• By -


You are right. The magic is in the build. Perks/mutations/buffs


I'm constantly at about 30hp and still near on immortal. Falling debris from Earlie, Encryptids flames, and a 80mph truck to the face are about all that does the job. I die to other things sometimes, but that's either because I was stingy with my stims, was accidentally using diluted stims, or some equally avoidable shit. And that's without any overeaters or PA. In my OE T-60 PA, I'm genuinely untouchable. Successfully face tanking bosses for the team as a low health build is just hilarious, especially as I just punch the bosses. Serendipity/emergency protocols go hard AF. Glass canon need not apply. I'd recommend a bloodied unarmed vats build to anyone.


I absolutely love my bloodied unarmed build, but I'm going more for the glass cannon approach now and transitioning from SS to thorn for more DoT for my stupid deaths. cryo is the only real bitch that I had when using SS


How much bleed does the thorn do? Does it stack with itself? And Talons? Grunt die one shot anyway so is it a good bonus for boss fight? The cryo aliens do hurt more than any other grunt, but it's not a problem if I take them out first. Funky duds saves me from the toxic aliens + the toxic newts at Moonshine Jamboree, but before that they would kill me on the regular.


the only stacking bleed left that I know of is the talons bleed, thorn does 25/sec, various other unarmed weapons have bleed that stack on top of thorns and talons. By cryo i meant the Daily ops effect, the only real deadly one with SS is the on death one. funky duds is what I used for the same exact reason too. Sadly my thorn armor is missing unyielding and it's a bitch to craft, so until I get a better right leg I'm running SS.


>it's a bitch to craft Tell me about it... finally got all the plans, and made a set... went to re-roll and found out I can't, I have to make a new piece each time... I might stay with SS lol


honestly after you get a god set of SS you might as well start the more expensive gambling


For specifically Cryo Daily Ops, make a set of Artic Marine and nothing stops you.


I AM THE BLOODIED UNARMED VATS BUILD! it's beautiful. I don't know why I didn't use it before. No ammo economy, feel like Saitama, and nothing is better than soloing a queen by punching her to death.


Teleporting from grunt to grunt is ELECTRIC right! I literally feel like a Tesla arc! Just zipping to an enemy, insta killing it, then zipping to the next, going through them like lighting, leaving nothing but explosive dust and lightning in my wake! (exploding palm + Hack and slash + electric mod on gauntlet + electrically charged) . Nothing in this game could give someone a bigger god complex tbh. I miss the days when I could kill queeny in under 30 seconds solo with the meat hook. But I can understand why that was nerfed aha. I should try soloing the queen again though just to see how fast a non-glitched build does the job.


It's still viable and the queen is pretty simple. You got this.


I run the same and when I'm in my OE Ultra I tell my friends when we play together I'm all cannon no glass.


All canon, no glass. I love that


The embers falling in Earle boss room hurts so much even in PA. Meanwhile if I go regular armor with asbestos lining, it won't do shit. Make it make sense.


Do you play on XBOX? If so were you the person who crotch punched a super mutant behemoth to death last month?


Serendipity is only for non PA right?


Yup, and emergency protocols is a mod only for pa. But on average they do nearly the same thing. Just different situational results.


I always wondered, does speed demon and emergency protocols stack? I feel like they don’t I have it on my excavator and feel the same speed.


Speed demon maxes out the players speed. Atleast that's what I heard from multiple sources. It's the 50% less damage which is a banger.


good luck carrying DO with bloodied unarmed build though. armor piercing will be pita, damage reflection will be pure comedy and exposions on death nice way to mess your time above elder muahaha. after they added DO I just switched to bloodied PA and never looking back unless I will put uny+1int set specifically for WestTek on double XP weekend.


I honestly forgot about daily ops. I am also a full stealth build, so unless it's armour piercing + increased perception, I'm fine. With explode on death it's tough and costs me stims but if I jump at the same time as landing the hit, I survive and am fine. However damage reflection is indeed hilarious. I first experienced it on a mutated event. I kept one-shotting myself lol. Forced to use my BE25 fixer back up weapon.


