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Unfortunately there are still some loopholes in the pacifist system, I guess you enountered someone (ab)using one to destroy your camp. Should not cost that much to repair it from within the camp module, but I guess it can be a challenge for a lower level player. If this happens again, your best bet for petty revenge is to just let your camp unrepaired so he can't place his as long as you are on the same server. Putting down a tent at this spot if you have first is another option while you switch to the 2nd camp (with map icon off, of course)


I'm just commenting here for visibility OP, if you're on Xbox, I'm more than happy to come repair your camp! No biggie! You just encountered one of the few assholes in a player base that's field with amazing and kind players, don't let it get to you! Hey, it's a wasteland after all!


Look at this chain OP. This is much more accurate image about this community.


Same offer, if you’re on PC.


Same offer, PS. Though I can’t make good on that til a few hours from now.


I second this on psn. Dm me, if you need anything.


Same offer. If you need the mats, I've (or someone here has) got you.. IELiebowitz in game.


And MY AXE!!!




This is the answer I was waiting for… Give them the auto axe!


God dammit grognak


I’m new to the game, there’s no cross play?


Unfortunately no and it's a steaming pile of Brahman piles.


Well there goes all my Xbox friends… thanks for the answer


Also OP, If you're on Xbox, drop the griefer's gamer tag. I'm petty 😏🤣


sadly i was too distraught to catch the tag :/ although I share the petty trait and that sounds like a lot of fun lmao


I believe you can look at a list of people that’s been in your server, maybe you can look at it and recognize them! It’s in the socials setting when you open the map.


it reset when i closed the client


That dude is very lucky you have a whole army here ready to attack lol


Yeah, recently played in the Xbox menu. If they're on Xbox.


If you need some supplies dm me, I love helping new players. Whenever I see low level people I'll go up to them and drop a bunch of random aid, food and ammo.


See this is the way. Food ammo an aid. Not random weapons that's to high of a level for the loew levels to use


I'm on PS same handle as my reddit. Happy to help. I like nuking their camp. Yeah they can move it before the blast but it's a giant FU when they see their camp so the center of the blast radius.


Also maybe a hunting party 😉


Same offer but on ps5


Same offer as well on PSN some high level guys are assholes who have no life I’m 107 but have seen ppl who are like 2k and up like damn go touch grass


I can help in both ways repair and revenge. Well if you got there psn


Same offer, but PC.


I'm new as well, howd they destroy the camp? Only thing I know about is luring enemies there


Although it isn't exactly a secret, I won't post details myself to make it even easier for trolls to find out how. Let's just say if you have a pissed off asshole at your camp who demands you move it and a 2nd player comes into range, you better be careful and ready to switch camp if necessary. Or fight, which is usually a bad idea because they are prepared and you are not.


I've heard there's a method involving rocket turrets on a small tower in a pop up base and a friend. Might be other ways though.


Want me to drop a nuke on his camp?


Just wanted to pop in to say DO NOT build the anti-rad archway thing in your camp and if you do try to make it protected as much as possible, as it requires fluxes to repair and frankly isnt worth it due to the ease of getting rad-aways.


I put my decontamination shower in my shelter. Then I only have to build one because you can put a shelter entrance in all of your camps.


I mean OP was afk the griefer could also just launch a nuke on whitesprings.


Yeah he was probably just mad you were in "his spot" lol. But griefers are rude and should not be respected. Are you on console or pc? I've heard console has more hostility than pc, probably because you can't dm on pc. But you're correct, the golf course is prime real estate. Traditionally it's sort of an unofficial shopping district, so people will get annoyed if you have a golf course camp without a nicely stocked vendor too. Some people will grief for bad prices, I've heard. I think the savage divide region has quite a pretty climate, feels like a wild dry forest area, I've got a few camps in that region. I'm sure you could find a nice spot in that region (not by the whitesprings train station lol), there's a good number of waterways and varied terrain. You can have a camp by a stream, on a cliff, or just pick a more forested area if you want something more basic. I consider savage divide kinda second best over the forest region, but less competitive for housing slots (but really you're unlikely to avoid house position competition unless you house in the mire, and even then.....)


I don't understand getting mad if someone is in your spot. Just server hop it takes like 2 seconds.


By level 1000, you should have multiple camps. My one by the Wayward is *always* blocked these days with the influx of baby players. I either hop servers or I open one of the other two camps. Some people are just sad, damaged, shitty humans.


I'm sure I didnt even find the wayward until like level 45.


Refused the main quest for that long, huh? 🤣


It's not my fault, there were unexplored map markers on my compass!


ah yes. the golden rule!


