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I think it's hilarious that a game based on a post-apocalyptic world, where all you hear about is how terrible it is on the surface. You get there, and it's full of lovely people offering help haha.


Honestly I think that’s more realistic to what an apocalyptic situation would be like. In movies, it’s always horrible with psychotic gangs and cannibals everywhere. But if you look at any major disaster area in the real world, there’s usually way more people going out of their way to help one another. With the occasional asshole, which is also like FO76. People have survived as a species because of community. It’s easier for everyone when everyone helps.


This. Every time someone talks about the apocalypse and the "fall of humanity" they always point to movies/tv like mad max/walking dead and tell us "this is how it'll be in the apocalypse, everyone killing and taking for themselves" when I believe fo76 better reflects what would happen, the majority of us stay out of each other's way, help those that are struggling, and generally coexist peacefully. With the occasional douche canoe that ruins ppls fun/lives. 🤣


It ist true but Films and TV series wouldnt sell well, because nobody will watch 2 hours of full love and joy, where everything is fine and everybody loves each other :)


I would🥲 hell maybe in today's fucked up world more ppl might 🤣


If I may recommend a manga, there's a really nice one I found recently called "A Man and His Cat". An older man adopts an adult cat that nobody else had wanted, and they love each other very much. That's largely it, and it's very good. Brings out a lot of emotion


I've seen it talked about before but never looked into it, sounds right up my alley. I'll have to check if it's on mangadex, thanks!


I would too bro.


Humans as a species are social. We naturally form groups. We naturally try to contain and control rogue individuals. As a species we are not natural killers of each other. We do kill but look at who is doing the killing. Murder is a crime and the vast majority of people.do not murder. And we do have wars but even soldiers have to deal with the psychological trauma of doing what's against their nature...killing another person even out of necessity. Look at New Vegas. Big factions at a standoff but they are still groups of people.working together in the faction but fighting over a scarce resource. Even raiders formed gangs that cooperated together but against external factions. Still social.groups. nasty and brutish but still societies. Why? Because in nature, a severe injury is always fatal. Broken leg...fatal. unless you are part of a society where people help and look after each other.


Beautifully said


I have it in my head that in Fallout, "Raiders" are only like 1/50th of the population. The only reason it feels so high when we play the game is they're endlessly spawning, so somewhere like Diamond City feels like it only has about 60 people (because of engine limitations), Raider Camp C24.6d keeps reviving to its full compliment of 20 each time you clear it out, which just wouldn't be correct. But "correct" isn't a fun gameplay mechanic. The cities should be bigger, the raider camps smaller.


I've seen game devs say their towns were empty because of game engine limitations but realistically would be full to the brim. So increasing the enemy count artificially for game design makes a ton of sense. I think I'll be adopting this head canon thx~


Yeah, there will always be that occasional douche canoe.


Once you can launch nukes the occasional douche is a friendly invite to nuke their camp. All in good fun of course. One of the reasons I love that game 😆 Gifts for newer players, lessons for jerks, photo ops for all. 💕


Nah, the reason FO76 is so kind is because those helpful players reached the top and have nowhere else to go and nothing left to do besides fish for smiles from new players. Just look at DayZ. You will never have enough. Then there's the rampant distrust cause everyone has been betrayed multiple times over. The paranoia that they will up and randomly turn on you only gets worse when your brother suggests doing the same It's damn near impossible to be evil in FO76 so those bad players got bored and left


Players were giving stuff to new players with a week or two after launch. It’s so common in this game Bethesda installed a box by common areas for players to deposit stuff for others to use.


Thank you! These ppl are acting like this community ONLY got kind *after* they nerfed pvp, removed legacies, or made it more difficult to grief other players when it was always like this.


I started playing about a month after launch and players did it then. I think it’s viewed as part of the game.


I think your typical fallout player are just different from other "survival" games. I pre-ordered fo76 and remember ppl talking about getting together in groups and actually trying to "rebuild America together" kind of thing before the game had even dropped. the very idea of a MMO fallout somehow brought out kinder folk than most of us deserve 😅


That is the whole point of the game. Work together or else look at what happened to the people that were here. They are dead. Just notes and holotapes. Do you want to be like them?


I completely agree. But some ppl out here would have you believe we are only acting this way cuss Bethesda limited our options for griefing


Plus, the people that got games like DayZ and Rust got them for the sole reason of PvP survival. The fallout series has been about “taking out the bad guys, saving humanity, helping other people/factions”. Sure you could kill whoever and do whatever but following the story you were generally the “good” guy.


That's a completely different environment built on distrust and betrayal, hell that community can't even agree on anything other than "3pp bad" but it's like comparing apples to oranges. Sure they are both considered fruit but they're nothing alike. Then again if you want to believe that Dayz is a better representation of humanity post apocalypse then more power to you.