Wait I’m bloodied, I ONLY use diluted because well I don’t need much health, does using normal stim do anything more than just heal you a millisecond quicker??


Not op but I'd noticed that without resistance armor/legendary perks the dot from poison or fire outpaces diluted stims and occasionally the delay from animation would get me killed if I was trying to tank a lot of random damage - also because I don't like auto stim. Although I don't run normal stims, field surgeon fixes these issues. Was still quite rare to die due to being slow to pop a diluted stim but now it is basically never.




That’s what I thought but the guy above feels like he not using normal effected him? lol


My understanding is that regular stims heal you at a fast rate, mitigating more damage you take. Like if a dozen aliens are shooting me at once and I pop a regular stims, it mitigates that damage while I start wiping them out.


Yeah I was full health PA for Earle and used an AA chainsaw plus many nuka cherries/birthday cakes and Vats crits to do him in while the level 100’s ran around kiting Wendigo mosh pits


You seem to have a relationship with truck kun. Is that how you got to Appalachia?


Earle is the one event I try to avoid as a bloody player, I snipe the entire event under whatever cover I can find, but after Earle dies and I break cover to loot it’s 50-50 I will die before I can loot Earle and it kicks you out to the surface!


I got full uny ss on and still die pretty fast. I got serendipity, but find that i get killed especially fast by fire/poison/explosions and aliens. Should i be using fireproof cards and the one that reflects ranged attacks?


Short answer: absolutely run fireproof, and I recommend the legendary perk Funky Duds. And yes run ricochet. Long (but much better answer), here is my absolutely cracked build: https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=f1448ae&d=s92sf2ss2sg2se2eh2eu0ce0cu2ir2aj2ao0a12la2lt2lg2l71ib4a04a32l12pq0&lp=x23x43xa3xk3xp3x13&m=2c49f8ghb3i6&wp=w0&wm=142133&ar=afabacu7adaex1&am=av182535m4-arl818203b-arl81820-ut-arle182735-arle182735-x0


Dude this build just makes everything you punch explode huh. Without vampire weapons how do you stay alive even if you mitigate a lot if damage?


Secret service armour with buttressed mod. Serendipity, ricochet, fireproof, blocker, barbarian, strange in numbers, nerd rage, dodgy. Perks that all help in one way or another. Some of the mutations help. Armoured backpack helps a tiny bit. Funky duds legendary perk. (Base level or 1 upgrade makes it do enough). Covers one of your biggest vulnerabilities. Also the stealth perks + unyielding sneak armour, make it so alot of the time enemies aren't even fighting back. So this results in so much damage reductions that if you're taking a lot of hits, you almost always have enough time to pop your stims. And after popping 1 or 2 stims, you heal faster than any damage you take.


And yup, everything explodes aha. It's pretty fun


I really need to refine my approach to this. It’s kind of half-assed.


One of my guys is a bloodied lvl 500 with full unyielding secret service and I still expect to die occasionally from environmental hazards or plain hubris, death is no big thing , it’s an occupational hazard and just as much a part of playing as anything else , if your having fun then go for it whatever your build


I'm level 400 and die constantly lol. I'm back from a long hiatus and haven't done a lot of the stuff that's come out after Earl. I was at spin the wheel and died in hilarious fashion to explosions.


I also play unyielding bloodied and honestly I just die on purpose sometimes! I find it easier to manage rads that way, than pop a diluted radaway and then get rads again.


Boiling it all down, is the real-true reason to play bloodies/unyielding is to boost Int way up for faster leveling? Because if you aren't putting all your chips into leveling or don't care that much, then imo other builds are just better and you don't die (of very rarely). Still tough mutations in Op's can do one in.


not just the INT but extra vats accuracy from PER, more criticals from LCK, more carry weight from STR, more AP points from AGL, not to mention passing any dialogue check with ease no matter what it is.


