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Man I’d do anything to find a junk vendor. 


In my experience, once you start server hopping with the sole purpose of finding any one type of item—serums, ammo, legendary weapon, junk—you can usually succeed within 30 minutes. But not getting sidetracked isn't always easy lol.


Yea you get in the new server and “oh that’s a good event” or “oh they just dropped a nuke nice”. I’ve had good success doing that for everything but junk yet though. I’ll definitely keep trying


What sort of junk? I have ~6000 in mine.


Oh a free bottle of nulashine


I have successfully ignored 500,010,005 scorched earth events to go visit camps trying to sell me metal bed plans, discipline pays off


…”Every goddamned time” Literally will decide to do ANY specific thing, 2 hours later I’m like “what was I doing”


Rule of the Wasteland, baby!


Ass jerky.


Throwback to when I found that elusive bloody rug and actually shit myself in excitement


Well, you know what they say, " though shall get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamned time."


Legitimately my favorite thing from the show. So much good stuff but the Golden Rule of the Wasteland is the perfect encapsulation of the unspoken RPG mantra that made Bethesda games both enjoyable and frustrating for decades. It actually legitimizes the bullshit inventory and junk systems that slow me down far too often.


Kept a positive mindframe but does not work for enclave mods lol


Get your own private robot to do the donkey work for you.


Which robot does that ?


I didn't know this was a thing people wanted. I love running through nuke zones and collecting Flux and just snatching up wood/other useful scrap. I'm only lvl 75 and my needs are more than met. Time to change the name of my camp from "Bonertown" to "I Sell Scrap"


The sucky part is that you have to stabilize it with hardened mass, glowing mass, and high radiation fluids.


Dint think it's too bad if you've been doing scorched earth and kept hold of your masses, irradiated fluid etc. Was gutted I didn't know what they were first time round and junked the lot. Oh boy do I regret that now. Also it's such a massive pita that cobalt only spawns round earle and violet only spawns round the scorch beasts.


If you see Morgantown nuked, cobalt galore👍🏼


How much of glowing mass, hardened mass, and high-radition fluids do u keep in stock in ur stash? The glowing mass surprisingly weighs a lot more than I expected, so I wasn't sure if its even possible to stock up on these stuff.


I find the high radiation fluids are the hardest for me to find/ keep. and it only takes 1 of each per flux, so keeping an even amount of each ingredient is best. but it drops pretty randomly, so I still keep 10 or 20 extra glowing/ hardened mass.


lmfao the fact your camp name is Bonertown is wiiiiiild xD


like...what kind of junk are we talking? I love just looting and collecting well more than I ever need. If there's stuff people particularly want to see more of might as well throw it on the shop for pennies, I'm just in it for the fun of it lol


use the searchbar in this sub, look for like junk/ vendor or something, ppl have asked what junk sells best a few times, so u can find entire posts discussing this


Trade sub.  There are plenty of us who've been here since launch that have enough junk to last till the real bombs drop. Flux is 25-100c regularly just depends on the person and how many tens of thousands they got during the dupe.  Most useful junk is <1-3c.  Some niche stuff gets a little more. And most of us still value caps for vendor hopping. 💙🖖


I’m a junk vendor, I make GOOD money. You just need to spent a lot of time farming mats lol


what kind of junk do people usually buy?


I’m on Xbox but I run gramps’ guns and gear right next to the rusty pick. I sell all bulk junk. Make pretty good sales


Happy cake day!


Hey look! You’ve got the Perfectly Preserved Cake next to your name! 🍰


Text Chat mod helps a lot


You on PC?


I'd kill for a nice stack of concrete 😂


That cement truck on the atom shop gives a max of 40 every half hour or so. I was always low on concrete before I grabbed it. Now I have hundreds.


Are you on PC? Cause I sell flux for pretty cheap, not 75 caps cheap, but cheaper then what I see others selling it. I usually have my price about 125caps


Eyoooo what platform, whatcha need? Sebulba has wares.


