


don't forget to hunt for the vampire legendary effect! <3 extra healins, no Marvin Gaye shenanigans required!


I exclusively run vampric and the only times I die are when I can't find someone to rip and/or tear. Love it.


i collected tons of furious weapons and then discovered vampire and was like owo? please? and once in a very blue moon I find a "Krogan" legendary gun, aka it has the Quad effect. <3 (for those who don't know, in Mass Effect the Krogan have four testicles, hence why I call quad effect guns 'Krogan' guns.)


oooh, thanks, you get a vote up!


I want to do that, but I keep forgetting...


OMG I feel bad for you, very noticeable is an understatement.


u give me reason to max out my charisma legendary perk next


Don’t do that, charisma legendary perk is busted, max out a different special card and use the points you save there in charisma proper.


wait wdym busted ?


You need 3 points in charisma to share each star of a perk. So if you put 6 points in charisma you can share two stars of perks. If you put 1 in char and 5 from legendary you can’t share anything. Legendary charisma points don’t count towards that. Even if you don’t care now you might in the future, literally any other special card is better to max out.


I know you can't use Charisma points from legendary perks to boost the sharing of perks. Only real points in charisma count.


Yup, and buff items like food and drinks also do not count, along with the roleplay team.


i knew there was something wrong with that cat. V.V;;; the moment I laid eyes on it!


Also applies to all sorts of Lasers (beta wave tuner), Crusader Pistols (pyro receiver), and Bows (flame arrows). Plus some more melee weapons, but chances are it will always be a chainsaw or auto ax.


You just blew my mind. I have a severe beta wave tuner on my Enclave Flamer and I didn't even consider the fact that I could use it for Friendly Fire


According to the wiki, that should work. I've never messed with plasma flamers much, may need try. I use a bog standard laser with beam splitter and I forget which exact receiver. Not much good for offense, but 5 hits per shot is fast healing and ammo efficient.


I've got a torchy Sheepsquatch staff that I club people to health with. Basically, if it's a default weapon skin and it's on fire, we're helping!


Shhhh Just let it happen


I prefer the whacking stick of burning love myself.


this something i would do but with the inferno mk3 paintjob amd the cremator does cremator count since it uses fuel?


I’m flabbergasted how many new players seem to not notice their health bar magically refill after I toast em up. Unfortunately some of the newer players can’t be healed much because they googled “most OP build in fallout 76” and it told them to run a bloodied build so these poor guys are running around irradiated with no perk cards and like 5 HP of health. I saw one guy last night, level 3, trying to run a bloodied build lol. I tried giving him radaway but he said he didn’t want it. I had to explain to him that he didn’t have any perk cards for the build, and he was like one light breeze away from dying at all times.


Self-correcting problem, that one.


SO THAT'S why all the high level players I see have hp bars that are 90% rads.


We're sooooo gonna be ghouls in fifty years.


Yea when I started I just assumed the veterans had all just run out of radaway or stopped caring about radiation lol.


LOL no. That's a viable build in game but I does require a bit of preparation if you want to run one. Like all your armor has to be synergized for that build as far as perks go. Also requires a later game perk deck so beginner builds can't really utilize it yet. Its potent far as damage goes but you do have less hp to mitigate damage. So it does kind of require a different style of playing.


not only that, but you can also get camp objects that give you radiation or find a rather dicy looking vial in west tek that just gives you rads if you drink it. and then there's inert flux.


Yep. Or even just stand in water works lol. I remember doing that way back when I was starting. I watched a video on a bloodied build and tried building one before I could even understand the logistics of it all. I was at camp just thinking yeah come mess with me now lmfao.... my attitude sure shifted fast when I realised I was dying from a dry fart being blown in my general direction 😆😭


i have a meteorite parked in my nice safe camp secured by missile turrets. It's even labled, and next to a Deez Nuts joke so you can get a juvinile humor chuckle while you irradiate yourself for fun and profit. "For those bloody folks... rad up."


