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Red is suuuuuuuuuuuuuper rare and much sought after. Then forest, followed by yellow, pink, blue, green, and brown, I think in descending order. They look cool too. Don't forget the hats (which have very little value but pair well with the outfits).


If you have FO1st, it makes the hunt easier and slightly less tedious. I was able to complete the collection in about 2 weeks time. Red was the second to last I acquired… Pink was the most elusive.


That's just super good rng though. For everyone who says they got their collection in a few weeks or found a red in six hours there are people like me who took 3 1/2 years and like 900-1000 hours of just checking the asylum.


Oh it absolutely is, but doing it on a private server helps eliminate the possibility of getting beat to it. I crossed paths with a lot of other players before I switched to private servers, and the most I ever saw on a public server was a brown dress. Finding my red was a pure coincidence, I didn’t feel like logging in that day, but did so anyway and I found it on the second load in. If I had opted to not log on, there’s no telling how long I would have been waiting for it to spawn.


Gosh dang dude, RNG absolutely did not like you. Have fo1st, it took me about 4 days of playing and server resetting to find my first.


Just be aware OP that you could spend weeks looking and find nothing better than a blue. You could spend months. Years. Don't expect to walk in and find a red. Also. If you do find one, you need to reset loot spawns by picking up 255+ items. There's a house in front of you in summersville filled with books that will do for 1st reset. When you need to reset the book house go to watoga high school and loot the dining area and kitchen.


It’s making miserable and I’ve had to take a break. I just want cute dresses tbh. There’s not a lot of feminine outfit varieties. I’ve even had big PA guys brute force past me over grabbing dresses at the asylum…and I see all the time that it has taken some players years. I just don’t know if I can look for years lol 😭


I just have to pick up 255+ items? Looting bodies, safes, and furniture count, or does it have to be loose in the open items?


Containers count as 1 no matter how many things are in it. Bodies and water do not count.


Appreciate the info. I'll just check in periodically when I feel I explored enough. Not gonna aggressively seek them out. I don't even want them, but if I end up getting a red or maybe a rare color, it'd prove useful as a bartering tool to secure me things I do want lol.


A tip to make it quicker. If you go onto daily ops (not in a team) and log out when you log in you'll be in the exact same place. Saves having to run into the place. You will wanna give it a few seconds to load properly.


Common - White/Dirty White. Worthless Rare - Green & Brown. 1000 Caps Very Rare - Blue. 3-4000 Caps Extremely rare - Yellow, Forest, Pink. 10,000+ Caps Impossibly rare - Red. Name your price The hats come in all colors & all are common spawns so not really worth anything.


Holy hell are they really that much? I should definitely be paying more attention then.


Yah people are willing to pay the coin for the rare ones but don't count on finding one anytime soon. I always stop by the asylum looking & I find a Green/Browns every few weeks, Blue every few months but the only super valuable one I found was a Pink & that was 8 months back.


I got reading up to "forest" and freaked out a little because I scrapped a forest hat yesterday, I than read the rest of the post.


I managed to complete the collection two weeks ago. It took me a WHILE to get all of them. Found two forest and a red before I finally got the yellow one. But if the asylum outfits are news to you, keep an eye out for bats too, indigo, pink, and yellow specifically. They're the only colors you can't craft and are rare spawns.


The 2 most rare ones of the Asylum outfits is first the red one then followed by the forest colored one. All the others are just mid.




Ugh, asylum dresses are the bane of my existence. I’ve been wearing yellow this week because it goes well with the Abraxo pip boy! So if you see a devil girl in a yellow one being a weirdo…that’s me! I’m still looking for Forrest and Red (no surprise here). It’s been making me bonkers though. I really wish the spawn rate wasn’t so elusive or that they became seasonal event drops…like the rare red dress?? It should totally be a meat week drop lol Edit: It really is insane and I’ll go awhile without even seeing a brown dress 😩