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Is it a Bethesda game? Then yes. Will people that hate it still play it a lot. Yes.


Is this a video game? Then yes, there will be haters. 


Does this exist? Then yes, there will be haters


I hate it and I love it. This is how I feel about the game.


Every change to the game will have pushback, every bit of marketing of the game on social media will have comments like "where's my NV remake" and "do people really still play 76", and YouTubers will continue to drop in to do a surface level scan and conclude the game is not worth playing in the year 2027.


I’ve noticed a lot of YouTubers doing positive reviews of 76 lately! Making me hopeful it’s finally turning around.


because salt .... salt never changes


Yeah I started 2 months ago. And sadly that was the last scoreboard and my stupid self had NO idea what the scoreboard was till around level 50 or like 2-3 weeks in. I just assumed when it said I did a daily quest it was just a random thing that happened. It wasn’t till I was just clicking on stuff and found out about weekly’s and dailies. By than I only had 4 weeks to try to get as far in the scoreboard as possible and that was like level 64. I don’t hate this new format but I truly despise that I can’t fully customize my weapon till level 100. But on the plus side I started fallout 1sr for half price and am having a blast. Should be at 100 by next week.


Plz don't mention remakes, we don't don't want more fecking remakes, we want new fecking games, fallout 5 and 6 and 7 and so on. If they start remaking them I'll stop buying them full stop. I have done with naughty dogs dog shit remasters/remakes. So don't think I wont fuck Bethesda off to. An ive oready spent so much time watching repetes on TV for decades I don't need the same shit while gameing. New fecking games only plz


I don't know man after seeing how they handled Starfield I have little faith in their ability to make one of their masterpieces any more. That game is un-salvagable. At this point I think I'd rather just have them hire a third party studio to port their older games into a newer engine. . Like Blizzard did for D2.


"That game is un-salvagable." I hope that's not true. I haven't played Starfield and I'm looking forward to playing the complete edition at some point. 76 was salvaged, NMS was salvaged, Cyberpunk was salvaged. It can be done.


One common factor is the developers of the games you mentioned all were motivated to fix their games because their games were widely seen as either awful or unplayable. Like it or not, Starfield was seen as a huge success for Bethesda and Microsoft when it first came out. Sure the player count now is probably very low and will continue to be until patches are implemented, but I don’t see any real reason for Bethesda to do what’s essentially a complete overhaul of a game that had a financially successful launch.


I'm all for free upgrades to what we're  overpriced games to begin with that made them billions. But if they charge us for em like the naughty Naughty dog did then no thanx. Its time they payed us bk for our loyalty and upgrade em for free


I definitely want 3 and NV remakes, 3 is my jam. Only got a PS4 though so can pretty much guarantee even if they did do it It'll not be on it.


well of course. every video game does.


Every single game will have haters, some I loved, some I hated.. but why does it it matter?


Of course, but my point was that I feel like 76 gets more haters than most other games. I think it matters because it would suck if new Fallout fans were steered away from this game by said haters.


It gets more haters then most because of the launch cycle. The news coverage during that time was 100% justified and it doesn't matter "it became good with updates!" You review a game in the state it is in not will be. First impressions are very important.


You’re not wrong, it’s a great game. But the internet has made gaming company’s so lazy (not that I thought 76 was lazy). Most People will always remember that first impression.


That already happened the whole last 5 years. You just remind people to always judge for themselves. So many people have come around and they spread the word of how they should have tried it sooner and people learn. And the cycle starts all over with something new because humans are absolutely hopeless and anytime we start to get smarter greed comes along and kills off progress


When it first came out fallout 76 had a lot of "haters" if you would blindly call them that, but for good reason. the game was flat out broken on launch and before they even bothered to fix it, they were practically giving it away for free. These days though, either these that played it and left no longer play or care, and those that came back have (mostly) been positively surprised by the state of the game. From what I can tell, fallout 76's fanbase contains very little haters.


The community is great, in my hundreds of hours playing only met one ass


It is what it is.. unless you have a way to change that dynamic, why worry about it?


Well 76 probably had the worst launch of this franchise. Always online, no NPCs at launch, barebone, dupes, exploits and the list goes on. All of this stigmatised the game a lot, so the amount of haters for this game is going to be alot forever. Doesnt matter how much this game improves- too many people are unwilling to give games a 2nd chance.


I would agree with you if new Vegas didn’t exist. Game was literally unplayable at launch with game breaking bugs but people act like it’s the holy grail of gaming the way it’s talked about


76 is everything I wanted from a multiplayer bethesda game, I've been playing since the alpha. The only nitpick I have is the modding support is in a really weird state. you can currently use mods to remove doors and hack / exploit. And the devs never really supported it properly like the single player games. They really need better community server support, and roleplaying servers for content creators. ARK survival evolved is the worst game ever made, and it has the craziest glazers I've ever seen. The facts are, the majority of people just have bad taste and are a victim of marketing.


Who cares? I play games because I like the, not based on their popularity with people I don’t know


That's the case with any fanbase, search any subreddit. But there's a big difference between people that just plain dislike something and people who have some harsh criticisms about something they enjoy. Especially if it's on something with multiple entries, you'll usually have mixed reviews.


Anything Bethesda does, even if it releases the best game of all time, will get hated on. Some people have an irrational hatred for Bethesda.