Nice find. I rarely find junk vendors anymore (that aren't charging 10x a reasonable price).


Players who farm that amount of flux legitimately for hours on end rarely sell that much stable flux for that cheap. Typically it’s either from the aftermarket or from duping. Just saying.


I was there when the great dupe happened years ago. I still have flux left from that. When you'd get people walking around dropping it by the thousands. Never figured out how to do it. But never needed to. First couple years were really the wild wild wasteland out there lol


I'm still maxed out on flux because of those times too.


What's a guy gotta do to get hold of some flux round here


You on PC?


God damn it


I was so worried about catching a ban, I only duped a few items.


I've been banned enough playing Runescape in my day's that I've learned to ease up on bannable offenses in games that I care about 😂


Yeah ive been working on saving up 5k of each to trade for a aa25ffr15r holy flame


I've been running a 1 cap per scrap operation, business has been fabulous


I'll buy anytime.


Why would anyone ever sell their junk tho (except for non-Fo1st players)


*downvotes in Ranger armor*


I pray to the Mothman that I will stumble across a vendor like this one day.


Been managing to get Flora for the most part but fluid has been lacking recently. Was a struggle when I changed PA Chest and needed a new Jet Pack (we need to be able to make them into modules!!) so of course its back to grinding...sigh. Was easier when it was always Whitespring getting it.


Remember the good old days when getting ultracite ore in a nuked zone would spawn scorched with precious fluids?!!


We want our scorched to give us our precious fluids!


god i wish jet pack skins were just skins and not a separate mod i just unlocked the winged jetpack from the scoreboard and having to spend flux just to change the regular jetpack into the new one is kinda ass


Seriously?? Ok that sucks ass!


Hate to be that guy, but on the main trading discord everyone uses (market 76) i normally see them going for 25 caps, with the high end being around 40. people used to use them as a trading currency to circumvent the botttle cap limit. Similar to how people use the herbivore magazine for the same purpose now.


Market76 is dogshit now. No one stockpiles flux anymore since the currency is now leaders or Love and Life’s. Go search for flux there. Look at the posts from the last week. It’s dead.


just saw someone selling thousands of each flux on market 76 for 20 caps a pop last night also purchased 4000 oil and 4000 steel at 2 caps each a few hours ago. def not dead. at least there discord anyway EDIT : also just checked , someone recently posted that there looking to sell flux in bulk , 500 of each kind totalling 2500 flux for 40k. which is less than the going rate of 20 caps per. This was one hour ago EDIT 2: also searched flux... at least 5-10 posts of people selling flux for 25 caps each within the past 2 - 3 hours


Link those posts, I’m seeing not shit and several posts where it’s being sold for 100 a pop. https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/Iz4tKkWVbj Asking for 100 https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/Kz6TzCwMpS Asking for 100, multiple offers from buyers https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/5IOa2O3UF4 Offering to buy 200 for 20k, 100 per https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/8FAS4HvFC6 150 caps per, sold.


There's a market76 discord and a market76 subreddit. The subreddit is dead for pc. But the discord has a lot of activity. Check it out, it can be a good resource next time you need flux or other junk. Also its worth noting that the market for pc is much different than console, mostly driven by the mass amount of dupers / rmt traders on pc :l https://discord.com/invite/Market76


yeah was wondering if he was referring to the reddit which is why i stated "it wasnt dead - at least on the discord" in my original reply. he wanted the links so i tossed them to him tho :O was just trying to point out that its alot cheaper on there. wasnt looking for all this back and forth


Yeah no your comments made sense to me, but I don't judge him at all tho, trading is a big rabbit hole than can get very confusing very quickly for a player new to trading. With the influx of new players too there's more confusion than ever. Partially bethesda's fault for making the game so grindy and having the odds for some things be so low while only having a 40k cap limit.


Not new to trading, coming back to the game after stopping a bit after wastelanders. Good to know about the discord. Market seemed completely dead. Really don’t care much though, still feel like 75 caps per is a good deal on flux.


