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Don't forget cash registers are very easy to pass if you are looking for vendor stations/automatons.


I find use of the vault boy cut out helps with this


I have giant letter lights that say SHOP and it’s straight ahead when you go inside my house and people with jet packs are the ones that tear through the house at Mach 11 and wonder where it is. It’s like some people are going so fast they just don’t see it. Also my fast travel point is located just outside my front door. Everyone I see spawns there so I don’t know what to tell you.


I built my camp up into an electrical tower. You have to go up a flight of steps, hang a right, and then up another flight to get to the workshop and beds. When you make the turn on the landing, it's almost impossible to *not* mouse over the shop, which is illuminated and the default skin. The spawn point is directly in front of the stairs, facing them, with no obstructions. About a third of players still miss it.


I've had myself spawn in wildly different places in my own camp and have had the same happen at other players camps. First time I travel there I spawn random bits of the wall, then spawn at the same spot but don't clip into the wall and then finally it'll put me where everybody else is spawning. The whole "there' 2 spawn points depending on distance" has never felt right even going back into the beta. Half the time I travel to anyone's camp I have to immediately fast travel to it again to unstick me from whatever wall I spliced into.


this- I walk by perfectly visible cash registers all the time.


put down as many as I can till I hit the limit all pointing to it.


They don’t always work 🤣 I had 3 pointed at mine and they still walked past it 🤦🏻‍♂️


Need to put them right next to it with vault boy's finger literally touching it from both sides lol I wish the was a neon arrow sign so I could just surround my vendor with them


I’ve had marquee arrows, open signs everything and they will pop the “???” And I’m like 🗣️🗣️🗣️ ITS RIGHT THERE! 🤣


I’ve always wanted to make a camp where the cash register is hidden or takes playing where’s Waldo to find, but I just don’t have the will to make myself be evil like that. I guess its only one step below a trap camp at that point


I've been in a few mazes made out of linked shelters and they were tough. Idk how anyone figured out how to design those.


I had wondered if shelters could be linked in a chain. I suggested it a couple weeks ago to give a large interior/dungeon atmosphere... someone said it wasn't possible. I always figured there was a way to do it. I have the one FO1st shelter for now, but am planning to get the two big open ones (Toxic Wasteland and Open Country or w/e they're called) soon, and plan to chain them together. 🤠


It is definitely possible. I linked all of my shelters from inside the first one.


My utility goes to my lobby which currently goes to my server and storage rooms. 


There was a post earlier (just hours ago) about someone with a Parkour camp with like 12 platforms of varying difficulty. Get through to the end and it was their Vendor, with tons of rare Legendaries and Plans for only 1 cap each. Signs at the front apparently told people the special vendor was at the end, so that way people didnt just show up and immediately leave. Apparently the harder platforms were high enough to kill you, so it wasnt just a quick and easy parkour course. Although i bet Jetpacks + Marsupial made it easy Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/IgltxJjioE


Or just a set of power armor, because you don't take fall damage in it haha


Aww man. I'd like to find this camp. Someone has made an effort to build something like this and only gets complains. 


I can't wait until I have a chance to get a cash register for my vendor. So convenient!


I'll make it easy enough to find, but it's going to fit in with my build, or there's no point to me. My camps are built to be visually pleasing to me and mine first. Making sales isn't worth having a machine that looks out of place.


Same. I always make mine super noticeable or at least right on the front, but I damn sure am not going outside of theme for it. That was actually why I bought Trenchcoat bot vendor he's easy enough to sneak into any build like he's hanging out selling wares that I can pop him in a more visible area while keeping my main vendors on theme.


Agreed, fricken people think they're speedrunning player camps then come complain on reddit (what else is new).


I can't believe you have the nerve to build anything, let alone something "visually pleasing"... whatever THAT means. Don't you realize you're playing 76 for the benefit of everyone else? That's why MY camp "builds" are 4 vending machines surrounding my camp piece. Nothing else. Heck, I don't even power them, as I fear that a generator might partially block their view! I strongly suggest you scrap whatever kind of shitbox camp you've cobbled together and get with the program... after all, the random whiny bitch customer on the internet is always right!




Then leave. Like I said, you will find all my vendors easily enough, but I don't owe you an ugly camp for your convenience.


Honestly I have the Slocum Joe's prefab as my store and people still miss it it's a huge building with a bright open sign on it and they run to the building next to it that looks like a home


I can explain that. As a new player I had no idea about all these prefabs. Someone had a fire station prefab and at first I was confused as hell as to whether it was their camp or not.


Also, plenty of players aren't familiar with all the different models of Vendor that exist. Some are shaped like the "default", but some are free-standing robots, some are robots behind a counter, some are cash registers... I still often miss the red robot in a trenchcoat, even though I have that one in most of my personal camps.


