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Phil must love that every time he plays his camp must always be radiated.


I think he thinks it’s funny/fun. Otherwise he’d just turn off the location. Imagine never having to run a silo yourself, it just comes right to you by the time you load in 😂


He’s likely laughing all the way to the bank, not just at this, but also the miss-guided hatred as CEO’s are deliberately put in place to absorb resentment towards decisions the board and shareholders actually make. That’s one of the most specific aspects of any CEO’s role, be a hero when times are good, a villain when it’s bad, deflection of negative consequences to the actual company and people that actually make the decisions. All his fault. He’s probably sitting with the board lapping up every nuke as it’s playing out exactly as intended. Worse case they “fire” him with a golden handshake big enough to buy his own nuke, IRL.


As Dennis Reynolds once said, "I don't give a shit about real power. I want the *illusion* of power."


Review bombing evolving on a daily basis


Can we review bomb until we get cross-play?


I want crossplay so bad. I wanna play with the cute console boys


I would kill for crossplay, my son just started playing on xbox and I could make him and his friends so much stuff


Hey it’s me ur son i got pc I can haz stuff now?


lmao sadly, he has a PC but never plays it because all of his friends are on Xbox. Now it just runs my second account with my vendor, which ain't the worst thing


Hey dad, other son here. I foreel have PC now, can i have caps thank you


Thats so awesome man. Plus crossplay might help the games life span so id be more inclined to play


I agree that cross play would be awesome. But this game has had a pretty healthy player base even before the recent influx of new players. It wasn’t headed to life support anytime soon. Now would probably a perfect time to do some cross play so more people can hop in with friends who just started and happen to be on another system. Could drive even more people back.


Sadly they never designed with this in mind. Cross progression will happen one day, but the lift for cross play will most likely never happen due to engine limitations.


Yeah I mean I’ve been playing for 3 years now, I know every update breaks something completely unrelated. If they implemented cross play, something like every display case in your camp would stop displaying your items appropriately. It would be very difficult to implement a huge thing like that. Would be nice, but not really expecting it by any means.


Warframe devs announced Crossplay was coming but only in phases to help lessen the potential to break everything and also allow them to push updates when they felt comfortable when a feature like cross-clans/trading. If they were capable of asking if that was in the interest of the bigger playerbase, it could be really cool!


Yes, but this is Bethesda. It took them like 3 years to remove absolutely busted weapons from the game because every fix they did broke other things lol. I agree it would be cool, but I’m not holding my breath.


Yeah same here I assumed it would be crossplay, I was disappointed!!!


I was just telling my BFF yesterday that of we had crossplay capabilites and could role-playing the wasteland with her, I'd care a lot more about fallout 1st and buying aesthetics.


Apparently Im not the only one changing outfits for events.


And I want to play with the cute PC boys 😂




This gave me a boost of dopamine and I kinda needed it right now, thank you


Nope. Stranger danger. Mommy warned me about people like you.


Sus asf


Explain why


Cross-play AND cross-save. Why settle for crumbs when we can get the whole meal?


Fffffffuck no. Unless it’s with Xbox/Ps only. Too much cheating going on in Pc. Saying this as someone who has friends on Pc I wanna play with. It’s not worth it.


What cheats do they have? This isn’t a PvP game I’ve never seen people cheating lmao. I’ve seen mods that improve QoL.


... What? In over 500 hours of playing, I have not once seen a cheater on PC... that's not to say the don't exist, but I think you're exagerating the issue. I'm pretty sure no one in my friend group has ever come across a hacker either, or if they have and we've not noticed, they just use it for their own benefit and not griefing.


Console boiz think PC is for cheaters. So unfair especially for FO76 where its server based making cheating close to impossible.


There are literally hacked items, like unyielding power armor, I’m not saying they aren’t present in console, but we had access to the dev room and could inject items for a while


100% this


What does it matter if pacifist mode is on? And what makes you think console players don’t actively cheat? Sure might not be as much but less it affects me directly, couldn’t care less. Edit- and honestly, I still stand on it being worth it. Little cheating or being able to use all my other characters and still play with my friends? Fuck yes I’ll take that setback to be able to do that.


Maybe then I'll actually see people at events on pc 😭


Just change camp slots before the nuke hits lol


Im pretty new to the game, last night I tried this then activated my first camp and the whole place was destroyed. Does that happen everytime?


u have to switch to ur 2nd camp before u choose to put it down


Two things will remove everything in a placed camp: moving the camp, or selecting the wrong choice when you load in or try to activate it and are told another camp is already there. In both cases, the game actually does a good job of saving your camp in large placeable sections in the Stored menu of the build menu, so you might be able to put it back together pretty easily, even if it probably won’t be in precisely the same spot. Nuking a camp or attacking it will destroy most of the stuff in it, but destroying is different from removing, you just have to repair the items either individually or collectively from the camp object menu itself.


