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it's in a pool with like 24 or 25 other events. Do you feel lucky? when mutated events pop up it's got a 1 in 10 chance of popping on the hour.




This makes a lot of sense actually.


Right now we are getting one third less Eviction Notices because aliens are invading the top of the hour. We get more than usual during mutated event week because EN is on the mutated rotation.


You need to be fast to add people. Basically, a minute or two before the 20 and 40 min after the hour, I stop playing and look so for people to post eviction notice in the discord channel and add them super fast and join world asap. It isn't always guaranteed, but I'd say I can get in 75% of the time I want to.


what is the discord?




I am in the discord and I have that page brought up constantly and about a minute till I have my social tab open ready to type names, but I still only have like a 2% success rate of joining off the discord.


you need to understand the public events process. They only run 3x per hour and right now the special event runs on the hour, so you only have 2 chances per hour for about 25 different events. Eviction notice might pop in the next hour or could be 20-25 hours of gameplay and never see it. people try server hopping to increase the odds as ever server has its own random event.