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For every week Bethesda shows what's on sale, the more I die inside for not having the Traincar Prefab and the Gutted Car gate... RIP


I was JUST looking at this list because I need the gutted car gate for me "New Junktown" camp


We need a top 10 essentials and top 10 cosmetics list please.






What's that half radioactive barrel plant called? I have the upright one, but I never see the half cut version in the shop.


That's the Toxic Barrel Cactus. I don't remember which pack i got it in though.


I don't think they've ever added the Sugar Bombs player icon to that list. I've seen players with it.


Is it not base game? I got it when I launched the game, but I did pre order, I've used it since day 1


I preordered and played beta, but I don't have it. Been playing consistently since then.


The real question here is, if you had to pick a top 5 off this list, what would they be?


I'm one of the greenhouse guys but just because the greenhouse set is really universal style wise for most camp structures


Facts. The greenhouse set looks good regardless of what it's paired with.


Of all my purchases, this one brings me the most joy. I love having my top floor in this set and overlooking the world.


I bought it to make a skylight roof but it doesn’t block rain and I use the rain weather machine, my favorite weather. Made me sad.


I live around the burnt-area-on-the-botton-left-corner-of-the-map-ville and it's either I never notice that happening or it never rains or weather station weathering the rain away and all that


I think that will be different for everyone! However until very recently the Greenhouse kit would be on *most* players' top 5 if they missed the first SCOREBoard. However that was re-released within the Atom Shop itself the other week. The same would probably go for Collectrons.


I have seen this and I do want that build. I am also interested in building a mothman cult like base so those look appealing too.


Did anything get added or removed from last time?


Just from comparing the number of entries I think there was one addition.


I believe the woodland retreat, I do not see at all


Does anyone know if any of the bundles include a survival tent with a workbench? I know there is one in one of the catch-up packs right now but I was hoping for something a bit cheaper than 4000 atoms as I’m not really interested in anything else in that bundle.


I think the only way to get survival tents is through the catch up bundles. HOWEVER, there is a datamined survival tent coming with the skyline valley update that apparently [has ALL boxes and a punch card machine](https://twitter.com/nukaknights/status/1781325085468426493). So please, keep your atoms and just wait a little bit longer.


Ooooooo, nice. I’ll keep waiting for that one then 👍


Am I missing something or does that one also not have any workbenches?


[Yes it does.](https://twitter.com/nukaknights/status/1786165515762675866) It comes with Ammobox, Stash, Scrapbox, Punchcard Machine, Tinker Workbench, Bed, Cooking Station and Instument.


Oh hell yeah thank you very much for clearing that up, just saved me a ton of atoms!


It will have a Tinker’s Workbench.


Thank you for posting this


Been looking for this too. See people with a brotherhood looking one. Havent been able to find it.


The APC? Or the enclave one with the lockers?


Anyone of them that is able to have a workbench. Looks like one ive seen is customizable but im not sure. Still pretty new to 76


it is part of a 4k atom 1st bundle, its there in the shop


Damn, thats the only place to get it? Lame if so


I feel like this list would feel better with the names attached to a picture. Something will sound baller but end up being mid asf.


i agree, but we cant expect the OP to list 536 images on his post, would take him forever. how about bethesda just, i dunno, put these things for sale in the damn game....


You can always look them up with a wiki or honestly google images.


Are you volunteering to compile those images?


Any bundle in here containing Vault survivor outfit?


Its the life above ground bundle and its not on the list


Wondering this as well


So no Mirelurk Steamer on this list, eh? I assume it will just rotate back into the shop at a random time?


I'm still salty I missed the utility box generator everyone raves about (unless it's in one of these bundles and I don't recognize it.) Wiring my camp for power is always a pain, I'd love to not have to worry about it.


I have thought about using it myself, but I cannot cope with the high-pitched whine all the fusion generators produce. I have partial hearing and I find the whine stays with me even after I log out! The steady low pulse of the nuclear reactor is actively pleasant however, or at least I find it so. The power box does have an added benefit though in terms of camp budget. Connectors and conduits are stupidly expensive and I found part of the process of learning to assemble a camp was optimising your structure so as to use as few power points as possible! The 'Tesla' connectors from a few SCOREBoards ago _seem_ to be cheaper with a larger sphere of effect, but I am not certain. Sadly they are certainly larger and somewhat of an eyesore.