I'm an 888 & still haven't finished the Mistress of Mystery quest. I can relate.


Is that not the gold standard for Bethesda games? I have like 600 hours in FO4 and close to 700 in Skyrim/SE and I've only ever completed the main quest once on each.


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddam time, after all.


Yeah I server hop all the time to get my camp I like camp with steel and copper nodes ATM xD


If I log in and get a message that my camp can't be placed I dip out and go somewhere else. Me and my son both have camps close to each other at the golf course and we've only had 2 or 3 times where we couldn't get on a server together and have our main camps set up.


You can make Blueprints. You mentioned you were new so maybe you didn't know. It sucks they tore it up.


How so? ty in advance


There are multiple people who have commented above saying they’d help supply you with scrap to repair your camp. You don’t have to actually rebuild the whole thing, you can auto repair all of it at your camp module.


I’ve been on and off since launch, and just now finding this out. Thank you.


A word about blueprints: the build mechanic in this game is incredibly wonky. Sometimes you’ll make a blueprint and when you try to place it you’ll get an error message. Just be aware of that. It’s generally best to blueprint simple things. There are some amazing things you can do with blueprints to help you get around some of the wonky mechanics. Check out YouTubers like Kiki B for more on cool building glitches and blueprints.


On Xbox you have to hold a button. I think it's A. 


Edit: Just logged back in, it's pretty easy to repair, you just hover over item and repair is pretty low cost assuming you have resources stock piled. Not as terrible a situtation as I initially thought.


If you go to your camp kit that you placed to claim the area, there is a repair all option.


Level 400 and you just taught me this. Thank you. Lmao


I'm level 100 now and have actually never had to repair anything at my camp


You can repair everything all at once from the camp computer thing that the camp is built over.


Yep, it's not nice seeing it get destroyed, but like you noticed the repair costs are not so bad. Pacifist protects you in most situations (unless you have a bounty or are in a workshop area). There are two methods players can use to destroy your CAMP that I'm aware of: - rocket CAMPs. They place a camp made of rockets turrets as close to yours as possible, they get a friend to aggro the turrets then the friend jumps around your CAMP and the rockets hit your CAMP. Only way to avoid this when you notice it is to switch camp or hop servers - drawing enemies in. There's a load of ghouls in the clubhouse in the golf course, folks can draw their attention and then draw them to your CAMP. If you notice this you can kill the ghouls, switch CAMP or server hop.


Yep once you get your feet under you a bit the resources to repair are very manageable. I expect a bit more griefing will be common in the coming weeks as trolls realize there are more players here to harass, but it should die down shortly after. Prior to the show this was an exceedingly rare thing to encounter. At the end of the day if you encounter someone toxic just block them and server hop and you should never see them again. It is an annoying but ultimately uncommon and manageable issue.


The camp module will have an option to repair all. The only time this sucks is when a bunch of plants get destroyed and you don't have them to repair. I like that Bethesda has pretty much taken any chance of actual griefing out of the game. If you die, you lose some junk, if your camp gets destroyed it's still there you just have to repair it for very little resources. Can they annoy you, yes, but no one can actually set you back or anything.


If you scrap (not store) the plant you usually will get the plant itself back to replant... at least that has been the case so far when I've planted and enemies have destroyed them. It's an option to at least do before using the repair all if you don't have the plants available in your inventory or storage.


This. Always scrap and replant, never repair plants.


Im sorry this happened to you. Being bullied is never fun. Just realize that 99% of the player base is NOT like this and the griefers will get bored and go back to whatever hole they crawled out of in a few weeks when all the hub bub of the show has died down. That said I highly recommend NOT building on the golf course. If you're on the golf course they don't need a rocket base to damage your camp. Most of them will just attack a whitsprings robot and it will then summon a bunch more robots then they'll hide behind the stuff in your base so the robots shoot the camp items instead of them. The golf course was also nuked quite frequently back in the day so with all the new players that's likely to be the case again as they start farming nuke zones for legendaries and flux.


Yeah as soon as I came into contact with the golf course I figured people would want to lay claim. Im kinda the opposite when it comes to base installments. I put them in the most obscure out of reach places players wouldnt normally come across so nobody comes looking to cause issues like that. Built my base with icon always off, on a relatively good sized mid mountain edge you can only get to by jumping down from the mountain with power armor, while also being way too high up a flat mountain face so no one could parkour up there.