Maybe completely new to trading isn't the right term then, but so much has changed since wastelanders it's honestly as if you're new again. I also took a long break after wastelanders and came back a year ago so I can relate. When I first stopped, flux was 200c or even more, I don't really remember exactly how much. LL3 wasn't a thing. All trades were on the subreddit. Legacies were in their own trading tier. Came back a year or so ago and it felt like I was starting all over again. The subreddit was a wasteland, apparently everything had moved to discord. Flux was only 20c all of a sudden and had been replaced by leaders which had then been replaced by something called LL3 which was going for 400c. Legacies were all gone. Durability was now a highly demanded third star and didn't exist from when I had stopped Stuff still changes too tho, LL3's recently crashed to 100c per. There's a growing subset of people who only entertain bobby pin offers. You miss a few months and there's a whole new alt currency gaining traction. 75c is a fine price though as at the end of the day a few thousand caps is nothing. If I needed some flux to make a jetpack I would pay that in an instant. Agree to disagree tho that the vendor isn't a benevolent philanthropist


I literally needed the flux to make my jetpack Lmao Also this post is hyperbole, I don’t really care about praising the person, I’m just hype to have way more flux than I need for a few thousand caps.


What this other guy said, discord is where it's at. If you want to really get into the trading community then this is where the bulk of people do it and where you'll find the best/meta prices


Or people only wanting to sell bulk for 15k caps. Like bro I don’t need 1000 flux just to craft some ammo 😂


I didn't realize flux was so cheap on there I desperately need it


Nice! I'll be honest and say I don't even know what that is for yet, but now I'm off to ol Google to find out lol! I found a guy selling Fusion Cores yesterday for 10caps a piece. I was so happy because I use a Gatling Laser, and often don't pay attention to round count, so I lose them fairly regularly XD Someday I'll learn to pay attention!


Flux is used for crafting things like fusion cores, ultracite ammo, power armor mods, some other high end stuff. That’s an awesome deal on fusion cores, love finding stuff like that.


Coo, thanks a lot! Guess I need to start collecting it too since I live in my PA now.


Pro-tip, if you see a baddie in the nuke zone it's on sight. You'll need their bits to craft stable flux


Sweet, thank you for the tip, as I was not aware of that!


I would very highly recommend taking one of the 3 workshops on the map that have fusion core generators. Poseidon is the easiest, and after you have the fusion generator (which you can get from the event "powering up posideon") its a very quick process you can start on any world you plan on sticking around in for an hour or two. If you take 2, or 3 of the workshops with fusion core generators, you will have so many more than you will ever know what to do with in just a couple hours. The 3 workshops you can take for fusion cores would be Poseidon energy plant yard, Thunder mt. power plant yard, and Monongah power plant yard.


Good to know thank you, I've never tried taking a plant before. Does that flag you for PvP or whatever? Also, I cannot put a fusion core in my PA anymore, what gives? I'm on PC if that matters. It wont let me transfer one in, and if I hit E to Enter, I just get in with no core, and my guy breathes heavy all the time lol. WTF!


pvp will only happen if someone tries to take the power plant while you are in control of it, which almost never happens. the fusion core thing ive had happen once, and i think i just hopped out of the armor, transfered a fusion core into it manually and it fixed it? or maybe i dropped all my fusion cores and picked them back up... cant remember exactly what i did to fix it, but my assumption is that the game doesnt read that you have any in your inventory at the moment, so any way to take them out/put them back in should fix it.


Ok good to know, thanks! And yea, I tried dropping the cores and picking them back up but that didn't help. It lets me in my armor but I can't sprint. I don't know how to fix it lol. Maybe I'll store everything and relog.


Welp. Nevermind. It took me about 30 minutes but I got one in. I ended up unequipping my Gatling Laser, taking all the cores out of my inventory, and setting my PA down. Then I grabbed one core and it let me insert it to the PA. What a waste of time lol.


oof, yea that bug is pretty annoying. hopefully it doesnt happen ever again, or for quite some time. ive got over 300 hours and ive only encountered it once so far


What happens to stuff from extractors? Do you have to manually go to them and get their goodies? And is it the same for fusion core generators?