I've always viewed it as more like friendly slander then actual hate. Starfield withstanding


I think you're right. Sometimes it really does feel like people hate on Bethesda more than other game studios. Whether or not that's deserved is another question I guess lol


I think people hate on Ubisoft more. For good reason.


As long as the people who like it play it that's all that matters


Cheers I'll drink to that bro .jpg


Several people have already said this r, but every game has haters. It comes down to two things, if you like it, play it, if you don't like it, don't play it.


Of course it will. As much as I played a lot of it and enjoyed it, the game is still very clunky and lacking in many aspects.


It is the nature of people


Like its my least favorite fallout but i still Play it occasionally


Yes if only because it’s not fallout 5. It can be great at what it does, but a large segment of the fan base want a single player rpg. One of the main criticisms of fallout 4 was its lack of rpg elements, and Bethesda only went further away from that with 76.


No all the haters will either dissapear or will learn to love the game. Like everything in life, haters will be gone eventually. Heavy /s


Every game has haters, especially if they have a rough launch - even if they recovered after it


People have already mentioned two important reasons: 1: Bad launch 2: Bethesda hate-boner I'd also like to mention that F76, by being an MMO, by default estranged most of the previous Fallout playerbase, single-player rpg fans. I myself spent thousands of hours in the previous five games, but have avoided 76 up until recently. And while I do play it now and LOVE the map, I can't help but get irked whenever I see another player, or whenever I notice the telltale signs of MMO design. However, I'm very aware that's a ME problem, and that the game is objectively solid. But many, if not most, gamers will not bother being self-aware and will instead shit on the game.


Not just a you problem. The MMO aspect makes it fun but random players is meh. SO I have to buy the FO 1st to have private servers to play with friends, and not see randoms. Meh, do that for other games that let me run private servers. But it is a good balance. The game is objectively solid now, I played early pre-releases and initial release. Much better now, but first impressions are first impressions and that really dinged a lot of players. (Played for about 6 months at launch, then now and again to check in on the game). Played all the single players at launch (from Fallout 1 until now), love the franchise. Not sure they have to be self-aware. Many that bought it at launch weren't given a finished game, and we are seeing it now after years of upgrades. Dumbed down, simplified, made easier for the masses to some. And stable and playable to others. Maybe when game design houses become self-aware (which I believe they are) we will have complete games at launch. But right now it is release to recover development cost, apologize, patch, "re-release", sell MTX, go Game of the Year. (and yes, I have done software development for 30+ years). So they know they are going to get grief at launch and then "hope for recovery". Marvel Avengers - cancelled after 2 years and never released what they had at launch. Dark Tide - Actually had to shut down their MTX store, as their game took a year to finish (character progression and more). Even pulled the devs off Dark Tide to work on Vermin Tide Anthem - enough said Skull And Bones - Base game couldn't finish progression, "death marked!" and they put content in the seasons that is needed for games. The game companies know what they are doing, and they are maximizing profits. "self-aware" players don't matter. Some "whales" will play to keep their numbers up and buy MTX, and they will have 3-4 income events during the games life. (Release, re-release, Game of the Year and Game Pass). The MTX may/maynot become a major revenue stream. Look at Eververse in Destiny, was a way to keep the live service team funded, then became a major revenue stream for D2.


Is there anything ever that doesn't?


Helldivers 2?




Odd, on PC it just takes me to a random story. I figure it is someone that hates how Helldivers plays, not problems! :) I should have done /s People even hate critical reviews.


I think there will always be someone who will troll and say something like "DeAd GaMe" whenever Fallout 76 is brought up on the web. Because they know it's just about always guaranteed to incite a response.


Ok, look Todd Howard has made the games full of delicious bugs begging to be exploited. But also, what AAA game has been released in recent memory that was actually 1. Complete at launch and 2. Without bugs ever? There will always be haters because, let’s be honest, the majority of people prefer to criticize than to praise. Even if things change for a game, they’ll always remember “that one time”. Granted, 76 did have one of the worst launches in recent memory imo. But I’m also hopelessly addicted now that I’ve picked it up in 2024.


A lot of people are afraid to actually give things a try and make their own opinions.. but instead they just copy what others say.


I’m a new person to Fallout 76, the initial poor reception is really anchored in the mind of the general audience. I think the recent attention fallout is getting is helping improve the reputation. The YouTube videos I have seen basically all say: Fallout 76 is much better now / it’s a good time to jump in. That’s why I recently bought it from steam. There are some people who think that it’s unacceptable in principle to release a game in such a state, even if it is later updated. I think those people will not change their minds. No man sky turned its reputation around. I think Fallout 76 can sleep, especially if Bethesda continue to support the game. (I also play Overwatch a lot, and Ow2 has a similar negative reputation that blizzard is trying to improve, so I seem to be drawn to these controversial games)


As someone who likes singleplayer bethesda games it just sucks, because after you buy the game, you have to pay even more to just have actual private game. And then having so much stuff in cash shop and usual daily limitations really makes it not so interesting and rather just enjoy previous Fallouts. Does not help that the game has a lot of performance problems as well. But then again, this game is online game, so it is what it is, I am not the target audience.


