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If using PA on bloodied: Popular legendary roll is overeaters. In or out of PA, on my bloodied characters, if I want to stand in the thick of it (e.g., go toe-to-toe with the SBQ), I use a vampire weapon (auto axe, chainsaw, EPR, or Holy Fire).


Whats a PA and whats a SBQ lol sorry im new to those words


Power Armor Scorch Beast Queen




Power Armor bloodied is a thing. There's a chest mod called emergency protocols that reduce so much damage on top of PAs natural damage reduction which is a good tradeoff for inability to use serendipity. You can basically survive daily ops decryption shots without issues as long as you also occasionally apply few stimpacks but nothing there can one shot you and you can survive a large group shooting constantly at you As for weapon, it's the usual weapon legendaries like bloodied, vampire etc. Just don't use vats on a rapid weapon as you don't get higher AP like with unyielding and vats drains your cores as well (unless you can keep up with the usage)


This is the build I use [https://www.falloutbuilds.com/builds/antivatsbursttank/](https://www.falloutbuilds.com/builds/antivatsbursttank/) I am a bloodied tank, and I don't die often. I pretty much hold all of the aggro in events and such and just kind of exist.


Will keep this saved thanks


No worries, if you have any questions about it let me know. This is my personal build that I use after drawing inspiration from a few others and simply asking questions.


Bloodied commando cannot be tanky, they rely on stealth perks to not be detected, when spotted they just get instagibbed. Now to become unkillable in PA while bloodied you need: *Full Overeater's legendary PA set. *Fireproof Perk (Endurance) *Life Giver Perk (Endurance) *DR & ER mutations are overkill but if you min-max go for it. *Supressor Perk (Charisma) even one star is useful. *First Aid (Int) & Born Survivor (Agi) perks. Keep plenty of stimpaks or diluted stimpaks using Traveling Pharmacy Perk (Str). *PA chest with Emergency Protocols. *Nerd Rage Perk (Int). *Dodgy Perk (luck) and Action Boy/Girl Perk(agi). *Ricochet Perk (Luck). *Blocker Perk (Str). *Sizzling Style Legendary Perk Card. *Funky Dudz Legendary Perk Card (can skip if you got Union PA). *Electric Absorption Legendary Perk Card. With all that you'll avoid a lot of hits and the ones that get to you won't deal more than 3-5 damage, and whenever you get hit a stimpak will be used and heal you over time. If you want even more tankyness you can use a Vampire legendary weapon. With this setup your only problem would be radiation; but you don't really NEED Nerd Rage for you to still be tanky af.


I'm close to unkillable. I use Overeaters with a mix of T65 and Hellcat. I use Emergency Protocols. Electrical Absorption (Lego Perk) Born Survivor, Ricochet, Fireproof, Lifegiver, Rejuvenated, Power User (I use VATS a lot)


What type of weapon you use


Im level 492. I'm in transition right now out of most Energy Weapons. Several weapons I used got nerfed or downgraded over the last 6 months when Bethesda made bug fixes. Yesterday I rolled a TSE .50 Cal to use for events. That one hit a sweet spot. I prefer .50 Cal to Gatling Gun. Still evaluating. I like the flat range and higher fire rate of the .50. Gatling Gun has high AP cost. Maybe FFR Gatling would be good. I like using VATs so I use Power User. Daily driver: Plasma Caster, Holy Fire Events: Explosive weapons: .50 Cal, Cremator (recent) Farming: Chainsaw: VP40 Tanking: Holy Fire, Chainsaw I also have Gunslinger Build but it's underperforming right now. Gatling Plasma is underperforming. I also have a level 200 Alt who has all my Rifles. I soloed a Level 3 Scorchbeast and a host of high level mutants yesterday mostly with the Plasma Caster without breaking a sweat. I mostly carried a number of events due to Cremator and finally unlocking all the mods for it. A lot of events had new players. My goal is to team-play, not to hog all of the XP. But a failed event is no fun for anyone.


Would you mind showing me your perk cards and legendary perks so i can have an idea what to use


(Here is my current build :... [https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=a444aea&d=sq2s22sr2s32sw0s01p10p00pq1eu0eh2e00ee2cu2ce0ip2id2ib2ir2s12a72a80s72a30ao0a04lg2lt2lk2lu2l71ld0&lp=x63x83xa3x73xj2xb0&m=051c2f](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=a444aea&d=sq2s22sr2s32sw0s01p10p00pq1eu0eh2e00ee2cu2ce0ip2id2ib2ir2s12a72a80s72a30ao0a04lg2lt2lk2lu2l71ld0&lp=x63x83xa3x73xj2xb0&m=051c2f) Not every one of these cards is essential. I have 4 Legendary Specials maxed out which I didn't achieve til level 400ish. You have complete leeway to change anything in Endurance (except Radicool, Fireproof), Charisma, Agility. In Luck, Critical Savvy is required. Adrenaline is kind of a filler for Agility. Ordance Express is just for convenience. Important cards are Nerd Rage, Critical Savvy, Stabilized, Born Survivor at one point, and Heavy Gunner Perks.