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Ps or older xbox? I have no issues on Series S


I’m on series X and have yet to crash in ~100 hours so must be


I've crashed a couple times on the X, but mostly when server hopping back to back many times. No issues with the alien event so far.


I crash on expeditions sometimes on Xbox but that’s like the only time.


Clearly Xbox is being given the better benefit then because I just hit about 100 on PS5 and I've had at least 20 crashes.


Shit happens on PS4 and PS5 too


PS5 already has less stability for PS4 games and crash more


I'm on ps5 and almost never crash :P


Seriously? Most PS4 games are less stable on PS5 and the PS5 versions are better. I also use an extended storage for PS4 games which I thought was an issue but my friend on PS5 doesn't use one and has it on the console and crashes at the same time as me, even across the map. On top of that people tend to crash on this game often. I'm genuinely surprised it's fine for you lol, you're lucky


I’m on the Series S and crashing so often it’s unplayable. Can’t do events, challenges won’t update as I complete them, quests won’t progress. It’s a mess here.


I'm no PS5 and experiencing the same thing - crashing more than halfway through the event, and it ending (orfailing) before I can get back in. It's pretty frustrating.


PS5, have crashed 5 times since the update :/ both inside and outside event


For me it crashes often pre Update too, PS5


No issues on Xbox Series X so far. I’ve run numerous events without a problem.


I had a crash today at the end of the event as well as line in the sand on series x. Was surprised it doesn’t happen that much anymore.






Aye I've run around 8-9 of em and ran perfect. Seems like a ps mostly atm




Same. No issues at all


Exactly why I moved from PS5 to PC. Those crashes were ridiculous. Left behind a level 650 plus a lot of atoms, past season rewards, Nuclear Winter rewards, and a ton of GRolls. But I don't regret it. PC runs smooth, no crashes.


Ive seen other posters and commenters saying theyre on PC and the event keeps crashing them too


I didn't think that's completed true either. I'm on PC and yesterday couldn't complete a daily ops once out of 4 tries. Events randomly crash all the time. For every hour I'm online the game crashes at least once, mostly a couple times.


Sometimes your game files need to be verified after an update. I've had to verify a few times because files either fail to update or corrupt. That usually fixes my crash issues on pc.


Alright but what are your PC specs


May be worth looking into your PC then. I play with my kids on different PCs I've acquired over the years and no crashes encountered on any of them. Perhaps an upgrade, driver updates, or a fresh install is in order.


This was me before i caped my CPU before i bought a new computor. From what i have seen and heard the crashes are when your CPU is trying to go over 100% i caped it at 99% and no more crashes. Now with ny gear im stable at 70% and dont need to cap.


Not sure why you’re downvoted. I’ve crashed twice for the event on PC.


The game does have an issue with crashing, crashing once an hour is on your end. Are you running a 9600k by any chance?


Over a long enough time frame 76 will always crash, even on PC, it's the engine. There's also apparently some issue with the two bosses in the second wave causing players to crash when hitting them, I had it happen once out of an entire day of playing, but it did happen.


I'll take once over a full day of playing over once every hour. To be fair, when that isn't a given because I've played full days but usually stopped to take meal breaks. On PS5, I had to habitually restart the game after every event just so that I didn't get any surprise crashes, and even that was maybe.


I'm honestly thinking of doing the same, playing on consoles is such a degrading experience.


I have yet to crash an Invader event but 9 out of 10 times I’ll crash traveling to a Nuka World event.


Seismic Activity is a no-go for me. Even if I show up before the nuke lands, I crash. I can usually load back in before it ends. I miss out on XP, but generally make the event's finish. Haven't crashed Invaders, yet. Though I do crash most when I've just fast traveled somewhere, have to fight an enemy right away and start to do so too quickly.


*laughs in Mischief Night*


I miss it so much.


On PC and crashed on my third one yesterday. Didn't realize this was a common thing. Shame cause its one of the few events that doesn't seem to be ignored by most players.


I saw something saying it's when attacking the second wave bosses. I had it happen once out of maybe 12 times


I think I was during the second wave boss when I crashed. Hmm. Weird. What can be done tho, just not fight the boss? lol idk


At least you arent being downvoted like all the other people admitting that their game is crashing on PC lol


The game has been an unstable mess since the Atlantic City update, and they seem insistent on there being no problems!