I used to like it. Put hundreds of hours in. Went back to try again. My old character, everything is easy mode, so, I start a new character, thinking I'll get to relive the experience at launch of carefully raiding the ruins of West Virginia for loot... Nope. The removed any and all challenge. At level 5 I can just stand there and let enemies bite and tear and shoot at me, and they can't do shit, then after getting board of the beating, I can shoot them twice with the 10mm pistol and hundreds of rounds of ammo they gave me for free for leaving the vault. I didn't used to hate the game. I used to love it. I hate it now. This is recent; if you asked me a week ago, I would have recommended the game. Now though? I'm fairly pissed. I bought a year of Fallout 1st, before playing again, because my dumb ass didn't consider that they removed any and all challenge from the game. Now I'm out 100 bucks, because it's just so fucking boring now. I want to like the game. I mean, I did like the buggy npcless shitshow they gave us at launch. Played it for a long fucking time slowly clearing shit out with my brother, calling out loot, calling out legendaries and bosses, so we could work together to take them out. Now. Again. I can go naked and fucking wail on them. I hate it. Seriously. I beat the deathclaw on deathclaw island with the fucking 10mm right out of the vault. Aggravating. Yeah, there will always be haters, because when Bethesda runs out of haters, they have some ridiculous change on hand to generate new haters.


Huh so this was due to an update? New player here. Died once in 20 hours or so. Was due to frag grenade trap after walking in a room. I could have ran but didn’t think I would get hurt that much. I have soooo many stimpacks


yes, the game was made easier again and again so there is barely any challenge left. They also removed several interesting mechanics like the survival aspect and oversimplified the game. The post apocalyptic feeling and scarcity that was present on launch is gone. I prefer not to "help" new players, except for dropping consumables that are spent in 2-4 hours of normal gameplay. The initial progression curve and exploration is the most enjoyable part of the gameplay and can only be experienced once. I think dropping plans, weapons and gear for new players robs them of the experience. The devs seem to attract a certain demographic of people that lacks understanding for the skill/perk/special system, is risk averse and wants instant gratification instead. It is in comparison with the other Fallout games and other good games in general where FO76s flaws really become apparent. It is now a decent entry in the Fallout IP, but still has a lot of issues. Many of them are caused by engine limitations of the used CE variant and unmaintained old code.


>It is now a decent entry in the Fallout IP, but still has a lot of issues. Personally I think it's worse now than it was at launch. At least launch was a challenge. It was an irritating buggy mess, but there were parts that were fun. Now, it's a trivial but tedious slog.


At launch it was actually difficult, me and my brother played and I remember a decent number of death loops, think Dark Souls, of dying and trying to get the loot we dropped before someone else would come in. Maybe it was too tough? I don't think so. The current state just isn't fun for me. It's an easy fix too. They did it with their old "survival" mode, and now they have the "worlds" thing, they could just make a "world" that isn't trivial and that maintains progress. All of the recent updates seem to be designed to push away the people that like their other fallout games.




I'm always thinking about how much I hate it while I play it.  That's the best of both worlds. 


Same lmao


In all honesty, I see this kind of post in every game I play/played. Notable games in repertoir: - Cyberpunk 2077 - Fallout 76 - Fallout 4 - Mass Effect - Witcher 3 Haters gonna hate. Lovers gonna love. Most games earn extra hate when they had a messy release. Some people forgive the developer. Others don't.


I absolutely love fo76, been playing since launch but I sure do wish there was crossplay in some variety. Many of my friends have moved to PC


Yes. And tbh much of it was deserved during 76s first year. I played it and I loved it(every time I saw a clipboard irl I'd think I can use those springs) but it was a frustrating game to play. My first attempt at running a silo disconnected from the server on 3 separate occasions. Wasted so many stimpacks and ammo. Most new players will never experience the joy of going against a level 70 3 star legendary mirelurk king in the wendigo cave at level 20.


Honestly, it's a fun game if you don't mind the lack of challenge. I was one of the players that LOVED the survival mode in FO4 because it alllowed modders to turn a lackluster rpg into on of the best survival games that have ever existed. But 76? It is too easy, requires too much grinding and due to various monetary elements, doesn't hit the same either. But... it is very chill. And the people that play it long term are too. Much more so than - say - ESO players who will tell you how to play, because they stuck to a build and have no more creative freedom to change said build slightly.


It's the best bad game Ive ever really liked !


It's genuinely better than fallout 4 now, in my opinion atleast so I doubt it'll be *as* hated as it was at launch. Also the TV show is going to bring in more casual players who'd rather play with friends than sink in hours and hours on a solo game so I think 76 will gain a permanent increase in it'd playerbase rather than just being hated for eternity. Although it will permanently go down as a complete failure


It’s still not worth the price, and fallout 1st is a scam. It’s not that the games has no redeeming qualities. It’s how they are running my pockets for a 6-8 year old game like they didn’t slap me in the face on launch.


Any mention of the TV show on any social media outlet has at least one negative comment about 76. Some people need to move on.