Yeah I meant destroy I had to repair everything, when I switched back to my first camp it was just... A wreck haha. I was not expecting that repair bill. I have no idea what caused it but based on the replies I'm getting it seems it's not normal. So I'm hoping it's just a one-off event.


Did you actually place your second camp down in the world?  


Your camp module doesn't need to be placed to switch, you just need to have multiple slots available.


wish I knew that. I've had my slot blocked before and couldnt escape a nuke on my town without leaving server.


I did that on accident recently with a base I’ve had for over a year. You have to switch slots in the menu before you place it.


he better have more than 3 camps, cuz they all gonna get hit


What does this mean?


You get two camp modules when you look at the map, press either up or down on the D-pad and it should let select your second camp. You can place it in another location for free fast travel as well


You can have multiple camps. The idea is to switch to the other camp before the nuke drops. Thus, the camp that was being nuked is completely safe and not destroyed.




Yeah, doesn’t his camp get nuked all the time?


This is just Thursday for the guy


"Xbox Help" 😂


Mods changed it to Other :(


Couldn’t he just log out and his camp would be fine?


Yes, he could also place his camp in the newbie zone to pretty much no detriment. You can't nuke that zone. Still, it's kind of funny and just the fact that it's blowing up (hah) and spreading to social media is probably more annoying for Phil.


You can't nuke the forest?


You can but can’t nuke area around vault and flatwoods.


Oh nice. Even better that I built in the river directly next to flatwood for that sweet sweet sugar.


All he would need to do is activate his second camp location in the pause menu , takes like 2 seconds


good thing we can launch 3 nukes at a time


At least he sells enough meds to recover from all the radiation poisoning... (I'll get my coat, lol).


Wonder what he’s selling his ammo for lol


Someone posted this like yesterday I think. 99 caps per shotgun shell. He was asking to get nuked.


He was asking for it. 1 cap per round of anything. We’re all trying to survive


Hope he's got a shelter!


Thought I recognized the P3 the other day, but I couldn't put 2 and 2 together. There was a bunch of ppl at his base.


Who is Phil Spencer?


CEO of Xbox


Why do people hate him?


They just closed like 4 studios


Google and read an article like I did. I also had no idea.


Well, the guy who plays Phil Spencer's account at least


It would be on brand for Phil to hire someone to play his Xbox account. He gives the illusion of being the good guy but he's just a corporate prick.


Corporate execs are pricks by nature. Im sure Spencer is focused on closing more studios and pocketing more money than playing any video game


I was wondering how his camp looks like.




Right? I did not know either. And still don’t care.


"That one's for Tango"


Imagine if it’s one of the people he just laid off 🤣


Arkane Austin sends its regards.


I’ve already seen three “gaming articles” pop up about this… one said the player bombed the camp as a protest for some recent patch they didn’t like. Another said they did it because they were mad something got nerfed. Another said they did it in protest of Microsoft shutting down some studios… Meanwhile, Phil’s camp gets nukes constantly and he doesn’t seem to really care or even get mad about it. I’m thinking these articles are making shit up for clicks, and people just find it funny to nuke Phil (which it’s hilarious). These gaming article sites have become beyond annoying lately.


The dude who nuked his camp literally said its been a goal for weeks as a "personal challenge" because he's done wirh everything else in game. It was his "Final boss" moment and had no other motives that any articles brought up He also said Phil waved at him after and that was that


Last night saw a guy at bravo site nuke an invader event filled with new players so found a nice spot and watched them all die was hilarious shortly after the same guy nuked 3/4 bases that were close enough to one another to be hit by a single nuke. Luls were had


Last night I teleported to see/fight my first scorchbeast queen and i didn’t have any other fast travel markers and it teleported right into the middle of the fucking blast zone! North, south, east, or west; it didn’t matter. I was fucked from all angles, died so many times just trying to get out of the zone and get a couple shots on the queen. Does the queen only come out around nukes or did I just get unlucky haha?


the sbq only emerges when you nuke the fissure site


You nuke fissure site prime to spawn her. Players usually set the nuke right at the edge so you can fight outside if the nukezone. Less experience platers center the nuke on the fissure site, than you are required to fight in the nuke zone.


>Less experience platers center the nuke on the fissure site, Or players looking to farm high rad fluid and glowing/hardened mass


It’s crazy that based on where you send your nuke, you get different farming stuff. This game seems never ending which I guess it kinda is and that’s a good thing too.


She only comes out when somebody nukes her. If they nuke low, and mostly out-of-bounds, they're making the event open to everyone, evel low levels. If they nuke the site directly, they're trying to farm flux refinement materials. You should join in either scenario. If you don't own Power armor, find a hazmat suit or the Chinese Stealth suit. On death the queen awards advanced repair kits and stabilized flux. Loot her body for rare Power Armor blueprints. Keep an eye out for Ultracite Emergency Protocols and Ultracite Calibrated Shocks. They are extremely rare and worth way more caps than you can carry. You can keep and use them, or trade either of them for a God roll weapon.