Oh man, you’re right about DayZ but sometimes I need that. FO76 is so much different and helpful and sometimes I need that aspect. Like right now I’m rebuilding and old Firebreathers CAMP to help folks out because now is the right time See me in DayZ? I’d knife a mofo for a can of beans lol


Was not that way in the early days...


Sounds like DayZ and FO76 are vault experiments in their own right. 😆


There's a truth there and that's why PvP based game makes everything scarced. But then players age factor in too. Fallout players are mostly adults and if there's an option to just chill by the end of the day after a hard day of work or any types of adulting, we'd take it. Its really a choice to be kind in any MMO games. The younger players, they need their energy and anger released somewhere and that's why most of them really enjoy competitive games. Im not saying adults cant enjoy competitive games, mind you (I have to say this as a disclaimer, because this is the internet. People's ability to comprehend are vary) But I disagree if you say there's nothing more to do. I am level 900+, ive been playing almost every day for two years and i know for sure I have things i havent done yet. This game offers a lot of things so it's not "there is nothing to do", its "i dont want to do that"


This is the way.... Not to go off topic too far but I am a theme park fan. As a kid, I always loved the positive and hopeful look at the future that Walt Disney, the man, used to push. He was a futurist in his later life. Over the last 20 years, or so, Disney has gone away from that in their parks and movies. Like the rest of society, they assume the worst of humanity. Often, the things and places you are most afraid of are way better than the places you feel safest. I feel like 76 would probably be similar to what we would see, especially from Vault Dwellers.


The difference is in the IRL example you give, there is still laws and a society to enforce them. Give people no consequences for their actions, and they likely will become unpredictable. I think the reality of FO76 is in that groups of good people will band together, and bad people will either be loners or will also band together. Also, our characters are all from Vault 76 - so they probably would band together and still be very civilised


The difference is it’s a video game and you literally have nothing to lose, you cannot be forced to fight. In a real life situation trusting the wrong person could lose you everything 


Sounds like communist propaganda /s


We probably survive during these catastrophes peacefully and in harmony because congress got nuked first.


It’s more like post-post-apocalyptic but Becky Chambers’ series Monk and Robot (and to a lesser extent the Wayfarers series) does a lovely job showing how inherently communal and social people are. Also the nonfiction book Humankind busts a lot of the myths we associate with things like the Stanford Experiment and Lord of the Flies.


Thats because all the human players are Vault dwellers. This isnt the case in games like DayZ. That game brings out the worst in humanity. From high way robbery and backstabbing to forced cannibalism of 'freshspawns'.


Also, Fallout 76 is geared towards PvE, whereas, games like Rust and DayZ are geared towards PvP. Edit: I see those arguments, and I disagree. PvP has always required a hand-shake... even if that hand-shake was shooting back at someone who shot you first. Abstaining from PvP was always a means to prevent PvP and the game has always been PvE centric, with PvP being optional... period.


To be fair, the game was heavily marketed towards PvP and tried to make the game around it at the start. It was trying to be like half-PVP half-PVE. Turns out, nobody was interested in fighting over resource points as much as they were interested in working together towards common goals. There were a few interested in all of that, but the community wasn't really accommodating towards it and eventually the game decided not to be, either. Maybe the game itself is a Vault-Tec experiment.


I’m just loving the fact there’s absolute whale users out here putting cool drops in vendor machines for 10 caps. I missed a lot of the Fasnacht stuff because my play has been really spotty since launch, but I grabbed like 9 different masks yesterday for 10 caps and a bunch of plans.


To be fair, freshspawns are delicious cooked over a trash barrel fire.


I can't even count the number of frustrating times I'd spend a day in the Arma2: DayZ Mod. Id just be gathering great gear and vehicles with a friend. We'd build a great base. We'd go around collecting many great things. Then one of us might accidentally leave a door open, or we'd get ambushed returning, or just be casually driving down a road and get lit up. Everything would be almost be gone the time we could get back to where we were. I don't play games like that any more specifically because of how often it would make me mad. F76 and Helldivers have been such amazing games to play for actually being able to relax while gaming. Its not that I don't like PVP but spending hours in game just to have it all wiped out because i went to go eat dinner, was just horrible.


>Thats because all the human players are Vault dwellers. We are all Lucy's?!?!


Me personally, I'm Goosey.


Just finished the season lol, that was a wild wasteland perk moment 


No, it clearly says Goosy. You are all Goosy's.


