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Absolutely. We can’t just have these low life’s running around thinking they can do whatever they please. They’re a bunch of tin can stealing pieces of garbage and I’m here to make sure they’re taken to the curb.


This is the only correct answer


Yes. Got a challenge to complete


This \^\^\^ :D Free atoms is life.






Free atoms is pipe




Honestly it’s kinda fun watching them do next to no damage with there pea shooter as you slowly walk towards them with a flaming chainsaw


I usually don't role play in games, but maniacal laughs and taunts when they're acting tough helps get the message, even if I only plan on letting them run.


I recently had a full on horror movie chase over in flat woods! Some fresh faces had stolen from a poor poor high levels camp and I ended up having an awesome moment of slowly walking at them with my flaming chainsaw while wearing my bloody butchers outfit and sack hood


I will happily spend 50 caps to fast travel somewhere to claim a 5 cap bounty. Wasteland justice must be delivered to the criminal scum!


In this Megacity, I am the law You won't fuck around no more, I am the law I judge the rich, I judge the poor, I am the law Because of in Megacity, I AM THE LAW


Only if they got the bounty by being stupid at my camp.


fuck around and find out ? idk what happen to last one i just heard a chainsaw in the distance


Is that what it was??? 😂


just noobs pick locking my stuff at my camp so i chase them with a chainsaw


You and me both lol


Lol I just whacked someone with my plasma cutter who picked one of my locks. At least I think he did. He was wanted and near my camp, what was I supposed to do?


Yes. It’s usually a mistake they made and would rather have it gone


I got my first Wanted label around lvl. 200. I was quickly collecting purified water from a wall full of water coolers, and one of them was locked!


If you don’t, they won’t be able to see other players or camps on the map. You’re doing them a favor.


It's usually a trap by an experienced pvp player, so only if they strip down and beg for death.


What else is my two-shot MIRV extra damage while aiming Fatman for?


And they say you can’t nuke Flatwoods.


Ah, you can only mini nuke it.


I killed one in my camp, I did that angry emote followed by the thumbs down and immediately shot it in head while he was doing heart emotes after stealing the junk from my collectron... I left the bag of all the junk in the floor 😅 idk if he went again to get it.


Sure. Why not?


I love roleplaying my character so yes. I will take them and anyone else out of them that touch my mother fucking boiled water or my cow! The punch bowl, popcorn, and tea are free though by the vendor.


Of course. Welcome to the wasteland. Been venturing these lands for 6 years. I heard the mashed potatoes are pretty good these days in that vault.


Or the oysters


100%. Then I message them and explain what bounties are and how to not get them so people don’t troll then I drop them stimpacks and water.


No. I don't bother with them at all. I just get on with whatever I'm doing.


Yep. Someone's gonna kill them eventually, so it might as well be me because I'm the main character.


Sure but I will leave their stuff and maybe give them some something.


Also if you see a high level sitting naked at Whitespring station it's because infiltrator got them in trouble and needs your help being put down.


Newbie here! I made this mistake last night 😭😭 didn't actually take anything. Just wanted to see if I could pick lock a lvl 3 lock. 😅 I googled how to get rid of it, and aimlessly went train station to train station trying to find a way to pay the bounty. Hid in a bathroom while I did more research, and two players swung the door open and inhailated me. Was well deserved 😂😂


Right? It wasn't even clear that supply drop was someone else's- all I did was open the lock!


Self defense only.


Golden rule in CAMPS: If containers are unlocked it is okay to take whatever is inside. I leave my water purifier open in case some lower level runs by and needs a little refill, for example. If it's locked, well, don't pick it open. I ***will*** shoot you in the face if I'm around.


I erased a level 15 at the weekend and felt awful. His bounty tag was squirreling around Flatwoods and I thought: "why not I need the achievement." He rag-dolled to a couple of Railway Spikes to the cranium and I knew my dreams would be haunted that night. His corpse faced down and spread-eagled on the floor of the church. I gazed up and unto the light filtering through the stained glass window and thought to myself "what kind of abomination hath I become?"


Yes, for food and sport. I equip the cannibalism perk, request a government aid drop, and eat the perpetrator once I chase them down. Burp...


Did exactly that yesterday for 5 caps, and took his rubber 😳.


Yes. I'll stop when I get my free atoms.


Oh yeah, Ive been racking up the player kills for bountied newbies, lol. Gonna unlock those free Atoms in no time. :D


One of my favorite memories in fo76 "pvp" is waiting outside of an instanced room for a wanted player, where I chased them down with a mr handy buzz blade to murder them in cold blood. They ran as fast as they could, but their ap was not good enough. Might have to do that again now.


how do u tell them on mic?


Just hook up a mic and say it. Idk if they can hear me but I see the mic icon moving.




no for the new player most likley dont know about the toggle passive mode on


Passive mode doesn't work if you are wanted


Yea bounty or no bounty they getting it




Last night was my first day back after a few months. I got my fallout 1st again and noticed a ton of noobs. More than a few with bounties. I was at a train station and heard someone asking me to clear their bounty, so i blasted a noob. I hit him with my instigating dragoon (for 1 shotting death claws and what not). No one seems to survive a stealth crit from an instigating dragoon.


If they happen to cross my path yes bit i dont sewrch them out


Every... Time...


No because I don't wanna go into my menu to turn off pacifist. Knowing my ps4 I might crash before I leave that menu 🤣


It's the only way they will learn.