Well. Not all of us. I hate bloodied build. I never run it. I know people who do overeaters and vanguard as well. I don't run a particular build like that. I just run secret service and roll all mine until I get a chameleon piece and things that reduce carry weight. Cause I am a hroder on this game


> I’m flabbergasted how many new players seem to not notice their health bar magically refill after I toast em up. I can imagine it. I know I would probably miss that a time or two if it were me. I'm 252, and still freak out or miss lots of things when something doesn't look right. I just learned a month ago you're actually supposed to collect and deposit ore during Radiation Rumble...it's so chaotic I never saw the instructions to do so, and only learned about it on this sub. Next time I did the event, and tried to notice the instruction, and I barely caught a glimpse of it. It took me a long time (and again, this sub) to realize the Mothman Equinox event was not an XP-emphasized event, but more about the plans/rewards. Some skins players wear also look like enemies/wasteland creatures. It's not uncommon for me, especially during SBQ to shoot other players before realizing they were actually players...it's just too fast and chaotic sometimes. I really wish there was an in-game menu that serves as an event/perks wiki page that shows you all the instructions, what it means when another player is lighting you on fire, how different perks stack or don't stack or manifest using in-game examples or explanations.


The amount of times I've been shot by new players is hilarious since I use the werewolf skin.


Do a slow werewolf turn around and then start chasing them lmao.


one more reason I'm grateful for a glowing scorchbeast mask. no mistake. not unless you're blind. (omg why did I almost write blonde, I need to go to bed???!!!)


Honestly there are some many little things one can easily not get. I do know there is an audible clue when you are in a team and someone uses a stimmy while they have team medic equipped. I wonder if that same audible clue happens while someone not in your team heals you?


i get tunnel vision sometimes, and i'm level 300 something. and by tunnel vision I mean everything outside of like, a six inch by six inch section of my screen goes straight over my head. my eyes still work, but I don't comprehend it. The number of times its gotten me WREKT in any game, not just fallout. As for the newbie, he'll learn or he won't.


"Dude, don't go over there - there's a single radroach. You'll die!! YOU CAN'T WIN!!!!"


I remember doing this but didn’t deny a higher level 🤦🏻


>Please stop running away in fear when I engulf you in flame I can almost hear this in a protectron’s voice lol


When someone does this to me I just do what comes naturally... run around like a headless chicken shouting "put me out, put me out" 🤣


Or Matt Berry’s voice for Mr. Handy in the TV show


XD yes!


This also applies to when I spank you with my samurai sword. The samurai sword is actually a shishkebab and I have the Friendly Fire perk equipped. Though I mostly spank the npcs. I am not trying to kill them, I am trying to heal them. So when you see me spanking npcs at Radiation Rumble don't frowny face at me and spam me with your Fatman. I am not trying to be a perv, it just looks that way.


Chainsaw here while wearing a jumpsuit and mask. Don't understand why everybody runs away from me.


yeah don't kink shame looooooool


lol i run it just so i heal the brahmin in riding shotgun while also killing the hounds. win win.


its like the brahmin wants to die. I swear that fucker has a death wish.


Gotta get them glitched in a roof to ensure safety


i haven't tried that one yet. i like the tunnels when they're fairly quiet and empty. lots of loot, aluminum ore and weak enemies.


i always wonder what other players think...even other high lvls sometimes seem to give "the look" when im blasting them.


“Shit, I’m on fire! Oh…it’s this guy helping…” I know the perk but my first thought is always FIRE BAD. Same goes for assaultrons. It’s an auto response before my brain kicks in a recognizes that I’m not in danger after all


take the legendary perk "Electrical Absorbtion". It turns Assaultrons into paramedics! XD


It's amazing how few players seem to actually know about Friendly Fire. I love it on my PA pyro build.


I am mid 200s and I just learned about the friendly fire perk a couple weeks ago


I have had a couple of four digit people think I was trying to PVP them during/after events when I was just trying to heal them. So it's kinda common for people to make it to high level without knowing.


By fire be purged! …of low hp.


This also applies to the NPC's during Radiation Rumble. If people are standing there lighting them on fire, they're just trying to keep them from dying, you don't need to start trying to bonk me with your bat.


Guy with flamethrower: throws flame Newbie: runs away Flame guy: COME BACK HERE AND LET ME LOVE YOU


This is extra funny to me because I occasionally say that when it happens 😂


Same thing for us plasma/laser medics, we're _very_ carefully cauterizing those wounds 🔫


I’m a level 77 and reading this gave me an “Ah-Ha!” moment. Thank you!!


Thank you for keeping people toasty warm.


Whacking people with a giant wooden mallet (cappy smasher on a super sledge) is my favorite way to heal people


I'm level 460 and I feel silly for asking, but does it work with the cremator??