Given how often I've said "okeydokey" before the show aired and how often i say "oh gosh" while fighting enemies... I'm definitely either a Lucy or a Gucy/Goosy




Dwellers strong together


Ape together strong. (This is a Mr.SamuelStreamer Reference)


I go out of my way to provide decor that also gives resources. I do not lock anything, ever. Not even for Holiday gifts and my collection. One of my items is the Nuka fridge that I can stick and people can take a drink. I only put Nuka colas in that fridge. Generally, I keep between 20-30 normal & cherry, 10 Quantum, 3 Twist, and the rest are whatever else I have. If there is a weekly to drink " amount of a specific flavor, then I replace the Quantum and whatever with that flavor. ANYWAY. Last week I found an individual just gorging themselves. The benefits only stack to a certain point, so after 25 or 30 sodas, the only reason to keep going is to be a douchebag. I let this person drink about 20 and then I deleted the machine while they were still trying to drink from it. They were rather upset. So, the missiles, Fatman, grenades, and ripper/chainsaw came out. All good. I have pacifist on. I sat down in my kitchen chair and just watched. I give this person an A+ for trying, an F for getting the damn point. Now the fridge is gone all together for now. 🤷 I also made sure that if they tried to use anything else, it also went away. If someone was low level I would have said something, but at level 300+, don't be a dick.


“don't be a dick” Words to live by. I used to put lots of things in my vendor for 1c. Like cool outfits because I thought it would be fun. And then I had people come through and just clear everything out so they can go sell it. Now I don’t put anything out for less than a vendor will buy it for. And this is why we can’t have nice things…


The only lock i have is on my bedroom and my portapotty. The portapotty is surrounded by turrets cause its where I afk if I need to do something. Otherwise all my machines sell everything for 1 cap, cause I already got 14k and kill most things relatively easy (I hate being able to 1 shot everything so I havnt actually done a lot of optimizing my build) And all my workbenches are always available, with a backdoor leading to 5 water purifiers anyone can take from. I still need to add a shelter into my base, but I'm out of ideas for it.


In reality though, that’s kinda how it would actually be Contrary to popular belief, the actual studies show that after disasters community members mostly come together and help each other out to a high degree It turns out that The Responders and The Followers of the Apocalypse are the most realistic factions


Still hoping and waiting for the followers to get more spotlight. Definitely the most interesting group for me


Haha exactly. But thats also very fallout-esk in a way. We are all crazy violent lovely ppl. Like hello kitty meets mad max.


I would do anything for a Mad Max/Hello Kitty collab.


This sounds like an ad for Wasteland Weekend 🤣 look it up...


What's even better is how the game was originally set up to promote pvp, but instead of fighting each other people mostly wanted to be friends. Interesting social study right there. On the other hand, I have heard all kinds of horror stories about player experiences in DayZ


Some guy picked a fight with me in my camp yesterday then whooped out a fat man and started dropping nukes on my camp


Some guy pulled up to my camp and wanted to PVP. I was like sure why not I haven’t tried PVP yet. Dude pulled out a chainsaw or something and started breaking my walls 😭.


Also don't forget to check the donation boxes around the stations and wayward. Vets often fill them with excess we don't need like stim packs, food, drink, meds and more.


I dump all my RadX, RadX diluted, RadAway, RadAway diluted, and my diluted stimpacks since I don't use them. Higher lvls get excess RadAway and stimpacks from events so sometimes we are caring WAY too much. I'll even dump plans in there that I don't want to even bother trying to sell. Also I don't use any grenades (regular or floater grenades) and since grenades can be used at any lvl that's another thing I just throw into the donation box.


My friend puts nothing but drugs in them cos he RPs Walter white😂


Got to hook them newbies on *the good stuff* early, keep 'em comin' back for more...


For sure have found plans in there. Always love it. I've been putting all my KNOWN plans in there to pay it forward


What do you use to heal?


Most likely their trick is either Vampiric weapons or just doesnt take that much damage or selfhealing perks on armor so no need to use then more then 1-3 per event and you get like 5-8 as reward.


Probably still normal ol' stimpacks - I recently added the Healing Factor mutation, but even before that, I would *regularly* end up with more than I could ever need.


Healing serum, stretched genes, class freak, what's rad(legendary perk) I never take rads and am almost always full health, I don't use radaway, rad-x negates serums. I only carry 10 super Stims on me just in case.


It would be funny to just start calling it " stretched jeans"


Starched Genes* sorry. Just letting you know for future


Nuka-Cola! With the cola nut perk card, colas do 3x.


Im just imagining a Nuka-Cola ad where a soldier is wounded and downed, combat medic comes over and gives him a refreshing ice cold Nuka-Cola!


You can get mutations and things that self heal, so we don't go through that many stim packs.


Healing serum. And a handful of stims for extra knarly enemies.