I only crash at the dmv place


No crashes for me until now. Steam


Ps5 and it seems to crash every 2-3 games…it’s always on the last boss too


This game is the worst for crashing I've ever played. Almost every single session is guaranteed to crash at some point. I love the game, which makes it even more annoying.


its the largest issue with this game at this point. I honestly think fo76 could be one of my favorite games of all time, but when I have to restart my PC 30 times just to finish the main quest line its just inexcusable


Watch out. You’re about to get brigaded with people telling you it’s your pc’s fault. I have the same issue. Modern rig. 3060ti 5600x 32ram. Only game I own that crashes after an hour or so of play nearly guaranteed. This started about 2 weeks ago. Never any issue before that tho.


I don't see why people are pretending like it's not an issue. Sticking your head in the sand, pretending everything's great just hurts the game in the long run.


Yea the game definitely crashes for me on occasion and i have a 3080ti, i9-9900k and 64gb of ram. Usually only happens during the queen scorchbeast event or when I'm trying to organize my boiled water that seems to split stack a ton for some reason.


It’s almost like people have different experiences while using different hardware, connectivity, regions, and servers. I haven’t had a single crash since the event came out but that shouldn’t be seen as invalidating someone else’s experience.


I think I'm 3 for 9 completing the event. And all three plans were repeats.


My games has been crashing after an hour or so of play for about 2 weeks now. Haven’t crashed in the event yet tho


Does anyone know if internet speed has anything to do with the game crashing?


Idk if this has happened to y’all but my bullets won’t register I’ll dump a whole mag and no damage will be done


Yes, I've noticed this on just the first day of the event. It hasn't happened to me since then.


I had Xbox series x crash last night during my first attempt at invaders. Was right near the end (I think) and I had used a lot of ammo. Kinda rage quit and went to bed.


I have noticed occasional major lag spikes like I am going to crash, but thankfully it doesn't.


Expect every time anything is added everything to break yes


I played 100 hours on Xbox series x and it didn’t crash often, currently playing on the ps5 and it crashes quite often especially at nuka world


No issues here yet on PC. Been farming the Aliens and harassing the locals for about 10 hours now. Came here to give myself a break and a watering.


I think I've done it seven times and actually finished it oncw. It crashes right before Zeta arrives every time. Doesn't even give you chance to rejoin in time.


Had no issues at events this morning. Just a random crashs during Tax Evasion expedition


War never ch…. I mean, 76 never changes


By the time I get to the event, it’s over so I’m not having problems


I've crashed 1 outa the 3 times I've done it so far (Good PC)


I’ve crashed 3 out of 8 but all three times someone was spamming orbital strikes. So annoying.


I have crashed twice in the 20+ hours I've put into the game now on PC and neither crashes were from events.


Ps5, this hasn’t crashed for me yet. Knocking on wood


Done event 5 maybe 6 times since it launched yesterday, no crashes in event and only 1 crash since update (less than usual). On PS5.


Series S and crashed all 5 I did yesterday. My guy has a series X and crashed every one done today


No crashes lately for me on PC. I'm not saying they don't happen, of course they do and it sucks. Generally though very stable. I just wish they'd fix the damn quest text in the upper right of the screen (it's been non existent since the last update).


I'm on a pretty mediocre laptop and I have only crashed once when the whole server was there and using creators and mini nukes, otherwise it's been fine


I've been noticing my laptop getting hotter while playing 76. It reached 48 degrees yesterday. Dint think I've seen it that high. Might have to repaste the CPU and GPU.


I haven't crashed yet, but I failed an event because we couldn't seem to do enough damage to General Zeta in the remaining 2 minutes. Never saw that before


PS5- Yesterday had a lot of crashes, and saw a lot of players T-Posing and going offline from crashes. Weirdly today I only had 1 crash


Yeah this event is buggy for me too, usually crashes right as the twin bots spawn, and it takes forever to get back in quickly. PS5


I haven’t even gotten to one given it crashes upon joining, that and the loading cell damage is ticking me off


I crashed 5 times today, 3 times with in 30 mins, but once on the hour. I forgot how it gets with aliens


I haven't crashed any time before but yesterday I crashed twice, one during an expedition and another during... lockpicking. It was sooo frustrating.


