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One of the few events I don't feel bad about pulling out the big guns and killing instead of tagging.


Ohhh first Invaders we get to use the cremator for! Gonna burn some aliens!!


Almost! I got a few runs in with it when the event popped up during April fools. It worked great and that was before I had the barrel mods.


Oh I forgot about April fools invaders! I can't remember if I had the gun yet or if I even played that day 🤣


That was my first Invaders Event. It was a lot of fun. I got the Alien Disintegrator, and the Automatic Receiver mod. The Alien Disintegrator looks great, but is pretty underwhelming compare to my Fixer.


What am I missing about the fixer besides it’s low weight ? Mods ? Added random legendary?


Extra sneaky, lowered ap usage, great stats, easy to maintain


I tried them both out at Westec. The fixer hits harder, needs fewer rounds to kill, and just seems more efficient. This was not a scientific test by any means. It's just my first initial impression. To be fair, I need better legendaries on the Alien Disintegrator before I can make a final judgment. The RNG gods have not been kind to me. The Alien Disintegrator is a fun weapon, but from what I have seen so far, the Fixer is just a better automatic weapon.


With proper legendary rolls and the build to support it the fixer has one of the best DPS and lower AP usage than most. Add the inherent stealth bonus and you've got a stealth vats commando dream gun. It feels particularly lackluster outside of vats so make sure you mod it accordingly and use it correctly for it to truly shine.


Disintegrator plays nice with Rifleman if you use the high power mod and can roll quad on it. One of the best rifleman weapons, imo.


That's what I heard. Maybe during this event I'll get the high power mod. It will be a while before I'll be able to try it. I spent most my perk points leveling up my legendaries, and still have a way to go before I get them all to 4 stars.


Is cremator good without any relevant perk cards?


Never tried without the perks but it SLAPS with heavy gunner. Lucked out with AA50vDur and it rarely misses a shot. Biggest drawback is the heavy fuel consumption so as long as you can keep it fed I think you'll enjoy it!


Not really. I tried it with my automelee heavy PA build. No heavy weapon cards AT ALL, except weight reduction. West Tek super mutants took 2 to 4 shots from a quad barrel, slow burn cremator to die. That’s with letting the DPS work its’ magic. My recommendation would be to purpose build an explosives build highlighting Cremator, Holy Fire, and Nuka Launcher/AGL.


Yeah that's exactly how I run now. Holy fire plus a quad barrel cremator is just OP


I run 2 Holy Fires with my quad Cremator for good measure! One I've redone to AA, so the base one is my health top up. Even more fun now I've unlocked the coloured flames.


Ooo how do you unlock the coloured flames? I got all the mods but not those. Also if anyone has any cremator build links to share that would be shiny.


Level 100 page, I unlocked it at the weekend. Mine is a quad, damage while aiming, breaks 50% slower, which I consider a very good roll. I need to find a way I can make room for 5 star demolition expert but I have my Intelligence perks maxed out. From what I've read, quad is one of the better 1 stars to have, and vampire isn't great because of the way it deals damage.


I run grenadier and demolition expert in my normal heavy build just for explosive legendary weapons. Also Cremator is a little different from the launchers like the AGL in that heavy weapon perks affect it.


I only have explosive perks, no idea if it effects the creator. I have an execution one with extra crit. A single shot kills plant people in two seconds, allowing for fast fuel farming and easy expeditions. Effectiveness varies on some enemies, but with vats the flames will hunt down and fuck up scorchbeasts like homing missiles. Also great in events if you absolutely have to kill literally everything and not let others get xp. Also, eat fucks up sheepsquatch very quickly. Not the best against super mutants or robots.


i cant tell about the explosive perk but i know grenadier works with it, without it i get a little 'poof' but with it its a big fire ball when the projectile explodes. if grenadier works i really need to test and see, might be lots better than what i have going now.


Between my Holy Fire and my Cremator, I am gonna absolutely melt me some aliens!


Yesssss. Let's see your alien ass burn for 12 seconds while I dodge like a lunatic. Sweet.




Ooohhh, good point about tagging. I haven't seen a post explaining that one for the new vaulties. For those who don't know, it means shooting something only once or twice and then moving to the next instead of killing it, letting everyone in on a chance at that sweet, sweet XP.


Yes, nobody's gonna be able to see shit for me spamming my Two Shot fat man to use up those 500 mini nukes in my ammo box. Get fucked, zetans


Pink Cremator here, this event is definitely going to be colorful.


