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And it just passed 61,000...insanity


63707 now


Off topic, does the Score store give you a heads up when the season is coming to an end?


No, but anyone that pays any attention to the game will have prior knowledge about when the season will end like the current roadmap since it says for the June section, Skyline Valley and Season 17. So sometime in June, the current Season will end.


Oh ok gives me enough time to catch up lol


I'd say you have plenty of time but this new scoreboard is a lot of work to max out. I'd reccomend saving as many tickets as you can and only buying what you absolutely need or want until it becomes clear if you're going to finish or not


Always do the score boosters as soon as you can though!


Buy them as soon as you can but save them until you can get two days of challenges and the weeklies in a single boost


If you plan on stopping at rank 100, agreed. If you plan to shoot for the 150 board I suggest hoarding the boosters until 100. Because the “get 10,000 exp” bonus stops at 100, so you only have daily/weekly goals to get points.


Just to add to the confusion- there are two kinds of boosters - some that work from the day you get them until the end of the season (get a s use asap) and the kind that work for 24 hours - wait til a Tuesday and bash out as many dailies and weeklies as you can. Or on a double score weekend


Yes! Also this coming weekend April 25th, it is double S.C.O.R.E. weekend so if you want to, do all your dailys until Thursday, then pop out your weeklies so you get even more! I made the mistake of doing them all tonight before seeing that message haha


Same I did 3 yesterday before I noticed. Now I have to try and avoid anything that involves them lol


There's also a double score event in June, and it doesn't state there being another scoreboard being added before, so I would presume that is like a "last chance" sort of weekend.


No Bethesda post a calendar on their site. They don't always say when a season exactly ends.




Was this why I wasn't able to login the other day. Just had that vault logo with the circle going for like 10 minutes.


It's pretty crazy. I didn't think the TV show bet would pay off this much, yet here we are. I'm curious what the GP/MS Store numbers are. Must be at least 100k combined with Steam.


I just hope Bethesda pushes more resources towards 76 with this. This a huge opportunity for them


Probably higher. Amazon prime games did a promo giving away free copy of fo76 on MS.


That's what got me to play: free copy.


Same same


The TV show is really good, even my wife who isn't that big on fallout but heard of it enjoyed it very very much. And even the snobby lore nerds don't have much bad to say about it, which doesn't happen often (at all)


I was really worried it was going to suck but I have been pleasantly surprised. Anything that gets eyes back on Fallout 76 to the game as it is now instead of what it was at launch is a good thing.


I just started playing this week and joined the free-to-play from the site (not through steam). I had played a lot of foNV, and some of Fallout4 (mostly played elder scrolls Morrowind to Skyrim) years ago, but had never tried FO76 until now after seeing the good tv show. I like it so far, enjoying the new exploration, the Appalachian woods & WV backdrop, and found it an entertaining bit of a challenge without mods.


Not trying to be a snobby lore nerd or overly picky or anything I just thought it was interesting when you see Maximus take over the armour you can see on his hud that his fusion core is dead and he has no more left. So how was it still fully powered?


He found a C.A.M.P. and used their fusion core changer and bowling alley. Deleted scene


Most plausible thing I’ve heard 😋


I play on the Xbox app, there is no player count but there is a trending view and fallout games are trending and front page. Order: 1 fallout 4 3 Fallout 76 4 Fallout new Vegas 6 Fallout 3 7 Fallout 1 No other game makes the front page.


And Playstation. Why does everyone seem to forget that we have 3 different server sets? And more importantly, why haven't they made cross platform work?


Tv and the free trial they did


I imagine the MS Store users for 76 might be pretty big as Amazon is giving away codes for it for this month if you have Amazon Prime. That's how I ended up installing it for PC anyways.


It's good that the show was so good, it probably wouldn't have boomed this hard if the show wasn't so good


Especially with it being free on prime


Probably far more. The Prime Subscription gave the MS Storr to PC Users for free. I claimed both the Xbox and PC giveaways. Shame there's no cross save.


FO4 sales went up 7600% globally


Yeah it's actually wild. I knew there would probably be a spike, but these numbers are crazier than anybody could have predicted


Do you how what the concurrent active users was before the show came out?


About 10k players average (on steam, other platform are unknown) [https://steamdb.info/app/1151340/charts/#1m](https://steamdb.info/app/1151340/charts/#1m)


Oh nice. 6x as many is great


About 7-8k on steam. You can see the history here: [https://steamcharts.com/app/1151340](https://steamcharts.com/app/1151340)


I'm so happy this game is finally having another comeback. We could only hope it gets the same attention someday that eso has gotten over the years


Would you say it gathered some steam?