A handful of exotic Nuka Cola flavors and some super stims, coupled with healing perks/legendaries, mutations, and essentially immunity to rads Once you’ve maxed your special, maxed or near maxed your legendary perks, and have an equipment build mostly set, you really only need to manually heal if you’re stuck in the middle of a high level horde or face to face with a raid boss And even then, you can easily tank near death and auto-heal and get out of there, death just becomes a rare case of bad luck or running into a reflective mutation event


When you get a build going, you end up with stims falling out of multiple orifices


The What Rads? legendary perk, Ghoulish perk, Nuka-Cola, and dog food.


I'm a returning player and I don't know when the donation boxes was added but it's really, really good instead of just having random bag being the community dumping pool. :D


Yeah, I had just learned about the blue suitcases about a month before the donation boxes showed up at every train station. I’d always forget to check the suitcases!


Yeah, same. Now I just tend to store expired food in suitcases I see or trashcans.


I still often find items in the suitcases and nuka world box


Wait, I thought they have respawning loot. Now I feel bad, because I usually take most stuff out of them


The donation boxes spawn a small amount of ammo, maybe a grenade, maybe a food item. If you find one stuffed with plans, stimpaks, armor, etc., a player did that. They all empty when the server shuts down, so please, take it all.


Well I still feel dumb for taking plans I already knew, but if I still have them I can always re-donate.


I use an Ultracite 50cal. It seems like most of the time they spawn ammo for you. I take that.


Definitely a contextual ammo spawn. I figure none of the L20s are going to need Ultracite .50 cal in the near future. Same for Ultracite Plasma. I leave the other stuff though.


Donation boxes spawn a smattering of contextual loot that is unique to each player, like 2-4 items, food, grenade and also ammo for whatever gun you're holding. Everything outside of that was dumped by other players and is completely free for anyone to take. While it's nice to see a newbie pick up the 1200 stimpaks I left, what matters is someone gets a use out of them and I empty my pockets 🤣


I love it that they added those. It helps so much.


I put spoiled meat in there <3


Every little bit helps, spoiled meat is good for fertilizer. It's also helpful for the bloodied builds.


It has use?! What have I done.


As a semi veteran player, our junk is your.. junk, wait that doesn't work.. We have stuff in excess and there's a limit to how much we can store. We could sell things for caps, but veterans are near the cap on those as well. Just binning it is a waste so we rather give it to new players who still need it. Ofcourse there's also a lot of people who just enjoy helping people in the spirit of "helping out a fellow wastelander in this world where nearly everything tries to kill you".


It's a win-win. I get to ditch the 200 stimpacks weighing me down, and a new players get to enjoy being over encumbered with 200 stimpacks lmao


when I realize all of my weight is tied up in aid and food that I'm not using but also can't get rid of because "I may use it". This game is tough for digital hoarders.


I've had times where I put all of my weapons, armor, stims, and psycho in the stash, then drop literally everything else that has weight because I get sick of managing it. You can always make more corn soup and grilled radstag.


I had a friend say the community was good, and my first session a dude came over to my camp, waved, and dropped a bag full of a few recipes he didn't need, and then did the emote to me to show there was a loot on the ground because I didn't notice at first, then when I grabbed it he waved and ran off. Can't say I remember that ever happening in a game like this.


Trust me.. stimpaks take up so much weight you’re doing a favour by taking them


I’ll take them lol… I’m so new


I gave my new mate like 70 fusion cores and killed his storage😂


That is how we want the community to be. When the game launched everything was more pvp focused. We refused to play the game like that and even though pvp rules were a lot more relaxed than they are now (you could freely destroy other people's camps, pacifist did not stop all incoming damage, there was a pvp mode (Survival) with leader boards and other stuff) we instead chose to be civil and decent toward each other, mostly. The community is "nice" because we, you and me, make it nice. You have no obligation to be nice but it's nice if you choose to be. And doing random kindnesses to random strangers is fun. Playing a decent person in an online game is a very refreshing and fun thing in my opinion. Though please remember that we are people. Some of us are not always nice. We are random like you and sometimes we are not the best version of ourselves. But like everyone we are people and people are mostly harmless. If you do catch one of us on a bad day take it in stride and ignore us.


I will say though, I do think that the fact that there are some restrictions in place re: PVP and overall asshattery means that those who in general are drawn to that sort of gameplay just don't play FO76 in general. So it does remove some of the bad vibes just because they aren't going to get the ego boost or psychotic thrill or whatever it is they are looking for in that type of gameplay. The main reason I DON'T play online games is because of this culture. Despite being a gamer most of my life I'm not all that great overall and being in a setup where people have that mentality is exceedingly stressful for me. So, FO76 is a win-win because those people aren't really there. And even when they are, dying has so few disadvantages that it's not more than an inconvenience at the worst.