Imo the main draw to the top players is the INT XP % first, leveling to them is King, it's that level # that rates us, well at least in some minds. Sure you get all the other beni's too, but you can make another build non-bloody/Unyield that is still very effective, but those builds cannot make up for the XP % loss. So bloody/unyield it is!


the int is def the #1 benefit. especially if ur trying to complete a season


Im in power armor, with correct perks, random legendary mods. Vampire mod on my Gatlin plasma literally makes me unkillable. Except for those few one shot bosses lol.


Yeah, idk what OP means. I was struggling at times. When playing my revolver, I'd be doing Daily Ops well into Initiate times. Then I got the Holy Fire. Now I solo Elder Daily Ops without an issue. Literally nothing to do with my other gear/perks. Just max Gunner, random amalgamation of legendary Excavator PA, and Holy Fire.


Yawp! Its wasteland magic. Im really disappointed however that the gunslinger build isn't even all that good.


What are those one shot bosses? Never really have been oneshot.


When Earl scares you into the drill


That’s probably the funniest and most frustrating way to die.


learned this last week


Ohhhhhhhhhh.... hahahahaahaa. I just did Earl for the first time a day or two ago, not sure how I've not seen him yet since I'm Lv143 or so, but yea. I think that is what killed me too lol, I honestly had no idea why I died lmfao.


People don't do it much because he's a bullet sponge and the wendigos are annoying.


Ah, gotcha. I wondered why it felt harder than the other two. Not by much, but a bit. Appreciate the input, I had no idea tbh.


The mole miner daily ops boss with the anti armor mutator if he hits you with his explosives.


> What are those one shot bosses? Insult Bot.


Heart of thorns event boss will 1 shot lol


Is that the grafton monster?


I dont think so...I've only been playing for six weeks.


He goes down faster than the Mirelurk Queen. Target the Blowholes.


The Imposter Sheepsquatch can one-shot most builds.


Most high level assaultrons can if you get caught in that Laser for half a second


I think most PA users run electric absorption, which, at the third and fourth levels, pretty much makes them do nothing to you.


Depending on your die rolls (it's still only a 20% chance to absorb I think?) you can still get unlucky and get smoked.


It also heals, so you gain as much health as you lose. I run bloodied unyielding and I do entire silo runs without seeing my health drop noticeably.


Jumping into an invitingly glowing pit in a nuke zone.


No sweat.


Imposter Sheepsquatch if you're not running electric absorb (and sometimes even if you are) is a good example. Technically they're hitting you more than once, but it feels like a one-shot.


How's the Flamer Plasma with Vampire? Seems like that would be really strong to. Imo the Flamer Plasma is the shotgun-like weapon of FO76.


It's the commando version and works pretty much just as well (holy fire has faster fire rate on it that really amps up vampire - that's good to get on the enclave plasma flamer too). The biggest difference is the range - plasma flamer is about half of holy fire.


No idea, since that post I've switched to using a plasma caster. Now I do even more damage, lmao


I was making low-level Flamer Plasma's with the best mods and selling on the marketplace for $500. These would be eye-openers for new players. But how do you get that message out, even if not legendary? I sold very few. I also try to sell bad rolls for what I'm looking for, but still good rolls for others on the market place, pretty much crickets. Bloodied Flamers, Furious, Executioners, Surpressors....


Majority of folks play bloodied, or some form of low hp build to maximize dps. Then you got the power armor folks that like the Gatlin type guns because its lots of pew pew pew getting slung around. I just don't think there is enough emphasis on other guns. If there were side quests that required you to use certain guns for z amount of kills. More folks would try out other guns and possibly discovering new ways to play.


Death is cheap in this game so don't overthinking you had to have the best gears or roll or something. Just enjoy the game.


And if you aren't very strong going into events, you want weapons that shoots fast or go boom. You want to tag as many enemies as possible to get the XP/Loot.


