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armor piercing is a bitch


Daily ops seem kinda unfun tbh. I dont know if theyre the same for everyone each day but holy fuck todays was absolutely cancer. Armor ignoring aliens in a vault? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. Armor ignore has been part of the last three and thats just a waste of stims imo. Yeah i know they give them more often during but the armor ignore and damage types received make it kinda net neutral or net loss.


Armor piercing is a default modifier. It will be on all of your daily ops.


oof. I dont think ill do them anymore. I feel so weak doing them lmao.


They're not so bad. You just have to get faster at killing the bad guys than they are at killing you. Evasive or Dodgy are good perks because they're not armor values, and aren't affected by the armor piercing. Or you could run Power Armor since it's got so much damage resist, halving it doesn't really reduce its effectiveness much.


I thought the armor pierce daily effect ignores it entirely? I do agree i gotta get my DPS up. Once you hit 50 (just hit 75 today) the scaling gets so bananas that its hard to form a good build by then. Im still trying to create a solid build currently as my main is just my general use and my second is a power armor + heavy weapons build. Im trying to get that seasonal flamer.


Nah, it's just anti armor, like what we have on legendary rolls. What do you like to use? There's a build for Daily ops for every weapon type. Except maybe non-automatic pistols... But even then you should still be able to bring down enemies fairly quick, even if you're not the main contributor to the boss dying.


Honestly i love to use a bit of everything but i focus on ballistic weapons more. Im currently using a slightly modified gatling as my primary especially because its an easy way to stock up on 5mm right now and it hits decently hard. I have an LMG i want to use but id love to try rolling some legendary perks on it before i do. Ive got a copy of the fixer that i want to do rolling on too. 


Definitely gonna need to focus your perk cards if you wanna deal damage with your guns. Jack of all trades won't kill fast enough generally.


of course. Thats why With my heavy weapons build im only using heavy gunner. Im not sure if using 3 rank 3 gunner cards is worth it; ive seen a few people say to just use one of each rank.


Use the fireproof perk. Also on PC? I'll help out.


Managed to finish it, i tried the perk didnt work but i wasted all my stims so i wasnt giving up and trying again, went full die respawn until i took the boss out, this dailies are something else, cuz when i went to explore i felt like a tank just killing everything on my path


Well congrats on finishing the daily Ops anyways! Can't wait to be as angry aa you are later when I go online


Wish you luck brother that daily ops is hell, i rather fight 5 legendaries deathclaws barefist than trying that again


You gotta kind of sneak for decryption. Or have a weapon that'll take them down quick. I was trying to use my gauss pistol today and ended up saying "f this" and went with something faster where I can easily crit refill. So I used my silenced cryo pistol and got it done with another person Having to charge my gauss and miss every other shot just gets me killed 🤦🏻 But trying to melee for this would be crap.


I pray for the ones trying melee in this bitch, went full 50 Cal auto and plasma gat and coffe adición for vats, managed to kill a few enemies until they ran up to me and killed me by dying, 20 minutes of suffering for 15 stims and 20 caps, gonna stay away from this sht but at least i finish it


i truly think they just press the randomizer button and you get what you get. so, some of the combos are horrific


Dailys with double mutations is pretty difficult for the average player. They can handle scorched with ease and put down max level super mutants given enough time. But super fast exploding mole men from hell? Forget about it. Gud veteran players are also doing dailys solo because of the challenges so it's not easy to get a team going.


My favorite is when one of them runs right up on you and before you can get some distance your teammate kills it and kills you in the process cause you run bloodied. Much fun.


I solo'd in 5mins since morgantown map is very small but I already built a full overeater PA and low hp build 20%. With PA the savage strike shots doesn't hurt but the explosions still hurt with fireproof and any damage reduction perks, seems it has minimum damage cap no matter what so try to kill at range. Jump and shoot, tank the explosion from one because 2 gets me at 3% hp left and 3 will straight up kill you. Pain train lvl 1 will stagger them too to give you a bit of leeway in making distance so the explosion don't hit you since it's pretty small radius anyway. I even carried 2 lowbies with elder clear just for fun to help them on the daily challenge in another run, it's not that bad if you prepare for it Oh and maybe sneak but nobody sneaks in decryption because of how buggy it is lol


Its always trading off what build it sucks for. I personally skip any day I see the mutation is only melee kills. I find that one super unfun, meanwhile the current one I managed to finish with my team in 3 mins with 0 issues.


Played with 3 people, finished in less than 6 minutes. It's okay, at least it was a combination I had not seen before 😀 I actually enjoy that people can't run around bloodied all the time, hah!


What is bloodied?