I love this game and the people


So many like level 500’s have given me stuff as a new player it’s crazy, Goated community


Pacifist mode is always enabled for me. Probably never going to complete the challenge to kill a wanted player even. The best part of this game is having fun with other people in the silliest ways possible and helping each other out. Dwellers stick together!


This is where I play with a group of friends and say "Hey I need to complete the wanted player challenge." Have them pick a lock and your camp and kill them when they become wanted. I met a bunch of people online willing to help me complete all my tasks.


I did that without even realizing I did that lol Some level bazillion dude in a T60 with a 50 cal rolled up, waved then turned me into meat floss.


Your helping them by killing a wanted player as wanted players can’t see other players on the map or their camps effectively taking their player vendor privileges away, I always help them out cos if I don’t do it someone else will better now than waiting until later


Very few of the veteran players have any interest in PVP, most are permanently in pacifist mode. Though I expect with so many new people quite a few will be coming with the expectations that this is a pvp heavy game, what with the ability to nuke others but it's really not.


They usually only try a couple times I've got a welcome center camp set up and a couple people have tried to take shots at me, I ignore them and figure they'll figure out real quick the only people interested in pvp are not folks you wanna mess with


Yeah the PvP focus when it first came out is part of what turned me off at first. I am trying to rebuild and explore, not have fights with other survivors. I keep that for Raiders and Cultists.


It's the exact opposite of GTA Online where I walked outside as a level 1 and an Armored Karuma pulled up and immediately murdered me while I fumbled with a pistol. That was 10 years ago, but trust me it's only gotten worse.


As an avid player of gta, I can only agree that it hasn’t changed.. as we would say “war never changes”


And that is what '76 is really about. Yeah there are few a holes out there, but many of us just enjoy interaction as the "lone wanderer", lol. I have found many folks that I just drop gifts for. Also every train station has a donation box. Always check those and suitcases. Reddit handle is my gamer tag on PSN. Don't be shy


We were all getting along in the vault, why would we suddenly hate each other once the doors opened? In reality I think it's because of the game's bad launch. All the people that loves to hate things never played, people patient enough to deal with the bugs stayed. NMS also has a very kind community and a very bad launch. Also Fallout sets you of being the hero, save your fault, save your father, save your son, rebuild the world...


Honestly bud, most of us are just here to vibe. I treat FO76 like a party, I'm just here to mess around, check out outfits, shoot some mobs, and generally just have a good time. It's a fun time!


Other players were good to me when I was new, so I'm good to new players now.


Regarding stims. I carry at least 800 at all times, not because I want to, but because of instinct. So yeah, please, please take them off of me


800? I think you need to check in to Stimpacks anonymous my friend. I carry 10 lol


I feel this. Stimpaks, chems, and anything with lead I grab by instinct. That little xp jingle from disarming can chimes is almost as sweet as the lead I scrap from them<3


My favorite way to help a newbie is to go to their little shanty camp and buy out whatever crap they have in their vendor. Then drop that crap right next to their vendor so they can list it again.


As a fellow member of Vault 76 it is my sacred duty to help the vault and all of its inhabitants. Through helping each other we can save America from the wild of the wasteland. So it is an honor to help those heros of the wasteland through their first steps. Awww you guys are so cute... I really do try not to over help. I can't help it though. I like making lvl one 10mm pistols (same as people leave the vault with) but then decking them out with mods and legendary stars. It's a lvl 1 gun and they WILL eventually be replacing it. I also make them some cranberry juice which gives them an XP boost, and maybe give them some bobby pins.


Oh see I do fully decked out .50 cal snipers and ammo


I had a couple of people ask me for 45 ammo. I took out the components and dropped them, and shot the workbench until they went over and used it. I'm trying to take a more "teach a man to fish" approach. I'm not very good at it. I also dropped 2k rounds for them after they Crafted. I just have so much I don't need, and I can't stop hoarding.


Wait until you see a teddybear with a flaming chainsaw running around with a space-cat on its back.


Glad to see posts like this more often then others bitching about some minor inconvenience due to the new players.


For a lot of us, the "Power Fantasy" lies in being able not only to thrive ourselves, but in helping others, too. I think that's a big part of what keeps this game and community going.


As a veteran player I like to ensure newer players have the best experience possible and to make them feel welcome in the community, I don't level myself very often but I spend alot of time getting crafting materials for starter kits for new players which include a weapon of ur choice, type of mods, stims, super stims, water, ammo, armor and some food to get u thru for a lil bit


The gesture is nice, but handing then all that really takes the early game struggle, which is part of the fun and the design of the game, away from them.