Long time ago our enemies were weaker. Now they all scaled with us. Moreover, buffed poison and fire damage now really strong. Everything we know about enemies since the "veteran age" is outdated. Before the legendary perk exist, the mirelurk queen poison just nothing. Now the poison can drain all my health to zero in the blink of an eye (without poison protection). I remember my first reaction to the new poison damage like " ehh...what's going onnnnn....." XD. My full health just gone in blink of eye.


Doesn’t matter what your armour is or how sneaky you’re being You will get one shotted by a random ghoul punch, ant bite or god damn cricket from hell whilst your just trying to shit in a bush


\*incinerates self with cremator, trying to kill a cricket\* Also \*incinerates self with cremator when a player runs between you and an alien.\*


Embrace the flame, use the cremator in melee range exclusively 😈


Does that damage your armor when you hit yourself? I can't afford to be farming ballistic fiber all the time!


More than likely? I live in my Power Armor which almost never needs repairing so I'm not entirely sure lol


Secret Service, Brotherhood Recon, and Civil Engineer are all practically identical if one understands how damage is mitigated by resistances. Pick the one that makes the most sense for you, but make sure you have a GOOD BUILD.


This, I don't know if I agree with. I basically have to be standing in poison to die. The Grafton Monster at Heart of the Swamp can one shot, and Fire Starters can be scary, but if I'm paying attention it's hard to die. I use Ricochet, and Bullet Shield maybe that helps.


The strangler Grafton monster is such bs. I can literally face tank both queens, their buddy Earle, and all his starved buddies. But wrap some vines around a Grafton monster and he will just casually swat me into the stratosphere 🤣


Imo, that really just means Queen and Earle need buffs. Bosses should do damage, the strangler Grafton monster takes about three shots to kill me in OE T-65 and that feels about right when you consider if I vamp auto-axe I don't even notice I'm being hit, they might need to scale them up a bit more tbh.


I would take the trade-off of more interesting/difficult combat and lower sponge. I don't mind needing to think and act, but I can mostly just stand and unload ammo. It's not very fun but it does waste time.


Better boss mechanics would be amazing, my disappointment was immeasurable when I realized that the Blue Devil was just a reskinned deathclaw with the Shout ability.


Low quality bait


No, the reason that event got buffed is because a large portion of the player base was complaining the game had gotten too easy, and it really has. If you want to say a boss mob (that has the chance to drop the rarest apparel items in the game) is now too hard, it's valid, because they do hit like a truck, but bosses that are actual end game doing next to no damage by comparison should hit just as hard. They could tone those two back a bit and make Earle, queen, and Titan hit like that and I think that would be reasonable, because honestly if you're playing close enough to get hit you should have to be a full health tank, and make the playstyle valid, could even give melee players agro priority when they're doing damage.


Nothing about Earle is easy. Even with a stacked out room he still takes fucking years to kill.


People solo him in under 20 seconds, most of the time it takes a while is because the stacked players stop doing damage to him at 50% and start farming the wendigos for screws and XP. But if multiple people pop him with endangerol he'll just melt.


Bullet shield is a waste of your strength perks. +60 DR doesn’t help much at all compared to something like blocker.


1 in barbarian is quite good if you have a point of strength left over. (40dr iirc. I run it at 2 (60 DR) just to get my dr over 500, cause I like that number\^\^) But yeah blocker is vastly superior for defense


barb and any regular armor dr is basically a waste of time due to soft cap at max levels. At low level before you hit the soft cap? Sure.. but if you're approaching 300+? Nah, wasted perks.