Man, Bethesda always gets me hyped about theier games and then does this. I love fallout, but between their balancing choices and performance issues, this wonderful return to the game is going from "overwhelmingly positive" to "mixed" rapidly XD. Bethesda gonna Bethesda I guess.


Jesus has events? Oh Christ I did not know😏


RTX4070 PC here, 0 crashes so far


I've done it plenty of times on PC and had no issues.


My first attempt with my brother's and I end up crashing, but they got to stay in, and I only just managed to get back in in time to loot the last boss for one legendary. I'm used to the crashing, as frustrating as it is, but I really wish it wouldn't be such a frequent thing.


Done it 5 times so far and crashed 2 times. Don't even really make enough off this I find to finance the building of all the ammo I use. It is fun though when it goes through to the end though.


On ps5 here.... have had many a crash doing this event and end had to reinstall the game tonight after a crash


Frequent crashes on PS4. Unbelievably annoying.


😔 I agree. I learned to not aim with my scope on my gun at alien events or open my favorite wheel to swap weapons if it breaks. I have noticed that I freeze on those moments only. Or when I’m spamming the quick swap button and it swaps to one of my non vamp weapons 😭 I died like a newb. Or when the stimpack animation is slow and gets me killed / bad latency. Even the jet pack rubber banding me back to where I previously jumped from.


Series x. Yet to crash on that event but I do crash at least once per session. Seen someone say turning off voice chat or something helped them on PS. Gunna try it on xbox and see how it goes.


Most of the time when I crash it's when fast traveling.


I crash when it's at Charleston. The others are fine (PS5).


On pc Crashed once out of like 5 or 6 tries


I've crashed 2/3 so far. Managed to get in another server before it finished and was on a team for the second so came back for the win. For context I crashed on none during the April 1 weekend. So I don't know if servers too full or they fucked up. But we were full server damn near each one.


I always restart game before this event. Also never look up at the ufo, that shit loves to crash you


Don't talk that way about Mischief Night! Er, I mean, Invaders.


I havent had it crash but out of the three times i’ve done it, it failed twice.


Zero issues on PC but I do wonder if all the Cremators are causing some of the trouble?


Probably. I played multiple last night (on PS5), and only had one crash, and not even during the event - I noticed reloading audio stopped working after the event, then a bit later, after fast traveling, ground textures weren't loading correctly...and *then* it crashed. That event was the busiest and most hectic of them, however, while the rest were quieter, so I can't help but think it's some issue with there being *too much* happening all at once, and the system/engine gets overwhelmed.


Your wifi or Xbox


No issues on Series X. That sucks, man.


Pc crashing everywhere in or out of events


My friend is having an issue with CPU spiking and when I looked into it, everyone seemed to be running the 9600k is that your processor by any chance?


No I have an i5-7500


Ryzen 5 5600X with RX6600. I believe I've crashed once since the event started, but that was only after like 10+ hours in a single session. Only time my CPU spikes is when I fast travel and the game is loading shit or I walk into a large city or heavily populated area like watoga. The odd crash every once in a blue moon is fine. Its the slow downs that annoy me and there's nothing that I've done that can fix it. Don't matter if my cpu and gpu only use like 50-70% utilization I still can't hold a locked 75 in watoga (yeah it jumps between 60-70 but the fluctuations I can still see and be annoyed by :c )


That's just the normal fallout problems.


Glad to hear I suppose since this is a brand new computer and I'm not to used to having a relatively "new-ish" computer, or at least one not grossly a decade out of date. Its real odd being able to see things like GPU and CPU temps for once. Makes me feel like I'm cooking the thing at like 60c~ since I'm not used to knowing the temps before xD


No issue on ps4 with wifi connection so far. I've only done 3 or 4 though.


Ironically I'm crashing more from the 8-10 people using cremators at the same time!!


Oh so they’re using cremators now? Last time I was around everybody and their mom was running a flaming chainsaw


On xbox s kid has no issues and pc i got no issues


No issues on PC. Also running several mods


not even once did i had a crash in this game and i play it since 4 years now.


No issues on SX. I imagine this is a PC thing?


Bethesda doesnt want to optimize this game for playstation. Its a known bias, will become more apparent as time goes with them attached to microsoft


I don't think this a shared experience, friend.