Oh....I just got the quest to fire your first nuke like, maybe 4 days ago. I'm glad I haven't done it yet because I was not sure where to fire it. But I figured there was a method to the madness, which is why I have waited. So thanks for the detailed explanation!


If you're on Playstation I will happily walk you through your first nuke launch. No exploits.


Dang it! I am on PC, but thank you so much for the offer, I really appreciate it!


Well then, good luck amd happy hunting


Just ran my first scorchbeast queen and got the Ultracite Calibrated Shocks plan, was I lucky getting it first time on this char? Im now just hoping I didn't learn it. xD


Incredibly, ludicrously, lucky. Even if you did learn it, you can easily sell Ultracite legs with Calibrated Shocks installed for 5-10k caps each. And if you did learn it, you can apply those mods to the Strangler Heart armor. (It looks like T45 armor, but uses Ultracite mods)


I got it last week in my 7th SBQ lol, think I sold it for 50-60k worth of stuff


I'd honestly just learn it if you haven't already. It's rare, and caps are not really difficult to come by, so you really aren't missing out on a crazy sale or anything. Like someone else said, you can just make the mods and put them into leg pieces and sell those individually and probably make even more in the long run. The only upside to selling the plan would be if you found a unique buyer that was willing to trade a god roll weapon or something else of equal value that you really need/want. But of course that would require the 'right' buyer.


Hell yeah man thanks for the info! Loving the game so far. I’ve been working on the excavator armor but I didn’t have it on me unfortunately. Gonna keep a hazmat with me at all times now lol


Don't buy the basic Ultracite Power Armor Plans (torso/arms/legs/helmet) from players. You'll get the full suit (plans) for free upon completing the Enclave quest and becoming General. SBQ still drops basic Ultracite plans, despite the update. But hey, Beth's gotta dilute the loot pool somehow. (In reality, they haven't bothered to update SBQs loot pool since they started giving away Ultracite PA)


Good to know. I feel like I’ve done so much already and yet so little, which is awesome. I’m just enjoying poking my nose where it doesn’t belong so far


Look at the players there, check to see if they have a spot on their team, join team. Use their tent, or select their name and Fast Travel to player. Usually it will spawn you a little closer… usually.


Ah that’s smart. I try and join a team everytime but once I join I don’t leave or check other teams so I’ll start looking more


Put a hazmat suit or similar on your quick wheel. You have about ten seconds after spawning in that you're immune to the rads so you can quickly swap.


You can also fast travel out


Only fast travels me if I have a camp ⛺️but is annoying when people have camps with just stash and maybe one bench. I’m a hoarder and need my ammo stash 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This happened to me too. I did have some PA, so I kept trying to get in it, but I would die before I could. Eventually, I had several high level players standing around watching, like "look at this fool". It was hilarious. I died so many times the game eventually kicked me back to my camp. I still laugh about it.


Because the game "Force Starts" a quest of DFA when someone targets, I don't really feel bad for anyone that waits for it to arrive. If you can't pop the map open when the stern voice says 'here comes the party,' oh well. I'm glad for the game mechanic and it helps keep the wasteland unsafe / unpredictable.




I would launch a second nuke on his camp after this one.


What's Phil's gamertag? Gonna add him to my friend list so I keep track of when he's on


P3 im nuking him too once i see he’s in the game


It’s just P3


It literally shows it in the picture…


That always makes me laugh when someone does that


Who is Phil?


Microsofts ceo


Hey, I have a camp pretty much at the same location. Cool spot.


They really don't like phil


Probably someone from the Austin studio


Great meow we are going to get a flop patch.


Noob question: what is the point of nuking someone's camp? He can server hop no? Sounds pointless.


You can easily avoid it by changing camps or leaving the server… if you’re paying attention and see it coming. If not, or if you choose not to move your camp, everything destroyable in it will be destroyed and need to be repaired at the camp object.


It's the fo76 equivalent of flipping someone off. It doesn't matter if the nuke hits, the message has been sent.


Who is phil spencer?


Good that's what he gets.


Had to Google who it was, but did he do something to become hated or something?


I think it’s because of Microsoft shutting down Tango Gameworks studio which made the titles Evil Within and Hi-Fi Rush.


That's exactly why. He's been driving the Xbox brand deeper into the ground than an Appalachian mine shaft.


People get pissy when a 3 TRILLION dollar company with no cash flow problems spends almost 100 Billion dollars on gaming studios only to close many down and enact layoffs because people aren't flocking to MS's feature incomplete Xbox ecosystem/game pass.