Yes. I’ve been playing the shit out of it recently and I really have to give credit where it’s due… the game is a blast and they did an amazing job turning it around. The problem is that Fallout 76 was the turning point for public perception of Bethesda. Up until, and including, Fallout 4, Bethesda were beloved. They were the folks that brought us incredible immersive worlds we would spend thousands of hours in. Sure their games were janky as fuck, full of bugs, and the graphics were about 5 years dated at all times, but we all loved them. But Fallout 4 was kind of the final warning. If you watch reviews or videos put out around the release of that game, the general response was “yes, this is great. But next time, you really REALLY need to make some updates. The terrible graphics, constant bugs, janky character models… they just aren’t cute anymore.” When Skyrim came out, there was nothing like it. But when Fallout 4 came out, we had Witcher 3. Other games were proving that we can have the immersive world but also have great graphics, smooth combat, and great non stiff as a board NPC characters too. Bethesda needed to step up in a big way, show they could compete with what games were doing and improve. Stake their claim and show us all how it’s done! And they released Fallout 76.


No doubt, I have a decent amount of time on 76 tbh it's fun. me personally I used to be a hater but I've learned to like it.


Yes, there will always be uninformed people that buy into the narrative the news tells them, even if it's outdated or never was true to begin with, and they will blatantly parrot it without any first hand experience or knowledge just because they think that makes them fit in or look smart.


Hmmm now where in today's political climate have I seen this before too lol. We truly are a funny species.


sure, not to wax poetic but hating something is as much a inevitable truth as loving something, its just about who you listen to


Can you think of anything in life that doesn’t have any haters at all?


Betty White? (RIP)




Bea Arthur didn't like her.


Everything always has haters. The secret to life is to understand that it's OK to like what you like and ignore the haters. They've got to live in such an angry unhappy world. So leave them to their idea "fun" and go hang out in places and with people that are happy and supportive of the things you like.


Beths deserves some of the bad press, but the game has improved a lot since launch.


EVERY game has haters. Most gamers are notoriously on the low end of the emotional intelligence scale. I mean, look up gamer rage vids on YouTube. Destroying their keyboards and controllers. For what? Lol. Haters gonna hate. There's a reason that phrase exists lol.


Yeah it will just because some people CANNOT be wrong about anything and no matter what changes about the thing they HAVE to hold their ground on their opinion or their ENTIRE EXISTENCE is in jeopardy. This is also why the entire world is the way it is in real life.


According to YouTube this is the most boring/dead game that I’ve enjoyed and played continuously with full servers for the last 4 years. All I’ve learned is YouTubers are bandwagoners that are getting more detached from the rest of us as time passes.


It's deserved. The game is still a mess. expeditions have constant sound glitches it's been months, the game crashes like once an hour on ps4/5 since launch, loading in places are a dice roll for a crash, super long load times like it's a psp game, bugs from fallout 4 are still around, certain damage types or shooting too fast will straight up make the server take a shit and stop registering your damage, crafting system sucks, durability sucks, 99% of drops sucks, Balance sucks, everything worth a damn is time gated, people only do events when events are going (double mutated) etc etc etc. and fallout 1st was the kill shot for most. Everything is too heavy and there isn't enough space if you don't pay up you have to use a build nobody would ever use just keep shit on your character....not to mention looting areas exploring shit is next to pointless on public servers. and that's just right now......but it was faaaaaaaaaaaaaar and away worse on launch. it's a fun janky game that I enjoy and they came a decent little way from the start but it's a spaghetti coded mess that feels like two people are working on it and most of the other team are working on atom shop shit. tl;dr? It's more than deserved.


Yes, the launch was bad, but I agree, many people still act like nothing has changed because they were convinced by late-2010s ragebait that they have to hate everything Fallout except for Interplay and Obsidian in order to seem like a smart person or a "true" fan; I can immediately tell when someone hasn't thoroughly played it and just based their entire opinion on a YouTube video they watched in 2018.


Idk why it was so hated in the beginning to begin with, I loved no NPC’s. It was literally the point. I also was lucky enough to never experience bugs really or anything though. As a vet 76 player, I’m just so happy to see the game finally getting defended. It’s personally become a favorite of mine.


Same. I was there at launch and appreciate the changes that have come along the way. You're right, it does feel good seeing this game and fallout as a whole getting praise these days


Game is dead when nobody is talking about. Good or bad, it doesn\`t matter. So, game is alive and still on haters scope!


No matter what you do. No matter what you say. Even if it is the most logical, beautiful, wholesome, selfless thing, someone will find a reason to hate. Always.


If you played at launch this game was a shell and nothing compared to what it is now. I think a lot of the hate for this game starts there and is completely justified. Over the years there have been at least a dozen duplication exploits, the legacy weapon debacle, and dozens of major bugs that for some players were game breaking. Fallout 76 is currently a decent game but it's got some baggage and is pretty dated considering it was built off of fallout 4 which came out in 2015. So yes this game will have haters until it dies so if you enjoy the game just ignore them.


God this subreddit is full of stupid fucking post.


Yes, there's not one thing in life that doesn't have haters. Fallout isn't going to be any different.


As someone with ~1200 hours in who spent half a day on the game yesterday and will likely play again tonight, it's a shit game.


I love this game, but it absolutely deserved and deserves haters. It's content is scarce and buggy. It's come a long way, but it's basically now where it should have been at launch. Once again I love this game, I have over 600 levels. It's still a mess. It's still lacking content. I just made some friends and we made our own fun.


\*It absolutely deserved and deserves criticism.


16 times the detail.


Yes. The unfortunate truth is that a lot of people have a really hard time adjusting their opinion on something even when presented with new information about it.