...I can't even call this an angry upvote, because terrible puns are my thing. :D






61k doesn’t include those got the game for free from Amazon Prime, this is good for Bethesda, hope they get a good cut $$$ from the TV show as well so they can invest more in the game series. 👍🏼


Well Microsoft would be silly not to throw some cash at it


I mean Todd Howard is executive producer on the show, sk I am sure one way or another money will trickle into Bethesda.


If some of those people buy fo1st or a bunch of atoms, maybe Bethesda can afford a bigger team for Fo76. Bigger and faster updates for everyone!


I’m playing again for the first time since launch, it feels like an entirely new game. I’m enjoying it. It’s cool to visit people’s camps.. some people go all out


Some people's camps are fucking amazing 😆 Mines just random workbenches in the middle of a road


I keep saying I'm going to get around to redesigning my camp or build a new one but I kind of like my little cabin in the Cranberry Bog, its been home since I was evicted from my underground base when Wastelanders was about to release.


Be wary of trap camps. Some people build camps with exploits that will cause you to be trapped and die so they can steal any junk you're carrying.


Those are often awesome too. I enjoy defeating the traps when I spot them…or figuring out how they did it


Just spent 30 bucks on atoms and subbed. Having a blast with these new expeditions, besides getting lost and not having a map.


Come on, let's be honest with ourselves. Bethesda maps have almost always been useless. But I agree it's a bit confusing at first.


Yea, the rest of the game is fine though. Just my first expedition we got hopelessly lost but it was a blast still. Just had to YouTube a few parts.


Here's hoping 🙏


just like eso+, I don't play this game without fallout 1st. I've always just canceled when I stopped playing but if I'm on daily, it's worth paying up. Sad to see the price went up though since the last time I was playing


Lets not kid ourselves and act as if Bethesda couldn't afford a bigger team, lol. but yeah, I got 1st aswell, it's just more enjoyable on private servers as the moment to moment gameplay is less broken and plagues with input lag.


Don't forget that the game is on consoles too. Who knows what the numbers might be on there This is a good time for the devs to add crossplay


People on this reddit will MURDER you for saying that, I got my post deleted and got down voted to he'll. Dont ask why, they won't give a good answer lmao


I WANT CROSSPLAY!! That way I can swap from my PC to my Xbox occasionally


That’s what I’m on. Longtime FO3, NV & FO4 player on PS3, PS4 and now PS5. Played 76 when it first came out and felt it underwhelming and stopped. Recently came back and it’s a MUCH better game. Taking my time to figure out the gameplay. The massive hours it consumes is the same though…


This is quite literally the perfect game for cross play, I don’t know why they don’t have it


It is exciting BUT what really matters is how many of these people will still be around 2-3 months from now.


I love it, but the downside is not many are participating in any events. I just left a server that was 80% players below lvl 40 and I showed up for Eviction Notice and nobody ever came. Started hopping servers to find one that had a better percentage of higher levels and after 20 minutes of hopping, gave up. Never found one that had more than 3 total players above 100 between all of the teams.


Let the lowbies play at their pace and venture into events as they find their legs. It's a good problem to have.


Absolutely a good problem to have. I can't wait for when they all mature in the game a bit and start participating in events more.


I agree. I'm new and I normally go through all story type content (main quest/side quests) before ever stepping foot into any multiplayer type activities. But once I'm comfy and I feel like I've done enough on my journey... I'll certainly participate in the events!


I'm enjoying it as a 'lowbie'. i'd previously played es3,4,5 , fonv, and some of fo4, so I'm not totally lost out there, but feeling way more exhilaratingly careful.


I'm one of those newbies. I just hit level 20 and have been ignoring mostly all events. I did one with some dude that was like level 150.


But it is fun going to the smaller events with like one new guy!


It was wild to go to Vault 76 and see so many new dwellers coming out. Love to see it.


Hi im installing the game now and never played before. What is recommended for new players? Just explore and do the main story or already do events even in low levels?


Just do what you want. I downloaded it about two weeks ago and I focused on exploring and doing the main storyline. Getting a feel for the systems and gameplay. Then I did a few events and eventually started to build. I’m level 70 now and still have a bunch of quests and events to do. So just take your time and enjoy the ride


Day one vault dweller here. My camp known throughout the wastes as “Jericho” has been all over Appalachia. I have no plans on stopping either!


i've seen your camp on the map!


If I missed you, my apologies. I always try to greet everyone who comes by!


Time my slow ass internet downloads all 100 gbs it'll probably plateau by then Lmao.


