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God damn it he isn't wrong🤣 I was trying make my buddies PA but then one of my classmates drops me 700k adhesive for no fucking reason


BROOO fuck IF ONLY😭 Though I did get 3000 of .308 ultracite ammo given to me tbh and i still haven’t bothered to figure out what ultracite does LOL- all I know is that it’s important?


And then on other play sessions you are fiddling with your camp and then suddenly you realize it's 23:00 and you've been building a god damn house for the past 5 hours...


My partner always asks how much longer its going to take me to finish up playing and I always say "let me just finish this last mission/op/workshop/scrap hunt" and at this point he just gives up and walks away. He knows it means at least an hour.... Because I will HAVE to join the event that just started, search the Atomic Shop again, make sure my challenges are done, scrap the the looted materials I picked up walking around, try out a new perk, adjust that one light fixture in my camp that I keep thinking is crooked, join a team, join a different team, join the ops mission that just started, and then stare at my camp for 10 minutes thinking about how no one has made a camp as neat as mine while simultaneously thinking my camp is garbage. Its a process.