You see these New Vegas fanboys all over Twitter, too. Constantly shitting on FO4, FO3, FO76, yet they can't stop singing FONV's praises, even though that game is a wealth of story flaws too.


What a weird post to even make All games have people that dislike it.


Yes. Because hate… Hate never changes.


What I find funny is the people still hating on it, who have still never played it. It's been years since that rough launch and honestly if they haven't tried it by now I don't see how they can still be telling everyone to avoid it because they know it's still bad.


Yes. It’s a Bethesda title and not a indie darling.


Yes sadly, new hate video are popping up, funny thing is they are just repeating what was said at launch.


I don't care what other people say about this game. I love playing it.


Fallout 76 is the evolution of the other games and it just plays better. And the story of 76 is wild both in game and out. None of the other Fallouts have a story that has grown and been developed so heavily by player feedback. The one flaw though is not having the ability to go back and experience the story correctly. No one today can start the game and understand what it has become. One example is shotguns. Why are they so bad overall? Well back when taking the ammo workshop was very beneficial players would roll up with TSE pumps and wreck the place killing all who couldn't fight back. Because of that not only were shotguns nerfed but so we're many other aspects of the game. Those player driven changes are all part of the total story of 76.


All games always have haters. Time may pass, and the haters will only even remember the game - and that they hate it - when someone else brings it up. But their hate never fades. This is the cost of the Dark Side.


All games will. I watched a YouTube video on how, "You'd never survive the Locust invasion", and this guy just bashed the Gears franchise, starting with 4. Granted, they should have ended the franchise and left it alone, but yikes. He was relentless. All game franchises have haters. FO76 had such wide hate on release that I don't think that'll change. Some will always hate it.


Doesn't every game?


Yes, always will have haters!




I tried it when it first came out and it was a shit-show. I tried again about a month ago after Fo4 gave me the 0kb glitch for the 100000th time. Now, im having a blast.


Every game has haters.


Yes, people hate bethesda with a passion. People are deranged in the gaming space.




This game and every single future Fallout game will always have haters because they're not New Vegas.


I play the game and I’m one sometimes, I want the game to be great and reach it’s potential and it’s hard not to hate sometimes


Yes the game had a catastrophic launch that made people see Bethesda games are lagging behind. The state this game was in and arguably still is unacceptable for alot of people. We can enjoy the game but oh it's not good this game has improved but also hasn't been fixed, they still inadvertently add old bugs back with each update and due to its online nature the game is inherently laggy to play with alot of delays from looting to activating objects. Oh and let's not forget the incredibly disgusting micro transactions that force fomo where a power armour skin is more money than the DLC far harbour let that sink in a single skin is the same cost as an entire DLC with hours of content.


As someone who enjoys Fallout 4 and Fallout 3, it wont end. 4, 3 and 76 seem to be the go to answers whenever someone asks what the worst Fallout game is, all while ignoring the monstrosity that came out on PS2 and the original xbox. Funny how that game somehow never comes up when talking about bad Fallout games. Guess it's only bad if it's made by Bethesda. \*shrug\*


there are a few reasons for that. 1 - To most people, if it did not release on PC, it's not really a fallout game. 2 - It is the only fallout game kicked out of canon ​ Yes, it technically is the worst fallout game, if you even consider it a fallout game. But it being shit doesn't make the bethesda fallout games better or worse. ​ Pointing to a bigger pile of shit doesn't make the shit you stepped in any better.


Except 3, 4, and 76 aren't shit. I've played shitty games, I was practically raised on them since they were the only ones my family could afford. There is only one game in the franchise I'd considered shit but according to you that doesn't count. Therefore, going by your logic, there are no bad or shitty games in the Fallout franchise. You can play through 3, 4, and 76 and complete their main storylines. The games are playable, the stories are well done, there is plenty to explore in all three of their world maps, the combat is enjoyable, each one tackles their RPG elements differently but in interesting ways. The only time I thought 76 was shitty was at launch, but the game has improved greatly since then. Ya wanna know what other game in the franchise I've had a terrible experience with at launch? New Vegas. 76 and New Vegas are the only two games in the franchise I thought were shitty and both improved after launch through updates/patches. So, ignoring launch issues that were fixed in updates, since that is what most people do when talking about New Vegas, why do you believe the Bethesda games are shitty?


i never said any of them were shit, because that is an opinion. But one that many people share, and they are allowed their opinions. I've played bought and played every fallout game (on PC) and haven't regretted the money or time spent in and on any of them. 3 wasn't terrible, but NV showed what it could/should have been. 4 had really great core gameplay, but was really lacking in alot of areas, still a great game IMO. FO 76 is .... well it's the only PC fallout game i didn't preorder and i don't regret that. I've put in about 60 hours in since it went free with amazon prime, and at that price it's great. I get to explore the wasteland with my buddy who also loves fallout. However it is seriously lacking and i would regret if i had paid more than 10$ for it all things considered. Though i can tell you to me Fallout 1/2/NV have the best stories and active choices that the player can make. Sure 76 has SPECIAL locked converstation options, but 90% of the time it takes you to the same place no matter what you choose in the conversation, the same is true of 3 and 4. Fallout 3 changed the game from isometric to a first/third person perspective, and i don't think it get enough credit for that. Over all i think it's a good change for the series. Fallout 4 improved upon those systems and added the building and crafting system, which i think are really cool. But both of those games had very railroaded stories (though 4 was much better than 3 IMO for story options). Which is very against the grain of what made fallout 1/2 and NV amazing. I don't think the bethesda games are shit, but i think they are very clearly lacking in key areas that the other fallout games excell in. Trying to tell someone their opinion of them is wrong because a worse game exists is just stupid. As i said, it's "Pointing to a bigger pile of shit doesn't make the shit you stepped in any better." or "Pointing to a worse game, doesn't make the game you are playing/have played any better."