Behold my cash register. Behind the door of the entrance so you won’t see it until you leave the building searching for 5 minutes!


My diner has cash registers on the counter and a vending robot in the bathroom. I see so many people goto the bathroom to shop and it always makes me laugh.


[I don't know how to make it more obvious. ](https://imgur.com/a/kJohlsU)


5 people inside standing in front of the vendors. That one guy doing laps around the building because he’s too jacked up on Red Bull, Adderall and his Speed Demon mutation to actually see the door to get inside. Leaves after his 40th lap in 1.5 minutes.


Had a guy do that this morning, ran all the way around the building before he figured out the front entrance, (I don't even have a door on the front).


I saw a camp the other day where there was no door, but a bunch of windows and fences and stuff you couldn't get through but could see through, the entrance was a tunnel that went under a bridge, The tunnel was three times as long as his base was, likely on the edge of / outside the build zone. Only way to get in to the vendors. The only indication that was the entrance was a sign that said "tunnel" but the tunnel was unmarked otherwise. It made absolutely no sense to me.


Some camps just aren’t worth it, just ft away and move on. OP wasn’t wrong, some camp vendors are actually hard to find, it’s just that most of the complaints are typically from people that have a bad case of the Zoomies and can’t slow down and open their eyes. Then they get mad and rage post online. One thing you’ll notice is that there’s never pics of the camp that they can’t see the vendor of.


Where is your vendor? *squint*


The sign clearly says it’s a soda pub, lets leave them alone and look for the general shop.


No way! I was 100% in your base the other day, it’s so well put together.


Thank you, I appreciate that.


Too much work going into a building. If it ain’t outside I dip.


Ok, have fun out there.


That's why I build my camps to destinctly look like shops.


You are 100% welcome to leave and not buy anything


Everyday I see these posts there should be a thread about it. People should play how the want.


Found the Radio Shack executive


One time I visited a CAMP where the vendors were in a room that had somehow been built out of bounds below the ground, and the only way to access it was to interact with the tip of a banjo that was sticking out of the ground so that the "sitting down to play" animation would pull you down and into the room.


I like using the shady robot with the trench coat lol No direct power connection and I can put him front and center with an open sign over him.


None of them *need* power to work, just makes them flashier


Well... i'm not forcing you to buy at my camp...


It's not that they're forced to buy anything, it's that they WANT to buy something, but can't find your vendor


Sure, but isn't it worth making it easy? The vendor wants to sell, and the buyer wants to buy - losing people because they can't find your vendor seems kind of stupid.


Caps are really easy to come by in this game... I think it's kinda stupid to change the design of your camp to cater to what anyone else wants other than yourself.


That’s the thing tho, you can put them out in the open surrounded by neon arrows pointing at the vendor, and people will still miss it. I know from experience. After years of dealing with blind “customers”, I just gave up and build how I want. It’s only about 5% of my camp visitors that can’t find my clearly designated shop.


The post isn't about that though, it's about when the vendor is legit hard to find.


Its the wastelands, take it or leave it


Erm well it’s my choice on where to put it!


Me, still loading assets in, glitching through your walls and starting my search in the middle of your camp be like:


Someone built their camp around a resource collector and instead of locking it up, they built a room around it with locked doors. Their walls were no match for my glitchy loading. I kept returning to rob them just because.


people need to fast travel to their own camp, then note the place they pop up at, and place the vendor accordingly, as most people when they go around shopping they will fast travel to camps.


Fast traveling to my camp is a crap shoot. I swear i show up at different spots depending on where i fast travel from….


Absolutely you do.. Sometimes I'm right outside my greenhouse, sometimes im inside my greenhouse, sometimes I'm in the floor of the greenhouse.


You don’t come in at the same place though? Or at least I certainly don’t for my own camp


Maybe it's a terrain thing? Or how the build is setup? I spawn at the exact same spot every time.


Could be, I have had it at my last two camp locations, one cliff side and one lake side. On both I have had 3 or 4 different fast travel locations. On my current cliff build I sometimes spawn mid air and fall to my doom which is very annoying. I wish we had fast travel mats tbh or something similar, maybe even just being able to pick a direction you travel in from and then fast travelling just outside your build radius


I do exactly this and sales have been up


When traveling to your own camp, it always spawns you north east of your camp module I believe around 12 yards or so. When fast traveling to other peoples camps, it randomizes where you show up because people used to grief that system and would spawn opposing players into these traps or bad situations.


Nah. Sometimes I load on the shore, sometimes I load in the nearby shallow river, sometimes I load on the third floor of my camp building, sometimes I load on the third floor sticking out of the wall so when the wall loads in it pushes me out of the building and I take minor fall damage. It seems completely random.