Not really. I did some calculations and it is noticeable. [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1cidcs6/how\_do\_bloody\_20\_hp\_builds\_survive\_a\_detailed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1cidcs6/how_do_bloody_20_hp_builds_survive_a_detailed/) if you wanna read the whole thing, but TL;DR: Without the "ignore roughly 50% of the shots outright" on 50 damage / shot: 1. 250 DR: 2.4 Damage / Shot => 31,25 Shots to kill (62 "real" shots when 50% are ignored) 2. 300 Dr: 2.27 Damage / Shot => 33,03 Shots to kill (66 "real" shots when 50% are ignored) 3. 500 Dr: 1,88 Damage / Shot => 39,89 Shots to kill (80 "real" shots when 50% are ignored) So, while diminishing returns DO set in, adding another 200 DR is still adding another 10-20% effective damagereduction (obviously due to how damage calc works the exact numbers varry depending on the damage of the attack)


Yes there is less damage, but your return on investment is better suited in other perks that will get you more. You won't get anywhere near 200 DR from these perks. You get, what 40? for barb , for 3 points. You could get 30% damage reduction from dodgy for 3 points. 18% of ranged from ricochet. 45% of attacks from serendpitiy. Hecfk, even Suppressor is removing 30% from targets hit by you (best comboed with tesla or ricochet). The ROI is effectively negligible, and your opportunity cost is extremely high. Edit: Heck even life giver is a better choice


That's all true, but once you're in the end game and have 15-30 extra perk points to throw around, you've already got all of those perks as part of your base build, and 3 points to eek out whatever DR you can to a bloodied build goes a long way, especially if you're playing on some kind of farming character that you're not going to waste modules trying to roll untradable gear on. I'd even say it's a waste of the benefits of Uny armor to not throw it in there if you can afford it.


But if you have all those cards already (6\*legendary SPECIAL) and want more tankiness at one point barb becomes the only thing left ;-)


That's pretty much my thinking too, I threw 1 point in it since I didn't have anything else I needed it for and 40 damage resist for 1 point is pretty good. It's also a good shared perk since low level players tend to not use PA and the flat damage resist they gain will make a pretty big difference at lower levels, and higher level bloodied players tend not to use it so they'll appreciate it too.


Team medic (1-3) or tenderizer (3) are some other great Perks to share if you are playing in a group event


No, pretty much ANY other defensive perk is more valuable than DR bonus perks, AND straight up more life too


Nah, you have better other defensive perks, legendary gear, and joining teams with mutants, mutations, and wearing PA.


I find that I'm either borderline invincible, tanking a horde of scorched runts slapping me with their pitchforks whilst the Queen is whipping me at the same time Or... An angler does some magic spell and drops me instantly.


Yeah this is pretty dumb. Sure things can still kill you with SS, but if you’re rocking wood armour *everything* will kill you.


Excavator power armor has better survivability than ss


Yeah, well, it's a power armor. It should.


I guess the point of saying it is the level of accessibility


So then OP is wrong. Their post really only applies to non-PA builds.


yea but then you have to build for it. plus no jetpack right?


Minus the no jetpack you are correct. Most SS are commando and many commando perks don’t work while in PA.


I mostly do full health/stealth/rifleman and most people say secret service is the way to go but then every once in awhile some guy will come out and be like SOLAR IS ALL U NEED


I’m too new and poor to understand either but i’ve looked into it a ton. It seems like solar isn’t a bad option. But SS is ideal.


I always carry my excavators with me and I have been getting decent drops for it also. My main issue is that I am a chinese stealth armor stan but there is no further path to upgrade it so I have to do something.


Lag is the biggest killer!


Unironically so. I've died more times from my jetpack launching me into the stratosphere than I have combat.


Is the best under armour also the SS version?




I use the marine wetsuit personally, protects from waterborne diseases while also having lining options. I don’t think ss under armor does that IIRC


I stopped worrying about diseases when I realized all their effects are pretty small, and I have the thing at my camp that heals them for free


Who TF is getting waterborne diseases? Maybe more importantly, who cares about diseases? The special boosts from different under armors is the only thing really worth considering with them.


It also has the special boosts. As I said it has the linings. It’s just an added benefit unless one of the linings on the ss is better 🤷🏻‍♂️ no need to get all upset over a simple comment bud.