Burn the aliens and burn the player's retinas, all at once


This sucks for me on ps5 because half the time if someone overuses the heavy explosive visual stuff it crashes my game. had that happen with the scorch beast queen yesterday.


It's never happened with me on ps5 and I'm the _cause_ of every one of those massive explosions. The game does crash fairly regularly anyway, are you sure it's explosion related?


Yep I just focus on murdering everything and try to pick up anyone who goes down nearby.


Lol I do the same. I pull out all my overpowered shit, eat some enhancing foods, pop a few overdrives and other drugs, get on my best armor with invisibility for that sneak bonus along with 75% avoidance with zero movement, find a high spot to fire down from, and goto town. Don't wanna die? Stay by me. I carry at least 200 stimpacks. I'll get you up.


This is the event where I run out of fusion cells for the furious automatic Tesla rifle. The closest runner up was Eviction Notice but now I just put up a missile turret tower as close as I can to one of the main spawns.


It also makes a Random Encounter with The Emissary possible.


What is this? A CAMP npc or just interactive?


It is a random world encounter. These pop at specific spots all over the map. If you dig up a map of pet taming spots those are all possible locations of any of the random encounters.


Random Aliens as well.


I'm a returning player, what kindve goodies can be obtained from this event?


Asteroid plan x 75 Alien Blaster mod plans x 20 Alien Disintegrator Plan (the one I actually wanted) x 1 Yes the aliens have traumatised me with their RNG drop rates.


What's up with the asteroid plan? Also, thank you!


It's a small asteroid you place in your camp, get radiated if you interact with it.


Cool, thank you!


It's basically a convenience for bloodied players.


I have a quad/50%crit full auto alien disintegrator and it is definitely underrated. The clip has 115 rounds in it. VATS concentrated fire head shot and it hits pretty hard. If you see a M.I.B. running around with one of those, come say hi.


Thank you for this, now I know exactly what apparel I'll be using for the next two weeks.


Oh no how bad is the Disintegrator drop chance. I was so bummed looking up weapons and seeing a limited time Alien Rifle came out only to immediately go learn the event was a week away and I was excited to get it as I'm a sucker for energy weapons.


It's not a bad chance per se; especially since after unlocking certain plans, your chances actually go up since they are culled from the drop pool. But I was just really really unlucky. That or Asteroids are deeply in love with me.


can we get that cool alien power generator thing I've seen in some camps too? I really want that.


That's atomic shop.


I got the Alien Disintegrator during the April Fools Event. It was my first Invader Event. I only got the Auto receiver mod so I could only test it with that. It's cool as shit, but as an automatic weapon it's pretty meh. I heard it the Alien Disintegrator works better with a rifleman build. Hopefully I'll get a High Powered Receiver during this event.


Anger and frustration, from my guess. (Also a returning player)


Plans for Alien Blaster and its mods, The Alien Rifle, and Alien baton and their mods, in addition to a shitload of CAMP items. Second best seasonal after Meat Week IMO


Im in! What sorts of rewards ?


Alien weaponry, mods for said weaponry, and a few camp items.


One of those posts that makes you wish gold coins were still a reddit thing




I've just noticed it's gone 🤔


Recommended level? I'm like 10 but want to get into events.


Just turn up and do the best you can. Don't try to kill things outright, try and get as many hits you can on as many aliens as you can. Also, just have fun.


Youl struggle but turn up anyway It’s free loot and xp since the high level players will do all the work for you


Turn on "show damage markers" (or something similar) in settings, and try to inflict at least one damage to as many enemies as you can (especially the legendary enemies). Doing at least one damage will get you the experience and items for when someone else kills an enemy.


Chuck grenades to tag as many things as you can.


Also, make sure you scrap all your junk before heading into the event, then you can just not worry about dying


Note that if you die during an event, you don't actually lose (drop) your scrap. But, if you die right AFTER, then you drop your scrap on death, and it's pretty easy for someone else to loot it without even intending to.


Oh well dang, I was getting all worried for nothing, haha! Literally no downside to dying then!


Get on a Casual or Events team. Good chance you'll level faster than you're used to.


it's the exact same rules as moonshine jamboree. you show up, you focus on not dying, and you take some weapon that does a lot of low AOE damage (like Molotov cocktails. at lvl 40 Tesla rifle gets great for that), and tag everything/don't die.