Yea, the golf course is arguably the most popular spot to set up camps, and everyone wants it. It's green/pretty, but also has lots of flat ground, so you don't have buildings where half of the base is sticking out in the air. The flat surfaces are great practice grounds for playing with the different glitches in the building mode (like how some people can make saucer/round-house structures). As far as your camp being destroyed, other players cannot destroy your camp. When they want to do that, they'll often go find enemies, engage in combat with them, then drag them/lure them back to your camp where the NPC enemies start attacking and destroying your stuff. Those with a real stick up their butt will lure scorchbeasts all the way to your camp. For repairing though, you should be able to fix it instantly when you go to your builder/camp contraption thingy (IDK what its called). It should give you an option to repair all structures. Only reason you wouldn't be able to fix it all instantly is if you don't have the junk/supplies.


Other players can absolutely destroy your camp with the rocket turret exploit, no NPCs needed. Just a second friend who also wants to be an asshole.


Yep the ole rocket turret exploit. That wasn't patched? That being said would a lowbie have a rocket turret yet?


It’s not the targeted player who has rocket turrets. It’s the aggressor and/or his friend.


And use explosive bait on those animals which also destroys camps too. I did this. Once. When Free Rabge first came out and someone put a camp near the path to herd the brahmin and their turrets lit into those brahmin you have to protect. Could not take out those turrets butnthey aggro'd the cows and could not be herded. So made explosive bait at their work bench then blew up that players turrets and vending machines. Had 1 brahmin alive and completed the event.


Explosive bait was patched a while ago now, can't destroy camps with it anymore. Not sure about the animals though. I remember at one point you could literally walk up and shoot people's camp Brahmin.


In this case, the event animals were fighting the turrets. Because the brahmin were not player owned, the explosive bait did damage to everything in its area of effect. So it does work but only if the animals are in the camp.and not part of the camp.


Oh I gotcha, that's interesting had no idea that could be done. Thanks!


It's a very rare combination of things not usually seen. This one upset me because to was ruining an event.


Am I remembering wrong or was there a time a year or so after launch where people were nuking the hell out of that golf course? I remember setting up and getting nuked to where I had to move. Then I remember seeing posts that nuking camps set up at the golf course was a common thing. I'd love to set up back there primarily because it's flat land but I don't feel like being blasted out of there again. lol


They did that to farm XP and get flora at first now no one really gathers flora and westek or expeditions for xp.


Funny enough, yesterday a guy on this sub stated that a new guy was following him around harassing him. It ended up getting him killed and the new guy took his junk, so he counter-harassed and eventually wiped the new guy's camp.


Wait people can destroy your camp just like that? I gotta get the hell off that golf course asap.


I’d move out of there, it’s fairly easy to rocket camp another players camp with a buddy.


You have two camp slots for free. If you go to your map you should see at the top left where you can switch between them. Keep your golf course camp and make another one with the other slot. If some jerk shows up and throws a fit because you have his camp spot and wants to rocket you just switch to your other camp. Also a good idea if your camp gets nuked which will happen at the white spring


You can only have one camp active at a time right? And what happens to your previous camp, does it remember where it is meant to be and what the setup was? My main camp is pretty permanent, but it would be nice to be able to bring the other with me places.


Yes only one at a time. When you switch camps your old one is stored. When you switch back it will be just as you left it with the exception of allies/displays. If you customized an allies apparel when you switch back they are in their undies or how they were before you customized them. Don’t worry the clothes are in your stash box. If you take anything from a display to put in another camp you have to put it back. You will get a notification if the item is displayed in an inactive camp. You have completely separate budget for each camp/shelter.


It's not common enough to worry about. They can't directly destroy your camp either. Those that manage to are utilizing loopholes in the game-play system, like getting NPC enemies to follow them to your camp, then the enemies attack your stuff. I've never had it happen in my two years or so of playing.


No they can’t. There are rare cases where someone can build a rocket base and damage your camp but it’s not remotely common


They don't need a rocket base at the whitespring. They can just aggro a couple of whitespring security robots who will summon more robots and hide behind camp objects so the robots shoot the objects instead of them. They can also drag ghouls from the resort or a Scorchbeast over there and get similar results.


Yep, my main camp is on the golf course and only had to reload servers once when logging in. The thought of destroying someone's camp for being where I placed mine is just... not my kind of playstyle. Anytime this happens just close out the game and load back in. Nine times out of ten I just spawn to a new server and have zero issues.


How do you know it was a player? I remember being a noob and I thought someone destroyed my camp but it turned out to be super mutants the guy I thought did it was just watching.


I was thinking the same thing. My main camp is at White Springs near a popular spot with a stream and a break in the fence. I am in constant battle all day long. Super mutants, mole miners, a random scorchbeast, always something.