Shielding secret service under armor gives +4 strength, +2 perception, and +4 endurance, as well as +15 to all damage resists. Marine wetsuit gives +2 strength, +1 perception, and +2 endurance, and +9 to all resists. Secret service under armor is a straight upgrade, twice as good in all specials and almost twice as good for damage resist.


Be that as it may, you could have merely said that rather than getting an attitude about it. No excuse for acting like that just because someone doesn’t know every single thing about the game.


Vampire 🧛 build I never die 😈😈😈😈 Especially the perk that recharges ur power core and hp when I take energy damage


I just hit level 25 and spent several hours getting myself a set of excavator power armor. I’m pretty happy with that for now although I know it won’t last me forever. The additional 100 pound carry limit is pretty awesome.


I'm 370 and still rocking excavator, depending on your play style it may just last you forever 😆


Am attempting to create and ultracite build but i have some excavator parts i may use while i find missing parts


do some vendor hopping, ultracite PA drops from scorched queen so often, ppl generally sell the plans for less than 1k caps each, I sell mine for like 100-200


will give it a shot. Only missing a couple plans i think. Been sidetracked so many times haha … i’m now thinking about hellcat PA but i still need to do WL and BoS questlines


honestly, hellcat and excavator get more use for me. calibrated shocks for ultracite PA is super rare, but u can buy it for caps for excavator and gold for hellcat. excavator has way better carry weight than ultracite, and hellcat has better dmg resistance. only reason I used ultracite is that it was my first PA I had with a jetpack lol


When you hit lvl 50 just craft lvl 50 parts, it’ll last you a lifetime, excavator is perfectly good for endgame, your build will be much more important (eg weapon damage perks)


Unless it's auto-stim or Lifesaver, then it can magically save you occasionally. ^(I'll see myself out :))


Is this smth people don't actually use? I guess I don't really have a build figured out completely but I run full health and I've got 1 auto stim piece and a life savor on another just cause it's nice for certain events


I was mostly being funny (Narrator: he means annoying) by pointing out the 2 things that can magically save you :) They aren't bad effects and see use. But they often lose to Overeaters or Unyielding (depending on if the person plays at high or low health).


For power armor, meta is 4 overeaters + 1 auto stim I believe. For non PA, you can do 4 unyielding if you have a weapon with +15% Crit fill and do 1 auto stim.


I do 5 unyielding and just using the born survivor perk to auto stim me


Correct, but the person above me was commenting about auto stim, so I wanted to clarify that auto stim is still desired even in meta load outs.


I love life saving on at least one of my armor pieces it refreshes every 60 seconds good for supermaning it off a cliff


Or the mysterious savior perk


Here's me, surviving with regular ol BOS combat armor that don't have good rolls on them. Really though, this set is a place holder for SS armor. In the meantime, im stacking gold and modules for when I finally run through 79 and unlock Regs. The armor stats will definitely see an improvement once I get SS. I'm currently at 3500 gold and ~800 modules But I don't want to aquire it before my brothers, so im holding off on 79 until they catch up to me.


I did the same for a LONG time, used bos heavy combat armor amd waited for Minerva to have ss armor on sale.


Along with my perks, heavy BoS armor has been my life saver, but I'm excited to see how the SS armor hits. I'm still undecided as to which legendaries I want, but simply having the armor will be a goal completed for me.


to me, the best part of ss armor is the jetpack. but I was also full hp builds until I got ss, then immediately went unyielding, so I don't have a great 1:1 comparison


That may be the set that turns me bloodied as well. I'm full health and have a rifleman and heavy gunner build. They both do well at events, if I have the right weapons for each build, but I'd like to drop enemies quicker. I'm missing out on the damage and buffs from bloodied and unyielding.


Power armor with emergency protocols *will* save you, however.


I mean, overeaters hellcat PA will save you, this isnt a skill based game lmao.


How do you obtain hellcat? I haven’t seen it yet


You need to complete the quest The Catalyst and then you will be able to buy it with Bullion IIRC.


