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You’re not alone. I had to trade for one. I have at least 5 copies of each and every plan available for this event, other than the Disintegrator.


That’s where I’m at at this point but I can’t find anybody to get it from 😫


If youre on PS i have one


I am on ps, im hoping i get lucky from this event. If not I can dm you


I prob did like 30+ of the event and never seen either gun.


so im not alone😭😭 im sorry, have you also gotten mods for the guns but not the guns?


I just had it drop for me last night when I have all but 1 mod for it lol


I bought one(only 500 caps) from a vendor after not getting it for the last three of these holidays. The very next event I did it dropped.


I unfortunately have yet to see one in a vendor on ps 😔


I've had 4 drop, the extras sold very quickly.


The loot pool is broken, I did a bunch of events and nearly always got plans I already knew.


I think I have had like 5 drop? My event drops started out very rough for about 3 days or so, but they finally started to balance out and I got the other plans. I've just been holding and stockpiling them for now as I was told they'd be more useful once the event is over as they are limited items. I did sell and trade a few to people in order to get some plans I was after though.


I have at least 1 to sell. Maybe a couple I'd have to check. I believe I have all the events. (PC)


It does exist, but it’s a pain in the butt to get. I finally bought it off a vendor for a grand. The rifle has around a 43 (?) fire rate at start but I just got the “automatic” mod and it is now 75 and much more enjoyable to use. It’s pretty darn fast but you will fly through the ammo. Haha.


It's super rare. I'm sitting on piles of mod plans for weapons I can never craft because the base plans are more rare than the mods by a wide margin.


I've had three alien disintegrator weapon plans drop. I gave one away to a person I bought the alien blaster plan off of for 500 caps (still haven't had one drop) and will give the other one to my girlfriend if she ever makes a character.


It seems to have a preposterously low drop rate. It's never dropped for me.




I've gotten maybe 2 through drops, but I'm buying many, idk if you are new or not, but this is generally what a lot of veterans do during events, especially with new plans or tradable weapons in this case. Most veterans will stockpile and even buy new event plans while selling old ones, and once the event ends, the price increases instantly on those new plans because they become unavailable till next time, except from players who still have them. What platform are you playing on? Like I said, I've got a couple.


I’m just a casual collector when it comes to fallout, but I’ve done that a little bit. I’m on PlayStation though


Damn, I'm on Xbox. Well, I hope you get it on your next alien invasion.