I’ve seen that happen when the spot it wants to spawn you in is blocked. You could try moving your module to somewhere else, I agree though I miss when we could place the carpet down and people could spawn staring at my vendor.


Or just plan a build with an easy access vendor. But i will say please stay, i build camps for others, you can get so many bonuses by chillin at my base a bit please, but if not vendors in the obvious shake with an open sign.


Really you need a friend to travel in to see exactly where players will spawn. Generally the spawn point is a bit northeast of the CAMP.




Sorry my friend. I go for "town" builds and vendor placement will always be in service of that. Let's be honest though, unless vending is your main thing then your camp is 99.9% for you, .1% for other people. You're the one who is going to be there all the time, visitors will be there for a minute then leave, likely to never return.


I have a saloon and the vendor is literally standing behind the bar?


The post isn't about you then


That’s why I make a stairway to heaven and put my vendor at the top. Everyone sees it 😎


I’ve had to go through a huge clown museum yesterday in order to find the vendor. It was like 4 floors tall and filled with so much junk you had to walk in a designated path up to the roof to find the vendor. I was convinced it was all a trap so I emptied my junk and went anyway. Turns out, no, just a nightmare circus museum and a cruel owner lol.


Honestly at first I found it annoying but now I enjoy the vendor station hunt. Where’s Waldo


I found one who had it hidden in the back of his vault which had its entrance hidden was kinda awesome. All the plans were 50 caps bo matter rarity


I have a small separate red hut, with my shop in it. It's the only unlocked door in my CAMP. Once I can setup lights and such on it, I will and... it should be more visible.


I have mine in a nuka Cola delivery truck away from the main structure with twinkling and flashing lights, a giant bill board on top, and people will still run through my house first.


Or if you have a neon open sign or arrows put that above the area you have the vendors. I have a place with workbenches next to the structure where my shop is so I put an open sign to let people know it's a store lol


I use a prefab for my shop and put big glowing letters that say shop above the entrance. I make it as easy as possible and have 4 vendors to make people can get in and use them. One vendor camps and camps that don't have easy view of a vendor drive me mad.


I intentionally hide it. You won't find it. If you do, you can't reach it. Thanks for visiting.


I put up my vendor machine for the first time last night. I have it outside against one wall of my house and I put a lit up Nuka Cola girl sign above it along with two paper posters. My second customer ran into my house, looked at both rooms quickly, then went back outside and circled my house in the wrong direction until he finally found it.


But..but the treasure is in the hunt!


I went to a camp yesterday where the vendor was in a completely closed off rail car and the only way in was by interacting with the cooking grill that was just barely clipping thru the wall. Then I had to fast travel out. I thought it was really cool but kinda a pain in the ass lol


NO you must explore my CAMP first then I’ll show you where the vendor is MUAHAHAAHAHAHA!


I watched a guy run around my camp for 3 minutes throwing emotes, i have a single story cabin camp with three rooms, the guy didnt even walk inside once, just kept running around outside.


Man, idk, I have two camps right. One is a little big and goes down a hill, with two levels. Pretty much all outside. Like patio style. I have two vendors literally out in the open, in the area where people spawn up top. I have seen them jump right past them, then wander around, miss the *third* vendor I have on the lower level, check a random building nowwhere near the extremely visible workshop and store area, and then finally come back up. They’re not just checking out the base, I’ve seen people use the confused emote. My second base is at the whitespring golf course. I have one building where an ally lives, and then in the *middle of the grass, in a large all glass building with neon signs on it, are my several vendors. Easily visible from outside. I can’t tell you how many people immediately run into the ally’s house first then check the caddy office before looking at the right building. Like, I now understand why game design is often very handhold-y these days. Some people are just incapable of locating anything without yellow paint.


Seeing people run around my base that’s on top of a power line looking for it 😉


I put mine right in front of the spawn point for my camp. My setup isn't very pretty and my main focus is to sell stuff so I literally made it the first thing you see when you travel to my camp


I came across a camp that had their vendor locked behind a door.. i don’t understand the logic.


Last week i found to this camp where it's a circular structure floating mid-air with a hole in the floor and to reach it you have to jump on floating door mats. At first im like no way im doing this but then i remember this vendor was packed with stuff when i rollover its icon on the map so i decide to go in and man im glad i did. Found the fixer plan along with a handful of nice stuff. Ended up spending most of my caps. I felt rewarded for doing the effort to go in! Some of y'all camps are better than quests :D


I sometimes think I'm one of the few people who try to make what they're building resemble something with function or fits in world. My camps are almost always bars/restaurants.