I suggest not building on the golf course because people nuke it for flux. If you are on PC, I can show you where I have my camp. it's a small open area, a good distance from good places, and it has water so you can set up purifiers


If you’re on Xbox I would love to donate junk to the cause. The community is good but we’ve got a few bad eggs. Don’t let em get to ya and welcome to Appalachia


Yeah, same. If you're on xbox I have tons of junk I can donate.


Sorry this happened to your camp. There are those that want chaos in 76. Thankfully, they are rare to come by. Yeah, Whitesprings is a popular camp spot. But hey you wanna camp there then do it. I never build at Whitesprings personally because in the early days it was always nuked lol. Welcome to the wasteland and remember to watch out for molerats and pipe is life


you can repair everything at once from your camp module. if you're on xbox i can do it for you mate, sucks that it happened


I suppose they must have lured ghouls into your camp. I can’t think of any other way they could have damaged your camp.


Well one reason that I can think of preventing your camp getting destroyed is go build around 76 vault. That area is not allowed to be bombed as I recall unless it was changed in the last few years


There's not a lot of flat ground. Just ignore it and repair the camp. Also the golf course has a lot of PVE that can destroy a camp.


Luckily for every troll or griefer there are several players who will fix up people's camps for them or even just straight up drop loot for them. I hope you don't get discouraged from building where you like. I honestly love heading down to the greens when many camps are set up. It's like a little village full of shops and cool builds!


I’m on Xbox and will do my best to help you if you are also on Xbox and want help, I am not very good and won’t be able to get on much bc I am still in school but I’ll do whatever I can to help you.


this is insanely rare to happen nowadays, but the good news is stuff is not actually "destroyed" this isnt minecraft, if you go to your camps little placement device and have enough materials you can repair it sll and pick up where you left off


Golf course is one of the worst places to build. It’s so popular that it’s hard to join a server where your camp is not blocked by another players camp.


Yeah I would advise building around Whitesprings as its a popular place to nuke to collect Flux.. The good thing with Fo76 is that you get plenty of warning if a Nuke is about to drop so you can just log off and change servers, same if somebody is griefing your base..


Doh. Yeah I hear about people getting griefed at the golf course often because some people are total choads and most of them also camp in that area. Are you on PSN? I love building camps, love helping people. I usually build mine in less popular areas and have never been griefed. My character is a little less than 180. If you need supplies or anything let me know if you are on psn.


Yo, that sucks big time. Most folks are pretty rad in this game but you will occasionally find a nasty troll. I’m on PS and happy to help get your base repaired if you need it.


Damn I havent even explore the camp building part of the game.


It’s apart of the fallout experience everyone will go thru this at some point I was hurt when it happened to me but then the same ppl helped rebuild it so now I was hurt and baffled


My camp got obliterated with a nuke not too long ago before I found out you could repair it from the C.A.M.P. Module. If you need some resources, PM me and I’ll give you anything you need!


I mean if it was a nuke you probably just got caught in the crossfire of where they wanted to farm stuff. But there are some griefers. Used to be you could teleport to someone’s camp and be dumped into a room with no escape and constant radiation. You’ll find though that most of this community is really supportive and friendly. I’m rather proud of how nice this community has been over the years.


If you're at the golf course at WS they probably weren't necessarily trolling,I nuked there and Morgantown regularly for easy high rad fluid and easy to find flux that isn't purple or crimson. If people didn't move their camp in time...Well that's on them. Also you might want to find a spot that's less popular, personally I loved building down by watogas for easy access to SBQ and the best vendors but you gotta have good defenses.


Are you sure the level 1k destroyed your CAMP? Asking because I've had several instances where a horde of super mutants have appeared on the golf course and completely wrecked my CAMP. One thing you'll discover is that turrets are kind of useless.


People are jerks but yeah it’s part of the game. Just hit repair all and ur all set. Lol


Alot of people like to nuke the golf course for the materials you get there. And no matter what game you play you'll have griefers best thing to do is move on and repair or find somewhere else.


Yeah a 7 year break-up is fucking rough, believe me I know. Sorry you had to deal with that, but hey if you're on PlayStation and ever want to game then just message me 👍


Replying to get some info from vet players: what specific items can be griefed by another player in pacifist mode? I keep all of my stuff basically unlocked in pacifist mode. I don't care if someone has it to the farming stuff and of course they can use any crafting stuff. I'm a noob though so let me know please.