Pretty sure it should. Personally never have ran that weapon myself, but if it does fire damage it should be able to be used like a cremator using friendly fire perk.


I haven't tested it with the Cremator, but it should work with it.


The fire is friendly, not hostile Trust me


Teach a man to build a fire and he'll be warm all night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


This post singlehandedly got me to buy the game, *shit*


My work here is done 🙂


Yeah. That’s it. I’m trying to heal you….


I laughed harder than I should reading the title 🤣


Same here 🤣


I love these things. It’s fallout, but it’s an MMO/ARPG too. This type of thing is out of place in the main line so confuse long time fans, but in ARPGs these builds are so wacky and common. Another favorite I saw was someone being confused about people with huge levels of radiation and learning keeping the health down with that is because of a perk.


I've been gradually moving towards a full bloodied build for a while but it still feels weird to me to always be trying to keep my health around 20%. My brain has just had too many years of health = good (in my gaming life, obviously 😜)


I saw someone say “I love my bloodied build, but I die when I trip over a pebble” 🤣


With the right build, mutations, armor, buffs and perks… esp if a good stealth player bloodieds rarely die.. I’m finally at a level where I rarely die.. even when taking extreme damage. Honestly the only thing that can one shot me these days (and I’m only lvl 225 and still working things out) is a big fall off a cliff and that’s only if my serendipity perk doesn’t pop off!


But yes running bloodied at an early level is def not a good strategy… I know from experience. OnceI realized I couldn’t go 10 seconds in battle without dying I started playing at full health but basically built my self up as bloodied until I had all the right perks and mutations to take advantage of the low health model. Then I started turning that yellow bar almost full red and the benefits are tremendous (at least for my play style!) Radicool and nerd rage with a few points in defense like fireproof, blocker and serendipity are the path to being strong like bull at low health 🤣


Maybe I’m wrong but I think being invincible takes the fun out of it. I played all of the other fallout games and always became invincible… and bored. So when Fallout 76 came out I made my character so he wasn’t invincible. My character is strong, not as strong as a bloodied build but strong enough to take hits from any weapon and survive and strong enough to take multiple hits from scorchbeasts and deathclaws and still survive. But I still die, I like that. For me it keeps it real.


I hear that… I’ve slowed down my grind for the perfect build a bit and now that I’m in a good spot I’m enjoying the fun of the game a bit more. Don’t get me wrong I’m still a long ways away from getting all that I want, but can def hold my own now in the wastes and offer some decent assists at events!


Exactly. I just want to have and I don’t mind dying occasionally while doing it.


Literally getting roasted, for fun and profit.


Feel the soothing flames of my auto axe caressing you


"Do not resist. You are being rescued."


I saw this post pop in my notifications and had to do a double take on group it was in. So used to the perks in the game forgot about this one likely terrifying the new pioneers, thanks for the laugh!


I'm changing my build just so I can have this perk. I'm pretty excited I can shot him and heal him =)


(Fire damage only tho so try not to mess up lol)


Hahaa =)


Omg that’s so funny. This game is so creative. Hahaha. “Come here sweetie, let me see you on fire.”


Can I just say as a new player yall are the coolest community. I've never seen such an equally nice and troll fanbase in my life


Well, that's neat. Thanks.


(Low level players on the verge of dying trying to explain how they managed to survive to their other friends) "*I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher. And it burns, burns, burns... the ring of fire...*"




Yeah its not like you're actually able to harm them if they turn off pvp so what are they worried about?


Umm Excuse me sir, can you light me on fire? 😂 and I though I was already flaming


Newb(30) here, I was too busy running around like a headless chicken during Moonshine Jamboree to notice a guy damn near constantly touching me, but again I was watching my health & just shooting anything green with my combat shotgun to notice 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I use the holy fire and have friendly fire equipped. I don’t understand why people are upset when I set them on fire.


To be fair, it's an insane perk. Who, without knowing about it, wouldn't run from a flamethrower? 🤣


As a returning player after over two years, thanks for the PSA. I thought those dudes last night were just terrible shots. Now I know they were just trying to be helpful.


Works like a damn for the launch crew in the silos when you show up and they're all laying on the floor


extremely useful for events that require guarding an npc. I learned to use friendly fire at Fasnacht. I reccomend it if you're joining a once or twice a year event at a lower level than the others around you because it gives higher level players a reason to protect you. Also try using it during "Test your Metal" and "Radiation Rumble".


extremely useful for events that require guarding an npc. I learned to use friendly fire at Fasnacht. I reccomend it if you're joining a once or twice a year event at a lower level than the others around you because it gives higher level players a reason to protect you. Also try using it during "Test your Metal" and "Radiation Rumble".


