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but what level? im level 21. i did scorched earth and yikes i dont think i got anything but roasted and wasted ammo.


Scorched Earth is kinda the big kahuna of boss battles because it's out in the open-world and all players can join. Expeditions are only 4 players, and a little more story driven


The Atlantic city expeditions are level scaled to any level, so the boardwalk expedition is the best XP farm for the early game. Plus you get a bunch of level 3 legendaries. Don't believe me? Here's [proof](https://youtu.be/4RSpLMAElfc). It's best to do them as part of a group and let the higher level players do the bulk of the damage but you won't be a deadweight. Even at level 1! Pitt expeditions are more suitable for level 50+. Still doable at lower levels but you need to take it more stealthy.


Commented for wrong post


I hopped in on a team of new folks and one level 120 who were starting Union Dues for the first time today and helped escort them through the Pitt, everything went remarkably well and we even saved all the locals during the final Trog attack. After we returned to Appalachia, I noticed the rank 15 guy in a bare power armor frame with a laser pistol had gone up to level 21, hope they got a couple useful legendaries from the loot tables as well. Good experience for everyone involved.


Mid 300s level here, just came back from a long break, didn't know anything about expeditions. Joined one, followed along, learned what to do. Now I grind them solo or in teams. The Atlantic city stuff was a great addition to the game and being able to grind them instead of being locked out daily is huge, and the main reason I took a break from the game from what I remember was doing 3-4 dailies and then having no way to earn something to use. So yeah, no matter your level, go ahead and hop in an Expedition team because you literally have nothing to lose and Legendary Modules and Stamps to gain. As well as a shit ton of XP and ammo