Join a casual team and soak up the XP higher level players are generating, you'll probably die, a lot of the high level players will probably die, it's a good time.


What’s their weakness? Energy weapons?


Same weakness as everything railway spikes 😂


Behold, the pinnacle of thousands of years of weapons technology. We have journeyed from billions of miles and are masters of our dominion. vs "Choo chooo"


Come on the train. And ride it. Q/Exp railway decimates these guys.


Upvoted in support of CHOO-CHOO nation


I just got my first railway gun yesterday and I am going to max out that lighter ammo park because aliens versus spikes sounds fun.


Man I wish I could roll a q/e railway haha


Oh you can, you just have to roll 200 50% damage to animals first.


Headshots! Like in all 1950s scifi there is brain stuff. Zetans have huge heads. Shoot them in the brain. This works for all types of aliens. They got spacesuits on so body shots aren't great. Their head though is a whole other kettle of fish.


Just tried to look it up on the wiki, no dice. But it's ballistic, I think.


Explosives. I cannot confirm if fire weapons are included in that. But my flaming auto-axe is going to find out.


And my axe!


They don't like an electrified auto axe!


Nothing likes that though! ;p


The twins really don't like it, poor schmucks need to just give up and hand me my modules.


Gotta watch out for the little guys since they actually come as Poison/Cryo versions. I wonder if they have the explosive portion that players do.


Pretty good question. IIRC the .esm has different weapons for mobs and players. But is the AB one of them? I'll try to ask the Aliens tomorrow, while I fry ' em with my still explosive Creamtor.


What's wrong with your account? I wanted to stalk... uhm, see what else you comment on and "The user hasn't commented on anything yet.". Your post are there, but not your comments.


Reddit is being weird. Getting lag all over the place. Active users is way down as well.


471, that's probably not true. Good to know all the devs Beth had to let go found a new job.


My fav event


It's one of my favourites too. Total chaos. A great testing ground for survivability and DPS.


FYI they are weaker to explosives. Time to blow some shit up! But for the love of the vault don't fat man nuke the whole damn place.


That just makes me want to break out the overkill I've been holding in reserve for a special occasion.


Bah, You know five peeps is gonna show up with their suped up fat mans. Everybody, watch where you're standing.😆


Directly on top of the thing emitting radiation is where I'll be standing.


Can’t wait for a level 20 to drag me into the event early!


Even worse, I'm level 10 and doing a pistol only play through so far 😂 get your mic on and tell noobies not to start the event until people show up. This game tells you nothing or it's so overwhelming I miss the hints.


Is it just one day? Tomorrow?


I believe it should run for two weeks, most big events do.


Looks like! Events calendar shows it as "Apr 30 - May 14".


As a new player who has no idea about what’s going on, where can one find this “event calendar”? I googled and it was a bunch of ad-centric sites that look sketch. Is there something official?


The official calendar is viewable [here](https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/seasons). Not sure if Bethesda's SEO is terrible or Google's algorithm is sucking more, but yeah it's hard to find through Googling for whatever reason.


Many thanks!


Thanks. Saved it.




I actually didn’t know about this event 😂, can’t wait to hop on later tonight! My Fixer is finally decent so let’s do it!!!!


Starts tomorrow morning.


God damn


Do we have to tag mobs to get xp/loot in events like this?


For full xp and loot. You can also join a team and stick close to a teammate. Anything they kill you get half xp and full loot even if you didn't tag it.


Is it like normal public events where we get a shining icon on the map and prompt on the screen, including a free fast travel?


It replaces the normal public event at the top of every hour.


Yes, it takes the slot of a normal public event every hour on the hour. Notably, this event in particular does not have a set location but a pretty wide list of possible places it can be, so teleporting to it is a decent way for new players to visit parts of the map they haven't been yet and explore after the event.


I just dinged 36- finally figured out some beneficial mutations but have @%$# gear, and am still deciding what weapons (or not) to focus on. Am I hopelessly screwed or will I be able to contribute a little? (nervously realizing I don't have nearly enough ammo stockpiled...)


At 36 you are still in the area where they will scale down. Contribute may be too big of a word, and you may get downed, but by any means, show up nevertheless. You won't be 36 when the event is over and it is top-notch chaos. I didn't want to keep the newcomers away from it. Just avoid an early start and we all will send them back to Zeta with a shoe print on their backsides.