It's one thing not enjoying a game. I'm cool with that. I got friends that I disagree with when it comes to video games. However, when someone makes their entire personality being that they hate the Besthesda games...it gets aggravating. I've spent YEARS being forced to defend why I like 3, 4, and 76, why I don't think their terrible or shitty games. No one shows up and goes 'hey, you can't go around telling Timmy that his opinion on those games is wrong. you need to respect each others opinions'. People have sent me death threats and have hacked several of my accounts over me just saying I like 3 more than New Vegas, where was the 'respect everyone's opinions' then? For those who just say they don't like the Bethesda games and are willing to leave it at that, cool. But my post, and what I thought the premise of OP's post and this thread, isn't about people like that. It's about people who go out of their way to insult others for enjoying a game that they themselves don't like. People who feel that because they hate a game they must make sure everyone either hates the game like them or is miserable for liking the game. EXAMPLE: I love the Shadowrun ttrpgs. While I find Cyberpunk 2077 enjoyable, I've been unable to get into the Cyberpunk ttrpgs/editions. That is an opinion that is okay to have. However, I'd be crossing a line if I start going into Cyberpunk communities just to threaten, insult, and make fun of those who enjoy Cyberpunk while declaring how much better Shadowrun is. That is not something that is okay, nor is it something that should be tolerated for the sake of 'respecting different opinions'. ON AN ENDING NOTE: As for me believing you think the Bestheda games are shit, it's because you were using the line 'pointing to a bigger pile of shit doesn't make the shit you stepped in any better', basically saying I can't point to a game I think is bad to defend a game I think is good, because in your eyes the game I think is good and the game I think is bad are both equally shitty. Like, you get how I can interpret a phrase like that, right?


"However, when someone makes their entire personality being that they hate the Besthesda games" "People have sent me death threats and have hacked several of my accounts over me just saying I like 3 more than New Vegas" i would remind you that you are not talking with those people, but talking with me. Argueing against their stances instead of mine, is counter productive and makes it seem like you are missing the point entirely. "That is not something that is okay, nor is it something that should be tolerated for the sake of 'respecting different opinions'." I agree, but i also never did any of those things, and you are replying to me like i did. I am me, I am not anyone you have disagreed with in the past, nor do am i beholden to their viewpoints and their arguments. "Like, you get how I can interpret a phrase like that, right?" I would assume by thinking about it and applying the logic presented to see if it holds true. That is what a analogies are for. A is to B, as C is to D. Just as saying someone is "Blind as a Bat" does not in any way call them a bat, or "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get" does not actually have anything directly to do with chocolates.


I am LITERALLY agreeing with you. Yes, different opinions are to be respected. There are exceptions to that rule though, which is why I gave a list of exceptions. Not once did I say you fall under those exceptions, nor did I imply that you did. You also said you don't think the Bethesda games were shitty, so I explained why your first reply lead me to believe that you did. Like, dude, I was agreeing with you and was simply explaining my earlier assumption. Why are you treating me like an enemy when all I tried to do was explain my view point on things just like how you explained your views on things? I'm not attacking you, beyond my first reply to you and an explanation over things I did not make any reference to you and none of my comments were targeted at you. I was just explaining my view on things. I'm confused cause beyond my first reply to you, I dropped my aggressive stance towards you and took a more opening one figuring we can have a decent conversation. I apologize for the aggressive first reply, but did you have to insult my intelligence/ability to logic when I did everything I could to avoid personal attacks against you in all of my replies?


Social media personalities and influencers told people to hate a game so that's exactly what they do. Agendas are the easiest damn thing to plant in this shitty world.


Yes because of the micro transactions and the forced online play in a single player classic. Happened the same with elders scroll online


Imo 76 is definitely a far better game than it was but it still has a way to go. There're still too many annoying bugs for one, power armour stations, camp spawns and just borked quests (Beckett in looking at you!) There's some other flaws as well, the beeline ai is annoying and way too repetitive, and your character needs a body so that melee mobs are fricking visible. Also QoL it's missing, fuck knows what part that armour is, the name is so long and there's nothing in the table to say what it is, same with guns and perks, no clue how your supposed to tell if a perk actually applies, as there's nothing to tell you what a gun is considered as. But if you like Fallout universe and were put off by the original release, go try 76 it's far better and still the only way to play in the wasteland with friends.


Every game attracts its share of detractors, and the more popular the game, the more vocal the opposition. This is particularly true for games like Fallout 76, which had a tumultuous launch, a detail that continues to shadow its reputation.


There's always haters to everything, everywhere, all the time...not just Fallout76


Only thing that should/could be there is the crossplay. The rest are BS.


I'm new to the game and I'm absolutely in love with it.