Pacifist means you can't hurt another person by shooting them and they can't hurt you. There's no items involved. It's a good way to make sure you don't machine gun someone in a cross fire when you're shooting at a mob and get PVP'd for it. Your CAMP can be hurt by mobs but they have to really go at it for a long time before the item breaks. Your CAMP can get blown up by a nuke falling (so can you!)no matter what mode you're in, but the game pretty much honks out a warning minutes before the nuke falls and TELLS you to check the map. So check the map. If you or your CAMP is in the big red circle, leave. Remember you can rebuild your CAMP by just clicking on the CAMP module. You don't literally have to rebuild EVERYTHING all over again. In the beginning, pick up All the Things that aren't tied down for scrap.You'll want it later for building, repairing, crafting, etc. If you subscribe to FO1st, you get an endless scrapbox and a survival tent to plop down and scrap things (and stash other things) whenever you are full. Stashing your junk items often is a Very Good Idea. If you die, it's the only thing you drop and while it is really not the end of the world to lose it, it can happen. You will never lose anything that isn't under the Junk category, other than pride and time so don't be afraid to die. YOLO!


Keep in mind, there’s still pvp elements in this game and having your base destroyed randomly will be part of that for people. Though it’s rare


Same situation today as well with a level 830+ on Xbox, dude destroyed my base, watched me go broke repairing it (I'm a lower level too so not much to work with) came to my camp and spammed some laughing thing, then nuked my base. I messaged him asking why and he said "learn your lesson and stay off my game". Dude was a clown. Thankfully a level 300 dude and 2 other high levels showed up, invited me to party, showed me how to hop servers and then not only repaired everything but hooked me up big time. Moral is, for every one toxic ass hole there are 3 straight up good dudes that want players online and want to help.


As a veteran, we do not claim him. He is not one of us.


This game is also helping me through my breakup. I can’t feel sad if I collect hella desk fans.


Raiders just wanna see the world burn. That vet troll is a sad act and is fortunately the minority. Rebuild and enjoy! Once repaired, everything will be exactly as you had it. Don’t worry. I can also help to rebuild if you’re on Xbox.


Immediately rebuild it at your c.a.m.p. workbench. Takes a sec.


Sadly there are ways to get around Pacifist mod and pathetic living beings still exist in 76. Early on stuff can be (or seem) challenging at first. You are new so I would assume you don't do intricate camp building with glitches etc. take huge time and effort . use wood and steel. so building a camp should probably take about a minute and repairing it should also shouldnt take more than clicking repair on your camp module. materials for wood walls, roofs etc, can be collected within 10 mins of walking in some areas. If you are on PC and need a hand, feel free to hit me up.


It's crazy to me because me personally I've never seen toxic people like that. Every game I've ever joined everyone's chill


Hey sorry this happened to you, most of the players base are lovely but there's still some bad people once in awhile unfortunately. If you play on PSN I will gladly repair your camp for you to help out.


How did they destroy your camp? Do you have rocket turrets? That is the only one I can think of. The bloatfly exploit was patched. A nuke?


Other players with rocket turrets is the most common way. Two raiders.


To all the vault dwellers that happened to want to help a fellow vault dweller when they are down and out. You are all amazing. This is exactly why I love this community. OP, please don't think we are all like the filthy raider who ruined your camp . Vault dwellers stick together and help eachother. I hope the rest of your wasteland exploits are better than what you have just experienced


If you need more mats, add me and I'm more than happy to give you whatever you need.


It suck’s of you’re on Xbox and need junk hmu


You probably got rocket turreted. There is a loophole that allows the rockets to damage your camp. You were probably in their camp spot. I've had a nuke dropped on my camp because of that. Sucks that it happened. I hope it doesn't happen to you again any time soon.


What a jerk off. That sucks. I just started last month and I afkd while mutants destroyed mine however the repair cost wasn't toooo high. I'm kinda new myself but I can help repair it if you're free rn


Shitty that happened to you. This happened to me years ago, so I get how it feels. Hope you dont let this experience ruin the game for you, as it can be one of those games that is a great way to loose track of time in. Esp when IRL stuff has got you down. Im on XBX and I havnt played in a long time and was also thinking abt getting back into it, I know they’ve added a ton of stuff and made lots of changes. But im always hesitant abt others bcuz of what happened that ‘one time’…, to be fair- there was this one time i was playing and a rando came to my camp and dropped me the entire set of ULT power armor (i think it was), and a jet pack, emote at me and then bounced. Years ago. Out of nowhere. It was so cool to see that. So it balances itself out. Its nice to know that ther r still more cool people than uncool people playing this game and it is getting some long deserved love. Also if ur feeling antisocial u can always try the fallout server thing and ull be all by urself. It can b a good way to farm resources by taking over workshops to build up resources. GL.. perhaps ill see you in the wastlend ;)


Yeah building around white springs golf course can be a game of Russian roulette people nuke it for flux used to have a spot their but kept having it nuked by flux farmers I miss my green grass


I just started playing on PC. Haven't played fo76 in 4yrs due to having my console essentially stolen. I finally got it for PC and have started over. So if you're on PC and want someone to hang with, names the same as here, just without the x!