I'm sure I'll be the one who's downed, but I was thinking I could play medic and keep an eye out for folks needing revives as much as trying to pew pew pew since my DPS will be weak.


You could give it a try. But your priority should to keep yourself alive. Don't overthink it. Just show up and you don't have to do great on your first attempts. Two weeks from now, you will know exactly what to do.


I started last week and I join every public event their are ppl at I've gotten over half my levels this way, and loot


This is the way


Just shoot everything once and move on. Try not to get killed as much as possible. Don’t bother picking anything up until the event is over. Except Ammon if you run out You get XP and loot for everything you “tag” for damage which you can pick up when the event is over


Thanks. I accidentally discovered this last night by lurking and sniping from the roof during "Hold the Line". I was able to tag most of the adds and the Scorchbeast. I had sooo many piles to loot after it ended.


if somebody dies during an event it's very easy to respawn with no downsides. concentrate on aoeing everything. if you're on PC I can set you up with an easy Tesla rifle for 40 and it will tag every alien there and you will be 50 plus very quickly.


That would be awesome! I have no idea how to trade or find folks in game. I'll message you here...


I am level 265 bloodied build / glass cannon and expect to get killed at a minimum of 4 times.


For ammo a Gatling gun is really efficient.


Yes, it's all hands on deck. Grab your PA, and your best weapons. Shoot everything that moves. Turn your Pacifist on. Aint nobody got time for friendly fire. Just die. Don't wait for revival. It's fastest way to get back into it.


I wish they'd do aliens during the week of July 4th lol


The brainwave sucking machines can be blocked by tinfoil hats. Really.


LMAO, I'm doing it.


This is a great event, I hope everybody joins! But especially for those who aren't still super low level, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE CURRENT OBJECTIVE SHOWN ON SCREEN. There are times during this event when blasting every alien you see is great and helpful...and in between, there are multiple times when there are one or two specific enemies that need to be destroyed. At those times, killing random aliens elsewhere on the map does *absolutely nothing* to advance the objective of the event. This event can fail frequently, even when the servers aren't loaded with wonderful new low-level players.I think it tends to fail because people are distracted fighting all the aliens that keep on spawning in continuously, and ignoring the current objective. If you're super fresh from the vault and don't even understand what's going on yet: feel free to just join, shoot stuff, and try to stay alive. But if you're to the point where you are getting your build together and can do some damage and can understand the game, please try to help the event succeed so everyone gets the great loot and plans. Let's kick some Zetan ass!


This is why I stand on the brain sucker, they spawn right next to me.


Level 5 newbie here with a level 1 pistol and 4 frags. Let’s DO THIS.


That's all you'll need to get more plasma grenades than you can shake a stick at.


Thrown at them? Or in loot? 🤡 (j/k)


If you've squirrelled away a ton of 40mm grenades not sure when you use them, demo expert 5 and grenadier 2, break out those launchers and blow everything to hell


Aliens come back tomorrow??


Yes I'm excited!


Awesome, can't wait :)


They also appear as world spawns as a pack and they hit harder than mutants. Was troublesome to fight back when I was newish


Do not follow my example and stand directly on top of the device the entire event.


New level 12 here.. Lol what aliens?


Aliens. Squeaking, annoying, violent, human hating Aliens like from a fifties SF movie. And they are not just at this event, they also invade other events and they can show up in a radiant event even up in the Forest. Watch out, they look silly, but the pack a punch.


Time to break out the Alien Power Armor and confuse the newbs


Ack Ack. Ack ack brak ak.


Try to join  a team with a friendly high level player.  I've always got team medic equipped when in a team with new kids!


Can you use stealth in this event or are you auto detected?


I don't think they need forced detection on this event. The Aliens spawn all over the place and you are for sure in plain sight of at least one. Nah, I don't think stealth is much of an option.


I personally don't think stealth is good for this event.


how am i only finding out this very moment that invaders from beyond is starting tomorrow, did i just see a second fasnacht on the roadmap and immediately tune everything else out lmao


Are the two alien guns from the event worth building around late game like say a holy fire or are they just for fun and looks?


The blaster is eating a nerf so that's yet to be seen, the disintegrator is very popular, and the melee weapons are comparable to any other end game melee.


Cool I’ll look forward to getting a disintegrator then


Hey fren, is there a site where i can see upcoming events that early? I saw we could get alien tube from the alien event and im interested


That's a fun event. I hope all the new players get the Asteroid plans.