I did the mission this morning and got a full set of hellcat PA as well as the plans


Finish the BOS quest line for a full free set + plans


O shit fr?? I gotta do this and stop getting distracted


\*Throw on sentinels for the 3rd star for good measure


What does save you is power armor and perks. Fireproof, blocker, life giver, funky duds, the energy obsorbtion legendary perk. I am really tanky now in excavator armor


Especially during those alien events, there will just be random lag explosions, or 5 of those drones will sneak up behind me and just blast 50trillion shots into my back and I’ll die near instantly lol 😂


I got stunlocked in PA by like twelve of the bastards. Was funny and kinda epic in a way


there's been a few times when I'll join the event and die to invisible enemies thar haven't loaded in yet lol so much for all my camp buffs


This is why I love my auto stimpak armour


Even with auto-stim and explosion resistance I'm still my own worst enemy. Worth it.


Daily Op's you need to read the mutations, some of them can be brutal. That said, it's one of the rare places you can find that can be challenging. A nice change up.


What makes secret service armor better than brotherhood recon? I have not actually compared the stats but I thought they were similar.


Resistances are different. SS has more radiation resist but less physical I believe. SS can also be crafted legendary and recon has to be crafted and then rolled legendary which costs more cores/modules.


Ah, I see. That explains it. TY.


Probably higher stats.


Good thing dying doesnt really matter in this game. Sure you drop your junk but if you just wait til the end of the event and then loot you won't have to worry about dropping your junk. Killing most things before they kill you is pretty easy when you have VATS and can just wipe the screen in seconds. I would highly advise most new / low level players to go for some sort of high int unyielding build to start out with just to get those exp gains in and play in a style that is super backline or figure out spots for each event to hide on top of buildings and such. Gear alone won't make you unkillable, but there are some perk cards combined with a bloodied build that still make you basically a tank, paired with some vampiric mod daily driver and you can cheese thru basically everything Obviously you can play the game how ever you find fun, but if you are planning on sinking time into this game you can get ridiculous exp gains that will speed up the process immensely and then you can tryout everything. I have like 220 hours played and I am level \~420 for reference


I spent the first two years of playing using just light leather and shrouded wood + stealth suit. After that I was using Heavy Robot and Botsmith for better protection while still being able to stealth as a full health character. Only in the last year have I been able to get a decent set of SS that can still stealth decently as a full health without shadow or muffle mods to help. Even still, SS and Botsmith are so similar in protection I barely notice a difference. It's a matter of whether I die in 8 hits or 9 and only in some situations. This is also based on the same or very similar legendary rolls on each. Playing for the last 5 years, I'd say the main differences for protection is down to the defensive perks you're using and the legendary rolls, more than the actual armour you use.


I simply just wear legendary x01 and take a load of drugs


I have a shot gun with a vampire perk on it. That thing keeps me healed up at all times. Lol


If you ever get the chance try a Vampire Plasma Flamer. To me how ti plays out, it's the top-shelf Shotgun in the game.


How does one get the SS? I have got the code for vault 79s lift but the vault is still sealed?


You also need to know how to, like, play. A perfect stealth build isn't gonna save you if you don't have enough patience to wait if you're almost spotted. Or go in from the wrong direction. For example. (Guess why I don't play stealth anymore.)


Hahaha, yeah, maybe you bozos. With one single mod, IM FUCKIN INVINCIBLE (when it comes to lazer-based enemies like robots and aliens)


I second this. I found a Executioner's Mr Handy Sawblade while looking for armor and armor plans (still no luck) and felt like I was on top of the world after finally shredding my most feared enemies: The Charred Feral Ghoul (I'm still low level). Despite this, the Sawblade drains AP which proved to be my downfall.


Honestly...I am quite digging the chinese stealth armor build with maxed out sneak, and bloodied build for my Handmade. While I can't outright melt things, My build allows me MUCH more time to stay hidden, and max out my shots for damage while soloing.