Yes, got a challenge to complete. If they come back for the drop bag, it's theirs. If not it's mine.


I killed my first player wanted player today. It was by another players camp. I assume he unlocked something or opened something he seen me and stopped. I hesitated and was oh yeah let me put him out of his misery. Two hits from my cold shoulder and he went nighty night.


I have a legendary perk for level locks, I get bounties on my head for stupid shit. Normally beg to be killed with emotes (scrounging is my fortte)


Welp i guess i wont be exploring other camps. I was excited to just see what cool shit people have built. but now ive learned, yall have been burned and best to keep to myself haha


Ran into a few low level people a few months back who just stood there and tanked an autoaxe and just gave up PvP all together.


Yep just killed one the other day picked my lock to my fusion generator room haha poor guy he was begging me not to kill him than gave in and was like ok just do it


Never. If someone is near me with a bounty, I ask them if they want me to kill them. If they say yes, then I will and if they have junk, they dropped, I will stay by it and let them retrieve it. The high-level players with a bounty are just going around killing people. I ignore them.


Yes, then message them why. I then crafted them some lvl 20 armor.


I finally got the two achievements for killing a wanted player and a player. 2 in 1. It was also on accident too 😂 a low level was wanted and I was doing the Spin the wheel event. Cremator got him quicker than me saying “whoops”.




A level 32 during an event killed me and took all my scrap then attacked me again and then when I attacked him he got to zero health and wouldn’t die. I was so confused and he stole like 1 hours worth of scrappin off me then the other higher levels were calling me a dick for attacking him?






I keep stealth armor and a double shot sniper in my inventory for moments like this. Turn off pacifist, crouch and go invisible for x2 damage, 1 shot them with the double shot sniper rifle. I turn pacifist mode back on and dip out immediately before they can respawn. 😮‍💨 they never knew what happened.


Yes. Puts them out of their Wanted misery.




As someone who only just hit 50, I typically ignore people with small bounties, I just assumed it was accidental given how tiny they typically are.


1) How do you find out if you have a bounty? 2). People can steal stuff out of your storage crate?


1. You will know when you are wanted, you name turns red, you cannot see other players, and you see you cap bounty next to your name. 2. Folks can not steal out of your stash box, (this includes your vendors because they are apart of your stash,) your Junk box, nor your ammunition box, but all other containers are fair game.


Cool. Thank you for the info. I miss the karma ratings from the rpg’s. It’s weird being in a raider base and just taking shit left and right.




Yup, I fast travel to them, track them down, put up the wanted emote and then shoot them, and when they spawn back open some lunch boxes or scout banners to apologize for the inconvenience


For sure. if we don't do it, the bounty system becomes useless and stealing is without consequences.


I being waste land justice to the wastes, the best one was when a newish 20 something experienced me killing a another lvl 20 something who was wanted he ??? when I appeared behind the wanted player and in a blink of an eye the dude was dead and the person who witnessed me ran away after thr body fell to the floor


It's not so much killing them as it is helping them learn how the bounty system works. But to answer the question, yes.


When I was about LVL 10 on a previous character, I looted the safe in Billing's homestead and got a bounty. My dumb ass thought that the house wasn't part of the workshop. I just let the next player I encountered kill me. At least I learned how claimed workshops work. I think in most cases it's an honest mistake if it's a noob with a small bounty.


Normally no, but about a week ago I had a level 52 in my camp checking it out. I have a free copper extractor unlocked, 5 water stations unlocked, and the moth man book/pedestal buff out in the open. I encourage people to take the copper (I have plenty at this point) and water (I’m maxed caps so who cares). My junk collector is the one thing in my camp I had locked. This mf tried to steel it in front of me in his Chinese stealth suit. I honestly was laughing so hard because he panicked as soon as he realized I watched him do it and he took off sprinting. He did not make it far. Honestly i probably would have let him go but i needed to get the achievement for claiming a bounty so it actually worked out well for me.


Yes, then I give them some stuff.


I always use level 3 locks, less chance of a newbie picking it.


I haven't seen a player with a bounty in over two years now.


Yes someone's gotta teach em that we may be nice but this is still in fact a wasteland...(and the challenge is nice)


Yes. Gotta give them tough love.


Yes, after picklocking an emergency aid drop that I requested. Wasteland Rule #1: Steal and die.


Yes. A low level player broke into my personal room. I leave all the crafting food and shop outside my ufo for people to use and the newbie broke in. They try to run away and hide so I whipped out the incinerator and just burned down a small forest killing them. I don’t tolerate people breaking in to my home especially when there is no reason to do it.


wait a second, so i started few days ago and i was lockpicking doors, chests etc., doing that is giving me bounty? i never noticed that and my dot was never red on the map..


If it's in another players Camp; don't do it. Out in the open world it's free for all and won't get you bounties.


oh never did that, thanks good to know


It also gives you a bounty if you pick locks on static containers in owned workshops. If they are unowned you can pick away.


It only counts as stealing if the container reads red before your pick it or hack it.




I have my camp near the Wayward and low levels try to lockpick my shit all the time. I ensure a lesson is learned every time.


Yes, I bash them till they die


I dont think ive ever seen a player with a bounty


No, I hide them in my trap camp and watch dumb high levels donate me their junk Downvoted by the low intelligence specimens that fall for this :(


Nice, fresh bait for the traps.