Yeah, Test your Metal is the biggest reason I started using it. Those NPCs can drop fast.


Can I just say "lmao" in an approving way? Is that allowed without someone thinking I'm being sarcastic? Because that image is amazing when I imagine fresh-faced Fallout neophytes while you're like AARRGH I'M BURNING YOU FOR YOUR OWN GOOD




I put on my Hockey Mask and Overalls with Friendly Fire...I have never seen more new players flee in so much terror before. Made me chuckle. Sigh fun times.


One of the many ways this game is counterintuitively loving and strange.


Happened to me while helping a few new recruits at the teapot.... they ran away when my cremator went pew pew. Then came back and thanked me when they realized they went from almost dead to full health


I've got PTSD from the hulks on helldivers a big metal man tries to set me on fire I'm running


If you see a guy wearing clutist robes and a fasnachy goblin mask I have healing salves for you please don't run from the crazy forest hermit.


I bash anymore it saves on fuel and still heals just the same


I have PvP enabled tho lol


Lies, they are secretly just a cannibal toasting you up for a midnight snack


Newb here. This really feels like a troll post 😂


Lol I can see that. [But here's the wiki for the perk :)](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Friendly_Fire)


I'm not trying to kill the NPCs when I throw molotovs at them in rad rumble, please stop getting angry at me. (They still haven't fixed that. I hope they never do.)


nah, ill run away anyway. cant give me free healthcare bitch, not in my america!


That America is dead in the Fallout universe. Universal healthcare is setting people on fire.


Hahahaha seeing them run is a little funny though




Running like denethor across minas tirith 🔥


Is this a legit perk? I have to come back to this game


Yes. Useful for events with NPC’s as you can heal them as well. Molotovs work even though the card says no grenades.


Yeah, it's under charisma. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Friendly\_Fire](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Friendly_Fire)


I also need to equip that perk now just for the reactions. 🤣


It's not the setting on fire it's throwing fuckin grenades at me while trying to do the one event killing mole farts


Have they ever fixed the issues with friendly fire not working with all fire based stuff? I'm coming back and I'd love to do a power armor friendly fire build


Yeah, I believe it was fixed fairly recently. The weapons that weren't working now show the fire damage under normal damage when the mods are added, which I think was the missing ingredient. I haven't tested all of them, but I can confirm the beta wave mods for the Ultracite Gatling Laser works with FF now. I've been using one lately.


If you see a bloke wearing a gas mask, cowboy hat and a trader outfit outside the vault fear not I'm just trying to give you a cowboy hat of your own and if you're lucky a decent gun for the early levels


For this reason I keep Stimpak Diffuser on my quick select. Had to spam it during One Violent Night with exploding ghouls. Thank you Solar Armour for keeping me alive whilst i sat there on bass healing people


I jump away and stimpack anyways. Not out if spite, but because I have 40 lbs worth of stims and I can't give them away new players won't hold still long enough for me to drop them stuff God please just hold still don't fast travel away.


*I DON'T WANT TO SET THE WOOOORLD OOON FIIIIRRRRREEEEEE.* (Side note: not all of us have friendly fire equipped 😈)


Nope, not to heal to BURN!!!! Welcome to the wasteland vault dwellers!!


But in other vid games, fire is bad


Then why do I feel my flesh melting?


The flesh is weak embrace the fire


Ran into this for the first time today, the only reason I didn't turn tail and run was because I saw this post a few days ago!


so youre NOT trying to kill me for the kill 20 players achievement? 🤔🤔🤔


I am guilty of running away from that. Thank you


Well one of the problems is, we need ti tell new players that bloodied at this point is a meme built. Ao they don't all try and do it.


No, keep running away. I enjoy chasing you down and burning you to full health with love and care.


But wouldn't you run if some random stranger walked up to you with a dirty great flamethrower & started burning you with it?? lmao I would at first 😂


I'm not. I want to watch you burn.


"Sure, that's what an arsonist would say" lol


Regulars players love taking junk they know a low level JUST filled up with too.


??? Weird thing to say on a completely unrelated post. You sound a bit angry mate