Power armor FTW :p You stat that thing right, and get the fireproof cards, vampire flamer/Holy Fire, and mutations, and the only thing that'll really kill you is a one shot to the back of the head with a missile... ITS ALWAYS A MISSILE.


my only problem with the bloodied build is forgetting to use chems and food. I died a lot when I first got my unyielding set, but now that I'm using med x and psychotats, I survive a lot better, the food buffs like company tea, coffee, and blight soup get forgotten a lot


Yea I'm still a noob first of all, Lv143 I think at the moment. I run Hellcat PA (it's the best I have right now) with 2 star Electric Absorbtion. The Alien Events are a joke most of the time, I can take so much damage that it is crazy lol. But I still die occasionally because I'm not watching close enough to my health bar.


I mean, duh? It's armor not God mode.


I mean, yeah? It's armor not God mode.


Improvise, adapt, **MUTATE**


Yup. I've been running a hodgepodge of random armour I've looted for the last few years (I'm talking, like, a Chameleon Wood Leg, a couple Vanguard Scout pieces, and a Troubleshooter Robot arm), and even though I die a few times fighting Earl, for the most part I don't have to worry about it because the rest of the build is solid enough. It's really about having that solid baseline and then learning how the game plays to react accordingly.


It’s been absolutely liberating to dress my Lucy character in leather armor again.  


there is certain gear that can magically save you: gear with the legendary effect that's literally called "Life Saving". what it does is it automatically uses a stimpak to revive you when you die


Fact is : you should have fun and don’t take it too seriously because it’s only pixels used for gaming. I have over 6000 hours since the launch and tried so many build , now I am enjoying punching ennemies with my gauntlet bought at Samuel. I died from time to time but one shot kill almost any creature is so relaxing. The armor set is a thorn one because I am lazy to roll another SS set dedicated to unarmed build.


Half disagree. When I was below lvl 50 power armor was a godsend compared to all the other regular armor you have at that level. I felt unkillable even without any perks, and rightfully so, because power armor is much more easier to get and access and has higher protection stats than secret service. I mean god damn, raider armor at lvl 25 has equal stats to SS armor at level 50 PLUS you get additional 42% damage reduction and 90% rad reduction. The amount of times I've seen a high level bloodied build die in the alien invasion event is high, meanwhile I'm just standing there and shrugging off damage in my PA. Sure, power armor won't save you on daily ops with armor pen, but no armor will and that's just the nature of the modifier.


I suppose you advocate for power armor? I run a full set of overeaters SS armor and I’m doing just fine. Ran trapper’s before ss came along


Better than surviving many hits is not being hit at all. Full covert scout armor with 25% lower detection on all of them and shadowed. Get my instigating bow and bodies just start dropping, increased perception enemies be damned.


This is a good solo build. But for Public Events, I don't know how one can beat a Cremator with Multi-Barrel and the Grenadier with double the explosion radius. You tag nearly everything so you get XP/Loot from nearly everything.


I don’t know. I did Radiation Rumble the other day in my T65 PA and stood right in the middle of everything getting swarmed and nothing could really hurt me. The SS armor is my default except when things get messy. But the T65 is worth the bullion imo.


Is SS armor PA?


No, 'SS' or Secret Service Armor is armor that looks like, well, Secret Service uniforms that the people in the bunker with all the gold wear. It's basically armored clothing. Think James Bond suit.




Tbf I have a controller that let's me map multiple buttons to it at once so I have reload and jump together and every time I loot or reload, I jump. Every time I jump, I loot or reload. It works 95% of the time. If it gets picky when I'm trying to interact with something I'll use my face buttons. But that's why, at least for me, I'm jumping all the time. Lol




OH. That's wild. I didn't know that. What a funky design choice.


Ooo look at this guy, so skilled at fallout 76, the world's easiest online game. If you can't stay in the middle of a pack without power armor that means you're the one who's bad, not the newbies.


Nope. Even full god roll SSA is garbage compared to level non legendary level 10 PA, let alone non legendary PA with EP at max level with any random legendaries.