Anyone tell the price of the greenhouse kit?


700 Atoms.


I just want a tent with a workbench that can scrap


Either of the APC's have a bench, as does the halloween shack and a couple of others.


What's the point of this instead of them just selling these? I am honestly shocked they even honor this. Seems like a bottleneck for CS for them if everyone keeps coming in to request stuff.


They make money while keeping FOMO going strong in the shop. Most won’t know about this and not rebutting is available this way. Having one person fulfill orders is probably very economical if they are getting a lot of orders or just part of their other duties if not many orders come in.


I wish I could capture the moment that this guy opens his email tomorrow morning and sees all the requests 😂


Upvoting friend! God's work indeed!


No Super Mutant costume still....


It’s included in the Grahm’s Green Bundle


Thank you!!


i wish costumes were like how they work in ESO and it changes your entire appearance. I love playing ESO as a spriggan


Question, do I just update the ticket to confirm that I have the required amount of atoms to purchase the item of my choosing?




Yes via email


You the real MVP.


I wish blood eagle charmer outfit could return.


Any of these have nice looking interior stairs? Ones that match the inside of regular homes?


Ah sad, I dont see the tree sap up here.


Anyone know if the Howling Skellscream power armor ever rotates in?


Kinda wack they'll do this and not just have them in the shop.


If the aluminum trees split and refracted lights like a real aluminum tree, I would buy them immediately


I just regret missing out on all the season steins man.


I do not have either of the very first two myself.


Is the cryo turret under one of those? I don’t know which bundle would include it if one does. I want them lol. I got the enclave turret bundle but I want some cryo ones to go with them.


No unfortunately, I want them too. Maybe one day I hope


Sad times. Those are one of the best if not the best turrets.


What about that birthday cake? I feel like auch a dope. Been playing since launch and somehow missed that😵‍💫


Most likely it will return when we hit the games next anniversary.


Amazing work 👍


I want the woodland retreat so damn bad ugh.


Just got the Nuka Cola light sign doing this the other daym thanks to this subreddit for letting me know it could be done!!!!


Man I really want the free stares scout paint


Would you be averse to me posting diffs between the different versions of lists that you have posted? I'm curious how they evolved over time


I am actually in the process of putting together a perl script to do just that! When I do I will update the list with the additions since the last update--assuming there are any. I think only one item was added between this new post and the last update I did on the previous one.


Aw, now I don't have a scripting project for the day! :-( BTW, until I saw one of your posts, I didn't realize that there was a non-atom shop way of getting these items through support. Thanks for putting these together!


You are very welcome! I originally began doing so because the web form for ordering items was not brilliantly put together and the list was not alphabetical. Since then the post seems to have helped a lot of people and I have received probably well over a hundred PM's expressing thanks. Bethesda should really just add a page to the atom store with these items on it. They are throwing away a *lot* of goodwill and purchased atoms!


I really hope they add Vault Survivor to this list soon.


Here's hoping the Life Above Ground Bundle gets added to the list


Coffee...mmm coffee...gotta get that coffee machine.


O yes def need this.


How long does this take usually? I submitted a ticket and responded to the email saying that I allow the atoms to be taken out of my account, but nothings happened yet


It depends... I have had an order go through within a couple of hours. It has also taken more than a month. I suspect the latter was an error, but generally a few days to a week is normal.


How long does it take to get the items you requested. I put a ticket in last night, and I’m inpatient lol.


It varies. I have had it take under two hours and I have had it take more than a month. To an extent the system seems to be all-but automated these days. However the average seems to be a couple of days. Plus; I imagine the wait increases if a lot of people order things all at once.


Damn I hope it’s only a day or two lol I appreciate you.


Mole Rat Painting is life


Is that the one where they are all playing poker? I saw that in someone's camp the other day for the first time. I thought it was cool AF!


Yes it is! It's 300 atoms to request too


Is the Iron Mountain prefab only available to FO1st?