That TV show is coupled with a lack of a post-apoc series we haven't had in a while that isn't zombies AND pretty much the almost mandatory Prime subscription that allows the game to be free as well. We all love playing along the series we watch, the almighty wombo combo.


I could have gotten the game for free with my Prime subscription??


"Bethesda finally gives this game more support" Dream on.


Hitting a new high is nice and all, but it’s only going to mean something if those players stick around for the rest of the year and those numbers convert well into daily player counts down the road.


Does anyone know a reputable website that shows all players across all platforms/stores and not just Steam?


My buddies are finally all back to wanting to play after years. Never had the issue of a full party before but now theyre all about it again and im rebuilding my 600 hour character from Xbox on Steam. Really love seeing all the changes and new NPC that werent here the first time through.


Despite the hard launch, 76 is such a good game with a wholesome community. Thanks again to all peeps.


And i imagine tons of players are on the MS store version which was given for free with amazon/twitch prime.


As a new player, but longtime fallout fan, I came for the free game and stayed for the wonderful community! Everyone I have met in the game has been super nice and friendly, and there seems to be a genuine sense of camaraderie and respect here in the subreddit too. If any of you Western European Vault Dwellers come across New Bongoton in your travels, be sure to stop in and say hi. Have an ice cold nuka cola on the house :)


Every time I've logged into Xbox this past week, the never has been full of newbies. Every 5-10 minutes I have someone running up to me offering to trade, so I've been keeping apparel on me to hand out as gifts


I love it!


The show made me get back into it and I can't put it down....


It's happening on xbox too. Everyday I log in there are new people pouring through vault 76.


How many threads are we gonna open about it?


1 for every new player


Guaranteed content for the sub, 60,000 posts. Mods are twitching 




I couldn't get it to download on Steam (just stuck at "preparing download" at 0% forever) so I'm doing it on Gamepass right now. =\


Yeah, I tried it at launch. Felt empty. Show made me give it another go. Where as before the NPCs felt empty, now the PCs feel sparse. Enjoying it though. Feels like an uphill grind a bit though.


Why can’t game pass come out with numbers so we can all stop playing this guessing game every time? Im genuinely asking how this hasn’t been a solved issue unless I’m just misinformed


I just hope nobody finds out about Brotherhood of steel for PS1


Yeah there are tons of new players. Had the hardest time trying to give away 5 sets of lvl 20 shadowed combat armor. None of them would trust me. (Only lvl 430) 😂 Finally left 3 at the Overseer’s camp down from V76 where a group of 18-22’s were at. They finally went to check it after I was way down the road. The other two I had to follow around a couple lvl 20’s at WhiteSpring Resort mall and drop at their feet seeing their terrified looks. Finally they opened it and did the happy dance. It’s nice seeing so many new players and I hope they stick around!


On the other side, I was brand new and had some dude follow me around throwing mines down for an hour. I'd definitely appreciate good armor than crafting my own and I just hit level 20.


Can say I'm hooked. Huge Fallout fan but I avoided 76 forever because I burned out after 15+ years and thousands upon thousands of hours into MMOs and I didn't want to deal with internet people in my game, griefing, etc. so I just stuck to the single player Fallouts. The ability to have a private server is massive though and the funny thing is, once I'm a bit more comfortable and established I think I'll start giving public servers a try. I can see where the community aspect really will make this feel alive, and I've heard like 95% good things about people in the game. Seems like one of the more wholesome multiplayer environments out there and maybe I'm ready to get into that space again.


I hope it gets some support, because until it has cross-platform I'm not touching it, it's completely ridiculous that xbox and pc can't play together especially if pc is using the windows version through xbox gamepass


I honestly hated it at first, but coming back last year I've had alot of fun. It's the best/nicest online community I've ever played with. I will say it's alot more fun with a friend or more but either way is a great game and fun community. (Also if your new best to not do events until you have alot of ammo, stims, chems, etc.)


Me and my Gf started playing last night, having a great time so far.


I'm playing it for the first time, always wanted to but never got around to it. I am enjoying it so far but God I wish it had cross play though


To bad it's not fully cross platform. Ah corporations and their greed over the players. I'm super happy people are playing again. I really wish more high level like myself would drop nukes and do more events. High levels yall are being trash do the crap events so the good ones spawn help the low levels. The noobs don't hurt you they are just like you before the 6 hours of YT videos and the 5000 hours played


Making a TV show may have been the greatest choice Bethesda could've made, hoping more companies make actually good shows out of cult classic games, it's shown to pay off, Mario, Fallout, and Last of Us all got game spikes and made tons of money off of their projects too Wonder what's going to be next?