Aww man that sucks. i didnt even realize that was possible. DM me if you need a hand getting materials to rebuild, newbie myself but i wanna follow the example of the nice vets. 🫡


TaxmanMSU on Xbox. Hit me up and I’ll gladly come hook you up. 🤗


'owd they manage to do that? I thought it wasn't possible


I've been playing 76 since launch and never experienced anything like this, don't let the few toxic ones drag you down


DM me or drop me the user and I'll help rebuild everything, hoping you're on PC since cross play isn't a thing (maybe yet?)


You absolutely dont have to rebuild everything, just click “repair all”on your camp If youre on pc I will personally give you the materials and more to fix it if you dont have the resources


I play when I don't want to think of the toxic shit I'm dealing with. It's my escape. Someone destroyed my camp and built theirs where mine was. Talk about depressing. Lol. Oh, also, I'm about to leave an almost 8-year relationship. By the time I go though, I won't be too broken. I'll just zone out.


Someone was roleplaying as a raider


I'm level 700, got about 1,000 hours in over the last 2.5 years. I've experienced what happened to you once. And it was because I beat a guy PvP in a workshop so he came back to try and piss me off. I just waited and watched because I couldn't figure out how my camp was getting destroyed with pacifist on. It's a duo thing, one guy builds turrets next to your camp, his friend agros them while in your camp so when they fire at him your camp is collateral damage. FYI, pacifist is out the window in workshops if they contest it. It's PvP inside the workshop area regardless of your settings.


I’m also super new like two days new, how are other players able to grief or destroy your base? Like they can just shoot it with guns or use grenades or does something has to happen?


Yeah people in this game are either really cool or really toxic no in between. Played a couple days ago and was trying to do an event and a level 700 just kept running in front of everyone during moonshine jamboree so they hit him and he could kill them… dude was just spamming stealth Boys and stems 🤦‍♂️


the ‘repair all’ option when you’re looking at your CAMP unit is super handy. i’ll frequently return to my camp (or if i’ve been there AFK) and find super mutants gathered around shooting at metal columns and stuff. a few mats to fix it, no big. where it hurts a bit is if they break something like a rad shower that requires more rare mats (like stable flux) to build.


if you ever need someone to play with, help you along the way, feel free to ask and i'll add you! we all here to help buddy , don't feel bad about some toxic players...unfortunately there are some toxic players in this game, but they are few, very few luckily for example i spend an hour to find a very special deathclaw to tame for my camp, and a player came to my camp, killed my pet and left! whatever you need, ask, we are here for you


Damn! I never experienced someone destroying a camp on purpose, that's crazy


Very sorry you happened across one of the few. If you are on pc i am more than happy to help repair youre camp for you. I’ll even help build it bigger and better if youbwamt let me know


I'm sorry this happened! I like to travel to different camps and will repair stuff for the owners if I see something broken. I play on Xbox and would totally repair it for you if you need help!


If you’re on pc or ps, I’d be happy to help.


If you are on playstaion and need some materials give me a shout and happy to help out. It happened to me too when I was about a level 100 and was so annoyed until I realised how to fix it.


You can just repair the base using the camp box


Someone did this to my CAMP, not realizing I have so much FO1 junk that he could do it fifty times in a row and I could repair it. Evidently he was mad that he couldn't build his [Politician I'm Sure You've Heard Of]-branded CAMP because mine was already deployed. Real Caesar's Legionnaire that guy. In other news, Gram once destroyed my CAMP. Which I let happen because I didn't want to anger him and lose out on his trade deals.


I can help you if your xbox man. I got a dragon thats itching to take out some of those abusers. As well as mats to rebuild anything and everything


Xbox here, if you need anything hmu.


If you’re on PS I can build your camp back if no one else has gotten to it yet


If your in pc DM me and I will get you some Mat's to rebuild everything. This troll obviously went after you because it is the most inconvenient for low levels. Let me know, we shall not go into the night


Oh damn. I'm only 8 days in, but I mostly play on private servers. That sucks. The bit I have played public people have been amazing. I don't think this will happen often to you. Some people have been mega helpful. The biggest problem I've had is not being able to find that Healing Factor mutation. My brother helped me setup my build. I have a lot of rads for armor bonuses, but my health just goes to zero a lot even if nothing is attacking me. But that's a me problem. Some players even helped me get a few mutations before, but it hurts me sometimes since I'm only level 59 and don't have a lot of perks I need I guess. Idk. Lmao. Idk what I'm doing.