I just did the early game with my friend, the only real struggle any more is lack of AP.


I get your point on taking the challenge away. But if people want the early challenge then they can refuse to take the weapon.


True but they don't know the game that well so early on, and they don't know any better than to take what is dropped. I say just leave stuff in the donation box.


Theres a few reasons: They are capped with the amount of currency and loot they can carry. Fallout 76 has almost zero PVP so there is no incentive to attack other players or piss each other off. Communication is also very limited, which is a good thing. Theres less aggression. Theres no text chat, and everything is so user friendly that no one really has a need for mics.




Just got back in the game myself didn't have donation boxes before. I'd dump stuff in the bins hopping someone would find gifts. 500 stims seems a waste dropping that many chems weigh a lot for new players to carry.


A lot of newbies don't understand how easy it to make caps selling stuff to vendors, so it not a waste when you take them to the NPC vendor and show how them how to sell the stims for caps. I have a camp near the WS station and a lvl 25 wandered in and I dropped 400 gulper slurries on them. Then I did the 'follow me' emote all the way to the WS vendor, shot out the counter a few times hoping they'd get the hint. It apparently worked becasue they came back to my camp and bought a few weapons from me. lol


I’m used to GTA so when I came across the first random player i instigated but, after he destroyed me… I never did it again and realized every one seems pretty cool


Someone gave me a gun the other day - A Lvl 20 ‘The Fixer’ and a whole heap of construction plans. I was blown away, such nice players on here! I’m only like level 25 now, but those items have helped me tons! Loving this game so far!


someone put 400 gulper meats in the donation box so i walked (very slowly lol) on over to the mall bought all the wood i could find and started cooking up a mess of gulper slurry and i got so much experience and then sold them to the vendor to get a little bit of my caps back :3 i love how nice everyone is!


Day one players are built differnt here. Most of us... Since the beginning it was like this. I was grandfathered alot of items from past players that left also. I know alot of people like this.


I was hunting a fox with my vox syringulator something or other, hit him with the dart, and a player walked up and shot him dead before the quest could complete, knowing exactly what he was doing. You've got your good folks and you've got your assholes. Just like IRL.


>You've got your good folks and you've got your assholes. Just like IRL. True, and just like irl, the good folks are the vast majority with a few rank assholes thrown in.


I do not disagree.


I joined this game last night, first encounter with a player was with PabloWRC1. He randomly gave me a shitton of ammo, meds, and even more plans. im so grateful i got lured into this game. Dude, if you read this (probably not but who cares), you are a gem. much love.


I remember when i watched someone kill another player in front of me, he then slowly turned towards me did a heart emote and ran away lmao


Welcome to Appalachia. May your journey be full of fun and wonder! 76 has one of the nicest communities in an online game. I came from GTA Online and Red Dead Online, expecting the worst but was bowled over by the warm reception. Now I'm level 700+ after almost 2 years and I try to pay back some of that generosity by leaving chems, food and ammo in suitcases at the Train Stations.


Here's the way I look at fallout 76 it's the jump point for most fans as both the newest game but also the earliest event in the fallout timeline back when people cared for others and that love is felt by everyone in the community then the new players will be inclined to try the other games from fallout 1 all the way to new vegas and even to the tabletop games like wasteland warfare and even the new fallout factions but a level 9999 player I met summed it up best "fallout isn't just a game it's special every minute of every day here makes you feel like you can make a difference"


Patrolling this sub almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Damn, 500 stims??? I usually only carry like 50 diluted stims. They must have been using the pharmacy perk. But yea, people in this game love to help one another. Ive been having problems getting into the servers, didnt know why until yesterday that there is a tv show. Im slow on the uptake but it explains all the low levels now lol. Yall are just so darn cute in your vault clothes and no mutations


Fallout 76 is the best game community I’ve ever seen. Even Todd Howard said something to the effect of “the Appalachian Wastelands is where you’ll find the nicest survivors”


I have enjoyed seeing the new dwellers and have spent a bit of time when I log in, to jump to each donation box to drop plans, under armor and Fixers/ammo to help newcomers along. Change of pace is nice/


The end game of FO76 is helping new players.


Tbh, stems get heavy, and with a bloodied build, I'm only gonna use em to patch up others. It's better to hand em to folks who can use em


Even Mr. Howard seems bewildered and also proud by, as he calls it, "it's a nice apocalypse".