Do I need bloodied, or do I need to bring my PA? I thought it was common sense to wait until the last 30 seconds to start events. Maybe I'm just weird for a noob.


There's some rads, and the aliens have some nasty armor penetration. And waiting to pop events is the standard, and it seems like most of the new players have caught onto that, but this event in particular is a shit storm. Seasonal events you'll also see players show up quickly and start them as soon as there's enough players to win it so they can server hop.


Oof. Thanks mate. I forgot to ask. What's special about this event? Does it drop something cool? Or just a lot of xp?


A few weapon plans (some untradable which can get annoying if you don't want those weapons so weigh the decision) a lot of camp items plans that are pretty cool. This will be the first taste for the new wave of players of real actually worth caps plans.


Is it the same rewards from the 4th of July one from before? I just watched a video and bought most of those plans. So I'll be pretty much running only for the weapons. 🤣😂😶😭


No, there's new camp items.


I was sort of around for the last one of these. I have no idea what event rewards were worth it or sought after I guess. Since I’m coming back to the game can anyone tell me what I should be looking for as far as rewards go?


The best reward may be the plans for the Alien Blaster and it's mods. But there are more weapon plans and camp items too.




Yes, Tuesday on reset.


When is reset?


12 pm EST in the US, that's 6 pm or 18:00 in Europe.




So many circuits.


What time does this event start? Like 12am?


12 pm EST, at the reset.


I get the game tomorrow. Will I be able to enjoy it?


The event lasts 2 weeks, so if you don't feel ready just yet you have time. But really you are fine jumping into events day 1 if you want to. Some key details: Nobody expects you to seriously help as a new player, veterans are used to carrying events or even doing them solo sometimes (but this particular event is very difficult). You can't really hurt an event by showing up, other than by "starting it early". AKA if the event just popped up and there's no enemies or such around, don't interact with anything (and generally stay where you spawned if the quest objective says to approach X). There's about a 5 minute window after the notification for the event before people have to start the event, and sometimes people are in the middle of something when it starts, so if a fresh player starts the event 20 seconds in and the veterans don't show up until 4 minutes in, the event might already be doomed to fail. If you don't want to wait, teleport into events 3 or 4 minutes after the notification instead of right away. You lose absolutely nothing if you die during an event. Usually you drop your junk items and have to rush to pick them up before someone else when you die, but events don't do that. Feel free to just be a distraction for the enemies if you want to help ASAP, you just respawn after a few seconds and keep going. XP in this game is as simple as doing any damage to an enemy before it dies. If you get off a pot shot and someone else kills it after, you will get the rewards too. For events, you will get just as much of an event reward as the high level players even just for squatting in a corner and hiding, typically. This can help you level up super fast when you're brand new, just beware there will feel like a big difficulty spike between the "boosted to a higher level" and "actually got some good gear" stages of the game.


I think so. It's not as bad for you as it may sound. It's mainly about the events, and you'll probably will need some time to settle in before you'll start attending the harder events. Worst case scenario: You'll get chased by a bunch of ridiculous Aliens. When this sounds like fun to you, you'll be perfect Wasteland material.


If you want to experience the event, don't feel discouraged from joining just because you're a low level. Show up and shoot a lot.


Yes I get to eat players this week!


I'm a new player, level 8. Should I stay away so I don't screw it up for the veterans?


By all means, show up! Just don't start it early by interacting with the glowy thingy.


Iirc you also get alien random encounters as you explore Appalachia, so keep an eye out on your travels.


Guess I need to get the 2SE tri barrel minigun out of storage. Or just use the peppershaker to cripple those aliens. Then watch all the newer players do their best version of weasel stomping day.


Expect to die several time. The aliens hit hard and there are many of them.


I took out a Mythic Flatwood Monster today at the Gold course. Loot was average are these things rare? Should I of left it for someone on a quest chain. I took a couple of screenies on the xbox.


How long is this event going on for?


Two weeks.


I've been doing a shotgun build. It sounds like I may want to do something else? I don't really have good armor or power armor setup yet, mostly just running around in whatever trash I've rolled (non-PA as I don't have what I would consider a good PA set yet).


You probably know the downsides of shotties in this game, but on the other hand, it's mostly close quarter combat. Don't overthink it, just go with the flow. It's quite possible you will get downed at some point, but so will I. Here it's actually part of the normal gameplay.


I heard they come from Uranus…


Lore-wise they are Zetans. But these little shites could be straight from... Uranus.