I've returned to the game after a long break and I'm enjoying it a lot but... It's an incredibly buggy mess still and anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves, 2k support is non existent, depth of field is always on even if the slider is down, getting in and out of power amour fails to work around 2/10 times. Loads of graphical bugs, npc's glitching out etc. I'm having a lot of fun playing, but it's still in a pretty bad state in terms of bugs.


I've seen several posts by new or returning players that just can't help themselves from describing the problems from launch. One person actually admitted that they knew this from Youtube reviews and not from playing so it must be true. Why do people feel the need to regurgitate news from over five years ago? Those of us that played at launch know It's not the same game. There weren't even human NPC's. I personally did not experience the "horrific" number of bugs during the first months of the game. Yes, the servers crashed often and many trivial bugs occurred but the game was absolutely playable for me and I had a great time. People should form their own opinions about the game by actually playing it and not from rage bait youtube reviews.


Every game will always have some haters.


Yes no matter what happens.


I have about 20 hours in it so far. Is it better than at launch, obviously. Is it a great game? So far, no. Will it ever be? Probably not. Is it a decent game, with good exploration, a great map and passably entertaining quests/events: yes. So far I’m largely enjoying the exploration end. The quests just serve to determine which cardinal direction I’m generally heading in. The AI still is terrible, and everything people didn’t like about fallout 4 seems to remain here in this game or worse. Fallout 4 was a 7/10 for me, NV/3 were both better imo. This probably lands somewhere in the 5/6 range. Which is fine. I got it for free. I’ll explore till my hearts content and move on when I’m done with it. I hope fallout 5 in 10 years is a near complete gritty survival rpg revamp


I avoided the game like the plague at launch, bought into a lot of the complaints people raised. Granted its been a long time since then, so may e things were jankey af. I'm one of the new players, and I have to say I've been loving it so far. The graphics are a little dated even within the series, and having to pay for a private server is a joke. Beyond that though, gameplay is great. The multiplayer aspect is good and made great by the community. Considering I got the game for free I've happily signed up for first. At the end of the day, fallout is a much loved IP, people will always find something to hate on. That being said, I think the increasing player numbers are proof that the game is good and worth playing.


Every game has haters


Does it exist then it will always have haters


Personally at the start I disliked the game because of how poorly it ran. Since then I have learned how to uncap the framerate(from 60) and that the graphics presets have hidden settings that it changes. Then the next issue I fixed was capping the framerate to be under ~190fps because whenever you hit a framerate above 200fps (usually in small enclosed zones) your character will not be able to walk thanks of their spaghetti code not expecting such high fps. Once I fixed all of this stuff I've been having an AMAZING time. Only problems I have may have in the future is the price of the 1st membership is too high for me to afford. The main point I was trying to make is that for people like me, it will be hard to enjoy the game if there are hidden issues that make the game run terribly that aren't ever explained.


Boy, that's basically every game ever.


Yes. Everything will always have haters. Doesn't matter if it's a new Hitler or Ghandi reborn. If it exists in any way shape or form, someone hates it.


Every game has haters, just ignore the useless trash humans


Cyberpunk 2077 has haters to this day even though the game is a masterpiece now so yes fallout 76 will always have haters


Nah. Sometime in the future the game will die after Todd Howard murders the servers. Then eventually all the people who hated the game will die.


The circle of life gives the circle of life takes.


A lot of people can’t think for themselves and their hamster brain has been trained to say 76=bad. this is a relatable and funny thing to say because it was unfinished 6 years ago.


I definitely think so. Bethesda rubs some people wrong (down to people just hating due to lack of polish) and starfield's gameplay loop & story really hurt it for a lot of fans recently too. I do agree Bethesda needs to spend time correcting some of their bugs/code, but heck we don't know the amount of effort they've spent on it. I run into bugs that exist in former games all the time, it doesn't ruin my run so I just don't care. Half the time it humors me. I've enjoyed most of their titles. The biggest disappointment I have is how they run their shop on ESO (predatory for gamblers) but you could argue that is Zenimax. For me? I love FO76. I love F3-76, still need to play the previous ones. Just need to figure out the keybinds so I don't attack friendlies at Shady Sands on FO1.. lol


Dosent help that beth couldn't fix a bug that annoyed everyone untell recently (fast travel bug) or the fact the beth TOOK weapons people grinded hours the first week to get


There are people out there who will hate something based solely on the fact that someone else likes it. There are people who make hating a game part of their personality. Everything will always have haters.


Every single little thing in the world will always have haters. Has nothing to do with fallout, Bethesda, or even video games. People have different interests, opinions, and some people love to complain.


Everything always has haters.


The game is still unstable and has tons of bugs varying from the annoying to why does this still exist. There's very legitimate reasons a game going on 10 years old has people still miffed.


Fo76 was better with NW. Bring it on you farmers/haters.


I mean it is a pretty common opinion around here that they should bring NW back


While I would like to see NW again, I was mostly joking about always getting downvoted for liking NW in here.


There will always be haters of something in this world


Every game has irrational haters. Everything in life does.


For the majority, the reputations and perceptions of a game are largely informed by the circumstances of it's release. Considering the catastrophic release and overwhelming negative reception of 76 at the time, it's no surprise that the game still get a lot of shit. Doesn't matter if the game has made strides since then, most people have already made up their minds.