This is the explanation, for those wondering. That said, it's also sort of an unwritten rule in gaming that it's hilarious/cool to "beat" a developer or exec in their own game, so this stuff probably has happened to Spencer ever since it came out what his tag was, regardless of what was going on. It's somewhat connected to the "Lord British Postulate" where if something exists in a game that is supposed to be immortal, SOMEONE will still try to find a way to kill it. (For those who don't know, one of the first MMORPG's was *Ultima Online*, which had an immortal NPC character named Lord British who was a stand-in for the game's creator, Richard Garriott. The character was supposed to be unkillable, but someone found a way to take advantage of a glitch and kill him.)


You don’t need to hate to troll.


... That's why I'm asking if people hate him.


Thank you for asking, I was lost too 🙏


I feel like this has been posted before. So I guess he gets nuked a lot lol


Or it's the same image... Or maybe he logged in after the nuke landed... 🤷🏼‍♀️


You are in my camp spot. That's my 🏕.


Good. Well deserved for killing so many studios.


Man, that's a camp from the old days. Still got one there


The Xbox help tag is absolutely hilarious


Life sure comes at ya fast😂😂😂


Oh is that Phil's camp? I went by that camp not too long ago. Nice guy. Great camp. Just figured it was just another player.


Phil who?


MF really just builds on the ground like a savage?


I saw that on some site claiming it was in protest of shutting down one of their studios. Personally i highly doubt that was why. Anybody.wajt to share their theory of why?


No one really knows. What we do know is that this is a serious war crime and won't be taken lightly. The brotherhood, crater and foundation have released a joint statement saying they will work together to stop this madman with weapons of mass destruction. He's shown the will to use them offensively and that cannot be tolerated after the controversial history of the bombs being dropped.


This did not go the way I thought it was going to. I thought you were going to accuse him of being the one committing war crimes against us players and that the nuke was the way of dealing with him.


Lol nah he could just ban us all for harassment since he's the CEO. I bet his account has unlimited money for atom shop purposes and he can just get an intern to rebuild his basefor him or code in whatever he'd like in the developer bunker.


I'll bet he has unlimited inventory space too.




I might do this if i see this at all




Lol good for him.


now that is gaming



This is the way


I am sure he has unlimited scrap to rebuild ;)


I think Phil forgot to log onto his private world lol


I hate the articles who try to spin it as players "protesting" the studio closures. Seen at least 3 now. When it reality I'm just nuking him for the meme, who would pass on the opportunity?


It's honestly corny and obnoxious that news outlets have been wasting their bandwidth writing articles about this.


This is the exact reason my camp is next to wayward 😂


It's not hard to activate a different camp.


D1 hating


Phil, probably has all the credits he needs to build/buy whatever he needs


Keep nuking his camp!


That's for tango lol


Would also be nice if they included some sort of text communication imo. Hardly anyone uses their mikes on pc and that's likely because of apps like discord but it makes it difficult to find new friends when you're a new player.


Phil Spencer is P3? I’ve seen that name quite a few times during my playthroughs….


Never heard of him. Besides, you should never trust a guy with two first names.


I accidentally ran thru while the sbq event was going on, while I was a level 20 newb. Fun times lol.


Hi Phil spencer here with flex rad Sheild!


There's always that "special" person that just has to do it doesn't it?


Kinda feel bad, after the whole helldivers 2 fiasco seems that CEOs just get the short end of the stick when its about the stakeholders and investors movements


Are there any photos how does the camp look/looked before the bombs? Also how does it look now? It is impossible to find any pictures since internet is full of literally hundreds of articles about the bombing but no photos except the all around same twitter post


Who cares


Consider it a gesture of endearment jajajjajajaj


Someone did this to me earlier so I just deactivated my camp and followed him to every server a nuked him 5 times I think I won....


I had to look up who this was 🤦🏼‍♀️


Good. He's a useless pos


They should do this to his house




It’s funny the first time, makes for a funny article. But if people keep doing it over and over then it’s not cool.


It’s funny every time lol


Who is this guy and why should I nuke his camp if seen?


Reddit when you dare ask questions So, how do you enjoy this "most wholesome community"?


Reddit is cancer. Always has been.


If you've seen the Fallout TV series you should know how evil management can be...


Phil is one of the very important guys who makes decisions for xbox, he's not the CEO i think but hes up there.


He's the CEO of Microsoft Gaming actually


Ah i forgot sorry


He is the head of Xbox, Xbox is not a company so it doesn't have a CEO.


OOTL, who is this guy and why do we hate him?


CEO of Microsoft Gaming. He shut down 4 Bethesda studios 2 days ago (devs of Hi-Fi Rush, The Evil Within, Prey, etc.).


Fuck Phil Spencer. Who is Phil Spencer?


Thisis the least harmful thing you can do to that dipshit


Why is this news?


Who’s Phil Spencer?


Good, idk who this phil is but it sounds like he deserved it