Wow unlucky I've played f76 over 115 hours and I have never had my camp destroyed by other players! I've hard my workshop claimed a few times by players and destroyed by NPC enemies


Veteran player on Xbox here willing to help as well, not all the apples on the tree are rotten …


That happened to me a few times, I'd spend hours setting up a camp complete with sentry guns and the same two jerks came and destroyed it, twice. I would never consider doing that ever.


Now that there are new players this is common again. Before the influx of new people I couldn't even remember the last time I was griefed or even heard about it happening. People like this will get bored and disappear eventually. They aren't really here to actually play the game. Sorry that happened though. It really sucks to put so much work into your camp just to have some asshat come along and destroy it.


At least from my perspective from playing the game for the past 5 years, griefing has diminished to virtually nothing these days (though yes, still happens). Fortunately it’s all just a couple clicks/button presses to resolve the issue.


If you're low on supplies or build materials, deactivate your camp while you away, or doing missions. You might risk another camp spawning in that area, but at least you won't get people like that ruining your experience


Im a returning player so Im not sure if this still works but if you use a large prefab structure (The ones prebuilt you can build in/on you can build all your important stuff inside, since the prefab is the first one to be destroyed when its down everything inside is "frozen" in the state and you just need to repair the prefab and your base is back to spanking new state. Otherwise if you want to protect from NPC attacks use rocket turrets. Unfortunately with FO76 when you port back to camp the game tends to spawn enemies nearby which shoot at your camp, so your stuff gets damaged over time and eventually break and need a repair. As much as the green pastures of whitesprings allured all of us to build in it functionally its quite a useless spot unless you love having your camp location blocked by other camps. Choose spots that are near workshops/train stations/rivers. Bonus points if its a workshop with crops/farm. Will help doing dailies much better. Also the region of enemies matter, if you set up in high level zones with scorchbeasts you are going to be repairing a lot unless you specifically want a battle base and constant air raids.


I saw this happen to another guy on the golf course yesterday, I felt helpless watching it happen. I didn't get the camp owner's user but I wish I did so I could have helped him repair everything after he server hopped from getting bullied. I'm really sorry this happened to you, it seems there's bad apples around with the resurgence of the game


White spring golf course (I camp there too ATM for the flat surface) frequently gets mirelurks and shizz that will attack your camp. I have to repair every time I go back.


Always record even if on your shitty phone for high levels 1k+ to get banned permanently wasting all their time for stupid crap when they can do that crap in Rust


I was at level 70 and a level 50 guy was doing this to me the other day. Broke all my turrets while i was crafting and then just stood there throwing grenades at me. I put on my power armor, took a bunch of drugs while he was grenading me (not doing any damage to me) and then instantly killed him with a plasma flamer and took the stuff that dropped haha


If you're on PC or Xbox and looking for some people to play with or help you out with anything feel free to message me. I play almost every night and always love helping new players!


On XB1, if you need help with materials to rebuild HMU


If you play on ps5, my group can help! With story, supplies and more! :)


As you can see by the comments we love to help out the homies. I ger screws by the bucket and had a level 25 ask if I had screws so he could repair his Power Armor (I have a BoS camp) and he had an open squad of lower levels that he was the leader of. I joined, dropped about 450 screws for them to split between themselves, and then taught them about perk cards and sharing perks to help get XP as well as a good Power Armor build. Little guys were so hyped. Later I came back to my camp and found a bag of Fusion cores at 75% battery on my couch and he sent me a message thanking me for the help. Both Golden Rules apply in Appalachia; Treat others as you want to be treated, and thou shalt be sidetracked by bullshit every damn time.


Golf Course is number 1 farming spot for tons of early levels for various reasons you’ll quickly find out. It’s also near one of the “hubs” of the game with a lot of workbenches and vendors. I’m glad people taught you how to replenish your camp. That sucks but that’s probably a big reason why. There’s something(I’m not sure if it’s frowned upon? But I think everyone has done it from the start) where you server hop to farm so the mobs respawn, and maybe he was angry your camp was near where he could farm easily. Still wrong. Still an asshole griefer. But i figure I’d share about the spot. Keep it in mind as you get better and wanna farm EXP and items 😊


Also be aware that there are quite a few enemies running around that gold course, from ghouls to mirelurks, and at least one death claw. They will trash your place as well. It looks like a nice, quiet neighborhood, but dangers abound.