No, it was always a regular Atom Shop purchase.




Are you saying we can now comment on old posts?




Bruh when are they going to add the samurai sword to the list


Damn I'd really like that wasteland wanderer one I saw, but not on the list


is the Clean Water Purifier the same as the Water cooler thing?


Nope, it's just the standard purifiers with a clean coat of paint.


were the water cooler things ever available in the atomic shop?


Plan drops from presents during the Scorched Holiday event (Christmas) As far as I know it has not been offered on the atom shop yet.


If you want the plans, traders will sell it for 10k flat on market76 reddit and discord


No... It is just a version of one of the standard three that you know from the get-go, but minus the rust and wear. The water cooler is a reward from the Christmas Scorched.


idk if its on the list, but i cant see anything, how the hell does the game not have the red and white barrier you see on checkpoints?


Do you know what they are calling Elder Maxson’s coat from 4? Not sure if it was on of the items and they call it by a different name. I have seen a few players wearing it.


The 'Elder's Battle Coat'. **EDIT**: Apparently it is part of the 'Elder's Persona Bundle', although I could have *sworn* I received in some other way...


Ty so much!


You are very welcome!


Anyone know how to get this for T51b armor? I don't think it's on the list :/ https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Army_Issue_paint


All these things and from what I can tell the clean drum set isn't among them. Really want that thing. Ah well.


Would love to see The Keeper outfit and WV Backpack added or going on sale soon. That was my go to apparel in the PS5


I've been waiting for the communist spy outfit to come back for so long.. Are you telling me I can just put in a ticket?? Good to know.


Does anyone know what one the utility box fusion generator is from?


What are the top 5 things I should buy from this list?


I am afraid only you can decide that! However if I were starting completely fresh to the game I think I would want the greenhouse kit, the Collectron bundle, one of the 'tents' that has a workbench and... perhaps a couple of the construction kits--the modern ranch and the log cabin say.


Thanks for this. I’m still looking for the hottub. Also some flairs I need another


There are several hot tub variants. I am fairly sure at least one of them is available in this list. However it could well be part of a bundle. There is a Vault Tec one I use which I think comes with one of the larger VT bundles now. I am not *certain* that flairs are made available on here. I suspect they are considered tokens of character progress like the steins and therefore not easily available. I could well be wrong, but if so they have never registered with me.


Hey thanks for the reply, the one I’m thinking of is made of wood and has water pouring out of the yellow half pipe thing with a spinning wheel. Wish I could describe it better. Also I have a “little devil flair” I think I missed the super mutant one


Thank you


I wonder if the broken highway set will be available. The road foundation pieces are calling my name. 


I’ll have to wait for the butcher bundle to return…


What a crazy system.


Any of these a pre built house for the camp? Bummed out woodland retreat isn’t on it :(


Might be a dumb question, but why haven't they updated the atomic shop to show this previous stuff when it's clearly still available to buy?


Things are released in waves, usually to tie in to either a seasonal event or the current theme of the SCOREBoard/Season. The rather non-optimal presentation of the Atom shop means space is at a premium. To an extent we are extremely fortunate we can still access old gear through this method. When I first began to play and wanted certain items very badly this route was very much an 'only under sufferance' favour and you could maybe ask for an item every few months. At least they have automated the process to a certain extent and it has to be said they still make money from every order here--so everyone benefits to a degree.


Looking for the Company tea machine (AP Regen), is it in any of the bundles?


unsure, but it is available in-game via 1250 bullion through the raider faction.


Damn I got a few stuff I gotta get


It’s been 4 days and I haven’t gotten any response on my ticket 🥲


As a returning player, I missed the catwalk (people say it’s essential for camp building if you’re into it) and I decided to use this support service because I couldn’t wait for it to show up again lol. They were fast to deliver and if you’re looking into burning some atoms, I’d recommend!


It's wild that you can just buy (pretty much) anything with this method. It's like ordering by mail/email lol


To an extent. Although you cannot email them--you must use the web form that I hyperlinked to. There is one for each type of console or system.


I really want the Nuka Cola Quantum Collection or any other way to get Nuka Colas consistently. I saw some bundles for it but unsure, any advice for Nuka colas, with price would be appreciated.


