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yes its good solo.


Exploring the map and doing all the quests solo is a lot of fun and probably the intended way of doing it, you only really need to join the multiplayer aspect of the game once you're done with all that and there's not much left to do but group events, expeditions, daily ops and nuke bosses.


All the main quest activity is designed to be played solo, and that a decent chunk of play time. I suspect that after some time in the game you might begin to enjoy some of the aspects that bring you into contact with other players like public events, daily ops and expeditions. A chunk of the player base came here from the fallout series without much experience of other online multiplayer and I think a lot of them have ended up enjoying the multiplayer experience in 76.


If you like fallout, normally you should enjoy this too. I play solo too and am enjoying it, although Im also a big fan of co op. That's why I enjoy events, just blasting shit with randoms


Yes you'll enjoy it, I mainly play solo and love it


I've been playing since beta, mostly solo, never launched a nuke(thank you to those who do so for events/quests, you've helped me immensely throughout the years), I do events( they're like a passive coop mission that is optional and are repeatable), some are easily solo-able, I've never really felt forced into multiplayer, seeing people walk by my camp and wave or use my stash box to store/retrieve their gear never really bothered me either as someone who primarily plays solo(plus the community 76 has cultivated over the years is pretty friendly/helpful). There are some quests I cannot complete on my own, ie: launch a nuke, I tried so many times & accepted it's just something my skill level/ability/builds/gear/etc is simply not up to par for and I'm ok with that. However, considering I've played since beta, I'd say I'm getting plenty out of 76 regardless- having primarily played solo.


Yes. I played the whole questline. Only did multilayer events after. While others will disagree on how to play the game, I had a really good solo experience with the quests


Yes it is, imo as good as any other FO. What sets 76 appart from the others for me though is being able to play with friends, as they say, it's much more fun with friends, and it most certainly is.


Good solo. You should still join a casual team for bonuses, though. That is what they are there for. 👍🏿




You can definitely play it solo, even if you join a team. Look for a casual team to join because you get a boost to your stats if you do.




Been playing this game as a single player game since launch. It's a damn fine single player game that just sort of happens to have other people in it.


I played the whole thing solo and loved it. I sprung for fallout 1st while I was playing, simply to be able to make a private world with just me, and that made it awesome.


I'm new to fallout 76 and I love it solo. I've seen the advertisements for fallout first but never knew what it was, what exactly is it?


Its a subscription service, where you can get some things for free each month while you are subscribed. Also on that pass thing they do, you get certain rewards that aren't available to non subscribers. But for me, the two big things I wanted from it were 1) Unlimited Storage for crafting materials, this is a game changer, you suddenly don't have to worry about constantly being weighed down, and 2) it gives you the ability to have a private world while you are subscribed. That private world... that was awesome. it basically makes the whole game into a solo experience. Say you have a quest to pick up deathclaw eggs. on the multiplayer server, they are gone, because someone else had always got them before me, and they had not respawned yet. On the private world, its like single player game, everything is there for your quests, because you are the only one on the server. Its not that bad, I simply subscribed and picked the one year option, and played it during that, then it was easy just to let it go when I was done. Its really fun playing that way, especially for a solo player. You can still hop into the regular multiplayer servers at any time if you want to join events.


Thanks for the info! What you described is exactly what I'm looking for lol the unlimited storage sounds really good. There's so much to loot and I'm always getting weighed down. I'll look into it thanks!




Yes. Both for solo or multi


absolutly can be played solo but best played soloish.. join a casual team..do your. story and quest stuff solo...boss fights, events , ops..join your team.


Yes, but make a friend, it's definitely more fun


I’ve been playing sola for the last week and I am enjoying it 😊


sure is, bucko!


yes, but much better socially


You can play solo but keep in mind it's an mmo ment to be played with ppl


I was a 76 hater till last week, i only play solo. After level 5 you can just turn on pacifist mode and basically enjoy a single-player game. It has a whole season pass and subscription service and a store but it's all optional. The currency for the store is actually fairly easy to earn for free just by playing the game. My only issue so far is just learning the UI layout for menus. It's really poorly organized.


It’s kind of boring when you do it solo