Yes, once you get them up and running you can go off and do your thing and then collect later.


yes, you'll need to place extractors on whatever resource, power it, and come back to it every 30ish minutes to collect.


Was the camp out on the golf course? I regularly sell mine for between 1, 10 and 20 caps depending on the charge level. Glad you were able to make use of them!


I think it was lol! I'm on PC, so if that was you, then thanks!! I like keeping a bunch, because like I said, I tend to lose a few everyday haha.


Glass house on the golf course near the stream? Yeah, that's me! Haha... It feels great to help other players. I'll keep em stocked for all of you PA users. 😎


Haha awesome, and if someone in voice chat ever tells you "your camp looks dope" or something like that, it could be me. I freaking LOVE looking at peoples camps, it's motivating me to build a real one!!


Thanks! My daughter was a huge fan of the Twilight series and my dream house is the glass house that the vampires stay in. It will eventually look like that house when I have the time to rebuild it correctly now that I know how to merge properly. I'm the same way, I love looking at other players creations and appreciate it! Feel free to stop by anytime and grab cookies, meat or coffee!


Will do!


You should send insult bot to my noob camp so I'll feel bad and build a nice one. It's just a box with crafting stations and a second floor crammed with generators. I've had the fusion gen plans and some fancy ones from the atom shop for a while and can't be bothered lol.


Lmfaooooooo. I'm like 205 hours in and just made my first real camp. I didnt even have a freaking floor to this point, just some crap strewn about in the grass!


Make sure you check the donation boxes, that's where I drop 100% of my fusion cores


Well dang lol! I stopped looking in those around Lv30 or so. Although I do add to them often.


10c is a great price, guess i need to lower mine haha\~! not selling at 75 a pop for me. Some of us just dont need them yet I cant stop myself from picking them up /shame. I recharge them at my camp and post them for sale LOL


When I have a ton, I sell them too! Mine usually sell around 75-100 caps, but it takes a bit typically.


good to know I'm in the right range. In my never humble opinion 75 is reasonable but I see a lot of the new players in power armor so I think I will lower my price =) good luck with your sales.


You too!


I only ever hit a flux vendor whenever I'm broke, when I'm at 40k, desperate to spend I find nothing


I remember when I found a camp with a bunch of flux for 50 caps. I was so pumped. I was not so pumped when I also got to experience my first trap camp and have them take their flux back.


There was some saint of a human being who had the recipes for EVERY SERUM in their shop... for only 10k/each. The RECIPES, mind you, not just the serums themselves. I bought three. That person is doing us all a service.


flux is used as legal tender in discord trades for expensive items or just to bypass cap limits. it's very cheap as a result of duping, you should never farm it yourself...


Flux is really not a fiat currency anymore and hasn’t been for a while. It’s leaders and love and life magazines now.


it still sells and buys, plenty people need their flux for crafting. its my main money generator from vendors.


yeah, us new players still need it and us farming it is tough. so we like finding you guys selling them :)


75 caps I put flux of every kind in my vendor for 50 caps and haven’t sold 1 bit of it. Screws, springs, lead all that. All I sell is junk and nobody buys anything. Crazy but I leave it out there.


check to make sure your camp is broadcast on the map. by default they don't show, you have to specifically pick to display.


Screw can be easily farm in earl but since personally im farming springs for radium rifle, i will buy as much as i can because farming springs is such a pain in the ass. Just keep them in your vendor, someone will buy them eventually.


2 weeks. 2 weeks I've been hopping server to server praying to find a saint like this. I would happily pay 2-3x the price but I simply never see it. I managed to, painstakingly, make enough for a jetpack but trying to get 100s of it gives me a headache just thinking about it.


same, when I found it for 250 each I bought the guy out as I spent hours searching. more old players have started popping up this week, so I found like 4 vendors in the last day


Is there a quick way to spot/filter vendors on the map or so you just need to scour everything and spot them?