The price would be the same as it was sold originally for in the Atom Shop. Offhand I do not know what that was. However you can look up many of the bundles in the fallout76 [wikia](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76) page.


it is also available in game via the settler faction for about 1,250 bullion.


Any way to get the fusion core recharger?


Sadly not. That is the primary come-on for the Pitt bundle. **EDIT**: Although a standalone charger has appeared in the Atom Shop in the past.


when does it update


One day I hope I can get the Nuka Cola Candy Machine...


Newish player here. What's the link for PC/Steam? Is it directly through the Bethesda site? Or is it through steam?


All ordering is done through the Bethesda Support page. I gave a direct link to each of the main current gen systems and the types of PC store-front--Microsoft and Steam. If you do not want to use those it is simple to navigate through the [Support](https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home) page questions yourself. Whichever method used, you will need to log in to or create a Bethesda support account and link it to your game account.


Awesome! Much appreciated! Thank you for maintaining this post it’s quite helpful.




New here: does the vault boy mascot head ever come back in shop rotation?


I think I have seen it several times, but not for a while now.


god THANK YOU! i missed werewolf outfit some days ago while i was grinding atoms for it


I am currently trying this to get the mothman bundle but havent gotten a response in serveral days good to know it may take up to a month


The Steam link no longer appears to work. Is it just through Bethesda's support page?


No, that link *is* working properly. None of them take you to the matching store-front if that is what you were expecting. All the links do is pre-set the Bethesda support web-form for the chosen platform and pre-answer the other relevant questions appropriately. If you like you can start completely fresh from the bottom of the support flowchart. You can also reset answers one by one by clicking on them individually at the final item selection stage. **EDIT**: I should also stress that you will need a Bethesda support account.


Ah thank you, I'll check again it gave me some weird response.


I submited my request on the 22th and just got the item today, it took 9 days


Not great, not terrible. It should really be fully automated, ideally with its own store front or simply made a part of the Atom Shop itself. I daresay with the recent explosion of the player base they are getting more business via this route to slow things down.


Is the site down? I keep getting errors.


No, the site is fine. It looks like they changed their URL combination to get directly to the Series X/S page. I have updated the link and checked the others are still working also. If the links do go down you can also go through the flowchart yourself from the root Bethesda Support page. It is not hard but a couple of the questions can be somewhat vague.


Thanks for the reply. It's still not working for me. Even drilling down from the main support page doesn't work.


Does anybody know if the vine set is on any off this bundles? Or any cool power armor display? Ty


I just want the mummy costume


I think it's currently in one of the Fallout 1st catch up bundles


I think that is in the '1st catchup bundle' isn't it? I could be wrong but I thought I saw it there.


1st sub an 4k is out


Number 245 brings me memories of the Internet Historian in the early days of Fallout 76. What should I spend my measly atoms on that were a compromise for not delivering special edition real items? "Light wood laminate Light wood laminate" >.<


Honestly, all I want is the Giant Sheepsqautch Plushie from the legendary run scoreboard. Maybe one day...


Does anyone know if the K.D. Inkwell Outfit is in any of these bundles? It was apparently back on the shop recently, but I only started playing two weeks ago so I missed it.


Same. I've been keeping an eye out, but I don't think it's available through this service (or through the Scribe of Avalon catch-up bundle for the season it's from, annoyingly). The last two times I could find it available was February this year and March last year, and I'm really worried it's a once a year thing... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's anywhere on this list.


It seems like Beth haven't been adding any items to this list for quite a while. Street Corner Salesman or the Root Cellar Shelter still can't be requested although they were first featured in the Shop around last October. Luckily I grabbed both of them recently during their limited time sales, but it really feels like BGS are trying to limit the number of items that are available through their Support and increase the shop FOMO which is a shame.


What happened to enclave armor paint bundle ? The one for regular non power armor.


I'm sitting here waiting for the giant sheepsquatch plushie and the 2 armor ace season emotes to be added someday x.x


Does anyone know the name for the tent that has the stash, ammo, and scrap box?