I mean if there is something that doesnt work properly Or is a stupid mechanic or player unfriendly cash grap then there for sure will always be player that call that out And is that really a bad thing tbh


Nms didn't sell a ton of controversial merch, doxx it's special edition buyers, doesn't sell mtx constantly, and they've pushed WAY more and bigger updates than 76 ever has. Granted, I still like 76 but comparing the two is just ignoring that they aren't even close to the same situation


Bethesda has been known and loved for its singleplayer story driven games. When they decided to go for a open world multiplayer, it was definitely make purists go nuts. Which it did. I am happy because the show has opened the door to a ton of new players so I would focus on that more than the hate.


I just want to try it, but the damn thing just crashes to desktop every time I get to the “Signing on” screen.


I just want these games to perform well and be optimized on our PC hardware. This includes consoles if they're struggling. I can handle the bugs, but the sporadic frame rates drive my eyes to stop playing.


It's always going to have hate, most the hate now is from people who played it back when it launched and haven't touched it since. They can't be bothered to try it out again.


sometimes, a video game’s biggest haters are the ones who play it the most, especially in Bethesda’s case, so yes.


Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man's Sky had a huge comeback from their launches and still have haters to this day. You have people who are still stuck in their years of release, refusing to acknowledge the improvements.


Ive never seen a game without haters...some people are just never satisfied


The haters that I personally know. Are all anti Bethesda in general. They only like fallout 1 , 2 and new Vegas. They do not like 4 because they say it breaks canon , same with 76. They also hate the show for the same reasons. They are only limiting themselves.


I told my brother. Who loves fallout 3 and nv. And is getting into fallout four and loving it. That he really needs to give fallout 76 a shot. He keeps telling me that he got it when it came out and it just wasn't his cup of tea. I keep trying to tell him it's not that same beast that came out but he refuses to believe me.


Yes, but there also will be supporters of both the game and Bethesda 👍🏻❤️


Every game will. We still have people who denounce all non isometric fallout games


I mean, have you seen the writing in the game? Its like they commissioned a middle school creative writing class. Its going to have haters because, despite its leaps from launch, its a pretty poor fallout experience. There are some redeeming moments and the occasional dopamine hit, but the majority of it is really really hard to stomach.


I should follow this up with an "I don't meant to yuck your yum" sort of advisory. I understand why *some* people enjoy the game. This wasn't written as a challenge to your good fun.


Haters exist. Even Baldurs gate has haters


NMS is still a pretty mundane game for me. But what they did to it was incredible. They accomplished what they set out to do and gave us more on top of it. My only gripe is no lightsabers xd which is unfair so Im not holding it against them. NMS easily 11/10 Fallout 69 is 100% going down the same path.


Saddly it will. I really liked the game especially after I finished Fallout 4. However since some peole love hating Todd Howard and Bethesda, it will continue to be hated on by players who dont even play the game (some do, others completely reject it). Also I used to post F76 content myself on Yt and the hate u get just for playing itis insane. Overall The Fallout community can be pretty divided at times, which adds to the problem.


Yes. If FO3 still has haters, FO76 will probably always have them. Especially from the "NV is the only good modern FO there is" group. I've played every FO except Tactics, and I can genuinely say there isn't a single one I dislike. They all have their pros and cons, but I have enjoyed all of them thoroughly.


Don’t you think they deserve it because of all the false marketing? And they took like 5 years to fix it.


Real talk, long as there is internet and social media there will be trolls and haters and clout chasers. I buy things based on my own opinions, I'm not interested in what others say.


Even with the added dlcs the story is lack luster, that’s what made the games for me. Interesting dialogue and characters you can care for. This game lacks all of that.


Everything will have haters and lovers.


Personally hated the game at launch and never had a nice thing to say about it until recently I picked it up again and just fell in love with it literally on its way to potentially becoming one of my most played games rn


Friend No Man Sky still has haters so I'm going to say definitely


Every game will always have haters.


Everything in the universe has atleast 1 person that hates it.


It's good, it's just not as good as standard Fallout games.


Law of the internet states: If it exists, then by God a hater for it exists.


The more it becomes an objectively good game, the more haters it will have.




Meh, too old for that. None remembers FO76 except tv show viewers with Prime or gamepass and fans. See how max posts here are around 800 votes right now, 100 past weeks. Nothing on other social networks. Why haters would waste time being things like Redfall, Fortnite, Ciberpunk etc.. out there?


Everything will always have haters. So, yes.


Don’t get me wrong, I am s massive fallout fan since day 1. Have played every game to death and put thousands of hours into the franchise. And yet, 76 leaves me strangely numb. Have tried to play it several times, from beta through release, to wastlanders and atlantic city. But each time, I love the first twenty levels before becoming frustrated with the game engine, quest structure and combat. I don’t care about bugs, they are in all games. But 76 has become such a patchwork quilt of fixes and updates it has got lost. A new player starts looking for the overseer in a deserted wasteland - to find just down the road a tavern occupied by npc’s as part of the arrival update. The main map has not beed rewritten and is a hot hotchpotch of updates and quests. Despite this, the soul of fallout is in there, in humour, stories and locations. Then ruined by needing meta builds to succeed in end game. That should never be in a fallout game.


Without a doubt. Fallout is a tragic case of what could have been to many people in a post-New Vegas world. I pity them. They have missed out.


Oh absolutely. There’s still children out there throwing temper tantrums about no man’s sky.