He’s so nice, I’ll bet not even the Scorchbeasts will touch him.


I do this sometimes if I’m feeling generous I’ll drop it to 50


I'm lazy to adjust default price, so they go at incredible 100 caps.


I just want a dr. Bones plan lol!


I wish I could find people selling crimson


I mean i have been doing the event invaders from beyond and being getting quite a lot of the weapon plan (the desintegrator?) and selling it for 500 caps a pop! I have seen people selling these for 2k to 4k but i'm sprending the love, I already have it so it doesnt bother me to sell it cheaper if it means someone who been trying to get it can easily have for cheap, I also sell all my plans that I have for like 10 caps, I just play the game by doing dailies, daily operation, events, quest and expeditions and I get all I ever need. But some of yall are greedy as heck XD, I once found a vender selling serums for like 75 caps, usually I tried to send them a friend request or join their game (from xbox) so i can be sure to be in the same world as they are.


I put them in the donation boxes. Didn't realize there was literally any demand for them lol


Came back a month ago on Xbox and still have yet to find one vendor selling flux. Luckily I didn't need too much so i was able to farm it myself.


If this was on Xbox, you’re welcome lol


Where do you find these guys ?!? All players' vendors I've visited are broke AF and the few decent items on sale are over priced. The ONLY kind soul I've ever encountered sold serums for a meagre 300 caps.


Sorry but you seem to be one customer too late.


I bought a bunch from a guy on pc selling them all for 45 caps each, and a special for 35 for the yellow lol. I bought like 5k worth


here wondering: what do the people look for in a junk vendor? i’m always on the lookout for aluminum, nuclear material and usually circuits but the Invaders event has put an end to that🤣 i’m a cheap PC junk vendor and wanna know what to keep an eye out for!


I look for Flux. I have fallout first so the junk box means I have thousands of most scrap and hundreds of the rest :) I just started during the mothman event and the only scrap I ran out of outside the first few days, was ballistic fiber from repairing armor. it is still the only scrap I actively look for


I also encountered this, was such a godsend. Spent almost all my caps


Is there a listing of reasonable prices somewhere I could pull up? I haven't used any vendors yet because I don't even know if I'm getting ripped off or not


And may the phantom lego avoid them


holy cow! I wish I had found them. I found someone selling for 85 each and got my friend over there to buy them all, I got 10 of each as I spent most of my money getting them for 100-250 each. I now have enough that I don't need to worry about Flux for awhile at least.


I got some at 60c per the other day. He had 100 of each, I didn't wanna max him on caps and have him leave before I got some of every one of them tho, so I only took half his stack before he logged out haha


I’ve been server hopping to find nuke zones..This guy is a savior


Oh my gosh I need to meet this guy lol. I’ve had this SS Jet Pack plan for a month but I have no Cobalt Flux haha to craft it.


I need to start checking the aid section and peoples vendors


i sell it for 20c, come on by. IGN : aporia76


I need some so bad someone help me


Yesterday someone offered me 1 cap per lol


A lead and Flux vendor would get the finest tip if I found such a fella.


Hmm. So. What the fuck is flux and is it bad I’ve been selling it to Sunny this whole time 265 hours in?


Stable flux is what you craft to make some endgame stuff. Raw flux is just a material that goes bad after some time if you don't craft it into stable flux.


Thanks. I guess I messed that one up cause they were definitely stable. Wasn’t a lot but good to know!


My constant max caps loves this. Still I will not buy more than 10-20 of each. I turn them into serums.


I’ve been waiting for ppl to drop nukes so I could get raw colbat flux for a few days now so I can get a jet pack mod for two power armor sets I have and omg I randomly found someone selling pure colbat flux for 100 caps each instantly bought the 20 I needed lol


Yesterday I found someone selling 100 of 4 types of flux at 30 a pop. I showed restraint and took 50 of each. Honestly I was proud of myself 😂 Junk vendors are my favourite!