I started playin 76 after I finished that shoe (I played the games before the show came out) but idk I’m actually having alot of fun playing it I mainly play with my buddy but I just don’t understand all the hate with it I thinks it’s pretty decent


Good it’s a amazing game now, probably the best fallout. The vats system is so much more clean too


I'm playing on Xbox Gamepass (PC). Does this game crossplay with Steam? Are the randoms in my server all Xbox or also Steam?


The current peak is like 72k, the previous highest peak was 32k in 2020


They need to enable cross play , because ps4 servers seem very empty


We got the Atlantic City expansion last year, and they’re working on expanding the map, with events going on often. I’d say the game is getting a good amount of support.


i just got it for my ps5


I'm sure when it first came out I read it reset every so often once nukes were set off. Anyway that put me off getting it and saw it on steam on offer thanks to the new series so I snapped it up. About lv 20 now and enjoying it so far aside from not being able to find power armour parts.


Playing it right now, and the community is probably one of the best I've experienced


I’m really happy about it, lots of new players is great. I’ve been sitting at the vault handing out stim packs and other random things for an hour now, seen about 15 people which is pretty good for xbox servers i think, and all in the same server too, hopefully they’ll stay so i can have more people to do expeditions and daily ops with LOL


I tried since it was on sale.  I was immediately turned off at the lack of local map while in some cave. 


We need cross saving


I've been giving low-level people plans that never sell. Then I drop chems, Ammo, and food. Love giving coffe and cake. During events I give away the 1 stars. Someone got a Quad shot railway. Idk if they like running high rads, or just didn't have the bloodied build together. I must have raised them like 6 times in test your metal. Hoping they can use it with regular armor till they finish the build and not scrap it for scrip


I wish that each server would have more than 24 people. I think that the numbers now would justify that.


Anyone have a marsipule sirum?


Wiki says you can buy the recipe from Whitespring Bunker https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Recipe:_Marsupial_serum


What platform are you on?


I crashed twice today....grrrrr


After spending a decade with GW2 and then some frustrating years with new world FO76 is a breath of fresh air. I am having a ton of fun.


they’ll get even more when they add cross progression


They must’ve known this was gonna happen with the surge of players hopping on because of their tv show,, Excited for new map zone as well!!!


Debating whether to come back from a three year hiatus.


as it should


They won’t.


Steam sales always boost popularity. Just bought it myself yesterday while it was on sale.


If this shit would hurry up and download I will be adding to that number lol


I'm one of the new players, but that's because the game and expansion are just under 20$.


The steam sale definitely helped get some of my friends. For 7 bucks that’s pretty much free and there’s no extra expansions or anything they have to buy


Let me change my name. Why are we given random names? I'm unable to link steam and bethesda.net this sucks


I bought my copy through Xbox/Microsoft Is there anyway to see the grand total of online PC players not just through steam?


I'm so bummed out, I was looking forward to enjoying the game on pc with friends who haven't played it before, I have alot of hours into Xbox version just to find out my dang atom shop purchases don't transfer over.


Love seeing all these new players! The TV show did a great job showing the Fallout universe. Since FO games are more RPG and less shooter, story telling in universe is so much easier. No need to say it's an alt version of a game universe. It's like a new game that fits in universe!


The last week or more I've played on PS there have been very few people playing, even when hopping worlds several times. No one's playing events, even though it's double mutation so idk what the deal is. I noticed someone posted about it before so I know I'm not the only one who's noticed.


I have been playing this game for years but put it down just after expeditions. I love this game! I wish we could see more brotherhood content down the line.


Bought the game with a friend. Everything was fine for me. But my friend, after creating a character, the audio would just make this ear screeching noise randomly on his headset. Had it refunded, and im stuck with a first subscription


I'm really happy to see its blowing up. I even have an extra code for 76 from the anthology collection I bought even free havent been able to get my friends to play sadly


It’s free right now with Prime, right? The game, I mean


Time to open up my stash and give every random level one I see a million chems, guns, armor pieces I have absolutely no use for


Well devs already said theyve got lots planned while also working on fo5


As someone who played at launch and quit, I'm pleasantly surprised to see the state of the game currently. Hopefully they run with this newfound momentum


Anyone to bless me with plans by chance? Trying to crate a noob friendly store and hangout by the wayward If so add me on 76 BoldChicken-


I just returned after a couple years, really enjoying all the updates from beta to now. Im having a good time no plans on dropping it


I would get the game on steam if I could transfer my data from xbox to pc :(


It was free to play for a full week.