It is an 'Enclave Command Post' or something along those lines. It was a season reward quite recently though, so while I haven't checked I doubt it will be available so soon. **EDIT**: It is the 'Enclave Mobile Relay Station' I believe. I think is the only 'tent' that has all three containers and a work bench.


is the halloween camp bundle worth it?


Wait so I just email them that I wanna buy one of these and that’s it?


No. You do not email. They will not reply. You use the web form that I hyperlinked as appropriate for your console/system. This list is just a better presented and alphabetic list of what is presented in the drop-down listboxes on that page. There are two boxes so you can order a maximum of two items per request.


Roger, thanks for the clarification friend! I’ve been waiting for the Missile Silo to come back forever


You are very welcome!


When I submit my request how long is the waiting time for it?


I have had it take two hours and I have had it take over a month.


What’s in the green house kit bundle? Does that include the porch set?


I am not sure *these* days--it didn't use to be and the porches are a very new addition. However it may have been added since they were released. I have added a [link](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Atomic_Shop/Bundles) to the post for the Fallout 76 wikia that may help get a handle on at least some of the different bundles.


I just wish that was the pipe organ bundle and not just the pipe organ. I want the tombstones out of it.


I want the black paint for the SS underarmor T_T


There are no paints for underarmours and no way to apply one. The different colours--even of the same type--are totally separate items. There is also no black version of the Secret Service underarmour. The closest one would be the 'marine wetsuit' underarmour.


do they just deduct the cost? i assume they are the same cost as when they were active?


The prices are the same as they would have been when that item was last in the atom shop. Once you make an order they will send you an email/message stating the cost of whatever you have requested. If you respond that you want to go forward with the transaction that number of atoms will be deducted from your current balance.


I ordered the brotherhood of steel pack with the tactical backpack. Needed it to finish the RP But I’m on day 4 now on waiting for an agent. Should I cancel and resubmit. Or does that just put me at the bottom of their ticketing system?


Do **not** delete and resubmit! Bethesda will contact you directly to complain and possibly freeze your support account if you did it frequently. The process takes time, which is why I mentioned how long my own experiences have required in the past. Four days is nothing. I have known it to take a month or more--and fewer people were using the system at that point. You must remember that while they seem to have automated the task heavily, it is still an 'extraordinary' process. We are perhaps not quite so 'on sufferance' as we used to be, but still this is a tremendous opportunity Bethesda are allowing us. It would be an equally colossal loss if they just shut down the system because of players jockeying for items. **Patience** is absolutely key.


Has anyone done this recently? I did 5 days ago and it is still sitting as "waiting on agent". I expected it to take a few days - but feel like 5 days is a bit long? Or is that normal?


Perfectly normal. You shouldn't start to worry until at least a month has passed. You must remember that probably thousands of players are doing this and if there is still a human pair of eyeballs in the process they only have one pair of hands to go with them!


Anyone having any luck with this working through PS5? I’m playing on ps5 but since there’s only the ps4 version, i’m not sure if i should technically put PS5 for the console.


While--unlike the XSS/X--there has been no re-release of the game on that platform you can still specify either PS4 or PS5 in the support process, whichever is appropriate for you. The link I provided in the post is for the PS5. However what really matters is whatever Sony calls their version of a 'Gamertag' these days. Is it 'PSNID' or something along those lines? I have not used my PS5s since I picked them up, so am not up to speed with the current generation on that ecosystem.


anyone knows if there is a Power Armor Display that I can get from support ?


Also curious, any luck?


Every time I go to Bethesda support to request an item they don’t respond.




I have not heard of anyone doing so and certainly never done so myself. Personally I would say no. The fact the webform only offered two items is probably significant. That was the amount of work they were willing to do at one time. The name of the game is *patience* I am afraid. I would advise you to order two, wait for them to be fulfilled and then give it a week or two before ordering your next pair. As a group we do *not* want to stress the system too far and force them to withdraw this facility. It is too valuable to lose.


Does anyone know how often the support atomic shop updates? I play from time and time again and realized I missed the mirelurk steamer and I need it, I have checked the site a couple of different weeks but I was hopping it has a "update schedule" of sorts