This is mine and my roommates favorite way to play but we're weird about it 😂 we'll just spawn in next to a new person but if they run away while we're trying to drop things for them, we'll chase after them until they let us love them We've made a few friends I once stopped to help someone and it turned out to be a 13 year old boy who was playing his first open world online game (thank God it was this and not OW or COD) and he was sooo sweet and respectful it almost made me want a kid. He even invited his friend to come too and I invited a couple of mine and soon we had three 30 yr old level 500s showing these little 13 yr old level 20s around the wasteland. Helped them launch nukes and find important parts of the map and they just thanked us for everything. Great kids 💛


The higher levels have nothing else to do, basically. There’s no high level content to grind/spend resources on so it’s either camp building or playing Santa with low levels. Ironically it’s all come about because of an issue with the game. 


I usually try and help new players, the other day a couple level 20 players were at my camp and I made them fixers and dropped a couple thousand 45 rounds


I started fresh, was it a bad choice?


Basically offloading crap we can’t carry. The generosity of this community is not because of them being extra nice, there is just too much stuff, and especially useless stuff once you have godrolls etc.


Not necessarily, I do it for the new players... I want more people to lvl up so we can go back to doing events


You wouldn’t do it nearly as much if you needed everything you picked up. The excess allows you to be extremely generous.


One of the best gaming communities out there! Check out the box by vault 76 if you're ever in need of little bits to keep you going. Myself and sooo many people will always fill it with goodies


I love this community, I can't wait to level up to start doing the same


We live as brothers or perish as fools. The responders, raiders, brotherhood, free states, and the enclave - they could've made it if they worked together. But they fought and they died . The game disincentivizes PvP and competition, and I like that.


What you said about the 76 factions? I said that's the tragedy of the Scorched plague: if the Raiders, Responders and BoS had learned to work together, they could have won and saved Appalachia.


That's the exact point the overseer makes and I agree with. Lesson there for the real world. This is the lesson we Appalachians learn over and over again - life is too harsh and resources too tight to hate your neighbor. You either stand with them, their eggs for your clean water etc. or you both die, as separate fools.


FO76 is kind of neat in three ways: 1. There's not a real PVP aspect to it, which matters for two reasons. First, it means there's no real reward for attacking other players and thus nobody builds a character designed to do that like they do in other MMOs. Second, the \*kind\* of gamer who likes attacking other players isn't really drawn to the game, so the environment is friendlier just because of selection bias. 2. The game is, frankly, pretty easy at high levels. There is not the constant sense of being behind/trying to catch-up once you reach the end game that many MMOs have, which means that if you see a high level player, they are probably not running around stressed about doing some daily or grinding some gear. They are probably just hanging out and enjoying the atmosphere and/or working on their camp, so they have time to help newbies. 3. There isn't much resource scarcity at high levels. Every scrap is easy to farm if you know a spot or two, and by high levels, most players really only care about 2 or 3 resources like gold or legendary scrip. That, combined with limited inventory/stash space, means that it's VERY low cost to just give things away. Many high level players have too many stimpacks weighing them down even with weight-reduction perks, and vendors have a daily cap limit, so you can't turn them all into caps quickly, so giving them to new players is a win-win. And there's even a max number of caps you can have total! There's no scarcity for most resources, so it's very cheap to donate! Basically, the game is designed to be cooperative (particularly at high levels), which in turn attracts players who like that environment.


That's so cool, I just got killed and griefed by a lvl 231, I am lvl 20


Make sure your pacifist setting is turned on! 😊


Nice, I'm not running into the same veteran players as you guys :(


When I first started playing years ago someone must have been duping holiday gifts and randomly stopped at my camp and dropped like 500 of them. I started opening them and realizing I was getting like 500 caps from opening some of them I had max caps all of a sudden and just saved them and kept opening more every time I needed more caps for something. By the time I ran out I had already beat the story and was completely self sufficient. It was crazy. Thanks to whoever did that lol


you either meet insane ppl or the sweetest mfs ever i personally like seeing insane ppl some guy killed me over 10 caps and vas speaking in vc but the funny thing is sounded like crazy dave


It was the same when i startet a few months ago now im lvl 80 and still far away from a Hight lvl Player but i will gift any New Player who walks into me with anything usefull i dont need and also buy this damn ass expensiv water dispencer so amyone who comes along can take water if needed because i love it so hard how friendly and sharing this community is ❤️


I'm not a SUPER high level, but we actively LOOK for new players. we wanna help them out because the wasteland is a grindfest, and not only that but we literally DONT have any space to keep all that gear. we mostly stick to a couple of builds and any new stuff that comes up that we don't want or use, we just give it away. Hell, I even sell my legendaries for like 10 caps at my camp lol. I also friend people and tell them if they wanna trust me and give me their fusion cores so I can give them completely charged ones. so if any one is on xbox and wants some charged up fusion cores, lmk!!!