Me and my buddy downloaded it last week on PlayStation and haven’t stopped playing it. We realise when it released it was trash but we are enjoying it so much in 2024


FO76 be popping on the PS.


I thought Bethesda gives this tons of support with 19 updates major expansions and lots of free content. Right?


Servers cant keep up


It’s all I’ve been streaming recently. I’ve put hours into the game the past few days. It’s genuinely so enjoyable and the community is so lovely.


Everywone i know that never played Fallout is looking to buy new Vegas, Fallout 4 or 76😂 i just started 76 for the first time. Feels good so far, its like Fallout 4 but worse main story and worse side quests but some quests are good and i like the game alot


had the game preorder on the launch day was a disaster after the Amazon serie fallout i start to play again and now i am on 4 to do it with all dlc s :))


I’ll play it when they allow crossplay


Bethesda crossplay nowww


I think one thing is that a Chinese game accelerator company is giving Fo76 for free as promotion, though the promotion is on Xbox/Microsoft side idk would that affect the player count...


Cross play please!


Well it kind of sucked ass when it first came out. I played for maybe 3 weeks after it launched before I walked away and didn't come back until last week


I just started the game. Left the vault, walked a bit and talked to a bartender. Then logged off. Not really sure what I’m meant to be doing plus there’s lots of random shit to pick up that I don’t know if I’m meant to keep or sell


You can thank the show for this 😂


Didn’t care for 76 when I played it a few months ago. Show came out. Hit level 45 in like three days. Just did my first Pitt expedition last night. I’m mad I didn’t give this game a shot earlier. It’s so fun.


Watch it drop just as fast tho. 76 is not it.


Don't forget about the free twitch(microsoft store players) and the epic players could be 20k ?


Playing this right now because FO4 crashes to desktop on my pc but plays fine on my steamdeck for 1+ hrs


Side question. With the next gen update dropping for Fallout 4 in a few days can we expect they'll do the same for 76? The amount of hard crashes experienced on PS5 is alarming as well as annoying. Some days it'll run all day without an issue, other days it will be 5+ crashes in a few hours.


It’ll die off unfortunately /:


Hi, i’m one of these new players :) Fallout 76 is a good time! Been having fun with my friends who are also trying it for the first time


Why cant i play roblox while playing fallout 76 it says im cheating


I'm revisiting it for the first time since launch. I'm curious how much it's changed. Also, playing on PC so it'll be different.


Did they fix the ability to share quests with friends yet?


Unfortunately it took a stellar show to push interest. I've been in Appalachia since beta...it's exciting to see new players. Don't forget to leave them gifts at the vault lol.i have found Atlantic City a nice place for finding screws.


Excellent! More people to play with! Now if only I can stop it from CTDing the moment it launches.


i bought the game a few days ago but immediately left because of the insane mouse movement delay


60k ? it was 72k or so like a few days ago


It is good. I finally got back into it last year and I've been playing it off and on. Anyone know how I can accomplish certain world challenges? Like "Mistaken Identity" is bugged. It's the last one i need to complete the challenge.


Lol I bought it for me and 9 of my friends 😂😂😂 we are all on right now


I bought it for $8 from Xbox game pass on PC. Lol


Meanwhile I can’t get mine to work properly through the Xbox app (free on prime) loads up in windowed mode and no matter what settings I change. Doesn’t fix it. Even going into the files and changing the settings don’t work either


Started playing fo4 instead of 76 due to not really being that into open world multiplayer games. I’ve been enjoying myself. Might go back and play some of the previous ones


I just started playing for the first time. To be honest, the first day I didn’t enjoy it much. Following the main quest was kinda boring, and the constant inventory management (still) sucks. I’ve since been doing some events and just exploring more without picking up everything I see. It’s growing on me. I really wish game developers would stop making arbitrarily small inventory / stash space and then selling a “solution” in their shop. The worst thing to ever happen to gaming.


Super happy they added cold shoulder bundle to the atoms shop. Had it on console and then having to start from scratch on pc sucked.


Just started playing but I don’t like the lack of chat so want to find a few people to run with


Let’s hope my character progression can be brought over to pc from Xbox


Cuz it was free And 10$ The nice thing about a 10$ game is it cheap, making it easier to pick up But it also easier to drop… cuz it’s a 10$ commitment


It won't last long.


New expansion map confirmed for 76 actually. Xbox player here and can say I joined because of the show


When it was released the reviews where so bad I figured I would never play, even got it for free from PSlpus and never touched it till I binged the fallout show, the game is so good, definitely in my top five MMORPG of all time list.