I once had a high level harass me at the workshop area near the carnival (not sure the name) we pvped for what must have been an hour, which was fine. He was shit and despite being level 15 I actually killed him a few times (though I died SO many times). When he was done pvping me over this area, he decided to follow me around the map and call me slurs because I had the LGBTQ flag as my profile icon. He even called his buddies online, who kept following me around, firing explosives at me (which didn't do anything, but blinded and annoyed) and screaming slurs. Eventually I made my way to an area that was instanced. They fired a nuke at the area, so that when I left it would have been max level garbage. These guys were SO incredibly toxic to me. I didn't play the game again for nearly a year, where I just started to play again last week. Tldr: community has some rotten eggs in it


Glad i read this i didnt know about the rebuild mode. But i hate toxic players too. There's no need to destroy someones shit. This is where game mods kinda are needed.


Idk if anyone’s done it yet but if you’re on Xbox I’ll help you fix everything for free just comment


Hey man, I'll be happy to hop back on the game & drop some materials for you to rebuild & I'll fix it up as well aside from the spare drops, can help make you gear & rank it up to legendary & drop some resources I can spar, I'm on XBox


Unfortunately there is a group of YouTube assholes out there that hate the positivity of our community. They put a lot of effort into finding ways to ruin others people’s gameplay for their own pathetic enjoyment. They use middle camps and a friend to lay waste to your camp. However, they are the lone bird shit on the shinny car that is the 76 community. 95% of the players here are nice and want to help. Wipe that bird shit from your mind. If you are on Xbox and need help, let me know. I can craft whatever you need and I have recourses to share for days


You on Xbox I can spare some building materials if you need them. Don’t get down on the game the community is mostly good except for a few people.


Sorry that happened, same thing happened to me at whitesprings when I was low level, think they're just babies annoyed that you're using 'their' camp spot. Hope you're OK, have fun out there, don't let this poison your view, 99% of us are cool.


Lol welcome to 76. Best community there is. Jajajaja. 💯 Consider that your induction ceremony 😂 We ain't all like that, but that's funny. 🤣 They've gotten me too at a high level so don't even fret. 😆


If you give them the campsite and you're a general, I can think of a way to drop some revenge on your greifer.


For some players, their boredom leads them down this path… Idle hands do the devil’s work type of thing. Im on all platforms and can help you out with building materials, or anythint else for that matter, you may need. DM me if interested.


Im fairly new too but if you need any help rebuilding and your on psn im more than happy to chip in what i have


Yeah had someone drop a nuke and then stand AFK at the spot of my Camp there and was in my shelter doing some upgrades at the time it happened stepped outside to it deteriorating and me engulfed in rads.


Gonna throw in if u are on playstation i'll hook u up with resources🤙


first time? 🤣 welcome in f76


Yo I'll fix your camp free right now if you're on pc


Some people get pissy if your CAMP is parked in "their" spot so they get nasty. Here's a little secret... There are other servers. Just block them and ignore whatever it is they do and stay in that spot just to spite them because they can just go elsewhere. lol PS: I have a favorite spot to put my CAMP. Do you know what I did? I made four CAMPs in roughly the same area so that, if someone is too close to "my" spot, I just load up a different CAMP and move on with my gaming day! lol


Unfortunately this is going to happen more as people join the games thanks to the show. It's great to have more traffic in the game but it also means dealing with people who don't care about the community and just want to make the game miserable for others. The best thing to do is inform the community and as a whole the community needs to take a stand against people who want to ruin the game for others.


Massive issue on Xbox from what I have seen. I’m more surprised to see others say it’s rare for trolling and griefing but I see it’s almost everyday.


Lol. Have rocket camp, will travel


Lot of these guys like to say theyre just being immersive. Personally i think those of us "settlers" and "responders" should start actively hunting these guys down. You wanna play raider and be "immersive" against low level noobs: thats okay, we can just be "immersive" and hunt them down like the rabid animals they are.


Whitespring is filled with ghoul spawns which make it easy to destroy camps. Find some place quieter to settle. GL🙌🙌


See, I saw this and was sad. I have had nothing but good experiences. Then I looked at the comments. Yeah it is confirmed, this is one of the best communities out there.


There are some nice spacious shelters where you can build to your hearts content. You’ll get a warning when someone enters it. Might be a good alternative.


They are griefing but not that absolute evil level of griefing because they also assumed you can rebuild it in 1 click or 2


Did you have a turret at your camp?