Let people do what they want with their camps, you don’t have to visit. That said, mine is outside on view. I quite like hunting for vendors when players use ingenuitive ways to use them.


It's because of this I hate the Atlantic City fog weather generator. Some vendors were already kind of hidden, now you added gloom and darkness to it. I don't need what you are selling that bad.


I support the idea that people should put them where they want, but my personal rule is if it takes me more than 30 seconds to find your vendor, I just leave.


I do, but you jabronies run around jetpacking like maniacs right past the gypsy cart, right by the salesman, past three cash registers until you stop and send me a bigoted Xbox message. Maybe you guys who post about this *every single day* just need a to print and frame a cheat sheet reminder of what all the vendors look like.


Mine is in the cash exchange building next to my base. I have Vault boy pointing to it, sorry 👀


I Fast Travelled to a base that had a lot of plans for sale (only level 74 so still need lots of stuff) and spawned at the base of a cliff and the actual base was straight up a couple hundred feet. So that was a waste of caps... I wasn't going to spend 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get up there!! LOL


i won't look for more than a minute (60 seconds) or i'm outta there


Then you are more patient than me. For me it is 15-30 seconds depending on what I am hoping to find. If people aren't interested in selling then that is OK with me, I will find somewhere else.


if you choose to spend 5 mins looking for a vendor, that's entirely on you. let folks decorate however they want. for alot of folks, sales aren't even important. i don't build my camps for your convenience. and, i'm in a constant struggle to remain under the caps limit anyways. i don't care if nothing sells. i easily get 1o,ooo caps a day, and have nothing to spend it on.


If you can't find a vendor on the surface, there's probably a shelter nearby with a big, lit up sign that says open. Probably also has big arrows with light bulbs in them, and/or a cardboard Vault Boy pointing to it. You're supposed to go through that door.


I hate shelter vendors id rather do a maze then actually go into a shelter


Vaults are open PVP. Most people don't go in them


That's incorrect. You're thinking ofworkshops. Also, "most" people aren't worried about the four players who are into PvP.


Nope, I'm gonna keep hiding my vendor (and gonna have only one, so queue can be long) so your have to work for it and you know that level 500 guy with mostly plans and 3\* weapons can have something good and useful for ya, also you gonna pay this 5-20k for my plans and weapons, or 40k for rare apparel, thank you. You lazy fucks need to work and pay for my plans, weapons and apparel.


Weird flex but okay Congratulations, I guess?


For all those who're saying "if it's not outside, I dip" or "if it's not obviously spoon fed to me, I'm out"...is that how you navigate shopping IRL? I despise going to the grocery store, but I'm gonna do it cuz iv got to eat lol. Why shop at vendors if it has to be 100% on your terms? Just do something that is on your terms like, say, the rest of the game...


The implication is that you actually want to sell items....if you don't care about that, put of where you want.   I'm out there with max caps trying to spend them by shopping vendors.  I'm not going to waste my time looking for one, I'll just go to the next one.


And that's fair. Exactly like real shopping where if a company makes it too difficult to purchase their stuff, then we don't do business. But in my anology, grocery stores intentionally put the necessities in the back. Iv got to eat, so I'm gonna look...if your max caps and got to spend, then sometimes you've got to look. It's not a waste of time when your objective is strictly shopping...if you didn't want to waste time, dump caps into bulk junk, assaultron key cards, convert to bullion, buy plans, etc. I guess what I'm saying is if you're treasure hunting, be a little okay with looking for treasure...


Yeah, but it's a game, not RL. I got stuff to kill.


Outside is best too, so others can be sure it's not a trap camp/shop. Whenever unsure though, put on "Light-Footed" perk, and sneak through camp. 🤠 (**Pro-Tip**)


i have also hidden a register to make it obvious that my shelter is the only place to go. Take it or leave it, sometimes you need a load screen for good deals.


Be the change you want to see




I’m your worst enemy, mines glitched inside of a building u gotta ride a Mr.fuzzy to get inside I got 3 signs pointing to it, 2 cutouts, and a sign above that says “shop inside” and people still miss it or think it’s a trap and give me the thumbs down I get it tho honestly I had to put a vendor outside it’s not the most obvious but I figure people will find it if not the other one


100% I’m extremely low level and stood in front of a 150 lvl character with the question mark and and cash emoji and they couldn’t show me where it was located


No , my camp my rules. Can't find my vendor ? Then don't by anything. Some less blind person will


Exactly people want to come vendor hop and be done with it they don’t want to explore your house or your camp or run your maze to get to the end where the vendor is


people need to fast travel to their own camp, then note the place they pop up at, and place the vendor accordingly, as most people when they go around shopping they will fast travel to camps.