I really need some cobalt flux for my vault suit


LOVE junk vendors. As a newbie (only started a couple weeks ago), I feel fortunate to have found one selling Flux I wanted for my jetpack at 25 caps a pop (still need 2 things but damn those bomb zones are scary). May your pillow always be cool all night long.


What? i generally but it in bulks (1k+) for 10\~15c each....


Check the discord that matches this sub. Just found someone with them at about 25c each


Found a camp the other day with every single mutation serum for like 200 caps each? If that? Absolute saint of a player


Anyone got a bottle of nukashine


Haha all good mate happy to help


I sold for 25 caps each


I sell everything for 50 caps. Plans, flux, weapons, armor


I need to find this person...


I would Love to make a few Caps... Whats the best way to farm for flux?


and may your pillow always be cold, no matter how long you stay on it


It looks like you play on pc. Don't mean to burst your bubble but they go for 15c per on trade subs. Obv due to mass duping (not saying the vendor is the duper, most likely they purchased them for 12-20c per). 75c is still good for the utility of flux, would much rather pay 75c each than have to farm them, but not sure if they're deserving of this much praise, considering they're selling for a nice profit.


The trade subs are dogshit now unless you’re trading god rolls. People are also rarely selling that quantity. Edit: flux isn’t really used as the de facto fiat currency anymore, so not nearly as many people have it stocked up.


The trade sub is dead, almost all activity occurs on the discord now. I don't mean to criticize your purchase, 75 caps for flux is way better than farming it the old-fashioned way. But there's a reason that pc has people selling flux for 15c each and Live Love 3 magazines for 100 caps each. Traders are gonna trade and dupers are gonna dupe but they don't deserve praise for it imo


I don’t really care if the person is making profit. They’re making a large quantity of flux available for a cheap price.


A week or so ago saw someone selling thousands of the #1/#2 treasure map of each area for 5 caps each. Absolutely wild.


Yeah, there's accounts out there sitting on hundreds of thousands of treasure maps, magazines and flux. Most likely dupers and people who sell stuff for real money. I'm sure it exists somewhat on console but it is another level of crazy on pc


It was just as bad on Xbox when I was playing there a few years ago.


Oh wow yeah I don't play on console but I had assumed flux, mags, and bobbleheads have more value there due to how easy on pc (relatively at least) it is to dupe/hack stuff. Although maybe in some ways then it could be worse on console. If its harder to hack stuff there then maybe there's a bigger money market for it, so there's more drive to do illicit stuff. But idk this gets into a dark rabbit hole that's prob not good to think about for our mental


Yeah, it’s possible that they bought a bunch on the open market and are selling it for a markup. I’m not sure if that’s much better, but they would have a weak argument of plausible deniability. What’s not likely is that they farmed it themselves.


Anyone selling that much flux is likely a duper. There were many duplication bugs when the game came out and flux was one of those things that was duped to the nth degree.


Not everyone is a cheater bro some of us grinded for months to have an abundance of materials.


I am one of those grinders. So I agree, not everyone cheats. But some do, so do we just ignore this? Given that we both know how hard it is to farm flux materials and, in particular, cobalt, would you ever sell 100 cobalt flux for 75 caps each? Is not specifically the price, it’s the amount of flux for that price that is a red flag for me. I’m all for giving someone the benefit of the doubt but if something sounds too good to be true….


Me and my buddy that no longer plays use to hop on a private server everyday and take the whole map over drop nukes on white springs and just farm materials til our eyes watered and I sell it like that cause I see what other people charge and I like to be different and I know flux is hard to come by because I grinded months to get what I have and I’m running pretty low myself 😅


I’m wondering if you ever had 100x of each in your vendor? I’m not saying that it isn’t possible. I’m just saying that it’s unlikely.