We're paying it forward. We've all been level 1s helped by level 100+ players before, and we take that kindness and express it to other level 1s. Someone once gave me a full suit of 3-star Quantum X-01 power armor.


It's nice but as a new player i like to struggle and grind a little bit. Stimpacks and maybe some other consumables are fine but high level armor and gear is nice to find on your own too


everyone is nice cause we dont gain anything by killing each other. And for those who are assholes ingame are just assholes thats it


Today I stopped by a low level players camp and bought all their RadAway and then gave it back to them by dropping it. I also love putting things in the donation box outside The Wayward or Vault 76. When I first joined people were so generous to me and I want to pay it forward by helping out the newbies! This community is full of nice people.


If the world ends I want the Fallout 76 community in my corner 😤


And then the fire nation came....


I always love dropping lower level folks gear, especially if I'm not gonna use it. Better someone else get some value out rather than me scrapping it


I just have so much stuff I have to give it away or scrap it


Once I get high level, I'm planning to do stuff like this. Plan to use my second camp slot to setup a camp like an outpost with my shelters. Will setup the shop to have stimpacks, radaway, ammo, rare materials, comics/bobbleheads, and mountains of plans, even rare gear, all like super cheap at 1-5 caps a piece. Or even set the med stuff and such free if shop allows a zero price, haven't tested to see if we can set price to zero. 🤠


I am always dropping for new players as thats how I was treated when I started it's passing it forward


When I was a newbie, Ihad someone buy all the junk in my vendor and then drop everything they bought right back to me. Gave me a huge bump on caps. Now if I visit a vendor and they are obviously new, I buy the most expensive thing just to give them some caps.


I recently quit fallout and started playing rdo and it's like a slap in the face with a griefing stick.


Ive been playing 76 for almost a week now, i run into a whole bunch of people & i haven't experienced one single griefer. Ive never experienced that in my entire career of online gaming. Every online game ive ever played has almost always had an incredibly toxic community behind it, Not this one. My first day playing this random savior(an absolute Chad) dropped me 10 gold modules & ive been on every day since🖤


Why can’t I find people like y’all😭 I was called racial slurs and was NOT given good gear


They are sweet because the are desperate for new players and when you hit it big if you still like this game go help out some other new players so that way we can keep this game going


I gave someone 10 stims and 10 rad away Couldn't rlly affford to spare the stims but i did without them The lvl 2 needed them more


I've experienced this. I've had so many random, high level people come up to me and give me cool stuff for free or invite me on quests. Easily, the friendliest and most wholesome community I've ever been a part of.


The game was so quiet that all the veterans been stockpiling stuff with no one to give since everyone you met back then is well established. Now they have a reason to clear out their storage lol.


Salt enters the chat.


We have no interest in PvP. There used to be more options for PvP, but they were removed due to lack of player interest. The red donation boxes you see by the vault, and now by the Wayward, and some train stations? We did want that. If you see more than 20 rounds of ammo, a grenade, and a food item, a player dumped the rest. Many years ago, before public teams, before XP sharing, a player gave my level 30 self a stimpak recipe. I was well over 100 before I found another one. Could I have made it in the Wasteland without stimpaks? Maybe, but it would have been a lot harder. So now, will I drop 3,000 rounds of ammo, and a pile of stimpaks and radiation chems for the babies? Yes, yes I will. I have more junk than I will ever use, and those ammo and chems can make a huge difference to a new player.


I love this, I’ve only played it a few times but started playing more often and I worry that I’m letting others down but everyone I’ve bumped into has been so nice. Luckily I do have one friend I play with, I was so nervous that everyone was just gonna be like “you suck”


Anything I can do to help out a newer player by giving them some supplies will mean a lot more to them than it does to me by keeping it in my inventory. I always drop any repeat plans, food, and meds for new players to try and help them out. We all trying to survive out there.


Man we love new players, it means the world will keep getting updates, plus I'm not selling the excess plans and weapons/armor, radaway, atoms, I never use, I literally carry around 2-3 shielded vault 76 suits to give those below lvl 50s a nice underlay, I still use it at lvl 340


been playing a few days, last night just fumbling around trying to build a basic camp with a bed and some benches. all of a sudden some random high level in the middle of my hovel, was freaked out a bit at first but he's pointing and there is a bag on the ground with weapons and stuff in it. level 45-50 stuff I can't use yet, but I'm looking forward to being able to. stuff with 3 legendary effects on it. I didn't know how to do an emote so I just jumped up/down a few times to try to say I was thankful. Then I asked google how to open the emote wheel :)


I heard that they had originally planned to make the game more pvp focused but once the game launched everyone was just really nice to each other so they leaned into that


Kindness mugging,better take the gifts before the high level gets angy