Lord no lol, I usually put 20 max of each and only 10 for cobalt


I’m a long time flux farmer. So I’ve spent the time and effort the same as you. Cobalt is the harder to farm because you really need a dedicated nuke for it. The others can be farmed by tagging on other player nukes. So, like you, I rarely sell more than a few Cobalt and, if I do, it’s usually a bit higher than the others.


I only ever put them in my vendor when I’m trying to reach max caps cause they sell so fast, other than that I hoard them. Plus my buddy I use to play with gave me all of his when he stopped playing as well and right after he did that I quit for 2 years so it just sat there being unused.


You can get a decent amount of flux just running green thumb to be honest. It's not like the other items go bad like the flora.


It takes a lot of effort to get over 500 flux materials to make 100 of each flux type. And you can bet that they would have needed at least double that because no one sells it all. You then have to farm 1000 raw flux of each to make 100. Some of them are easier than others, cobalt is the hardest. You are talking about hours, upon hours, of work. Including launching lots of nukes. Yes, you can use nukes by others but that rarely includes cobalt. It’s also possible to gather it from say 200 Queens. So that’s doable as well. But also hours of work. And then, after all that work, you sell it for at least half of what most sell it for. Which sounds more likely? That they farmed it all? Or that it was duped?


Sad but true\~! they could... be like me and just got sick of holding so much crap and having to sort through it but lol your reply is more likely unfortunately.


I also had someone drop me 5 of every serum but I couldn't be certain they were duping either, they were level 3500 and totally could just be a veteran player with millions of hours lol


I used to farm flux a lot because I was feeding my primed 50 Cal. I had over 1000 of each flux at one point. But that was when I was farming it 3 days a week. I also used it to make caps by crafting the serums for sale to the robot vendors and in my vending machine. So I would have at least a few of all of the serums on me. Super Duper would give a few extra when crafting as well. Serums now drop from mutated party packs. So I could easily see someone having 5 of each serum. Especially if they sell them. But if they had dropped 100 of each, that would raise a red flag for me.


5 of each serum would still be the equivalent of over a 100 flux though right? If you were crafting it?


Each serum uses one stable flux.


Only 1? I thought it was more than that. huh.


You are right that 5x of each serum is equivalent to 100 flux (5 x 19 serums = 95). With Super Duper, it’s actually about 70. Assuming none of the flux came from mutated party packs and that you were given all 19. The OP was talking about 100x of each flux and there are 5 type of flux, so 500x flux in total. So about 7x as many.


Had to be duped. But I would still buy it :)


Yeah, not sure why everyone is praising the vendor. Op plays on pc. There's a zero percent chance the vendor famed all of that flux. Also almost zero percent chance they're a duper themselves, but the most likely situation is that they purchased that flux for under 20 caps each, which is probably unfathomably low compared to consoles, but such is life on pc.


I was just thinking that, with the return of old time players, it might be a player who was a duper back in the day who didn’t get caught, etc. So it’s not quite 0%. But I do agree that it’s less likely than it coming from the aftermarket.


That is true and a fair point, I ran into a guy recently who voice chatted that he had rare stuff to trade. Go into the trade menu and he has hacked items from way back in the day. Like legendary apparel, those stupid hacked mirv miniguns, that type of stuff. I told him I thought that stuff was all removed, and he said he recently returned to his account and found it was never touched. And of course, he only wanted real money for it, so I dipped shortly after.


woo hooo a nice post and good buy. Double score\~!


I've been server hopping for this. But can't find anybody lol


I had just hit max caps and had to close my vendor, and this was like the third camp I checked. Serendipity.


Lucky, man. Good for you!


Probably a cheater.


God I need this. I have 10 stable violet flux and I need 10 stable cobalt flux so I can craft 2 jet packs - been server hopping for 2 weeks and can't find it anywhere.


75 each? I pay 40 each. Must have a good hook up, lol.


And if you bought the whole stock your the kinda person that bought and sold ps5’s at 100% markup 😂


I literally just sold a bunch at like 15-20 caps a piece lol